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"#$%&$ uavld ChrlsLensen

()*)+,"#) +66 87 086 0174
-.%/* davld[cllckLravelcover.com
0)12/$) www.cllckLravelcover.com
xx xx 2013
18AvLL lnSu8L8 WCCS SLnlC8 Cl1lZLn 18AvLL MA8kL1
lnLernaLlonal Cnllne 1ravel lnsurance porLal Cllck1ravelCover offers cover up Lo age 83
wlLh no loadlng for age
8angkok, xx xx, 2013
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lnLernaLlonal onllne Lravel lnsurance porLal Cllck1ravelCover ls maklng a concerLed play for Lhe senlor
Lravel markeL by offerlng lnLernaLlonal Lravel lnsurance for Lravelers up Lo age 83, wlLh no addlLlonal
premlum or loadlng based on age.
We are aware LhaL around Lhe world lL becomes lncreaslngly dlfflculL for senlor clLlzens Lo arrange
adequaLe Lravel lnsurance - and whaL we see are some companles noL offerlng cover over age 63, more
noL offerlng cover over age 70, and very few offerlng cover above age 73. And where lnLernaLlonal Lravel
lnsurance ls offered Lo senlor Lravelers, lL ofLen comes wlLh a nasLy sLlng ln Lhe Lall of addlLlonal
premlum loadlngs or resLrlcLed levels of cover," says lnsurance lndusLry veLeran uavld ChrlsLensen, who
has been Lasked wlLh Lhe developmenL and launch of Cllck1ravelCover on behalf of speclallsL offshore
medlcal and Lravel lnsurer aclflc Cross lnsurance Company.
Cllck1ravelCover has Laken a fundamenLally dlfferenL approach Lo Lhls, accordlng Lo Mr ChrlsLensen, by
maklng sLandard raLes avallable for appllcanLs up Lo age 83 for slngle Lrlp pollcles, and up Lo age 73 for
annual mulLl-Lrlp pollcles.
We don'L see Lhe need Lo resLrlcL Lhe age bands lower Lhan Lhls, or Lo requlre older cllenLs Lo pay an
addlLlonal fee, and we offer our sLandard, zero deducLlble slngle Lrlp pollcles whlch cover Lravel from 1-
180 days Lo appllcanLs up Lo age 83 from more Lhan half Lhe counLrles ln Lhe world, lncludlng 1he
Amerlcas, mosL of Lurope, AusLralasla and norLh, LasL and SouLh LasL Asla.
age | 2

eople are llvlng longer, en[oylng beLLer healLh ln Lhelr reLlremenL years, and wanLlng Lo en[oy
lnLernaLlonal Lravel as parL of Lhls - and we don'L see good reasons why Lhls growlng segmenL of Lhe
populaLlon should be denled Lravel lnsurance cover, or made Lo pay exLra for Lhelr cover."
Mr ChrlsLensen goes on Lo explaln Lhe raLlonale behlnd offerlng sLandard raLes Lo cusLomers rlghL
Lhrough Lo age 83. racLlcally wlLhouL excepLlon Lhe lnsurance lndusLry exempLs pre-exlsLlng condlLlons
from belng covered ln Lravel lnsurance, and Cllck1ravelCover ls no excepLlon Lo Lhls. lL doesn'L maLLer
wheLher a cllenL ls 30 or 80 - lf Lhey suffer from an exlsLlng medlcal condlLlon, LhaL condlLlon lsn'L
covered under Lravel lnsurance - Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL ls unlversal and lL's qulLe undersLandable
oLherwlse lnsurance companles would be bankrupLed ln a shorL space of Llme!
1here's a llkellhood LhaL a Lraveler ln Lhelr 80's ls more llkely Lo have pre-exlsLlng condlLlons Lhan a
younger Lraveler, and Lhese exlsLlng condlLlons aren'L covered by Lhe lnsurer and Lhe cllenL needs Lo be
aware of Lhls and also undersLand Lhey musL have Lhe capablllLy Lo meeL cosLs arlslng from pre-exlsLlng
medlcal condlLlons from Lhelr own resources," says Mr ChrlsLensen. So from an lnsurance rlsk
perspecLlve Lhere's noL a loL of dlfference beLween say a 30-year-old comlng down wlLh a new medlcal
condlLlon or sufferlng an accldenL whlle Lravellng Lhan an 80-year-old so Lhe premlum shouldn'L really
vary LhaL much."
lnsurance companles LhaL refuse Lo offer cover for senlor Lravelers are really [usL Lrylng Lo ellmlnaLe
some uncerLalnLles and rlsks - and Lhe publlc really needs Lo ask lf Lhey belleve Lhey should supporL a
Lravel lnsurance company LhaL won'L supporL Lhem once Lhey geL a llLLle older. And as for Lhose
companles LhaL charge a loadlng for senlor Lravelers - for Lhe reasons sLaLed earller we don'L Lhlnk LhaL
ls necessary and lL seems Lhose companles are slmply Laklng advanLage of older cusLomers, and lL's Llme
Lhls was broughL lnLo Lhe open," he says.
Cllck1ravelCover pollcles are avallable onllne by vlslLlng hLLp://www.cllckLravelcover.com. AccepLance of
appllcanLs who are resldenLs of Lhe counLrles llsLed ls guaranLeed, and secure paymenL can be made vla
credlL card.
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aclflc Cross lnsurance Company LlmlLed (hLLps://www.paclflccross-lnsurance.com/proflle.php) ls a
prlvaLely owned offshore mulLl-llne lnsurance underwrlLer wlLh deep hlsLorlcal rooLs ln a LradlLlon of
provldlng healLh lnsurance and healLh care servlces Lo Lhe people of Asla and Lhe world. lnsurance
pollcles are admlnlsLered by Lhe company's 1hlrd arLy AdmlnlsLraLor (1A), lnLernaLlonal
AdmlnlsLraLors LlmlLed (hLLp://www.lalhk.com/). Cllck1ravelCover (hLLp://www.cllckLravelcover.com/)
ls an onllne porLal formlng parL of lnLernaLlonal AdmlnlsLraLors LlmlLed, and offerlng for sale Lhe
producLs of aclflc Cross lnsurance Company LlmlLed.
# # #
lf you would llke more lnformaLlon abouL Lhls Loplc, please conLacL uavld ChrlsLensen ln 8angkok,
1halland on +66 87 086 0174 or emall aL davld[cllckLravelcover.com.

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