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EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


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"imee #a$cus econd %$ade&Language "$ts
***this lesson plan template is an altered version of ODEs standard template for Ohio k-12 lesson plans.

Standards and Benchmarks and inicators: Literary Text Standard (K-3) Students enhance their understanding of the human story by reading literary texts that represent a variety of authors, cultures and eras. They learn to apply the reading process to the various genres of literature, including fables, folk tales, short stories, novels, poetry and drama. They demonstrate their comprehension by describing and discussing the elements of literature (e.g., setting, character and plot), analyzing the authors use of language (e.g., ord choice and figurative language), comparing and contrasting texts, inferring theme and meaning and responding to text in critical and creative ays. Strategic readers learn to explain, analyze and criti!ue literary text to achieve deep understanding. Benchmark: B "se supporting details to identify and describe main ideas, characters and setting. Indicators: #. $escribe %haracters and Setting &. 'etell the plot of a story Writing Process Standard (K-3) Students riting develops hen they regularly engage in the ma(or phases of the riting process. The riting process includes the phases of pre riting, drafting, revising and editing and publishing. They learn to plan their riting for different purposes and audiences. They learn to apply their riting skills in increasingly sophisticated ays to create and produce compositions that reflect effective ord and grammatical choices. Students develop revision strategies to improve the content, organization and language of their riting. Students also develop editing skills to improve riting conventions. Benchmark: A )enerate ideas for ritten compositions Benchmark: *ublish riting samples for display or sharing ith others, using techni!ues such as electronic resources and graphics Indicators: +. )enerate riting ideas through discussions ith others.

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


#. $evelop a main idea for riting. &. $evelop a purpose and audience for riting. ,. "se organizational strategies (e.g., brainstorming, lists, ebs and -enn diagrams) to plan riting. .. /rganize riting ith a developed beginning, middle and end. 0. "se a range of complete sentences, including declarative, interrogative and exclamatory. 1nclude transitional ords and phrases. 2. "se language for riting that is different from oral language, mimicking riting style of books hen appropriate. 3. "se available technology to compose text. +4. 'eread and assess riting for clarity, using a variety of methods (e.g., riters circle or authors chair). ++. 5dd descriptive ords and details and delete extraneous information. +#. "se resources (e.g., ord all, beginners dictionary and ord bank) to select effective vocabulary. +&. *roofread riting to improve conventions (e.g., grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization). +,. 5pply tools (e.g., rubric, checklist and feedback) to (udge the !uality of riting. +.. 'e rite and illustrate riting samples for display and for sharing ith others. Writing A!!"ication Standard (K-#) Benchmark: A %ompose ritings that convey a clear message and include ell6chosen details Indicators: +. 7rite stories that convey a clear message, include details, use vivid language and move through a logical se!uence of steps and events. $ommon $ore Standards:
Key Ideas and Details ' RL(2(!( "s) and ans*e$ such +uestions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonst$ate unde$standing o- )ey details in a te.t( ' RL(2(/( Desc$i0e ho* cha$acte$s in a sto$y $espond to ma1o$ e2ents and challenges( Craft and Structure ' RL(2(3( Desc$i0e the o2e$all st$uctu$e o- a sto$y, including desc$i0ing ho* the 0eginning int$oduces the sto$y and the ending concludes the action(

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


Integration of Knowledge and Ideas ' RL(2(4( Use in-o$mation gained -$om the illust$ations and *o$ds in a p$int o$ digital te.t to demonst$ate unde$standing o- its cha$acte$s, setting, o$ plot(

Lesson Summary: This lesson is designed to build upon kno ledge of story elements. 8ollo ing a refresher lesson as a class, students ill create original stories inspired by pictures on *icasa 8eatured *hotos and photos they take themselves ith a digital camera. Stories must contain clear characters, setting and plot containing a conflict and a resolution. 8ollo ing composition, students ill cut and paste their stories and illustrations into a book hich ill be bound for sharing ith other classes and for display. 5s a class, students ill read each others compositions and evaluate them for story elements. Estimated Duration: 8ive .4 minute class periods.

Commentary: To begin the lesson, e ill do an exercise to refresh our memories of previous lessons on story elements. To 9hook: or engage the students 1 ill ask them to summarize a popular current or favorite movie. 1 ill ask them to tell me ho the characters are, here and hen the setting takes place and hat happens in the movie. 7hat is the conflict to or obstacle to overcome and ho does that happen; 1 ill transition the conversation to a popular story, likely a fairy tale, hich all students ill be familiar ith such as %inderella. 1 ill ask students to remember the relevant story elements in that fairy tale hile 1 complete a graphic organizer on a smart board or chalkboard ith their ans ers. This activity transitions to the main lesson.

Instr%ctiona" Proced%res: (This &i"" 'e one o( the most detai"ed sections o( this assignment)) $ay +< 5s a class, the teacher ill begin a refresher lesson on story elements beginning ith a popular movie. Students ill tell the teacher, ith prompting, ho the main characters are, here and hen the movie takes place and the general plot (conflict and resolution). The teacher ill point out that e (ust discussed elements of a story = movies are stories (ust acted out. >ext the class ill discuss a story familiar to most children, %inderella. 5s a class e ill remember the main story elements and ill

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


complete a graphic organizer as a class. To complete the first part of the lesson the teacher ill read aloud a picture book like Three ?illy )oats )ruff or The Tale of *eter 'abbit. 7hile the teacher is reading, students ill listen for story elements. 7hen a student identifies a story element, they can hisper to a partner hat they have identified. %arefully observing the partner conversations ill help the teacher assess students comprehension of story elements. 8ollo ing the reading, students ill have a chance to say hich elements they defined@ teacher can complete a graphic organizer for story elements if desired. $ay #< 5fter assembling as a group, teacher ill engage students by asking them to share ith the class if they have ever been an author or an illustrator. *oint out that e can all be authors and illustrators any time e choose, because e kno the important parts of a story and e can create one henever e ish. 'evie basic story elements. Axplain to students that today e are going to be authors and illustrators for our o n books. 5fter a brief explanation of the days task, students are broken into small groups of , or . students each. Aach group ill spend approximately #4 minutes alking through parts of the school and playground photographing anything they choose, ith a fe re!uirements. /ne photo must contain a personBpeople, one must not have any people, one must be a close6up of a sub(ect, and one must be a distant sub(ect. $ay &< 5fter the teacher has compiled the students photos supplemented ith several photos found on *icasa 7eb 8eatured *hotos, students ill access a shared file containing everyones pictures. Aach group of students ill select .6C pictures of their choosing and print them out in color. They ill use these pictures as illustrations for a story they ill compose as a group. Students ill type their story on )oogle $ocuments and then share the document ith the teacher. Aach original story must contain specific characters, a clear setting, and plot containing a conflict and a resolution. $ay ,< Students ill use their printed text and color photo printouts to cut and paste together a short book. The teacher ill read each groups 9book: aloud to the class. 8ollo ing each book, students ill identify the story elements in each book as a class and record them on a chart. This may take t o lessons to complete depending on class size. Pre-Assessment: *rior to the first read6aloud, teacher and students ill have a conversation as a group. Teacher ill ask students to remember hat they have learned about parts of a story hile discussing familiar movies and stories. 5s students recall story elements of a popular fairy tale, instructor can assess their comprehension of character, setting, and plot.

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK



%ide"ines: ell students recall story elements.

Teacher ill use hisBher (udgment to determine ho

$uring story composition on $ay &, the teacher ill visit ith each group of students to speak ith them and assess their application of story elements kno ledge as they rite. Teacher ill be able to assess comprehension of elements by ho they are applied in each groups original riting. Post-Assessment: The group stories ill give the teacher an idea of ho the class as a hole understands the concepts. 1n addition students ill complete a short multiple choice !uiz to determine ho they understand and can recall concepts relating to story elements. ell

The 5ssessment ill be grouped into three sets of . !uestions for each story element = characters, plot (conflictBresolution), and setting. The !uestions ill be based on books e have read in class, and ill include a short story to read and identify elements. Scoring %ide"ines: 1f students score 24D or higher in one category (missing one !uestion), they ill be assessed to have mastered the content. Students ho miss t o !uestions ill be noted to revisit the content in small6group or one6on6one instruction. Students ho miss more than t o !uestions in one story element category are assessed to have not mastered the content and ill receive individual follo 6up to gain a better understanding of the material.

*i((erentiated Instr%ctiona" S%!!ort $escribe ho instruction can be differentiated according to learner needs. Students ho are struggling ith creating the story elements themselves ill be scaffolded by other students in their group. 1f a student continues to struggle ith the content in the post6assessment, they ill re6visit the main concepts of story elements during class time and ill practice identifying and mastering the basic elements of a story via online soft are, small6group reading exercises and read6alouds. /nce a student can identify the basics in a given text, heBshe can move on to creating basic short stories, and then creating short stories based on given illustrations.

Students ho have already displayed a clear mastery of the content can further their kno ledge by describing more details about each of the story elements.

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


8or example, in addition to naming the basic story elements a student ill also determine the central idea or lesson in a story and explain ho they kno hat it is. 5lso, a student may describe characters in a story in greater detail, describing their feelings and hy they behaved the ay they did in various parts of the story.

+xtension This is a great ebsite to practice creating a story using elements.


This is a helpful printout that can be sent home ith students or used in classtime during individual reading periods to practice story elements concepts. http<BB .teachervision.fen.comBreadingBprintableB,2,4..html;detouredE+

,ome&ork -!tions and ,ome $onnections Students are encouraged to identify story elements hen reading at home ith family members.

Interdisci!"inary $onnections $uring this lesson, students are using their artistic skills to take and select pictures that interest them. The composition of the book ould be a great art pro(ect. 5'TF Students are using many artistic concepts for the choice of sub(ects they photograph and the layout and design of their book. Social ScienceBScience Students are using skills necessary for collaboration< listening to others, being a are of fello students feelings and ideas, listening Students are interacting ith sub(ects they photograph and exploring the natural orld.

EDU 220- Educational Technology- Final Lesson Plan Template- FRICK


.ateria"s and /eso%rces: For teachers For students $igital %amera, %olor *rinter, ?inding machine and plastic binding combs, construction paper, glue sticks, internet capable computers, )oogle account, flash drive to store photos from cameras %onstruction paper, glue sticks, scissors, digital cameras

Key 0oca'%"ary *lot, %haracter, Setting, %onflict, 'esolution, Story Alements /esearch $onnections This article details the benefits of cooperative learning and ho it enhances student comprehension as ell as the classroom environment. %ooperative Gearning G1>H IA'A< +xam!"es o( St%dent Photos +xam!"e o( St%dent -rigina" Story Post-Assessment (Story +"ements) B"og Post o( Story &ith st%dent (eed'ack

Link to Presentation 'eferences< /hio State 5cademic Standards 6 'eadingBGanguage 5rts %ommon %ore Standards 6 Anglish Ganguage 5rts
Lesson Plan Inspi$ation

*icasa lesson plan inspriation Aducational 'esource

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