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Conquering the Number One Killer Conquering the Number One Killer

(Heart Disease) Do you know what the number 1 killer is, in developed countries throughout the world? Its Heart Disease

Photodisc #40325; Corbis #RLM0063

(Note to presenter: Choose the country and percentage that is relevant to your audience) In !!!!!!!!!!!! (name of the country) heart disease accounts "or ____ percent o" all deaths #"rica 1$%&$' (entral #merica &$%)$' #sia &*%)+' ,outh #merica )$%+$' -iddle .ast )/%+0' 1estern .urope +&%+2' 3nited ,tates +&%+2' #ustralia +&%+2' .astern .urope *$%4&'1 5hese deaths a""ect not only the individuals, but prematurely rob "amilies o" those they love (ontrary to popular misconception, heart disease is not 6ust a disease o" men

Corbis #RLM064

It is a leading cause o" death in both men and women alike

Photodisc #40322

#nd it is no longer 6ust a disease o" older people



Conquering the Number One Killer

# "ull 45% o" heart attacks occur in people under the age o" 4*

Photodisc #2021

#nd 5% strike young people under the age o" +$

Photodisc #2052

1hen an airline 6et crashes, and &$$%)$$ people perish, it makes world headlines 7ut in the .uropean 3nion alone,


an e8uivalent to more than 1* 6umbo 6ets o" people die each day "rom heart disease9

5hats an astounding + 1$$ people every day

Corel #512089


1hy is it that we hear so little about the millions dying o" heart disease? ,adly, its because most people have come to accept heart attacks as a :normal; part o" li"e<

r!"d # #b$%34580

=or many people with heart disease, death comes as une>pectedly and suddenly as in an airplane crash

Corbis #RLM0063


Conquering the Number One Killer

5he 1orld Health ?rgani@ation has stated that worldwideA

:#bout twelve million people die every year o" heart problems, but up to half o" them could be saved i" better prevention programs were in e""ect ;)
Corel #323025

1hile better prevention programs could cut "atal heart disease by about *$ percent, some research suggests that with the best prevention we could reduce heart disease deaths by as much as /$ percent

,imply put, nine out of ten heart attacks may be preventable<

Photodisc #40324

The first step to con8uering heart disease is to understand what causes it

Di&it!l 'isio" #099018A

Heart disease usually develops silently over many years Bital arteries that supply the heart with o>ygen, become narrowed and hardened,

()*) +e,lett

Alike old, rusty water pipes .ventually they become plugged up 1hile it is very common, this disease process is not normal

R-bberb!ll #'2.64

In "act, the vast ma6ority o" people living in societies where people have a simpler diet and li"estyle, su""er very little heart disease

P!"or!/! Prod-ctio"s


Conquering the Number One Killer

,igni"icant cholesterol pla8ue already occurs in 1 out o" 4 #merican teenagersA


Aand by the age o" +$, an incredible 0$' have narrowed, hardened arteries + 7y this time it is not unusual "or arteries to be hal"way plugged .ven at this stage, most people will "eel normal and not have any symptoms # person may "eel great and yet be on the verge o" a ma6or heart attack
r!"d # #b$%28932

In a heart attack, a completeA

Li0e Art #3D101001

Ablockage o" one o" the coronary arteries occurs, and theA

Aheart muscle actually dies

5he main symptom is chest pain, "re8uently described as a heavy "eeling o" pressure in the chest

Lo/! Li"d!2+!rdi"&e 3eries


Conquering the Number One Killer

I" the person survives, they are le"t with scar tissue in that area, instead o" muscle 5wo out o" three times this will result in a permanent disability *

Co/stoc4 #533915

o! who is at ris" for a heart attac"# Is it you, your spouse, or one o" your "amily members? How can you know? 5he more risk "actors a person has, the greater their likelihood o" su""ering a heart attack
Corbis #6'A0091

Cets look at the :big three; risk "actors "or heart diseaseD4

#bout )$' o" cardiovascular deaths are due to smoking 0 5he good news is that those who stop smoking can reduce their risk by up to 0*' within 6ust * years 2

Lo/! Li"d!2+!rdi"&e 3eries

#nd what about high blood pressure? .ven small increases in the blood pressure will signi"icantly increase ones risk o" heart disease 7y simply reducing your blood pressure by 1$ points, you reduce your risk by )$ ' / In many cases, an elevated blood pressure can be corrected with simple li"estyle changes, such as diet and e>ercise
Co/stoc4 #00010509

?verall, high cholesterol is the number one contributor to heart disease 5he higher ones cholesterol, the more rapidly the clogging o" arteries occurs

+e/er! *ech"olo&ies


Conquering the Number One Killer

Eotice on this graph that the countries with the lowest cholesterol levels, like Fapan, have the lowest rates o" heart disease ?n the other hand, as cholesterol levels rise, so do the death rates #s you can see =inland tops the scale, with very high average cholesterol and also a very high cardiac death rate 1$ In a serious e""ort to reduce heart disease in =inland, about )$,$$$ men and women were convinced to make li"estyle changes

3toc4b7te #068589

(5hey) ,topped smoking

:ild,ood Li0est7le Ce"ter

Cowered high blood pressure

Photodisc #40266

(and) Decreased (their) cholesterol intake

;oh" 6o$$ #6<2839

5he result? 5he men reduced their deaths "rom heart disease by more than hal" (** ')

#nd the women did even better, reducing their risk by nearly 0$'
Corbis #3L=0049


Conquering the Number One Killer

,o how can we improve cholesterol levels? =irst we need to understand which "oods contain cholesterol

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-any do not reali@e that cholesterol is onl$ "ound in animal products, such as meat, milk, cheese, and eggs

?n the other hand, all plant "oods ("ruits, grains, vegetables and nuts) are 1$$' cholesterol%"ree
+e/er! Photo><b?ects; Co/stoc4 #2139

7y increasing the plant%based "oods and reducing or eliminating the animal products in our diet, we can reduce our cholesterol levels signi"icantly Glant "oods are also rich in "iber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and antio>idants that work together to help protect us "rom high blood pressure, obesity and other risk "actors "or heart disease 1hat else can we do?

;oh" 6o$$ #6<2801

,trive to achieve your ideal weight 1e have known "or many years that being overweight is a risk "actor "or heart disease, in "act it increases ones risk by three to "ive times 11

Photodisc #61051

.>ercise regularly Heviewing +) well%known studies on e>ercise, we "ind that they all agree, those who are physically activeA

Ahave only half the risk o" heart disease as compared to relatively inactive people
Corbis 3L=0011

.>ercise can include a variety o" en6oyable activities, such as walking, biking, swimming, or gardening

Photo 3%i" #0550021; r!"d # #b$%29511; Photodisc #38129; Corbis #AC*0062


Conquering the Number One Killer

#void all alcohol #lcohol use is a signi"icant risk "actor in heart disease It damages the heart muscle 1&

;oh" 6o$$ #6<2405

#nd what about stress and heart disease? # survey o" heart attack survivors "ound that hal" o" them had e>perienced serious stress within a day prior to their heart attack 1) 5hese stress"ul events included deadlines, "ights, deaths in the "amily and problems with "inances or at work Cearning to control stress by trusting Iod more "ully would help protect us
Di&it!l 'isio" #090004C

,omeone may say, :what about genetics?; 1hile it is true that some may inherit a genetic tendency toward heart disease, it is time we stop blaming our heredity, our grandparents, and our culture 5he evidence is clear Heart disease does not need to be the number one killer =aulty genetics may load the gun, but its our li"estyle that pulls the trigger

r!"d # #b$%28812

Co/stoc4 #5311829

Improving our li"estyle, what we do and the way we eat or e>ercise, will protect us

;oh"6o$$ #P81956

3ltimately, our personal health will be determined by whether we choose to allow ourselves to become chained to appetite and tradition,

Di&it!l 'isio" #003246RL


Conquering the Number One Killer

or to e>ercise our Iod%given "reedom to live health"ully, and e>perience the best 8uality o" li"e

Fesus himsel" said, :I have come that they may have li"e, and that they may have it more abundantly ; (Fohn 1$D1$ EJFB)
Corbis #6'A0054

7y simply practicing the best li"estyle, including a good diet and regular e>ercise, we too can have li"e more abundantly<


1orld Health ?rgani@ation (ollaborating (entre in the Division o" (ardiology at 5he ?ttawa Hospital % Ieneral ,ite o" the 3niversity o" ?ttawaK(ardiovascular Disease In"obase, httpDLLcvdin"obase ic gc ca & 1 * -illion people are dying "rom (BD every year within the .3 ) Iyar"as I (hie" o" the 1orld Health ?rgani@ation (ardiovascular Disease Grevention GrogramD 1orld Health Day, #pr 1//& (,ourceD Groo" Gositive) + 1/// statistics reported in The Journal of Health & Healing, vol &&, Eo ), p 1* * #merican Heart #ssociation Heart and Stro e !act: "##$ Statistical Supplement% 1//* p 1 4 Bartiainen ., Guska G, et al (hanges in risk "actors e>plain changes in mortality "rom ischaemic heart disease in =inland 7-F 1//+ Ful &9)$/(4/+4)D&)%&0 Muoted in Groo" Gositive, p 4$ 0 3, Greventive ,ervices 5ask =orce (ounseling to Grevent tobacco 3se InD &uide to Clinical 'reventive Services ( )nd edition% 7altimore,-DD 1illiams and 1ilkins, 1//4 p */0%4$/ 2 5he Harvard Health letter, 1//& / 5he Harvard Health Cetter, 1//& 1$ =rom the 1orld Health ?rgani@ation data analy@ed "rom 1/0$%1/2$ Muoted in Groo" Gositive, p 4$ 11 Hans Diehl, Ci"estyle capsules, p )/ and 4+ httpDLLwww heartstats orgLuploadsLdocumentsL.,te>t pd" 1& 3, Department o" Health and Human ,ervices .""ects o" #lcohol on Health and 7ody ,ystems In9 *ighth Special +eport to the ,S Congress on -lcohl and Health% Eational Institutes o" health (EIH) Gublication Eo /+% )4//, ,ep 1//) p 10+ 1) Facobs , #merican heart #ssociation meeting, 1//&

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