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Ya gotta know B4 Lest we Forget taking on different animal

Judaism THIRD TEMPLE BEI ! B"ILT demolis# MI $ Muslim Islam

%% III & H"H& Hol' unort#odo( Holo)aust E%* e+er Ending %ar *tor'

,nward -#ristian *oldiers #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3e445a66Y6u4

" 78IP
"nited ations 7lien 8ionist Insidious Pu..ets T#e *tar of Da+id in t#e Leningrad -ode(9 :66; -E ".on inde.enden)e in :<4;9 t#e new Jewis# state was formall' named Medinat Yisrael9 or t#e *tate of Israel9 after ot#er .ro.osed #istori)al and religious names in)luding Eretz Israel =>t#e Land of Israel>?9 8ion9 and Judea9 were )onsidered and re@e)ted1ABCD In t#e earl' weeks of inde.enden)e9 t#e go+ernment )#ose t#e term >Israeli> to denote a )itiEen of Israel9 wit# t#e formal announ)ement made 2' Minister of Foreign 7ffairs Mos#e *#arett1AB4D T#e name Israel #as #istori)all' 2een used9 in )ommon and religious usage9 to refer to t#e 2i2li)al Fingdom of Israel or t#e entire Jewis# nation1ABGD 7))ording to t#e He2rew Bi2le t#e name >Israel> was gi+en to t#e .atriar)# Ja)o2 =*tandard Yisrael9 IsrlH *e.tuagint !reek/ IJKLMIsralH

>struggle wit# !od>



after he successfully wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

Ja)o2Ns twel+e sons 2e)ame t#e an)estors of t#e Israelites9 also known as t#e Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel1 Ja)o2 and #is sons #ad li+ed in -anaan 2ut were for)ed 2' famine to go into Eg'.t for four generations until Moses9 a greatOgreat grandson of Ja)o29AP6D led t#e Israelites 2a)k into -anaan during t#e >E(odus>1 T#e earliest ar)#aeologi)al artifa)t to mention t#e word >Israel> is t#e Merne.ta# *tele of an)ient Eg'.t =dated to t#e late :Pt# )entur' B-E?1AP:D

The area is also known as the

Holy Land,
being holy for all Abrahamic

religions including

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

and the Bah !" #aith.
Hol' 72e Batman #ar.ed Ro2in 'e. looks like a @o2 4 H17171R1P

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+34wEE'BkERCMQfeature3related "* )aused Ja.an ;1< Eart#Ruake S 7lter weat#er Tesla mad s)ien)e ali+e and well Intera)ti+e Re)i.ro)it' and t#en t#ere were none finall' P,E Pea)e on Eart# G )ome :: 7n e(as.erating s#ot in antiRuit' an e(a)er2ating .ea)ekee.ing +olle' t#en all #ell 2roke loose
7 )r' a lie a def' #us#a #us#a Q we all .aid t#e Pri)e from dusk B dust we r a )#anging 2lowing in t#e wind

Lest we forget Terrorist makers ,F if 'ou are t#e good gu' ,r is it if 'ou are .er)ei+ed as t#e good gu' t#e ot#er a !od damn terrorists #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3TJgnJ5%5CE" ItTs ,F %ikileaks e+il

Trut# 7ll Pa' Pri)e

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3t@sF*r* GOk "*1 war )rimes in IraR APart :D #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3,moMu'6+8@) "*1 war )rimes in IraR APart BD #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3Y4MB7Ima<;k "*1 war )rimes in IraR APart PD #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3Bi6dP dtIeM "*1 war )rimes in IraR APart 4D #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3'owRUBngHl4 T#e w#ole trut# a2out t#e IraR war
The War on Iraq, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of e!tember "", #$$"% The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with &% intelligence and defense officials, foreign service e'!erts, and &%(% wea!ons ins!ectors )) including a former *IA director, a former ambassador to audi Arabia and even +resident Bush's ecretar, of the Arm,% Their anal,ses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's !olitical affiliations%

www1,Jtrut#1)om ,2stru)t Justi)e trut# and sour)e kill Trut# kills trut# sa+es *a+e 'ourself and t#e world Video !one #tt./00+ideo1google1)om0+ideo.la'&do)id3P::GPP;B:P4P<B<B4<6W Video Re.la)ed #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3sPIfgmu 4ns
In this lecture b, -ichel *hossudovsk,, he blows awa, the smokescreen !ut u! b, the mainstream media, that ./"" was an attack on America b, 0Islamic terrorists0% Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militar,) intelligence !lo, behind the e!tember "" attacks, and the cover)u! and com!licit, of ke, members of the Bush Administration% According to *hossudovsk,, the 0war on terrorism0 is a com!lete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 34$ billion)a),ear American intelligence a!!aratus% The 0war on terrorism0 is a war of conquest% Globalisation is the final march to the 0(ew World 1rder0, dominated b, Wall treet and the &% % militar,)industrial com!le'% e!tember "", #$$" !rovides a 5ustification for waging a war without borders% Washington's agenda consists in e'tending the frontiers of the American 6m!ire to facilitate com!lete &% % cor!orate control, while installing within America the institutions of the 7omeland ecurit, tate%

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+32+a'B;l8iH" Trut# Fills

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3%6(Es2*2V"E 7fter o+er)oming t#e willing sus.ension of dis2elief Hig# Ranking "* Ma@or !eneral E(.oses *e.tem2er :: #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+34;L"Ha5O,l7 -I7 %#istle2lower *usan Lindauer EUP,*E* E+er't#ingX >E(treme Pre@udi)e>

Militar' )orru.tion "*7 Billions if not trillions :0B<06B #tt./00www1wanttoknow1info0)orru.tiongo+ernmentmilitar' IraR %ar #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3:F#ut;(2UF;Qfeature3related Bush broke e$ery rule in the books of %& Constitution and %' Charter (art and (arcel #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3;F<dgRFmJC6Qfeature Fema Detention -am.s Mars#all Law #tt./00www1infowars1)om0o2amaOim.lementingOmartialOlawO)ou.0 #tt./00www1firefl'fans1net0mt#read1as.(&2id3:;Qtid3CB:<6 FBI gu' flees stating all insane and died #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3DG'D,U!mtro ItTs alwa's t#e enem' .remeditated instilled wit#in self on)e t#e Posen *.ee)# takes )aug#t in )rossfire

:6 Years if 'ou t#ink !o+ernment )orru.t "*7

Posen speech
Main article: Posen speeches
>Die Ausrottung des j dis!hen "ol#es>

7n e()er.t from t#e Posen s.ee)#es w#ere Himmler dis)usses t#e onOgoing e(termination of t#e Jews1

$roble%s listening to this file& 'ee %edia hel()

,n 4 ,)to2er :<4P9 Himmler referred e(.li)itl' to t#e e(termination of t#e Jewis# .eo.le during a se)ret ** meeting in t#e )it' of PoEnaY=Posen?1 T#e following is a translation of an e()er.t from a trans)ri.tion of an audio re)ordingAGGD t#at e(ists of t#e s.ee)#/ I also want to refer #ere +er' frankl' to a +er' diffi)ult matter1 %e )an now +er' o.enl' talk a2out t#is among oursel+es9 and 'et we will ne+er dis)uss t#is .u2li)l'1 Just as we did not #esitate on P6 June :<P49 to .erform our dut' as ordered and .ut )omrades w#o #ad failed u. against t#e wall and e(e)ute t#em9 we also ne+er s.oke a2out it9 nor will we e+er s.eak a2out it1

Let us thank )od

t#at we #ad wit#in us enoug# selfOe+ident fortitude ne+er to dis)uss it among us9 and we ne+er talked a2out it1 E+er' one of us was #orrified9 and 'et e+er' one )learl' understood t#at we would do it ne(t time9 w#en t#e order is gi+en and w#en it 2e)omes ne)essar'1 I am now referring to t#e e+a)uation of t#e Jews9 to t#e e(termination of t#e Jewis# Peo.le1 T#is is somet#ing t#at is easil' said/ NT#e Jewis# Peo.le will 2e e(terminatedN9 sa's e+er' Part' mem2er9 Nt#is is +er' o2+ious9 it is in our .rogram Z elimination of t#e Jews9 e(termination9 a small matter1N 7nd t#en t#e' turn u.9 t#e u.standing ;6 million !ermans9 and ea)# one #as #is de)ent Jew1 T#e' sa' t#e ot#ers are all swine9 2ut t#is .arti)ular one is a s.lendid Jew1 But none #as o2ser+ed it9 endured it1 Most of 'ou #ere know w#at it means w#en :66 )or.ses lie ne(t to ea)# ot#er9 w#en t#ere are C66 or w#en t#ere are :96661 To #a+e endured t#is and at t#e same time to #a+e remained a de)ent .erson Z wit# e()e.tions due to #uman weaknesses Z #as made us toug#9 and is a glorious )#a.ter t#at #as not and will not 2e s.oken of1 Be)ause we know #ow diffi)ult it would 2e for us if we still #ad Jews as se)ret sa2oteurs9 agitators and ra22le rousers in e+er' )it'9 w#at wit# t#e 2om2ings9 wit# t#e 2urden and wit# t#e #ards#i.s of t#e war1 If t#e Jews were still .art of t#e !erman nation9 we would most likel' arri+e now at t#e state we were at in :<:4 and N:G 1 1 1 1 ZHeinri)# Himmler9 4 ,)to2er :<4P

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3Lu6wos8'2C" Po.e Fran)is and t#e Dirt' %ar O Mi)#el -#ossudo+sk' on !RTV 7rrest warrants for t#e Po.e and [ueen e(.ire Mar)# :B B6:P oo.s B6:4 wit# innumera2le riled u. now wit#out legal .a.er .ur.ose Mar)# BB B6:P oo.s B6:4 Mars#all Law wi.e out Fema )am.s t#e w#ole s#e2ang S all s#e wrote as Jesuit .lanned1 Makes one wonder w#' onl' a 'ear .ro+ided to arrest su)# deadl' )riminals e#& %arrant in)ludes Har.er too e#& Per#a.s t#at e(.lains #is senator a)tions1 Har.er a..oints t#e senators and it was a senator t#at t#reatened me1 Per#a.s a .rorogue in order to get settled into an underground sa22ati)al& 7..ears I @ust woke u. or t#e Mar)# BB B6:P Mars#all Law dela'ed due to Re+ Fe+in a)tions or S1 e+er mind go 2a)k to slee. S ITm gonna tr' Do 'ou su..ose t#e' #a+e s.ed u. t#e agenda ma'2e ET go #ome for Umas S e+er wonder Y S U for -#ris #tt./00e(o.oliti)s12logs1)om0e(o.oliti)s0B6:P06P0m'Oentr'1#tml !etting wit# t#e Italian -rusade of t#e essen)e #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:;66P4B;40ItalianO.oliti)iansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastORatEOPo.e

%ell I )ant 2elie+e t#at sa's t#em t#at know and t#e R,L,DEU O Realist ,smosis Learned ,..ressed Dimwit Ensla+ed Mark %ill t#e R-MP determine suffi)ient e+iden)e to make )#arges %e will #a+e to wait for t#eir )onsultation wit# t#e 7ttorne' !eneral t#roug# to t#e Prime Minister9 t#roug# t#e !o+ernor !eneral t#roug# to t#e -rown t#roug# Fran)is to t#e Bla)k Po.e and ine+ita2l' and in+aria2l' we will .a' t#e Pri)e -learl' a )onfli)t of interest9 2ut w#oNs gonna sa'9 as t#e matter 2efore t#e #ig#est material )ourt


new >@esuit .o.e> fran)is1 )ontrolled 2' 2la)k .o.e

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3,DP:t*tPD7g htt(*++www.youtube.com+watch,$-.w)wH/%0d12 TI34 I& %5666..788- 3A9CH 88 8:;7... <45=5%LATI='..3A9TIAL LA>..)%' )9AB.. CI?IL >A9 E%* e+er Ending %ar *tor'

Lo+e of %ar Business Politi)al Religious Im.li)it -om.li)it E(.li)it PRI-E Politi)al Religious Insidious -a.italist Em.erors Like ot#er finan)ial em.ires in #istor'9 *mit# )laims t#e )ontem.orar' model forms allian)es ne)essar' to de+elo. and )ontrol wealt#9 as .eri.#eral nations remain im.o+eris#ed .ro+iders of )#ea. resour)es for t#e im.erialO)entersOofO )a.ital1A:D Bello) estimated t#at9 during t#e Britis# En)losures9 >.er#a.s #alf of t#e w#ole .o.ulation was .roletarian>9 w#ile roug#l' t#e ot#er >#alf> owned and )ontrolled t#e means of .rodu)tion1 ow9 under modern -a.italism9 J1%1 *mit# )laims fewer t#an C66 .eo.le .ossess more wealt# t#an #alf of t#e eart#Ts .o.ulation9 as t#e wealt# of :0B of :O.er)ent of t#e "nited *tates .o.ulation roug#l' eRual t#at of t#e lower <6O .er)ent1

%% III ine+ita2le if t#e Trut# does not +iral eating awa' at t#e +irus eating awa' our minds True .ea)ekee.ers 2arrage t#e world wit# trut#s www1Eu)#restrions1)om ITm t#inking PP 2illion somet#ing to do wit# PP degree mason PPrd .arallel %#en t#e' sa' s.ent PP Billion for )limate )ontrol T#e' mean in effort to .re+ent 2eing run o+er 2' t#e Home Ra)e rising www1u.s:P1)om ow e(.erien)ing ,RBIT R,P O ,utside Routine Bo( Intrinsi) Trut#s Re+erse ,smosis Ps')#osis #umanit' rises on t#eir #ot air M,LE*T7TI, Museum of Liars Elusi+it' *u2stanti+e T#i)k 7lteration Trut# In)inerators o..ressed ews %IT %#at is Trut#& *I *ane Insanit' ormal)'

#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:GGB;CCC<0FrankOBestOBetOHowe+erO*u.erfluousOtoOBetO,n If 'a gonna stand froEen staring into t#e #eadlig#ts Tr' 'our damnest to make it )o#erentl' t#roug# to t#e last .age In t#e -IR-7 R w#ate+er t#e' sa' -ir)ular logisti)s 2ites ass *EE *elf E+ident E(.osing ". t#e down ri+er of no returns -IR-7 R & -o#erent Irate Res.onsi2l' -om.li)it 7))ounta2le Re)om.ense Trut#Ts Interest wort# oneTs weig#t in !old *ti)ks I dunno9 2ut stones and glass #ouses S mind s#attering e#& Fa)ts must #a+e root B take root !od )o#eren)' >-at)# BB> must #a+e sem2lan)e B )at)# do! )#ase tail

Free medi)al for senators alleged and t#e in)ar)erated But w#at of me sRueaks t#e ta( .a'ing silent ma@orit' S no oil for 'ou S someone must .a' for indis)retions at our dis)retions1 *ome sa' a medi)al )ons.ira)' t#eor' trans.aren)' www1I'ff'I1)om In 'our fa)e for 'our Information Hate to #ar. Har.er w#ereTs t#e )as#& Per#a.s o..osition )are to weig# in S ma'2e t#e media S an'2od'& Mulrone'& In t#e name of !od of9 for wit# t#e Peo.le %TF


htt(*++www.scribd.com+doc+;2:B::8;;+3aking.&wiss.cheese.of.5o(e.s.&wiss.)uard.by.C=9.of.C T#in air )onfetti in+isi2le tri)kle down -an 'ou 2elie+e t#em on -P7- do not sus.e)t t#e' are wat)#ed ,# t#e' know of Demo)ra)' %at)# 2ut aware one of t#em S time 4 a 2reak got t#e time& %#oooos wat)#ing w#ooooo donNt gi+e a #oot #ooting t#eir e.ita.# +ideos to 2e +etoed @ust a wee 2it too late PPP Purel' Politi)al Pur.oses Humanit' Dou2let#ink I PPP PV ,F Im.ure PPP Partial Va)uum ,ka' Fle.to)rati)all' #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0G:PPPPG:0%#oO%ouldOBeOFoolis#OEnoug#OtoOLea+eOaOPa.erOTrail

\T#ere were no dates in t#is #istor'9 2ut s)rawled t#is wa' and t#at a)ross e+er' .age were t#e words Bene+olen)e Rig#teousness and Moralit' S finall' I 2egan to make out w#at was written 2etween t#e lines1 T#e w#ole +olume was 2ut a single .#rase9 Eat Peo.le] >It is onl' t#e wisest and t#e stu.idest t#at )annot )#ange> \T#e' must often )#ange w#o would 2e )onstant in #a..iness or wisdom]

T#oug#t m' .ants would ne+er dr' .rett' mu)# use to t#e stink -riminal law'ers need )riminals for sustaina2le growt# -riminal law'ers need sustaina2le im.o+eris#ed growt# Res.e)ts glad #and .remier ste. to 7EI," 7..ro.riation E(.onential Im.o+eris#ment ,rienting " DonTt let t#em fool 'ou as if 4u w#en .romoting @o2s .romote self in HE Human Ensla+ement e+er Y ask

Like a t#ief in t#e knig#t Remem2er w#en in trou2le Do not wait for Remem2ran)e Da' Lest t#e' allow t#eir sanit' to o+erride t#eir 2ias BB res.e)ted %#o sele)ts t#e inde.endent senate )onundrum state& T#e 72omina2le snowman and t#e I)eman )omet# %e all .a' t#e PR I )e $ -#ristian Era as t#e Rule of Law melts 2efore our e'es -r'stal met# and -riti)al t#inking m't#

Dis)arding t#e Bi2li)al Ba22le on 4 t#' kingdom )ome

Dust B Dust Duff "sur' *nuff Transiti+e logi) des)ri2es a gi+en relation 2etween terms su)# t#at if it e(ists 2etween >a> and >2> and 2etween >2> and >)9> t#en it also e(ists 2etween >a> and >)1> T'.i)al transiti+e relations#i.s in)lude >is greater t#an9> >is eRual to9> and >is similar to1> #tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0-RY*T7LMETH Duff'Ts )riti)iEing of tea)#ing -riti)al t#inking found #is wa' to Har.erTs #eart 7nti antiOwar a)ti+ist too e#& -lear )ase of PRI-F Politi)al Religious Insidious -#arlatan Fle.to)ra)' self e(.osure

,n De)em2er BB9 B66;9 Duff' was named a Prin)e Edward Island re.resentati+e to t#e *enate of -anada on t#e ad+i)e of Prime Minister *te.#en Har.er9 sitting as a -onser+ati+e1A;DA<D He su2seRuentl' retired as a TV @ournalist at t#e end of B66;1 In Mar)# B6:69 Duff' )riti)iEed t#e "ni+ersit' of FingNs -ollege and ot#er @ournalism s)#ools in -anada for tea)#ing oam -#omsk' and )riti)al t#inking1 He went on to sa' t#at @ournalism s)#ools in -anada were )#urning out leftists w#o t#oug#t .ri+ate enter.rise was 2ad1 T#e #ead of FingNs *)#ool of Journalism rea)ted wit# sur.rise to Duff'Ns )riti)ism9 sa'ing t#at Manufa)turing -onsent was not .art of t#e )urri)ulum1 *#e also said s#e would not a.ologiEe for tea)#ing )riti)al t#inking to @ournalism students1A:6D 7 num2er of editorial )omments were written in res.onse to Duff'Ns )riti)ism1A::DA:BDA:PD -riti)al t#inking is a wa' of de)iding w#et#er a )laim is true9 .artiall' true9 or false1 -riti)al t#inking is a .ro)ess t#at leads to skills t#at )an 2e learned9 mastered and used1 -riti)al t#inking is a tool 2' w#i)# one )an )ome a2out reasoned )on)lusions 2ased on a reasoned .ro)ess1 T#is .ro)ess in)or.orates .assion and )reati+it'9 2ut guides it wit# dis)i.line9 .ra)ti)alit' and )ommon sense1 It )an 2e tra)ed in t#e %est to an)ient !ree)e wit# its *o)rati) met#od and in t#e East to an)ient India wit# t#e Budd#ist kalama sutta and a2#id#arma literature1 -riti)al t#inking is an im.ortant )om.onent of man' fields su)# as edu)ation9 .oliti)s9 2usiness9 and s)ien)e1

www1,Jtask1)om ,2stru)t Justi)e trut# and sour)e kill www1*olar!#ost:P1)om -onstitution de @ure +s Romans :P de fa)to #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0::P;;B<GG0*.iritOIntentOPre)eden)eOdeOJureO-onstitutionOorORomansO:PO !amingOt#eO*'stemOdeOFa)to

#tt./00www1linkedin1)om0.u20dir0Jonat#an0*wainger0 Fa)ts must #a+e root B take root !od )o#eren)' >-at)# BB> must #a+e sem2lan)e B )at)# do! )#ase tail o )om.laints from wit#in e()e.t from t#em e()ommuni)ated from t#e Ps Politi)al s)ien)e Bs 2astard s)ien)e Bs Bs Bull s#itter Ba)k sta22ers Toga Part'

*us.ended wit# Medi)al )o+erage a..ro+ed 2' t#e Medi)al )ons.irators www1I'ff'I1)om

T#e 7ttorne' !eneral is t#e )#ief law offi)er of t#e E(e)uti+e -oun)il1 T#e res.onsi2ilities stemming from t#is role are unlike t#ose of an' ot#er -a2inet mem2er1 T#e role #as 2een referred to as DEudicial.likeD and as t#e >guardian

of t#e .u2li) interest>1

7s )#ief law offi)er9 t#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as

a s(ecial res(onsibility
to 2e t#e guardian of

t#at most elusi+e )on)e.t

O t#e rule of law1 O T#e rule of law is a well esta2lis#ed legal .rin)i.le9

but hard to easily define.

It is t#e rule of law

that (rotects
indi+iduals9 and so)iet' as a w#ole9 from ar2itrar' measures and safeguards .ersonal li2erties1

Has t#e 7ttorne' !eneral 2een 2riefed& or would t#at 2e meaningless in a .artial +a)uum T#e 7ttorne' !eneral does not9 #owe+er9 dire)t or )ause )#arges to 2e laid1 %#ile t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents ma' .ro+ide legal ad+i)e to t#e .oli)e9

the ultimate decision

w#et#er or not to la' )#arges is for t#e .oli)e1 ,n)e t#e )#arge is laid

the decision
as to w#et#er t#e .rose)ution s#ould .ro)eed9 and in w#at manner9

for t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and t#e -rown 7ttorne'1 It is now an a))e.ted and im.ortant )onstitutional .rin)i.le t#at t#e 7ttorne' !eneral must )arr' out t#e MinisterNs )riminal .rose)ution res.onsi2ilities

inde(endent of Cabinet and of any (artisan (olitical (ressures.

T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs res.onsi2ilit' for indi+idual )riminal .rose)utions must 2e undertaken O

and seen to be undertaken .

on stri)tl' o2@e)ti+e and legal )riteria9 free of an' .oliti)al )onsiderations1 %#et#er to initiate or sta' a )riminal .ro)eeding is not an issue of go+ernment .oli)'1 T#is res.onsi2ilit' #as 2een )#ara)teriEed as

a matter of the Attorney )eneral

a)ting as t#e [ueenNs 7ttorne' O not as a Minister of t#e go+ernment of t#e da'1 T#is is not to suggest t#at de)isions regarding )riminal .rose)utions are made in a com(lete $acuum1
7 wide range of .oli)' )onsiderations ma' 2e weig#ed in e(e)uting t#is res.onsi2ilit'9 and t#e 7ttorne' !eneral

ma' )#oose to )onsult t#e -a2inet on some of t#ese )onsiderations1 Howe+er an' de)isions relating to t#e )ondu)t of indi+idual .rose)utions must 2e t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs alone and inde.endent of t#e traditional -a2inet de)ision making .ro)ess1 In .ra)ti)e9 in t#e +ast ma@orit' of )ases9 t#ese de)isions are made 2' t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents9 t#e -rown 7ttorne's1 "ltimatel' t#e 7ttorne' !eneral is a))ounta2le to t#e .eo.le of t#e .ro+in)e9 t#roug# t#e Legislature9 for de)isions relating to )riminal .rose)utions1 *u)# a))ounta2ilit' )an onl' o))ur9 of )ourse9 on)e t#e .rose)ution is )om.leted or w#en a final de)ision #as 2een made not to .rose)ute1 T#e su2 @udi)ae rule 2ars an' )omment on a matter 2efore t#e )ourts t#at is likel' to influen)e t#e matter1 T#e su2 @udi)ae rule stri)tl' .ro#i2its t#e 7ttorne' !eneral from )ommenting on .rose)utions t#at are 2efore t#e )ourts1 !i+en t#e stature of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs .osition9 an' .u2li) )omment )oming from t#e offi)e

would be seen as an attem(t to influence the case.

7lt#oug# t#e 7ttorne' general )an 2e)ome in+ol+ed in de)isionOmaking in relation to indi+idual )riminal )ases9

such a (ractice would lea$e the 3inister $ulnerable to accusations of (olitical interference.
7))ordingl'9 it is traditional to lea+e t#e da'OtoOda' de)isionOmaking in t#e #ands of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents9 t#e -rown 7ttorne's9 e()e.t in )ases of e()e.tional im.ortan)e w#ere t#e .u2li) would e(.e)t t#e 7ttorne' !eneral to 2e 2riefed *oon ma'2e on -P7- will o2ser+e t#e wra. u. of !, P,E due .ro)ess Meaningless Legal -ertaint' Rule of Law #tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0Rule5of5law T#e Rule of law in its most 2asi) form is no one is a2o+e t#e law1 Per#a.s t#e most im.ortant a..li)ation of t#e rule of law is t#e .rin)i.le t#at go+ernmental aut#orit' is legitimatel' e(er)ised onl' in a))ordan)e wit#9 (ublicly disclosed laws9 ado.ted and enfor)ed in a))ordan)e wit# esta2lis#ed .ro)edural ste.s t#at are referred to as

due (rocess.
T#e rule of law is #ostile to di)tators#i. and to anar)#'1 7))ording to modern 7ngloO7meri)an t#inking9 #allmarks of ad#eren)e to t#e rule of law )ommonl' in)lude a )lear se.aration of .owers9

legal certainty,
t#e .rin)i.le of legitimate e(.e)tation and eRualit' of all 2efore t#e law1 T#e )on)e.t is not wit#out )ontro+ers'9 and it #as 2een said t#at >t#e .#rase the rule of law #as 2e)ome

t#anks to ideologi)al a2use and general o+erO use> !, P,E

!eneral ,+erOuse Pro)lamations ,nl' Elusi+it'

(ublicly disclosed laws

CB1 =:? T#e -onstitution of -anada is t#e su.reme law of -anada9 and an' law t#at is in)onsistent wit# t#e .ro+isions of t#e -onstitution is9 to t#e e(tent of t#e in)onsisten)'9

of no force or effect.
P:1 ot#ing in t#is -#arter e(tends t#e legislati+e .owers of an' 2od' or aut#orit' PB1 =:? T#is -#arter a..lies =a? to t#e Parliament and go+ernment of -anada in res.e)t of all matters wit#in t#e aut#orit' of Parliament in)luding all matters relating to t#e Yukon Territor' and ort#west TerritoriesH and =2? to t#e legislature and go+ernment of ea)# .ro+in)e in res.e)t of all matters wit#in t#e aut#orit' of t#e legislature of ea)# .ro+in)e1

Resurre)tion onl' wit# re)i.ro)it' in lieu %% III .urgator'

eit#er .oliti)al nor religious 2e 2ut 2elie+e I understand .er#a.s 2e)ause neit#er .oliti)al nor religious 2e1 #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:;66P4B;40ItalianO.oliti)iansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastORatEOPo.e Re+erend Fe+in 7nnett e()ommuni)ated from t#e )#ur)# indi)ati+e of understanding wit#in In t#e name of !od of9 for wit# t#e Peo.le %TF


Tesla Free Energ' a no no #tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0results& sear)#5Ruer'3tesla^free^energ'QoR3teslaQgs5l3'outu2e1:161PCiP<lB@6l4@6iP@6@6iP@61::1:4PC1614<CB1414 161616161BC;14G:1P@6@:1416111616111:a)1:1::1'outu2e1mP(rP#nYaVg

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#&+3YP(O"@4'7MY -an)er )ured in -anada 2ut wonTt .rodu)e it Politi)al Religious Im.li)it -om.li)it E(.li)it PR I-E Politi)al Religious Insidious -a.italist Em.erors
Like ot#er finan)ial em.ires in #istor'9 *mit# )laims t#e )ontem.orar' model forms allian)es ne)essar' to de+elo. and )ontrol wealt#9 as .eri.#eral nations remain im.o+eris#ed .ro+iders of )#ea. resour)es for t#e im.erialO)entersOofO)a.ital1A:D Bello) estimated t#at9 during t#e Britis# En)losures9 >.er#a.s #alf of t#e w#ole .o.ulation was .roletarian>9 w#ile roug#l' t#e ot#er >#alf> owned and )ontrolled t#e means of .rodu)tion1 ow9 under modern -a.italism9 J1%1 *mit# )laims fewer t#an C66 .eo.le .ossess more wealt# t#an #alf of t#e eart#Ts .o.ulation9 as t#e wealt# of :0B of :O.er)ent of t#e "nited *tates .o.ulation roug#l' eRual t#at of t#e lower <6O.er)ent1 www1HomeRa)e:P1)om Time for t#e Human Ra)e to Part' P,%ER Possi2le ,nl' %#en Egalitarian Re)i.ro)it'

#tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0Hum.t'5dum.t' Hum.t' Dum.t' sat on a wall9 Hum.t' Dum.t' #ad a great fall1 7ll t#e kingNs #orses and all t#e kingNs men -ouldnNt .ut Hum.t' toget#er again1A:D Hum.t' a..ears in Lewis -arrollNs T#roug# t#e LookingO!lass =:;GB?9 w#ere #e dis)usses semanti)s and .ragmati)s wit# 7li)e1 \I donTt know w#at 'ou mean 2' _glor'9T ] 7li)e said1 Hum.t' Dum.t' smiled )ontem.tuousl'1 \,f )ourse 'ou donTtZtill I tell 'ou1 I meant _t#ereTs a ni)e kno)kOdown argument for 'ouXT ] \But _glor'T doesnTt mean _a ni)e kno)kOdown argumentT9] 7li)e o2@e)ted1 \%#en I use a word9] Hum.t' Dum.t' said9 in rat#er a s)ornful tone9 \it means @ust w#at I )#oose it to meanZneit#er more nor less1] \T#e Ruestion is9] said 7li)e9 \w#et#er 'ou )an make words mean so man' different t#ings1] \T#e Ruestion is9] said Hum.t' Dum.t'9 \w#i)# is to 2e master t#atTs all1] 7li)e was too mu)# .uEEled to sa' an't#ing9 so after a minute Hum.t' Dum.t' 2egan again1 \T#e'T+e a tem.er9 some of t#emZ.arti)ularl' +er2s9 t#e'Tre t#e .roudestZad@e)ti+es 'ou )an do an't#ing wit#9 2ut not +er2sZ#owe+er9 I )an manage t#e w#ole lotX Im.enetra2ilit'X T#atTs w#at I sa'X]A:CD T#is .assage was used in Britain 2' Lord 7tkin and in #is dissenting @udgement in t#e seminal )ase Li+ersidge +1 7nderson =:<4B?9 w#ere #e .rotested a2out t#e distortion of a statute 2' t#e ma@orit' of t#e House of Lords1A:4D It also 2e)ame a .o.ular )itation in "nited *tates legal o.inions9 a..earing in BC6 @udi)ial de)isions in t#e %estlaw data2ase as of 7.ril :<9 B66;9 in)luding two *u.reme -ourt )ases =TV7 +1 Hill and 8s)#ernig +1 Miller?1A:GD
Lord' Lord'

#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:GB6CBPP:0DearOLordO%#i)#OLifeOFormsOBeliefOisOt#eO!reaterO *an)timonious



Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General

T#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as a uniRue role to .la' as a Minister1 ,ne .art of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs role is t#at of a -a2inet Minister1 In t#is )a.a)it' t#e Minister is res.onsi2le for re.resenting t#e interests and .ers.e)ti+es of t#e Ministr' at -a2inet9 w#ile simultaneousl' re.resenting t#e interests and .ers.e)ti+es of -a2inet and )onseRuentl' t#e !o+ernment to t#e Ministr' and t#e Ministr'Ns )ommunities of interest1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneral is t#e )#ief law offi)er of t#e E(e)uti+e -oun)il1 T#e res.onsi2ilities stemming from t#is role are unlike t#ose of an' ot#er -a2inet mem2er1 T#e role #as 2een referred to as >@udi)ialO like> and as t#e >guardian of t#e .u2li) interest>1 Mu)# #as 2een written on t#e su2@e)t of ministerial res.onsi2ilities and t#e uniRue role of t#e 7ttorne' !eneral1 T#ere are +arious )om.onents of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs role1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as uniRue res.onsi2ilities to t#e -rown9 t#e )ourts9 t#e Legislature and t#e e(e)uti+e 2ran)# of go+ernment1 %#ile t#ere are different em.#ases and nuan)es atta)#ed to t#ese t#ere is a general t#eme t#roug#out all t#e +arious as.e)ts of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs res.onsi2ilities t#at t#e offi)e #as a )onstitutional and traditional res.onsi2ilit' 2e'ond t#at of a .oliti)al minister1 T#e statutor' res.onsi2ilities of t#e offi)e are found in se)tion C of t#e Ministr* of the Attorne* +eneral A!t1 *e)tion C states/ T#e 7ttorne' !eneral9 =a? is t#e Law ,ffi)er of t#e E(e)uti+e -oun)ilH =2? s#all see t#at t#e administration of .u2li) affairs is in a))ordan)e wit# t#e lawH =)? s#all su.erintend all matters )onne)ted wit# t#e administration of @usti)e in ,ntarioH =d? s#all .erform t#e duties and #a+e t#e .owers t#at 2elong to t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and *oli)itor !eneral of England 2' law and usage9 so far as t#ose .owers and duties are a..li)a2le to ,ntario9 and also s#all .erform t#e duties and .owers t#at9 until t#e Constitution A!t, -./0 )ame into effe)t9 2elonged to t#e offi)es of t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and *oli)itor !eneral in t#e .ro+in)es of -anada and "..er -anada and w#i)#9 under t#e .ro+isions of t#at 7)t9 are wit#in t#e s)o.e of t#e .owers of t#e LegislatureH =e? s#all ad+ise t#e !o+ernment u.on all matters of law )onne)ted wit# legislati+e ena)tments and u.on all matters of law referred to #im or #er 2' t#e !o+ernmentH =f? s#all ad+ise t#e !o+ernment u.on all matters of a legislati+e nature and su.erintend all !o+ernment measures of a legislati+e natureH =g? s#all ad+ise t#e #eads of ministries and agen)ies of !o+ernment u.on all matters of law )onne)ted wit# su)# ministries and agen)'H =#? s#all )ondu)t and regulate all litigation for and against t#e -rown or an' ministr' or agen)' of

go+ernment in res.e)t of an' su2@e)t wit#in t#e aut#orit' or @urisdi)tion of t#e LegislatureH =i? s#all su.erintend all matters )onne)ted wit# @udi)ial offi)esH =@? s#all .erform su)# ot#er fun)tions as are assigned to #im or #er 2' t#e Legislature or 2' t#e Lieutenant !o+ernor in -oun)il1 > %#at follows is an o+er+iew of t#e +arious )om.onents of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs roles and res.onsi2ilities9 .rimaril' as outlined in t#e 7)t1

Chief Law Officer of the Executive Council (s. 5(a))

T#e role of )#ief law offi)er mig#t 2e referred to as t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs o+erall res.onsi2ilit' as t#e inde.endent legal ad+isor to t#e -a2inet O and some #a+e e+en suggested t#at t#e role .ossi2l' e(tends to t#e Legislature as well1 T#e im.ortan)e of t#e inde.enden)e of t#e role is fundamental to t#e .osition and well esta2lis#ed in )ommon law9 statutes and tradition1 7s )#ief law offi)er9 t#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as a s.e)ial res.onsi2ilit' to 2e t#e guardian of t#at most elusi+e )on)e.t O t#e rule of law1 T#e rule of law is a well esta2lis#ed legal .rin)i.le9 2ut #ard to easil' define1 It is t#e rule of law t#at .rote)ts indi+iduals9 and so)iet' as a w#ole9 from ar2itrar' measures and safeguards .ersonal li2erties1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as a s.e)ial role to .la' in ad+ising -a2inet to ensure t#e rule of law is maintained and t#at -a2inet a)tions are legall' and )onstitutionall' +alid1 In .ro+iding su)# ad+i)e it is im.ortant to kee. in mind t#e distin)tion 2etween t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs .oli)' ad+i)e and .referen)e and t#e legal ad+i)e 2eing .resented to -a2inet1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs legal ad+i)e or )onstitutional ad+i)e s#ould not 2e lig#tl' disregarded1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs .oli)' ad+i)e #as t#e same weig#t as t#at of ot#er ministers1

Criminal prosecutions (s.5(d))

,ne of t#e most .u2li)l' s)rutiniEed as.e)ts of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs role is t#e res.onsi2ilit' for )riminal .rose)utions en)om.assed in se)tion C =d? and s1 <B of t#e -onstitution 7)t9 :;4G1 *e)tion <B gi+es t#e .ro+in)es aut#orit' to legislate in matters related to t#e administration of )riminal @usti)e and t#ere2' gi+es t#e .ro+in)ial 7ttorne' !eneral aut#orit' to .rose)ute offen)es under t#e -riminal -ode1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneral does not9 #owe+er9 dire)t or )ause )#arges to 2e laid1 %#ile t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents ma' .ro+ide legal ad+i)e to t#e .oli)e9 t#e ultimate de)ision w#et#er or not to la' )#arges is for t#e .oli)e1 ,n)e t#e )#arge is laid t#e de)ision as to w#et#er t#e .rose)ution s#ould .ro)eed9 and in w#at manner9 is for t#e 7ttorne' !eneral and t#e -rown 7ttorne'1 It is now an a))e.ted and im.ortant )onstitutional .rin)i.le t#at t#e 7ttorne' !eneral must )arr' out t#e MinisterNs )riminal .rose)ution res.onsi2ilities inde.endent of -a2inet and of an' .artisan .oliti)al .ressures1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs res.onsi2ilit' for indi+idual )riminal .rose)utions must 2e undertaken O and seen to 2e undertaken O on stri)tl' o2@e)ti+e and legal )riteria9 free of an' .oliti)al )onsiderations1 %#et#er to initiate or sta' a )riminal .ro)eeding is not an issue of go+ernment .oli)'1 T#is res.onsi2ilit' #as 2een )#ara)teriEed as a matter of t#e 7ttorne' !eneral a)ting as t#e [ueenNs 7ttorne' O not as a Minister of t#e go+ernment of t#e da'1 T#is is not to suggest t#at de)isions regarding )riminal .rose)utions are made in a )om.lete +a)uum1 7 wide range of .oli)' )onsiderations ma' 2e weig#ed in e(e)uting t#is res.onsi2ilit'9 and t#e 7ttorne' !eneral ma' )#oose to )onsult t#e -a2inet on some of t#ese )onsiderations1 Howe+er an' de)isions relating to t#e )ondu)t of indi+idual .rose)utions must 2e t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs alone and inde.endent

of t#e traditional -a2inet de)ision making .ro)ess1 In .ra)ti)e9 in t#e +ast ma@orit' of )ases9 t#ese de)isions are made 2' t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents9 t#e -rown 7ttorne's1 7n im.ortant .art of t#e -rownNs O and t#us t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs O res.onsi2ilit' in )ondu)ting )riminal .rose)utions is asso)iated wit# t#e res.onsi2ilit' to re.resent t#e .u2li) interest O w#i)# in)ludes not onl' t#e )ommunit' as a w#ole and t#e +i)tim9 2ut also t#e a))used1 T#e -rown #as a distin)t res.onsi2ilit' to t#e )ourt to .resent all t#e )redi2le e+iden)e a+aila2le1

T#e res.onsi2ilit' is to .resent t#e )ase fairl' O not ne)essaril' to )on+i)t1 T#is is a fundamental .re)e.t of )riminal law9 e+en if it is not a .arti)ularl' wellOunderstood )on)e.t among t#e general .u2li)1 ,ne of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs res.onsi2ilities in fostering .u2li) res.e)t for t#e rule of law9 is to assist t#e .u2li) in understanding t#e nature and limits of t#e .rose)utorial fun)tion1 "ltimatel' t#e 7ttorne' !eneral is a))ounta2le to t#e .eo.le of t#e .ro+in)e9 t#roug# t#e Legislature9 for de)isions relating to )riminal .rose)utions1 *u)# a))ounta2ilit' )an onl' o))ur9 of )ourse9 on)e t#e .rose)ution is )om.leted or w#en a final de)ision #as 2een made not to .rose)ute1 T#e su2 @udi)ae rule 2ars an' )omment on a matter 2efore t#e )ourts t#at is likel' to influen)e t#e matter1 T#e su2 @udi)ae rule stri)tl' .ro#i2its t#e 7ttorne' !eneral from )ommenting on .rose)utions t#at are 2efore t#e )ourts1 !i+en t#e stature of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs .osition9 an' .u2li) )omment )oming from t#e offi)e would 2e seen as an attem.t to influen)e t#e )ase1 7lt#oug# t#e 7ttorne' general )an 2e)ome in+ol+ed in de)isionOmaking in relation to indi+idual )riminal )ases9 su)# a .ra)ti)e would lea+e t#e Minister +ulnera2le to a))usations of .oliti)al interferen)e1 7))ordingl'9 it is traditional to lea+e t#e da'OtoOda' de)isionOmaking in t#e #ands of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs agents9 t#e -rown 7ttorne's9 e()e.t in )ases of e()e.tional im.ortan)e w#ere t#e .u2li) would e(.e)t t#e 7ttorne' !eneral to 2e 2riefed1

Legislative Responsibilities (s. 5(e) and (f))

T#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as 2road res.onsi2ilities asso)iated wit# !o+ernment legislation1 T#ese res.onsi2ilities #a+e 2een des)ri2ed as twofold1 ,ne is to o+ersee t#at all legislati+e ena)tments are in a))ordan)e wit# .rin)i.les of natural @usti)e and )i+il rig#ts =see also s1 C=2? a2o+e?1 T#is is o2+iousl' an im.ortant and 2road area of res.onsi2ilit'1 T#e se)ond as.e)t of t#is res.onsi2ilit' is to ad+ise on t#e )onstitutionalit' and legalit' of legislation1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs legislati+e res.onsi2ilities are .la'ed out in a +ariet' roles1 T#e ,ffi)e of Legislati+e -ounsel re.orts to t#e 7ttorne' !eneral1 Legislati+e -ounsel .la's a ke' role in ensuring t#e legal integrit' of !o+ernment legislation1 7lt#oug# t#e Legislati+e -ounselNs re.orting relations#i. to t#e 7ttorne' !eneral does allow t#e 7ttorne' !eneral to .ro+ide guidan)e and set standards9 indi+idual .ie)es of legislation are drafted on instru)tions from )lient ministries and are not wit#in t#e sole )ontrol of Legislati+e -ounsel or t#e 7ttorne' !eneral1 It s#ould also 2e noted t#at Legislati+e -ounsel also #as a dire)t res.onsi2ilit' to t#e Legislature as t#e ,ffi)e also drafts all .ri+ate mem2erNs 2ills1

T#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as a furt#er role to .la' as .art of w#ate+er -a2inet -ommittee is formed to re+iew legislation and regulations1 Here t#e Minister #as an o..ortunit' to )omment on t#e te)#ni)al issues related to legislation and regulations .rior to -a2inet )onsideration1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs role on legislati+e matters is as an ad+iser to t#e -a2inet1 7lt#oug# unlikel'9 -a2inet )ould9 in t#eor'9 re)ei+e t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs legal o.inion on legislation and )#oose to disregard it1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs role is not inde.endent of -a2inet de)ision making as in t#e area of )riminal .rose)utions1 7s was noted earlier9 t#e 7ttorne' !eneral must make )areful distin)tions a2out t#e legal o.inions and .oli)' or .oliti)al .referen)es 2eing offered a2out legislation1

Civil Litigation (s.5(h) and (d))

In addition to t#e s.e)ifi) res.onsi2ilities to )ondu)t )i+il litigation on 2e#alf of t#e !o+ernment and its agen)ies =s1 C=#??9 t#e 7ttorne' !eneral #as 2roader litigation res.onsi2ilities flowing from t#e #istori)al .owers of t#e 7ttorne' !eneral referred to in s1 C=d? of t#e 7)t1 T#ese .owers are 2ased on t#e -rownNs .arens .atriae =.arental? aut#orit'1 T#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs aut#orit'9 t#erefore9 is not onl' to )ondu)t litigation in )ases dire)tl' affe)ting t#e go+ernment or its agen)ies 2ut also to litigate )ases w#ere t#ere is a )lear matter of .u2li) interest or .u2li) rig#ts at stake1 T#is #as 2een )#ara)teriEed as a )onstitutional res.onsi2ilit' to ensure t#at t#e .u2li) interest is well and inde.endentl' re.resented1 It ma' in+ol+e inter+entions in .ri+ate litigation or -#arter )#allenges to legislation9 e+en if t#e arguments )on)lude t#at t#e legislation does )ontra+ene )onstitutionall' .rote)ted rig#ts1

Responsibilit for Court !dministration (s. 5(c))

7 ke' )om.onent of t#e 7ttorne' !eneralNs res.onsi2ilities to ensure t#e administration of @usti)e in t#e .ro+in)e is t#e administration of t#e )ourts and as a result t#e res.onsi2ilit' for maintaining liaison wit# t#e @udi)iar'1 !i+en t#e fundamental im.ortan)e of t#e inde.enden)e of t#e @udi)iar'9 t#e res.onsi2ilit' for )ourts administration is often a +er' sensiti+e and deli)ate issue1 !reat )are and res.e)t for t#e .rin)i.les of @udi)ial inde.enden)e must 2e e(er)ised in t#is area1

T#e 7ttorne' !eneral is t#e )#ief law offi)er of t#e E(e)uti+e -oun)il1 T#e res.onsi2ilities stemming from t#is role are unlike t#ose of an' ot#er -a2inet mem2er1 T#e role #as 2een referred to as >@udi)ialO like> and as t#e >guardian of t#e .u2li) interest>1

Mar)# B<9 B66G ,n se+eral o))asions I #a+e reRuested Bru)e Herridge inform me as to w#at efforts #e #as made to t#is .romise wit# no res.onse1

#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:4B40Law'erOFileO: #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:GB60Law'erOFileOB #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:;:60Law'erOFileOP #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:;G:0Law'erOFileO4 #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:<P:0Law'erOFileOC #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4:<CC0Law'erOFileO4 #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4B66G0Law'erOFileOG #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4B6G40Law'erOFileO; #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4B6<40Law'erOFileO< #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4B:P60Law'erOFileO:6 #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4BB6;0Law'erOFileO:B #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4BBP40Law'erOFileO:P #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4BPBG0Law'erOFileO:P7 #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:C:P4BPG;0Law'erOFileO:4 Law'er File :: #tt.s/00do)s1google1)om0file0d06BCi )*V4V!7PTEkE%EY:)-:I,VE0edit *)ri2d would not .u2lis# due t#e frauds reRuest due )o.' rig#t issues Do)ument )ontains #is .ros.e)tus t#at #as 2een .ro+en fraudulent Law'er File W : ,RHTORi)k Hennesse' Law'er File W B IE" O Da+e !re)# Law'er File W P Minister Muni)i.al 7ffairs and Housing OJohn )erretsen Law'er File W 4 ,m2udsmanO!err' -arlino Law'er File W C MY MPP Julia Munro Law'er File W4 Premier Dalton M)guint' Law'er File W G 7ttorne' !eneral Mi)#ael Br'ant Law'er File W ; ,PP O Det *gt1 Rand' -raig Law'er File W < YRP O De.ut' -#ief Bru)e Herridge Law'er File W :6 ,ntario -i+ilian -ommission on Poli)e ser+i)es Law'er File W :: ,ffi)e ,ntario 7ttorne' !eneral Law'er File W :B YRP O P#il MoreauO*tandards Law'er File W :P -rown 7ttorne'ORo2ert M)-rear'O ew Market Law'er File W :P7 -rown 7ttorne' O Paul -ul+erOToronto Law'er File W :4 R-MP O *gt1 Mi)#ael T#om.son


#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:GPC:B4;60BeingOMarriedOHa..'OandO!a'OisOasO aturalOasOTa(ingOandO D'ing T#e Po.e and #is merr' men #ate t#e )ommon ga' as t#e' do not .rodu)e sla+es #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:;66P4B;40ItalianO.oliti)iansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastORatEOPo.e Re+erend Fe+in 7nnett e()ommuni)ated from t#e )#ur)# indi)ati+e of understanding wit#in *ane Insanit' ormal)' *I *ui)ide Illegal uan)es www1,Jtask1)om ,2stru)t Justi)e trut# and sour)e kill 7n' more #el. from t#em and I will 2e dead making t#e *enator t#at t#reatened me a .ro.#et maintaining t#eir e(.loited .rofit e(.onentiall' se)ure *enatorTs @udged 2' t#eir .eers ensures t#e last nail in m' )offin www1*a.Boat:P1)om *anit' a .o.ular Belief of artifi)ial trut#s

www1I'ff'I1)om In 'our fa)e for 'our Information

Forgi+e me Lord for I knew w#at t#e' would do

Forgive me Lord Blessed be the ignorant folk On splendored grass I toke When not on black go green Now a socialite headlite A firebug ... a flash Where the fuck's my stash What is what is not of no relevance For happiness among the irrelevance Some say all things relative Never heard from you, but now assuredly blessed Now Dear Lord Where the fuck is the cash Now I lay me down to rest Yes of course a hood wink Giving ignorance shot my best Without a blink A cheat I know Awaiting search beneath pillow Sure Tooth Fairy BS but paid well for the times Swing low sweet chariot and all that rhymes A song a dance on yonder swing From a chandelier I sing 1 ding a ling 2 of 3rd kind Nuff encountered to see night through Blessed insanity arms in air once threw Tomorrow promises more in lieu of sheep Now in night's tranquility sleep No more stomach churn oft blew Blaming on the rain the acid stew Caring for fools ... I get it Lord Who knew ... what's new with you Taking leave artistic license The one that pays without taxation Dearly departed before awarded Catch me not ... catch as catch can Deer and the antelope also ran None as fast as uncle Sam

PR-Political Religious front A PRICK a screw a c Sorry bub ... It's OK I'm gay I repeat sorry meaning I'm not Two way street where's thought police Doublethink solstice A taste of think bodes not well A stone an epitaph others fell A priest a political behind sell Up the ass ... some grass A fast attempting to yell a blast A coherence flash but don't tell Blessed be the Lord Alive today and tomorrow Found He lost sorrow Tranquility in persistent quarrel Survival despite absent morals The way of nuts and squirrels The winter of life Once believed a strife A gun a sword and a knife To head heart and throat A frog a prince a kiss and a miss Glory part and parcel ancient storey Feet on ground heads above 12th perhaps 14th floor A see a hear a speak not May be floor of the first 13th a verse a curse a hearst Say again whose on first Diary of a sad man glad man mad man A point of view a point of order A smorgasbord of perspectives 1st 2nd 3rd class Plane boat or terrain A suit a smirk a shirt a quirk land lubber eat dirt Peaceful disarray month of May or manta ray A thought chanced, but what ... a "difference" ... the hell you say When in thereof all is without Do not allow the science breed utter you nonsense A quill a pen most anything can kill A pill a still enhances the swill In go ahead backup excel reach happy medium No gas no oil needed in neutral vehicle RPM - Religious Political Media all a buzz about nothing Someone shit in their grass A Catholic a Protestant a Moron ... omitted an M? ok Am Catholic am Protestant am Moron

A gun a sword a knife..... a circle of life


http://www.scribd.com/doc/172052331/Dear-Lord-Which-Life-Forms-Belief-is-the-Greater-Sanctimonious RPM Religious Political Media

Monkey Business

#tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0*ee5no5e+il95#ear5no5e+il95s.eak5no5e+il T#e t#ree wise monke's =Ja.anese/ 9 sanNen or sanEaru9 or 9 san2iki no saru9 literall' >t#ree monke's>?9

mystic a(es,A:D are a .i)torial ma(im1 MiE Fik I %aE *#iE If a *#iE 2ares trut# of t#e forest no mind to see #ear to s.eak of t#e *#iE killing How mu)# would a wood )#u)k get for t#eir minds 111 .resuma2l' w#' t#e wood )#u)k )#u)ks wood
Toget#er t#e' em2od' t#e .ro+er2ial .rin)i.le to >see no e+il9 #ear no e+il9 s.eak no e+il>1 T#e t#ree monke's are MiEaru9 )o+ering #is e'es9 w#o sees no e+ilH FikaEaru9 )o+ering #is ears9 w#o #ears no e+ilH and IwaEaru9 )o+ering #is mout#9 w#o s.eaks no e+il1 *ometimes t#ere is a fourt# monke' de.i)ted wit# t#e t#ree ot#ersH t#e last one9 *#iEaru9 s'm2oliEes t#e .rin)i.le of >do no e+il>1 He ma' 2e s#own )rossing #is arms1

sometimes )alled t#e three

,RI H7D ,r Raising in Ho.elessness and Des.air #tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0Humans Humans are one of onl' nine s.e)ies known to .ass t#e

mirror test
Zw#i)# tests w#et#er an animal re)ogniEes its refle)tion as an image of itselfZalong wit# all t#e great a.es =gorillas9)#im.anEees9 orangutans9 2ono2os?9 Bottlenose dol.#ins9 7sian ele.#ants9 Euro.ean Mag.ies9 and ,r)as1A:66D Most #uman )#ildren will .ass t#e mirror test at :; mont#s old1A:6:D Howe+er9 t#e usefulness of t#is test as a true test of )ons)iousness

has been dis(uted,

and t#is ma' 2e a matter of degree rat#er t#an a s#ar. di+ide1

3onkeys ha$e been trained to a((ly abstract rules in tasks.F;:8G

htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/7uman9rights Human rights are 0commonl, understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a !erson is inherentl, entitled sim!l, because she or he is a human being%0:"; 7uman rights are thus conceived as universal <a!!licable ever,where= and egalitarian <the same for ever,one=% These rights ma, e'ist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law%:#; The doctrine of human rights in international !ractice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the !olicies of states and in the activities of non)governmental organi>ations, has been a cornerstone of !ublic !olic, around the world% In The idea of human rights:?; it sa,s8 0if the !ublic discourse of !eacetime global societ, can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights% (6AR *7A1 (o 6vidence Achieved Realit, *oherence Artificial 1rientation atanic 0 @es!ite this, the strong claims made b, the doctrine of human rights

continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content,

nature and 5ustifications of human rights to this da,% Indeed, the question of what is meant b, a 0right0 is itself controversial and the sub5ect of continued !hiloso!hical debate%:4; htt!8//en%wiki!edia%org/wiki/-onke,9see,9monke,9do -onke, see, monke, do is a sa,ing that originated in Aamaica in the earl, "Bth centur, and !o!!ed u! in American culture in the earl, ".#$s%

The sa,ing refers to the learning of a !rocess without an understanding of wh, it works%
Another definition im!lies the act of mimicr,, usuall, with limited knowledge of the consequences%:";


T#e gradual9 often un)ons)ious9 a2sor.tion of knowledge or ideas t#roug# )ontinual e(.osure

rather than deliberate learning

Confucius HH; BC . IBJ BC

DThe (eo(le 3onkey may be made to follow a course of action, but may not be made to understand DITD
,smosis set in like rigger mortise making self useless for self some w#at Ruadra.legi) #tt./00en1wiki.edia1org0wiki0Monke' *ome organiEations9 for e(am.le Hel.ing Hands/ Monke' Hel.ers for t#e Disa2led9A<D train )a.u)#in monke's as monke' #el.ers to assist Ruadri.legi)s and ot#er .eo.le wit# se+ere s.inal )ord in@uries or mo2ilit' im.airments1 7fter 2eing so)ialiEed in a #uman #ome as infants9 t#e monke's undergo e(tensi+e training 2efore 2eing .la)ed wit# a Ruadri.legi)1 7round t#e #ouse9 t#e monke's #el. out 2' doing tasks in)luding mi)rowa+ing food9 was#ing t#e Ruadri.legi)Ns fa)e and

o(ening drink bottles.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deeply and taste not the Pierian spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain; And drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope 1688-1744

\-onfu)ius t#oug#t t#at t#e wa' to reform so)iet' was to )ulti+ate et#i)al 2e#a+iour in indi+iduals9

es(ecially in rulers and their ministers

2e)ause leaders ser+e as im.ortant role models for t#eir .eo.le] E--E TRIERualit' -ons)ious -ons)ien)e E(tra.olate ai+et' Trut#s Relati+it' Inaliena2le -o#eren)e %,T,F* %iEard of t#e out#ouse knows s#it www1Frank:P1)om Fidu)iar' Res.onsi2l' 7))ounta2le efarious Fink Trut#s Holisti) Intera)ti+e Retros.e)t Trans)endental Ele)tromagnetism Ensla+ers emesis

*, *eek ,ut T#ese .ros t#at #a+e a wa' wit# monke's to see if IT is .ossi2le to )on+ert t#e " "ltimate eandert#al ME 4 HE Monke' E+ol+e 4 Humanit' Ele+ation

#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0CP:;G6C:0ToO"nitedO ations
%e endea+or to #a+e 7

3ystic A(es 7H O 7.e Humanit' 4

BB or ot BB

H7 Human 7)#ie+ement

,ne wa' or t#e ot#er B6:P will 2e re)orded as t#e

BL=T Brig#t Lig#t ,f Trut#

Trans is a 2atin noun or !refi', meaning 0across0, 0be,ond0 or 0on the o!!osite side0% Transcendental "% (ot e'!erienced but knowable +hiloso!h, inde!endent of human e'!erience of !henomena but within the range of knowledge #% -,stical Relating to m,stical or su!ernatural e'!erience and therefore be,ond the material world

Remaining 2lotto is BB B, O Blotted ,ut

Ford wants to 2e )r'stal )lear

Met# or M't#
& *an)timonious adO#o) demonstra2le *ad *a) O *orr' as )aug#t

T#e' sa' Ford needs to get #el. #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:GB6CBPP:0DearOLordO%#i)#OLifeOFormsOBeliefOisOt#eO!reaterO *an)timonious ,F t#en #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:G;;:P;<<0DearOLordOw#oOs#ouldO2eOfired Bless em 7ll R7-E Realit' 7lmig#t' -onse)rated Element E(ists wit# or wit#out ME Mot#er Eart#

www1HomeRa)e:P1)om Humanit' one mot#er eart# Realit' almig#t' )onse)rated element #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:;66P4B;40ItalianO.oliti)iansOagreeOtoOaidOagainstOlastORatEOPo.e !ood Lord sto. t#em in t#e name of t#e *an)tit' of t#e E%* e+er Ending %ar *tor' For ine+ita2l' traditionall' we must all .a' t#e Politi)al Religious Im.li)it -om.li)it E(.li)it PRI-E Politi)al Religious Insidious -a.italist Em.erors Like ot#er finan)ial em.ires in #istor'9 *mit# )laims t#e )ontem.orar' model forms allian)es ne)essar' to de+elo. and )ontrol wealt#9 as .eri.#eral nations remain im.o+eris#ed .ro+iders of )#ea. resour)es for t#e im.erialO)entersOofO )a.ital1A:D Bello) estimated t#at9 during t#e Britis# En)losures9 >.er#a.s #alf of t#e w#ole .o.ulation was .roletarian>9 w#ile roug#l' t#e ot#er >#alf> owned and )ontrolled t#e means of .rodu)tion1 ow9 under modern -a.italism9 J1%1 *mit# )laims fewer t#an C66 .eo.le .ossess more wealt# t#an #alf of t#e eart#Ts .o.ulation9 as t#e wealt# of :0B of :O.er)ent of t#e "nited *tates .o.ulation roug#l' eRual t#at of t#e lower <6O .er)ent1 www17men:P1)om

B1 E+er'one #as t#e following fundamental freedoms/ =a? freedom of )ons)ien)e and religionH =2? freedom of t#oug#t9 2elief9 o.inion and e(.ression9 in)luding freedom of t#e .ress and ot#er media of )ommuni)ationH =)? freedom of .ea)eful assem2l'H and =d? freedom of asso)iation1

%ar is Mone' *an)tit' of *ustaina2le !rowt# e#&

"atanism is a broad term referring to a grou! of Western religions com!rising diverse ideological and !hiloso!hical

Their shared features include s,mbolic association with, or admiration for the character of, atan, or similar rebellious, !romethean, and, in their view, liberating figures% There were an estimated C$,$$$ members in "..$% There ma, be as few as a few thousand in the world%:";

#tt./00www1'outu2e1)om0wat)#& feature3i+Qannotation5id3annotation5:CPB:<Q+3:M%:@MRBFDYQsr)5+id3s"CPGf42nFM

Redu)e .o.ulation to : Billion Break out t#e B 4 e#XX 4 t#e san)tit' of =B? B41 =:? 7n'one w#ose rig#ts or freedoms9 as guaranteed 2' t#is -#arter9 #a+e 2een infringed or denied ma' a..l' to a )ourt of )om.etent @urisdi)tion to o2tain su)# remed' as t#e )ourt )onsiders a..ro.riate and @ust in t#e )ir)umstan)es1 =B? %#ere9 in .ro)eedings under su2se)tion =:?9 a )ourt )on)ludes t#at e+iden)e was o2tained in a manner t#at infringed or denied an' rig#ts or freedoms guaranteed 2' t#is -#arter9 t#e e+iden)e s#all 2e e()luded if it is esta2lis#ed t#at9 #a+ing regard to all t#e )ir)umstan)es9 t#e admission of it in t#e .ro)eedings would 2ring t#e administration of @usti)e into disre.ute1 -reatures of #a2it Ba22le on t#roug# t#e nig#t 2efore Umas not a )reature was dis)erned stirring 4IR: Permit me to @udge lest I 2e @udged

But %ait #tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:4<;G;BPG0T#e'OofOt#eOMaterialO%orldO-annotOTou)#Ot#eO*.iritOofOt#eO LawOasOItOIs %% III %orldl' %ise In+isi2le In+in)i2le Inaliena2le


#tt./00www1s)ri2d1)om0do)0:BC;PC44C0JIH7DO:PO owO7)ti+ated Holians HomeOgrown original lo)al indigenous a2original nati+e so+ereigns Home Ra)e Holians one mot#er eart# Realit' almig#t' )onse)rated element Realit' is t#e Trut# im.er+ious to .er)e.tion 'et .re)isel' due to .er)e.tion Trut# t#at w#i)# !od would o2ser+e w#et#er or not He e(ists or w#et#er or not one 2elie+es He e(ists IDE7L *im.l' realit' sanel' dealt wit# "nited Per)e.tion *olidarit' www1u.s:P1)om "ltimate Potential *o)iet'

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