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Pone Vakili Nezami Master student of Contemporary Design and art Limkokwing University in Malaysia

Title: Methods in Promoting Local Iranian Music as a cultural

Identity for teenagers on Bujnord

This paper investigated what are the methods that have done to promote local music that teenager liked it in the other countries aim to identify a suitable method has done to promote local music that Iranian teenagers like it. (15_19), due to Iranian teenagers are not interested in listening to own local music now days; however it recognized by UNESCO as a cultural identity. Main method to promote local music identified institutional methods as government. It consists of festival in different styles and field research. The most effective methods of promoting local music for teenagers identified as two advertising methods based print advertising methods and the Internet-based social media instruments within a festival, So the objectives are applied for this study included to determine what is a suitable method have done to promote local music that Iranian teenagers like it in this current time (15_19). This study focused on promoting local music of Bujnord, the North of Khorasan, Iran, due to most parts of Iranian identity rooted in music of the north of Khorasan and music of Bujnord as center of this province includes different types of music which exists in the north of Khorasan cities, More so it has recognized as a cultural heritage by UNESCO (United Nation Scientific and Cultural Organization) for people over the world. This study has possibility refer to the Iranian ministry of culture and Islamic guidance. It gets the benefit from this research as it encourages teenagers catch to own local music. Furthermore, Iranian teenagers benefit from this study due to they will recognize their own local music, and local music of Bujnord gets the benefit in aspect of the international circuit and as a clue has possibility to make teenagers more motivated to refresh their own local music This study gives the opportunity to young musicians and music designers will become awareness in promoting or refreshing local music without changing the content and style of local music. Finally this study also gives chance to local musicians know how their art works has possibility to be more attractive for teenagers. This research does not seek to have

a better qualify promoting for changing or keeping the Iranian local music, but rather assumes in efficiency way to promote Iranian local music of Bujnord, the North of Khorasan, for Iranian teenagers in this current.

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