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Horacio Bertorello

Crdoba 6570, 5th floor, apartment A, City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, CP C1427BZS, Argentina. (+54911) 21900114 (ext) (011) 1521900114 (local) svankie@gmail.com
Current I quit my job at Sumavisos on May. Since then, Ive been practicing my mathematical skills online at Coursera and Khan Academy, and my programming/problem-solving skills with Project Euler, toy and proof-of-concept projects, experimenting with new technologies, programming languages and paradigms (like Clojure and functional programming). Also, Ive been studying economics (Austrian School economics, mostly) and music theory. Work experience 03-2004 / 03-2005 (1 year) | Broadreach Software S.R.L., Crdoba. Argentina. Clerk/J2SE trainee. When I wasn't doing shopping or checking an account balance, I studied Java from the JLS and I liked it. I have read everything I could in order to improve my OOP design and coding skills. Also, it was my first time working with some Apache projects like Apache Ant, Apache Struts and Apache Tomcat. After a while, I became interested in front-end development and started learning Javascript, HTML and CSS for fun. 08-2007 02-2008 (7 months) | MercadoLibre.com, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-commerce. Developer. At MercadoLibre.com, I was exposed to many new technologies and methodologies, as well as interesting projects (like mining shopping tendencies from navigation logs, among many others). I trained myself more aggressively in Javascript, HTML, SQL (and PL/SQL; we were using Oracle at the time), relational databases (Oracle and MySQL), unit testing, concurrency, the Java Memory Model, faster hashmap lookups and many other performance matters in Java. Furthermore, I learned to work in a relaxed environment with heavy deadlines, bringing a stable service to over 30 million users among latin america. 04-2010 - 01-2011 (10 months) | Popego, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Data Mining/AI. Developer. Popego categorizes and enriches data. Currently, we provide solutions to ad networks doing audience segmentation for better ad performance. I learned fascinating technologies such as the Apache Hadoop framework and the Apache Pig platform, the Apache Cassandra distributed database, PostgreSQL relational database, and my favorite so far: the Python programming language. Popego was considered among the 50 best startups of 2008 by TechCrunch and awarded at La Red Innova Madrid in 2009. 05-2011 - 07-2011 (2 months) | Binaria Labs, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Information Retrieval. Developer. Helped build a scraping framework for a data mining project on social networks using Python, Eventlet, zmq and MongoDB. I really loved this project for its complexity, fascinating technologies and the adventure of working from home. 10-2011 - 01-2012 (3 months) | Vanesa Durn, Crdoba, Argentina. Commerce. Code monkey. Built customized internal tools in a JEE/Spring/Hibernate ecosystem bringing TDD and some agile methodologies to the team, although I didnt manage to make it work very well. It was my first (and perhaps last) time working for a non software development company. 06-2012 - 05-2012 (1 year) | Sumavisos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Data agreggation. Developer. I am currently enjoying the Ruby programming language and building tools using primarily the Rails stack, Redis, MySQL and Sphinx. Furthermore, Ive experimented with several web development frameworks (from the Sinatra super-set Padrino to bosonic frameworks like Cuba), ORMs, NoSQL databases and a myriad of software development tools and utilities. I am still on the pursuit of happiness.

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