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SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Passado Simples) O passado simples dos verbos em ingls so divididos em dois grupos: REGULARES E IRREGULARES.

Os verbos REGULARES recebem o acrscimo de -ed. Em alguns verbos, necessrio seguir algumas regras antes de acrescentar o sufixo -ed, de acordo com a terminao do verbo (infinitivo): Verbos terminados em E: acrescente apenas -d. Exemplo: to free freed Verbos terminados em vogal + y: acrescente -ed. Exemplo: to play played Verbos terminados em consoante + y: elimine o Y e acrescente -ied. Exemplo: to dry dried Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante: repita a consoante final e acrescente -ed. Exemplo: to plan planned Stop Stopped

We bought a new stereo last Saturday. passado.)

Compramos um aparelho de Sbado

Negativa Sujeito + did not (didn't) + verbo (sem o to) I did not stop here yesterday. This table was not here yesterday. Eu no parei aqui ontem. Esta mesa no estava aqui ontem.

Interrogativa Did + sujeito + verbo (sem to) + complemento Pronome interrogativo + did + sujeito + verbo (sem to) + complemento Did I stop here yesterday? Was he a painter five years ago? What did she buy at the mall? Eu parei aqui ontem? Ele era pintor cinco anos atrs? O que ela comprou no shopping?

TIME EXPRESSIONS FOR PAST Ago = atrs ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ / Last = passado ou ltimo

Nos demais verbos, permanece a regra de simplesmente acrescentar o sufixo -ed. Nos verbos IRREGULARES, no h nenhum tipo de regra que estabelea como ser formado o passado. necessrio decorar o passado de cada verbo irregular. to have had to do did to eat ate to go went to come came


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Afirmativa Sujeito + verbo no passado + complemento I stopped here yesterday. Eu parei aqui ontem.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Change these sentences into the Past Tense. 1. The students walk to their lessons. 2. The children play in the park. 3. They laugh at the joke. 4. The good students help their teacher with the books. 5. She asks him a question about the homework. 6. The student answers the question. 7. The angry teacher shouts at the naughty students. 8. When they finish reading, they look at the pictures.

Change these sentences into the Present Tense: 1. Ahmed was in the school football team. 2. I did basketball on Saturday afternoons. 3. We went to the cinema at weekends. 4. You ran around the playing fields. 5. Sofia spoke English very well and learnt the exercise quickly. 6. Ahmed drove a big red car, but had an accident. 7. I cried when the story was sad. 8. They hurried home from school and stopped at the shop for sweets.

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