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9 Geography _________________________ Poster Project Pick a State Visuals (a sample) 1.

Map of state

Your Name: State of Choice____________________

Parents: ,hile we are doing much of the re-uired research at school, there are still .ust a few things to do at home....

2. Picture of state flag, flower and any other interesting emblem....

Poster & regular '() poster board is fine* any color. Decorate & be creative. Ok to type information and paste + tape neatly onto poster. $,e want to read it%

3. Identity and picture of governor

Gov. ean Parnell !. Indicate capital on map ". Picture or drawing of any famous landmar#s. $mountain, river, desert, etc.%

Mt. McKin ey

9 Geography Your Name: _________________________ Poster Project State of Choice____________________ Pick a State Class Worksheet For Information Gathering: !. "hat is the current popu ation of the state#

$. "here is your state ocate%# &o' 'ou % you %escri(e 'here it is ocate%#

). *oes your state pro%uce any consumer goo%s# +f so, 'hat# -.hink a(out natura resources,
manufacturing, etc./

0. "hen %i% the state (ecome a state# 1. "hat are the current %emographics of the state# -2ita statistics, census, sur3eys/

4. 5re there any famous Christians from the state# "ho# 6. "hat kin% of c imate %oes the state ha3e#

7. "hat are the an% features of the state# -think a(out forests, p ateaus, grass an%s/

9. "hat is the capita # !8. 5t east ! fun fact. TURN IN THIS PAGE

9 Geography _________________________ Poster Project Pick a State !!9!!9!) *ear Parents,

Your Name: State of Choice____________________

"e come to another Geography project: .he purpose of this project is to he p stu%ents practice researching information an% assimi ating it into a presenta( e format ; hopefu y earning a ong the 'ay. + ha3e %iscusse% this project in<%epth 'ith the c ass an% + (e ie3e they un%erstan% 'hat 'e are %oing. "e 'i (e %oing the %ata co ecting in schoo as our c ass 'ork. .he part + nee% your he p 'ith is: Co ecting the 3isua s for the poster, Getting the poster (oar% Possi( y he ping to 'rite up information from the %ata co ection &a3ing your stu%ent put it a together. .he posters 'i (e on %isp ay, so + encourage creati3ity. +f there is a pro( em, =uestion or concern, p ease emai me. The pro e!t is "#e We"nes"a$% No&em'er ()th* P ease consi%er using maga>ines, encyc ope%ias, i(raries an% ne'spapers in a%%ition to the internet. + hope these instructions are c ear. 5s a 'ays, ask me: .hank you an% may Go% ( ess you in this.

+n &im, ?rica McCormick Geography

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