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Star Wars In Iraq

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Al Ghezali reported that he had seen three passengers 26 Comments in a car all dead with their faces and teeth burnt, the body intact, and no sign of projectiles. There were other inexplicable aspects: the terrain where the battle took place was dug up by the American military and replaced with other fresh earth, the bodies that were not hit by projectiles had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height. As in any war, the war in Iraq left us a dreadful gallery of horror, images of mutilations that not even doctors can explain. The witnesses refer to laser weapons, arms with mysterious effects. We do not know what kind of weapons could produce such terrible effects. We tried to learn more about it by asking for interviews to members of companies manufacturing laser and microwave weapons. Yet, the U.S. Defense Department prevented any information from being released to us, they also did not answer, up to the time to almost edited, the questions we have sent them in order to know whether or not experimental weapons had been tested in Iraq and Afghanistan. We tracked down the Pentagon press conferences from before the beginning of the second Gulf War to see if they spoke about any new weapons being tested. The words of the Secretary of Defense and General Meyers indicated a willingness to try weapons that had never been used before. And the questions from the press about direct energy and microwave weapons made them visibly uncomfortable. Watch the full documentary now

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While very interesting this is the same docu posted twice back to back - hence the docu is really only 20 odd mins long.

At 20:10 - He says "the Active Denial System exists to create pain, wand that's very different to most other non-lethal weapons". No it's not. Pretty sure every non-lethal weapon creates pain - tear gas, rubber bullets.

alex - yeah totally, all non-lethal weapons are made to inflict pain but not to kill. The guy's talking out of his rear-end. Going on to say it could lead to torture... what BS. The microwave weapon is the same as rubber bullets or police batons. They all inflict pain.

Even Alex Jones would consider this guy a loony tune

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@humanist it is not the same as a rubber bullet or tear gas in the sense that the radiowaves will literally burn your skins and your neurons in your brain and inside your body your arteries will also experience this high-heat attack. It is not like a baton even; at least a baton is hitting you. Laser/radio-wave weapons burn your whole body and cause yet unknown long-term damage. That is the point being made by the narrator; he did not in any way mean that other non-lethal weapons do not hurt. He was explaining that the laser/radio-wave weapons, compared to other non-lethal weapons, cause much more extensive damage in every instance of use.

mik robins
sounds like HAARP.

Clearly what is being implied is the indiscriminate experimentation/testing is alive and well including civilians and noncombatents.Certainly requires ferther intence investigation to prosecute any crime against humanity. The Discussion Check Out the Recent Comments Most Discussed Documentaries

These are not non-lethal weapons! cranked up it will heat up your insides to such an extent that test subjects shrunk. turn the power down and it just causes severe pain. People we'er talking about a weapon that has the same affect if you were to stick some one into your microwave and cook them alive! only you can ajust the heat. Also, If they use these for crowd controle who is to stop them from cranking up the power I wonder?... Dont be fooled, they call them non-lethal only to get you to accept them. their lying to you!

I'm an Iraq war combat vet. There are many very questionable methods in our military. I will not stand for them to be used on our own soil, on our own People, and you shouldn't either. Your an American Citizen, and under your Constitution, YOU are the boss. I did not swear an Oath to the Constitution only so my government can enforce the "Patriot" Act, and turn on the People like Saddam Hussein, and treat run my country like we're in a warzone, let alone refuse to answer the Peoples questions, sputter half truths and outright lies. But worst of all, the announcement by head of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Nepalitano, through an official April 2009 memorandum to all state police, Sheriffs offices, ever FBI agent, ATF agent- EVERYBODY- every single Law Enforcement agency in the country that the #1 Terrorst threat to America are the returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't believe me? Well since your already on the internet, here's a start. Unless your one of those stupified, public schooled, lazy ass Americans, in which case, go back to letting others think for you... Google: Operation Northwoods Google: Janet Nepalitano says Veterans are Terrorist

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Google: MIAC Report Google: False Flag Operation YouTube: Loose Change YouTube: The Obama Deception YouTube: Freedom to Fascism YouTube: Invisible Empire YouTube: Zeitgeist But the best thing to do is just read your Constitution, and hold your elect officials to their Oath. No Excuses.

Libertarians R US!

http://freedomfromcovertharassment mike
Google James Walbert Court Case, Jesus Mendoza of Mission Texas, Freedomfchs.com , Rep Jim Guest of Missouri and Electronic Harassment , Dr John Hall author of A New Breed, Microwave Harassment, Christine Harris on You Tube, Gang-stalking , FBI Magic Lantern, Carnivore , INFRAGARD

I dont understand how bodies can shrink to just 1 metre when i though you could only shrink bones with chemicals, i mean when we cook meat with bones in the microwave the meat shrinks but the bone stays the same doesnt it? What is going on?

Tim Osman
REPOST Ray9 Im an Iraq war combat vet. There are many very questionable methods in our military. I will not stand for them to be used on our own soil, on our own People, and you shouldnt either. Your an American Citizen, and under your Constitution, YOU are the boss. I did not swear an Oath to the Constitution only so my government can enforce the Patriot Act, and turn on the People like Saddam Hussein, and treat run my country like were in a warzone, let alone refuse to answer the Peoples questions, sputter half truths and outright lies. But worst of all, the announcement by head of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Nepalitano, through an official April 2009 memorandum to all state police, Sheriffs offices, ever FBI agent, ATF agent- EVERYBODY- every single Law Enforcement agency in the country that the #1 Terrorst threat to America are the returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Dont believe me? Well since your already on the internet, heres a start. Unless your one of those stupified, public schooled, lazy *** Americans, in which case, go back to letting others think for you Google: Operation Northwoods Google: Janet Nepalitano says Veterans are Terrorist Google: MIAC Report Google: False Flag Operation YouTube: Loose Change YouTube: The Obama Deception YouTube: Freedom to Fascism YouTube: Invisible Empire YouTube: Zeitgeist But the best thing to do is just read your Constitution, and hold your elect officials to their Oath. No Excuses.

the loler
@ Tyler520 ""Even Alex Jones would consider this guy a loony tune"" lololol, I think you are right. That said he would sitll probably invite him on the Alex Jones show for an interview because it makes for good internet gossip.

"the bodies ... had shrunk to just slightly more than one meter in height." During the last phase of WWII Allied forces were bombing the holy hell out of German cities resulting in strange deaths such as entire families in their homes dying from asphyxiation rather than the bombs themselves, also bodies the size of large dolls were littered around the streets shrunk by the extreme heat. It's not new and its not a conspiracy.

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REPOST Ray 9 Im an Iraq war combat vet. There are many very questionable methods in our military. I will not stand for them to be used on our own soil, on our own People, and you shouldnt either. Your an American Citizen, and under your Constitution, YOU are the boss. I did not swear an Oath to the Constitution only so my government can enforce the Patriot Act, and turn on the People like Saddam Hussein, and treat run my country like were in a warzone, let alone refuse to answer the Peoples questions, sputter half truths and outright lies. But worst of all, the announcement by head of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Nepalitano, through an official April 2009 memorandum to all state police, Sheriffs offices, ever FBI agent, ATF agent- EVERYBODY- every single Law Enforcement agency in the country that the #1 Terrorst threat to America are the returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Dont believe me? Well since your already on the internet, heres a start. Unless your one of those stupified, public schooled, lazy *** Americans, in which case, go back to letting others think for you Google: Operation Northwoods Google: Janet Nepalitano says Veterans are Terrorist Google: MIAC Report Google: False Flag Operation YouTube: Loose Change YouTube: The Obama Deception YouTube: Freedom to Fascism YouTube: Invisible Empire YouTube: Zeitgeist But the best thing to do is just read your Constitution, and hold your elect officials to their Oath. No Excuses.

Neil Fiertel
A body that is intact might dehydrate and mummify but it is utterly impossible for it to shrink in total length other than the small measures of total spinal disk thickness and foot padding. Bones simply stay as they are. The very first eye witness tells me to skip this documentary. It is one of those Area 53 things....

http://www.facebook.com/people/EdwardCampbell/100002288284461 Edward Campbell

Jeez! You mean there's another? I thought we only had to worry about Area 51..? Cue X Files theme.....

http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000459847147 Rich Delaney

Ray9, I hope I can have your permission to repost your essay, write me and let me know, ok? thanks

You certainly do your fellow veterans no honor - were you given a psychological discharge - they used to call them Section 8s. What exactly did you do in the war and are you willing to post your DD-214 so that others can verify your claimed military service. You sound like a phony to me.

None experimental, you hear of this [top of car burnt, eyes & teeth burnt out of the bodies inside] in the documentary THE PANAMA DECEPTION a conflict of bulling proportions way back in the late 80's by the united states. Secret weapons program on the history channel stated this was a wish of Japan way back in WWII, a beam that can take out a whole battalion.

http://www.facebook.com/people/Paul-Currie/1312876116 Paul Currie

particle weapons aren't new, tessla was trying to develop them. rumours abound about american generation 5.5 and 6 stealth aircraft possibly being fitted with some form. got to test their operational effectiveness somewhere right? also some noise about tactical nukes having a run out and blaming the resultant radiation on depleted uranium shells. quite a spike in cancer rates in some areas in iraq in the last ten years also./

http://www.facebook.com/people/Paul-Currie/1312876116 Paul Currie

oh and i'm ex british military. have never seen anything to suggest particle weapons are in use. but i also don't believe a thing the wests(mainly u.s and u.k) governments say.

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http://www.facebook.com/people/Mathew-Friswell/544837520 Mathew Friswell

240p we meet again. Good doco though

So.....a violinist is capable of providing a forensic examination of both bodies and weapons used? Hard to take a documentary seriously after the first few minutes of nonsense.

http://www.facebook.com/adam.yates.737 Adam Yates

you da man

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