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Prepared for: Written by: Town of Barton, Washington County, Wisconsin Catharine M. Lawton Secy P!an Co""ission Town of Barton

-. --. ---. -2. -ntroduction Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Siting ,rdinance -ssues 1ow to .se This #ocu"ent &ra"ewor3 for a Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Siting ,rdinance 2. 2-. 4enera! Pro5isions #efinitions %pp!ication and Procedure #e5e!op"ent(Perfor"ance Standards

Conc!usion %ppendices %ppendi6 % Maps %ppendi6 B #ocu"ents .sed to Prepare this $eport



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Purpose: The purpose of this docu"ent is to pro5ide a too! for !oca! co""unities to dea! with the e"erging issues re!ating to the siting of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities within their boundaries. This docu"ent has been prepared by the Town of Barton, Washington County, Wisconsin in con7unction with the Towns P!anner, Patric3 8. Meehan of Meehan 9 Co"pany. The goa! of the Town of Bartons wor3 was to address the p!anning and :oning issues that ha5e e"erged due a current!y pending conditiona! use per"it app!ication of &PL 0nergy to site a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity i""ediate!y to the west of the Town of Barton in the Town of %ddison. -n addition, the Town of Bartons wor3 was co""enced because co"p!ete and accurate infor"ation regarding the !and use p!anning and :oning issues associated with co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities is genera!!y not a5ai!ab!e to !oca! go5ern"ent officia!s. Therefore, the Town of Barton has decided to "a3e its wor3 a5ai!ab!e to other co""unities and p!anners in the state of Wisconsin to pro5ide guidance and infor"ation concerning co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity siting, regu!ation and the re!ated issues. Who Should Co s!der "h!s Do#u$e "% This docu"ent contains a set of "ode! regu!ations that can be "odified and adapted by any co""unity that does not ha5e regu!atory !anguage dea!ing with co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. -t shou!d be noted, howe5er, that co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities wi!! not be appropriate and(or 5iab!e in a!! co""unities in the state of Wisconsin for a 5ariety of reasons inc!uding: inade;uate wind speeds and econo"ics, topography, !and use, pro6i"ity to sensiti5e en5iron"enta! resources and the re!ated considerations, co""unity concerns inc!uding pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare, and e!ectrica! syste" needs and characteristics. %s such, not e5ery co""unity in the state of Wisconsin wi!!, as a practica! "atter, need to p!an for and adopt regu!ations for co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. To deter"ine whether it is necessary to further e5a!uate the need for co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity p!anning and regu!ation, each co""unity shou!d first e6a"ine the "aps inc!uded in %ppendi6 %, to deter"ine whether co""ercia! wind energy de5e!op"ent is !i3e!y to be econo"ica!!y 5iab!e in their area gi5en the esti"ated wind speeds. I$por"& #e o' Pl& ! (: %ssu"ing that you ha5e deter"ined that co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities "ay be proposed in your co""unity, the issues shou!d be co"prehensi5e!y e5a!uated. $egu!ations, howe5er, shou!d not be the on!y too! that co""unities use to dea! with co""ercia! wind energy issues. Whi!e regu!ations are necessary for proper!y dea!ing with co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity siting, it is high!y reco""ended that any co""unity that adopts co""ercia! wind energy regu!ations such as those presented in this docu"ent a!so de5e!op a p!an for siting co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. Se5era! p!anning approaches can be used inc!uding: '< adding co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities as a section of a co""unity or regiona! co"prehensi5e or "aster p!an, or )< creating a separate co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities p!an. $egu!ation coup!ed with p!anning for co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities is i"portant and enab!es a co""unity to adopt a proacti5e =rather than reacti5e< approach to the issue. #$%&T '('()**) ) of +) &,$ #-SC.SS-,/ P.$P,S0S

Su$$&r) o' "he Co$$er#!&l W! d E er() F&#!l!") S!"! ( Model Ord! & #e : The Mode! ,rdinance consists of: '< Topics that e5ery co""unitys co""ercia! wind energy ordinance shou!d address> and )< Proposed ordinance !anguage. The proposed "ode! ordinance !anguage was de5e!oped by co"pi!ing actua! ordinance !anguage fro" co""unities that ha5e adopted co""ercia! wind energy ordinances, together with infor"ation fro" the /ationa! Wind Coordinating Co""ittees =?/WCC@< pub!ication: Siting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook and other /WCC pub!ications. -n addition, co""ercia! wind energy industry groups, co""ercia! wind energy de5e!opers and Wisconsin uti!ities ha5e a!so offered so"e industryAdrafted proposa!s for ordinance !anguage. Copies of the docu"ents that were used to prepare this report are inc!uded in %ppendi6 B.

Co$$o Go&ls*: The goa! of both co""unity !eaders and p!anners and co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity de5e!opers is to ha5e an efficient per"itting process that "ini"i:es conf!ict. The Co""unity Perspecti5e: The p!anners and !eaders of each co""unity want to pro5ide an en5iron"ent where its citi:ens want to !i5e and wor3. %s such, e5ery co""unity is interested in preser5ing and enhancing co""unity character and aesthetics, and contro!!ing the i"pact of co""ercia! and industria! de5e!op"ent on residentia! and sensiti5e en5iron"enta! areas. Co""unity !eaders and p!anners a!so "ust ensure that de5e!op"ent proposa!s are consistent with the co""unity 5ision as e6pressed in the adopted !and use p!ans and :oning ordinances whi!e at the sa"e ti"e, fu!fi!!ing their duty to protect the pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare of the co""unity. The #e5e!opers Perspecti5e: % pri"ary concern of the co""ercia! wind energy de5e!opers is the ti"e it ta3es to obtain per"ission fro" !oca! go5ern"ents to bui!d faci!ities. #e5e!opers wi!! a!"ost a!ways ta3e the "ost efficient route to appro5a! if they can "eet their technica! and econo"ic ob7ecti5es.

,ne of the goa!s of this Mode! ,rdinance is to pro5ide p!anning and regu!atory infor"ation and guidance that increases the predictabi!ity of the process for the wind

&ro" Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP.



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energy faci!ity de5e!oper whi!e at the sa"e ti"e enab!ing co""unities to pro5ide incenti5es that encourage co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity de5e!opers to design and !ocate faci!ities that are consistent with co""unity goa!s and character. -n particu!ar, by understanding and using incenti5es, co""unities can de5e!op and adopt a per"it process that enab!es a wind energy faci!ity de5e!oper to obtain ;uic3er appro5a! when the de5e!opers proposa! "eets the goa!s and ob7ecti5es of the co""unitys co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity siting p!an and regu!ations. Co$$o S!"! ( Issues+: -f a co""unity deter"ines that it has sufficient wind speeds to support co""ercia! wind energy de5e!op"ent, it is necessary to deter"ine where it "ay be appropriate to site co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. The Pub!ic Ser5ice Co""ission of Wisconsin =?PSCW@< has deter"ined that it is i"portant to site wind energy faci!ities carefu!!y. B The PSCW has a!so conc!uded that there is the potentia! for ad5erse en5iron"enta! i"pacts when wind energy faci!ities are sited i"proper!y.C Wind generation faci!ities usua!!y are !ocated in rura! or re"ote areas, away fro" residences, schoo!s and other potentia!!y sensiti5e popu!ations, with few nearby residentia! de5e!op"ents and on!y inter"ittent hu"an 5isitation and use.+ -t is we!! recogni:ed that if residentia! or co""ercia! de5e!op"ent e6ists or occurs in the 5icinity of a wind energy faci!ity or a designated wind resource area, conf!icts are !i3e!y to occur. D To pre5ent or "ini"i:e these conf!icts, !and use and per"itting agencies shou!d identify wind resource areas and estab!ish appropriate :oning to pre5ent wind energy faci!ity siting "ista3es and to pre5ent encroach"ent and future !and use conf!icts. E -n addition, de5e!op"ent of wind energy pro7ects "ay affect other uses on or ad7acent to the site, or in the surrounding region.F Therefore, it is i"portant for co""unity !eaders and p!anners to ana!y:e the i"pact of wind energy pro7ects and protect the pri5ate property rights of property owners ad7acent to proposed wind energy sites. There is no dispute that wind energy faci!ities do pose a pub!ic hea!th and safety ha:ard. G The nature of the pub!ic hea!th and safety ha:ard wi!! depend on the proposed !ocation of the wind energy faci!ity and its pro6i"ity to e6isting or p!anned de5e!op"ent. The pri"ary hea!th and safety considerations are re!ated to the "o5e"ent of the turbine b!ades and the presence of industria! e;uip"ent in areas that are potentia!!y accessib!e to the pub!ic.'* There are a!so a 5ariety of other pub!ic hea!th and safety considerations

&ro" Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP, and other sources as noted. B Pub!ic Ser5ice Co""ission of Wisconsin %d5ance P!an E &indings of &act, pp. )) )B. C Pub!ic Ser5ice Co""ission of Wisconsin %d5ance P!an E &indings of &act, pp. )) )B. + /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.), CB, +*> #epart"ent of 0nergy website Wind ! Fre"uently Asked #uestions,$ www.eren.doe.go5(stateHenergy(techno!ogyHfa;s.cf"ItechidJ) D /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.BD. E /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.BD. F /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.)G. G #epart"ent of 0nergy website Wind ! Fre"uently Asked #uestions,$ www.eren.doe.go5(stateHenergy(techno!ogyHfa;s.cf"ItechidJ)



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inc!uding: &ire ha:ards, Tower &ai!ure, 0!ectro"agnetic &ie!ds =0M&<, /oise, %ir /a5igation Safety, and the potentia! for dec!ining property 5a!ues, a"ong others.'' % wide range of actions "ay be ta3en to ensure that wind pro7ects are consistent and co"patib!e with "ost e6isting and p!anned !and uses.') Many of these in5o!5e the !ocation, !ayout and design of the wind pro7ect.'B This sub7ect wi!! be co5ered in detai! in the #e5e!op"ent(Perfor"ance Standards section of this report. Co$$o Re(ul&"or) Issues*,- -n genera!, there are se5era! approaches to regu!ation that are co""on!y obser5ed in practice. They are as fo!!ows: Per$!""ed Use in Specified Koning #istricts Spe#!&l Use in Specified Koning #istricts Creation of ,5er!ay #istricts

-n genera!, the "unicipa!itys e6isting approach to regu!ating !and uses wi!! e"p!oy one or "ore of these approaches, depending on the particu!ar !and use. %s such, the "unicipa!ity shou!d e5a!uate co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !and use in the conte6t of its e6isting approach to !and use regu!ation and se!ect the approach that is "ost consistent with is e6isting regu!ations. The difference between the approaches is critica!. 0ach of these approaches to !and use regu!ation wi!! be re5iewed brief!y.'+

Per$!""ed Use in Specified Koning #istricts: -f a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !s per$!""ed .) r!(h" ! & /o ! ( d!s"r!#" , then the basic assu"ption is that the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity cou!d be sited anywhere in that :oning district pro5ided certain di"ensiona! and other re;uire"ents are "et. We do not reco""end this approach because there "ay be sensiti5e resources in any district that cou!d be negati5e!y affected by these faci!ities. Spe#!&l Use in Specified Koning #istricts: -f a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !s per$!""ed .) Spe#!&l Per$!" ! & /o ! ( d!s"r!#" , then the basic assu"ption is that the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity cou!d be sited anywhere in the specified :oning districts, pro5ided that certain d!s#re"!o &r) and di"ensiona! and other re;uire"ents are "et. The intent of Specia! Per"it regu!ations is to "itigate any negati5e i"pacts associated with these faci!ities. Creation of ,5er!ay #istricts: Creation of an o5er!ay district is another approach to regu!ating co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. -f a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !s per$!""ed .) Spe#!&l Per$!" ! & O0erl&) D!s"r!#" , then the basic


/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.CG> #epart"ent of 0nergy website Wind ! Fre"uently Asked #uestions,$ www.eren.doe.go5(stateHenergy(techno!ogyHfa;s.cf"ItechidJ) '' /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.CG. ') /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.)G. 'B /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook> p.)G. 'C &ro" Mode! By!aw for Persona! Wire!ess Ser5ice &aci!ities for Towns in Barnstab!e County, Massachusetts. '+ &or More -nfor"ation $egarding Land .se $egu!ation Strategies, see HHHHH.



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assu"ption is that the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity cou!d be sited anywhere in the ,5er!ay #istrict, pro5ided that certain di"ensiona! and other re;uire"ents are "et. Creation of an ,5er!ay #istrict re;uires additiona! p!anning inc!uding: "apping of 3ey resources such as e6isting and p!anned residentia! and co""ercia! !and use, scenic 5iewsheds, historic resources and areas of en5iron"enta! or 5isua! sensiti5ity. This ad5ance p!anning enab!es a "unicipa!ity to specifica!!y deter"ine where co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities are appropriate. The &ra"ewor3 for a Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Siting ,rdinance presented in this report sets out a Specia! Per"it approach, which "ay a!!ow these faci!ities in: a< a se!ected :oning districts pro5ided that the faci!ities "eet certain di"ensiona! and other re;uire"ents and are consistent with the height of surrounding structures and 5egetation> and b< in designated Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity ,5er!ay #istricts for ta!!er structures. Both approaches re;uire the "unicipa!ity to draw the re;uire"ents for Specia! Per"its and ,5er!ay #istricts 5ery strict!y. Appl!#&.le Le(!sl&"!o : -n genera!, co""unities ha5e the authority to protect the pub!ic hea!th, safety and genera! we!fare pursuant to its :oning authority granted in the Wisconsin statutes: Wis. Stat. D*.HH =Towns<> Wis. Stat. +G.HH =Counties<> and Wisc. Stat. D).)B =Cities, 2i!!ages and Towns that ha5e adopted 2i!!age Powers<. These statutes pro5ide "unicipa!ities with the authority to regu!ate !and uses within their boundaries, which inc!udes the right to grant a conditiona! use per"it or refuse to grant a conditiona! use per"it. Co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities are a re!ati5e!y recent pheno"enon in Wisconsin for two reasons: '< wind speeds in Wisconsin are genera!!y !ow, and therefore, co""ercia! wind energy de5e!op"ent gi5en the current techno!ogy has not been econo"ica!!y profitab!e> and )< the terrain, pre5a!ence of en5iron"enta!!y sensiti5e areas, and conf!icting !and uses "a3es siting of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities difficu!t. /otwithstanding these inherent !i"itations, regu!ators and others ha5e considered the issues associated with wind energy de5e!op"ent in Wisconsin. &or e6a"p!e: PSCW %d5ance P!an E: The PSCW has conc!uded that it is im%ortant to site wind energy facilities carefully&$'( -n #ece"ber 'GG+, as part of %d5ance P!an E =?%PE@< the PSCW conc!uded the fo!!owing: )*e record raises concerns about t*e %otential for ad+erse en+ironmental im%acts arising from im%ro%erly sited wind energy %ower %lants& A+ian mortality, caused by wind turbine %ower %lants, *as been recorded in California and ot*er %arts of t*e world& Parks, refuges, and natural areas may also be sensiti+e to nearby construction and o%eration of wind turbines& -ecause it is in t*e %ublic interest to reduce or eliminate en+ironmental im%acts w*en siting %ower %lants, it is im%ortant to site wind energy facilities carefully& Siting guidelines t*at include information on sensiti+e en+ironmental resources and identify bird %o%ulations

%d5ance P!an E

&indings of &act, Conc!usions of Law and ,rder, #ece"ber 'G, 'GG+, pp. )) A )B.



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and migration corridors for %ros%ecti+e wind energy de+elo%ers would reduce en+ironmental im%acts and facilitate de+elo%ment of wind energy resources in Wisconsin& Pro+iding t*is information in t*e form of com%uter generated ma%s, combined wit* wind s%eed data, would make t*e guidelines more effecti+e and easier to use& Coo%erati+e de+elo%ment of a .eogra%*ical /nformation System 0./S1 database would be an effecti+e and reasonable way of %ortraying t*is information& & &/t is reasonable and in t*e %ublic interest t*at stake*olders 0utilities, state and federal regulatory and resource agencies, en+ironmental and energy organi2ations, t*e wind industry, and ot*er interested %arties1 work toget*er to de+elo% siting guidelines and t*e necessary su%%orting en+ironmental resource data&$'3 PSCW $egu!ation %ct )*C: -n 'GGF, howe5er, Wisconsin %ct )*CLwhich bree:ed through the Wisconsin Legis!ature in 7ust E daysLfunda"enta!!y changed the State of Wisconsins regu!atory fra"ewor3 as it re!ates to siting and per"itting certain types of power p!ants. -n particu!ar, %ct )*C e!i"inated essentia!!y a!! state regu!ation =both PSCW and #/$< of ?s"a!!@ power p!ants !ess than '** "egawatts. -t shou!d be noted that 5irtua!!y a!! wind energy de5e!op"ent pro7ects that wi!! be proposed in Wisconsin is e6pected to be !ess than '** "egawatts. %s a resu!t, responsibi!ity for siting such ?s"a!!@ power p!antsLinc!uding co""ercia! wind energy power p!antsLhas now fa!!en bac3 e6c!usi5e!y on !oca! "unicipa!ities. With the ad5ent of %ct )*C in 'GGFLand the fact that the state now can no !onger regu!ate these ?s"a!!@ co""ercia! wind energy power p!antsLso"e in the state of Wisconsin are atte"pting to argue that a pro5ision of Wisconsins Chapter DD: 4enera! Municipa!ity Law is in essence a !and use and :oning preAe"ption that prohibits !oca! regu!ation of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. Specifica!!y, &PL 0nergy and its !awyers, &o!ey 9 Lardner, ha5e argued to the Town of %ddison that Wis. Stat. DD.*B' =now Wis. Stat. DD.*C*'< is a far reac*ing barrier to local regulation&$ -n effect, &PL 0nergy and &o!ey 9 Lardner are arguing that co""ercia! wind energy de5e!op"ent is essentia!!y an unregu!ated industry in Wisconsin. We disagree and contend that Wis. Stat. DD.*B': a< does not pertain to co""ercia! faci!ities, and b< is a product regu!ation and not a !and use regu!ation.'F We contend that a "unicipa!ity has the right to regu!ate co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities using its traditiona! :oning powers. -n the a!ternati5e, we contend that "unicipa!ities ha5e the right to regu!ate co""ercia! wind energy faci!itiesLinc!uding the right to consider the proposed !ocation and whether the proposed pro7ect wou!d i"pact on the order!y !and use and de5e!op"ent of the "unicipa!ityLbased on the e6press pro5isions of Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =now Wis. Stat. DD.*C*)<. This Mode! ,rdinance is predicated on a "unicipa!itys right to regu!ate co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities using its traditiona! :oning powers and the pro5isions e6press!y set out in Wis. Stat. DD.*B).
'E 'F

%d5ance P!an E &indings of &act, Conc!usions of Law and ,rder, #ece"ber 'G, 'GG+, pp. )) A )B. See 06hibit HH for a detai!ed discussion of this issue.



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There are two basic approaches to addressing any new issue that re;uires a regu!atory code a"end"ent. They inc!ude the fo!!owing: -ntegrate the new, pertinent !anguage throughout the code in a!! appropriate sections> or #e5e!op a standAa!one ordinance that is referenced in a!! other pertinent sections of the code.

The second a!ternati5eLde5e!oping a standAa!one ordinanceLis usua!!y easier. % standA a!one ordinance a!!ows a!! parties to address the issue=s< in a co"prehensi5e "anner and as a who!e. % standAa!one ordinance has the fo!!owing ad5antages: a< -t is easier to understand the ob7ect and intent of the ordinance> b< -t is easier for a!! interested parties =e.g., co""unity, p!anners and de5e!opers< to read> and c< -t presents a c!earer, "ore cohesi5e picture of the regu!ations. The ne6t sections of this docu"ent set out a &ra"ewor3 for a Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Mode! ,rdinance. -t inc!udes ordinance !anguage e6a"p!es fro" adopted ordinances of 5arious co""unities throughout the ..S. -t a!so inc!udes ordinance !anguage proposed by the wind energy industry and wind energy de5e!opers based on their e6perience in "any 7urisdictions. The source of the ordinance !anguage e6a"p!es is a!so noted =either the particu!ar "unicipa!ity, the wind energy industry, or wind energy de5e!opers<. )*e te4t t*at a%%ears in italics is general information or an e4%lanation& The goa! of this docu"ent is to a!!ow the user to understand in a co"prehensi5e way, the issues in5o!5ed in co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity regu!ations. The user can then use the Mode! ,rdinance &ra"ewor3 and any or a!! of the e6a"p!e !anguage to prepare a Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity ,rdinance or ordinance update that "eets the needs of his or her co""unity. %s noted abo5e, this can ta3e the for" of a standAa!one ordinance or a"end"ent to the e6isting regu!ations that integrates the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !anguage in the appropriate sections. The user shou!d consu!t with his or her p!anner and(or "unicipa! attorney to deter"ine the appropriate for"at and to re5iew the draft ordinance prior to adoption.


&ro" Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP.



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O0er0!e6- The fo!!owing is a brief out!ine of the &ra"ewor3 for the Mode! ,rdinance. The purpose is to pro5ide the reader with an o5er5iew of the docu"ent and brief!y e6p!ain the ob7ecti5e of each section. %. Ge er&l Pro0!s!o s 0/n general, t*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*at t*e local go+ernment *as t*e necessary aut*ority to ado%t t*e ordinance&1 Tit!e 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*e title for t*e regulations&1 Purposes 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*e need for t*e ordinance, w*at is to be ac*ie+ed, and t*e intent of t*e ordinance&1 %uthority 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*e go+ernmental body t*at *as t*e aut*ority to re+iew, a%%ro+e, conditionally a%%ro+e, or re5ect a%%lications&1 8urisdiction(%pp!icabi!ity 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* to w*om t*e regulations a%%ly&1 0nact"ent 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*e enactment date of t*e ordinance&1 -nterpretation, Conf!ict and Separabi!ity 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to address t*e issues t*at would occur w*en t*ere are conflicts wit* ot*er regulations 0eit*er federal, state or local1, or %art of t*e regulations are o+erturned by a court of law&1 %"end"ents 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* a %rocedure by w*ic* t*e ordinance can be amended&1 Pub!ic Purpose 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to establis* t*at t*e regulations constitute an e4ercise of +alid %olice %ower delegated by t*e state&1


This Mode! ,rdinance &ra"ewor3 for Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ities was de5e!oped based on se5era! pre5ious!y pub!ished Mode! ,rdinances for Wire!ess Co""unication inc!uding: Meeting t*e C*allenges of 6oning in t*e /nformation Age: Planning for Wireless Communications Facilities by Ti"othy 8. Tho"pson7 Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP> Model -ylaw for Personal Wireless Ser+ice Facilities for )owns of -arnstable County, Massac*usetts. -n addition, it was a!so de5e!oped based on infor"ation contained in a nu"ber of adopted Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Koning ,rdinances inc!uding: $i5erside, Ca!ifornia> Mern County, Ca!ifornia> and additiona! :oning re!ated infor"ation that is reported in the /WCCs pub!ication Permitting Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook7 and The Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""issions Energy Aware ! Planning .uide for Energy Facilities& &



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0nforce"ent, 2io!ations and Pena!ties 0)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to set out w*o is res%onsible for enforcing t*e ordinance and t*e %enalty or %enalties for +iolating t*e ordinance&1

B. De'! !"!o s 0/n general, t*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to clearly describe w*at is meant by eac* of t*e terms t*at is used in t*e ordinance&1 C. Appl!#&"!o & d Pro#edure)' 0/n general, t*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to clearly set out t*e re"uirements for submitting an a%%lication and to describe t*e a%%ro+al %rocess, use of %ermit and t*e conditions under w*ic* a %ermit may be re+oked&1 %pp!ication Procedure .se of Per"it $e5ocation of Per"it

#. De0elop$e "7Per'or$& #e S"& d&rds)) 0/n general, t*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to identify t*e de+elo%ment and %erformance standards t*at are to be met&1 '< Safety Setbac3s )< Wind %ccess Setbac3s B< Scenic Setbac3s C< Safety and Security +< &ire Protection D< /oise E< -nterconnection and 0!ectrica! #istribution &aci!ities F< .nsafe and -noperab!e Wind 0nergy &aci!ities G< %bandon"ent and Site $ec!a"ation '*< -nterference with /a5igationa! Syste"s ''< Soi! 0rosion ')< Certification 'B< Monitoring 'C< Ti"e $e!ated Conditions '+< 1eight Li"its 'D< %pp!ication &ees> #e5e!op"ent -"pact &ees 'E< Signs 'F< Co!or and &inish 'G< Lighting )*< 4enera! Conditions

Sub7ect "atter inc!uded in this section is genera!!y fro" the ?Procedure@ and ?%pp!ication@ sections of the City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ordinance Section 'F.C' Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. )) Sub7ect "atter inc!uded in this section is genera!!y fro" the ?Standards and #e5e!op"ent Criteria@ section of the City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ordinance Section 'F.C' Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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)'< &indings ))< /otification 0ach of the abo5e sections wi!! be set forth in detai! in the sections that fo!!ow. %. Ge er&l Pro0!s!o s+8 )*e starting %oint for any regulatory ordinance is determining w*et*er t*e local go+ernment %ossesses t*e necessary aut*ority to ado%t t*e ordinance& Aut*ority for t*e regulation of commercial wind energy facilities flows from t*e same aut*ority t*at %ro+ides for 2oning, Wisconsin State Statutes Section (8&99 0)owns17 :;&99 0Counties17 (<&<= 0Cities, >illages and )owns t*at *a+e ado%ted >illage Powers1& /n addition, t*e %ro+isions of Wis& Stat& ((&8=< 0now renumbered as Wis& Stat& ((&8?8<1 may also a%%ly& '. T!"le These regu!ations sha!! officia!!y be 3nown, cited and referred to as the Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity and Wind %ccess ,rdinance of Nname of munici%alityO, and hereinafter wi!! be referred to as ?The ,rdinance.@ ). Purposes An ordinance always contains introductory %aragra%*s identifying t*e *istory and reasoning t*at led to its ado%tion& )*e statement of %ur%oses is im%ortant& /f a court can a%%reciate t*e 5ustification for regulating commercial wind energy facilities, it will be more willing to infer t*e necessary aut*ority from t*e rele+ant enabling statutes& .enerally, t*e statement of %ur%ose are done as findings of fact$ and are introduced by t*e term WHE@EAS&$ /n t*is Model Ordinance, se+en 031 general findings or reasons w*y t*e issue *as arisen and commercial wind energy facility regulations are needed are set out as e4am%les for t*e user to consider& a< F! d! ( 9S"&"e Re(ul&"or) 1!s"or):- Pursuant to Wisconsin %ct )*C, =enacted in 'GGF< state regu!ation =by the PSCW and #/$< of ?s"a!!@ e!ectrica! generating faci!ities !ess than '** MW was 5irtua!!y e!i"inated. %s a direct resu!t, the responsibi!ity for re5iew and appro5a! of these faci!ities was

-n genera!, content and for"at is fro": Meeting t*e C*allenges of 6oning in t*e /nformation Age: Planning for Wireless Communications Facilities by Ti"othy 8. Tho"pson7 and Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP>



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shifted fro" Wisconsin state agencies to !oca! units of go5ern"ent. Loca! units of go5ern"ent were not and sti!! are not prepared to "anage the i"pact of this significant shift in responsibi!ity. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, prior to 'GGF and the adoption of Wisconsin %ct )*C, the state was responsib!e for regu!ating a!! e!ectrica! generating faci!ities greater that ') "egawatts in si:e> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, Wisconsin %ct )*C was intended to sti"u!ate de5e!op"ent of e!ectrica! generating faci!ities in the state of Wisconsin by 5irtua!!y e!i"inating a!! state regu!ation of ?s"a!!@ e!ectrica! generating faci!ities !ess than '** MW in si:e> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, pursuant to Wisconsin %ct )*C, the responsibi!ity for re5iew and appro5a! of these ?s"a!!@ e!ectrica! generating faci!ities !ess than '** MW in si:e was shifted fro" Wisconsin state agencies to !oca! units of go5ern"ent> and

b< F! d! ( 9Lo#&l Re(ul&"or) 1!s"or):- Wisconsins !oca! units of go5ern"ent genera!!y do not ha5e e6perience regu!ating either e!ectrica! generating faci!ities in genera!, or co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities in particu!ar. %s such, they need to obtain infor"ation and guidance that wi!! enab!e the" to effecti5e!y p!an for and regu!ate these types of faci!ities. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, the current :oning code of Nname of munici%alityO was adopted before Wisconsin %ct )*C and before co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities were anticipated, and therefore, appropriate siting and de5e!op"ent standards do not e6ist> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, it is in the pub!ics interest and contributes to the protection of the pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare to p!an for and regu!ate co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities because the PSCW conc!uded in %PE =#ece"ber 'GG+< that it is i"portant to site wind energy faci!ities carefu!!y due to the fact that i"proper!y sited wind energy faci!ities can cause ad5erse i"pacts> and



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c< F! d! ( 9Lo#&l Au"hor!"):- Wisconsin state statutes preser5e !oca! authority regarding :oning re!ated to co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities and a!!ow for reasonab!e restrictions. 0ach 7urisdiction "ust e5a!uate the re!e5ant facts and circu"stances and deter"ine the regu!ations that are reasonab!e and appropriate. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, the P!an Co""ission and Town Board undertoo3 a de!iberati5e pub!ic process to estab!ish po!icy, standards and procedures re!ated to the siting of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, Wisconsin state statutes preser5e !oca! authority regarding :oning re!ated to co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities and a!!ows "unicipa!ities to consider the proposed !ocation and the i"pact on order!y !and use and de5e!op"ent, and Nname of munici%alityO has considered and e5a!uated these issues in pro"u!gating the po!icy, standards and procedures that are set forth in this ordinance> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, Wisconsin state statutes preser5e !oca! authority regarding :oning re!ated to co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities and a!!ows reasonab!e restrictions thereto, and Nname of munici%alityO has considered and e5a!uated a!! of the re!e5ant facts and circu"stances and considered its duty to protect the pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare of its citi:ens in pro"u!gating the po!icy, standards and procedures that are set forth in this ordinance> and

d< F! d! ( 93!su&l I$p&#":- -t is in the pub!ic interest to "ini"i:e the 5isua! i"pact of wind turbine towers through carefu! design and siting standards, particu!ar!y in circu"stances in which the co""unity p!aces a high 5a!ue on the 5isua! ;ua!ity of the co""unity. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, as e5idenced by the adopted !and use p!an of Nname of munici%alityO the peop!e of this co""unity p!ace a high 5a!ue on the 5isua! ;ua!ity of the co""unity and desire to !i"it de5e!op"ent of areas that ha5e significant scenic 5a!ue and therefore it is in the pub!ic interest to adopt regu!ations that are intended to achie5e this ob7ecti5e> and



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e< F! d! ( 9M! !$!/e Co 'l!#" Be"6ee I #o$p&"!.le L& d Uses:- -t is in the pub!ic interest to ensure that conf!ict between inco"patib!e !and uses is "ini"i:ed by !i"iting co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity de5e!op"ent in the 5icinity of e6isting or p!anned residentia! or co""ercia! de5e!op"ent and certain sensiti5e or high 5a!ue en5iron"enta! areas. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, it is recogni:ed that conf!ict is !i3e!y to occur if wind energy de5e!op"ent occurs in the 5icinity of e6isting and(or p!anned residentia! or co""ercia! de5e!op"ent and certain sensiti5e or high 5a!ue en5iron"enta! areas, and therefore it is in the pub!ic interest to !i"it de5e!op"ent in the 5icinity of these e6isting or p!anned !and uses> and

f< F! d! ( 9Pu.l!# 1e&l"h; S&'e") & Wel'&re:- 4o5ern"ent officia!s ha5e a duty to protect the pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare of its citi:ens and enact appropriate ordinances as they re!ate to the pub!ic hea!th and safety issues associated with co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, co""ercia! wind turbines are industria! "achines that ha5e "o5ing b!ades that can be F+ feet or "ore in !ength atop towers that can be F* "eters or "ore in height and that such "o5ing b!ades atop 5ery ta!! structures constitutes a pub!ic hea!th and safety ha:ard for citi:ens of Nname of munici%alityO and therefore it is the duty of the e!ected officia!s to protect the citi:ens by enacting appropriate regu!ations> and 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, it is we!! recogni:ed that the "o5ing b!ades of wind turbines are a pub!ic hea!th and safety ha:ard and can cause ice to be thrown to great distances> b!ades to be thrown to great distances> are sub7ect to catastrophic fai!ure in se5ere weather conditions> e"it noise that can be disrupti5e to the !i5es of nearby residents> e"it noise that can cause additiona! hearing !oss and(or interfere with the hearing ;ua!ity of peop!e that use hearing aids> and "ay contribute to stray 5o!tage prob!e"s. &or at !east these reasons, wind turbines constitute a pub!ic hea!th and safety ha:ard for citi:ens of Nname of munici%alityO and therefore it is the duty of the e!ected officia!s to protect the citi:ens by enacting appropriate regu!ations> and



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g< F! d! ( 9De#o$$!ss!o ! (:Co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities are e6pected to ha5e a usefu! !ife of )* or "ore years. #eco""issioning and re"o5a! of wind energy faci!ities and restoring the site at so"e point years into the future has pro5en to be 5ery e6pensi5e, therefore regu!ations shou!d re;uire that the de5e!oper pro5ide a bond to insure the re"o5a! of these faci!ities at so"e point in the future. 06a"p!e: W10$0%S, wind energy faci!ities are e6pected to ha5e a usefu! !ife of )* or "ore years and history has de"onstrated that deco""issioning, re"o5a! and site restoration costs ha5e pro5en to be 5ery e6pensi5e, therefore, it is in the pub!ics interest to re;uire that the de5e!oper pro5ide a bond to insure that the faci!ities are e5entua!!y deco""issioned, re"o5ed and the site is restored.

h< Resolu"!o - T10$0&,$0 B0 -T $0S,L20#, that it is the intent of the Ngo+erning bodyO of Nname of munici%alityO, in adopting this ordinance, to pro"ote the use of pro5en windA dri5en generators for energy reco5ery, and to pro"ote safeguards ensuring the "aintenance if of the hea!th, safety, and we!fare of the citi:ens of the Nname of munici%alityO. -n addition, in adopting this ,rdinance, it is the intent of the Ngo+erning bodyO to pro"ote the use of an a!ternati5e to fossi!A fue!Agenerated e!ectrica! power in areas of the N name of munici%alityO which are identified to ha5e suitab!e wind resources for production of co""ercia! ;uantities of windA generated e!ectrica! power. &urther"ore, it is the intent of the Ngo+erning bodyO of the Nname of munici%alityO that siteA specific app!ication of this ,rdinance sha!! occur on!y in a "anner that pro5ides a har"onious ba!ance between the suitabi!ity of a pro7ect site with e6isting !and use and physica! surroundings.)C B. Au"hor!") The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO of Nname of munici%alityO, hereinafter referred to as the ?P!anning N CommissionA-oardO,@ is 5ested with the authority to re5iew and reco""end appro5a!, conditiona!!y appro5a!, and re7ection of app!ications for co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities, inc!uding s3etch, pre!i"inary and fina! p!ans. The N)ownACountyA>illage -oardACity CouncilO of Nname of munici%alityO, hereinafter referred to as the ?Ngo+erning bodyO,@ is

Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE.



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5ested with the authority to consider the reco""endation of the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO and sha!! ha5e the fina! authority to grant appro5a!, conditiona! appro5a!, and re7ections of app!ications for co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities. C. <ur!sd!#"!o These regu!ations app!y to a!! co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities, as defined in Section HHH, proposed after Ndate of ado%tionO for faci!ities to be de5e!oped within the boundaries of Nname of munici%alityO. &urther"ore, no co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! be constructed without an obtaining the appro5a! of ?N go+erning bodyO,@ and du!y issued bui!ding per"it=s<. +. E &#"$e " -n order that a!! co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities be constructed in accordance with the purposes and po!icies, these regu!ations are hereby adopted and "ade effecti5e as of Ndate of ado%tionO. %!! app!ications sub"itted after this date sha!! be re5iewed pursuant to these regu!ations. D. I "erpre"&"!o ; Co 'l!#" & d Sep&r&.!l!") -nterpretation: -n interpreting these regu!ations and their app!ication, the pro5isions of these regu!ations sha!! be he!d to be the "ini"u" re;uire"ents for the protection of pub!ic hea!th, safety and genera! we!fare. These regu!ations sha!! be construed broad!y to pro"ote the purposes for which they are adopted. Conf!ict: These regu!ations are not intended to interfere with abrogate, or annu! any other ordinance, ru!e or regu!ation, statute, or other pro5ision of !aw e6cept as pro5ided in these regu!ations. %ny other pro5ision of these regu!ations that i"poses restrictions different fro" any other ordinance, ru!e or regu!ation, statute, or other pro5ision of !aw, the pro5ision that is "ore restricti5e or i"poses higher standards sha!! contro!. Separabi!ity: -f any part or pro5ision of these regu!ations or the app!ication of these regu!ations to any de5e!oper or circu"stances is ad7udged in5a!id by any court of co"petent 7urisdiction, the 7udg"ent sha!! be confined in it operation to the part, pro5ision or app!ication direct!y in5o!5ed in the contro5ersy in which the 7udg"ent sha!! be rendered and sha!! not affect or i"pair the 5a!idity of the re"ainder of these regu!ations or the app!ication of the" to other de5e!opers or



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circu"stances. The Ngo+erning bodyO hereby dec!ares that it wou!d ha5e enacted the re"ainder of these regu!ations e5en without any such part, pro5ision or app!ication which is ad7udged to be in5a!id. E. A$e d$e "s &or the purpose of protecting the pub!ic hea!th, safety and genera! we!fare, the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO "ay fro" ti"e to ti"e reco""end a"end"ents to these regu!ations which sha!! be appro5ed, appro5ed with "odifications or disappro5ed by the N go+erning boardO at a pub!ic "eeting fo!!owing pub!ic notice. %s techno!ogy ad5ances, so"e or a!! of these regu!ations "ay beco"e obso!ete. Therefore, periodic re5iew and re5ision of these regu!ations wi!! be necessary. F. Pu.l!# Purpose $egu!ation of the siting of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities is an e6ercise of 5a!id po!ice power de!egated by the state of Wisconsin. The de5e!oper has the duty to co"p!y with reasonab!e conditions set forth by the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO and(or Ngo+erning bodyO of Nname of munici%alityO. G. E 'or#e$e "; 3!ol&"!o s & d Pe &l"!es The enforce"ent of these regu!ations sha!! be the responsibi!ity of Ninsert title0s1 of t*e %erson0s1 res%onsible 0e&g&, munici%al engineer, %lanner, 2oning administrator, building ins%ector, etc&O. %ny entity or person who 5io!ates these regu!ations sha!! be sub7ect to a fine of not "ore than PNdollar amountO, such fine is pursuant to the pro5isions of ,rdinance /o. Nmunici%al ordinance t*at %ro+ides for fees and %enaltiesO of the Nname of munici%alityO and Section HHH of Wisconsin state statutes. B. De'! !"!o s )*e definition section of any regulations or ordinance are critical& )*e definitions are intended to %ro+ide s%ecificity in areas w*ere ambiguity would lead to confusion and t*e o%%ortunity to e+ade t*e re"uirements of t*e regulations& )*e failure to include an ade"uate and com%re*ensi+e set of definitions in any ordinance will lead to uncertainly in t*e longBrun, bot* for t*e munici%ality and t*e de+elo%er& )*e user s*ould re+iew t*e definitions includes in t*is model and modify t*em as necessary based on *is or *er e+aluation of t*eir communityCs circumstances&



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)*e definitions and terms used in t*is model were collected from a +ariety of sources& )*e ma5ority are from 9999& D/dentify t*e sources&E Q%dd #efinitionsR C. Pro#edure & d Pro#edure )*e Procedure and A%%lication section is intended to clarify t*e re"uirements for submitting an a%%lication for siting a commercial wind energy facility& -y s%ecifically setting out in t*e regulations t*ose items t*at are re"uired in t*e siting a%%lication, t*e %ermitting %rocess will be more efficient for bot* t*e munici%ality and t*e de+elo%er& '. Pro#edure+= % pub!ic hearing sha!! be he!d on an app!ication for a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it in accordance with the pro5isions of Section Nmunici%al ordinance section relating to %ublic *earingsO and a!! of the procedura! re;uire"ents and rights of appea! set forth therein sha!! app!y. -n addition to the notice of hearing pro5ided in Section Nmunici%al ordinance section relating to %ublic *earings O, notice of hearing sha!! be gi5en by first c!ass "ai! to owners of rea! property !ocated within two "i!es of the e6terior boundaries of the proposed pro7ect, as such owners are ref!ected on the !ast ta6 assess"ent ro!! and any update. The hearing body sha!! be NPlanning CommissionA-oard andAor go+erning bodyO. ). Appl!#&"!o

05ery app!ication for a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! be "ade in writing to N6oning Administrator, Clerk or ot*er res%onsible officialO on for"s pro5ided by N 6oning Administrator, Clerk or ot*er res%onsible officialO and sha!! be acco"panied by the fi!ing fee set forth in ,rdinance /o. Nmunici%al ordinance t*at %ro+ides for fees and %enaltiesO of the Nname of munici%alityO. The per"it app!ication sha!! inc!ude the fo!!owing infor"ation: %pp!icant: /a"e and address of the app!icant. Proof of Per"ission: 05idence that the app!icant is the owner of the property in5o!5ed or has the written per"ission of the owner to "a3e such an app!ication.

)+ )D

&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance

Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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Site P!an: % p!ot or de5e!op"ent p!an drawn in sufficient detai! to c!ear!y describe the fo!!owing: Physica! di"ensions of the property, e6isting structures and proposed structures. Location of e6isting and proposed structures. Location of e!ectrica! !ines and faci!ities. 06isting topography. Proposed p!an for grading and re"o5a! of natura! 5egetation. Proposed p!an for site restoration after construction. Wind characteristics and do"inant wind direction in the direction fro" which +*S or "ore of the energy contained in the wind f!ows. Proposed setbac3s. Methods of circu!ation. P!an for ingress and egress to the proposed pro7ect site identifying the fo!!owing factors: i. Location and distance to the nearest State, County and(or TownA"aintained road=s<> ii. % description of the access route fro" the nearest State, County and(or TownA"aintained road=s< to inc!ude: a. $oad surface "ateria! stating the type and a"ount of surface co5er> b. Width and !ength of access route> c. #ust contro! procedures> d. % road "aintenance schedu!e or progra"> e. .ti!i:ation of the property under the re;uested per"it.

Land .se Maps: % !ocation "ap to sca!e of the p!anned !and uses =based on the current !and use p!an< within ) "i!es of the boundary of the property upon which the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity is to be !ocated. Koning Maps: % !ocation "ap to sca!e of the e6isting :oning districts inc!uding a!! dwe!!ings within ) "i!es of the boundary of the property upon which the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity is to be !ocated. Sensiti5e 0n5iron"enta! $esources Maps: % !ocation "ap to sca!e of identifying the sensiti5e en5iron"enta! resources that are !ocated in the 5icinity of the proposed pro7ect site, inc!uding but not !i"ited to endangered or threatened fish, wi!d!ife or p!ant species or their critica! habitats, and other significant habitats identified in Nname of munici%alityO 'G of +) &,$ #-SC.SS-,/ P.$P,S0S



co"prehensi5e p!an, regiona! p!anning co""ission p!ans or studies, /atura! 1eritage -n5entory, Wisconsin Breeding Bird %t!as and si"i!ar authoritati5e sources. The "ap sha!! inc!ude a!! sensiti5e en5iron"enta! areas within at !east + "i!es of the proposed pro7ect site. The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO "ay re;uire additiona! studies. Wind %ccess %gree"ents: 05idence that the app!icant has negotiated with ad7acent !andowners and has obtained written agree"ents with a!! !andowners that cou!d potentia!!y interfere with the app!icants access to the wind.)E Turbine -nfor"ation: Specific infor"ation on the type, si:e, height, rotor "ateria!, rated power output, perfor"ance, safety, and noise characteristics of each co""ercia! wind turbine "ode!, tower and e!ectrica! trans"ission e;uip"ent. Turbine #rawings: Photographs or detai!ed drawings of each wind turbine "ode! inc!uding the tower and foundation. Co"puter Si"u!ation or #rawings: ,ne or "ore detai!ed co"puter or photographic si"u!ation drawings showing the site fu!!y de5e!oped with a!! proposed wind turbines and accessory structures. /oise $eport: % noise report that sha!! at a "ini"u" inc!ude the fo!!owing: i. % description and "ap of the pro7ects noise producing features, inc!uding the range of noise !e5e!s e6pected, and the tona! and fre;uency characteristics e6pected, and the basis of the e6pectation>)F % description and "ap of the noise sensiti5e en5iron"ent, inc!uding any sensiti5e noise receptors, i.e., residences, hospita!s, !ibraries, schoo!s, p!aces of worship and other faci!ities where ;uiet is i"portant within two =)< "i!es of the proposed faci!ity>)G % !ist of the app!icab!e noise !aws, p!ans and ordinances>B* % sur5ey and report prepared by a ;ua!ified engineer, that ana!y:es the preAe6isting a"bient noise regi"e =inc!uding seasona! 5ariation<, inc!uding but not !i"ited to: separate "easure"ents


iii. i5.

)E )F

Wis. Stat. DD.*B) 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide )G 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide B* 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide

0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.F. 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.F. 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.F.



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5i. 5ii.

5iii. i6. 6. 6i.

of !ow fre;uency and %Aweighted noise !e5e!s across a range of wind speeds =inc!uding near cutA in<, turbu!ence "easure"ents, distance fro" the turbines, !ocation of sensiti5e receptors re!ati5e to wind direction> and ana!yses at affected sensiti5e receptors !ocated within two =)< "i!es of the proposed pro7ect site. Potentia! sensiti5e receptors at re!ati5e!y !ess windy or ;uieter !ocations than the pro7ect shou!d be e"phasi:ed.B' % description and "ap showing the potentia! noise i"pacts, inc!uding esti"ates of e6pected noise i"pacts upon construction and operation wor3ers, and esti"ates of e6pected noise !e5e!s at sensiti5e receptor !ocations>B) % description and "ap of the cu"u!ati5e noise i"pacts>BB % description of the pro7ects proposed noise contro! features, inc!uding specific "easures proposed to protect wor3ers, and specific "easures proposed to "itigate noise i"pacts for sensiti5e receptors to a !e5e! of insignificance>BC -dentification of any prob!e" areas>B+ Su""ary of Pro7ect #e5e!opers proposed /oise Co"p!aint $eso!ution Progra">BD Manufacturers /oise design and fie!d testing data =both audib!e =dB=%<< and !ow fre;uency =deep base 5ibration<< for a!! proposed structures>BE % report that out!ines issues and considerations for indi5idua!s that use hearing aids>BF

Soi!s $eport: % geotechnica! report that sha!! at a "ini"u" inc!ude the fo!!owing: i. Soi!s engineering and engineering geo!ogic characteristics of the site based on onAsite sa"p!ing and testing> ii. &oundation design criteria for a!! proposed structures> iii. S!ope stabi!ity ana!ysis>


0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G> and /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. B+. B) 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G. BB 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G. BC 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G. B+ 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G. BD 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, p. +.+.G. BE 0nergy %ware, P!anning 4uide 0nergy &aci!ities> Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""ission, pp. B.'D.' and B.'D.). BF Based on issue that arose in the conte6t of &PL 0nergys proposed pro7ect in the Town of %ddison.



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i5. 4rading criteria for ground preparation, cuts and fi!!s, soi! co"paction. -ce Throw Ca!cu!ations: % report fro" a Wisconsin Professiona! 0ngineer that: a< ca!cu!ates the "a6i"u" distance that ice fro" the turbine b!ades cou!d be thrown. =The basis of the ca!cu!ation and a!! assu"ptions "ust be disc!osed.<> and b< the incidence of reported ice throws and the conditions reported at the ti"e of the ice throw.BG B!ade Throw Ca!cu!ations: % report fro" a Wisconsin Professiona! 0ngineer that: ca!cu!ates the "a6i"u" distance that pieces of the turbine b!ades cou!d be thrown. =The basis of the ca!cu!ation and a!! assu"ptions "ust be disc!osed.<> and b< the incidence of reported b!ade throws and the conditions at the ti"e of the b!ade throw.C* Catastrophic Tower &ai!ure: % report fro" the turbine "anufacturer stating: a< the wind speed and conditions that the turbine is designed to withstand =inc!uding a!! assu"ptions<, b< the incidence of catastrophic fai!ures and the conditions reported at the ti"e of fai!ure.C' %ir /a5igation: %n ana!ysis to reduce air na5igation ?c!utter@ on airport radar faci!ities. &%% /otification: % copy of written notification to the &edera! %5iation %d"inistration. .ti!ity /otification: .ti!ity interconnection data and a copy of a written notification to the uti!ity of the proposed interconnection. /otification to Microwa5e Co""unications Lin3 ,perators: %n app!ication that inc!udes any wind turbine which is !ocated within two "i!es of any "icrowa5e co""unications !in3 sha!! be acco"panied by a copy of a written notification to the operator of the !in3. &!ood P!ain: %n app!ication that inc!udes any wind turbine which is !ocated within a '**Ayear f!ood p!ain area, as such f!ood ha:ard areas are shown on the NCounty or ot*er recogni2ed ma%s, or ot*er flood %lain aut*ority O, sha!! be acco"panied by a detai!ed report which sha!! address the


/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CG. Q%pp!ication !anguage by Town of BartonR C* /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CG. Q%pp!ication !anguage by Town of BartonR C' /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CG. Q%pp!ication !anguage by Town of BartonR



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potentia! for wind erosion, water erosion, sedi"entation and f!ooding, and which sha!! propose "itigation "easures for such i"pacts. $e;uest for %ppro5a! of 4reater 1eight Li"its: -f the app!ication inc!udes any wind turbines which re;uires the appro5a! of a greater height !i"it pursuant to Section HH of this ordinance, the two app!ications sha!! be fi!ed concurrent!y. ,ther -nfor"ation: Such additiona! infor"ation as "ay be reasonab!y re;uested by N6oning Administrator, )own Engineer, Planner, -uilding /ns%ector, etc&O.


Use o' Per$!",+ Pro7ect Start: %ny Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Per"it that is granted sha!! be used,8 not !ater than two years fro" the effecti5e date of the Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Per"it, or within such additiona! ti"e as "ay be set in the conditions of appro5a!, which sha!! not e6ceed a tota! of fi5e =+< years> otherwise the per"it sha!! be nu!! and 5oid. /otwithstanding the foregoing, if a per"it is re;uired to be used within !ess than fi5e =+< years, the per"ittee "ay, prior to its e6piration, re;uest an e6tension of ti"e to use the per"it. % re;uest for e6tension of ti"e sha!! be "ade to NPlanning CommissionA-oard or go+erning bodyO, on for"s pro5ided by N6oning Administrator, Clerk or ot*er designated officialO and sha!! be acco"panied by the fi!ing fee set forth in ,rdinance /o. Nmunici%al ordinance t*at %ro+ides for fees and %enaltiesO of the Nname of munici%alityO. Within B* days fo!!owing the fi!ing of a re;uest for an e6tension, the NPlanner, Munici%al Engineer, 6oning Administrator, or ot*er designated officialO sha!! re5iew the app!ication, "a3e a reco""endation thereon, and forward the "atter on the regu!ar agenda of N Planning CommissionA-oard or go+erning bodyO. %n e6tension of ti"e "ay be granted by NPlanning CommissionA-oard or go+erning bodyO upon a deter"ination that a 5a!id reason=s< e6ist for per"ittee not using the per"it within the re;uired period of ti"e. -f an e6tension of ti"e is granted, the tota! ti"e a!!owed for the use of the per"it sha!! not e6ceed a period of fi5e =+< years, ca!cu!ated fro" the effecti5e date of the issuance of the per"it.


4enera!!y, fro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. ,ther sources are noted. CB The ter" ?Use@ sha!! "ean the beginning of substantia! construction of the use that is authori:ed, which construction "ust thereafter be pursued di!igent!y to co"p!etion.



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Life of Per"it: % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it sha!! be 5a!id for the usefu! !ife of the faci!ity inc!uded in the per"it. The !ife of the per"it sha!! be deter"ined at the ti"e of appro5a! and sha!! not e6ceed )* years.


Re0o#&"!o o' Per$!",, % Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity per"it "ay be re5o3ed pursuant to Section /o. Nof munici%alityCs ordinance t*at addresses t*e %rocess w*ereby %ermits may be re+okedO.

#. De0elop$e "7Per'or$& #e S"& d&rds,= )*e Fe+elo%mentAPerformance Standards section is t*e cru4 of t*e regulations& )*ese standards a%%ly to commercial wind energy facilities regardless of t*e 2oning district in w*ic* t*ey are located& )*e ma5ority of t*e language contained in t*is section originated from t*e City of @i+erside, California Ordinance %ertaining to Commercial WECS Permits& -ased on t*e ordinances t*at were re+iewed as %art of t*is %ro5ect, t*is ordinance *ad t*e most com%lete information on de+elo%mentA%erformance standards& /n addition, ot*er regulatory language o%tions and alternati+es are also set out for consideration by t*e user toget*er wit* guidance regarding t*e general circumstances t*at make t*e selection of one regulatory language o%tion %referable to t*e ot*ers& )*e location and design of a commercial wind energy facility will determines its %ublic *ealt* and safety *a2ard, +isibility and its im%act on community c*aracter& )*e *eig*t and setback standards s*ould be utili2ed to address %ublic *ealt* and safety *a2ard issues and t*e +isibility of commercial wind energy facilities, but t*ey may still im%act %ublic areas and surrounding residential %ro%erties& )*e following standards are intended to address t*e %ublic *ealt* and safety *a2ard issues and +isual im%acts t*roug* location and effecti+e design& S%ecific standards are included for im%ortant en+ironmental resources& Munici%alities may want to %ro*ibit t*ese facilities in come significant resource areas and may want to a%%ly s%ecific design standards in ot*ers& %!! co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities sha!! co"p!y #e5e!op"ent(Perfor"ance Standards set forth in this section. with the


&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. -n genera!, content and for"at is fro": Meeting t*e C*allenges of 6oning in t*e /nformation Age: Planning for Wireless Communications Facilities by Ti"othy 8. Tho"pson7 and Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP> /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook7 City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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S&'e") Se".&#As )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e ty%es of Commercial Wind Energy Facility safety setbacks t*at are ty%ically regulated and t*e ty%ical setback distances t*at *a+e been used in %ractice& Ade"uate buffer 2ones 0t*e distance from t*e edge of t*e de+elo%ment to t*e turbines1 are im%ortant because t*ey reduce noise and +isual im%acts, create safety 2ones, and generally lessen t*e likeli*ood of ad+erse im%acts on 0or from1 neig*boring %ro%erties& ?( -ecause of safety concerns wit* blade t*row, ice t*row and structural failure, many %ermitting agencies *a+e se%arated o%erating wind turbines from residences, %ublic tra+el routes and ot*er land uses by a safety buffer 2one or setback& )o reduce in5ury to workers, discussion of blade t*row and ice t*row may be included in worker trainer and safety %rograms& Pro5ect o%erators and t*e %ublic s*ould not be allowed in t*e field during windy and icing condition, or w*en a turbine is o%erating out of control&?3 Ade"uate setbacks are t*e %rinci%al means by w*ic* safety issues associated wit* Commercial Wind Energy Facilities are addressed& /n %articular, it is im%ortant to establis* ade"uate setbacks from t*e following: a1 Structures 0e&g&, residences, businesses17 b1 Pro%erty Gines7 c1 Public @oads and Hig*ways7 d1 @ailroads7 e1 Abo+e .round )ransmission Gines greater t*an '< k>7 f1 e4isting andAor %lanned residential and commercial de+elo%ment7 and g1 sensiti+e or *ig* +alue en+ironmental areas& )y%ically, setbacks are e4%ressed as a multi%le of t*e *eig*t of w*at is commonly referred to as t*e Wind Energy Con+ersion System 0 WECS$1, as a multi%le of rotor diameter, or a s%ecified distance& For e4am%le: Ho Commercial Wind Energy Facility s*all be located w*ere t*e center of t*e tower is wit*in a distance of I xJ times t*e total Wind Energy Facility 0)urbine1 *eig*t from It*e setback itemKe&g&, structure, %ro%erty line, etc&J$ T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ Bo ! ( D!s"r!#"s & d S"ru#"uresTypica! setbac3s are stated as either fro" Koning #istricts and(or fro" structures, and are ref!ected in adopted :oning ordinances as fo!!ows:


/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. )F. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. +*.



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$esidentia! Lot Setbac3 A )* rotor dia"eters or ',B)* feet fro" a!! property !ines of !ots in a residentia! :one.CF whiche5er is greater.CG B ti"es the tota! W0CS height fro" residentia! or co""ercia! :oning, but in no case !ess than +** feet> and B /onA$esidentia! Lot Setbac3 + rotor dia"eters or the bui!ding setbac3 re;uired in the under!ying :one or '** feet ti"es the tota! W0CS height fro" a dwe!!ing unit but in no case !ess than +** feet.+* % "ini"u" of ',*** feet fro" any e6isting offAsite residences or residentia! areas> and %!! W0CS bui!dings and structures sha!! be sited to "ini"i:e 5isua! i"pact to residences within one "i!e.+' Mini"u" of C ti"es tota! W0CS height or ',*** feet whiche5er is greater, fro" any offAsite residence on an ad7acent parce!> Mini"u" of '.+ ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" any onAsite residence or accessory structure designed for hu"an occupancy.+) '.)+ ti"es to B ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" any bui!ding.+B

,ther e6a"p!es can be found in the /WCCs pub!ication, Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook& T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ Proper") L! es- Typica! setbac3s fro" property !ines as ref!ected in adopted :oning ordinances are as fo!!ows: '.)+ ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" a!! property !ines> and B ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" any bui!ding site upon


State of ,regon Mode! Wind 0nergy Con5ersion Syste" ,rdinance, #raft of ')(B'(GD, pp. 'D 'E. State of ,regon Mode! Wind 0nergy Con5ersion Syste" ,rdinance, #raft of ')(B'(GD, pp. 'D 'E. +* %!a"eda County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +' Contra Costa County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +) Mern County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +B $i5erside, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B.



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which a windfar" had not been appro5ed but in no case !ess than B** feet.+C B ti"es tota! W0CS height or +** feet whiche5er is greater fro" e6terior pro7ect boundaries.++ C ti"es tota! W0CS height or +** feet, whiche5er is greater, fro" e6terior boundaries if pro7ect site is ad7acent to parce!s of !ess than C* acres> and '.+ ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" a!! e6terior boundaries if pro7ect is ad7acent to parce!s of C* acres or "ore =with an a!!owance for setbac3 reduction<.+D '.)+ ti"es to B ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" any !ot !ine> -f W0CS is !ocated in the WA0 or WA' :one, B ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" any !ot !ine of any !ot containing a dwe!!ing.+E

,ther e6a"p!es can be found in the /WCCs pub!ication, Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook& T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ Pu.l!# Ro&ds & d 1!(h6&)s- Typica! setbac3s fro" pub!ic roads and highways as ref!ected in adopted :oning ordinances are as fo!!ows: B ti"es tota! W0CS height but in no case !ess than +** feet> D ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" the tra5e!ed way of -A+F* but in no case !ess than +** feet.+F %!! W0CS, bui!dings and structures sha!! be sited to "ini"i:e the 5isua! i"pact on ad7acent roadways, and County scenic routes.+G Mini"u" '.+ ti"es tota! W0CS height.D*


%!a"eda County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. ++ Contra Costa County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +D Mern County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +E $i5erside, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +F %!a"eda County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. +G Contra Costa, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. D* Mern County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B.



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+ ti"es tota! W0CS height fro" the rightAofAway !ine of any pub!ic road or highway.D' '.)+ ti"es to B ti"es tota! W0CS height "easured fro" the pub!ic rightAofAway> Scenic setbac3s re;uired fro" 5arious state highways.D)

,ther e6a"p!es can be found in the /WCCs pub!ication, Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook& T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ R&!lro&ds- Typica! setbac3s fro" rai!roads as ref!ected in adopted :oning ordinances are as fo!!ows: Mini"u" '.+ ti"es tota! W0CS height.DB '.)+ ti"es to B ti"es tota! W0CS height.DC

T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ A.o0e Grou d Tr& s$!ss!o L! es Gre&"er "h& *+ A3- Typica! setbac3s fro" abo5e ground trans"ission !ines greater than ') 32 as ref!ected in adopted :oning ordinances are as fo!!ows: '.)+ ti"es tota! W0CS height.D+

T)p!#&l Se".&#As 'ro$ Se s!"!0e E 0!ro $e "&l Are&s- The nature of the setbac3 wi!! depend on the particu!ar sensiti5e en5iron"enta! areas at issue. The PSCW and #/$ ha5e stated that where significant sensiti5e en5iron"enta! areas are concerned, a reasonab!e setbac3 or buffer "ay be: ) to + "i!es.DD

Se".&#A Redu#"!o s->C Setbac3 reductions "ay be per"itted if the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO and Ngo+erning bodyO deter"ines based on the sub"issions of the app!icant, the !ocation of the proposed pro7ect and the e6isting and p!anned !and uses, the anticipated hu"an 5isitation and use that e!i"inates or

D' D)

Monterey, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. $i5erside, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. DB Mern County, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. DC $i5erside, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. D+ $i5erside, Ca!ifornia. &ro" /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, %ppendi6 B. DD Pre!i"inary Maps Prepared by the Bio!ogica! Subco""ittee of the Wisconsin Wind Power Siting Co!!aborati5e. DE &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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substantia!!y reduces the potentia! safety ha:ards. Whene5er a setbac3 reduction is proposed pursuant to this subsection, the setbac3 reduction wi!! be inc!uded in a!! notices, and, if granted, the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it sha!! specifica!!y state a!! re;uired setbac3s. -n addition, the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO and Ngo+erning bodyO wi!! issue a written deter"ination of cites a!! of the factors that support a setbac3 reduction. ). W! d A##ess Se".&#As )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility wind access setbacks t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e interest of offBsite landowners are ade"uately %rotected& /n addition, t*is section sets out t*e ty%ical wind access setback distances t*at *a+e been used in %ractice& /t is well recogni2ed t*at de+elo%ment of wind %ro5ects may affect ot*er uses on or ad5acent to a site, or in t*e surrounding region& (L /n %articular, in some states, including Wisconsin, wind energy de+elo%ers are entitled to obtain Wind Access Permits$ 0%ursuant to Wis& Stat& ((&8=<1 to ensure continued and unobstructed access to t*e wind suc* t*at wind +elocity is not decreased and wind turbulence is not increased& Suc* %ermits may %ro*ibit ad5acent landowners from building structures andAor %lanting +egetation t*at would ad+ersely im%act t*e de+elo%erCs access to t*e wind& As suc*, it is im%ortant to ensure t*at wind energy de+elo%ment does not ad+ersely im%act t*e %ro%erty rig*ts of ad5acent, offBsite landownersKWind Access Setbacks accom%lis* t*is goal& /o Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity sha!! be !ocated where the center of the tower is within a distance of fi5e =+< rotor dia"eters fro" a !ot !ine that is perpendicu!ar, or within C+ degrees of perpendicu!ar, to the do"inant wind direction.DG /o Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity sha!! be !ocated where the center of the tower is within a distance of ).+ rotor dia"eters fro" a !ot !ine that is para!!e!, or within C+ degrees of para!!e!, to the do"inant wind direction.E* Where the !ot !ine abuts a pub!ic right of way or a rai!road right of way, the setbac3s specified abo5e sha!! be "easured fro" the center!ine of such right of way.E'


/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. )G. &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. E* &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. E' &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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/otwithstanding the pro5isions set forth in these section, such setbac3s fro" !ot !ines do not app!y if the app!ication is acco"panied by a !ega!!y enforceab!e agree"ent for a period of )+ years or the !ife of the per"it, whiche5er is !onger, that the ad7acent !andowner agrees to the e!i"ination of the setbac3 and wi!! not de5e!op his or her !and in such a way as to decrease wind 5e!ocity or increase wind turbu!ence at the !ocation of the proposed wind energy faci!ity.E)


S#e !# Se".&#As )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility scenic setbacks t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest in %reser+ing an attracti+e landsca%e is accom%lis*ed& /n addition, t*is section sets out t*e ty%ical scenic setback distances t*at *a+e been used in %ractice& Wind %ro5ects *a+e somew*at different im%acts on +isual resources t*an most ot*er electric generation tec*nologies&3= Mnlike most energy facilities, wind generation facilities tend to be located in rural or remote areas, and are land intrusi+e rat*er t*an land intensi+e& )*us, a wind energy facility may e4tend o+er a +ery large area and *a+e a broad area of influence, %ut %*ysically occu%y only t*ree 0=1 to fi+e 0:1 %ercent of t*is acreage for t*e turbine towers and associated structures and access roads&3? One ma5or o%%ortunity a+ailable to munici%alities *a+ing 5urisdiction wit*in a wind resource area 0W@A1 is t*e %re%aration of ma%s, %lans, guidelines and design standards for wind generation de+elo%ment %rior to t*e initiation of wind %ro5ect %ro%osals in t*at W@A& 3: Once again, t*e im%ortance of early %lanning focused on identifying im%ortant scenic areas and t*e de+elo%ment of meaningful regulations to%rotect t*ese areas cannot be o+erem%*asi2ed& /t is im%ortant to ensure t*at commercial wind energy de+elo%ment does not ad+ersely im%act or encroac* u%on im%ortant scenic areasKScenic Setbacks accom%lis* t*is goal& Scenic %reas Protected: /o Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity sha!! be !ocated where the center of the tower is within NdistanceKusually one "uarter mile or more de%ending on to%ogra%*y and turbine *eig*tO of an i"portant scenic area inc!uding but not !i"ited to Nidentify e4am%les of im%ortant


&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CB. EC /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. ). E+ /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CC.



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scenic areasKt*is could include %arks, recreational areas, *ig*ways, among ot*ersO.ED C. S&'e") & d Se#ur!") )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility safety and security %ro+isions t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by %rotecting t*e %ublic from wind turbines t*at *a+e been labeled an Attracti+e Huisance&$ Alt*oug* most wind generation %ro5ects are located in rural areas on lands t*at are %ri+ately owned, many are +isible from acti+ely used %ublic roadways and are relati+ely accessible to t*e %ublic& -ecause t*e tec*nology and t*e e"ui%ment associated wit* a wind generation %ro5ect is sometimes new and unusual, it can be an attraction to t*ose w*o want to see and touc* an o%erating turbine or one t*at is inacti+e or disabled and waiting for re%air or decommissioning& Members of t*e %ublic w*o attem%t to climb towers, o%en access doors or electrical %anels could be sub5ect to in5uries from mo+ing e"ui%ment, t*rown %arts, or electrical e"ui%ment during o%eration and from colla%sed or downed turbines, e4%osed electrical facilities or ot*er *a2ardous situations during decommissioning&33 Safety Shutdown: 0ach Wind Turbine sha!! be e;uipped with both "anua! and auto"atic contro!s to !i"it the rotationa! speed of the b!ade within the design !i"its of the rotor. % "anua! e!ectrica! and(or o5erspeed shutdown disconnect switches sha!! be pro5ided and c!ear!y !abe!ed on the Wind Turbine structure.EF 4rounding: %!! structures which "ay be charged with !ightning sha!! be grounded according to app!icab!e e!ectrica! code.EG Wiring: %!! wiring between the Wind Turbines and the Wind 0nergy &aci!ity substation sha!! be underground.F* 4round C!earance: The b!ade tip of any Wind Turbine sha!!, at its !owest point, ha5e ground c!earance of not !ess than E+ feet.F'


4enera!!y fro" fro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CG. EF State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& EG State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& F* Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'& F' Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'&



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C!i"babi!ity: Wind Turbine towers sha!! not be c!i"bab!e up to '+ feet abo5e ground !e5e!.F) %ccess #oors Loc3ed: %!! access doors to Wind Turbine towers and e!ectrica! e;uip"ent sha!! be !oc3ab!e FB and sha!! re"ain !oc3ed at a!! ti"es when operator personne! are not present. Se!f Supporting Structures: %!! structures sha!! be se!fA supporting. /o guy wire supported structures sha!! be per"itted. Signage: %ppropriate warning signage sha!! be p!aced on Wind Turbine towers, e!ectrica! e;uip"ent, and Wind 0nergy &aci!ity entrances.FC &encing: &encing or other appropriate "easures at the periphery of the pro7ect site and(or at the base of the Wind Turbines sha!!("ay be re;uired to pre5ent unauthori:ed access to the Wind 0nergy &aci!ity.F+


No!se )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility noise %ro+isions t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by %rotecting t*e %ublic from t*e *a2ards caused by t*e noise of wind turbines& Primarily because of t*e wide +ariation in t*e le+els of indi+idual tolerance to noise, t*ere is no com%letely satisfactory way to measure noise, or t*e corres%onding reactions of annoyance and dissatisfaction&L( Hoise and its Effects: Hoise is defined as any unwanted sound& Concerns de%end on t*e le+el of intensity, fre"uency, fre"uency distribution and %attern of t*e noise7 background noise le+els7 terrain between emitter and rece%tor7 and t*e nature of t*e noise rece%tors& )*e effects of noise on %eo%le can be classified into t*ree general categories: Sub5ecti+e effects dissatisfaction7 of annoyance, nuisance and


Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'& Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'& FC Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'& F+ &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. FD /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BB.



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/nterference wit* acti+ities suc* as s%eec*, slee% and learning7 P*ysiological effects suc* as an4iety, tinnitus, or *earing loss&L3

W*et*er a noise is ob5ectionable will de%end on t*e ty%e of noise 0tonal, broadband, low fre"uency, or im%ulsi+e1 and t*e circumstances and sensiti+ity of t*e indi+idual 0or rece%tor1 w*o *ears it&LL )urbine Hoise: Commercial Wind Energy Facilities %roduce noise during site construction and restoration 0blasting foundation *oles and air lift turbine installation, maintenance and turbine remo+al1 and facility o%eration 0aerodynamic noiseKbroadband, im%ulsi+e noises and low fre"uency noise7 and mec*anical noiseKtonal noises1& )*e largest im%acts from construction noises are likely if t*ey coincide wit* bird mating or nesting seasons, or if t*e acti+ities take %lace during offB*ours w*en %eo%le li+ing near t*e site are trying to slee%&L; Aerodynamic noise is t*at noise caused by t*e flow of air o+er and %ast t*e blades& Gow Fre"uency Hoise: Gow fre"uency noise is emitted during %eriods of turbulence, as t*e blades are buffeted by c*anging winds&;8 At its worst, low fre"uency noise *as been described as Nan ongoing debilitating soundC t*at can cause structural +ibration&;' /m%ulsi+e Hoise: /m%ulsi+e noise is caused by t*e interaction of wind turbine blades wit* disturbed air flow around t*e tower of a downwind mac*ine& /m%ulsi+e noise is described as s*ort acoustic im%ulses or t*um%ing sounds t*at +ary in am%litude as a function of time&;< -roadband Hoise: -roadband noise is described as t*e c*aracteristic swis*ing$ or w*oos*ing$ sound&;=

Mechanical noises 0tonal noises1 can be %roduced by a +ariety of com%onents of t*e wind system& @ememberKcommercial wind facilities are com%rised of many industrial mac*ines eac* wit* a

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: FG /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: G* /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: G' /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: G) /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: GB /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities:

A Handbook, p. BB. A Handbook, p. BB. A Handbook, p. BB. A Handbook, p. BB. A Handbook, p. BC. A Handbook, p. BC. A Handbook, p. BC.



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',<88 *orse%ower turbine t*at are not s*ielded or buffered by a containment building& As suc*, t*ey *a+e t*e ca%acity to make a lot of noise& /n addition, tonal noises are muc* more noticeable at t*e same relati+e loudness le+el because it is not broadband, but rat*er is com%osed of one or more distinct tones&;? )onal noise can be caused by:;: Fe%ending on t*e condition of t*e gear faces and bearings, gearbo4es can be significant sources of tonal noise& .enerator bearings can become defecti+e, and o%en frame generators may include integral cooling fans& Some yaw dri+es may cause irregular, creaking, im%ulsi+e noises w*ic* may resonate t*roug*out t*e turbine structure& Oaw and dri+e train brakes t*at are abru%tly fullyBacti+ated also may cause noises t*at resonate in t*e structure& Hig* s%eed cooling fans may be used in t*e nacelle for cooling %ower electronics, *ydraulic or gearbo4 fluids, or at ground le+el wit* %ower electronics subsystems& Hormal wear and tear, %oor design or ad5ustment, or lack of %re+entati+e maintenance of any of t*ese com%onents may cause t*em to become noisy o+er a turbineCs life&

>ariables t*at Affect )urbine Hoise and its Hoise on Gocal @esidents: Many +ariables can affect t*e noise %roduced by a wind %ro5ect and its effect on rece%tors& Wind directions, s%eeds and turbulence le+els are im%ortant +ariables& Site to%ogra%*y and +egetation affect turbulence and background noise le+els& /nter+ening to%ogra%*y and atmos%*eric conditions 0boundary layers, tem%erature gradient, air absor%tion, etc&1 affect %ro%agation of noise from t*e source to t*e rece%tor&;( Measuring and Predicting Hoise: /t is difficult to make accurate %reB %ro5ect estimates of noise emissions and noise le+els at sensiti+e rece%tors& Predicting and measuring noise from a %ro%osed %ro5ect in+ol+es many com%licating factors, some of w*ic* are not controllable or easily reB%roducible& )*is is because noise is site s%ecific and condition s%ecific& For e4am%le, turbine noise measurements taken under certain conditions at one site may not be re%resentati+e of noise emissions by t*e same turbine at anot*er site&;3 Wind /ndustryCs Comments on )urbine Hoise: )*e wind industryCs answer$ gi+en in res%onse to noise "uestions is t*at muc* of t*e

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: GD /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: GE /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities:

A Handbook, p. B+. A Handbook, p. BC. A Handbook, p. BC. A Handbook, p. B+.



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noise emitted by turbines is masked by t*e ambient or background noise of t*e wind itself&$;L Suc* answer needs to be %laced in conte4t Kat wind speeds greater than 17 miles per hourKmuc* of t*e turbine noise is masked& -ased on t*e PSCCs monitoring of wind s%eeds at +arious sites t*roug*out Wisconsin since ';;3Kno sites have reported average wind speeds greater than 17 miles per hour & )*e wind industryCs ot*er answer$ is Hoise of all kinds falls off s*ar%ly wit* distance&$;; @egulation of Hoise: @egulating t*e noise caused by wind turbines %resents a uni"ue and c*allenging regulatory %roblems because t*e noise is *ig*ly +ariable, difficult to measure and %redict, and its im%act on residents is sub5ecti+e and also difficult to %redict& Hoise Measurement: Munici%alities s*ould be cautioned t*at d-0A1 noise measurements alone are generally regarded as inade"uate in effecti+ely regulating wind turbine noise& )*is is because d-0A1 measures broadband noise, but does not ade"uately ca%ture low fre"uency and tonal noise& /f t*e only scale for assessing com%liance wit* a noise standard is t*e d-0A1 scale, more liberal setbacks may be re"uired to a+oid low fre"uency and tonal noise %roblems&'88 @egulatory )ools: -ecause noise diminis*es wit* distance, ade"uate setbacks are t*e %rimary tool for %re+enting noise %roblems& )*e a%%ro%riate distance may range between ',888 feet and oneB*alf mile& /f t*e residences are at locations s*ielded from %re+ailing winds, a greater setback is needed t*an if t*ey are in an e4%osed location& '8' /n addition, noise is generally more un%redictable in areas of une+en terrain t*an in areas of flat terrain&'8< For e4am%le, a turbine is more likely to be *eard at twice t*e normal distance at a windBs*eltered location&'8=

Conclusion: .i+en: a1 t*e noise measurement c*allenges7 b1 t*e many +ariables t*at affect noise7 c1 %redicting and measuring %ro%osed %ro5ect noise is com%licated and not necessarily reliable7 d1 measuring %reB%ro5ect ambient noise is difficult7 and e1 t*e admission t*at t*ere is no com%letely satisfactory way to measure t*e sub5ecti+e effects of noise, or of t*e corres%onding reactions of annoyance and

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BB. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BB. '** /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BD. '*' /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. B+. '*) /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BD. '*B /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BC.



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dissatisfaction, it is recommended im%lement regulations t*at re"uire:'8?



liberal setbacks from %ro%erty lines so t*at noise does not s%ill o+er onto ad5acent %ro%erties7 broad s%ectrum measurement of %reB%ro5ect ambient noise t*at is not limited to t*e d-0A1 scale7 broad s%ectrum %rediction of %ro%osed %ro5ect noise t*at is not limited to t*e d-0A1 scale7 establis*ing noise standards7 establis*ing 2oning restrictions7 re"uiring turbine modifications, if necessary7 im%lementing a noise com%laint and in+estigation %rocess&

Co"p!iance with /oise $egu!ations $e;uired: % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it sha!! not be granted un!ess the %pp!icant de"onstrates that the proposed pro7ect co"p!ies with a!! noise regu!ations. /oise Study $e;uired: %pp!icant sha!! sub"it a /oise Study based on the re;uire"ents set out in the %pp!ication section. The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO sha!! deter"ine the ade;uacy of the /oise Study and, if necessary, "ay re;uire further sub"issions. /oise Setbac3s: The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO "ay i"pose a noise setbac3 that e6ceeds the other setbac3s set out in this ordinance if it dee"s that such greater setbac3s are necessary to protect the pub!ic hea!th, safety and we!fare of the co""unity. %udib!e /oise Standard: The audib!e noise standard due to wind turbine operations sha!! not be created which causes the noise !e5e! at the boundary of the proposed pro7ect site to e6ceed =C+< dB% for "ore than fi5e =+< "inutes out of any one hour ti"e period or to e6ceed +* dB=%< for any ti"e period.'*+ Low &re;uency /oise or -nfrasound /oise: Low fre;uency noise or infrasound noise fro" wind turbine operations sha!! not be created which causes the noise !e5e!

'*C '*+

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. B+. Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE.



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at the boundary of the proposed pro7ect site to e6ceed the fo!!owing !i"its:'*D '(B ,cta5e Band Center &re;uency =1:< ) to ' )* )+ B'.+ C* +* DB F* '** ')+ Sound Pressure Le5e! =dB< E* =each band< DF DE D+ D) D* +E ++ +) +*

Pure Tone Pena!ty: -n the e5ent audib!e noise due to wind turbine operations contains a steady pure tone, such as a whine, screech, or hu", the standards for %udib!e /oise sha!! be reduced by fi5e =+< dB=%<. % pure tone is defined to e6ist when: the oneAthird octa5e band sound pressure !e5e! in the band, inc!uding the tone, e6ceeds the arith"etic a5erage of the sound pressure !e5e!s on the two =)< contiguous oneAthird octa5e bands by fi5e =+< dB=%< for center fre;uencies of +** 1: and abo5e, and eight =F< dB=%< for center fre;uencies between 'D* and C** 1:, and by fifteen ='+< dB=%< for center fre;uencies !ess than or e;ua! to ')+ 1:.'*E $epetiti5e, -"pu!si5e Sound Pena!ty: -n the e5ent the audib!e noise due to wind turbine operations contains repetiti5e i"pu!si5e sounds, the standards for %udib!e /oise sha!! be reduced by fi5e =+< dB=%<.'*F Pure Tone and $epetiti5e, -"pu!si5e Tone Pena!ty: -n the e5ent the audib!e noise due to wind turbine operations contains both a pure tone and repetiti5e i"pu!si5e sounds, the standards for %udib!e /oise sha!! be reduced by a tota! of fi5e =+< dB=%<.'*G

'*D '*E

Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE. Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE> and &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. '*F Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE. '*G Mern County, Ca!ifornia Koning ,rdinance> Tit!e 'G of the Mern County ,rdinance Code, 8u!y 'GGE.



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,perations Low &re;uency /oise: % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! not be operated so that i"pu!si5e sound be!ow )* 1: ad5erse!y affects the habitabi!ity or use of any dwe!!ing unit, hospita!, schoo!, !ibrary, nursing ho"e, or other sensiti5e noise receptor.''* /oise Co"p!aint and -n5estigation Process $e;uired: %pp!icant sha!! sub"it a /oise Co"p!aint and -n5estigation Process based on the re;uire"ents set out in the %pp!ication section. The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO sha!! deter"ine the ade;uacy of the /oise Co"p!aint and -n5estigation Process.


F!re 1&/&rd Pro"e#"!o )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility fire *a2ard %rotection %ro+isions t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by %rotecting t*e %ublic from t*e risk of fire *a2ards caused by wind turbines& Wind energy facilities are ty%ically located in rural settings w*ere dry land grain farming occurs or t*e natural +egetation grows uncontrolled and is a+ailable as fuel for esca%ed s%arks or flames& Fires can originate w*en e"ui%ment is %oorly maintained or not monitored, resulting in turbine bearings buring out or crankcases running out of lubricant and causing *ot %arts to dro% onto t*e ground& Fires *a+e also started as t*e result of s%arks esca%ing during welding7 metal blades striking rocks during grading or discing7 e4%osed dro% cables from t*e to% of e4%osed towers becoming twisted, s*ortened, and frayed during t*e rotation of t*e turbine unit7 electrical s*orts occurring wit*in t*e turbine unit7 or careless o%erators& Fires can also be caused by electrical arcing in t*e transmission and distribution facilities& )*e two leading causes of fire are careless use of tall mac*ines around o+er*ead lines and electrocuted birds&''' &ire Contro! and Pre5ention Progra" $e;uired: #e5e!oper sha!! sub"it a &ire Contro! and Pre5ention Progra" that is appropriate and ade;uate for the proposed faci!ity. The proposed progra" "ay inc!ude, but is not !i"ited to, the fo!!owing:'')

''* '''

&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. CG. '') &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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a< b< c< d<

&ireproof or fire resistant bui!ding "ateria!s> Buffers or fire retardant !andscaping> Water storage faci!ities> %n auto"atic fireAe6tinguishing syste" for a!! bui!dings or e;uip"ent enc!osures of substantia! si:e containing contro! pane!s, switching e;uip"ent, or trans"ission e;uip"entLwithout regu!ar hu"an occupancy> e< &ire brea3s which wi!! be c!eared of 5egetation and "aintained as a fire(fue! brea3 as !ong as the wind energy faci!ity is in operation =e.g., B* feet around the periphery of the proposed pro7ect site> '* feet around a!! transfor"ers and Wind Turbines and their foundations> B* feet around a!! bui!dings<> f< Pro5ision of training and fire fighting e;uip"ent for !oca! fire protection personne! E. I$p&#"s o W!ldl!'e Spe#!es & d 1&.!"&" )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility %ro+isions t*at are intended to %rotect critical wildlife s%ecies and *abitat and t*is is in t*e %ublic interest& Wind %ro5ects *a+e t*e %otential to directly and indirectly affect biological resources&''= Conflicts will de%end on t*e %lants and animals %resent and t*e location and design of t*e wind facilities& /n some cases, %ermitting agencies *a+e discouraged or %re+ented de+elo%ment due to likely ad+erse conse"uences to t*ese resources& ''? /n cases w*ere sensiti+e resources were not %resent or w*ere im%acts could be a+oided or mitigated, de+elo%ment *as been allowed to %roceed&'': -iological resource concerns associated wit* wind de+elo%ment may include: -ird collisions wit* turbines, electrocutions, and ot*er direct wildlife im%acts7 Goss of wildlife *abitat and ot*er indirect im%acts on wildlife7 and Goss of natural +egetation&''(

)*e %roblem of collisions between birds and wind energy facilities *as been t*e most contro+ersial biological consideration affecting
''B ''C

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: ''+ /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: ''D /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities:

A Handbook, p. BE. A Handbook, p. BE. A Handbook, p. BE. A Handbook, p. BE.



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facility siting&''3 )o reduce t*e risk of bird collisions, certain sites s*ould be a+oided including t*ose near ma5or bird feeding, roosting and nesting areas, wetlands, rookeries, and lowBle+el flig*t %at*s&''L W*at constitutes a reasonable setback or buffer from t*ese sensiti+e en+ironmental areas will de%end on a number of factors& W*ere significant sensiti+e en+ironmental areas are concerned, a setback or buffer of < to : miles may be reasonable&''; /n e+aluating t*e issue of siting Commercial Wind Energy Facilities, a munici%ality must e+aluate t*e im%act of t*e %ro%osed facility on sensiti+e en+ironmental resources& )*e ma%s at )ab A will ser+e as a general guideline and starting %oint& #e5e!op"ent Prohibited in PSCW ?06c!usion(Constraint@ Kones: Co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities sha!! be prohibited within areas designated on the PSCWs Wind 0nergy Bio!ogica! $esources Map as the +A"i!e ?06c!usion(Constraint@ :ones surrounding significant sensiti5e en5iron"enta! areas.')* 0ndangered or Threatened Species: #e5e!op"ent and operation of a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! not ha5e a significant ad5erse i"pact on endangered or threatened fish, wi!d!ife, or p!ant species or their critica! habitats, or other significant habitats identified in the Nname of munici%alityO co"prehensi5e p!an and(or the studies and p!ans of the regiona! p!anning co""issions. Migratory Birds: #e5e!op"ent and operation of a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! not ha5e an ad5erse i"pact on "igratory bird species. e#"!o & d Ele#"r!#&l D!s"r!.u"!o F&#!l!"!es


I "er#o

)*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility interconnection and electrical distribution facility %ro+isions t*at are ty%ically regulated to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at all facilities and interconnections are safe and conform to t*e a%%licable regulations and standards&

''E ''F

/WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. BE. /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. C*. ''G Pre!i"inary Maps Prepared by the Bio!ogica! Subco""ittee of the Wisconsin Wind Power Siting Co!!aborati5e. ')* Pre!i"inary Maps Prepared by the Bio!ogica! Subco""ittee of the Wisconsin Wind Power Siting Co!!aborati5e.



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&aci!ity Standards: %!! distribution !ines, e!ectrica! substations, and other interconnection faci!ities sha!! be constructed to the specifications of the uti!ity. ')' -nterconnection Standards: -nterconnection sha!! confor" to procedures and standards estab!ished by the &edera! $egu!atory Co""ission, and the PSCW, as app!icab!e.'))


U s&'e & d I oper&.le W! d E er() F&#!l!"!esD S!"e Re#l&$&"!o )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e %ro+isions t*at ensure t*at unsafe and ino%erable wind energy facilities are %rom%tly addressed and t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at suc* facilities be remo+ed to eliminate t*e %ublic nuisance and safety *a2ard t*at t*ey cause, and t*at t*e %ublic is assured t*at t*e owner will %ay t*e entire cost of t*e remo+al and site restoration& $e"o5a! and Site $estoration: .nsafe co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities, inoperab!e co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities, and co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities for which the per"it has e6pired sha!! be re"o5ed by the owner. %!! safety ha:ards created by the insta!!ation and operation of the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! be e!i"inated and the site sha!! be restored to its natura! condition to the e6tent feasib!e. % bond or other appropriate for" of security sha!! be re;uired to co5er the cost of the re"o5a! and site restoration.')B $e"o5a! and Site $estoration P!an $e;uired: The app!icant sha!! sub"it a re"o5a! and site restoration p!an and re"o5a! and site restoration p!an cost esti"ate to the Ngo+erning bodyO for its re5iew and appro5a!. The restoration p!an sha!! identify the specific properties it app!ies to and sha!! indicate re"o5a! of a!! bui!dings, structures, wind turbines, and foundations to four feet be!ow finish grade> road repair costs, if any> and a!! regarding and re5egetation necessary to return the sub7ect property to the condition e6isting prior to estab!ish"ent of the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity. The restoration sha!! ref!ect the siteAspecific character inc!uding topography, 5egetation, drainage, and any uni;ue en5iron"enta! features. The p!an sha!! inc!ude a certified esti"ate of the

')' '))

&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance ')B &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance

Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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tota! cost =by e!e"ent< of i"p!e"enting the re"o5a! and site restoration p!an.')C Pub!ic /uisance: 05ery unsafe co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity and e5ery inoperab!e co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity is hereby dec!ared a pub!ic nuisance which sha!! be sub7ect to abate"ent by repair, rehabi!itation, de"o!ition, or re"o5a!. %n inoperab!e co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! not be considered a pub!ic nuisance pro5ided the owner can de"onstrate that "oderni:ation, rebui!ding or repairs are in progress or p!anned and wi!! be co"p!eted within no "ore than si6 "onths.')+ -noperab!e, #efined: % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! be dee"ed inoperab!e if it has not generated power within the proceeding two ca!endar ;uarters e;ua! to at !east D*S of the e6pected production.')D


I "er'ere #e 6!"h A0!&"!o N&0!(&"!o &l S)s"e$s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility a+iation na+igational system %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by a+oiding a+iation na+igation *a2ards& )urbine *eig*t and location, as well as t*e concentration of turbines, may be of concern as an a+iation na+igation *a2ard& /n one wind resource area, t*e w*irling blur of turbine blades *as caused g*ost readings of nonBe4istent aircraft on radar screens at t*e local air%ort& Gocation of turbines along t*e crest of ridges wit*in t*e a%%roac* %at*s of air%orts may create safety concerns for aircraft o%erators&'<3 /o interference with %5iation &aci!ities: /o co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! be insta!!ed or operated in a "anner that causes interference with the operation of any a5iation faci!ity.')F Co"p!iance with &%% $egu!ations: %!! co""ercia! wind energy siting sha!! co"p!y with &edera! %5iation %d"inistration =?&%%@< regu!ations for siting structures near an airport.')G Loc3ing Mechanis"s to Li"it $adar -nterference $e;uired: %!! co""ercia! wind energy faci!ities sha!! inc!ude a !oc3ing

')C ')+

State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. ')D &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. ')E /WCCs Permitting of Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook, p. +C. ')F &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. ')G &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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"echanis" which pre5ents the b!ades fro" rotating when not producing power, in order to !i"it airport radar interference or ?c!utter.@ The P!anning NCommissionA-oardO "ay "odify or e!i"inate the re;uire"ent for a !oc3ing "echanis" if sufficient e5idence is presented that no significant airport radar interference or ?c!utter@ wi!! be caused by the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity.'B* ''. Eros!o Co "rol )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility soil erosion control %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by a+oiding soil erosion during t*e construction of commercial wind energy facilities& Gand disturbance resulting from construction and o%eration of energy generation facilities can remo+e +egetation and loosen soil %articles, allowing t*em to swe%t away by wind and water& )*is can accelerate t*e erosion %rocess t*ousands of times o+er normal rates, resulting in significant im%acts 0including bot* direct and indirect economic costs1 bot* on and off t*e site& WindBinduced soil erosion can increase fine %articulate matter in t*e air w*ic* can ad+ersely im%act *uman *ealt* and reduce +isibility& WaterBinduced erosion, in addition to remo+ing soil and decreasing its %roducti+ity, results in sedimentation w*ic* degrades water "uality, damages biological resources, e4acerbates flooding, and accelerates filling of reser+oirs& Mncontrolled erosion and runoff is t*e ma5or cause of degraded water "uality in t*e Mnited States, de%ositing not only sediment but also metals, nutrients and ot*er contaminants in ad5acent waterways& Erosion and sedimentation continues during o%eration of wind %ro5ects as maintenance acti+ities continue to im%act access roads and turbine %ads& Acti+ely used un%a+ed roads *a+e been s*own to %roduce significantly more sediment t*an abandoned ones& 0rosion Contro! P!an $e;uired: Before the Nname of munici%alityO sha!! issue a grading or bui!ding per"it for the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity, the app!icant sha!! sub"it an 0rosion Contro! P!an to the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO for its re5iew and appro5a!. The P!an sha!! "ini"i:e the potentia! ad5erse i"pacts on wet!ands and C!ass - and -- strea"s and he ban3s and 5egetation a!ong those strea"s and wet!ands and to "ini"i:e erosion or sedi"entation. The P!an shou!d inc!ude but is not !i"ited to the fo!!owing practices: 'B'

'B* 'B'

&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(&



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a< Structures and access roads shou!d use natura! contours and a5oid areas of steep s!opes where high cuts and fi!!s are re;uired. -f fi!!s are re;uired, the fi!! sha!! be co"pacted to at !east G*S density, and finished grades sha!! not e6ceed a gradient of ):'. Cut s!ope sha!! not e6ceed a gradient of 'T:'.'B) b< The s"a!!est practica! area of !and shou!d be e6posed for the shortest practica! ti"e during de5e!op"ent. The a"ount of 5egetation re"o5ed during construction is the "ini"u" necessary to operate e;uip"ent. %reas where 5egetation is re"o5ed during construction shou!d be rep!anted as soon as possib!e.'BB c< Measures shou!d be used to pre5ent erosion unti! 5egetation is reAestab!ished on areas fro" which it is re"o5ed, such as seeding and sodding, stoc3pi!ing and reuse of topsoi!, te"porary use of straw or fabric co5er, aggregate co5er, di5ersions authori:ed by state per"it, sedi"ent basins and fi!ters.'BC d< /o soi!s sha!! re"ain unstabi!i:ed for "ore than two days during the period fro" ,ctober ' through %pri! B*. &ro" May ' through Septe"ber B*, no soi!s sha!! re"ain unstabi!i:ed for "ore than se5en days.'B+ '). Cer"!'!#&"!o )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility certification %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring certification of t*e structural, electrical and o+ers%eed controls of t*e facility& Certification of Structura! Co"ponents: The foundation, tower and co"patibi!ity of the tower with the rotor and rotorAre!ated e;uip"ent sha!! be certified in writing by a structura! engineer registered in Wisconsin. The 0ngineer sha!! certify co"p!iance with good engineering practices and co"p!iance with the appropriate pro5isions of the .nifor" Bui!ding Code that ha5e been adopted in State.'BD Certification of 0!ectrica! Syste": The e!ectrica! syste" sha!! be certified in writing by an e!ectrica! engineer registered in Wisconsin. The 0ngineer sha!! certify co"p!iance with good

'B) 'BB

State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& 'BC State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& 'B+ State of ,regon, Model Wind Energy Con+ersion System Ordinance, Fraft of '<A='A;(& 'BD &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.



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engineering practices and with the appropriate pro5isions of the /ationa! 0!ectric Code that ha5e been adopted by the State.'BE Certification of $otor ,5erspeed Contro!: The rotor o5erspeed contro! syste" sha!! be certified in writing by a "echanica! engineer registered in Wisconsin. The 0ngineer sha!! certify co"p!iance with good engineering practices.'BF


Mo !"or! ( )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility monitoring %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by allowing Iname of munici%alityJ officials to monitor and +erify com%liance wit* t*e terms of t*e %ermit& $ight to 0nter Pre"ises for Monitoring: .pon reasonab!e notice, Nname of munici%alityO officia!s or their designated representati5es "ay enter a !ot on which a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it has been granted for the purpose of "onitoring noise, en5iron"enta! i"pacts, and other i"pacts which "ay arise. TwentyAfour hours ad5ance notice sha!! be dee"ed reasonab!e notice.'BG %5ian -"pact Study P!an: The app!icant sha!! sub"it a p!an for "onitoring the a5ian i"pact of the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity to the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO for its re5iew and appro5a!. Such p!an sha!! docu"ent and fo!!ow accept scientific study procedures. -n addition, the app!icant sha!! agree to sub"it a ;uarter!y report to the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO that identifies a!! dead birds found within +** feet of the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity.'C* Periodic $eporting $e;uired: The app!icant sha!! agree to sub"it periodic "onitoring reports to the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO. The report sha!! contain data on the operations and en5iron"enta! i"pacts, and sha!! be in the for" prescribed by the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO.'C' Power Production $eport $e;uired: The app!icant sha!! agree to sub"it a ;uarter!y power production report to the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO. The power production report sha!! co5er the proceeding ca!endar ;uarter, and sha!! be in the for" prescribed the P!anning NCommissionA-oardO and sha!! inc!ude
Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.


&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance 'BG &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance 'C* &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance 'C' &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance



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actua! power production in 3i!owatt hours for each co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity.'C) 'C. T!$e Rel&"ed Co d!"!o s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility time related conditions %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by allowing Iname of munici%alityJ officials to re"uired %*ased de+elo%ment in order to mitigate ad+erse im%acts& Phased #e5e!op"ent May Be $e;uired: % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it "ay re;uire phased de5e!op"ent in order to "itigate ad5erse i"pacts fro" such factors as the nu"ber of wind turbines, the !ocation of the wind turbines and construction schedu!es.'CB #e"onstration of Perfor"ance Characteristics May Be $e;uired: The granting of a co""ercia! wind energy per"it "ay be conditioned upon the insta!!ation and operation of one or "ore wind turbines for a period not to e6ceed si6 "onths in order to de"onstrate the perfor"ance characteristics of the wind turbines. -f such "onitoring condition is i"posed, the per"it sha!! specify the standards which "ust be "et in order to continue de5e!op"ent. -f a standard has not "et at the e6piration of the re;uired "onitoring period, the app!icant and Nname of munici%alityO "ay agree to an e6tension. The ti"e within which the per"it "ust be used sha!! be e6tended to inc!ude the period of the re;uired "onitoring.'CC


1e!(h" L!$!"s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility *eig*t restriction %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by ensuring t*at structures in a 2oning district are generally of a consistent and uniform *eig*t& 1eight Li"its: % co""ercia! wind energy syste" sha!! confor" to the height !i"its of the :oning c!assification in which it is !ocated. % !ower height !i"it "ay be i"posed as a condition of a co""ercia! wind energy syste" per"it.'C+
Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.

'C) 'CB

&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance 'CC &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance 'C+ &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance



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Appl!#&"!o FeesD De0elop$e " I$p&#" Fees )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility a%%lication fees and de+elo%ment im%act fee %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at a wind energy de+elo%er %ay t*e costs associated wit* t*e re+iew and, if t*e %ermit is granted, %ro5ect de+elo%ment im%act costs suc* t*ese costs do not fall back on t*e citi2ens of t*e Iname of munici%alityJ& %pp!ication &ee:'CD %pp!icant sha!! pay a!! costs associated with the Nname of munici%alityO re5iew and processing of the app!ication. %pp!icant sha!! sub"it a deposit with the app!ication in the a"ount of P),+**. The N name of munici%alityO "ay re;uire additiona! deposits to co5er the costs of re5iewing and processing the app!ication. Such additiona! deposits, if re;uested, sha!! be pro"pt!y sub"itted by the %pp!icant. &o!!owing action on the app!ication, any unused a"ount of the deposit=s< sha!! be returned to the %pp!icant with a su""ary of the costs incurred. #e5e!op"ent &ees to be Paid: % one ti"e or periodic fee and a re;uire"ent to pro5ide pub!ic wor3s or ser5ices "ay be i"posed as a condition of a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it. Such fees "ust be re!ated to the pub!ic need created by the wind energy de5e!op"ent. The purposes for which the per"it fee "ay be used, but are not !i"ited to, pro5iding roads re;uired by the wind energy de5e!op"ent, pro5iding fire protection ser5ices, and estab!ishing and operating a "onitoring syste".'CE


S!( s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility sign %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at a wind energy de+elo%er limit t*e amount of signage in order to %rotect t*e +isual c*aracter of t*e Iname of munici%alityJ& Signage Li"ited: /o ad5ertising sign or !ogo sha!! be p!aced or painted on any co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity.
Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its.


Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =)<. &ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance



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% co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it "ay a!!ow the p!ace"ent of no "ore than two ad5ertising signs re!ating to the de5e!op"ent of the pro7ect site, but no sign sha!! e6ceed '+ s;uare feet in surface area or eight feet in height.'CF 'F. Color & d F! !sh )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility color and finis* %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at a wind energy de+elo%er limit t*e obtrusi+eness of t*e wind turbines in order to %rotect t*e +isual c*aracter of t*e Iname of munici%alityJ& Co!or and &inish: Wind turbines sha!! be painted a nonA obtrusi5e =e.g., !ight en5iron"enta! co!or such as white, gray, or beige< co!or that is nonAref!ecti5e.'CG Ca"ouf!age &aci!ities: The design of co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity bui!dings and re!ated structures sha!!, to the e6tent reasonab!y possib!e, use "ateria!s, co!ors, te6tures, screening and !andscaping that wi!! b!end the faci!ity to the natura! setting and then e6isting en5iron"ent.'+*


L!(h"! ( )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility lig*ting %ro+isions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by re"uiring t*at a wind energy de+elo%er limit t*e obtrusi+eness of t*e wind turbines in order to %rotect t*e +isual c*aracter of t*e Iname of munici%alityJ& Lighting P!an $e;uired: The app!icant sha!! sub"it a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity !ighting p!an that describes a!! !ighting that wi!! be re;uired inc!uding any !ighting that "ay be re;uired by the &%%. Such p!an sha!! inc!ude but is not !i"ited to the p!anned nu"ber and !ocation of !ights, !ight co!or, whether any such !ights wi!! be f!ashing, and "itigation "easures p!anned to contro! the !ight so that it is does not spi!! o5er onto neighboring properties. Ge er&l Co d!"!o s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility general conditions t*at are intended to ensure t*at t*e %ublic interest is ser+ed by %ermitting t*e Iname of munici%alityJ to im%ose



&ro" City of $i5erside, Ca!ifornia ,rdinance Co""ercia! W0CS Per"its. Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'& '+* Wisconsin Model Wind Ordinance for )ownsACounties7 Fraft :A<8A<88'&



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ot*er conditions to %rotect t*e %ublic *ealt*, safety and general welfare of t*e community& Conditions May Be -"posed: The Nname of munici%alityO "ay grant a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it sub7ect to any condition that it deeds necessary to "ini"i:e the possibi!ity that the future de5e!op"ent of nearby property wi!! create an i"per"issib!e interference or to "ini"i:e any burden on any person affected by granting the per"it. Such conditions or e6e"ptions "ay inc!ude but are not !i"ited to restrictions on the !ocation of the co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity and re;uire"ents for the co"pensation of persons affected by the granting of the per"it.'+'


F! d! (s )*e ob5ecti+e of t*is section is to outline t*e Commercial Wind Energy Facility findings t*at must be made in order for a commercial wind energy facility %ermit to be granted& &indings /ecessary to 4rant a Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Per"it: -n order to grant a co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it, the Nname of munici%alityO sha!! re5iew the app!ication>'+) a!! fi!ings by any other party>'+B and conduct a pub!ic hearing.'+C % co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity per"it sha!! not be granted un!ess the N name of munici%alityO "a3es the fo!!owing findings based on substantia! e5idence: a< Consistent with the 4enera! P!an: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity pro7ect is consistent with the co"prehensi5e genera! p!an of Nname of munici%alityO. b< -n %ccordance with the Purpose and -ntent of this ,rdinance: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity is in accordance with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. c< Wi!! /ot .nreasonab!y -nterfere With the ,rder!y Land .se and #e5e!op"ent P!ans: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity wi!! not unreasonab!y interfere with the order!y !and use and de5e!op"ent p!ans of Nname of munici%alityO.'++

'+' '+)

Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =+< =b< '. Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =B< =b<. '+B Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =C<. '+C Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =C<. '++ Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =+< =a< '.



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d< Benefits to the %pp!icant and Pub!ic Wi!! 06ceed %ny Burdens: That the benefits to the %pp!icant and the Pub!ic of the proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity pro7ect wi!! e6ceed any burdens.'+D e< /ot #etri"enta! to the Pub!ic 1ea!th, Safety and 4enera! We!fare of the Co""unity: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity wi!! not be detri"enta! to the pub!ic hea!th, safety or genera! we!fare of the co""unity. f< /ot ,therwise %d5erse to the 0n5iron"ent, /eighborhood or Co""unity: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity wi!! not be ha:ardous, har"fu!, offensi5e, or otherwise ad5erse to the en5iron"ent or the 5a!ue of the neighborhood or co""unity. g< Co"p!ies With %!! $e;uired Pro5isions of the Koning ,rdinance: The proposed co""ercia! wind energy faci!ity sha!! co"p!y with a!! re;uired pro5isions of the :oning ordinance, un!ess 5ariances ha5e been proper!y app!ied for and granted pursuant to Nsection of 6oning OrdinanceO. h< /o Person With Bui!ding P!ans %ffected: /o person has de"onstrated that she or he has present p!ans to bui!d a structure that wou!d create an i"per"issib!e interference by showing that she or he has app!ied for a bui!ding per"it prior to receipt of a notice pursuant to Nnotice section of t*e ordinanceO, has e6pended at !east P+** on p!anning or designing such a structure or by sub"itting any other credib!e e5idence that she or he has "ade substantia! progress toward p!anning or constructing a structure that wou!d create an i"per"issib!e interference.'+E

'+D '+E

Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =+< =a< B. Wis. Stat. DD.*B) =+< =a< ).



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This docu"ent was prepared by Catharine M. Lawton. - a" current!y Secretary of the P!an Co""ission in the Town of Barton =Washington County, Wisconsin< and ha5e he!d that position for the past F years. - ha5e been acti5e in !and use p!anning and :oning "atters as we!! as !oca! go5ern"ent for "any years. - a" a Managing #irector of a !eading nationa! econo"ics(5a!uation(strategy consu!ting fir" that assists c!ients and counse! that are in5o!5ed in business disputes, !itigation and other operationa! circu"stances. -n addition, - was a participant in the Wisconsin Pub!ic Ser5ice Co""issions Subco""ittee =4uide!ines and Mode! ,rdinance %d 1oc Subco""ittee of the Wisconsin Wind Power Siting Co!!aborati5e< =the ?Subco""ittee@< that was studying the issue of wind energy siting in Wisconsin during the period )*** through )**'. The wor3 of that group co""enced initia!!y in 'GGB, but was discontinued in 'GGF when it did not reach consensus on the "any issues in5o!5ed in regu!ating wind energy. % fina! wor3product was ne5er re!eased. Si"i!ar!y, the Subco""ittees wor3 in )*** and )**' did not resu!t in a fina! wor3product. - prepared the initia! draft of this docu"ent in con7unction with "y wor3 on the Subco""ittee in )*** and )**'. %nother co"peting draft was prepared by the attorneys representing &PL 0nergy in a proposed wind pro7ect in the Town of %ddison, Washington County, Wisconsin. The attorneys, howe5er, c!ai"ed that their wor3 on the Subco""ittee was pro bono and was in no way re!ated to their si"u!taneous representation of &PL 0nergy and the then pending conditiona! use per"it app!ication in the Town of %ddison. My interest in wind energy began in response to a co""ercia! wind energy contro5ersy in an ad7acent Township that has been ongoing for appro6i"ate!y two years, in the hopes of a5oiding a si"i!ar contro5ersy in the Town of Barton. This draft has been re5iewed by both the Town of Bartons P!anner and the Town of Bartons %ttorney and is current!y being re5iewed by another attorney that has specia! e6pertise in the area of wind energy regu!ation in Wisconsin. - e6pect that a fina! Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy and Wind %ccess ,rdinance wi!! be considered in the Town of Barton during the ne6t few "onths.


This Mode! ,rdinance &ra"ewor3 for Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ities was de5e!oped based on se5era! pre5ious!y pub!ished Mode! ,rdinances for Wire!ess Co""unication inc!uding: Meeting t*e C*allenges of 6oning in t*e /nformation Age: Planning for Wireless Communications Facilities by Ti"othy 8. Tho"pson7 Model Wireless Communications Ordinance Framework written by Lisa 2erner, %-CP> Model -ylaw for Personal Wireless Ser+ice Facilities for )owns of -arnstable County, Massac*usetts. -n addition, it was a!so de5e!oped based on infor"ation contained in a nu"ber of adopted Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Koning ,rdinances inc!uding: $i5erside, Ca!ifornia> Mern County, Ca!ifornia> and additiona! :oning re!ated infor"ation that is reported in the /WCCs pub!ication Permitting Wind Energy Facilities: A Handbook7 and The Ca!ifornia 0nergy Co""issions Energy Aware ! Planning .uide for Energy Facilities&



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- a" "a3ing "y wor3 a5ai!ab!e now to other "unicipa!ities, p!anners, regiona! p!anning agencies, !oca! decision "a3ers and other interested parties who "ay a!so wish to a5oid the contro5ersy surrounding the siting and per"itting of such faci!ities by de5e!oping their own Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ity Siting ,rdinances. - a" a5ai!ab!e to answer ;uestions or pro5ide additiona! infor"ation on Co""ercia! Wind 0nergy &aci!ities and the re!ated issues. -f you ha5e ;uestions or need additiona! infor"ation, p!ease do not hesitate to contact "e at CMLawtonBUao!.co"



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