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Software Licence and Maintenance Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT made effective the [_____] day of [________________ ] [20__]! "ET#EEN$ [Customer] %&'(ST)MER*+ , and , [________________________] %the &-endor*+ Section . / 0efinition1 And Inter2retation .!3. In thi1 Agreement 4n5e11 the conte6t otherwi1e re74ire1$ %a+ %8+ &Acce2tance* mean1 the acce2tance of the 0e5ivera85e1 in accordance with Section .3 %In12ection of the 0e5ivera85e1+ of thi1 Agreement9 &'(ST)MER Gro42* mean1 '(ST)MER and it1 Affi5iate1 and A11ociate1 a1 14ch term1 are defined in the Business Corporations Act %[_______]+9 &'onfidentia5 Information* mean1 a55 confidentia5 1cientific technica5 financia5 841ine11 and other information a55 man4fact4ring mar:eting 1a5e1 and di1tri84tion data a55 1cientific and te1t data doc4ment1 method1 techni74e1 form45ation1 o2eration1 :now,how e62erience 1:i551 trade 1ecret1 com24ter 2rogram1 and 1y1tem1 2roce11e1 2ractice1 idea1 invention1 de1ign1 1am25e1 25an1 and drawing19 &'ontract ;rice* mean1 the amo4nt1 referred to or e62re11ed in thi1 Agreement and 12ecifica55y in the 2ayment 1ched45e attached a1 Sched45e &A* to thi1 Agreement to 8e 2aya85e 8y '(ST)MER to the -endor for the 0e5ivera85e19 &[____________] Sy1tem* mean1 the com24ter hardware and 1oftware converted data 1y1tem interface1 data8a1e1 and doc4mentation that are to 8e in1ta55ed 8y the -endor and im25emented 8y '(ST)MER inc54ding the 0e5ivera85e1 to 8e 2rovided 8y the -endor to '(ST)MER a55 a1 contem25ated here4nder a1 the 1ame may 8e 42graded enhanced or otherwi1e modified or ada2ted from time to time a55 a1 de1cri8ed in Sched45e &"*9 &0e5ivera85e1* mean1 the who5e of the 1ervice1 %inc54ding witho4t 5imitation training warranty and maintenance 1ervice1+ materia51 e74i2ment com24ter





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1oftware 2rogram1 and matter1 and thing1 re74ired to 8e done f4rni1hed or 2erformed 8y the -endor in accordance with the term1 of the Agreement9 %g+ &0oc4mentation* mean1 the technica5 and 41er doc4mentation to 8e 2rovided 8y the -endor in the Eng5i1h 5ang4age inc54ding witho4t 5imitation the doc4ment1 identified in Sched45e &'* to thi1 Agreement9 &<4nctiona5 S2ecification1* mean1 the de1cri2tion of the re74ired f4nction1 and a225ication1 of the [________] Sy1tem a1 1et o4t in Sched45e &0* hereto9 &Im25ementation Sched45e* mean1 the 1ched45e for in1ta55ation deve5o2ment im25ementation and te1ting of the [_________] Sy1tem inc54ding witho4t 5imitation the de5ivery and in1ta55ation of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 a1 1et o4t in Sched45e &E* to thi1 Agreement9 &Im2rovement1* mean1 any im2rovement1 42date1 variation1 modification1 a5teration1 addition1 error correction1 enhancement1 f4nctiona5 change1 or other change1 to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and 0oc4mentation inc54ding witho4t 5imitation$ %i+ %ii+ %iii+ im2rovement1 and 42grade1 to im2rove 1oftware efficiency and maintaina8i5ity9 im2rovement1 and 42grade1 to im2rove o2erationa5 integrity and efficiency9 time5y 42date1 to ta6 and other ta85e1 and ca5c45ation and re2ort 2rogram1 to en14re com25iance with a55 a225ica85e federa5 2rovincia5 and 5oca5 5aw1 or other reg45atory or 5awf45 re74irement19 f4nctiona5 im2rovement1 or change1 which 1422ort 5egi15ated reg45atory or other 5awf45 re74irement19 change1 or modification1 to correct error19 and additiona5 5icen1ed com24ter 2rogram1 to otherwi1e 42date the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram19




%iv+ %v+ %vi+ %:+ %5+ %m+

&Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1* mean1 tho1e com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 identified in Sched45e &<* to thi1 Agreement9 &Live ;rod4ction* mean1 41e of the [__________] Sy1tem in the reg45ar 841ine11 o2eration of '(ST)MER9 &Maintenance Acce11 ;eriod* 4n5e11 otherwi1e 12ecified in the Agreement mean1 an 4ninterr42ted time 2eriod of a minim4m of e5even %..+ con1ec4tive ho4r1 each day 8etween >$?3 a!m! and @$?3 2!m! [insert time zone] d4ring which the -endor 1ha55 have 2er1onne5

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avai5a85e to receive re74e1t1 for maintenance 1ervice1 and 2rovide the maintenance 1ervice1 in accordance with the Agreement9 %n+ &Re12on1e Time* mean1 the 2eriod of time 8eginning with a bona fide attem2t to reach the -endor 8y te5e2hone or other ora5 or written mean1 ha1 8een made 8y '(ST)MER d4ring a Maintenance Acce11 ;eriod and ending with the re12on1e of the -endor9 &Time to Re2air* mean1 that 2ortion of the time that the [________] Sy1tem cannot 8e 41ed 8eca41e of error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance to <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 1tarting from the re12on1e of the -endor and ending with the t4rnover of the 0e5ivera85e1 to '(ST)MER in 2ro2er wor:ing order9 &(na22roved Modification1* mean1 modification1 to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 not a22roved 8y the -endor 84t made 8y '(ST)MER or on it1 8eha5f 8y 1omeone other than the -endor!



.!3A A55 do55ar amo4nt1 referred to in thi1 Agreement are in 'anadian 0o55ar1! .!3? The fo55owing are the Sched45e1 anne6ed to and incor2orated in thi1 Agreement 8y reference and deemed to 8e a 2art hereof$ Sched45e &A* / ;ayment Sched45e Sched45e &"* / [_________] Sy1tem Sched45e &'* / 0oc4mentation Sched45e &0* / <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 Sched45e &E* / Im25ementation Sched45e Sched45e &<* / Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 Sched45e &G* / Training Section A / Re2re1entation1 A!3. The -endor re2re1ent1 and warrant1 and it i1 a condition of thi1 Agreement that$ %a+ the -endor i1 a cor2oration d45y organiBed and e6i1ting in good 1tanding 4nder the 5aw1 of [__________] and regi1tered to carry on 841ine11 a1 may 8e contem25ated here4nder9 the -endor ha1 the a8i5ity and a4thority to enter into thi1 Agreement and the e6ec4tion and 2erformance of thi1 Agreement or any 2art of thi1 Agreement 8y the -endor ha1 8een d45y a4thoriBed 8y a55 re74i1ite cor2orate action9 the e6ec4tion and 2erformance of thi1 Agreement or any 2art of thi1 Agreement 8y the -endor doe1 not and wi55 not vio5ate any contract or other o85igation of the -endor and the -endor :now1 of no circ4m1tance1 which wo45d 2revent the -endorC1 2erformance of thi1 Agreement or any 2art thereof9



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the -endor i1 com2etent to 2erform it1 o85igation1 here4nder and ha1 14fficient man2ower re1o4rce1 1:i551 e62erience too51 and a55 14ch other materia51 a1 may 8e re74ired to meet it1 o85igation1 in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e or otherwi1e on or 8efore the re74ired date%1+9 the -endor ha1 the nece11ary 74a5ification1 %inc54ding :now5edge e62erience and 1:i55+ to 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1 and wi55 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1 %inc54ding warranty and maintenance 1ervice+ in a di5igent 2rofe11iona5 and time5y manner9 and the re2re1entation1 and warrantie1 made 8y the -endor herein inc54ding the recita51 and a55 1ched45e1 hereto %in 2artic45ar in the -endorC1 ;ro2o1a5+ are rea1ona85e and correct and may 8e re5ied 42on 8y '(ST)MER and 1ha55 contin4e to 8e rea1ona85e and correct and may 8e re5ied 42on 8y '(ST)MER thro4gho4t the 2erformance of thi1 Agreement!



A!3A The -endor re2re1ent1 and warrant1 that any 148contractor1 engaged 8y it to carry o4t any 2art of the -endorC1 o85igation1 contem25ated here4nder 1ha55$ %a+ %8+ %c+ 8e com2etent to 2erform their o85igation19 8e acce2ted 8y '(ST)MER in writing 2rior to 2erforming any 1ervice1 here4nder9 have 14fficient man2ower re1o4rce1 1:i551 e62erience too51 or a55 14ch other materia51 a1 may 8e re74ired in order to meet their o85igation1 in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e or otherwi1e on or 8efore the re74ired date19 and have the nece11ary 74a5ification1 inc54ding :now5edge e62erience and 1:i55 to 2erform the wor: e62ected of them with the a8i5ity to 41e 14ch :now5edge e62erience and 1:i55 effective5y in carrying o4t their o85igation1!


Section ? / 'ond4ct ?!3. The -endor 1ha55 14225y a55 the re1o4rce1 faci5itie1 5a8o4r and 142ervi1ion management 1ervice1 e74i2ment materia51 drawing1 technica5 data technica5 a11i1tance engineering 1ervice1 in12ection and 74a5ity a114rance 2roced4re1 and 25anning nece11ary to 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1 in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e or a1 otherwi1e re74ired! #itho4t 5imiting the genera5ity of the foregoing the -endor wi55 12ecifica55y 8e re12on1i85e to 2rovide at it1 e62en1e$ %a+ %8+ acce11 to an a22ro2riate com24ter 25atform for the 24r2o1e1 of 2roviding the 0e5ivera85e1 if re74ired9 and a55 re1o4rce1 com2onent1 or thing1 otherwi1e re74ired or de1ira85e for the -endor to com25ete the 0e5ivera85e1!

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?!3A If re74ired the -endor may have certain 5imited acce11 to the '(ST)MER com24ter 1y1tem 84t on5y if the -endor o8tain1 the 2rior written 2ermi11ion of '(ST)MER and com25ie1 with any re1triction1 or 2rohi8ition1 or any other term1 and condition1 which are 1et o4t 8y '(ST)MER! ?!3? The -endor 1ha55$ %a+ %8+ 2erform a55 of it1 o85igation1 here4nder in a di5igent 2rofe11iona5 and efficient manner9 a225y a1 a minim4m 14ch 74a5ity a114rance te1t1 in12ection1 and contro51 a1 are norma55y a225ied 8y re24ta85e contractor1 in 2roviding 1imi5ar 0e5ivera85e19 and en14re that the 0e5ivera85e1$ %i+ %ii+ %iii+ are of 2ro2er 74a5ity materia5 and wor:man1hi29 are in f455 conformity with and meet or e6ceed the <4nctiona5 S2ecification19 meet or e6ceed man4fact4rer1C 2erformance or other 12ecification1 for com2onent1 or com24ter 2rogram1 incor2orated in the 0e5ivera85e19 meet or e6ceed a55 other re74irement1 of the Agreement9 and are 2rovided in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e and meet any other a225ication dead5ine1!


%iv+ %v+

?!3D The -endor 1ha55 2rovide at it1 e62en1e 14ch re2ort1 on the 1tat41 or 2rogre11 in 2roviding the 0e5ivera85e1 and 14ch other re2ort1 a1 may rea1ona85y 8e re74ired 8y '(ST)MER! ?!3E The -endor 12ecifica55y warrant1 and it i1 a condition of thi1 Agreement that in 2roviding the 0e5ivera85e1 %inc54ding any 0e5ivera85e1 2rovided 8y any 148contractor1+ the -endor 1ha55 and 1ha55 en14re that any 148contractor 1ha55$ %a+ %8+ a8ide 8y a55 of the 1ec4rity 2ractice1 and direction1 2rovided 8y '(ST)MER9 and 2rovide an ade74ate 5eve5 of 2rotection and 1ec4rity for the data data8a1e1 com24ter 2rogram1 and re1o4rce1 of '(ST)MER and other1 a1 2rovided or made avai5a85e to the -endor in order to en14re no di1c5o14re of 4na4thoriBed 41e of or 4na4thoriBed acce11 to any 14ch data data8a1e1 com24ter 2rogram1 or other re1o4rce1!

?!3F No 4na4thoriBed com24ter 2rogram f4nctiona5ity ro4tine data re1o4rce1 or ca2a8i5itie1 1ha55 8e introd4ced to any com24ter 2rogram or 1y1tem of '(ST)MER or of any other1 e6ce2t a1 e62re115y a4thoriBed in writing 8y '(ST)MER and witho4t 5imiting the genera5ity of the foregoing the -endor 1ha55 12ecifica55y not 2ermit and 1ha55 2rotect to 2revent the entry of any com24ter vir41 2rogram tro=an hor1e 2rogram worm 2rogram or other 4na4thoriBed com24ter 2rogram into the [_________] Sy1tem or any 2art thereof or into the data data8a1e1 com24ter

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2rogram1 com24ter re1o4rce1 or com24ter 1y1tem1 or any of them or 2rovided 8y '(ST)MER or other1! Section D / S48contracting D!3. The -endor 1ha55 o8tain the written con1ent of '(ST)MER 2rior to the 148contracting of any 2ortion of the 0e5ivera85e1! Any con1ent to a 148contract that i1 o8tained 1ha55 not re5ieve the -endor from it1 o85igation1 4nder the Agreement or 8e con1tr4ed a1 a4thoriBing the e1ta85i1hment of any 5ia8i5ity what1oever on the 2art of '(ST)MER to a 148contractor! The -endor 1ha55 8e who55y re12on1i85e to en14re that any 2ermitted 148contractor 2rovide1 any 2art of the 0e5ivera85e1 in accordance with the o85igation1 of the -endor 1et o4t in thi1 Agreement! D!3A Notwith1tanding Section D!3. the -endor may witho4t the 2rior con1ent of '(ST)MER 24rcha1e &off,the,1he5f* item1 and 14ch 1tandard com24ter 2rogram1 artic5e1 and materia51 a1 are ordinari5y 2rod4ced 8y man4fact4rer1 in the norma5 co4r1e of 841ine11! D!3? In any 148contract other than a 148contract referred to in Section D!3A the -endor 1ha55 4n5e11 '(ST)MER otherwi1e con1ent1 in writing en14re that the 148contractor i1 8o4nd 8y term1 and condition1 com2ati85e with and not 5e11 favo4ra85e to '(ST)MER than the term1 and condition1 of thi1 Agreement! Section E / 0e5ivera85e1 E!3. The -endor 1ha55 8e f455y re12on1i85e for the 14225y de5ivery in1ta55ation integration and im25ementation of the 0e5ivera85e1 in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e or a1 otherwi1e re74ired inc54ding witho4t 5imitation$ %a+ %8+ %c+ a11i1tance in in1ta55ation9 im25ementation 25anning and 2re2aration for

14225y de5ivery in1ta55ation and te1ting of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram19 te1ting and 74a5ity a114rance of a55 a12ect1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and a55 Im2rovement1 and otherwi1e en14ring the 0e5ivera85e1 are ready for 41e 8y '(ST)MER in accordance with the <4nctiona5 S2ecification19 14225y and de5ivery of 14fficient and acc4rate technica5 and 41er doc4mentation %inc54ding 42date1+ training co4r1e1 and a11ociated training device1 a1 re74ired here4nder inc54ding witho4t 5imitation the 0oc4mentation and training de1cri8ed or referred to in Sched45e1 &'* and &G* re12ective5y9 and 2rovi1ion of the nece11ary warranty maintenance and 1422ort 1ervice1 %inc54ding Im2rovement1+ a1 re74ired here4nder!



Section F / ;re2aration F!3. The -endor 1ha55 a11i1t '(ST)MER in 2re2aring for the in1ta55ation of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1! S4ch a11i1tance 1ha55 inc54de witho4t 5imitation 2roviding '(ST)MER with im25ementation 25anning a22ro2riate chec:5i1t1 and
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ongoing 1422ort and a11i1tance a1 and when re74ired 2rior to the in1ta55ation date a1 2rovided in the Im25ementation Sched45e! If re74ired 8y '(ST)MER the -endor 1ha55 8e re12on1i85e for cond4cting 2re,in1ta55ation in12ection1 of one or more in1ta55ation 1ite1 immediate5y 2rior to the in1ta55ation of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 to en14re to the e6tent rea1ona85y 2o11i85e that 14ch 1ite1 conform to re74ired 12ecification1 for in1ta55ation! Section @ / In1ta55ation and 0oc4mentation @!3. The -endor 1ha55 in1ta55 a55 of the com2onent1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 in accordance with the Im25ementation Sched45e and 1ha55 de5iver to '(ST)MER co2ie1 of a55 doc4mentation inc54ding o2erating man4a51 training aid1 41er g4ide1 and 1y1tem admini1tration doc4mentation a1 we55 a1 technica5 reference materia51 de1cri8ing the o2eration of a55 14ch com2onent1 in 14fficient detai5 to ena85e '(ST)MERC1 em25oyee1 to o2erate 41e maintain re2air modify enhance 1422ort and te1t the 1ame witho4t a11i1tance from the -endor! S4ch doc4mentation 1ha55 inc54de witho4t 5imitation the 0oc4mentation de1cri8ed in Sched45e &'*! @!3A '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the right to re2rod4ce a55 doc4mentation 14225ied 8y the -endor 4nder thi1 Agreement inc54ding 84t not re1tricted to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and the 0oc4mentation referred to in Sched45e &'* [ whether for training,] 2rovided that 14ch re2rod4ction1 1ha55 8e 1o5e5y for 41e 8y '(ST)MER or any other mem8er of the '(ST)MER 'or2orate Gro42 that 14ch re2rod4ction1 1ha55 8e 148=ect to the 1ame re1triction1 on 41e and di1c5o14re a1 are contained in the Agreement with re12ect to the origina5 doc4mentation and that any co2yright notice1 or mar:ing1 contained on 14ch doc4mentation 1ha55 not 8e removed from any re2rod4ced co2ie1! Section > / So4rce 'ode E1crow Agreement >!3. The -endor confirm1 that$ %a+ the -endor ha1 entered into a So4rce 'ode E1crow Agreement with [____________________] %the &E1crow Agreement*+ dated [__________] a co2y of which i1 attached a1 Sched45e &[___]* to thi1 Agreement9 the E1crow Agreement i1 in f455 force and effect 4namended a1 of the date of thi1 Agreement9 and the -endor ha1 14225ied a c4rrent co2y of the 1o4rce code for the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 to the E1crow Agent! com25y with the E1crow Agreement9 from time to time 2rovide 42dated co2ie1 of the 1o4rce code for the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 to the E1crow Agent9 and 2rovide 1o4rce code for a55 Im2rovement1 to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 to the E1crow Agent!

%8+ %c+

>!3A The -endor 1ha55$ %a+ %8+ %c+

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>!3? If the E1crow Agent give1 notice to the -endor to terminate the E1crow Agreement or for any rea1on cea1e1 or threaten1 to cea1e to 2erform it1 o85igation1 4nder the E1crow Agreement the -endor 1ha55 immediate5y notify '(ST)MER and 1ha55 2rior to the termination of the E1crow Agreement or a1 1oon a1 otherwi1e 2ractica85e either$ %a+ enter into a re25acement agreement and 2rovide written confirmation to '(ST)MER in re12ect thereof of the matter1 1et o4t in Section >!3.9 or 2rovide a co2y of the 1o4rce code for the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and Im2rovement1 to '(ST)MER!


Section G / Training G!3. The -endor 1ha55 8e re12on1i85e for 2roviding 14fficient training and a11ociated training materia51 a1 may 8e re74ired 8y '(ST)MER to ade74ate5y train '(ST)MERC1 2er1onne5 to o2erate 41e maintain re2air modify enhance 1422ort and te1t the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and each of their com2onent1 inc54ding witho4t 5imitation 41er training and 1y1tem admini1tration and maintenance training and to 2rovide the training de1cri8ed or referred to in and 148=ect to the term1 and condition1 12ecified in Sched45e &G* attached hereto! Section .3 / In12ection of the 0e5ivera85e1 .3!3. (2on the 0e5ivera85e1 8eing in1ta55ed 8y the -endor '(ST)MER and the -endor 1ha55 148=ect the 0e5ivera85e1 to diagno1tic te1ting to verify that they meet the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1! .3!3A If the te1ting 24r14ant to Section .3!3. confirm1 that the 0e5ivera85e1 meet the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 '(ST)MER 1ha55 notify the -endor in writing that the 0e5ivera85e1 have 8een 14cce11f455y in1ta55ed! If the 0e5ivera85e1 do not meet the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 '(ST)MER 1ha55 notify the -endor of 14ch fai54re 12ecifying the 2ro85em1 enco4ntered! (2on '(ST)MERC1 notification the -endor 1ha55 immediate5y cond4ct a rete1t! If 42on rete1ting the 0e5ivera85e1 do not meet the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 the -endor 1ha55 within ten %.3+ 841ine11 day1 correct a55 2ro85em1 and 1ha55 notify '(ST)MER of com25etion of the correction1 fo55owing which the te1t 2roced4re 1et o4t in thi1 Section .3 1ha55 8e re2erformed! .3!3? If the 0e5ivera85e1 do not meet the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 fo55owing correction in accordance with Section .3!3A '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the o2tion of$ %a+ notifying the -endor of the fai54re and re74iring the -endor to correct the 2ro85em in which ca1e the 2rovi1ion1 of thi1 Section 1ha55 a225y once again and 1o on from time to time9 or terminating thi1 Agreement and re74iring the -endor to 2rom2t5y ref4nd a55 amo4nt1 2aid on acco4nt of the 'ontract ;rice!


.3!3D The -endorC1 1ervice1 in correcting 2ro85em1 if any 12ecific to the in1ta55ation te1t criteria 1ha55 8e 2rovided witho4t charge1 to '(ST)MER! Section .. / Ri1: and In14rance
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..!3. E6ce2t a1 otherwi1e 2rovided in the Agreement the ri1: of 5o11 or damage in re12ect of the 0e5ivera85e1 1ha55 remain with the -endor 4nti5 de5ivery to and in1ta55ation of the 0e5ivera85e1 or 2art thereof 8y or on 8eha5f of '(ST)MER! ..!3A The -endor at it1 1o5e e62en1e 1ha55 maintain in14rance coverage ade74ate to cover the 2rovi1ion of the 0e5ivera85e1 inc54ding the fo55owing$ %a+ Em25oyer1C Lia8i5ity In14rance covering each wor:er to the e6tent of H[_________] where 14ch wor:er i1 not covered 8y #or:er1C 'om2en1ation or where #or:er1C 'om2en1ation i1 not the e6c541ive remedy9 A4tomo8i5e ;485ic Lia8i5ity In14rance covering a55 vehic5e1 41ed to 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1 whether owned o2erated andIor 5ea1ed 8y the -endor or it1 Re2re1entative1 with a com8ined 1ing5e 5imit of H [____________] for each occ4rrence invo5ving 8odi5y in=4ry death or 2ro2erty damage9 'ommercia5 Genera5 Lia8i5ity In14rance coverage written on an &occ4rrence* 8a1i1 inc54ding 2rod4ct1 and com25eted o2eration1 5ia8i5ity contract4a5 5ia8i5ity and 2er1ona5 5ia8i5ity with a com8ined 1ing5e 5imit of H[____________] for each occ4rrence of 8odi5y in=4ry death or 2ro2erty damage9 Error1 and )mi11ion1 In14rance covering a55 0e5ivera85e1 with a com8ined 1ing5e 5imit of H[____________] for each 5o11 or c5aim! with the e6ce2tion of that de1cri8ed in 1481ection ..!3A %iv+ a8ove name each mem8er of the '(ST)MER Gro42 to whom 0e5ivera85e1 are 2rovided 8y the -endor here4nder a1 an additiona5 in14red9 2rovide a waiver of 148rogation in favo4r of each 14ch mem8er of the '(ST)MER Gro429 re74ire the in14rer to 2rovide each 14ch mem8er of the '(ST)MER Gro42 with no fewer than thirty %?3+ ca5endar day1C written notice 2rior to cance55ation or a materia5 change to the 2o5icie19 8e maintained in effect d4ring the Term 2rovided that any 2o5icie1 written on a &c5aim1 made* 8a1i1 1ha55 8e maintained for at 5ea1t one year fo55owing the e62iry or termination of thi1 Agreement however ca41ed! at the re74e1t of any mem8er of the '(ST)MER Gro42 to whom 0e5ivera85e1 are 2rovided 8y the -endor here4nder o8tain additiona5 in14rance coverage with in14rance carrier1 1ati1factory to 14ch mem8er1 of the '(ST)MER Gro429 f4rni1h 14ch mem8er1 of the '(ST)MER Gro42 with certificate1 1etting forth the re74ired in14rance coverage9




..!3? The in14rance re74ired 4nder thi1 Section .. 1ha55$ %a+

%8+ %c+


..!3D The -endor 1ha55$ %a+


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2rom2t5y re2ort in writing to the a225ica85e mem8er1 of the '(ST)MER Gro42 f455 detai51 of any accident invo5ving 2er1ona5 in=4ry death or 1481tantia5 2ro2erty damage inc4rred in 2roviding the 0e5ivera85e1!

Section .A / Grant of Licence .A!3. The -endor here8y grant1 to the '(ST)MER Gro42 148=ect to the term1 condition1 and 5imitation1 hereof a wor5dwide non,e6c541ive irrevoca85e 2er2et4a5 right and 5icence which 1ha55 8e non,tran1fera85e e6ce2t a1 2ermitted 24r14ant to Section .E to 41e the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and a55 re5ated doc4mentation 2rovided to the '(ST)MER Gro42 here4nder! Section .? / Sco2e of Licence .?!3. The 5icence granted 4nder thi1 Agreement a4thoriBe1 the '(ST)MER Gro42 to 41e tran15ate co2y re2rod4ce tran1mit 8y te5ecomm4nication1 di125ay ada2t merge change or modify the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 witho4t the con1ent of or notice to the -endor 2rovided that on5y the 5icen1ed n4m8er of co2ie1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 8e 41ed at any one time! .?!3A The 5icence granted to the '(ST)MER Gro42 here4nder inc54de1 the right to 2ermit any mem8er or mem8er1 of the '(ST)MER Gro42 to 41e and acce11 the 0e5ivera85e1 at no additiona5 co1t 2rovided that on5y the 5icen1ed n4m8er of co2ie1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 8e 41ed at any one time! <or greater certainty the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 may 8e 41ed on the com24ter 1y1tem1 of any of the '(ST)MER Gro42 mem8er1 in thi1 regard and may 8e 41ed to 2erform 2roce11ing for any or a55 of the '(ST)MER Gro42 mem8er1! .?!3? The '(ST)MER Gro42 1ha55 8e entit5ed notwith1tanding anything e51e contained herein to ma:e a1 many co2ie1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 in 2rinted machine,reada85e or e5ectronic form a1 may 8e rea1ona85y nece11ary for '(ST)MERC1 archiva5 8ac:42 and 1ec4rity 24r2o1e1! The re12ective 2rod4ctC1 co2yright notice m41t 8e affi6ed to any and a55 media containing com25ete or 2artia5 content1 of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1! .?!3D The Licence 12ecifica55y grant1 the '(ST)MER Gro42 the right to enter into =oint vent4re1 and 2rovide a55 third 2arty 1ervice1 inc54ding 84t not 5imited to the right to 2rovide a55 genera5 1ervice 84rea4 and faci5itie1 management 1ervice1! .?!3E E6ce2t a1 12ecifica55y 1et o4t in thi1 Agreement the -endor 1ha55 8e re12on1i85e for a55 comm4nication1 and dea5ing1 with third 2arty vendor1 of com24ter 2rogram1 or 1y1tem1 which ma:e 42 2art of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1! The -endor re2re1ent1 and warrant1 and it i1 a condition of thi1 Agreement that the -endor 1ha55 have the right to grant on 8eha5f of it1e5f and 14ch third 2arty vendor1 the right1 granted to the '(ST)MER Gro42 herein and indemnifie1 and ho5d1 the '(ST)MER Gro42 harm5e11 from any and a55 co1t e62en1e c5aim1 charge1 damage1 and fee1 %inc54ding 5ega5 fee1 on a 1o5icitor and hi1 own c5ient 8a1i1+ which may ari1e from a 8reach of thi1 covenant!

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Section .D / Trade,Mar:1 and ;ro2rietary Notice1 .D!3. The -endor e62re115y re1erve1 a55 right1 to it1 own trade,name1 5ogo1 trade, mar:1 other identifying 1ym8o51 and a55 of it1 2ro2rietary right1 in it1 2rod4ct 2ac:aging or 5a8e55ing of any Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1! The '(ST)MER Gro42 1ha55 not ac74ire any right tit5e or intere1t in or to any 14ch trade,name 5ogo trade,mar: or other identifying 1ym8o51 of the -endor! .D!3A The '(ST)MER Gro42 1ha55 en14re that a55 2ro2rietary and co2yright notice1 of -endor on the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 are in 25ace and 5eft intact at a55 time1 and are 25aced in 14ch 5ocation or 5ocation1 a1 the -endor may rea1ona85y advi1e in re5ation to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1! Section .E / Tem2orary Tran1fer of Software .E!3. A55 com24ter 2rogram1 who1e 41e i1 5imited 4nder the Agreement may 8e tem2orari5y in1ta55ed on other com24ter hardware or e74i2ment for rea1ona85e 2eriod1 of time when any of the '(ST)MER Gro42C1 com24ter 1y1tem1 or 5ocation1 are non,o2erationa5 for any rea1on what1oever 148=ect to a55 other term1 and condition1 of the Agreement! .E!3A S48=ect to Section .E!3. and e6ce2t a1 otherwi1e 2rovided here4nder at no time wi55 any com24ter 2rogram who1e 41e i1 5imited 4nder the Agreement 8e r4nning conc4rrent5y on more than the n4m8er of de1ignated com24ter 1y1tem1 12ecified in the Agreement! .E!3? Sho45d any tran1fer contem25ated in thi1 Section re74ire a different ver1ion of any com24ter 2rogram in order for it to 8e com2ati85e with a different com24ter 1y1tem hardware or o2erating 1y1tem the -endor 1ha55 2rovide a 5imited term 5icence of an a22ro2riate ver1ion if e6i1ting and avai5a85e from the -endor witho4t 2ayment of additiona5 5icence fee1 8y the '(ST)MER Gro42! Section .F / ;ayment .F!3. '(ST)MER 1ha55 2ay the -endor in accordance with the ;ayment Sched45e de1cri8ed in Sched45e &A* to thi1 Agreement 42on com25etion to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER of the a225ica85e mi5e1tone1 contem25ated in the Im25ementation Sched45e and 148=ect to a55 other term1 and condition1 1et o4t in thi1 Agreement! .F!3A Notwith1tanding any other 2rovi1ion1 of the Agreement no 2ayment 1ha55 8e made to the -endor 4n5e11 and 4nti5$ %a+ a55 invoice1 in12ection note1 certificate1 and other doc4ment1 re74ired 8y the Agreement have 8een 148mitted in accordance with the term1 of the Agreement and the in1tr4ction1 of '(ST)MER9 with re12ect to a55 2art1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 in re12ect of which 2ayment i1 c5aimed the -endor where re74ired to do 1o e1ta85i1he1 to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER that 14ch 2art1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 wi55 8e free from a55 c5aim1 5ien1 attachment1 charge1 or enc4m8rance19 and


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in the ca1e of 2ayment in re12ect of fini1hed 0e5ivera85e1 the fini1hed 0e5ivera85e1 have 8een in12ected 8y '(ST)MER and acce2ted a1 8eing in accordance with the Agreement inc54ding the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1!

.F!3? '(ST)MER 1ha55 notify the -endor within fifteen %.E+ day1 of recei2t of an invoice of any inade74acy of the invoice or of the 1422orting doc4mentation and where any 14ch notice i1 given within that 2eriod the date for 2ayment of the amo4nt invoiced 1ha55 8e 2o1t2oned 4nti5 the -endor remedie1 the inade74acy to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER at no additiona5 co1t to '(ST)MER! .F!3D The 'ontract ;rice 12ecified in the Agreement 1ha55 inc54de a55 2rovincia5 ta6e1 federa5 ta6e1 and 1imi5ar 5evie1 or charge1 %inc54ding Good1 and Service1 Ta6e1+ in re12ect of any of the 0e5ivera85e1 2rovided 8y the -endor to '(ST)MER! '(ST)MER 1ha55 have no 5ia8i5ity for ta6e1 on the income of the -endor! .F!3E Notwith1tanding anything e51e herein contained$ %a+ '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e entit5ed to ho5d 8ac: from any 2ayment to the -endor contem25ated here4nder 14ch amo4nt a1 may 8e re74ired 8y 5aw or to 2ay or 1ett5e any third 2arty c5aim1 in re12ect of any 2art of the 0e5ivera85e19 and '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e entit5ed to withho5d and remit to the a22ro2riate ta6ing a4thoritie1 or otherwi1e withho5d any amo4nt1 re74ired 8y 5aw to 8e withhe5d from 2ayment1 made to the -endor! If the -endor 2rovide1 '(ST)MER with an e6em2tion certificate from 'anada Reven4e Agency then '(ST)MER 1ha55 not withho5d any federa5 withho5ding ta6 in re12ect of the 2ayment made to the -endor in re5iance on 14ch certificate of e6em2tion and the -endor indemnifie1 and ho5d1 harm5e11 '(ST)MER it1 director1 officer1 and em25oyee1 in re12ect of any and a55 5ia8i5ity damage1 c5aim1 co1t1 %inc54ding rea1ona85e 5ega5 fee1 to defend any 14ch c5aim1+ ari1ing in re5ation to the fai54re of '(ST)MER to withho5d the amo4nt1 2aya85e 4nder the Agreement! To the e6tent that re74irement1 of 5aw re74ire '(ST)MER to withho5d a certain 2ortion of any 2ayment or 2ayment1 to the -endor a1 contem25ated in thi1 Section then '(ST)MER wi55 rea1ona85y a11i1t the -endor in 2roviding 14ch doc4mentation or a114rance1 a1 may 8e contem25ated in thi1 Agreement and may 8e con1idered de1ira85e 8y the -endor in 1ee:ing to recover 14ch withhe5d amo4nt1 from the a22ro2riate ta6ing a4thoritie1!


Section .@ / Intere1t on )verd4e Acco4nt1 .@!3. A55 amo4nt1 d4e and owing to the -endor here4nder 84t not 2aid 8y the '(ST)MER on the d4e date thereof 1ha55 8ear intere1t at the rate of [____] 2er cent %[___]J+ 2er month! S4ch intere1t 1ha55 accr4e from time to time on the

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8a5ance of 4n2aid amo4nt1 o4t1tanding from the date on which 2ortion1 of 14ch amo4nt1 8ecome d4e and owing 4nti5 2ayment thereof in f455! Section .> / #arranty .>!3. Notwith1tanding in12ection and acce2tance of the 0e5ivera85e1 8y or on 8eha5f of '(ST)MER and witho4t re1tricting any other 2rovi1ion of the Agreement or any condition warranty or 2rovi1ion im25ied or im2o1ed 8y 5aw the -endor warrant1 that from the date of thi1 Agreement and 4nti5 the e62iration of [__________] %[___]+ month1 from the date of commencing Live ;rod4ction of the [___________] Sy1tem the 0e5ivera85e1 1ha55 2erform in accordance with the -endorC1 41er doc4mentation of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and 1ha55 meet or e6ceed the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1! '(ST)MER 1ha55 give written notice to the -endor of any 2erformance fai54re within a rea1ona85e 2eriod of time fo55owing di1covery of 14ch fai54re! .>!3A The warranty 2eriod 1et o4t in Section .>!3. 1ha55 8e e6tended 8y the d4ration of any 2eriod or 2eriod1 d4ring the 5ife of the warranty inc54ding any 14ch e6ten1ion in which the [_______] Sy1tem 2ro=ect i1 tem2orari5y 1412ended or the 0e5ivera85e1 are 4navai5a85e for 41e or cannot 8e 41ed 8eca41e of an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance referred to in thi1 Section 2541 a re,warranty 2eriod on the re2air or re25acement of a minim4m of ninety %G3+ day1 or 14ch other re,warranty 2eriod a1 may 8e 12ecified in the Agreement! Any 14ch re,warranty 2eriod 1ha55 not inc54de the d4ration of any de5ay 8y '(ST)MER in informing the -endor of the error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non, conformance! .>!3? In the event of an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non, conformance in the 0e5ivera85e1 d4ring the warranty 2eriod defined in Section1 A3!3. and A3!3A the -endor at the re74e1t of '(ST)MER 1ha55 a1 1oon a1 2o11i85e re2air re25ace or otherwi1e ma:e good at it1 own o2tion and e62en1e the error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance! #here nece11ary the -endor 1ha55 carry o4t at it1 e62en1e any nece11ary re2air or rectification at '(ST)MERC1 5ocation! .>!3D The warranty 2rovided 8y the -endor 4nder thi1 Section 1ha55 a225y to a55 of the 0e5ivera85e1 %inc54ding Im2rovement1 thereto+ in a55 2art1 of the [__________] Sy1tem! If any warranty 1ervice 2rovided wa1 direct5y attri84ta85e to (na22roved Modification1 then '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e re12on1i85e for 2aying the -endor for the 12ecific warranty 1ervice 1o 2rovided! The rate of 2ayment 8y '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e at the reg45ar5y 2485i1hed co1t or rate for 14ch warranty 1ervice1 that the -endor 2rovide1 to com2ara85e 1ite1 in the ind41try! Rea1ona85e trave5 and 5iving e62en1e1 1ha55 8e reim84r1ed if 2re,a22roved 8y '(ST)MER! Section .G / Im2rovement1 .G!3. <rom time to time whenever avai5a85e the -endor 1ha55 2rovide Im2rovement1 to '(ST)MER which Im2rovement1 1ha55 8e inc54ded in and form 2art of the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and 0oc4mentation and 8e 148=ect to the
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1ame term1 condition1 and re1triction1 a1 the origina5 Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and 0oc4mentation 2rovided to '(ST)MER 8y the -endor! .G!3A The -endor 1ha55 notify '(ST)MER of any Im2rovement1 deve5o2ed or ac74ired 8y the -endor it1 agent1 5icen1ee1 or contractor1! .G!3? #here the -endor 2rod4ce1 or ac74ire1 Im2rovement1 for any 2art of the 0e5ivera85e1 '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the right to o8tain 14ch Im2rovement1 together with 1422orting doc4mentation and a22ro2riate 42date1 to e6i1ting doc4mentation %inc54ding where a225ica85e 14225ement1 revi1ion1 or 42date1 to the doc4mentation identified in Sched45e &'*+ at no additiona5 co1t d4ring the warranty 2eriod a1 2rovided for in Section .> and for 1o 5ong thereafter a1 '(ST)MER contin4e1 to 2ay the ann4a5 maintenance 1422ort charge! In any event Im2rovement1 wi55 8e 2rovided 8y '(ST)MER at no charge where 14ch Im2rovement1 are re74ired 8eca41e of an act4a5 or threatened infringement or vio5ation of co2yright or 14ch 1imi5ar ca41e! .G!3D The -endor 1ha55 di1tri84te 1ignificant Im2rovement1 on a contin4a5 8a1i1 and 1ha55 2rovide information concerning new re5ea1e1 or 42graded ver1ion1 on a time5y 8a1i1! In a55 ca1e1 doc4mentation revi1ion1 and addition1 1ha55 8e de5ivered on a time5y 8a1i1 to ref5ect the c4rrent ver1ion%1+ of the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 in 74e1tion! .G!3E '(ST)MER re1erve1 the right to in1ta55 or not in1ta55 any of the Im2rovement1 2rovided or made avai5a85e 8y the -endor witho4t in any way affecting the warranty or maintenance o85igation1 of the -endor here4nder! .G!3F #here Im2rovement1 con1tit4te new ver1ion1 or re5ea1e1 of the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 2rovided to '(ST)MER 8y the -endor here4nder '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e entit5ed to refrain from in1ta55ing 14ch new ver1ion or re5ea1e on a tem2orary or 2ermanent 8a1i1 witho4t in any way affecting the warranty or maintenance and 1422ort 1ervice1 here4nder! #here any new ver1ion1 or re5ea1e1 are in1ta55ed 8y '(ST)MER '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e entit5ed where nece11ary or a22ro2riate to r4n the c4rrent and new ver1ion1 or re5ea1e1 conc4rrent5y 4nti5 the new ver1ion or re5ea1e ha1 8een in1ta55ed and te1ted to '(ST)MERC1 1ati1faction 84t in any event for not more than ninety %G3+ day1! .G!3@ The -endor 1ha55 2rovide '(ST)MER with 1422orting doc4mentation %inc54ding 42date1 or 14225ement1 to e6i1ting 2rod4ct doc4mentation inc54ding that de1cri8ed in Sched45e &'*+ in re12ect to a55 Im2rovement1 and the -endor 1ha55 a51o 2rovide one %.+ co2y of the 1o4rce code ver1ion of 14ch Im2rovement1 to the E1crow Agent referred to in Section > in h4man,reada85e and e5ectronic form together with 1o4rce code doc4mentation and other 1422orting doc4mentation and materia51 14fficient to ena85e '(ST)MERC1 em25oyee1 to o2erate modify ada2t enhance maintain 1422ort 1ervice re2air te1t or otherwi1e 41e the Im2rovement1 witho4t a11i1tance! .G!3> In the event of an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non, conformance in the 0e5ivera85e1 the -endor at the re74e1t of '(ST)MER 1ha55 a1 1oon a1 2o11i85e re2air re25ace or otherwi1e ma:e good at it1 own o2tion and
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e62en1e the error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance! If '(ST)MER re2ort1 an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non, conformance to the -endor '(ST)MER 1ha55 give the -endor rea1ona85e acce11 to the [_________] Sy1tem and hardware on which the [__________] Sy1tem re1ide1 and 1ha55 2rovide 14ch information a1 the -endor may rea1ona85y re74e1t inc54ding 1am25e o4t24t and other diagno1tic information in order to 2ermit the -endor to e62editio415y correct the error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance! A55 correction1 1ha55 8ecome 2art of the 0e5ivera85e1 and 1ha55 8e 148=ect to the term1 and condition1 1et o4t in the Agreement with re12ect to the 0e5ivera85e1 2rovided 8y the -endor! <or the 24r2o1e1 of the Agreement an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance i1 corrected on5y when the 0e5ivera85e1 are 8ro4ght into conformity with the <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 %which <4nctiona5 S2ecification1 1ha55 inc54de a1 a22ro2riate the mo1t c4rrent 2rod4ct doc4mentation avai5a85e at the a225ica85e time+! .G!3G Notwith1tanding anything e51e herein contained in the event an error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non,conformance in the 0e5ivera85e1 %not ca41ed direct5y 8y an (na22roved Modification+ re145t1 in the 0e5ivera85e1 8eing f4nctiona55y ino2era85e within a 2eriod of one %.+ year fo55owing in1ta55ation and the -endor i1 4na85e to remedy 14ch error defect deficiency fai54re 2ro85em or non, conformance to '(ST)MERC1 1ati1faction within thirty %?3+ day1 of 8eing notified of the 1ame '(ST)MER 1ha55 8e entit5ed at it1 o2tion to re=ect the 0e5ivera85e1 for a ref4nd of a55 amo4nt1 2aid to the -endor on acco4nt of the 'ontract ;rice! Section A3 / Indemnity Again1t Third ;arty '5aim1 and 0irect 'o1t1 A3!3. Notwith1tanding any other 2rovi1ion of thi1 Agreement the -endor 1ha55$ %a+ indemnify and 1ave harm5e11 '(ST)MER and it1 director1 officer1 1ervant1 and agent1 from and again1t any and a55 5ia8i5itie1 c5aim1 14it1 action1 or other 2roceeding19 8e 5ia85e to '(ST)MER and it1 director1 officer1 1ervant1 and agent1 for any and a55 co1t1 damage1 and e62en1e1 %and witho4t 5imiting the genera5ity of the foregoing any direct 5o11e1 co1t1 damage1 and e62en1e1 of '(ST)MER or 14ch other 2er1on1 inc54ding co1t1 a1 8etween a 1o5icitor and hi1 own c5ient+9


which may 8e 8ro4ght or made again1t '(ST)MER or 14ch other 2er1on1 or which '(ST)MER or 14ch other 2er1on1 may 2ay or inc4r a1 a re145t of or in connection with$ %c+ any in=4ry to 2er1on1 %inc54ding in=4rie1 re145ting in death+ or 5o11 of or damage to 2ro2erty of other1 which may 8e or i1 a55eged to 8e ca41ed 8y or 14ffered a1 a re145t of 2roviding the 0e5ivera85e1 or any 2art thereof9 any 5ien1 attachment1 charge1 or other enc4m8rance1 or c5aim1 42on or in re12ect of any materia51 2art1 wor:,in,2rogre11 or fini1hed wor: f4rni1hed to or in re12ect of which any 2ayment ha1 8een made 8y '(ST)MER9 and


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any damage1 in=4ry or 5o11 14ffered 8y '(ST)MER ari1ing from or re5ated to any 8reach or defa45t 8y the -endor of any of the o85igation1 of the -endor 4nder the Agreement9

and inc54ding 12ecifica55y witho4t 5imiting the genera5ity of the foregoing any direct indirect and con1e74entia5 damage1 14ffered 8y '(ST)MER in thi1 regard! A3!3A '(ST)MER 1ha55 give notice to the -endor of any c5aim action 14it or 2roceeding referred to in Section A3!3. and the -endor 1ha55 to the e6tent re74e1ted 8y '(ST)MER 2artici2ate in or cond4ct at it1 own e62en1e the defence of any 14ch c5aim action 14it or 2roceeding and any negotiation1 for 1ett5ement of the 1ame! The -endor 1ha55 give notice to '(ST)MER of a55 1tage1 invo5ved in any 14ch c5aim action 14it or 2roceeding and 1ha55 con145t with '(ST)MER where any 1te2 therein may have an adver1e effect on '(ST)MER or it1 re24tation in it1 mar:et area! The -endor 1ha55 not agree to any 1ett5ement which may re145t in '(ST)MER inc4rring any financia5 or other 5ia8i5ity witho4t the 2rior written con1ent of '(ST)MER! Section A. / Indemnity Again1t Infringement '5aim1 A.!3. The -endor 1ha55 indemnify and 1ave harm5e11 '(ST)MER from any 14it or 2roceeding or threatened 14it or 2roceeding 8ro4ght again1t '(ST)MER 8a1ed on a c5aim or c5aim1 that the 0e5ivera85e1 %or any 2art thereof+ or any other materia51 or 2rod4ct1 2rovided 8y the -endor or any cond4ct or act '(ST)MER i1 5icen1ed to carry o4t here4nder infringe1 or con1tit4te1 wrongf45 41e of any co2yright 2atent regi1tered ind41tria5 de1ign trade,mar: or trade 1ecret right of any third 2arty %a &;ro2rietary Right* herein+! '(ST)MER 1ha55 notify the -endor in writing of any 14ch 14it or 2roceeding or threatened 14it or 2roceeding 2rom2t5y after '(ST)MER fir1t 5earn1 of 14ch 14it or 2roceeding or threatened 14it or 2roceeding! In the event of any c5aim of infringement or wrongf45 41e of a ;ro2rietary Right a1 afore1aid the -endor may either defend or 1ett5e 14ch c5aim! The -endor agree1 to 2ay 14ch damage1 and co1t1 awarded again1t '(ST)MER or 2aya85e 8y '(ST)MER 24r14ant to a 1ett5ement agreement in connection with 14ch 14it or 2roceeding together with 5ega5 fee1 of '(ST)MER on a 1o5icitor and hi1 own c5ient 8a1i1! The -endor 1ha55 have com25ete contro5 over any 14ch 14it or 2roceeding inc54ding witho4t 5imitation the right to 1ett5e on 8eha5f of '(ST)MER or the -endor on any term1 the -endor deem1 de1ira85e %in the 1o5e e6erci1e of it1 di1cretion+ and at no co1t on '(ST)MER and which term1 ca41e the 5ea1t di1r42tion or damage to '(ST)MER9 however the -endor 1ha55 give notice to '(ST)MER of a55 1tage1 invo5ved in any 14ch 14it or 2roceeding and 1ha55 con145t with '(ST)MER where any 1te2 therein may have an adver1e effect on '(ST)MER or it1 re24tation in it1 mar:et area! The -endor 1ha55 not agree to any 1ett5ement which may re145t in '(ST)MER inc4rring any financia5 or other 5ia8i5ity witho4t the 2rior written con1ent of '(ST)MER! '(ST)MER 1ha55 2rovide at the -endorC1 co1t 14ch a11i1tance and coo2eration a1 the -endor may rea1ona85y re74e1t from time to time in connection with the defence of any 14ch 14it or 2roceeding or threatened 14it or 2roceeding! '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the right to 8e inde2endent5y re2re1ented 8y co4n1e5 of it1 own choice!

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A.!3A If the 41e of any of the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 2rovided 8y the -endor here4nder i1 en=oined a1 a re145t of 14ch action the -endor 1ha55 at it1 o2tion and e62en1e$ %a+ %8+ o8tain for '(ST)MER the right to contin4e 41ing the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram in 74e1tion9 modify the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram in 74e1tion 1o that it no 5onger infringe1 2rovided that it contin4e1 to o2erate f4nction and 2erform in 1481tantia55y the 1ame manner9 or re74e1t the ret4rn of the infringing com24ter 1oftware 2rogram in 74e1tion and ref4nd a55 amo4nt1 2aid 8y '(ST)MER to the -endor in re12ect of 14ch 2rogram where42on '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the o2tion in it1 1o5e di1cretion to ret4rn a55 com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 2rovided 8y the -endor here4nder for a f455 ref4nd of a55 amo4nt1 2aid 8y '(ST)MER to the -endor 4nder thi1 Agreement 5e11 an ad=41tment for the time d4ring which '(ST)MER wa1 a85e to 14cce11f455y o2erate the 0e5ivera85e1 8a1ed on 1traight,5ine de2reciation over five %E+ year1!


A.!3? The -endor 1ha55 have no 5ia8i5ity here4nder for infringement c5aim1 8a1ed 1o5e5y 42on modification1 8y '(ST)MER to any com24ter 1oftware 2rogram1 2rovided 8y the -endor which modification1 ca41e the com24ter 1oftware 2rogram to 8ecome infringing! Section AA / 'onfidentia5ity AA!3. The -endor 1ha55 8e 8o4nd 8y an o85igation of 1trict confidence to '(ST)MER in re12ect of any 'onfidentia5 Information di1c5o1ed 8y or on 8eha5f of '(ST)MER to the -endor or deve5o2ed 8y the -endor for '(ST)MER! The -endor 1ha55 not$ %a+ di1c5o1e either direct5y or indirect5y any 14ch 'onfidentia5 Information or any 2art thereof to any 2er1on e6ce2t a1 i1 12ecifica55y contem25ated in thi1 Agreement9 and 41e any 14ch 'onfidentia5 Information or any 2art thereof for any 24r2o1e e6ce2t a1 i1 12ecifica55y contem25ated within thi1 Agreement witho4t the 2rior written con1ent of '(ST)MER and on term1 and condition1 1ati1factory to '(ST)MER in it1 1o5e di1cretion!


AA!3A The o85igation1 of confidentia5ity and non,41e 1et o4t in Section AA!3. 1ha55 not a225y to any 'onfidentia5 Information which$ %a+ i1 in the 2485ic domain witho4t 14ch di1c5o14re 8eing a1 a re145t direct5y or indirect5y of a 8reach of the o85igation1 of confidentia5ity 8y the -endor or it1 officer1 agent1 em25oyee1 or 148contractor19 wa1 :nown to the -endor 2rior to it1 di1c5o14re to the -endor 8y '(ST)MER the rea1ona85e 2roof of which 5ie1 42on -endor9 i1 re5ea1ed or di1c5o1ed to the 2485ic 8y '(ST)MER9 or

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i1 re5ea1ed or di1c5o1ed to the 2485ic a1 a re145t of the ordinary o2eration of the 841ine11 to 8e carried o4t a1 contem25ated 4nder thi1 Agreement!

AA!3? '(ST)MER ac:now5edge1 that the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 2rovided 8y the -endor 4nder thi1 Agreement contain 'onfidentia5 Information 8e5onging to the -endor! '(ST)MER 1ha55 not 1485icen1e di1tri84te tran1mit rever1e engineer decom2i5e di1a11em85e or otherwi1e div45ge direct5y or indirect5y 8y any mean1 or any form the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 or any 2ortion thereof witho4t the 2rior written con1ent of the -endor! '(ST)MER 1ha55 ta:e a55 rea1ona85e 1te21 nece11ary to en14re that the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 or any 2ortion thereof are not made avai5a85e or di1c5o1ed 8y '(ST)MER or 8y any of it1 em25oyee1 to any other 2er1on! If '(ST)MER 8reache1 thi1 Section AA!3? and if '(ST)MER ha1 not remedied the 8reach within thirty %?3+ day1 after written notice from the -endor the -endor 1ha55 8e entit5ed to terminate thi1 Agreement 8y notice in writing given to '(ST)MER! (2on 14ch termination '(ST)MER 1ha55 de5iver to the -endor a55 materia5 f4rni1hed 8y the -endor 2ertaining to the Licen1ed 'om24ter ;rogram1 and 1ha55 warrant in writing that a55 co2ie1 thereof have 8een ret4rned to the -endor or de1troyed! '(ST)MER agree1 that in addition to a55 other remedie1 42on a 8reach of thi1 Section AA!3? the -endor 1ha55 8e entit5ed to 1ee: an in=4nction or other e74ita85e re5ief again1t the contin4ance of 14ch 8reach whether or not the -endor ha1 given notice to '(ST)MER of the 8reach and whether or not the thirty %?3+ day1 have e62ired after notice i1 given! Section A? / 0efa45t A?!3. A 8reach or defa45t 8y the -endor of any of the term1 condition1 warrantie1 or re2re1entation1 2rovided in thi1 Agreement or in carrying o4t any of it1 o85igation1 4nder the Agreement 1ha55 give ri1e to an event of a materia5 defa45t 8y the -endor %herein ca55ed the &0efa45t*+! '(ST)MER may at it1 o2tion terminate the right1 and o85igation1 4nder thi1 Agreement 42on giving the -endor notice in writing of the 12ecific detai51 of the a55eged 0efa45t and where the -endor ha1 not remedied 14ch 0efa45t within thirty %?3+ day1 of recei2t of 14ch notice! <or the 24r2o1e1 of thi1 Section termination for defa45t wi55 8e effective thirty %?3+ day1 after recei2t of the 0efa45t notice 8y the -endor 4n5e11 the 0efa45t ha1 8een remedied or the -endor i1 di5igent5y 24r14ing the com25etion of the remedy to the 0efa45t to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER and 1etting a date for com25etion of that remedy! A?!3A #here$ %a+ %8+ the -endor ma:e1 an a11ignment for the 8enefit of it1 creditor1 genera55y9 the -endor or other third 2arty fi5e1 a 2etition or ma:e1 a 2ro2o1a5 4nder the Bankruptcy and Insol ency Act R!S!'! .G>E c! ",? %'anada+ or 1imi5ar e74iva5ent 5egi15ation of another a225ica85e =4ri1diction9

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a receiving order i1 made or a 2etition i1 fi5ed 4nder the Bankruptcy and Insol ency Act %'anada+ or other a225ica85e 5egi15ation again1t the -endor and the -endor doe1 not conte1t 14ch receiving order or 14ch 2etition in good faith9 the -endor ma:e1 an a225ication 4nder the Companies! Creditors Arrangement Act R!S!'! .G>E c! ',?F %'anada+ or 1imi5ar or e74iva5ent 5egi15ation of another a225ica85e =4ri1diction9 a re1o54tion i1 2a11ed for or a =4dgment or order i1 i114ed 8y any co4rt of com2etent =4ri1diction ordering the winding 42 or other 5i74idation or di11o54tion of the -endor9 or any receiver manager receiver,manager 5i74idator or tr41tee of the 2ro2erty a11et1 or 4nderta:ing of the -endor i1 a22ointed 24r14ant to the term1 of a 1ec4rity agreement or 1imi5ar in1tr4ment and 14ch a22ointment i1 not revo:ed or withdrawn within thirty %?3+ day1 of the a22ointment 2rovided that 14ch 2eriod of thirty %?3+ day1 1ha55 8e e6tended to one h4ndred and twenty %.A3+ day1 after 14ch a22ointment if the -endor demon1trate1 to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER acting rea1ona85y that it i1 conte1ting 14ch a22ointment in good faith




then a triggering event 1ha55 8e deemed to have occ4rred %herein ca55ed a &Triggering Event*+! (2on the occ4rrence of a Triggering Event '(ST)MER may e5ect at it1 o2tion and in it1 1o5e di1cretion to immediate5y terminate the right1 and o85igation1 4nder thi1 Agreement for defa45t 8y giving the -endor at 5ea1t ten %.3+ day1C written notice of 14ch termination! A?!3? (2on the giving of a notice referred to in Section A?!3. or A?!3A the -endor 1ha55 have no c5aim for f4rther 2ayment 84t 1ha55 8e 5ia85e to '(ST)MER for any amo4nt1 inc54ding mi5e1tone 2ayment1 2aid 8y '(ST)MER for 0e5ivera85e1 not yet de5ivered to and acce2ted 8y '(ST)MER and for a55 5o11e1 and damage1 which may 8e 14ffered 8y '(ST)MER 8y rea1on of the defa45t or occ4rrence 42on which the notice wa1 8a1ed inc54ding any increa1e in the co1t inc4rred 8y '(ST)MER in 2roc4ring the 0e5ivera85e1 from another 1o4rce! '(ST)MER 1ha55 f4rther have the o2tion to re=ect the 0e5ivera85e1 2rovided to '(ST)MER 8y the -endor in e6change for the ret4rn of a55 amo4nt1 2aid 8y '(ST)MER to the -endor here4nder 5e11 an ad=41tment for the 5ength of time '(ST)MER en=oyed the 8enefit of the 0e5ivera85e1 8a1ed on 1traight,5ine de2reciation over ten %.3+ year1! A?!3D (2on termination of the Agreement 4nder thi1 Section '(ST)MER may re74ire the -endor to de5iver to '(ST)MER any com25eted 2art1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 which have not 8een de5ivered and acce2ted 2rior to the termination and any materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment or wor:,in,2rogre11 which the -endor ha1 ac74ired or 2rod4ced 12ecifica55y in the f45fi55ment of the Agreement! A?!3E S48=ect to the ded4ction of any c5aim that '(ST)MER may have again1t the -endor ari1ing 4nder the Agreement or o4t of the termination '(ST)MER 1ha55 2ay or credit to the -endor the va54e determined on the 8a1i1 of the 'ontract ;rice

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of a55 com25eted 2art1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 de5ivered to and acce2ted 8y '(ST)MER and 1ha55 2ay or credit to the -endor the co1t to the -endor that '(ST)MER con1ider1 rea1ona85e in re12ect of a55 materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment or wor:,in,2rogre11 de5ivered to '(ST)MER 24r14ant to a direction 4nder Section A?!3D and acce2ted 8y '(ST)MER 84t in no event 1ha55 the aggregate of the amo4nt1 2aid 8y '(ST)MER 4nder the Agreement to the date of termination and any amo4nt1 2aya85e 24r14ant to thi1 Section e6ceed either the 'ontract ;rice or the 2ayment the -endor wo45d have 8een entit5ed to receive if the -endor had com25eted a55 0e5ivera85e1 the -endor wa1 wor:ing on at the time of termination and the 0e5ivera85e1 had 8een com25eted to the 1ati1faction of '(ST)MER! A?!3F Tit5e to a55 materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment wor:,in,2rogre11 and fini1hed wor: in re12ect of which 2ayment i1 made to the -endor and a55 right1 re5ated thereto 1ha55 42on 14ch 2ayment 8eing made 2a11 to and ve1t in '(ST)MER where a225ica85e 4n5e11 a5ready 1o ve1ted 4nder any other 2rovi1ion of the Agreement and 14ch materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment wor:,in,2rogre11 and fini1hed wor: 1ha55 8e de5ivered to the order of '(ST)MER 84t '(ST)MER wi55 not acce2t and wi55 not 2ay for materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment or wor:,in, 2rogre11 that wo45d not have 8een re74ired to carry o4t '(ST)MERCS o85igation1 here4nder or that e6ceed what wo45d have 8een re74ired to carry o4t '(ST)MERCS o85igation1 here4nder! Section AD / Termination <or 'onvenience AD!3. Notwith1tanding anything contained in the Agreement '(ST)MER may at any time after the com25etion of the in1ta55ation te1t 2roced4re 1et o4t in Section .3 8y giving written notice to the -endor %hereinafter 1ometime1 referred to a1 a &termination notice* in thi1 Section+ terminate the Agreement a1 regard1 a55 or any 2art of the 0e5ivera85e1 not com25eted! (2on a termination notice 8eing given the -endor 1ha55 cea1e wor: %inc54ding the deve5o2ment and 2roc4ring of materia51+ in accordance with and to the e6tent 12ecified in the notice 84t 1ha55 2roceed to com25ete 14ch 2art or 2art1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 a1 are not affected 8y the termination notice! '(ST)MER may at any time or from time to time give one or more additiona5 termination notice1 with re12ect to any or a55 2art1 of 0e5ivera85e1 not terminated 8y any 2revio41 termination notice! AD!3A In the event of a termination notice 8eing given 24r14ant to Section AD!3. the -endor 1ha55 8e entit5ed to 8e 2aid to the e6tent that co1t1 have 8een rea1ona85y and 2ro2er5y inc4rred for 24r2o1e1 of 2erforming the Agreement and to the e6tent that the -endor ha1 not a5ready 8een 1o 2aid or reim84r1ed 8y '(ST)MER$ %a+ on the 8a1i1 of the 'ontract ;rice for a55 com25eted 2ortion1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 that are in12ected and acce2ted in accordance with the Agreement whether com25eted 8efore or after and in com25iance with the in1tr4ction1 contained in the termination notice9 the co1t to the -endor 2541 a fair and rea1ona85e 2rofit thereon for a55 wor: terminated 8y the in1tr4ction1 contained in the termination notice 8efore com25ete 148=ect to any modification1 thereof that


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'(ST)MER may in it1 a81o54te di1cretion con1ider to 8e a22ro2riate in the circ4m1tance19 %c+ the amo4nt of any ca2ita5 e62endit4re1 act4a55y inc4rred on5y if they were 12ecifica55y a22roved in writing 8y '(ST)MER for the 24r2o1e of the Agreement 5e11 any de2reciation in re12ect thereof a5ready ta:en into acco4nt in determining co1t to the e6tent that the ca2ita5 e62endit4re1 are 2ro2er5y a22ortiona85e to the 2erformance of the Agreement9 a55 co1t1 of and incidenta5 to the termination of the 0e5ivera85e1 or 2art thereof inc54ding the co1t of cance55ation of o85igation1 inc4rred 8y the -endor with re12ect to the terminated 0e5ivera85e1 or 2art thereof the co1t of and incidenta5 to the ta:ing of an inventory of materia51 com2onent1 wor:,in,2rogre11 and fini1hed wor: on hand re5ated to the Agreement at the date of the termination and the co1t of 2re2aration of nece11ary acco4nt1 and 1tatement1 with re12ect to wor: 2erformed to the effective date of the termination and commitment1 made 8y the -endor with re12ect to the terminated 2ortion1 of the 0e5ivera85e1 84t not the co1t of 1everance 2ayment1 or damage1 to em25oyee1 who1e 1ervice1 are no 5onger re74ired 8y rea1on of the termination e6ce2t wage1 that the -endor i1 o85igated 8y 1tat4te to 2ay to em25oyee1 who1e hiring wa1 e62re115y a22roved in writing 8y '(ST)MER for the 24r2o1e of the Agreement!


AD!3? No 2ayment 1ha55 8e made in re12ect of any of the 0e5ivera85e1 that have 8een or may 8e re=ected after in12ection a1 not com25ying with the re74irement1 of the Agreement! AD!3D Notwith1tanding anything in Section AD!3A the tota5 of the amo4nt1 to which the -endor i1 entit5ed 4nder Section AD!3A%a+ to %d+ inc541ive 1ha55 not e6ceed the 2ro2ortion of the 2rice 74oted 8y the -endor for a55 of the 0e5ivera85e1 that i1 rea1ona85y attri84ta85e to the 2ro2ortion of the 0e5ivera85e1 2erformed to the effective date of the termination! AD!3E Tit5e to a55 materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment wor:,in,2rogre11 and fini1hed wor: in re12ect of which 2ayment i1 made to the -endor and a55 right1 re5ated thereto 1ha55 42on 14ch 2ayment 8eing made 2a11 to and ve1t in '(ST)MER where a225ica85e 4n5e11 a5ready 1o ve1ted 4nder any other 2rovi1ion of the Agreement and 14ch materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment wor:,in,2rogre11 and fini1hed wor: 1ha55 8e de5ivered to the order of '(ST)MER 84t '(ST)MER wi55 not acce2t and wi55 not 2ay for materia51 2art1 25ant e74i2ment or wor:,in, 2rogre11 that wo45d not have 8een re74ired to 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1 or that e6ceed what wo45d have 8een re74ired to 2rovide the 0e5ivera85e1! AD!3F The -endor 1ha55 have no c5aim for damage1 com2en1ation 5o11 of 2rofit a55owance or otherwi1e 8y rea1on of or direct5y or indirect5y ari1ing o4t of any action ta:en or termination notice given 8y '(ST)MER 4nder thi1 Section e6ce2t to the e6tent that thi1 Section e62re115y 2rovide1!

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Section AE / 'on1e74ence1 of Termination AE!3. (2on any termination of thi1 Agreement for any rea1on or ca41e the 2artie1 hereto 1ha55 ta:e 14ch rea1ona85e 1te21 to effect an order5y tran1ition of the re5ation1hi2 8etween them and 1ee: to minimiBe the di1r42tion for the 2artie1 hereto ari1ing from 14ch termination! Section AF / Remedie1 AF!3. Nothing in thi1 Agreement 1ha55 re1trict the a8i5ity of either 2arty to 1ee: in=4nctive or 1imi5ar re5ief to re1train any 1481tantia5 8reach of the term1 of thi1 Agreement which may 8e rea1ona85y addre11ed 8y in=4nctive re5ief or otherwi1e re1trict any remedie1 which may 8e avai5a85e at 5aw or in e74ity! Section A@ / 0i124te Re1o54tion Mechani1m A@!3. Nothing in thi1 Section A@ interfere1 with the right of either 2arty to 1ee: or to 24r14e any remedy avai5a85e at 5aw or in e74ity in a co4rt of com2etent =4ri1diction! A@!3A <rom time to time a1 di124te1 may ari1e 8etween the 2artie1 the 2artie1 e62ect that 14ch di124te1 wi55 8e re1o5ved thro4gh o2en fran: and hone1t di1c411ion 8y the re2re1entative1 of the 2artie1! In the event that a di124te ari1e1 in re12ect of the inter2retation or 2erformance of any of the o85igation1 4nder thi1 Agreement or any of the 1ched45e1 attached hereto and cannot 8e re1o5ved 8y m4t4a5 agreement 8oth 2artie1 may at their o2tion agree to 148mit 14ch di124te to ar8itration in accordance with and 148=ect to the 2rovi1ion1 of thi1 Section and the r45e1 of the American Ar8itration A11ociation! A 148mi11ion of a di124te to ar8itration in accordance with the 2rovi1ion1 of thi1 Section wi55 not re1trict the right1 of either 2arty to in1i1t on it1 right1 4nder thi1 Agreement or to 1ee: 14ch remedie1 a1 may 8e avai5a85e 8y 5aw or in e74ity in any co4rt of com2etent =4ri1diction in re12ect thereof or in re12ect of any other di124te! A@!3? The ar8itration tri84na5 1ha55 8e formed of three %?+ ar8itrator1 one to 8e a22ointed 8y each 2arty and the third to 8e a22ointed 8y the fir1t two or in the event of fai54re to a22oint within thirty %?3+ day1 8y a K41tice of the [______________________]! A@!3D The ar8itration 1ha55 ta:e 25ace in a 5ocation to 8e agreed 42on 8y the 2artie1 or in the event of fai54re to 1o agree within thirty %?3+ day1 in the [_____________________]! The ar8itration award 1ha55 8e fina5 1ha55 8e 8inding on the 2artie1 1ha55 not 8e 148=ect to any a22ea5 and 1ha55 dea5 with the 74e1tion of co1t1 of ar8itration and a55 matter1 re5ated thereto! A@!3E The ar8itration award 1ha55 8e written in Eng5i1h! A@!3F K4dgment 42on the award rendered may 8e entered into any co4rt having =4ri1diction or a225ication may 8e made to 14ch co4rt for =4dicia5 recognition of the award for an order of enforcement thereof a1 the ca1e may 8e! Section A> / -endorC1 "ond A>!3. The -endor 1ha55 if re74ired 8y '(ST)MER in it1 1o5e di1cretion 2rovide a 2erformance 5a8o4r and materia51 or other 8ond in favo4r of '(ST)MER in the
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event of any defa45t de5ay or 8reach of the -endorC1 o85igation1 4nder thi1 Agreement in a form 1ati1factory to '(ST)MER! '(ST)MERC1 e6erci1e of any 14ch 8ond1 1ha55 8e governed 8y the term1 and condition1 of that 8ond! Section AG / Notice AG!3. (n5e11 otherwi1e 12ecified herein or otherwi1e agreed to 8y the 2artie1 in writing any notice re74ired to 8e given here4nder m41t 8e given in writing and de5ivered 8y 2o1tage,2aid mai5 2er1ona55y 8y 2re2aid co4rier 8y fa6 or 8y other e5ectronic mean1 addre11ed to the a22ro2riate 2arty a1 fo55ow1$ if to '(ST)MER addre11ed to$ [Address] <a6 N4m8er$ [__________] Emai5$ [________________] if to the -endor addre11ed to$ [Address] <a6 N4m8er$ [___________] Emai5$ [________________] AG!3A Any notice 2rovided herein 1ha55 8e deemed to have 8een given a1 fo55ow1$ %a+ if de5ivered 8y mai5 1eventy,two %@A+ ho4r1 after the mai5ing thereof Sat4rday1 S4nday1 and 1tat4tory ho5iday1 e6ce2ted 2rovided that if there 1ha55 8e 2rior to the time of mai5ing or the act4a5 recei2t of a notice a threatened or act4a5 2o1ta5 1tri:e or other interr42tion1 that might affect the de5ivery of the notice 8y mai5 then 14ch notice 1ha55 8e de5ivered 2er1ona55y 8y co4rier 8y fa6 or 8y other e5ectronic mean19 if de5ivered 2er1ona55y or 8y co4rier 2rior to A$33 2!m! %time of recei2t+ on a "41ine11 0ay on the day of de5ivery9 if de5ivered 2er1ona55y or 8y co4rier at or after A$33 2!m! %time of the reci2ient+ on a "41ine11 0ay or on a day that i1 not a "41ine11 0ay on the ne6t "41ine11 0ay9 if 1ent 8y fa6 or other e5ectronic mean1 on a "41ine11 0ay and the 1ending 2arty o8tain1 confirmation that a55 of the 2age1 of the notice have 8een 14cce11f455y tran1mitted 8efore A$33 2!m! %time of the reci2ient+ on that "41ine11 0ay9 if 1ent 8y fa6 or other e5ectronic mean1 on a "41ine11 0ay and the 1ending 2arty o8tain1 confirmation that a55 of the 2age1 of the notice have 8een 14cce11f455y tran1mitted 84t that 1ome or a55 of the 2age1 of the notice were tran1mitted after A$33 2!m! %time of the reci2ient+ on the ne6t "41ine11 0ay9

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if 1ent 8y fa6 or other e5ectronic mean1 on a day that i1 not a "41ine11 0ay and the 1ending 2arty o8tain1 confirmation that a55 of the 2age1 of the notice have 8een 14cce11f455y tran1mitted on the ne6t "41ine11 0ay!

AG!3? If a notice i1 1ent 8y fa6 or emai5 84t 8efore the time at which the notice wo45d 8e deemed to have 8een given a1 herein8efore 2rovided the receiving 2arty inform1 the 1ending 2arty that the notice ha1 8een received in a form that i1 4nc5ear in a materia5 re12ect the giving of that notice i1 ineffective and the 1ending 2arty 1ha55 8e re12on1i85e for 1ending another notice! AG!3D Either 2arty hereto may from time to time give notice of a change in it1 addre11 contact 2er1on fa6 n4m8er or other e5ectronic addre11 8y notice a1 2rovided herein and in that event 14ch information 1ha55 8e deemed to 8e changed according5y! AG!3E Neither 2arty 1ha55 2revent hinder or de5ay or attem2t to 2revent hinder or de5ay the 1ervice on that 2arty of a notice re5ating to thi1 Agreement! Section ?3 / A11ignment ?3!3. '(ST)MER 1ha55 have the right to a11ign tran1fer or convey to any other 2er1on firm cor2oration or entity what1oever a55 of it1 right tit5e and intere1t ari1ing 24r14ant to thi1 Agreement witho4t con1ent from or notice to the -endor! The -endor agree1 and ac:now5edge1 that 42on any 14ch a11ignment tran1fer or conveyance 8y '(ST)MER '(ST)MER wi55 8e re5ea1ed from a55 of it1 5ia8i5itie1 and o85igation1 ari1ing from thi1 Agreement! '(ST)MER may enter into a55 agreement1 contract1 and writing1 and do a55 act1 and thing1 nece11ary to give effect to the 2rovi1ion1 of thi1 Section! The -endor may a11ign thi1 Agreement on5y with the 2rior written con1ent of '(ST)MER acting in it1 di1cretion 2rovided that no 14ch con1ent 1ha55 re5ea1e or re5ieve the -endor from any o85igation1 or 5ia8i5itie1 4nder thi1 Agreement! Section ?. / Genera5 ;rovi1ion1 ?.!3. Entire Agreement! The 2artie1 hereto confirm and agree that thi1 Agreement %inc54ding the 2remi1e1 hereto+ i1 the entire and com25ete agreement 8etween them and that thi1 Agreement 142er1ede1 any 2revio41 ora5 or written comm4nication1 negotiation1 re2re1entation1 4nder1tanding1 or agreement1 8etween the 2artie1 with re12ect to the 148=ect matter hereof! ?.!3A Modification1 to Agreement! Thi1 Agreement may not 8e modified e6ce2t 8y agreement of 8oth 2artie1 in writing! ?.!3? 'onf5ict! In the event of conf5ict 8etween the 8ody of thi1 Agreement and the Sched45e1 hereto the 8ody of thi1 Agreement 1ha55 2revai5! ?.!3D 'onfidentia5ity! The content1 of thi1 Agreement are 2ro2rietary and confidentia5 to '(ST)MER! ?.!3E Governing Law! Thi1 Agreement and a55 amendment1 modification1 a5teration1 or 14225ement1 thereto 1ha55 in a55 re12ect1 8e 148=ect to and inter2reted con1tr4ed and enforced in accordance with the 5aw1 of [__________]
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and the 5aw1 of 'anada a225ica85e therein! Each 2arty here8y attorn1 to and acce2t1 the e6c541ive =4ri1diction of the co4rt1 of [__________] for a55 24r2o1e1! ?.!3F Heading1! Heading1 of the artic5e1 or 1ection1 hereof are in1erted for convenience of reference on5y and 1ha55 not affect the con1tr4ction or inter2retation of thi1 Agreement! ?.!3@ E6tended Meaning1! In thi1 Agreement word1 im2orting the 1ing45ar n4m8er on5y inc54de the 254ra5 and vice ver1a9 word1 im2orting the ma1c45ine gender inc54de the feminine and ne4ter gender19 word1 im2orting 2er1on1 inc54de 2rovincia5 or federa5 com2anie1 cor2oration1 2artner1hi21 1yndicate1 tr41t1 a11ociation1 1ocietie1 and any n4m8er or aggregate of 2er1on19 the term1 &inc54de* and &inc54ding* mean &inc54ding witho4t 5imitation*9 and the term &inc54de1* ha1 a 1imi5ar meaning a55 a1 the conte6t may re74ire! ?.!3> Re5ation1hi2 of the ;artie19 Ne4tra5 'on1tr4ction! The re5ation1hi2 8etween the 2artie1 a1 con1tit4ted 8y thi1 Agreement i1 intended and i1 and 1ha55 8e con1tr4ed a1 that of inde2endent contracting 2artie1 on5y and not that of 2artner1hi2 =oint vent4re agency em25oyment or any other a11ociation what1oever! The 2artie1 agree that thi1 Agreement wa1 negotiated fair5y 8etween them at armC1 5ength and that the fina5 term1 of thi1 Agreement are the 2rod4ct of the 2artie1C negotiation1! The 2artie1 agree that thi1 Agreement 1ha55 8e deemed to have 8een =oint5y and e74a55y drafted 8y them and that the 2rovi1ion1 of thi1 Agreement therefore 1ho45d not 8e con1tr4ed again1t a 2arty or 2artie1 on the gro4nd1 that the 2arty or 2artie1 drafted or wa1 more re12on1i85e for drafting the 2rovi1ion1! ?.!3G Time of 0ay and 0ate! (n5e11 otherwi1e 12ecified reference1 to time of day or date mean the 5oca5 time or date in [________________]! Time i1 of the e11ence to the 2erformance of the 2artie1C o85igation1 4nder thi1 Agreement! ?.!.3 Severa8i5ity! Sho45d any 2rovi1ion of thi1 Agreement 8e deemed 8y a co4rt of com2etent =4ri1diction to 8e i55ega5 void or otherwi1e 4nenforcea85e 14ch 2rovi1ion 1ha55 8e 1evered from the re1t of thi1 Agreement and the re1t of thi1 Agreement 1ha55 remain in f455 force and effect and 8e 8inding on the 2artie1 a1 tho4gh the 1aid 2rovi1ion had never 8een inc54ded! ?.!.. #aiver! No de5ay or omi11ion 8y either 2arty hereto to e6erci1e any right remedy or 2ower occ4rring 42on any non,com25iance or defa45t 8y the other 2arty with re12ect to any of the term1 of thi1 Agreement 1ha55 im2air any 14ch right or 2ower or 8e con1tr4ed to 8e a waiver thereof! The term1 and condition1 of thi1 Agreement may 8e waived on5y in writing and on5y 8y the 2arty that i1 entit5ed to the 8enefit1 of the term1 or condition1 8eing waived! A waiver 8y either of the 2artie1 hereto of any of the covenant1 condition1 or agreement1 to 8e 2erformed 8y the other 1ha55 not 8e con1tr4ed to 8e a waiver of any 14cceeding 8reach thereof or of any other covenant condition or agreement herein contained %whether or not the 2rovi1ion i1 1imi5ar+! ?.!.A Remedie1 '4m45ative! (n5e11 1tated otherwi1e herein a55 remedie1 2rovided for in thi1 Agreement 1ha55 8e c4m45ative and in addition to and not in 5ie4 of any
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other remedie1 avai5a85e to either 2arty at 5aw in e74ity or otherwi1e! No 1ing5e or 2artia5 e6erci1e 8y a 2arty of any right or remedy 2rec54de1 or otherwi1e affect1 the e6erci1e of any other right or remedy to which that 2arty may 8e entit5ed! ?.!.? <4rther A114rance1! Each of the 2artie1 1ha55 from time to time and at a55 time1 2rom2t5y do a55 14ch f4rther act1 and e6ec4te and de5iver a55 14ch f4rther doc4ment1 and a114rance1 a1 1ha55 8e rea1ona85y re74ired in order to 2erform and carry o4t the term1 of thi1 Agreement! ?.!.D S4rviva5! Any term condition or 2rovi1ion hereof that re74ire1 f45fi55ment or 2erformance or that i1 8y it1 nat4re a225ica85e after the termination or e62iry of thi1 Agreement and the re5ation1hi2 created here8y inc54ding 1ection1 [_____] 1ha55 14rvive 14ch termination or e62iry and remain in f455 force and effect! The termination of any 2rovi1ion of thi1 Agreement 1ha55 not e6c41e a 2rior 8reach of that 2rovi1ion! ?.!.E En4rement! Thi1 Agreement 1ha55 en4re to the 8enefit of and 8e 8inding on the 2artie1 hereto and their re12ective 14cce11or1 and 2ermitted a11ign1! ?.!.F A4thority to E6ec4te Agreement! The 2artie1 and their re2re1entative1 1igning thi1 Agreement here8y ac:now5edge and re2re1ent that the re2re1entative1 1igning thi1 Agreement are d45y a4thoriBed agent1 of the 2artie1 hereto and are a4thoriBed and have f455 a4thority to enter into thi1 Agreement on 8eha5f of the 2artie1 for whom they are 1igning! ?.!.@ <ac1imi5e9 'o4nter2art1! Thi1 Agreement may 8e e6ec4ted origina55y or 8y fac1imi5e and may 8e e6ec4ted in co4nter2art1 each of which when 1o e6ec4ted 1ha55 8e deemed to 8e an origina5 and 14ch co4nter2art1 together 1ha55 con1tit4te one and the 1ame in1tr4ment which 1ha55 8e 14fficient5y evidenced 8y any 14ch origina5 co4nter2art! In the event of di1cre2ancy 8etween the f455y e6ec4ted co2y of the Agreement he5d 8y '(ST)MER and that he5d 8y the -endor that he5d 8y '(ST)MER 1ha55 2revai5! IN #ITNESS #HERE)< the 2artie1 have e6ec4ted thi1 Agreement effective the date fir1t a8ove written! ['(ST)MER] [-EN0)R] ;er$ _______________________ ;er$ _______________________ ;er$ ;er$

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