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FACULDADE DE ENGENHARIA MECNICA Programa de Ps-Graduao Exame de Proficincia em Lngua Estrangeira (LE) Ingls

Voc encontrar, a seguir, um exemplo da prova de Proficincia em Leitura em Ingls, aplicada a cada semestre. Examine a prova tendo em mente o perfil de leitor ideal para complet-la com xito. Verifique, tambm, o grfico do

desempenho dos alunos que fizeram a prova.






1. As questes devero ser respondidas em portugus, na folha de respostas. Respostas redigidas em outro espao (folha de questes, verso da pgina, margem do texto) no sero consideradas. 2. Identifique-se: escreva seu nome no alto desta pgina. 3. Voc ter 2 horas para concluir a prova. 4. O uso de dicionrios no est autorizado. Voc encontrar um glossrio, em forma de nota de rodap, nos textos em que se julgar necessrio. 5. A prova dever ser redigida com caneta. 6. Indique corretamente a que questes suas respostas se referem. 7. Por favor, atenha-se ao(s) texto(s) para elaborar suas respostas. 8. Certifique-se de que sua letra est legvel. 9. O uso de celular durante a prova proibido e pode resultar no impedimento de continuar a realiz-la. Desligue-o e o mantenha longe do seu alcance.

TEXTO 1: Less Is More Less is More, part 7 a postagem do dia 25 de setembro de 2011 do blog Green Manufacturing. O autor do texto (e do blog) David Dornfeld, professor de Engenharia Mecnica na Universidade da Califrnia, em Berkley, onde chefia o Laboratrio de Manufatura e Sustentabilidade. Leia o texto e responda s questes 1 a 5. 1. No incio da postagem, Dornfeld resume brevemente o contedo da postagem anterior (dia 16 de setembro). De que tratou a postagem desse dia? 2. A postagem do dia 16 foi concluda com 3 passos. Explique em que consiste o primeiro passo. 3. Dados sobre materiais so relevantes na composio do oramento de sustentabilidade. Que dados Dornfeld cita? Como devem ser tratados na elaborao desse oramento? 4. Quais os quatro passos que compem a abordagem de Ashby? 5. Aponte: a) O critrio sugerido por Dornfeld. b) Como ele define a energia associada (embedded energy). TEXTO 2: Nissans mind-reading cars wont steer you wrong O texto que voc vai ler foi extrado da pgina eletrnica da revista Fast Company. Leia-o e responda s questes 6 a 9 6. O texto aponta um problema com a tecnologia usada nas mquinas acionadas pelo pensamento. Que problema esse? 7. A Nissan e a cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne esto desenvolvendo um novo sistema para resolver esse problema a) Em que o novo sistema difere da tecnologia anterior? b) Que tipo de informao o sistema leva em conta? 8. Que dvidas ainda restam sobre a eficcia do novo sistema? 9. Por que o autor conclui o artigo com a frase So send good thoughts? (Para ser considerada correta, sua resposta tambm conter informaes do texto da revista.) TEXTOS 1 e 2: Responda s questes 10 e 11 levando em conta a leitura dos dois textos. Sua resposta no ser considerada correta se no for justificada com evidncias dos TEXTOS 1 e 2 10.Se voc fosse compor um oramento de sustentabilidade para o produto descrito no TEXTO 2, que tipo de dados voc inseriria nesse oramento? Justifique sua resposta com informaes dos dois textos. 11.Em sua opinio, qual pode ser o impacto do oramento de sustentabilidade no preo final de um produto? Use o produto descrito no TEXTO 2 como exemplo.


Green Manufacturing
Commentary, information and resources related to green manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing and sustainability in the US and abroad. Based on information from a variety of sources (web to print) and including technical information from researchers in the field as well as researchers at the University of California in the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainability (LMAS lmas.berkeley.edu).


Less is more, part 7

Maximum flexibility with minimum impact This will be the last in the less is more series and is "tech heavy" again. In the last posting we described the concept of an error budget as used in design of precision machines and then proposed to apply a parallel concept as a "sustainability budget" for including the environmental/resource impacts in the design process. We hoped 2 with this to design a machine that met both the requirements for machine performance as well as a more sustainable (or at least greener) machine. We ended with a description of the construction of a sustainability budget following the three basic steps: Step 1: determine an energy, material and resources (consumables, etc.) model of the machine and its principal components in the form of a series of relationships defining the energy consumption, materials use as a function of machine design or operation. (This might be referred to as energy or materials mapping.)

David Dornfeld Berkeley, CA, United States Dornfeld received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison in 1976 and is Will C. Hall Family Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at University of California Berkeley. He leads the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Sustainability (LMAS) (lmas.berkeley.edu) studying green/sustainable manufacturing; analysis of manufacturing processes; precision manufacturing (specially CMP for semiconductor mfg); machine interoperability for process monitoring and optimization.

Step 2: analyze systematically each type of energy and material use in the system and determine the relative performance-energy/material impact (for example, from Ashby charts). Step 3: combine the energy/materials impacts to yield upper and lower bound estimates of the total energy/material impact of the machine. We noted that it was important that the embedded energy and materials must be counted.

1 2

budget: oramento requirements: requisitos, exigncias, condies

So, now an example of constructing a sustainability budget. The critical part of building these budgets (error or sustainability) is accumulating the data needed to 3 populate the budget. Material data sources are very helpful in determining the basic materialperformance characteristics (like modulus of elasticity, thermal properties, density) that are of use in 4 machine design as we have seen. But, these need to be connected to embedded energy and operating energy consumption for use in a sustainability budget. Although there are many materials texts available, one excellent source of such connections is the text book Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design by Ashby, Shercliff and Cebon, Elsevier, 2010. Ashby uses an approach (or strategy) for materials selection which is comprised of four steps: - translation of design requirements in terms of function, objectives, etc. 5 - screening to select most usable materials meeting the requirements 6 - ranking with respect to some set of criteria, and - documentation on background and history of the material in this or related uses This strategy attempts to get the best match between the characteristics of materials (or processes if the four steps are used for process selection) and those required by the design (functionality and constraints). 8 We would add, as one of the screening elements, the need to assess environmental compatibility, energy use and embedded energy, global warming gas emission impacts, etc. Embedded energy is that energy that has gone into the mining, conversion, processing, and transportation of the material up to the point it enters our control or manufacturing facility for use in our product. This would work as follows. The machine designer first determines the specifications required for the precision device as usual as inputs to the left side of figure below (from Dornfeld Precision Engineering, Springer, 2010). A parallel discussion could be had for a process design or system of devices of processes but to simplify the discussion we stay with one device here - a precision machine.

Figure Design to sustainability selection chart, thermal stability example

3 4

populate: compor embedded: pode ser traduzido como embutido ou intrnseco; para esse texto, sugerimos associada 5 to screen: examinar usando mtodos e critrios 6 to rank: classificar, categorizar 7 match: combinao, correspondncia 8 to assess: avaliar, estimar, aferir

Nissan's Future Mind-Reading Cars Won't Steer You Wrong

BY Ariel Schwartz Thu Sep 29, 2011

Forget self-driving cars; Nissan and the cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL) have teamed up to work on mind-reading vehicle technology. Truly handsfree driving may not be too far off. Thought control via brain machine interface isn't a new idea EPFL researchers are already working on mind-reading wheelchair systems. But the concentration levels required to control thought-reading systems is extremely high, which is why EPFL and Nissan are working on a device that uses statistical analysis to predict a driver's next move. The system monitors brain activity, eye movement, and the surrounding environment to predict whether a driver plans to, say, make a right turn, speed up, or change lanes9 on the highway. "The idea is to blend driver and vehicle intelligence together in such a way that eliminates conflicts between them, leading to a safer motoring environment," explained Professor Jos del R. Milln of EPFL in a statement. As with self-driving cars, we imagine that there are still a number of kinks to work out. What happens if the brain machine interface malfunctions and misreads brain activity? Could the system be infected by a virus? It will be a while before anyone has the chance to find out. Nissan hasn't yet given any estimates as to when the technology might be ready for real-world vehicle testing. So send good thoughts. [Image: Nissan] http://www.fastcompany.com/1783542/nissans-mind-reading-car-will-safely-navigate-the-road

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