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8ewardable ls a new moblle app LhaL pays users for collecLlng and sharlng lnformaLlon abouL producLs,
promoLlons and how buslnesses are performlng. 1he app provldes a fun and easy way for people Lo make exLra
money whlle golng abouL Lhelr dally acLlvlLles.
8ewardable users earn money each Llme Lhey compleLe a slmple Lask dlsplayed ln Lhe app. Common Lasks
lnclude Laklng plcLures of producLs aL sLores, LweeLlng abouL speclal offers or sharlng feedback on cusLomer
servlce. 1asks generally Lake a few mlnuLes and pay beLween $3 and $10 wlLh money dlsbursed Lhrough a
llnked ayal accounL.
8ewardable wlll be rolllng ouL a new seL of Lasks LhaL can be compleLed wlLhouL even leavlng home. 1o
promoLe Lhls servlce, each user wlll have Lhe ablllLy Lo earn an addlLlonal $13 by compleLlng Lhese Lasks.
8ewardable ls already seelng greaL engagemenL wlLh some users earnlng over $100 ln Lhe flrsL few weeks.
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Pow uo eople Slgnup?
8ewardable has an lhone app LhaL can be downloaded from Lhe App SLore. Cnce users download
8ewardable, Lhey can slgn up Lhrough emall and llnk a ayal accounL Lo enable paymenL for compleLed Lasks.
8ewardable App SLore Llnk
Pow Much uo 1asks ay?
MosL Lasks pay $3+, buL some Lasks can pay up Lo $20.
Pow Long uo 1asks 1ake?
1asks generally Lake beLween 3 and 10 mlnuLes.
Where Are 1asks LocaLed?
We currenLly have Lasks locaLed ln mosL of Lhe large clLles and rolllng ouL many more ln Lhe nexL few monLhs.
ln a few weeks, 8ewardable wlll be rolllng ouL a new seL of Lasks where users wlll have Lhe ablllLy Lo earn up Lo
$13 wlLhouL leavlng Lhelr home.
Pow uo users CompleLe 1asks?
users can search for and choose Lasks Lhrough a map or llsL vlew. SelecLlng Lasks enables users Lo vlew Lhe
guidelines and start on the task using the Complete Now function. AfLer compleLlng Lasks, users can [usL hlL
submlL and answers wlll be revlewed for approval by Lhe 8ewardable Leam.

Pow uo users CeL ald?
Its very simple. Once tasks are approved, 8ewardable wlll deposlL money lnLo user accounLs whlch can be
wlLhdrawn vla your ayal accounL aL any Llme.
WhaL klnds of 1asks Are 1here lor users?
1here are a varleLy of Lasks Lo compleLe on 8ewardable. Many Lasks wlll lnvolve helplng Lo lmprove Lhe ln-
sLore experlence such as: recordlng Lhe prlce of on-sale lLems, checklng wheLher cerLaln lLems are ln sLock,
Laklng phoLos of promoLlonal dlsplays. ?ou may also be asked Lo measure walL-Llmes aL resLauranLs and share
your oplnlon on your dlnlng experlence. LxLra bonuses are ofLen awarded for sharlng lnformaLlon on deals,
reLallers or brands wlLh your soclal connecLlons.
uoes 8ewardable 1rack user erformance?
8ewardable Lracks Lhe quallLy of user responses. 1he besL and mosL engaged users are glven access Lo more
and hlgher paylng Lasks. 1he earller a user geLs on Lhe sysLem and Lhe more Lasks Lhey compleLe, Lhe beLLer
chance Lhey have of earnlng money
Pow Can 8ewardable ay users for 1hese 1asks?
8uslnesses naLlonwlde are wllllng Lo pay users Lo collecL daLa or do speclflc Lasks. 8uslnesses use 8ewardable
Lo connecL wlLh users Lo compleLe Lhose Lasks.
WhaL Companles Are uslng 8ewardable?
8eLallers, consumer brands, resLauranLs, hoLels, real esLaLe companles, and consulLlng flrms are already uslng
8ewardable. Any buslness LhaL wanLs real-Llme, locaLlon-based daLa and cannoL send employees Lo mulLlple
locaLlons can beneflL from uslng 8ewardables consumer workforce.
WhaL Servlces uo ?ou rovlde 1o 8uslnesses?
We provlde end-Lo-end servlces for buslnesses. Cur back-end reporLlng englne ls based ln Lhe cloud, so daLa
can be accessed anywhere. We provlde cusLomlzed analyLlcs so declslon makers can derlve Lhe hlghesL quallLy
lnformaLlon from capLured daLa.
Pow Can l lollow 8ewardable?
lease follow us on lacebook and 1wlLLer.
8ewardable lacebook
8ewardable 1wlLLer

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Map vlew LlsL vlew

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1ask Cvervlew 1ask ueLall

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