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November 10, 2013 Issue 44

In This Issue
Pastors Corner/Statistics 2
Remember in Prayer 3
Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3
Prayer Requests, Nov. 3 3
Serving in the Military 3
Oops!` 3
Girls Night Out 3
Congratulations 3
Thank You 4
Annual Dinner/Meeting 4
Senior Adults 4
FIMA Thanksgiving Svc 4
Mitten Tree 5
Matt Davis Concert; 5
JYF Meeting 5
Global Mission Church 6
Alternative Gift Fairv 6 & 7
Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser 6
Thanksgiving Offering 7
Stewardship 7
Nominating Slate 8 & 9
Serving Sunday 10

Event s November 10 November 17, 2013

November 10:
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Galatians/James Bible Study, Chapman Lounge
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service, Veterans Day
5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
November 11: Veterans Day
7:00 A.M. 9:30 P.M. Chapel on Wheels Fundraiser at Pollys
7:00 P.M. - 12-Step Class, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - OT Bible Study @ Woodbridges;
dinner: 6:30, class 7
November 12:
9:00 A.M. - Pathways of Hope, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - Bible Study at Barrys
5:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Loch Leven Phone-a-Thon CL
7:00 P.M. Casa de Oracin, Sanctuary
November 13:
5:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Loch Leven Phone-a-Thon CL
November 14:
3:30 P.M. - Bible Study, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - Bells; 7:30 P.M. Choir
November 16:
2:00 P.M. Matt Davis Concert, Sanctuary
7:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin use Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
November 17: Annual Dinner & Congregational Meeting
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service
9:00 A.M. - Galatians/James Bible Study, Chapman Lounge
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service
11:30 A.M. Annual Dinner & Congregtional meeting
5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
November 18:
5:30 P.M. Pathways of Hope, Choir Room
7:00 P.M. - 12-Step Class, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - OT Bible Study @ Woodbridges;
dinner: 6:30, class 7

AA Groups Sun. 8:00 P.M., Monday, 7:30 P.M.,
Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.
The Caller
is published weekly
(Deadl i ne Wednesday
at Noon)

Fi rst Chri sti an Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Seni or Pastor:
Rev. Darrell McGowan
Associ ate Pastor:
Rev. Debra Todd
Edi tor:
Donna Woodbridge

To be a Christian is to make several claims about reality. One of the most
significant claims we make is that love is the most powerful force in the universe.
Consider this:
1) 1John 4:7 tells us that God is love.
2) There are many scriptures that make the claim that Gods primary way of acting
upon or in our world is through steadfast love or Hesed in Hebrew.
3) And finally, it takes little reflection to recognize that we human beings have no
more powerful way of having a lasting influence upon or in our world than through love. A
parents choice to love or withhold love will do more to shape a childs life than any other
influence that child will encounter.
Another claim we make about reality is that love is an action, not an emotion or intention.
Feelings of affection for another person, whether in a committed relationship or a casual one will
come and go. When a relationship has an emotional impulse as its foundation, that relationship will
not endure. So long as one acts in the best interest of his/her beloved, and those actions are
reciprocated, that relationship endures.
Let me say a word about the importance of acting in ones best interests. I am not suggesting
that we should act impulsively to satisfy our desires as they arise. Rather, I am proposing that we
must act in a way that is truly in our best interest as consistently as we are able. What is truly in our
best interest? To love and be loved! And since we cannot give what we do not have, we must
consistently take time to allow ourselves to be loved, (especially by the One who is love,) before we
can act in the best interest of our beloved.
Now consider the transforming experiences of your life. Have you grown into a better person
as a result of others attempts to coerce you into substantial change or have you faced and overcome
character defects as a result of the steadfast love of othersGod first among them? We change
because we are loved into being the persons we can be. Gods love can engender guilt when we
behave poorly or even shame when we recognize long-term effects of poor choices, and those
secondary experiences of divine love can prod us into change we have avoided. Still, there is nothing
more powerful than the direct experience of Gods love, whether mediated through another person,
felt in the quiet of prayer, or seen through an encounter with awe-inspiring beauty. We will have
such experiences to the degree that we practice openness to them. We must be willing to set aside the
urgent for the truly important, chief amongst which is time for rest and reflection, whether in the
company of those we love or in solitude.
This week I invite you to consciously open yourself to the love of God in whatever way you
are most comfortable. Call the person you love most when he or she would least expect it. Take a
walk or a drive in a beautiful place. Sit in the quiet and read a devotional or just listen for the still,
small voice of the One who has always loved you. In other words, love God with your heart, mind,
soul, and strength; then see if loving your neighbor as yourself does not seem like the most natural,
life-giving choice you can make. Therein lie lifes deepest meaning and your ultimate purpose.


Sunday St at i st i cs
Nov. 3 2013 104 (Remember Service)
9 (Reawaken Service) (Casa 5 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $3,709.10 Missions: $412.12
Budget Goal: $3,881

Continue to pray for: Sue Bacon, Dottie
Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Vio
Danna Brant, Sandra Brown, Betty Ruth
Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett,
family of Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum,
Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin Johnen, Carolyn
Kenrick, Flora Miller, Sue Miller, Jim Piper,
Norma Rill, Julie Stuart, Claudia Tammen,
Dorothy Tanner and Bob & Donna Vannoy
Please pray for the following church in
the Pacific Southwest Region:
Centro de Alabanza Emanuel
3310 N. G Street
San Bernardino, CA 92401
Javier Gonzalez, Pastor

Monday, Nov. 11: Reading: Luke 21:5-6, 12-19
pray for the Veterans who have served our
country and whom we honor today.
Tuesday, November 12: Reading: Luke 21:7-
11; pray for the Loch Leven Phone-a-Thon
taking place in Chapman Lounge tonight.
Congregational Prayer Day, November 13:
Reading: Isaiah 12; pray for Donna Vannoy as
she has surgery today.
Thursday, November 14: Reading: Isaiah 65:
17-20; pray for our partner Global Ministries
Missionary in Fiji, Aaron Wiggins.
Friday, November 15: Reading: pray for
Speakers Group meeting in room 107 today.
Saturday, November 16: Reading: Isaiah 65:
21-15; pray for Matt Davis as he performs a
concert today in the Sanctuary.
Sunday, November 17: Reading: 2 Thess. 3: 6-
13; pray for our congregation as we elect new
officers and conduct business today.

GNO has been cancelled for
November as that week is so busy with other
church activities. We will meet for our annual
Christmas Party at Anna Van Diests on
December 2 (Please note change of date for this
month only). Watch the Caller for more details
later in the month.
Shar, GNO Coordinator
Eliana Villaola Xotchill Ramirez and family
on the passing of a family
member this week.
Mary James Ken Galasso, that the
doctors are able to remove
all the melanoma and
recovery is complete
The Malottes For Brian Malotte, son,
celebrating his 30th birthday
Anonymous Amy & David Styffe on
their 12

Servi ng i n t he Mi l i t ary:
Adam Hawley, Deb
Taylors nephew, is now home
from Afghanistan and back at Ft. Bliss with his
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty
Rollos grandson-in-law, will be back home for
a couple of months to help take care of his wife
after surgery.
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos
grandson. He is training on a submarine in the
Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son.
He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and
will be returning to Afghanistan soon.
PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob
& Donna Vannoy, is now stationed at Fort
Campbell, Kentucky.
Petty Officer Michael J. Borden, Nancy
Geigers grandson, who is stationed in Guam
for the next year.

As hard as I try to not forget anyone, I
always seem to miss one. Anna Van Diest
also was a great volunteer for the Tri-Tip
ministry this year. Thanks Anna.

Check out the article from
the Fullerton News Tribune
posted on the bulletin board. Brenna Schaffell,
Laura Schaffells daughter, is the Orange
County Registers Artist of the Week.
Brenna is stage manager for plays at Fullerton
High School. Congrats, Brenna.


Dear Fullerton Church Family,
Bob and I want you to know
how much we appreciated your
kind words of recognition in last Sunday's
worship service. We thank Ben Stuart,
Sammie Adams, the Brills and the Farleys for
sharing their memories. Thanks to Pat Van
Vliet and the children for the beautiful bouquet
of mums and to those responsible for the
lovely reception in the lounge. A special thanks
to all who gave their warm hugs and always
make us feel so welcome when we come back
to worship with you. We would be remiss if
we didn't thank Donna who kept after us to
come until we finally gave in. She is relentless!
We're sincerely grateful to everyone at FCCF
and continue to think of you as our church
With much love, Bob & Carol Wyatt

It's that time of year again -
Autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, thinking
that you need to start your Christmas
shopping AND the Church Annual Dinner and
The annual meeting this year will be on
Sunday, November 17th (yep it's a week earlier
this year). If you have not attended this event
before, it's a time of fellowship, eating, a short
program and an even shorter business
meeting. We especially welcome our new
members to join us and hope that it becomes
an annual tradition.
The main dish and beverages will be
provided by the Elders.
If your last name starts with A through
L - bring a dessert to share
If your last name starts with M through Z -
bring a salad or side dish to share

Gifts of Love program will
be held on Saturday December 21
at 5 P.M.
Immediately following the program we
will be having a Worship Dinner Experience -
complete with a full turkey dinner! The former
Sunday evening worship group will be
preparing the meal, some music, and
opportunities for sharing during this service.
Please join us for both activities on December
21 to kick off the week of Christmas with joy
and thanksgiving!

I still have a few
calendars available for next
year. They make great gifts.
The cost is $3.
I also have the greatest greeting cards -
12 different 5 x 7 scenes plus envelopes in each
set and there are five different sets. So if you
are a card sending person, this is a great deal.
Their cost is only $3 per set also. I ordered 25
boxes and at the present time have 19 left.
A sample is on the counter in the office.
See Donna Woodbridge to pick up either a
calendar or greeting card set(s).

Our Thanksgiving luncheon on Nov 19
at 12 noon is rapidly
approaching. The sign-up
list on the counter in Donna's
office is filling up and plans
are being made. Be sure to get your name on
the list. If you want to come, but can't bring
anything that's OK. Just let Donna or Sammie
know that you are coming. We are looking
forward to our gathering and hope you can
join us.

Tuesday, November 26
7:00 P.M.
St Julianas Catholic Church

This coming Saturday,
November 16, 2:00 P.M. Matt
Davis, our former
pianist/accompanist and an
accomplished Organist will be presenting an
Organ Recital entitled, East of the Pond, the
Organ School of the Old Countries. In addition to
the 45-minute organ concert, Matt is bringing
his Praise Band from Canyon Hills
Presbyterian Church, Godsend, to lead us in a
gospel songfest. Word has it that there will be
a few other instruments besides guitars and the
So come out and support Matt, have a
great afternoon of music and refreshments
after (internationally themed and catered by
the Women of Canyon Hills Presbyterian
A freewill offering will be taken to help
with the maintenance of our organ.
So bring your family and friends. This
will be a great time.

Today and the next two
Sundays until the end of November,
we will be collecting hats, scarves, socks,
mittens and gloves for the Mitten Tree. We
serve mostly men! Look for the green and red
buckets in the Narthex. If you knit or crochet,
we would appreciate your help as the
homeless love the homemade items as they are
so warm and they really appreciate it.
Then in December we decorate a
Christmas tree in the Narthex with these items
and each Wednesday at the Hot Meal we give
out approximately 40 tickets and they in turn
come over to the Sanctuary building and
choose an item from the tree. Keep them in
mind as you are out shopping. If you would
like to volunteer an hour or so anytime during
the month of December, please get in touch
with Sue Harless and/or Diane Daugherty
who are the coordinators of this project.

November 17, immediately
following the all-church dinner, children in
grades Second through Fifth will have a JYF
meeting for 45 minutes! During that time we
will decorate worship bags and talk about Gifts
of Love which will be Saturday Dec. 21 at 5

As was noted in last week's
issue of "The Caller," we will be voting on
becoming a Global Mission Church during our
Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 17. To
help each of you know more about this matter,
copies of a document "Becoming a Global
Mission Church" have been ordered from the
Global Ministries Office in Indianapolis. It is
anticipated that this material will arrive this
week. Some members of the Outreach
Ministry will be in the narthex to distribute it
to you following worship. We encourage you
to read the document you'll receive so that you
will be able to make an informed decision
about this proposal at the Annual Meeting
when the vote is taken.
The Outreach Ministry

Last Sunday, Nov. 3, was a
beautiful southern California day
for the 14th Alternative Gift Faire on the city
plaza. The twenty-three non-profit groups
were well-represented and 96 different
shoppers purchased many gifts that help so
many people that are in need, both locally and
around the world.
It takes many people to prepare. clean
up and help with this event. We thank each of
you! We know of seven different churches that
were shoppers, and perhaps there were more
that we didnt know.
Our total sales in 2013: $14,831.57. That
total represents one of our best years!
Thanks again to each of you who helped
and shopped to make it one of the best.
Barbara Fenters & Helen Bailey

A big thank you to all who took part in
this year's Alternative Christmas Fair this past
Sunday. According to Barbara Fenters, who
was in charge of counting the money received,
with excellent records kept by her two cashiers,
Dena Heathman and Kim Grime reports that
the event generated $14,831.57 in support of
the 23 ministries and non-profit organizations
who had tables all around the Plaza from 11
A.M. to 2 P.M. Helen Bailey, on her "scooter"
for the bulk of the day, kept everything
humming along after having coordinated the
organization of the Faire, with help from
Barbara, in the weeks leading up to November
This event depended on a host of
volunteers from and/or related to our
congregation. Helping with set-up of the Plaza
for the event were these men and women: Jim
Bailey, Lynda Bailey, Tom Beck, Mary Brill,
Rod and Jan Farley, Gordon Fenters, Lin
Garcia, Randy Langston, Dirk McCuen,
David Ressler, Blanca & Mike Silva, Paul
Smith, Connie Townsend, Craig Wallace and
Donna Woodbridge. Greeting people as they
arrived was Masumi Hogan. Helping at
various tables representing some of the 23
ministries were: Elizabeth Beech (African Well
Fund); Barbara Fenters and April Johnen
(Alzheimers Association); Connie Townsend,
Coordinator, Lynda Bailey, Mary Brill, Phyllis
Elliott, Jan Farley, Lin Garcia, Mariette
Linberg, Ada Rodman and Nancy Trimino
(American Cancer Society); Ed Linberg and
Ben Stuart (Bread for the World); Kyle and
Melissa Fought, Clare Keech, Melody and
Jennine Martinez, Debra Todd and Barry
Woodbridge (Disciples Volunteering); Tom
Beck (Downtown Hot Meal Ministry); Ben
Stuart and Donna Woodbridge (Global
Ministries); Mike Vaughan and Craig Wallace
(Habitat for Humanity); Annie Frater, David
Ressler, and Pam Findley-Flor (Pathways of
Hope); Blanca and Mike Silva (Project Mercy);
Kathy Robidoux, Stacie Ressler and Sarah
Bartczak (World Vision)The take-down
involved all of those named in clearing off the
tables of the organizations/ministries they
represented, with these folk putting away
tables and taking down the pop-up tents that
were used: Brad Bartczak, Jeff Beard, Tom
Beck, Bill Henke, Ed Linberg, Mike Silva,
Mike Vaughan and Craig Wallace. Delicious
bratwurst and tri-tip sandwiches were sold by
Jim Bailey and his crew that included Jeff and
Carol Beard, Duane and Phyllis Elliott, Bill
Henke, Paul Robidoux, plus Paul and Eloise
Smith. Our gratitude goes to each of these
people for many hours of hard work in making
the Alternative Christmas Faire a great success.

Clip this coupon or pick one up on the
counter in the office, take to Pollys on
Monday, November 11 and have a meal to
support the Chapel on Wheels Weekday
Education program.

The Annual Thanksgiving Offering will be received on November 17 and
November 24. Special envelopes for you to use in making your gift will be distributed
through the worship bulletin today.
All four of the Special Offerings we receive each year have a focus, i.e. Easter Offering for the General
Units of our denomination; Pentecost for New Church Development and Christmas for the PSW Region of
which we are a part. The focus for the Thanksgiving Offering is Higher Education. Our gifts will be used to
support the colleges, universities and seminaries that are related to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
If you've seen the poster for the Thanksgiving Offering you may recall seeing the names of these institutions.
Some, but not all of them are: Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois; Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington,
Kentucky; Texas Christian University and Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, Texas, which happens to be the
alma mater of our Associate Pastor, Debra Todd; Barton College, Wilson, N.C.; and Hiram College, Hiram,
Ohio. Also on that poster are the two institutions of higher learning that are geographically closest to our
church building--Disciples Seminary Foundation in Claremont, about 25 miles from our front door, and
Chapman University in Orange, which is about 10 miles from our corner in downtown Fullerton. Many of our
members have attended Disciples' colleges, universities and seminaries, especially Chapman University, in
years past so they know the importance of the church's support of these institutions through the Thanksgiving
Offering. The one who most recently graduated is Cambria Findley-Grubb who received her degree from
Chapman University in May of this year and who now is engaged in graduate studies in Nova Scotia. Now a
new generation of students is depending on us, and our sister congregations, to generously support the 2013
Thanksgiving Offering. Based on our having given $1,931 for the 2012 Thanksgiving Offering, the Outreach
Ministry has set a goal of $2,000 for this year's offering. Thanks, in advance, for your generous support of the
2013 Thanksgiving Offering

Sai nt s Al i ve! Li vi ng Generousl y
Growing Our Faith Through Generosity
Our stewardship focus is from Pauls letter to the congregation in Corinth, 1
Corinthians 16:1-4, Now concerning the collection for the saints: you should follow the
directions I gave to the churches of Galatia. On the first day of every week, each of you is to
put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I
come. And when I arrive, I will send any whom you approve with letters to take your gift to
Jerusalem. If it seems advisable that I should go also, they will accompany me.
And when I arriveThe Corinthians anticipate Pauls help in their ministry of
offering to the poor suffering in Jerusalem.
I will send any whom you approve with letters to take your gift to JerusalemPaul acknowledges the
leadership and authority of the Corinthian congregation and assists them in building relationships connecting
them to other congregations.
If it seems advisable that I should go also, they will accompany mePaul is prepared to guide the givers of
the offering into a deeper relationship with the receivers, an offering connecting personalities, issues, and
future relationships of one church in Christ.
We cannot fully appreciate the abundance of life offered by Christ unless and until we embrace
generous living. There is a bounty of fruit to be enjoyed, but with fruit come seeds and an invitation to give
back. Our gifts connect us to those who receive, building relationships of one church in Christ just as in Pauls
time. Please take time to prayerfully consider your financial gifts to Fullerton First Christian Church by
completing your Saints Alive! Living Generously card. Join us this Sunday as we add more leaves to our
generosity tree and celebrate the gifts of our congregation with cake after the worship service.

With gratitude we pray
O God of our past, present, and future, we walk together. You have blessed us with Christ before us, a loving
congregation around us, and inspired companions beside us. May this be our legacy as faithful stewards of the wealth of
our lives and the joy of the gospel. Amen.


Council of Elders
The Council of Elders, deriving its authority from the Congregation, shall give thoughtful consideration to the policies
of the church to enable it to fulfill its complete mission and promote the growth and welfare of the church. They shall oversee and
encourage the function and coordination of the ministry of the church. They shall be the policy-making body of the church and shall
bear responsibility in matters of major and unusual circumstances. In conjunction with the Trustees they shall oversee the business
affairs of the church. They shall give spiritual support to the members of the Congregation. They shall serve at the Lord's Table, and
perform such other duties as may be designated. They shall with the Minister(s) meet monthly or upon the call of the Minister(s) for
prayer and discernment with regard to the church's vision, values, mission, and goals. They shall meet at least quarterly or upon the
call of the Chairperson of the Congregation and Council of Elders, or upon written request of at least ten members of the Council of
Elders in a business meeting for ministry guidance, support, and decision-making. Terms are: An Elder must have been a member of
the local Congregation for a minimum period of one year before being elected to office. Term of office shall be for a 3 years with
a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. The total is 18-24 including the Officers determined by need by the Council of Elders and

Chairperson of the Congregation and Council of Elders - shall fulfill the usual duties of such an officer, call and preside at all regular
or special business meetings of the Congregation and Council of Elders.
Secretary of the Congregation and Council of Elders - shall keep minutes of all regular or special business meetings of the
Congregation, serve as Secretary of the Council of Elders, and keep a record of all their regular or called meetings and perform such
other duties as may be assigned.
Treasurer of the Congregation and Council of Elders - shall supervise the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the church, and
make reports at the Annual Business Meeting of the Congregation, and at each regular meeting of the Council of Elders.

Chairperson - Deb Taylor*
Secretary Amy Styffe*
Treasurer Mike Vaughan*


Term Ending 2016
Kathy Robidoux*
Penny Fonches*
Jodi Martin*
Bill Martin*
Melody Martinez*
Phil Forbes*
Lin Garcia*
Barry Woodbridge*
Judi Smedley*

Term Ending 2015
Joshua Dorrough
Amy Styffe
Debra Taylor*

Term Ending 2014
Christine Fee
Dwain Van Diest
Janelle Vannoy
PJ Vannoy
Mike Vaughan
Craig Wallace

Elders Emeritus

The Trustees, with the guidance of the Council of Elders, and subject to the approval of the Congregation, shall act as the legal agents
of the church in all business matters hold legal title to all church property and handle all business transactions related thereto, have
supervision over all endowment and trust funds, keep the church and its properties adequately insured against possible loss, damage,
and liability, and perform such other duties as are required by the laws of the State of California and Articles of Incorporation. They
shall meet quarterly with the Church Treasurer to review the finances of the church including all fund accounts. Terms are: 4 year
term, 1 Trustee is elected each year for a total of 4. The Chairperson of the Congregation and Council of Elders is the 5th Trustee. A
Trustee can serve in any other office and their term as Trustee is not considered in any other position they may hold.

Term Ending 2017 Term Ending 2016 Term Ending 2015 Term Ending 2014
Barbara Fenters* Dwain Van Diest Dorothy Keech Mike Hogan

Trustee Emeritus
Duane Elliott*
Jack Townsend*

Financial Secretary
1he llnanclal SecreLary shall keep a record of all conLrlbuLlons, recelve conLrlbuLlons, malnLaln a ledger of each member's accounLs,
deposlL funds recelved, and obLaln recelpLs.
Luanne 8alley*
Ministry Coordinators
Each Ministry Coordinator recruit interested team members to coordinate existing ministries, support and resource ministries within
his or her designated areas of ministry, hold meetings as necessary and incorporate new ministries into the life of the congregation.
The Elders will provide guidance and oversight to the Ministry Coordinators. Terms are: term of 1 year and not eligible for more than
3 consecutive terms in same office.

Hospitality & Welcome: Lin Garcia*
Stewardship & Property: Dorothy Keech*
Discipleship and Worship: Open* (Discipleship) Barry Woodbridge* (Worship)
Outreach: Ed Linberg*

The Diaconate of the First Christian Church will consist of men, women and older youth. The Diaconate shall be responsible for the
serving of the Communion, its preparation, distribution and clean-up, ushering of worshipersand help in such other duties and
ministries as may be designated. They shall attend 2 Prayer and Discernment meetings per year with the Council of Elders, the dates
to be set by the Council of Elders. Terms are: 3 year term with a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. One third is elected each year.
The Chairperson of the Diaconate shall organize the Diaconate into teams to serve Communion on Sundays, select team leaders to
head the teams, select Diaconate to serve Communion for special services, train Diaconate as needed, monitor Communion supplies
and order/purchase as needed, choose the Diaconate to serve on the Nominating Committee and serve on the Discipleship and
Worship Ministry Team.

Diaconate Chair-Leslie Beck*

Term Ending 2016

Term Ending 2015 Term Ending 2014
Leslie Beck*
Annie Frater*
Jamie Dorrough*
Lisa Parks*
Jan McCuen*
Dirk McCuen*
Shawn McCuen*
Kelly McCuen*
Paul Robidoux*
Anna Van Diest*
David Styffe*
Bill Henke*
Kim Miller*
Randy Baxter*
Dena Heathman*
Phil Forbes
Luanne Bailey
Amy Styffe
Nancy Knott
Linda Johnen
Barbara Fenters

Diane Daugherty
Nancy Geiger
Sue Harless
Sherry Herrera
Masumi Hogan
Mike Hogan
Randy Langston
Cam Malotte
Nancy Malotte
Ben Stuart
Beverly Reinke*

* Names placed in Nomination

First Christian Church
109 E. Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M.

Servi ng November 10, 2013
Greeter: Phil Forbes
Guest Book: Sue Harless
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Henke
Sound: Clare Keech
Video: PJ Vannoy
Lay Leader: Craig Wallace
Childrens Moment: Shawn McCuen
Elders: Tim Acquistapace, Chris Fee,
Janelle Vannoy (HC)
HC Elders: PJ Vannoy, Randy Langston,
Emily Malotte
Diaconate: McCuens Team
Prepare: Barbara Fenters, Dirk McCuen
Ushers: Bill & Jodie Martin
Serve: Annie Frater, Bill & Jodie Martin,
Dirk & Jan McCuen, Ben Stuart
Clean Up: Bill & Jodie Martin, Ben Stuart
Alternates: Mike & Masumi Hogan
Servi ng November 17, 2013
Greeter: Judi Smedley
Guest Book: Ted Adams
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Acquistapace
Sound: Kyle Fought
Video: Paul/Travis Robidoux
Lay Leader: Lisa Parks
Childrens Moment:
Elders: Joshua Dorrough, Chris Fee,
Deb Taylor
Diaconate: McCuens Team
Prepare: Masumi & Mike Hogan
Ushers: Bill & Jodie Martin
Serve: Barbara Fenters, Nancy Knott, Bill &
Jodie Martin, Dirk & Jan McCuen
Clean Up: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater,
Nancy Knott
Alternate: Annie Frater

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