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Disarming Diabetes Disarming Diabetes

Today we are going to share some good news about preventing and reversing diabetes.

Comstock #12974; Corbis #MED0015; Photo Alto #PAA061000021

In the past half-century diabetes rates have soared to record highs.

If current trends continue, the number of people suffering from this disease will double within the next 25 years

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affecting an estimated !! million people worldwide. "or many years, there was no #nown cure$but not anymore% Today many people are disarming diabetes by ma#ing healthful lifestyle changes.

Corbis #FVA009

What is Diabetes? &iabetes is a disease that occurs when the body becomes unable to handle glucose 'or sugar(, which builds up to dangerous levels in the bloodstream. )ver time, these high blood sugar levels are extremely taxing on the body, resulting in a dramatic increase in ris# of death and disability. There are two kinds of diabetes. The most common form of the disease is #nown as Type II, accounting for

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more than *!+ of all cases.

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Disarming Diabetes
This type of diabetes is not so much a problem with a shortage of insulinin fact, when diagnosed most of these diabetics have plenty of insulin in their bodies. .ut something bloc#s the insulin so that it cannot do its /ob properly.

Di'it(l Visio) #09 012

The other #ind of diabetes is called Type I, insulin-dependent diabetes, which is a different disease altogether

affecting approximately 5 to ,!+ of all diabetics.

*#m#r( Photo+,b-#cts. /0bb#rb(ll #12320

These individuals have lost their ability to ma#e ade0uate amounts of insulin, and must ta#e insulin by in/ection. .ecause of this, Type I is #nown as insulin-dependent diabetes. These diabetics typically develop the disease as children or young adults and they are usually thin.
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In today1s tal# we1ll focus on Type II diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes. How does this disease work?

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The main fuel for our bodies is a simple sugar called glucose. 2hat gasoline is to your car, glucose is to the cells of your body. 3owever, glucose can only be converted to useable energy in the presence of insulin.

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Disarming Diabetes
Insulin is a hormone needed to convert sugars, starches, and other foods into energy. It wor#s li#e a #ey that opens the 4doors5 of the body1s cells allowing the glucose to enter. 3owever, if there is not enough insulin 'as in Type , diabetes(, or if the loc#s on the doors are 4gummed up5 so that the insulin #eys have trouble opening them 'as often occurs in Type II diabetes(, then the blood sugar levels can rise to dangerous levels. What are the warning signs? The classical symptoms are6

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7xcessive thirst

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7xcessive urination

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'and( 7xcessive appetite

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These warning signs are often very subtle. In fact, it1s estimated that of the millions of 8mericans with diabetes

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up to half of them don1t even #now they have it%, 9any become aware of their disease only when they begin to experience potentially irreversible problems.

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Disarming Diabetes
8s this disease progresses, its effects are devastating, affecting all organs of the body and gradually destroying them.

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3ere are some of the typical complications6

7ight out of ten diabetics develop eye problems, including blindness.

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&iabetics are 18 times more li#ely to experience serious #idney damage. 9any eventually experience #idney failure.

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&iabetes is a potent promoter of atherosclerosis$the plugging of the arteries.

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"or this reason, diabetics are 2 to : times more li#ely to suffer from heart attac#s and stro#es.

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Disarming Diabetes
In addition, diabetes increases one1s chances of6

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;exual impotence, <lcerative sores, Infections, 8mputations, and for women, .reast and uterine cancers.

=eeping your blood sugar levels near the normal range is the best possible defense against the complications of diabetes.2 What causes non insulin dependent !Type II" diabetes? Is it a matter of genetics>

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It1s true that certain population groups are especially prone to diabetes. "or example, among the ?ima Indians of the ;outhwestern <nited ;tates, half of all adults suffer from Type II diabetes.

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.ut genes are not the primary culprits. It too# the western diet and lifestyle to turn their genetic tendency into 4an epidemic of diabetes.5

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9ore and more, researchers are concluding that heredity is not destiny$ especially if you eat well and exercise.

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8 closely related tribe of ?ima Indians living in 9exico has an active farming lifestyle, eat a traditional diet, and experience far less diabetes.

Photo4isc #A80016221


Disarming Diabetes
#o what is the real problem in Type II diabetes?

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In most cases the problem is a lack of sensiti$ity to insulin, rather than a shortage of it-

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that is, the cells simply fail to respond to the insulin.

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8s a result,

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glucose builds up in the bloodstream, thwarting vital processes and damaging vessel walls. This resistance to insulin appears to be directly related to certain lifestyle factors.

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9any studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between fat and diabetes$both fat in the diet and fat on the body. The more fat there is in the diet, the more difficult it is for insulin to get glucose into the cells. &iabetes is rare in areas of the world where fat inta#e is low and obesity is uncommon.
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Disarming Diabetes
2hat about inactivity> 8 sedentary lifestyle is one of the primary contributors to obesity and insulin resistance.

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Too many calories and too little exercise are recogniAed as the #ey ris# factors for Type-II diabetes

Photo4isc #AA01076

#o what can we do to disarm diabetes? Bumerous studies suggest that a comprehensive lifestyle approach is the best defense to protect us from the ravages of diabetes. 9any diabetics can normaliAe their blood sugar levels, often within a matter of wee#s, by adopting an optimal lifestyle program. 3ere are the #ey points6 Cowering the amount of fat and oil in the diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and reversal of Type II diabetes. 2hen less fat is eaten, the sensitivity to insulin is gradually restored.

Corbis #FVA0007

Comstock #2749. #2742. #2659. #270

The best way to achieve this is to eat an unrefined plant-based diet with the exclusion of all animal products and refined foods.

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In addition, eating more natural, fiber-rich foods plays an important role by helping stabiliAe blood sugar levels.

Comstock #5271


Disarming Diabetes
"oods high in fiber include6 whole grain cereals and breads, coo#ed beans and peas, fruits, and vegetables.

>i)sto) Cr(i'

8nd what about exercise> Through regular exercise, the need for insulin in/ections can often be reduced, and oral medications fre0uently become unnecessary. 7xercising muscles need fuel. Eegular physical activity enables the sugar to enter the body1s cells, even without insulin.
Photo4isc #2$19

8chieving a healthy weight is of vital importance in disarming diabetes.

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3ealth experts are warning that obesity is rising to epidemic proportions.

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"or example, in the <nited ;tates in ,**,, only seven states had obesity rates over ,5+.

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.y ,**F, only five states didn1t% .y 2!!, most states were reaching already the 2!+ mar#.

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Disarming Diabetes
In 7urope obesity rates are slightly lower, but are probably going to reach similar rates within the next ,!-,5 years. Ceading in this epidemic is 7ngland, which doubled their obesity rate between ,*F! and ,**5. The ma/ority of Type II diabetics are overweight, and normaliAing weight is often all it ta#es to bring the blood sugar bac# to normal. The best approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is not dieting, but a permanent change in the way we live.

Photo Alto #PAA061000021

9a#ing the switch to a low-fat, plant-based diet, and eating most of our calories at brea#fast and lunch, are excellent choices. Goupled with active daily exercise these things can help you experience lasting success. 8s you can see, diabetes is largely preventable. The good news is that those who already have the disease can control it and many can even reverse it without drugs by following a healthy lifestyle. It is tragic that it often ta#es irreversible complications before people really get serious about their diabetes. &on1t wait until a heart attac#, blindness, or amputation serves as a wa#e-up call.

Comstock #15529

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In the .ible we read, 48 prudent person foresees the danger ahead and ta#es precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the conse0uences.5 ?roverbs 2D6,2 'Bew Civing Translation( 8s serious a disease as diabetes is, the old adage certainly applies, 48n ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.5 ;tart now. &isarm diabetes before it happens.

Corbis #FAM0961


=enny ;H, 8ubert E7, Ieiss C;. ?revalence and Incidence of Bon-Insulin-&ependent &iabetes. In6 3arris 9I, Gowie GG, et al, editors. &iabetes in 8merica$2nd edition. Bational Institutes of 3ealth, Bational Institute of &iabetes and &igestive and =idney &iseases- BI3 ?ublication Bo. *5-,:@F, ,**5 p. :D. ';ource6 ?roof ?ositive, p. ,D:( 2 A90+126 milli'r(ms 9#r 4#cilit#r Bm'@4lCD. !o0rc#E???F4i(b#t#sFor' The Ceisure 9edia Gompany Cimited, <=, )besity rising to Jepidemic1 proportions- , 9ay 2!!, 'Kuoted from ,,th 7uropean Gongress on )besity(

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