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Then ya gotta watch the CPAC reform gang demonstrate Legal Certainty the infinite research of Legal Certainty

elusivity equal infinite interpretations Its OK part of the schematics oving on from material to spiritual world while they determine for certainty the Legal Certainty!!! If only "pirit of Law direct could find self in material world instead of awarded posthumously As chief law officer# the Attorney $eneral has a special responsi%ility to %e the guardian of

that most elusive concept

& the rule of law' The rule of law is a well esta%lished legal principle# %ut

hard to easily define.

It is the rule of law that protects individuals# and society as a whole'

from ar%itrary measures and safeguards personal li%erties' (ule of Law http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*(ule,of,law The (ule of law in its most %asic form is no one is a%ove the law' Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately e-ercised only in accordance with# pu%licly disclosed laws# adopted and enforced in accordance with esta%lished procedural steps that are referred to as due process' The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy' According to modern Anglo&American thin+ing# hallmar+s of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a clear separation of powers,

legal certainty#
the principle of legitimate e-pectation and equality of all %efore the law' The concept is not without controversy# and it has %een said that .the phrase the rule of law has %ecome meaningless than+s to ideological a%use and general over& use. $O PO/ $eneral Over&use Proclamations Only /lusivity pu%licly disclosed laws 01' 234 The Constitution of Canada is

the supreme law of Canada,

and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is# to the e-tent of the inconsistency#

of no force or effect.

A reform yahoos says the senate independent apr5s P


6rea+ out the undies 7ran+y goes to court despite "enator Threat http)**doc+et38'com*a%out9'html Crown appoints $overnor $eneral through provincial Lieutenant $overnors Prime inisters appoints "enators in consultation a%ove and Premiers :a+in

A righteous reformer suggested poisoning su%;ects su%;ects Thats %een underway : the retort : for the longest while %ut no indications cur%ing rats insatia%le appetite That was done through the <omer Act as it appeared inevita%ly would %alance the %oo+s

Kill 1 %irds with 3 "toned "ave <umanity http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch= annotation,id>annotation,30813?@feature>iv@src,vid>sA08Bf9%n7 @v>3 C3; q67DE Depopulate to 3 6illion http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch=feature>endscreen@v>sA08Bf9%n7 @F(>3 Depopulation poisoning us

/-plaining why they refuse to produce the e-isting cancer cure www'IyffyI'com In your face for your Information <oly screw 6atman Eep %eing why China lifting child %an (o%in Than+ $od the constitutional monarchy su%;ects prefer the fresh younguns or we would %e eaten whole ItGs not that (o%in ''' the ma;ority needed to produce : %ut right ya are always than+ $od The people another su%;ect su%;ect to the su%;ects enslaving them Do ya get the feeling (eform not a%out the people 6ut the divvy up of their collateral value among the </ H <uman /nslaved share holders Tradition Criminal due process cannot %e altered without unanimous Criminal hierarchy consent /-cerpt from www'"ap6oat38'com "anity a popular 6elief of artificial truths In a constitutional monarchy the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which creates the courts' Thus the courts had no power to compel the sovereign to %e %ound %y the courts# as they were created %y the sovereign for the protection of his or her su%;ects' http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3IJJ8K1IK*Italian&politicians&agree&to&aid&against&last&(atL&Pope http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*39IKI0J1?*Chen&the&Mueen&is&Tried&and&7ound&to&6e&Criminal&Chat&Are& <er&(epresentatives The Mueens participation in Child Traffic+ing cannot %e considered criminal in constitutional monarchy courts eh=

It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney $eneral must carry out the inisterGs criminal prosecution responsi%ilities independent of Ca%inet and of any partisan political pressures' The Attorney $eneralGs responsi%ility for individual criminal prosecutions must %e underta+en & and seen to %e underta+en & on strictly o%;ective and legal criteria# free of any political considerations' Chether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy' This responsi%ility has %een characteriLed as a matter of the

Attorney General acting as the Queen's Attorney

& not as a inister of the government of the day' 9

The role has %een referred to as .;udicial&li+e. and as the .guardian of the pu%lic interest.' Pio Age Pu%lic interest override Attorney general eats

NThere were no dates in this history# %ut scrawled this way and that across every page were the words 6enevolence (ighteousness and orality : finally I %egan to ma+e out what was written %etween the lines' The whole volume was %ut a single phrase# /at PeopleO "o it is writ people to %e eaten Damn gay people do not produce +ids neglecting their fair share to feed the furnace $ee Pope and erry men (o%%ing <oods saintly right in hating gays doesnt seem right to 7ran+y O%viously with infamous %ias interest

www'(eformAps38'com please!!! If we thoroughly %oiled# roasted decontaminated in some manner could we develop a taste for rat= Ce eat their shit dont we : oops fau- pas 7reudian slip As I live and 6/D 6reathe /at Drin+ yam what I yam Popeye= Twas the night %efore Pmas not a creature was stirring that was discerna%le for I ( 3 (eform rep in reform house complains of not %eing in house <as there %een an all out campaign to ensure the people are in the house through CPAC=
Could they understand intellectual detersives and why should they when must %e comprehensi%le to all And why wouldnt they go direct de ;ure ta+ing the (omans 38 de facto "pirit of Law %y&pass www'AP"38'com "ame for all cultures hammer Democracy is a form of government in which all citiLens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives' Ideally# this includes equal 2and more or less direct4 participation in the proposal# development and passage of legislation into law' It can also encompass social# economic and cultural conditions that ena%le the free and equal practice of political self&determination' The term comes from the $ree+) QRSTUVWXYW H 2dZmo+rat[a4 "rule of the people"#\3] which was coined from QST^ 2d_mos4 "people" and UV`XT^ 2Kratos4 "power"# in the middle of the 0th&9th century 6C to denote the political systems then e-isting in some $ree+ city&states# nota%ly Athens following a popular uprising in 0JI 6C'\1]

(eformers ultimate quest a ransac+ing due process of non detect They spea+ of founding fathers dear $od father in heaven CT7 who the hell are you= K

To %e completely honest with you never heard on CPAC reform and in retrospect when I hear such words I wonder the integrity of all the other words on either side of the denoted and then go on to suspect the denoted is the %est lie the denoters got 7or $od sa+e Lord ma+e that our sa+e Lord turn off their praying In continuity of stumped persistence to truth trumped %eg wherefore art thou +ingdom come I loo+ to the resilience of the tree +nowing I will never see a poem as lovely as nor a %righter life form when stumped apply T/C/ PFT( (C( Trial /rror Cause /ffect Progressive Fature Thought (eason (etrospect Constant (ecali%ration realiLing an epiphany what was traditionally thought was not thought at all This type of freedom# which is connected to human .natality#. or the capacity to %egin anew# sees democracy as .not only a political system: \%ut] an ideal# an aspiration# really# intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to %e humanaof what it is a human should %e to %e fully human'.\0]
7rom the stumped a lesson to %e learned from %anality to natality Truth will set you free

It is to say 7or $od sa+e people ''' ma+e that for your sa+e ''' a tree can advance greater with its head cut off!! .Thy +ingdom come. c Pig usical Chairs Puppets in glomming Thy Kingdom Come Puppets in $overnance edia /lusives


The request for $odGs +ingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the %elief# common at the time# that a figure would %ring a%out a Kingdom of $od' Traditionally the coming of $odGs Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to %e prayed for#

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequently challenged %y groups who %elieve that the Kingdom will come %y the hands of those faithful to wor+ for a %etter world' It is %elieved %y these individuals that besusG commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring'



Puppets in $overnance

edia /lusives Opposition Ce%

http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*Kingdom,of,$od The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2CCC4 teaches that the coming (eign of $od will %e a +ingdom of love# peace# and ;ustice'\18] bustice is defined as a virtue where%y one respects the rights of all persons# living in harmony and equity with all'\19] The Kingdom of $od %egan with ChristGs death and (esurrection and must %e further e-tended %y Christians until it has %een %rought into perfection %y Christ at the end of time' \10] The Christian does this %y living the way Christ lived# %y thin+ing the way Christ thought#\18] and %y promoting peace and ;ustice'\1K] This can %e accomplished %y discerning how the <oly "pirit 2$od4 is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances of oneGs life'\1K] Christians must also pray# as+ing $od for what is necessary to cooperate with the coming of $odGs Kingdom' \1B] besus gathered disciples to %e the seed and the %eginning of $odGs (eign on earth# and besus sent the <oly "pirit to guide them'\1I] besus continues to call all people to come together around him\1?] and to spread the Kingdom of $od across the entire world'\8J] <owever# the ultimate triumph of ChristGs Kingdom will not come a%out until ChristGs return to earth at the end of time'\83] During ChristGs second coming# he will ;udge the living and the dead' Only those who are ;udged to %e righteous and ;ust will reign with Christ forever'\81] ChristGs second coming will also mar+ the a%solute defeat of all evil powers# including "atan'\88] Antil then# the coming of the Kingdom will continue to %e attac+ed %y evil powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their "avior'\89] This is why Christians pray to hasten ChristGs return %y saying to him . aranatha!. which means .Come# Lord besus!.'\80] http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*/nd,time Chile some who %elieve in the literal interpretation of the 6i%le insist that the prediction of dates or times is futile# some other writers %elieve that besus foretold of signs which would indicate that the .end of days. was near' "ome of these signs include earthqua+es# natural disasters# civil pro%lems# .wars and rumors of wars#. and other catastrophes' Of the precise time# however# it will come li+e a .thief in the night. 23 Thess' 0)14' http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*(esurrectionc/-ternal,lin+s dom%ies %ecame a popular device in modern horror fiction# largely %ecause of the success of $eorge A' (omeroGs 3?KI film Fight of the Living Dead\3B] and they have appeared as plot devices in various %oo+s# films and in television shows' dom%ie fiction is now a siLea%le su%&genre of horror# usually descri%ing a %rea+down of civiliLation occurring when most of the population %ecome flesh&eating Lom%ies H a Lom%ie apocalypse' The monsters are usually hungry for human flesh# often specifically %rains' "ometimes they are victims of a fictional pandemic illness causing the dead to reanimate or the living to %ehave this way# %ut often no cause is given in the story' $enocide is the deli%erate and systematic destruction# in whole or in part# of an ethnic# racial# religious# or national group'\3] Chile a precise definition varies among genocide scholars# a legal definition is found in the 3?9I Anited Fations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of $enocide 2CPPC$4' Article 1 of this convention defines genocide as .any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy# in whole or in part# a national# ethnical# racial or religious group# I

as such) +illing mem%ers of the groupe causing serious %odily or mental harm to mem%ers of the groupe deli%erately inflicting on the group conditions of life# calculated to %ring a%out its physical destruction in whole or in parte imposing measures intended to prevent %irths within the groupe \and] forci%ly transferring children of the group to another group'.\1] 6ecause of the influence of boseph "talin#

this definition of genocide under international law

does not include political groups.


Another criticism of the CPPC$ is that when its provisions have %een invo+ed %y the Anited Fations "ecurity Council# they have only %een invo+ed to punish those who have already committed genocide and

been foolish enough to leave a paper trail.

It was this criticism that led to the adoption of AF "ecurity Council (esolution 3KB9 %y the Anited Fations "ecurity Council on 1I April 1JJK commits the Council to action to protect civilians in armed conflict and to protect populations from genocide# war crimes# ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity' $enocide scholars such as $regory "tanton have postulated that conditions and acts that often occur %efore# during# and after genocidea such as dehumaniLation of victim groups# strong organiLation of genocidal groups# and denial of genocide %y its perpetratorsa can %e identified and

actions ta!en to stop genocides before they happen.

Critics of this approach such as Dir+ oses assert that this is unrealistic and that# for e-ample#

""arfur will end when it suits the great powers that have a sta!e in the region".

To watch them on CPAC gives credence to Confucius say .It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change. NThey must often change who would %e constant in happiness or wisdomO <eavily invested in new fangled wet your pants and c 1 laughter undergarments sway

/-orcism of Legal Aid criminal lawyers sustaina%le growth asters of (eciprocity /-ponential O(/!!! http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i* ore,23?K?,film4 Ees : we got no %ananas!!!! 7rom lofty vantage point arrogance tree grows roots through depths of poverty Legal Aid for sustaina%le growth as impoverished come along in sync Chen wealth ails oin+ing of the pigs prevailing winds of (</TO(IC" (eform <umanity /nslavement Tradition Operand (ighteousness in Counterfeit 6ill "tatutes "in+ holes of sustaina%le growth founded on quic+sand Criminal Lawyers need criminals : edical people need sic+ http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3I91J830I*Crown&Attorney&$eneral&Criminal&Lawyer&Cartel www'IyffyI'com In your face for your Information
Any more political religious legal aid and it will %e all over %ut the %urying cover&up ashes to ashes stin+ gone let the new fated Lost CiviliLation %egin

7orthright 7orthwith 7orthcoming 777

http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch=v>8w<w&-uToIc "umerians and the Annuna+i H decharia "itchin H FAdI H Fi%uru Aliens dionist Interest here for $old This Lost CiviliLation 2misnomer4 %egan some time after earth allowed life to %egin again after 19JJ 6C nuclear war

777 7ic+le 7ate 7inger 3J

8KJJ years coming of floods advanced to <'A'A'('P selected go to underground sewers Once in we of higher ground need only pull the plugs <owever Truth in prevention %ut# <ow does one identify an Alien among human nations alienation= www'Obtas+'com O%struct bustice truth and source +ill http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3BII38I??*Dear&Lord&who&should&%e&fired 6less em All At B3 health failing arms in air almost there to impoverished state where I can access the Legal Aid system providing the fodder sustaining the ultimate criminal element that ultimately finished me off

I shoulder alone however the %ell tolls for free and oh ya : thee http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3KK0830JK*Done&Chat&I&Can&to&"ave&Corld&6all&Fow&in&Eour&Court (eciprocity /quili%rium FaturaliLed Opulence http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3I1IJ0B30*(/FO&38 (oman /galitarianism Feutering Orientation <i 6o% can we Tal+= bust a thought : not much of a tal+er : %ut was a time when had a %eer : http)**B3'3I'88'8*a%out3K'html

Please Clic+


7ran+ 38 2 ini 6o%4 and 6o%Gs your Ancle versus Ancle "am= Feither for nor against 7ord not informed enough <owever for sane legal law due process time to test the power of the "pirit #reedom of culture but not the spirit$$$ "pirit of Law Precedence (ule of Law Due Process Legal Certainty CT7= www'(eform'Aps38'com "overeignty of the People %eyond the 6elief 10JJ years later the people rise again# however sanely this time setting precedence utiny Piracy as you will Perhaps ta+e a legitimate un%iased poll to see if the e-pense of a referendum is reasona%le Landslide one way or the other!!! edia puppets of www'DamageControl38'com N7ine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtueO Creatures of traditional ha%it 6" & 6ac+ "ta%%ing and charging for %leeding on the rug To say lied to the media pot calling the +ettle %lac+ To not inform of humanity need to +now a crime against humanity In the name of $od of# for and with the People CT7 http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch=v>A%ACC$fKq&c

This should never leave the air ways until e-haustively dealt with


If evidence of criminality file the charges The Attorney $eneral does not# however# direct or cause charges to %e laid' Chile the Attorney $eneral and the Attorney $eneralGs agents may provide legal advice to the police#

the ultimate decision

whether or not to lay charges is for the police' Once the charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed# and in what manner# is for the Attorney $eneral and the Crown Attorney'

www'(eform'Aps38'com The people empowered 7ord a (eferendum to oust= Time to set legal democratic precedence power of the people
Democracy is a form of government in which all citiLens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives' Ideally# this includes equal 2and more or less direct4 participation in the proposal# development and passage of legislation into law' It can also encompass social# economic and cultural conditions that ena%le the free and equal practice of political self&determination' The term comes from the $ree+) QRSTUVWXYW H 2dZmo+rat[a4 "rule of the people"#\3] which was coined from QST^ 2d_mos4 "people" and UV`XT^ 2Kratos4 "power"# in the middle of the 0th&9th century 6C to denote the political systems then e-isting in some $ree+ city&states# nota%ly Athens following a popular uprising in 0JI 6C'\1]

According to some theories of democracy# popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system' \8] <owever# the democratic principle has also %een e-pressed as .the freedom to call something into %eing which did not e-ist %efore# which was not given : and which therefore# strictly spea+ing# could not %e +nown'.\9] This type of freedom# which is connected to human .natality#. or the capacity to %egin anew# sees democracy as .not only a political system: \%ut] an ideal# an aspiration# really# intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to %e humanaof what it is a human should %e to %e fully human'.\0]


Ees firginia : there aint no "atanic Clause!!!


http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*338II1?BB*"pirit&Intent&Precedence&de&bure&Constitution&or&(omans&38& $aming&the&"ystem&de&7acto Reform Beyond the Belief Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is

the belief
that the legitimacy of the state is created %y the will or consent of its people# who are the source of all political power' It is closely associated to the social contract philosophers# among whom are Thomas <o%%es# bohn Loc+e and bean&bacques (ousseau' Popular sovereignty e-presses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or descri%e a political reality'\3] It is often contrasted with the concept of parliamentary sovereignty# and with individual sovereignty' 6en;amin 7ran+lin e-pressed the concept when he wrote# .In free governments# the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns'.\1] 39

"pirit of Law Precedence (ule of Law Due Process Legal Certainty CT7= www'(eform'Aps38'com Could fote at AP"38'com http)**B3'3I'88'8*a%out39'html <owever the Pu%lic would have to %e informed!!! I suspect they prefer an uninformed silent ma;ority eh=

;ects <oly screw 6atman Eep %eing why China lifting child %an (o%in Than+ $od the constitutional monarchy su%;ects prefer the fresh younguns or we would %e eaten whole ItGs not that (o%in ''' the ma;ority needed to produce : %ut right ya are always than+ $od 30

The people another su%;ect su%;ect to the su%;ects enslaving them Do ya get the feeling (eform not a%out the people 6ut the divvy up of their collateral value among the </ H <uman /nslaved share holders Tradition Criminal due process cannot %e altered without unanimous Criminal hierarchy consent /-cerpt from www'"ap6oat38'com "anity a popular 6elief of artificial truths In a constitutional monarchy the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which creates the courts' Thus the courts had no power to compel the sovereign to %e %ound %y the courts# as they were created %y the sovereign for the protection of his or her su%;ects' http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3IJJ8K1IK*Italian&politicians&agree&to&aid&against&last&(atL&Pope http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*39IKI0J1?*Chen&the&Mueen&is&Tried&and&7ound&to&6e&Criminal&Chat&Are& <er&(epresentatives The Mueens participation in Child Traffic+ing cannot %e considered criminal in constitutional monarchy courts eh=

It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney $eneral must carry out the inisterGs criminal prosecution responsi%ilities independent of Ca%inet and of any partisan political pressures' The Attorney $eneralGs responsi%ility for individual criminal prosecutions must %e underta+en & and seen to %e underta+en & on strictly o%;ective and legal criteria# free of any political considerations' Chether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an issue of government policy' This responsi%ility has %een characteriLed as a matter of the

Attorney General acting as the Queen's Attorney

& not as a inister of the government of the day' The role has %een referred to as .;udicial&li+e. and as the .guardian of the pu%lic interest.' Pio Age Pu%lic interest override Attorney general eats


NThere were no dates in this history# %ut scrawled this way and that across every page were the words 6enevolence (ighteousness and orality : finally I %egan to ma+e out what was written %etween the lines' The whole volume was %ut a single phrase# /at PeopleO "o it is writ people to %e eaten Damn gay people do not produce +ids neglecting their fair share to feed the furnace $ee Pope and erry men (o%%ing <oods saintly right in hating gays doesnt seem right to 7ran+y O%viously with infamous %ias interest

www'(eformAps38'com please!!! 3B

If we thoroughly %oiled# roasted decontaminated in some manner could we develop a taste for rat= Ce eat their shit dont we : oops fau- pas 7reudian slip As I live and 6/D 6reathe /at Drin+ yam what I yam Popeye= Twas the night %efore Pmas not a creature was stirring that was discerna%le for I ( 3 (eform rep in reform house complains of not %eing in house <as there %een an all out campaign to ensure the people are in the house through CPAC=
Could they understand intellectual detersives and why should they when must %e comprehensi%le to all And why wouldnt they go direct de ;ure ta+ing the (omans 38 de facto "pirit of Law %y&pass www'AP"38'com "ame for all cultures hammer Democracy is a form of government in which all citiLens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives' Ideally# this includes equal 2and more or less direct4 participation in the proposal# development and passage of legislation into law' It can also encompass social# economic and cultural conditions that ena%le the free and equal practice of political self&determination' The term comes from the $ree+) QRSTUVWXYW H 2dZmo+rat[a4 "rule of the people"#\3] which was coined from QST^ 2d_mos4 "people" and UV`XT^ 2Kratos4 "power"# in the middle of the 0th&9th century 6C to denote the political systems then e-isting in some $ree+ city&states# nota%ly Athens following a popular uprising in 0JI 6C'\1]

(eformers ultimate quest a ransac+ing due process of non detect They spea+ of founding fathers dear $od father in heaven CT7 who the hell are you= To %e completely honest with you never heard on CPAC reform and in retrospect when I hear such words I wonder the integrity of all the other words on either side of the denoted and then go on to suspect the denoted is the %est lie the denoters got 7or $od sa+e Lord ma+e that our sa+e Lord turn off their praying In continuity of stumped persistence to truth trumped %eg wherefore art thou +ingdom come I loo+ to the resilience of the tree +nowing I will never see a poem as lovely as nor a %righter life form when stumped apply T/C/ PFT( (C( Trial /rror Cause /ffect Progressive Fature Thought (eason (etrospect Constant (ecali%ration realiLing an epiphany what was traditionally thought was not thought at all This type of freedom# which is connected to human .natality#. or the capacity to %egin anew# sees democracy as .not only a political system: \%ut] an ideal# an aspiration# really# intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to %e humanaof what it is a human should %e to %e fully human'.\0]
7rom the stumped a lesson to %e learned from %anality to natality Truth will set you free


It is to say 7or $od sa+e people ''' ma+e that for your sa+e ''' a tree can advance greater with its head cut off!! .Thy +ingdom come. c Pig usical Chairs Puppets in glomming Thy Kingdom Come Puppets in $overnance edia /lusives


The request for $odGs +ingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the %elief# common at the time# that a figure would %ring a%out a Kingdom of $od' Traditionally the coming of $odGs Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to %e prayed for#

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequently challenged %y groups who %elieve that the Kingdom will come %y the hands of those faithful to wor+ for a %etter world' It is %elieved %y these individuals that besusG commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring'

Puppets in $overnance

edia /lusives Opposition Ce%

http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*Kingdom,of,$od The Catechism of the Catholic Church 2CCC4 teaches that the coming (eign of $od will %e a +ingdom of love# peace# and ;ustice'\18] bustice is defined as a virtue where%y one respects the rights of all persons# living in harmony and equity with all'\19] The Kingdom of $od %egan with ChristGs death and (esurrection and must %e further e-tended %y Christians until it has %een %rought into perfection %y Christ at the end of time' \10] The Christian does this %y living the way Christ lived# %y thin+ing the way Christ thought#\18] and %y promoting peace and ;ustice'\1K] This can %e accomplished %y discerning how the <oly "pirit 2$od4 is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances of oneGs life'\1K] Christians must also pray# as+ing $od for what is necessary to cooperate with the coming of $odGs Kingdom' \1B] besus gathered disciples to %e the seed and the %eginning of $odGs (eign on earth# and besus sent the <oly "pirit to guide them'\1I] besus continues to call all people to come together around him\1?] and to spread the Kingdom of $od across the entire world'\8J] <owever# the ultimate triumph of ChristGs Kingdom will not come a%out until ChristGs return to earth at the end of time'\83] 3?

During ChristGs second coming# he will ;udge the living and the dead' Only those who are ;udged to %e righteous and ;ust will reign with Christ forever'\81] ChristGs second coming will also mar+ the a%solute defeat of all evil powers# including "atan'\88] Antil then# the coming of the Kingdom will continue to %e attac+ed %y evil powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their "avior'\89] This is why Christians pray to hasten ChristGs return %y saying to him . aranatha!. which means .Come# Lord besus!.'\80] http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*/nd,time Chile some who %elieve in the literal interpretation of the 6i%le insist that the prediction of dates or times is futile# some other writers %elieve that besus foretold of signs which would indicate that the .end of days. was near' "ome of these signs include earthqua+es# natural disasters# civil pro%lems# .wars and rumors of wars#. and other catastrophes' Of the precise time# however# it will come li+e a .thief in the night. 23 Thess' 0)14' http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i*(esurrectionc/-ternal,lin+s dom%ies %ecame a popular device in modern horror fiction# largely %ecause of the success of $eorge A' (omeroGs 3?KI film Fight of the Living Dead\3B] and they have appeared as plot devices in various %oo+s# films and in television shows' dom%ie fiction is now a siLea%le su%&genre of horror# usually descri%ing a %rea+down of civiliLation occurring when most of the population %ecome flesh&eating Lom%ies H a Lom%ie apocalypse' The monsters are usually hungry for human flesh# often specifically %rains' "ometimes they are victims of a fictional pandemic illness causing the dead to reanimate or the living to %ehave this way# %ut often no cause is given in the story' $enocide is the deli%erate and systematic destruction# in whole or in part# of an ethnic# racial# religious# or national group'\3] Chile a precise definition varies among genocide scholars# a legal definition is found in the 3?9I Anited Fations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of $enocide 2CPPC$4' Article 1 of this convention defines genocide as .any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy# in whole or in part# a national# ethnical# racial or religious group# as such) +illing mem%ers of the groupe causing serious %odily or mental harm to mem%ers of the groupe deli%erately inflicting on the group conditions of life# calculated to %ring a%out its physical destruction in whole or in parte imposing measures intended to prevent %irths within the groupe \and] forci%ly transferring children of the group to another group'.\1] 6ecause of the influence of boseph "talin#

this definition of genocide under international law

does not include political groups.


Another criticism of the CPPC$ is that when its provisions have %een invo+ed %y the Anited Fations "ecurity Council# they have only %een invo+ed to punish those who have already committed genocide and

been foolish enough to leave a paper trail.

It was this criticism that led to the adoption of AF "ecurity Council (esolution 3KB9 %y the Anited Fations "ecurity Council on 1I April 1JJK commits the Council to action to protect civilians in armed conflict and to protect populations from genocide# war crimes# ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity' 1J

$enocide scholars such as $regory "tanton have postulated that conditions and acts that often occur %efore# during# and after genocidea such as dehumaniLation of victim groups# strong organiLation of genocidal groups# and denial of genocide %y its perpetratorsa can %e identified and

actions ta!en to stop genocides before they happen.

Critics of this approach such as Dir+ oses assert that this is unrealistic and that# for e-ample#

""arfur will end when it suits the great powers that have a sta!e in the region".

To watch them on CPAC gives credence to Confucius say .It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change. NThey must often change who would %e constant in happiness or wisdomO <eavily invested in new fangled wet your pants and c 1 laughter undergarments sway

/-orcism of Legal Aid criminal lawyers sustaina%le growth asters of (eciprocity /-ponential O(/!!! http)**en'wi+ipedia'org*wi+i* ore,23?K?,film4 Ees : we got no %ananas!!!! 13

7rom lofty vantage point arrogance tree grows roots through depths of poverty Legal Aid for sustaina%le growth as impoverished come along in sync Chen wealth ails oin+ing of the pigs prevailing winds of (</TO(IC" (eform <umanity /nslavement Tradition Operand (ighteousness in Counterfeit 6ill "tatutes "in+ holes of sustaina%le growth founded on quic+sand Criminal Lawyers need criminals : edical people need sic+ http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3I91J830I*Crown&Attorney&$eneral&Criminal&Lawyer&Cartel www'IyffyI'com In your face for your Information
Any more political religious legal aid and it will %e all over %ut the %urying cover&up ashes to ashes stin+ gone let the new fated Lost CiviliLation %egin

7orthright 7orthwith 7orthcoming 777

http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch=v>8w<w&-uToIc "umerians and the Annuna+i H decharia "itchin H FAdI H Fi%uru Aliens dionist Interest here for $old This Lost CiviliLation 2misnomer4 %egan some time after earth allowed life to %egin again after 19JJ 6C nuclear war

777 7ic+le 7ate 7inger 8KJJ years coming of floods advanced to <'A'A'('P selected go to underground sewers Once in we of higher ground need only pull the plugs <owever Truth in prevention %ut# <ow does one identify an Alien among human nations alienation= www'Obtas+'com O%struct bustice truth and source +ill http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3BII38I??*Dear&Lord&who&should&%e&fired 6less em All At B3 health failing arms in air almost there to impoverished state where I can access the Legal Aid system providing the fodder sustaining the ultimate criminal element that ultimately finished me off


I shoulder alone however the %ell tolls for free and oh ya : thee http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3KK0830JK*Done&Chat&I&Can&to&"ave&Corld&6all&Fow&in&Eour&Court (eciprocity /quili%rium FaturaliLed Opulence http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*3I1IJ0B30*(/FO&38 (oman /galitarianism Feutering Orientation <i 6o% can we Tal+= bust a thought : not much of a tal+er : %ut was a time when had a %eer : http)**B3'3I'88'8*a%out3K'html

Please Clic+

7ran+ 38 2 ini 6o%4 and 6o%Gs your Ancle versus Ancle "am= Feither for nor against 7ord not informed enough <owever for sane legal law due process time to test the power of the "pirit 18

#reedom of culture but not the spirit$$$ "pirit of Law Precedence (ule of Law Due Process Legal Certainty CT7= www'(eform'Aps38'com "overeignty of the People %eyond the 6elief 10JJ years later the people rise again# however sanely this time setting precedence utiny Piracy as you will Perhaps ta+e a legitimate un%iased poll to see if the e-pense of a referendum is reasona%le Landslide one way or the other!!! edia puppets of www'DamageControl38'com N7ine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtueO Creatures of traditional ha%it 6" & 6ac+ "ta%%ing and charging for %leeding on the rug To say lied to the media pot calling the +ettle %lac+ To not inform of humanity need to +now a crime against humanity In the name of $od of# for and with the People CT7 http)**www'youtu%e'com*watch=v>A%ACC$fKq&c

This should never leave the air ways until e-haustively dealt with If evidence of criminality file the charges The Attorney $eneral does not# however# direct or cause charges to %e laid' Chile the Attorney $eneral and the Attorney $eneralGs agents may provide legal advice to the police#

the ultimate decision

whether or not to lay charges is for the police' Once the charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed# and in what manner# is for the Attorney $eneral and the Crown Attorney'


www'(eform'Aps38'com The people empowered 7ord a (eferendum to oust= Time to set legal democratic precedence power of the people
Democracy is a form of government in which all citiLens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives' Ideally# this includes equal 2and more or less direct4 participation in the proposal# development and passage of legislation into law' It can also encompass social# economic and cultural conditions that ena%le the free and equal practice of political self&determination' The term comes from the $ree+) QRSTUVWXYW H 2dZmo+rat[a4 "rule of the people"#\3] which was coined from QST^ 2d_mos4 "people" and UV`XT^ 2Kratos4 "power"# in the middle of the 0th&9th century 6C to denote the political systems then e-isting in some $ree+ city&states# nota%ly Athens following a popular uprising in 0JI 6C'\1]

According to some theories of democracy# popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system' \8] <owever# the democratic principle has also %een e-pressed as .the freedom to call something into %eing which did not e-ist %efore# which was not given : and which therefore# strictly spea+ing# could not %e +nown'.\9] This type of freedom# which is connected to human .natality#. or the capacity to %egin anew# sees democracy as .not only a political system: \%ut] an ideal# an aspiration# really# intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to %e humanaof what it is a human should %e to %e fully human'.\0]

Ees firginia : there aint no "atanic Clause!!!



http)**www'scri%d'com*doc*338II1?BB*"pirit&Intent&Precedence&de&bure&Constitution&or&(omans&38& $aming&the&"ystem&de&7acto Reform Beyond the Belief Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is

the belief
that the legitimacy of the state is created %y the will or consent of its people# who are the source of all political power' It is closely associated to the social contract philosophers# among whom are Thomas <o%%es# bohn Loc+e and bean&bacques (ousseau' Popular sovereignty e-presses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or descri%e a political reality'\3] It is often contrasted with the concept of parliamentary sovereignty# and with individual sovereignty' 6en;amin 7ran+lin e-pressed the concept when he wrote# .In free governments# the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns'.\1]


"pirit of Law Precedence (ule of Law Due Process Legal Certainty CT7= www'(eform'Aps38'com Could fote at AP"38'com http)**B3'3I'88'8*a%out39'html <owever the Pu%lic would have to %e informed!!! I suspect they prefer an uninformed silent ma;ority eh=


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