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Address: Str. Cpt. Av. Gheorghe Demetriade 6-8 011849 Bucharest !ter!et: """.#u$arest.dip%o.de e-mai%: info@bukarest.diplo.de &e%epho!

e '40 (1 (0( 98 )0 *isa sectio! '40 (1 (0( 98 69 &e%e+a, '40 (1 (0( 9- )1

General Visa Requirements Short term stay - Schengen Visa

Apri% (01) . /a

Exclusion of liability: This leaflet is based on the information and experience of the German Embassy at the time of its issuance. lease note! that "e do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information since the legal situation might ha#e changed mean"hile. /o!-01 !atio!a%s "ho have a perma!e!t reside!ce i! 2oma!ia ge!era%%3 re4uire a visa +or a short term sta3 i! Germa!3. &his visa is va%id i! ever3 Sche!ge! mem#er state. /everthe%ess the mai! desti!atio! o+ the 5our!e3 has to #e Germa!3. 6ou have to app%3 +or a visa perso!a%%3 at the co!su%ar departme!t o+ this 0m#ass3 at %east 17 da3s a!d at most ) mo!ths #e+ore trave%%i!g. &he docume!ts re4uired to app%3 depe!d o! the purpose o+ 3our 5our!e3 to Germa!3: $ocuments required in general: o!e visa app%icatio! +orm8 +i%%ed i! comp%ete%3 a!d sig!ed #3 the app%ica!t va%id passport a!d copies o+ the pages sho"i!g the particu%ars o+ the app%ica!t 9%ease !ote: the passport has to #e va%id at %east ) mo!ths a+ter the app%ica!t:s retur!8 it must have #ee! issued "ithi! the %ast 10 3ears a!d it has to co!tai! at %east ( empt3 pages +or issui!g visas a%% +urther passports ;va%id a!d e,pired o!es< 2oma!ia! reside!ce permit ;va%id at %east ) mo!ths a+ter retur!< p%us 1 cop3= the "ritte! co!+irmatio! regardi!g pro%o!gatio! is !ot e,cepted 1 rece!t #iometric passport picture trave% hea%th i!sura!ce va%id +or a%% Sche!ge! mem#er states a!d +or the i!te!ded period o+ trave%%i!g ;"ith a mi!imum coverage o+ 012 )08000< p%us 1 cop3 %dditional requirements for: V&S&T or T'(R&ST #isas i! case o+ visit: proo+ o+ su++icie!t +i!a!cia% mea!s ;#a!$ accou!t stateme!t +or the past ) mo!ths< +or the trip= a%ter!ative%3 #3 +orma% o#%igatio! ;so-ca%%ed >*erp+%ichtu!gser$%?ru!g@< o+ the Germa! host to cover the comp%ete costs o+

Sche!ge! 0!g%isch


the a#ida!ce.sta3 acc. to sectio!s 66-68 o+ the 2eside!ce Act ;avai%a#%e at the a%ie!s authorit3< i! case o+ tourism: proo+ o+ su++icie!t +i!a!cia% mea!s +or the trip a!d proo+ o+ secured %ivi!g i! 2oma!ia ;#a!$ accou!t stateme!t +or the past ) mo!ths< origi!a% certi+icatio! #3 the emp%o3er o+ sa%ar3 a!d approva% o+ %eave origi!a% certi+icatio! o+ the 2oma!ia! compa!3:s e!tr3 i! the 2oma!ia! commercia% register ;>certi+icat co!statator@< proo+ o+ accommodatio! i! Germa!38 e.g. hote% reservatio! ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3< proo+ o+ iti!erar3 ;p%a! o+ trave%%i!g<8 e.g. reservatio! +or p%a!e8 #us or trai! ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3<

)(S&*ESS #isas origi!a% i!vitatio! +rom the Germa! compa!38 "hich has to co!tai!: detai%ed e,p%a!atio! o+ purpose o+ 5our!e3 duratio! o+ 5our!e3 +orma% o#%igatio! ;so-ca%%ed >*erp+%ichtu!gser$%?ru!g< o+ the #usi!ess part!er to cover the comp%ete costs o+ the sta3 i! Germa!3 or the other Sche!ge! mem#er states acc. to sectio!s 66-68 o+ the 2eside!ce Act ;avai%a#%e at the a%ie!s authorit3< i! case o+ mu%tip%e e!tries: e,p%a!atio! o+ !ecessit3 sig!ature o+ authorised perso! poi!ts !amed a#ove must #e prove! #3: cop3 o+ the i!viti!g compa!3:s e!tr3 i! the Germa! commercia% register ;Aa!de%sregisterausBug< cop3 o+ Germa! de!tit3 Card ;9erso!a%aus"eis< o+ the perso! sig!i!g the i!vitatio! origi!a% certi+icatio! o+ the 2oma!ia! compa!3:s e!tr3 i! the 2oma!ia! commercia% register ;certi+icat co!statator< origi!a% certi+icatio! o+ the emp%o3er:s permissio! o+ the #usi!ess trip co!tract o+ emp%o3me!t ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3< proo+ o+ accommodatio! i! Germa!38 e.g. hote% reservatio! ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3< proo+ o+ iti!erar3 ;p%a! o+ trave%%i!g<8 e.g. reservatio! +or p%a!e8 #us or trai! ;origi!a% p%us o!e cop3< proo+ o+ su++icie!t +i!a!cia% mea!s +or the trip a!d proo+ o+ secured %ivi!g i! 2oma!ia ;#a!$ accou!t stateme!t +or the past ) mo!ths< %&R 'RT #isas or Schengen #isas for transit va%id visa +or cou!tr3 o+ desti!atio! ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3< p%a!e tic$et ;origi!a% p%us 1 cop3< lease note:

&he app%icatio! must #e made at %east 17 da3s a!d at most ) mo!ths #e+ore trave%%i!g. *isa app%icatio! +orms ca! #e o#tai!ed +ree o+ charge ;""".#u$arest.dip%o.de<. A%% docume!ts provided must #e origi!a%s p%us 1 cop3.

Sche!ge! 0!g%isch

&he docume!ts provided must #e i! Germa! or attached #3 a Germa! tra!s%atio! Additio!a% docume!ts might #e re4uested +or a!3 app%icatio!. 9%ease mi!d to e!c%ose a%% re4uired docume!ts a!d copies "ith 3our app%icatio!. Cai%i!g to do so ca! resu%t i! the re5ectio! or re+usa% o+ 3our app%icatio! so%e%3 o! these grou!ds. 9rovided docume!ts.copies "i%% !ot #e retur!ed. De recomme!d to $eep the re%eva!t origi!a% docume!ts ;especia%%3 the i!vitatio! a!d the certi+icatio! o+ 3our trave% hea%th i!sura!ce< at ha!d "he! e!teri!g the Sche!ge! area. &he3 might #e re4uested at the #order.

'pening hours of the consular department Eo!da38 &uesda38 &hursda3 a!d Crida3: Ded!esda3: 8.)0 u!ti% 11.)0 a.m (.00 u!ti% 4.00 p.m.

9assports ca! #e co%%ected +rom Eo!da3 to &hursda3 #et"ee! 4.00 a!d 4.)0 p.m. a+ter previous arra!geme!t. +urther information: Visas for minors ! case o+ visas +or mi!ors #oth pare!ts.%ega% guardia!s have to app%3 perso!a%%3 at the 0m#ass3 together "ith the chi%d a!d sig! the app%icatio! +orm. rocessing time &he processi!g time depe!ds o! 3our !atio!a%it3 a!d ca! ta$e +rom o!e "or$i!g da3 to severa% "ee$s. 9%ease i!4uire i! due time ho" %o!g the processi!g is presuma#%3 goi!g to ta$e a!d app%3 +or the visa at %east 17 da3s #e+ore trave%%i!g. +ees &he +ee +or the visa costs 012 608- a!d is to #e paid cash i! Fei ;2G/< or #3 credit card ;*isa8 Eastercard< at the curre!t e,cha!ge rate o+ the 0m#ass3 "he! ha!di!g i! the app%icatio!. &he +ee is a service charge a!d is !ot re+u!da#%e i! case o+ re5ectio! or "ithdra"a%. 0,ceptio!s: Cor !atio!a%s o+ A%#a!ia8 Bos!ia a!d AerBegovi!a8 Eacedo!ia8 Eo%dova8 Eo!te!egro8 Georgia8 2ussia8 Ser#ia a!d 1$rai!e the visa +ee is 012 )78-= 2ussia! !atio!a%s "i%% #e charged 012 -08- i+ the3 app%3 ) da3s or %ess #e+ore trave%%i!g. Cor chi%dre! #et"ee! the age o+ 6 a!d 1( 3ears the visa +ee is 012 )08-. *isas +or chi%dre! u!der the age o+ 6 3ears a!d +or +ami%3 mem#ers o+ 01 !atio!a%s8 "ho are trave%i!g together "ith the 01 +ami%3 mem#er or "a!t to immigrate to Germa!3 to 5oi! the 01 +ami%3 mem#er8 are +ree o+ charge i+ the re%eva!t proo+ is provided. 9%ease a%so !otice: ho%ders o+ biometric passports o+ A%#a!ia8 Bos!ia a!d AerBegovi!a8 Eacedo!ia8 Eo!te!egro a!d Ser#ia ca! e!ter the Sche!ge! cou!tries +or short terms "ithout visa ;90 da3s "ithi! 6 mo!ths<.
Sche!ge! 0!g%isch ).)

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