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Latin Phrases, Latin sayings, Latin idioms, Latin phrases, latin sentences famos A cappella [Music] in church [style],

i.e. unacompanied voices. A priori From what comes before. Ad absurdum To the point of absurdity. Ad hoc For this purpose. Ad infinitum Without limit - endlessly. Ad nauseam To a sickenin e!tent. Alma Mater "ne#s old school $literally #bounteous mother#%. Alter ego "ther $alternative% self. Annus horribilis & horrible year. Agnus Dei 'amb of (od. Aqua pura )ure water. Aqua vitae &lcoholic spirit, e. . brandy*whisky. 'iterally #water of life#. Ars longa, vita brevis +kill takes time to ac,uire, but life is short. Ave Maria -ail Mary. Carpe diem +ei.e the day $More literally translated as #en/oy the day, pluck it when it is ripe#%. Caveat emptor 'et the buyer beware. Cogito ergo sum 0 think, therefore 0 am. Corpus Christi

The body of 1hrist. De facto 0n fact - in reality. Dei Gratia 2y the race of (od. Pluribus !num "ne from many. t cetera "etc.# &nd the rest. t tu, $rute &nd you, 2rutus. % libris #"ut of the books#, i.e. from the library. Gloria in e%celsis deo (lory to (od in the hi hest. &abeas corpus 3ou must have the body $in court%. 'n absentia 0n one#s absence. 'n camera 0n private chamber. 'n flagrante delicto 0n the act of committin an offence. 'n loco parentis 0n the place of a parent. 'n vitro 0n a test tube $literally #in lass#%. 'pso facto 2y that very fact. Magnum opus & reat work. Mea culpa My fault. Modus operandi "m.o.# Mode of operatin . (olens volens Willin ly or unwillin ly $see also, willy-nilly%. Post partum &fter childbirth. Praemonitus, praemunitus Forewarned is forearmed. Prima facie

&t first si ht4 on the face of it. Pro bono Without char e - for the public ood. )pus Dei The work of (od. *uid pro quo +omethin for somethin , i.e. a favour for a favour. *uo vadis+ Where are you oin 5 ,igor mortis The ri idity of death. -emper fidelis &lways faithful. -ine qua non 0ndispensable. -tatus quo The current state of affairs. -ub .udice 2efore a court. /empus fugit Time flees. /erra firma +olid round. !rbi et orbi To the city and to the lobe. 0eni vidi vici 0 came, 0 saw, 0 con,uered. 0ice versa The other way around. 0ivat ,egina 'on live the ,ueen. 0o% populi )eoples voice

1rench Phrases, 1rench sayings, 1rench grammar sayings, 1rench proverbs

2 la carte "n the menu, with each dish priced. 2 la mode Fashionable4 also, in the 6+&, with ice cream. Agent provocateur #)rovocative a ent# - a spy employed to induce or incite a suspected person or roup to commit an incriminatin act. Aide3de3camp &n officer who assists a eneral in his military duties. Aide3m4moire &n aid to memory. Apr5s3s6i +ociali.in after a skiin session. &lso a name of a type of footwear worn after removin ski boots. Art d4co #7ecorative art# - a style of art ori inatin in )aris in the early 89th century. &n eclectic and lamourous artform, takin in aspects of 1ubism and eometric industrial desi n. Art nouveau #:ew art# - a style of art developed towards the end of the ;<th century. 0t is characteri.ed by ornamentation based on or anic or foliate forms and by its asymmetric and curvaceous lines. Au contraire To the contrary. "ften used with an arch or rather camp form of delivery. Au fait To be conversant with4 familiar with. Au gratin #With ratin s# - in French, anythin that is rated onto a food dish. 0n =n lish, specifically #with cheese#.

Au naturel 6ndressed or #in a natural state#. Au pair & youn forei ner, usually female, who undertakes domestic tasks in e!chan e for accommodation. Au revoir Farewell for the time bein . +ometimes iven in =n lish in the /okey au reservoir version. Avant garde The pioneers or innovators in art in a particular period. &lso, a military term, meanin van uard or advance uard. $elle 4poque #2eautiful era# - the olden a e of art and culture in France in the early 89th century. $7te noire & pet peeve. & thin or person found particularly unwelcome and to be avoided. $illet dou% & short love letter or note. $on app4tit #(ood appetite# - >=n/oy your food>. $on mot 1lever, witty remark. $on vivant #(ood liver# - a person who en/oys life, especially #wine, women and son #. $on voyage -ave a ood trip. Caf4 au lait 1offee with milk. Carte blanche -avin free rein to choose whatever course of action you want. Cause c4l5bre &n issue arousin widespread controversy or debate. &n =n lish invention, rarely used in France. C8est la vie That#s life or such is life. "ften used in disappointed resi nation followin some bad

fortune. Chaise longue #'on chair# - a form of sofa with an elon ated seat lon enou h to support the le s. "ften erroneously called a chaise loun e in the 6+&. This isn#t the derivation of either the noun or verb loun e, which both lon pre-date the invention of chaise lon ues. Charg4 & diplomat, temporarily in char e of business. Cherche9 la femme 'iterally, >look for the woman.> Cin4ma v4rit4 & form of filmmakin that combines documentary-style techni,ues to tell a story. Cordon bleu -i h ,uality, especially of cookin . Cordon sanitaire & political or medical buffer .one. Coup d84tat &n abrupt overthrow of a overnment throu h unconstitutional means, for e!ample, by force, or by occupation of overnment structures durin the leader#s absence. Coup de gr:ce "ri inally a blow by which one condemned or mortally wounded is #put out of his misery#. Fi uratively, a finishin stroke, one that settles or puts an end to somethin . Cr5me br;l4e #2urnt cream# - baked custard with a carmeli.ed crust Cr5me caramel & flan. & custard dessert with a layer or caramel on top. Cr5me de la cr5me The best of the best. 'iterally the cream of the cream. Cri de coeur #1ry of the heart# - a heartfelt cry of an uish. Cul3de3sac & thorou hfare that is closed at one end - a blind

alley. &lso, fi uratively, a venture leadin to no successful outcome. D4.< vu The feelin of havin seen or e!perienced somethin before. 'iterally #already seen#. De rigueur "bli atory or e!pected, especially with reference to fashion. Double entendre & word or phrase that has a double meanin one of which is often vul ar or se!ual in nature. & staple form of 2ritish toilet humor - 1arry "n films would be virtually silent without it. For e!ample, see # one for a )# in wee-wee. Do .our
#"f the day#

=minence grise & powerful adviser or decision-maker who operates secretly or unofficially. 'iterally # rey eminence#. nfant terrible literally, a >terrible child>. 0t is sometimes used to describe unruly children. More commonly, it is used in relation to adults who cause trouble by unorthodo! or ill-considered speech or behavior - especially those who have habitually done this from an early a e. n masse >0n a roup4 all to ether. n passant 0n passin . n route "n the way. n suite )art of a set, especially a series of rooms that ad/oin each other formin a suite. sprit de corps The re ard entertained by the members of a roup, especially a military unit, for the honour and interests of the roup as a whole. 'iterally, #spirit of the corps#. 1ait accompli

&n irreversible action that has happened before those affected by it knew of its e!istence. 1au% pas & social blunder, causin embarrassment or loss of reputation. 'iterally, a #false step#. 1ilm noir & bleak cinemato raphic style, usually dark visually and in storyline terms. 1emme fatale & dan erously attractive woman. 1leur de Lis The heraldic lily4 a device supposed by some to have ori inally represented an iris, by others the top of a sceptre, of a battle-a!e or other weapon. 1orce ma.eure 0rresistible force or overwhelmin power. Grand pri% The premier events of several sports, especially the races in the Formula 0 motor racin championship. 'iterally, # rand pri.e#. &aute couture #-i h sewin # - trend-settin hi h fashion. &lso, the collective name for the leadin dressmakers and desi ners. &aute cuisine -i h class cookin . 'iterally, #upper kitchen#. &ors de combat #"ut of combat# - unable to fi ht. &ors d8oeuvres &n e!tra dish served as a relish to whet the appetite, normally at the start of a meal. ?e ne sais quoi &n indescribable or ine!pressible somethin . 'iterally, #0 know not what#. ?oie de vivre & feelin of healthy en/oyment of life4 e!uberance, hi h spirits. Laisse93faire The principle that overnment should not interfere with the action of individuals. &lso, more enerally, a policy of indul ence towards the actions of others. 'iterally, #let $people% do

$as they think best%#. L8esprit de l8escalier This isn#t actually widely adopted into =n lish. 0 include it here in the hope that it mi ht become so. 0t means - thinkin of a suitable retort or remark after the opportunity to make it has passed. 'iterally, #the wit of the staircase#. Mal de mer +easickness. Mardi gras The last day of the 1arnival or pre-'enten season. 'iterally, #Fat Tuesday#, called +hrove Tuesday in the 6?. M4nage < trois #-ousehold of three# - three people in a se!ual relationship. Merci beaucoup Thank you very much. Mot .uste =!actly the ri ht word or e!pression. (8est3ce pas+ 0s it not so5 (oblesse oblige The responsibility conferred by rank. 'iterally, #noble rank entails responsibility#. (om de guerre & name assumed by individuals en a ed in a military enterprise or espiona e, usually in order to conceal their true identity. 'iterally, #war name#. (om de plume &n assumed name under which a person writes or publishes. 'iterally, #pen name#. (ouveau riche #:ewly rich# - a snobbish term for a persoon who has come into money but has not developed the manners e!pected of wealthy people. (ouvelle cuisine & form of cookin of the mid 89th century that emphasi.ed li htness and decorative form. )b.et d8art

&n #art ob/ect#. Papier m:ch4 & material used for scultural artwork and craftwork. 'iterally #mashed paper#. Par e%cellence )re-eminently supreme - above all others. Pas de deu% 0mpossible to avoid the corny #father of twins# /oke here. The real meanin is a dance $typically a ballet%, and in e!tended use a partnership, between two people. Petit four & small dessert - usually a dainty cake. Petit mal #+mall illness# - a mild epilepsy. Petit point +mall stitchin , used in needlepoint. Pi5ce de r4sistance The best part or feature of somethin , especially of a meal. Pied3<3terre & second home, typically an apartment in the city. Pr7t3<3porter @eady-to-wear clothin . Pot3pourri & mi!ture of dried petals of different flowers mi!ed with spices, kept in a /ar for its perfume. &lso, a stew made from a variety of meats cooked to ether. 2y e!tension, any collection of miscellaneous items. *uelle horreur What a horrible thin . This is fre,uently used sardonically, when the #horror# is trivial. *u8est3ce que c8est+ What is this5 ,aison d87tre The thin that is central to our e!istence. 'iterally, #reason for bein #. ,-0P

)lease respond $to my messa e%. 'iterally the abbreviation of #@Aponde., s#il vous plaBt#. -acr4 bleu This eneral mild e!clamation of shock is the archetypal French phrase, as viewed by the =n lish. :o portrayal of a sta e Frenchman in an =n lish farce could be complete without a character in a beret and striped /umper, shru in his shoulders and mutterin #+acrA bleuC#. 'iterally, #holy blue#, which refers to the colour associated with the Dir in Mary. -ang3froid 1oolness, indifference. 'iterally, #cold blood#. -avoir3faire +ocial race4 means know-how in French. -8il vous pla@t )lease. 'iterally, #if it pleases you#. -oupe du .our #+oup of the day# - the soup offered by a restaurant that day. /able d8hAte & full-course meal offerin a limited number of choices and served at a fi!ed price in a restaurant or hotel. /7te3<3t7te & private meetin between two people. 'iterally, #head-to-head#. /out de suite &t once. /our de force & masterly stroke or feat of stren th or skill. 'iterally, #feat of stren th#. /rompe l8Bil &n art techni,ue involvin hi h levels of realism in order to create the illusion that the depicted ob/ects are real rather than paintin s. 'iterally, #trick the eye#. 0is3<3vis 0n a position facin another. 'iterally #face to face#. "ften now used in the sense of #in relation to#.

0ive la diff4rence. 'on live the difference $between male and female%. 0ol3auvent & small, li ht savoury pastry. 'iterally #fli ht of the wind#. Cut alors & eneral e!clamation. 'ike +acrA bleu, this is more likely to be spoken by pretend Frenchmen than by real ones.

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