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Monday - November 11TH

Galatians 5:1 F5 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

What better day to have a devotion on freedom than on Veterans Day. It is so easy to take for granted the freedom we have as a country. One reason this is true is because all we have known is freedom. As a country, we do not know what it means to be under a sovereign nation or to be part of a government that overtly oppresses their people. I get so frustrated during the election campaigns because as citizens we are such bashers and complainers. Unfortunately, the witness we project during those campaigns just makes outsiders not want to be a part of a Christian community. It is so easy to take our freedom and our precious country for granted. For that reason alone, a short term mission trip to a third world country would help us have more of an appreciative perspective of the country we live, as well as the men and women who fought to secure our freedom. In a similar way, in Christianity, all we have known is freedom. We were born on the other side of the cross where the sacrifice of Jesus had already been paid. We dont know what it would be like to be under the bondage of the law. We dont know what it would be like to have a priest serve as a mediator for us because the law prevented us from approaching God. We dont know what it would have been like not to be able to pray to Jesus or thank him for dying for our sins. Yet many Christians complain. Many complain about the church and how they are not doing things right. Many argue over doctrine that has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many argue over long sermons, or worship song preference, or the need for more entertaining programs for their kids. Many make a list of dos and donts, and make others feel bad, inferior, or judged because they thing thats the sign of a deeper commitment to the faith. Like citizens of America, we can take the freedom we have in Christ for granted. We are so fortunate to be living in this country and on this side of the cross. I think it is a god idea to just pause..and thank God for all He has done for us, both country and Christ. We are truly blessed. My father served in the US Army and did his time in Vietnam. When he came back my mom and other family members told me he was not the same. He experienced firsthand the effects of the war, the hatred, the numbing effect, and the casualties, the physical impairments of those who were once free and physically fit. The impact of Vietnam took a toll on his family, his children, and ultimately on his life itself, as he passed away at the ripe old age of 35 years. As I contemplate on what he gave up to help another country experience freedom, I am constantly reminded how good we have it over here. How valuable his and other sacrifices truly were. Likewise, as I contemplate what Jesus gave up, including his life, I am reminded to be thankful that he chose to die so that I could be free. In the end, Jesus was our soldier that brought us heaven and our armed services where the soldiers that brought us American freedom.

How does this Impact us? In a nutshell, we are EXTREMELY blessed beyond belief. I only wish that we would live everyday in remembrance like Veterans Day. Freedom is a special privilege many people will never experience.

Reflection Question: Do you find yourself taking freedom for granted? What can you do to have more of an appreciative heart?

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