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Welcome to CitectSCADA and CitectHMI Version 6.

0 Release
(updated 23 !! 200"#

What's in this Document?

1. Whats New 2. Requirements 3. Installation Notes 4. Operational Notes . !nown Issues with this Release

1. What's New?
"he #ollowin$ list is a summar% o# new #eatures #or the &itect'&(D( ).* release. !.! We$ Client "he &itect'&(D( We+ &lient allows %ou to ,iew a li,e &itect'&(D( pro-ect within a We+ +rowser. It pro,i.es eas% access to &itect'&(D( Runtime #or /(N0connecte. users requirin$ rea.1write access to current pro.uction in#ormation. 2or e3ample4 a senior mana$er coul. monitor a #acilit% an. access current pro.uction in#ormation #rom a computer on the /(N. "his is achie,e. without requirin$ e3tensi,e .ownloa.s or so#tware installation. !.2 %rue Color Support "rue &olor support allows &itect'&(D( users to create $raphicall% rich .ispla% pa$es more easil% +% supportin$ a #ar $reater num+er o# colors than the 2 )0colors a,aila+le in pre,ious releases. "rue &olor is supporte. #or all animation o+-ects an. static o+-ects4 inclu.in$ pa$e +ac5$roun.s4 importe. ima$es4 s%m+ols4 meta#iles4 an. +itmaps 6with the e3ception o# color #loo.s7. "he #lash rate o# #lashin$ colors .e#aults to 1 secon.4 an. is user0con#i$ura+le ,ia an ini parameter. !.3 &rocess Anal'st "he &itect'&(D( 8rocess (nal%st &ontrol is an (cti,e9 control .esi$ne. to allow Operators to ,iew tren. .ata #rom a &itect'&(D( tren. ser,er an. alarm ta$ .ata #rom a &itect'&(D( alarm ser,er. "he 8rocess (nal%st pro,i.es a ,isual means to anal%se an. compare tren. .ata:+oth real0time an. historical :in a more intuiti,e manner than &itects pre,ious tren. ,iewer. "he 8rocess (nal%st allows a user to loa. an. sa,e ,iews4 -ump +ac5war.s an. #orwar.s in time4 select commonl% use. timespans4 select a start time an. en. time4 i.enti#% .a%li$ht sa,in$s transition perio.s4 an. autoscroll to ,iew tren. .ata in real0time. "he 8rocess (nal%st allows %ou to sa,e the state 6that is4 the ;loo5 an. #eel<7 o# the 8rocess (nal%st as a ,iew. =ou can also loa. other ,iews create. +% other >sers an. Operators. "he O+-ect ?iew tool ena+les e3tensi,e control o,er pens4 as well as pro,i.in$ at0a0$lance in#ormation a+out pens4 such as pen color4 name4 ta$ properties4 current cursor ,alue4 an. so on. "he 8rocess (nal%st can .ispla% all tren. an. alarm .ata in local time ta5in$ into account .a%li$ht sa,in$s perio.s. "he 8rocess (nal%st control in.icates .a%li$ht sa,in$s transitions on its a3is an. .ate1time pic5ers4 an. allows Operators to seamlessl% na,i$ate an. ,iew their .ata throu$h .a%li$ht sa,in$s transitions. "he 8rocess (nal%st allows %ou to create reports o# alarm an. tren. ,iews +% pro,i.in$ a comprehensi,e set o# printa+le in#ormation. "he 8rocess (nal%st's power#ul pro$rammin$ mo.el $i,es en$ineers an. technicians e3tensi,e control o,er the loo5 an. +eha,iour o# the 8rocess (nal%st throu$h &ico.e.

!." (n)anced S'm$ol *i$rar' &itect'&(D( ?ersion ).* inclu.es an enhance. s%m+ol li+rar%4 containin$ hun.re.s o# s%m+ols that are rea.% #or %ou to use on %our &itect'&(D( pro-ects $raphics pa$es. In a..ition4 more s%m+ols will +e ma.e a,aila+le on the &omplimentar% 'o#tware &D .istri+ute. with ,).*. !.+ ,pdated (-ample &ro.ects "he @3ample an. &'?A@3ample 8ro-ects in ,).* ha,e +een enhance. to .emonstrate "rue &olor4 8rocess (nal%st4 an. the e3pan.e. '%m+ol /i+rar%. "o see these new @3ample 8ro-ects4 please .elete %our e3istin$ @3ample 8ro-ects prior to up$ra.in$ to ,).*. !.6 ,pdated Help "he &itect'&(D( Belp has +een e3tensi,el% re,ise. #or the ,).* release. "hese re,isions inclu.e up.atin$ the WinBelp0+ase. Belp 6.hlp7 to Cicroso#t B"C/ Belp 6.chm74 as well as .ocumentin$ the new #eatures in ,).*. >p.atin$ the Belp to stan.ar. Cicroso#t B"C/ Belp pro,i.es the #ollowin$ +ene#itsD Ci$ration to a supporte. Cicroso#t technolo$% 6B"C/ Belp7 #rom an o+solete4 non0supporte. #ormat 6WinBelp7. Increase. le$i+ilit% .ue to +etter use o# #onts. Re.uce. reliance on secon.ar% pop0up Belp win.ows to help preser,e screen real estate. (+ilit% to create Eoo5mar5s #or quic5er access to #requentl% use. areas o# the Belp. Eetter win.ow0scrollin$ #unctionalit%. ( more compact Belp s%stem. "he Belp #iles now ta5e up appro3imatel% hal# as much .is5 space as the pre,ious Belp. !./ %a0 Validation In pre,ious ,ersions o# &itect'&(D(4 it was possi+le #or renum+erin$ o# O+-ect I.enti#iers to occur when a &itect'&(D( pro-ect was restore. onto a .i##erent &itect'&(D( installation #rom that on which the pro-ect was +ac5e. up. It was also possi+le to $enerate .i##erent O+-ect I.enti#iers #rom one &itect'&(D( machine to another. "o a..ress these issues4 se,eral enhancements ha,e +een ma.e in &itect'&(D( ,).* to pro,i.e automate. ta$ ,ali.ation #or s%stems usin$ ta$0+ase. .ri,ers. "hese new #eatures ma5e it easier to ensure that a pro-ect con#i$uration that uses ta$0+ase. .ri,es is ,ali.F these chan$es only appl% to pro-ects that use ta$0+ase. .ri,ers. "he #ollowin$ enhancements ha,e +een ma.eD

Compiler 0 I# a compilation is attempte. on a machine with the &itect'&(D( runtime still acti,e4

the compilation will #ail. "he compilation will not +e allowe. to succee. until the &itect'&(D( runtime is shut .own. "his is .one to a,oi. the situation where newl% compile. #iles are not compati+le with the current acti,e loa.e. con#i$uration in the &itect'&(D( runtime. D'namic %a0 Validation 0 When a &itect'&(D( client connects to a &itect'&(D( IO'er,er4 the client ,ali.ates all o# the ta$s #or the ta$0+ase. .ri,ers with the IO'er,er. I# there is a ta$ mismatch4 the client will not communicate with the IO'er,er on the unit that containe. the mismatchin$ ta$. (ll other units that .o not contain mismatches will still communicate with that IO'er,er. I# there is a mismatch4 an. re.un.anc% is con#i$ure.4 the &itect'&(D( client will attempt to locate a ,ali. unit amon$st the other re.un.ant IO'er,ers. &a0e Validation 0 (ll &itect pa$es that use ta$s #rom a ta$0+ase. .ri,er are chec5e. on start up to ensure that the% were compile. a$ainst the same ,aria+le ta$ .ata+ase. I# the ,aria+le ta$ .ata+ase has chan$e.4 the pa$e will not +e opene. an. a har.ware alarm will +e $enerate.. "his a,oi.s the situation where the ta$s on a newl% compile. pa$e coul. +e incompati+le with the currentl% loa.e. acti,e ta$ .ata+ase in the &itect'&(D( runtime. Interoperation 0 ( &itect'&(D( ,ersion ).* client will communicate with ol.er &itect'&(D( IO'er,ers4 an. ol.er &itect'&(D( clients will communicate with a &itect'&(D( ,ersion ).* IO'er,er. Bowe,er4 in these circumstances4 ta$ ,ali.ation will not occur. CtApi 0 "he #unctions ct"a$"o8oint4 ct8ointRea.4 an. ct8ointWrite ha,e +een .isa+le. #or units usin$ ta$0+ase. .ri,ers. "his has +een .one to a,oi. the situation where the ta$ con#i$uration on

the &itect'&(D( client is not compati+le with the currentl% loa.e. ta$ con#i$uration in the &itect'&(D( IO'er,er. "he #unctions ct"a$Rea. an. ct"a$Write are still a,aila+le #or all t%pes o# ta$s. !.1 Displa' (2ent %rends $' %ime &itectBCI1'&(D( now pro,i.es the option to .ispla% e,ent tren.s as perio.ic .ata on a tren. $raph. (s an alternati,e to ,iewin$ e,ent tren. .ata +% e,ent num+er4 it is now possi+le to see e,ent tren.s across a timeline. When e,ent tren.s are shown +% time4 the tren. $raph inclu.es a start an. en. time an. ena+les operators to see +oth the time o# a tri$$ere. e,ent4 an. the elapse. perio. +etween e,ents. "his .ata can also +e .ispla%e. on the same $raph as a perio.ic tren.. !.3 %ime Stamped Di0ital and %ime Stamped Analo0 Alarms "wo new alarm t%pes4 "ime 'tampe. Di$ital an. "ime 'tampe. (nalo$ ha,e +een a..e. to &itectBCI1'&(D(. "hese alarms com+ine the #eatures o# e3istin$ Di$ital an. (nalo$ alarms with a timestamp that recor.s4 with millisecon. precision4 the (larm On time an. (larm O## time #rom a #iel. .e,ice. "hese alarms are con#i$ure. in e3actl% the same wa% as the e3istin$ Di$ital an. (nalo$ alarms. !.!0 Custom Alarm 4ilters &ustom alarm #ilters pro,i.e a new means #or #ilterin$ an. .ispla%in$ acti,e alarms. >p to ei$ht custom #ilter strin$s can +e assi$ne. to a con#i$ure. alarm. In con-unction with a user0.e#ine. quer% #unction4 the custom #ilters ena+le operators to i.enti#% an. .ispla% acti,e alarms o# interest. !.!! *on0 Varia$le and %rend %a0 5ames ?aria+le an. "ren. ta$ names can now +e up to GH characters in len$th. !.!2 *on0 Alarm 4ields "he "a$ an. Name #iel.s #or all con#i$ure. alarms ha,e +een e3ten.e. an. can now +e a ma3imum o# GH characters in len$th. "he Description #iel. has also +een e3ten.e. to allow a ma3imum o# 12G characters. !.!3 6ueue $ased 7ac89ill "ren. re.un.anc% +ac5#illin$ has +een enhance.. It is now #aster4 more relia+le4 an. con#i$ura+le #or +ac5#ill spee.. !.!" Dri2ers New .ri,ers in this release areD (E&/9 CelsecI >p.ate. .ri,ers in this release inclu.eD &ourier !in$#isher O8& 'GN" 'GN"'8 5ote: "he new (E&/9 .ri,er superse.es (E/o$i3. 8lease up$ra.e to (E&/9 i# %ou are e3periencin$ pro+lems with (E/o$i3. 5ote: "he new CelsecI .ri,er superse.es CelsecIn(. 8lease up$ra.e to CelsecI i# %ou are e3periencin$ pro+lems with CelsecIn(. 5ote: "he 'GWIN an. 'GWIN'8 .ri,ers ha,e +een remo,e. #rom the ,).* release +ecause &itect'&(D( no lon$er supports Win.ows HJ.

2. Requirements

2.! *icensin0 =ou must up.ate %our &itect'&(D( 'o#tware 8rotection !e% to run ?ersion ).*. 2.2 So9t;are ?ersion ).* runs on Win.ows 98 'er,ice 8ac5 14 Win.ows 2*** 'er,ice 8ac5 34 Win.ows N" 4.* 'er,ice 8ac5 )4 an. Win.ows N" 'er,er 6@nterprise @.ition 'er,ice 8ac5 an. "erminal 'er,er 'er,ice 8ac5 )7. Win.ows 2**3 'er,er support is e3pecte. to wor5 +ut is not %et #ull% teste.. 5oteD "he 8rocess (nal%st an. the &itect'&(D( We+ 'er,er .o not run on Win.ows N". 5oteD =ou must use Internet @3plorer ,ersion ).* or a+o,e i# usin$ the 8rocess (nal%st4 &itect'&(D( We+ &lient or &itect'&(D( We+ 'er,er. 5ote: 8lease re#er to !E article I3H43 #or in#ormation on Win.ows 98 'er,ice 8ac5 2 an. recommen.e. con#i$uration settin$s #or runnin$ &itect'&(D( in this en,ironment. 2.3 Minimum )ard;are: Windo;s 5% ".0 S&6 0 8entium **CBK processor with H)CE o# R(C. Windo;s 5% Ser2er (nterprise S&+ 0 8entium **CBK processor with H)CE o# R(C. Windo;s 5% Ser2er ".0 %erminal Ser2er S&6 0 8entium **CBK processor with H)CE o# R(C. Windo;s 2000 Ser2er S&3 0 8entium **CBK processor with 12JCE o# R(C. Windo;s 2000 S&3 0 8entium **CBK processor with 12JCE o# R(C. Windo;s <& 0 8entium **CBK processor with 12JCE o# R(C. Windo;s Ser2er 2003 L 8entium **CBK with 2 )CE o# R(C. 2." &re9erred )ard;are: Windo;s 5% ".0 S&6 8entium **CBK processor with 1H2CE o# R(C. Windo;s 5% Ser2er (nterprise S&+ 8entium **CBK processor with 2 )CE o# R(C. Windo;s 5% Ser2er ".0 %erminal Ser2er S&6 8entium **CBK processor with 2 )CE o# R(C. Windo;s 2000 Ser2er S&3 8entium 1MBK processor with 12CE o# R(C. Windo;s 2000 S&3 8entium 1MBK processor with 12CE o# R(C. Windo;s <& 8entium 1MBK processor with 12CE o# R(C. Windo;s Ser2er 2003 L 8entium 1MBK with 12CE o# R(C. 5oteD I# %ou are usin$ the 8rocess (nal%st4 we recommen. that %ou use a $raphics car. with at least )4CE o# ?R(C an. .o not share ?R(C with main memor%. 5oteD 2or a We+ 'er,er4 the har.ware requirements are as #ollowsD CinimumD 8entium **CBK4 2 )CE R(C4 2 )CE BD 6#ree7 8re#erre.D 8entium 1MBK4 12CE R(C4 1ME BD 6#ree7 "he memor% requirements are .epen.ent upon how man% simultaneous we+ client connections are e3pecte.. 5ote: &itect'&(D( .oes not #ull% support multiprocessor s%stems. 2or more in#ormation on how to use multiprocessor s%stems with &itect'&(D(4 please see the 2(I section o# the Belp.

3. Installation Notes
5ote: =ou must use the automatic &D 'etup utilit% to install &itect'&(D( ,).*. 8lease .o not attempt to install +% runnin$ setup.e3e #rom the in.i,i.ual #ol.ers on the &Ds.

3.! ,p0radin0 to %rue Color support

&itect'&(D( ?ersion ).* automaticall% up$ra.es all e3istin$ pro-ects to ensure compati+ilit% with the new "rue &olor #unctionalit%. Bowe,er4 %ou nee. to consi.er the #ollowin$ issues4 as user inter,ention ma% +e require.. 5oteD Eac5in$ up %our pro-ects +e#ore up$ra.in$ is recommen.e.. Once %ou ha,e up$ra.e. %our &itect'&(D( pro-ects to "rue &olor4 %ou cannot re,ert +ac5 to 2 ) colors. 5ote: 8lease ensure that 8ro-ect @.itor has complete. its up$ra.e +e#ore e.itin$ or up$ra.in$ %our $raphics pa$es.

3.!.! Citect Color 9ormat "he &itect color #ormat is now a 320+it RME #ormat. In he34 the +its #or each part o# the color are *3RRMMEE. ( new #unction calle. Ca5e&itect&olour has +een create. to ma5e &itect color ,alues #rom component parts. 3.!.2 4las)in0 Color c)an0es 2lashin$ color is now implemente. as two lin5e. colors to pro,i.e on an. o## states. Mraphics Euil.er will no lon$er .ispla% animate. #lashin$ colors4 the% will appear as .ia$onall% .i,i.e. cells with the two color states represente.. 3.!.3 Color 4lood o$.ects not supported "rue &olor cannot e##ecti,el% support &olor 2loo. o+-ects. Mraphics Euil.er will still .ispla% the o+-ects4 howe,er4 the% will +e i$nore. at runtime an. will not +e #unctional. In or.er to assist with the remo,al o# all &olor 2loo. o+-ects4 a lo$ #ile calle. N$raphicsup$ra.e.lo$N is create. in the &itect'&(D( Data .irector%. "his #ile lo$s all occurrences o# &olor 2loo. o+-ects #oun. .urin$ the up$ra.e process4 allowin$ them to +e easil% locate. an. a..resse.. 3.!." Color &alette replaced $' Color 4a2orites With ?ersion )4 the concept o# a color palette has +een replace. with a set o# N&olor 2a,oritesN that o##er much $reater #le3i+ilit% in the mana$ement an. implementation o# colors. Durin$ up$ra.e4 the &I"@&".8(/ #ile .e#ine. #or a pro-ect is use. to calculate the initial color entries #or the &olor 2a,ourites. I# no palette #ile has +een .e#ine.4 the Inclu.e 8ro-ect palette is use.. 3.!.+ &rede9ined color la$el c)an0es "he ol. color la+el .e#initions re#erre. to palette in.e3 entries. "hese ha,e +een chan$e. to RME color ,alues to ena+le the use o# e3istin$ la+els. "R(N'8(R@N" has also +een a..e. as a color la+el. "he #ollowin$ #lashin$ color la+els ha,e +een .elete.D 2/('BAE/>@ 2/('BAMR@@N 2/('BA&=(N 2/('BAR@D 2/('BAC(M@N"( 2/('BA=@//OW 2/('BAWBI"@ "he NOA&B(NM@ la+el 6use. #or ol.er animate. s%m+ols7 still e3ists as a la+el with a ,alue o# 014 howe,er it is no lon$er ,ali.. =ou can replace it with "R(N'8(R@N". 3.!.6 4onts Data$ase "he #onts .ata+ase is the main area where %ou will +e require. to chec5 ,alues. I# the pre.e#ine. la+els 6e.$. R@D4 MR@@N4 etc.7 ha,e +een use.4 there will +e no pro+lem. Bowe,er4 some #onts will require recon#i$uration to $et the .esire. results i# the entries contain palette in.e3es or the .elete. #lash la+els 6e.$. 2/('BAR@D7. 3.!./ =$solete Cicode 9unctions (s color #loo.s are no lon$er supporte.4 calls to the #unction Dsp&ol are i$nore.. 3.!.1 Cicode 9unctions ;it) c)an0ed ar0uments "here are man% &ico.e #unctions that too5 palette in.e3 ,alues as color ar$uments. "hese will nee. to +e chan$e. to use RME parameters. 'ome #unctions require the color ar$uments to +e e3pan.e. to two colors to allow #or on an. o## states o# a #lashin$ color. Dsp2ont62ont"%pe4 8i3el'iKe4 2$n.&olr4 E$n.&olr7

will +ecomeD Dsp2ont62ont"%pe4 8i3el'iKe4 2oreOn&olor4 Eac5On&olor4 2oreO##&olor4 Eac5O##&olor7F in or.er to support #lashin$ colors when .e#inin$ a new #ont. DspCar5erNew6(N4 Co.e4 &olor7 will not support #lashin$ colors. &olor +ecomes an RME parameter. Dsp"ren.In#o67 returns the primar% pen color #or t%pes 1101J4 an. the secon.ar% 6#lash7 color #or t%pes 1H02). 8lotDraw674 8lotMri.674 8lot/ine674 8lotCar5er674 8lot'caleCar5er674 8lot9=/ine67 will not support #lashin$ colors. "he color ar$uments +ecome RME parameters. (..itionall%4 there are se,eral &ico.e #unctions that ta5e screenshots an. .o not wor5 un.er an%thin$ +ut 2 ) color mo.e. "hese use a palette #ile to remap colors #rom the current &itect'&(D( palette to an ar+itrar% palette4 the most common usa$e o# which is to swap +lac5 an. white #or pa$es that contain mainl% +lac5 to minimise the amount o# in5 use. when printin$. While this cannot +e .one an% more4 +lac5 an. white can +e manuall% swappe. when printin$. "here#ore4 the Ns8aletteN ar$ument +ecomes N+'wapElac5WhiteN #orD Win&op%674 Win2ile674 Win8rint67 an. Win8rint2ile67 &itect&olour"o8ac5e.RME an. 8ac5e.RME"o&itect&olour were create. to ma5e it eas% to map colors to &itect'&(D('s #i3e. palette. Now that &itect has no concept o# a palette these #unctions con,ert #rom RME ,alues to &itect color #ormat an. +ac5. 3.!.3 C)an0ed parameters 'e,eral parameters ha,e +een chan$e. to speci#% raw &itect colors instea. o# palette in.e3 ,alues. "he a##ecte. parameters now ta5e an RME ,alue an. .o not support #lashin$ colors. "he% areD O8a$ePEac5$roun.&olour4 O8a$ePD%namic&omErea5&olour4 O(nm&ursorP&olour4 O"ren.P&ursor &olour4 an. in the &'?AInclu.e pro-ectD ONa,i$ationPCenuEac5&olour ONa,i$ationPCenu2ore&olour

3.2 We$ Client

"he We+ &lient operates in a similar wa% to the Internet Displa% &lient 6ID&7. 2or in#ormation on We+ &lient issues4 %ou can search the !nowle.$e Ease #or articles on ID&. Note that the We+ 'er,er .oes not act as a pro3% ser,er #or client requests. "hese t%pes o# #ile operations are processe. in &i&o.e on the client machine4 -ust as the% are on a &itect'&(D( Displa% &lient. "he We+ &lient ma% #ail when interactin$ with pro-ect create. #iles on the client machine.

3.3 ,p0radin0 &ro.ects

"o see the new @3ample 8ro-ects4 please .elete %our e3istin$ @3ample 8ro-ects prior to up$ra.in$ to ,).*. 'creen Notes #unctionalit% is onl% a,aila+le in &itect2acilities , .42 an. is not supporte. in &itect'&(D(. (s a result the cs,Ascreennotes.ci has +een remo,e.. "his ma% result in warnin$s or errors when %ou up$ra.e %our pro-ects to ,).*. I# %our pro-ects pa$es are +ase. on the &'?AInclu.e template4 %ou can simpl% use the >p.ate 8a$es comman. un.er the "ools menu in Mraphics Euil.er. I# %our pro-ect inclu.es .irect re#erences to screen notes pa$es 6Q&'?A8laceNote4 Q&'?A'creenNote4

&'?ANote'ummar%74 &i&o.e #unctions 6all #unctions in cs,Ascreennotes.ci4 such as &'?ANotesA'how4 &'?ANotesA8opupCenu7 or $enies 6cs,Anotes L clearAnotes4 ena+leAnotes4 listAnotes4 an. ,iewallAnotes74 %ou will nee. to manuall% remo,e these re#erences. "he menu +ar is now an inte$ral part o# the &'?AInclu.e NnormalN template. I# %ou ha,e ma.e %our own cop% o# the ori$inal template4 %ou will nee. to cop% the &iCenu+ar (cti,e9 control #rom the &'?AInclu.e NnormalN template to %our custom template to ensure the menu will .ispla%.

3." ,pdated Dri2er Help

(s part o# the chan$es that ha,e +een ma.e to the &itect'&(D( Belp with the mo,e to the B"C/ plat#orm4 the in#ormation relatin$ to &itect'&(D( .ri,ers has +een separate. out o# the main Belp. 'u+sequentl%4 %ou will now nee. to launch the &itect'&(D( Dri,er Belp as a separate entit%. "o .o this4 $o to the &itect @3plorer or 8ro-ect @.itor Belp menu an. select Dri,er Belp. "he new Dri,er Belp will appear4 pro,i.in$ an e3planation o# how to na,i$ate success#ull% throu$h the in#ormation.

3.+ Installin0 CitectSCADA 7atc)

"he &itect'&(D( Eatch installer is con#i$ure. to .e#ault to option ;Eatch 'er,er.< Do not select the option name. ;(n% &lient<4 as this will result in a crash when accessin$ the Eatch 'ummar% Report within &itect'&(D(.

3.6 Installin0 4ast*in- 9or Mitsu$is)i

Installation o# 2ast/in3 #or Citsu+ishi is a 20step processD !# Install &itect'&(D( ,).*4 an. ensure &itect @3plorer has +een starte. at least once. 2# Install 2ast/in3 #or Citsu+ishi 6a,aila+le on ,).* &D27.

4. Operational Notes
".! Citect (-plorer I# %ou restore &itect pro-ects that are prior to &itect'&(D( ,ersion .414 %our restore. pro-ect ma% ha,e an incorrect pro-ect ID. "his is +ecause ol. &itect pro-ects are not sa,e. with pro-ect ID in#ormation. "o resol,e this situation4 +ac5 up the pro-ect a#ter it has +een restore.4 an. then restore the pro-ect onto the machine %ou want to use. "his will allow the restore. pro-ect to retain the newl% $enerate. pro-ect ID. ".2 CitectSCADA We$ Ser2er and We$ Client I# %ou ha,e a +eta ,ersion o# the We+ 'er,er4 please uninstall it +e#ore installin$ ?ersion ).*. =our e3istin$ .eplo%ments will still +e a,aila+le #or use a#ter uninstallin$ an. reinstallin$. Ol. pa$e #iles in the We+ &lient cache ma% +e incompati+le with up.ate. pro-ect .eplo%ments on the ser,er. "o resol,e this4 clear the cache +% closin$ all Internet @3plorer win.ows an. .eletin$ the &itect temp #ol.er on the client machine 6e$. on Win.ows 2***4 ;&DRDocuments an. 'ettin$sRSuser nameTR/ocal 'ettin$sR"empR&itect<7. "hen restart the We+ &lient. Note that %ou can easil% replicate an e3istin$ .eplo%ment +% e.itin$ its name. When %ou e.it a .eplo%ment in this wa%4 the ori$inal .eplo%ment is not o,erwritten 0 a new .eplo%ment is create. instea.. When usin$ the OWe+'er,erPDeplo%Root ini parameter4 it must contain N.eplo%N as the last su+#ol.er name4 otherwise the .eplo%ment will #ail. "%picall% %ou woul. .eplo% to the N.eplo%N su+.irector% o# a &itect'&(D( we+ser,er install4 which mi$ht loo5 li5eD NcDRpro$ram #ilesRcitectRcitect'&(D(Rwe+ser,erR.eplo%N. I# %ou are usin$ the &itect'&(D( We+ 'er,er with Win.ows 2**3 'er,er1II' ).*4 %ou ma% #in. that the &itect'&(D( We+ 'er,er .oes not operate. "his is +ecause when II' ).* is installe.4 it .e#aults to a secure

Nloc5e.N mo.e4 meanin$ it can ser,e onl% static content. ('84 ('8.N@"4 an. 2ront8a$e 'er,er @3tensions are all .isa+le. an. must +e intentionall% an. separatel% ena+le.. "o ena+le ('8 #or II') on Win.ows 2**3 'er,er4 .o the #ollowin$D 1. In the &ontrol 8anel4 clic5 Add or Remo2e &ro0ram. 2. In the (.. or Remo,e 8ro$rams .ialo$4 clic5 Add>Remo2e Windo;s Components. 3. In the Win.ows &omponents WiKar. .ialo$4 select Application Ser2er an. clic5 Details. 4. In the (pplication 'er,er .ialo$4 select Internet In9ormation Ser2ices (IIS# an. clic5 Details. . In the Internet In9ormation Ser2ices (IIS# .ialo$4 select World Wide We$ Ser2ice an. clic5 Details. ). In the Worl. Wi.e We+ 'er,ice .ialo$4 ma5e sure Acti2e Ser2er &a0e is selecte.. 8lease see the 2(I section o# the We+ &lient Belp #or more in#ormation. ".3 4ast*in- 9or Mitsu$is)i "he Citsu+ishi C9&han$e "a$ Import an. Erowse .ri,ers ha,e +een replace. +% Citsu+ishi 2astlin3 "a$ Import1@3port an. Erowse .ri,ers. "o +e a+le to use the 2ast/in3 #unctionalit%4 users must ha,e a 5e% with an appropriate &itect'&(D( license. Without the correct licensin$4 import1e3port an. lin5in$ operations will #ail with an e3planator% error messa$e. "." CiCon9i0 ,tilit' "he citect.ini con#i$uration pop0up menu a,aila+le in pre,ious ,ersions o# the Online Belp has +een replace. +% a new utilit% calle. &i&on#i$. "his application will +e a,aila+le on the &omplimentar% 'o#tware &D .istri+ute. with the #inal &itect'&(D( ,).* release.

. !nown Issues with this Release

"he #ollowin$ issues are still +ein$ in,esti$ate.D 2)**H L &itect ma% stop respon.in$ on the primar% IO ser,er i# there are access pro+lems to the networ5 location o# a Dis5 8/&. 2)*42 L On a re.un.ant IO ser,er an. Dis5 8/& con#i$uration4 when the primar% an. stan.+% IO 'er,ers are isolate.4 a write on the Dis5 8/& ,alue ma% U&OC the whole .e,ice. 2)*4G L Mraphics Euil.er ma% crash when openin$ a neste. template a#ter chan$in$ the +ase template. 2)*GG L &itect We+ &lient ma% #reeKe while swappin$ +etween two lan$ua$e +uttons4 i# the pro-ect or .eplo%ment name is in !orean or &hinese an. the operatin$ s%stem is a localise. ,ersion. 2)*J3 0 Displa%in$ a tren. template on a tren. ser,er ma% cause &itect to crash. 2)*JH L Cemor% $rowth ma% occur in a stan.+% machine when &ico.e is runnin$ an. the stan.+% machine is .isconnecte. an. then reconnecte. to the networ5. 2)1J2 L I# all ta$s are .elete. #rom an e3ternal .ata+ase4 &itect ta$s ma% not $et up.ate. on s%nchronisation usin$ Citsu+ishi 2ast/in3. "he #ollowin$ 5nown ma-or issues are planne. to +e resol,e. post0,)D 2 2*) L NData Not =et ?ali.N alarms are not $enerate. as har.ware alarms. 2 4 L &'?A@3ample pro-ect .oesnt #ull% support DE&'. 2 J4H L Citsu+ishi 2ast/in3 0 recor.s are +ein$ .elete. #rom &itect i# the% are in,ali.. 2 J * L Citsu+ishi 2ast/in3 0 #ramewor5 $i,in$ corrupt in#ormation to .ri,er i# pac5 not .one +e#ore s%nchronisation. 2 HH2 L Instant tren. 0 "ren. 8en 'election list .oes not pop up #or at least minutes o# the start. 2 HH4 L Cemor% $rowth in the .ispla% client machine when usin$ Instant tren.s. 2)*1) L 8ro-ect with .ou+le0+%te character .ata can not +e printe. properl%.

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