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Verbs Followed by Gerunds

9 = verb followed by a gerund OR a noun + an infinitive 13 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning 14 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning admit advise 9! allow 9! antici'ate a''reciate avoid begin 14! can&t bear 14! can&t hel' can&t see can&t stand 14! cease 14! com'lete consider continue 14! defend delay deny des'ise He admitted cheating on the test. "he doctor generally advised drin#ing low$fat mil#. %reland doesn&t allow smo#ing in bars. % antici'ated arriving late. % a''reciated her hel'ing me. He avoided tal#ing to her. % began learning (hinese. He can&t bear having so much res'onsibility. He can&t hel' tal#ing so loudly. % can&t see 'aying so much money for a car. He can&t stand her smo#ing in the office. "he government ceased 'roviding free healthcare. He com'leted renovating the house. )he considered moving to *ew +or#. He continued tal#ing. "he lawyer defended her ma#ing such statements. He delayed doing his ta,es. He denied committing the crime. )he des'ises wa#ing u' early.

discuss disli#e don&t mind dread 13! encourage 9! en2oy finish 13! forget 13! hate 14! imagine involve #ee' li#e 14! love 14! mention mind miss need 13! neglect 14! 'ermit 9! 'ost'one 'ractice

-e discussed wor#ing at the com'any. )he disli#es wor#ing after . /0. % don&t mind hel'ing you. )he dreads getting u' at . 10. He encourages eating healthy foods. -e en2oy hi#ing. He finished doing his homewor#. % forgot giving you my boo#. % hate cleaning the bathroom. He imagines wor#ing there one day. "he 2ob involves traveling to 3a'an once a month. )he #e't interru'ting me. )he li#es listening to music. % love swimming. He mentioned going to that college. 4o you mind waiting here for a few minutes. )he misses living near the beach. "he a5uarium needs cleaning. )ometimes she neglects doing her homewor#. (alifornia does not 'ermit smo#ing in restaurants. He 'ost'oned returning to /aris. )he 'racticed singing the song.

'refer 14! 'ro'ose 14! 5uit 13! recall recollect recommend regret 13! remember 13! re'ort re5uire 9! resent resist ris# start 14! sto' 13! suggest tolerate try 13! understand urge 9!

He 'refers sitting at the bac# of the movie theater. % 'ro'osed having lunch at the beach. )he 5uit worrying about the 'roblem. "om recalled using his credit card at the store. )he recollected living in 6enya. "ony recommended ta#ing the train. )he regretted saying that. % remember telling her the address yesterday. He re'orted her stealing the money. "he certificate re5uires com'leting two courses. *ic# resented 4ebbie&s being there. He resisted as#ing for hel'. He ris#ed being caught. He started studying harder. )he sto''ed wor#ing at . o&cloc#. "hey suggested staying at the hotel. % tolerated her tal#ing. )am tried o'ening the loc# with a 'a'ercli'. % understand his 5uitting. "hey urge recycling bottles and 'a'er.

Verbs Followed by Infinitives

7 = verb followed by an infinitive OR an o'tional noun + an infinitive 13 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning 14 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with little difference in meaning agree a''ear arrange as# 7! begin 13! can&t bear 14! can&t stand 14! care cease 14! choose 7! claim continue 14! decide demand "om agreed to hel' me. His health a''eared to be better. *aomi arranged to stay with her cousin in 0iami. )he as#ed to leave. He began to tal#. He can&t bear to be alone. *ancy can&t stand to wor# the late shift. He doesn&t care to 'artici'ate in the activity. "he government ceased to 'rovide free healthcare. % chose to hel'. )he claimed to be a 'rincess. )he continued to tal#. -e decided to go to Hawaii. He demanded to s'ea# to 0r. Harris.

deserve dread 13! e,'ect 7! fail forget 13! get 8be allowed to9 ha''en hate 14! hesitate ho'e intend learn li#e 14! love 14! manage need 7<13! neglect 14! offer 'lan 'refer 14! 're'are 7! 'retend

He deserves to go to 2ail. % dread to thin# what might ha''en. "hey e,'ect to arrive early. He failed to get enough money to 'ay for the new 'ro2ect. % forgot to loc# the door when % left. 4ebbie gets to go to the concert ne,t wee#: -hy can&t %; )he ha''ened to be at the ban# when it was robbed. He hates to clean dishes. )he hesitated to tell me the 'roblem. % ho'e to begin college this year. -e intend to visit you ne,t s'ring. % learned to s'ea# 3a'anese when % was a #id. )amantha li#es to read. -e love to scuba dive. He managed to o'en the door without the #ey. % need to study. )he neglected to tell me the date of the meeting. =ran# offered to drive us to the su'ermar#et. -e 'lan to go to >uro'e this summer. He 'refers to eat at ? /0. "hey 're'ared to ta#e the test. "he child 'retended to be a monster.

'romise 7! 'ro'ose 14! refuse regret 13! remember 13! seem start 13! swear tend threaten 7! try 13! vow wait want 7! wish 7! would li#e 7! 8meaning @wish@ or @want@9 yearn

)he 'romised to sto' smo#ing. 4rew 'ro'osed to 'ay for the tri'. "he guard refused to let them enter the building. % regret to inform you that your a''lication was re2ected. 4id you remember to loc# the door when you left; *ancy seemed to be disa''ointed. 0arge started to tal# really fast. )he swore to tell the truth. He tends to be a little shy. He threatened to leave forever. 0ary tried to lift the table< but it was too heavy. He vowed to get revenge. )he waited to buy a movie tic#et. % want to study )'anish. % wish to stay. -e would li#e to start now.

0elanie yearns to travel somewhere e,otic.

Verbs Followed by Nouns + Infinitives

9 = verb followed by a gerund OR a noun + an infinitive 13 = verb followed by a gerund OR an infinitive with a difference in meaning

List 1: Verb + Required Noun + Infinitive

advise 9! allow 9! cause convince enable encourage 9! force get 8cause to9 hire invite % advised them to see a doctor. %reland doesn&t allow 'eo'le to smo#e in bars. He caused her to ma#e a mista#e. *ed convinced me to 5uit my 2ob. =inancial aid enabled the students to 'ay such e,'ensive tuition fees. He encourages his 'atients to eat healthy foods. "he commander forced the soldiers to march in the rain. %sabelle got 0i#e to wash her car. 0r. 4onelly hired )arah to wor# as a rece'tionist. -e invited them to 2oin us.

order 'ermit 9! remind re5uire 9! tell urge 9! warn

"he 'olice ordered him to 'ut his hands in the air. (alifornia doesn&t 'ermit 'eo'le to fish without a fishing license. "hey reminded me to 'ay the bills before the end of the month. "he certificate re5uires students to com'lete two courses. He told me to shut u'. "hey urge citiAens to recycle bottles and 'a'er. )he warned him not to be late.

List 2: Verb + Optional Noun + Infinitive

*otice in the e,am'les below that the verbs can be followed by an infinitive or a noun 'lus an infinitive. -hen a noun is added< it usually changes who or what is 'erforming the action. "o understand this better< loo# at the first verb @as#@ and its e,am'les. %n the first sentence< she is as#ing if she herself can leave. %n the second sentence< she is re5uesting that a man leave. )tudy the e,am'les below and consider how the o'tional noun changes the meaning. as# choose e,'ect need 13! 're'are 'romise threaten want wish would li#e )he as#ed to leave. % chose to hel' out. "hey e,'ect to arrive early. % need to clean the house. "hey 're'ared to ta#e the test. )he 'romised to sto' smo#ing He threatened to leave forever. % want to study )'anish. % wish to stay. -e would li#e to start now. )he as#ed him to leave. % chose him to hel' out. "he e,'ect him to arrive early. % need her to clean the house. "hey 're'ared her to ta#e the test. )he 'romised him to sto' smo#ing. He threatened her to leave forever. % want my son to study )'anish. % wish him to stay. rare form -e would li#e him to start now.

Verbs Followed by Either Gerunds OR Nouns + Infinitives

advise allow % advised seeing a doctor. %reland doesn&t allow smo#ing in bars. He encourages eating healthy foods. (alifornia doesn&t 'ermit fishing without a fishing license. "he certificate re5uires com'leting two courses. "hey urge recycling bottles and 'a'er. % advised them to see a doctor. %reland doesn&t allow 'eo'le to smo#e in bars. He encourages his 'atients to eat healthy foods. (alifornia doesn&t 'ermit 'eo'le to fish without a fishing license. "he certificate re5uires students to com'lete two courses. "hey urge citiAens to recycle bottles and





Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning

begin )he began singing. )he began to sing. When "begin" is used in noncontinuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive. dread )he dreaded ta#ing the test. Usually "dread" is followed by a gerund. )he is beginning to sing. When "begin" is used in continuous tenses, an infinitive is used.

He dreaded to thin# of the conse5uences of his actions. "Dread" is sometimes used with infinitives such as "think" or "consider." In the sentence above, "dreaded to think" means "did not want to think." )he forgot to 'ay the rent this month. When forget is used with an infinitive, it means "to forget that you need to do something." The sentence above means that she forgot that she needed to ay the rent.


)he forgot reading the boo# when she was a #id. When "forget" is used with a gerund, it means "to forget that you have done something." The sentence above means that she

read the book when she was a kid, and that she has forgotten that fact. #ee' )he #e't tal#ing. "!ee " is normally used with a gerund to mean that you continue doing an action. "he attac#ers #e't hostages to 'revent the 'olice from entering. "!ee " can also be used with an ob"ect followed by an infinitive, but then the infinitive takes on the meaning of "in order to... ." In the sentence above, the attackers ke t hostages in order to revent the olice from entering. He needs to call his boss. He needs him to call his boss. "#eed" is usually used with an infinitive or an ob"ect $ an infinitive.


"he house needs cleaning. When "need" is used with a gerund, it takes on a assive meaning. The sentence above means "the house needs to be cleaned."


% regretted being late to the interview. "%egret" is normally used with a gerund.

-e regret to inform you that your 'osition at the com'any is being eliminated. "%egret" is sometimes used with infinitives such as "to inform." In the sentence above, "We regret to inform you" means "We wish we did not have to tell you &bad news'." He remembered to turn off the lights before he left. When "remember" is used with an infinitive, it means "to remember that you need to do something." The sentence above means that he remembered that he needed to turn the lights off. 0arge is starting to tal# really fast. When "start" is used in continuous tenses, an infinitive is used. % started to learn Russian< but it was so

remembe r

% remember mentioning the meeting yesterday. When "remember" is used with a gerund, it means "to remember that you have done something." The sentence above means that I mentioned the meeting, and that I remember the fact that I did that.


0arge started tal#ing really fast. 0arge started to tal# really fast. When "start" is used in noncontinuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive.

much wor# that % finally 5uit the class. In other situations, an infinitive means that you did not com lete or continue an action. sto' He sto''ed smo#ing for health reasons. "(to " is normally used with a gerund. He sto''ed to rest for a few minutes. When "sto " is used with an infinitive, the infinitive takes on the meaning of "in order to." In the sentence above, he sto ed in order to rest for a few minutes. )he tried to climb the tree< but she couldn&t even get off the ground. When you "try to do" something, you want to do it, but you do not succeed in actually doing it. In the sentence above, an infinitive is used because she cannot successfully climb the tree. "ry not to wa#e the baby when you get u' tomorrow at . 10. *n infinitive is also used if you are asking someone to try something they may or may not be able to accom lish.


)he can&t find a 2ob. )he tried loo#ing in the 'a'er< but there was nothing. )he tried as#ing friends and family< but nobody #new of anything. )he also tried going sho' to sho'< but nobody was hiring. "Try $ gerund" means to try or to e) eriment with different methods to see if something works. )he tried eating the sna#e sou'< but she didn&t li#e it. "Try $ gerund" is often used when you e) eriment with something, but you do not really like it or want to do it again.

Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (!i"ilar Meaning

can&t bear can&t stand cease He can&t bear being alone. *ancy can&t stand wor#ing the late shift. "he government ceased 'roviding free health care. )he continued tal#ing. He hates cleaning dishes. )amantha li#es reading. -e love scuba diving. He neglected doing his daily chores. He 'refers eating at ? /0. He can&t bear to be alone. *ancy can&t stand to wor# the late shift. "he government ceased to 'rovide free health care. )he continued to tal#. He hates to clean dishes. )amantha li#es to read. -e love to scuba dive. He neglected to do his daily chores. He 'refers to eat at ? /0.

continue hate li#e love neglect 'refer


4rew 'ro'osed 'aying for the tri'.

4rew 'ro'osed to 'ay for the tri'.

1lthough the difference in meaning is small with these 'articular verbs< and gerunds and infinitives can often be used interchangeably< there is still a meaning difference. Bsing a gerund suggests that you are referring to real activities or e,'eriences. Bsing an infinitive suggests that you are tal#ing about 'otential or 'ossible activities or e,'eriences. Cecause of this small difference in meaning< gerunds and infinitives cannot always be used interchangeably< such as in the e,am'les below. >,am'lesD

"he Critish re'orter li$es living in *ew +or#. +e lives in #ew ,ork and he likes what he e) eriences there. "he Critish re'orter li$es to live in *ew +or# whenever he wor#s in the Bnited )tates. +e likes the o tion or ossibility of living in #ew ,ork when he works in the United (tates. % li$e s%ea$ing =rench because it&s such a beautiful language. I like the e) erience of s eaking -rench, and the way it makes me feel when I s eak the language. % li$e to s%ea$ =rench when %&m in =rance. I refer the o tion of s eaking -rench when I am in -rance.

Noun + &re%osition 'o"binations Followed by Gerunds

"he following is O*E+ 1 )10/E> E%)" of the most commonly used noun + 're'osition combinations that can be followed by gerunds. addiction to advantage of an,iety about belief in His addiction to surfing the %nternet is a 'roblem. He has the advantage of s'ea#ing >nglish fluently. Her an,iety about s'ea#ing in 'ublic caused her to lose the 2ob. His belief in not harming animals was something he learned from his mother. )he too# credit for im'roving the filing system. His dedication to teaching was im'ressive. "he delay in 'rocessing the visa caused 'roblems.

credit for dedication to delay in

devotion to disadvantage of e,'erience in

His devotion to bi#ing allowed him to win the com'etition. "he disadvantage of flying is that you can&t see the scenery along the way. )he has a great deal of e,'erience in introducing new 'roducts to international mar#ets. With the noun "e) erience," sometimes a gerund is added without the re osition "in." ".) erience introducing new roducts" would also be acce table. His fear of flying made travel difficult. Her fondness for traveling led to her career in the travel industry. His habit of smo#ing in restaurants caused many 'roblems in (alifornia. Her career as a 'ilot evolved out of her interest in flying. Her #nowledge of climbing hel'ed her during the com'etition. His love of singing develo'ed when he was a child. "heir memories of traveling in 1frica will stay with them forever. % thin# his 'reference for s'ea#ing his native language is natural. "he 'rocess of 'ainting such a large mural is more com'licated than you might thin#. His reaction to winning the 'riAe was 5uite funny. "he main reason for ta#ing the course is to im'rove your language s#ills. "he criminal&s regret for committing the crime did not convince the 2udge. "he magaAine&s re'ort on choosing the right car was not well researched. Her re'utation for lying is well #nown. His res'onsibility for com'leting the 'ro2ect on time was ac#nowledged by the com'any. % don&t #now if % believe his story about seeing a B=O.

fear of fondness for habit of interest in #nowledge of love of memory of 'reference for 'rocess of

reaction to reason for regret for re'ort on re'utation for res'onsibility for story about

talent for

His talent for learning languages was im'ressive.

(d)e*tive + &re%osition 'o"binations Followed by Gerunds

"he following is O*E+ 1 )10/E> E%)" of the most commonly used ad2ective + 're'osition combinations that can be followed by gerunds. accustomed to addicted to afraid of an,ious about bored of ca'able of He is accustomed to having his own office. )he is addicted to watching "F. )he is afraid of s'ea#ing in 'ublic. *orma is an,ious about ma#ing the 'resentation. % am bored of doing the same old 2ob. He is ca'able of winning a gold medal.

committed to concerned about content with dedicated to devoted to disa''ointed with discouraged by e,cited about famous for fond of frightened of guilty of ha''y about interested in involved in #nown for o''osed to 'roud of remembered for res'onsible for scared of terrified of

)he is committed to im'roving her >nglish. *ancy was concerned about being late. "im is content with winning second 'lace. "he organiAation is dedicated to ending 'overty. "he money will be devoted to 'rotecting the environment. =iona was disa''ointed with coming in third 'lace. He was discouraged by not getting the 2ob. "he researcher was e,cited about going to 1frica. "hat actor is famous for being e,tremely weird. )he is fond of having 'icnics. )he is frightened of being alone at night. "he ban#er was guilty of stealing money. He was ha''y about winning the lottery. )he is interested in becoming a doctor. He was involved in ma#ing the movie. )he was #nown for causing 'roblems. "hey are o''osed to building a new road in the 'ar#. He was 'roud of having com'leted the marathon. )he is remembered for 'rotecting mountain gorillas. He is res'onsible for causing the damage. "ina is scared of being alone at night. "he surfer is terrified of being attac#ed by a shar#.

tired from tired of worried about

)he is tired from wor#ing all day. 0argaret is tired of ma#ing dinner every night. "he hi#ers were worried about not having enough water.

#e + (d)e*tive 'o"binations Followed by Infinitives

be amaAed be an,ious be ashamed be bound be careful He was amaAed to discover the truth. )he was an,ious to start her new 2ob. He was ashamed to admit he had lied. )he is bound to be elected class 'resident. "hey were careful not to reveal the winner of the 'riAe until the end.

be certain be content be delighted be determined be eager be eligible be fortunate be glad be ha''y be hesitant be liable

)he is certain to get the 2ob. "he student was content to receive second 'lace in the com'etition. -e were delighted to be invited to the wedding. He was determined to finish the marathon.

He was eager to begin. "hey were not eligible to 'artici'ate in the 'rogram. )he was fortunate to receive the research grant. % would be glad to hel' out. )he was ha''y to see them at the 'arty. 0ary was hesitant to say anything. "he mountain climber is liable to hurt himself if he doesn&t use well$made e5ui'ment. "hey are li#ely to show u' at any time. +ou were luc#y to have such an o''ortunity. % am 'leased to meet you. He was 'roud to have been chosen to lead the 'ro2ect. %&m ready to go now. "he witness was reluctant to reveal what he had seen. )he was really sad to leave. He was shoc#ed to discover the truth. % am sorry to have to tell you that the tic#ets are sold out. )he was sur'rised to discover that he had never learned how to swim.

be li#ely be luc#y be 'leased be 'roud be ready be reluctant be sad be shoc#ed be sorry be sur'rised

Nouns Followed by Infinitives

advice a''eal attem't chance His advice to continue was good. "he a''eal to reduce 'ollution was ineffective. Her attem't to locate them was unsuccessful. %n Critain< you will have a chance to im'rove your >nglish.

decision desire dream goal motivation need o''ortunity order 'ermission 'lan 're'aration 'ro'osal recommendation refusal reminder re5uest re5uirement suggestion tendency wish way

"he decision to increase ta,es was not 'o'ular. His desire to get a good 2ob motivated him. Her dream to become an actress was never realiAed. His goal to run a marathon seemed unrealistic. Her motivation to enter university im'ressed them. Cob&s need to be the center of attention was irritating. "he o''ortunity to live in *ew +or# interested )andra. "hey followed the general&s order to retreat. /ermission to enter the area was difficult to get. )andy&s 'lan to move to 0adrid bothered her 'arents. *1)1&s 're'arations to launch on 0onday moved forward. Her 'ro'osal to host the 'arty im'ressed the committee. His recommendation to close the school u'set the community. 4ebra&s refusal to hel' did not go unnoticed. Her reminder to review the vocabulary hel'ed me 'ass the test. "heir re5uest to 'artici'ate was granted. "heir re5uirement to s'ea# four languages was unreasonable. His suggestion to leave seemed li#e a good idea. His tendency to ta' his des# during a test annoyed me. Her wish to be treated normally was res'ected. One way to im'rove your >nglish is to read novels.

E+%ressions followed by VER#+ing

have 8some9 'roblems He had some 'roblems reading without his glasses.

have a difficult time have a good time have a hard time have a 'roblem have an easy time have difficulty have fun have no difficulty have no 'roblem s'end one&s time waste one&s time

)he had a difficult time hi#ing u' the mountain. "hey had a good time snor#eling. )he had a hard time e,'laining the situation. 4ebbie had a 'roblem understanding his accent. )he had an easy time selling the delicious coo#ies. -anda had difficulty translating the letter by herself. "he had fun s#iing. "hey had no difficulty finding a discount flight to Eondon. =rancis had no 'roblem getting from the air'ort to the hotel. He always s'ends his time wor#ing out at the gym. )he always wastes her time 'laying video games.

,o*ation Verbs Followed by VER#+ing

cling cower

)he clung to the bottom of the bridge trying to resist the swift current. "he family cowered in their basement ho'ing the tornado would change directions. "he mountain lion crouched on a bolder watching the deer wal# by below. "he mon#ey hung in the tree chewing on the ri'ened fruit. "om leaned against the wall resting a few moments before he continued on. He lay in bed thin#ing about the day&s events. )he always sits on the couch watching "F. *ancy stood at the corner loo#ing u' and down the street.

crouch hang lean lie sit stand

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