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SYNOPSIS A hydrogen vehicle is an alternative !el vehicle that !ses hydrogen as its on"oard !el or #otive $o%er. &he ter# #ay re er to a $ersonal trans$ortation vehicle' s!ch as an a!to#o"ile' or any other vehicle that !ses hydrogen in a si#ilar ashion' s!ch as an aircra t. &he $o%er $lants o s!ch vehicles convert the che#ical energy o hydrogen to #echanical energy either "y "!rning hydrogen in an internal co#"!stion engine' or "y reacting hydrogen %ith o(ygen in a !el cell to r!n electric #otors. )ides$read !se o hydrogen or !eling trans$ortation is a *ey ele#ent o a $ro$osed hydrogen econo#y. Hydrogen !el does not occ!r nat!rally on Earth and th!s is not an energy so!rce' "!t is an energy carrier. +!rrently it is #ost re,!ently #ade ro# #ethane or other ossil !els. Ho%ever' it can "e $rod!ced ro# a %ide range o so!rces -s!ch as %ind' solar' or n!clear. that are inter#ittent' too di !se or too c!#"erso#e to directly $ro$el vehicles. /ntegrated %ind0to0 hydrogen $lants' !sing electrolysis o %ater' are e($loring technologies to deliver costs lo% eno!gh' and ,!antities great eno!gh' to co#$ete %ith traditional energy so!rces.

INTRODUCTION Many co#$anies are %or*ing to develo$ technologies that #ight e iciently e($loit the $otential o hydrogen energy or #o"ile !ses. &he attraction o !sing hydrogen as an energy c!rrency is that' i hydrogen is $re$ared %itho!t !sing ossil !el in$!ts' vehicle $ro$!lsion %o!ld not contri"!te to car"on dio(ide e#issions. &he dra%"ac*s o hydrogen !se are lo% energy content $er !nit vol!#e' high tan* age %eights' the storage' trans$ortation and illing o gaseo!s or li,!id hydrogen in vehicles' the large invest#ent in in rastr!ct!re that %o!ld "e re,!ired to !el vehicles' and the ine iciency o $rod!ction $rocesses. B!ses' trains' canal "oats' cargo "i*es' gol carts' #otorcycles' %heelchairs' shi$s' air$lanes' s!"#arines' and roc*ets can already r!n on hydrogen' in vario!s or#s. NASA !ses hydrogen to la!nch S$ace Sh!ttles into s$ace. &here is even a %or*ing toy #odel car that r!ns on solar $o%er' !sing a regenerative !el cell to store energy in the or# o hydrogen and o(ygen gas. /t can then convert the !el "ac* into %ater to release the solar energy. .


&his hydrogen gas -H1. is $re$ared "y #i(ing o Potassi!# hydro(ide -K2H. and %ater -H12. %ith the hel$ o cathode and anode ter#inals "y the $assage o 31volt c!rrent to the ter#inals . &hen the generated gas is $assed to inlet t!"e in sealed %ater container then generate hydrogen is $assed to o!tlet t!"e sealed container to engine

ADVANTAGES Hydrogen cars are "ene icial or the environ#ent in a n!#"er o %ays. 4or e(a#$le' they do not e#it greenho!se gases that are har# !l or the %el are o the ecosyste#. &hese cars are #!ch #ore !el e icient than gasoline vehicles' and let o!t less $oll!tion overall. GOING GREEN &he #ain o"5ective o !sing hydrogen cars is to save the

environ#ent ro# the negative i#$acts o "!rning ossil !els. According to greenliving.co#' hydrogen !el is "etter "eca!se it does not release car"on dio(ide into the air. Hydrogen cars also give #ore #ileage as co#$ared to gasoline0 $o%ered vehicles6 or e(a#$le' a car !sing hydrogen !el can go !$ to t%ice the #ileage as a gasoline car on the sa#e a#o!nt o !el. ENGINE DURABILITY Another advantage o hydrogen cars is the engine7s strength and d!ra"ility. Many other ty$es o engines cannot %or* $ro$erly in high te#$erat!res' and tend to overheat Hydrogen engines' ho%ever' can %or* in e(tre#ely high te#$erat!res' $l!s the engines do not corrode as easily as their gasoline co!nter$arts.

APPLICATIONS 3. &%o %heeler A$$lication 1. 4o!r %heeler A$$lications

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