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Lecture Notes Mechanics Of Solids By Prof. Y.



Cordinate System ( x , y , z ) or

---right hand tria

Displacement (u , v , w ) or

Stress = Linear

, stress vector (force / area)

T Stress vector = Force / Area with outward drawn normal Similarly for other plane

Infinite plane exist at a point P

Infinite vectors

Plane/ Area is defined by outward drawn normal. Infinite planes 3 mutually outward drawn planes at point P (x1, x2 , x3,) at P Planes

Stress vector

State of stress at a point

State of stress at a point =

Hypothesis Body is continuous and remain continuous under the action of external forces (H1) Elastic Continuum Neighbor remain neighbor under external force No cracks /gaps or voids (H2) There exists a unique unstressed state of the solid body to which the body returns whenever all the external forces are removed. (H3) Principle of super position holds good

Newtons Law

....................... (1) is mass density


...................... (2)

....................(3) Euler's Equation

and cross it.

Components would contribution all other components are either

to x or

Neglecting Higher order terms (No body couple)


Symmetry of stress tensor

eqn (1,2,3) i=1,2,3 J=1,2,3


No Body Forces

Equation of equilibrium


given at a point stress component on any plan

PABC Tetrahedron at point P formed by 3 surfaces parallel to coordinate axises with unit normal Let h is the height of the surface between P & ABC

Body forces along

(x1, ,x2 x3), vol =


i=1,2,3 are called Cauchy formulae are sufficient to define the traction on any plane.




are the normal & shear comps. On the oblique plan

Substitution of

i =1,2,3 j =1,2,3

Cross section =2 cm * 3 cm F = 6000N

Find the normal & shear stress components on a equally inclined/plane relative to X1,X2,X3

Normal stress component

Show that

3 equations with 6 Unknowns

Displacement Co mponents

(u , v , w ) 3 Unknowns

Stress Tensor

6 Unknowns

6 equations

No. of Unknowns = 6 + 3 + 6 = 15 No. of equations = 3 + 6 =9

Need to have more equations for the unique solution Simp lest Relationship (LINEAR)

Superposition Principal ( the law of independence of effects of forces ( )) is developed in the presence of effect) Each of stresses caused by each component of

) on the deformation (

(co mbined

Hookes Law for Isotropic Material

Two material constants.


No direct ional property (same in all).

Direction of principal (

) stress and Principal strain ( coincide

) must

State of stress and strain in terms of Principal co mponents

Has same effect along 2 and 3 orthogonal directions

Youngs Modulus E

Modulus of elasticity or Youngs Modulus

Poissons Ratio

Uniaxial 1 D state of stress


Hooks Law in Shear

Cauchy Formula ( Transformation) we Know

Bulk Modulus
k = (Hydrostatic Stress ( Pressure) / Volu metric St rain

Equation of Equilibrium Isotropic Materials

Coupled ode not easy to solve them but are consistent and will g ive the Unique so lution provided , we are able to integrate them.

Theories of failure

Ultimate Aim DESIGN Failure mate rial failure


Material Loading ,Geo metry Ignorance Mathematical limitations etc.

Simplified Criteria yielding

Theories of

Principal stress Principal strain

are extremum

1. Maximum-Principal Stress Theory

More useful for Brittle material ,is also called Rankine criteria for failure.

2. Maximum-Principal Strain Theory

In case of compressive state of stress

3. Maximum Shear Stress Theory

is called Tresca theory useful for ductile material--- cup and cone in simple tension 450
Tresca theory fails in hydro static state of stresses

4. Total strain e nergy theory --( Beltrami & Haigh)

5. Shear or Distortion Strain Energy Theory

Energy Method

First law of thermodynamics

Adiabatic Process

Work of Gravity << External force change of internal energy of the material resulting from the surface traction andbody force (no gravity) Then elastic material and without hysteresis

body will perform the equal but opposite work in the surrounding during the Unloading process.

Energy stored in the body as a result of deformation which is equal to the external work done.

Strain energy due to Normal stress

Strain energy due to shear stress

Similarly by other components of stresses Super position


Bar in tension


Torsion of circular shaft (r , L)


Bending strain Energy Normal stress

Strain energy due to shear in Beam

Castigliano Theore m

Castig liano Theore m

Are corresponding deflection,twists and rotation due to Fictitions loads are applied at the point where there is no load and deflection is songat

at that point where there is no load







ENGG. Prob. Definition

A. Everyone makes / one who works makes the mistakes B. Never accept the single way solution Equation of equilibrium Navie rs equation

Are coupled p.d.e. and it is extremely difficult to solve Are 3 D equations Simplifications Most of the simple engineering problems belongs to 1 D problems (i) Uniaxial deformation Bars (ii) Torsion of shaft Shaft (iii) One axis symmetric bending Beams (iv) Combined state of stress problems

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