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LIMITING --------

BELIEFS ---------

BELIEFS Beliefs are important as a guide to living life. The most basic ones are form ed in a child from two to six years old while the mind is dominated by the Theta State, categorized as being in a sponge mode. I remember my own transition out of Theta by being suddenly aware of my surroundings while not knowing why I was suddenly aware. I knew instinctively how to go out of apartment building, travel around and how to address people without having a clue as to why I knew. At fir st it was a bit scary to go anywhere as I had no conscious knowledge of the rout e, what was really there, or how to get back to the safety of home, it was all a cting on instinct and intuition. My wondering is still a strong memory that surv ives to this day, in my retirement. Being in Alpha until about puberty at roughl y up to age twelve is the next major absorption stage before switching during te en maturation into adulthood of about age eighteen to Beta and left brain logica l conscious thinking where little core belief change takes place. Limiting Beliefs are not just the bug-a-boo of working with the Law Of Attrac

tion. Circumstances change and while the early learned beliefs can become obsole te and obstacles, the subconscious closely guards them as they represent the know n secure and safe way. This is evolutionary survival development as for our hunte r gatherer ancestors life was mostly a simpler and consistent environment and so the secure knowledge was a survival factor. Initiation rituals into full adult status were celebrated at puberty and then life expectancy was only until about thirty, all life within walking distance of where you were born, and all very ho mogeneous. (A bit of an oversimplified analysis but as a practical explanation i t serves well.) Lack of firm beliefs is important as lack is what makes a person amoral and c an lead to being a sadist and serial killer. Not all beliefs are newly learnt, a s elucidated in the PDF below some are augmentations of existing propensities as especially are the ones that are extensions of Lower Dantian activity. Extreme misguided beliefs are important as this is PTSD. A very traumatic situation will immediately and strongly imprint reactionary beliefs that are inappropriate to life afterwards. While many beliefs are learned there is also much that we as so cial animals inherit genetically, and some of this is delineated in the Chakra S ystem, an early form of psychology really.

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