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Darwish Appendix

@ The Prophet's honor mentioned in chapter "Al-Fath" - 11 There were 1400 Companions who pledged their allegiance under the tree at Hudaybiah and the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told them they had all been forgiven and would not enter Hell. @ The honoring of the Prophet in the Koran 1 Thereafter, the message spread over frontiers, in which other languages are spo!en. These nations e"amined the veracity of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, and many converted, then learned the #rabic language, and this is the reali$ation of the Prophet%s saying, & was sent for all races, the fair and the dar!. @ The Prophet's cleanliness 1! 'hen he slept his eyes were closed but his heart and internal being were not in the status of sleep, therefore he would ma!e ablution only when it was needed. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said, (y eyes sleep but my heart does not. @ The dail" life of the Prophet # #s it had been given to his servant in charity . He clarified the matter by saying, &t was charity to her, but a gift )from her* to us. @ $arriage and famil" life of the Prophet 1 1. +ou may be curious why it is the wish of Prophet (uhammad to have a greater number in his nation. Through him being instrumental in guiding his nation he will have more people who worship and praise #llah. ,n the -ight of the #scent (oses% wept because his nation will have a lesser number of people who worship and praise #llah alone. &t is not as may be conceived by a person%s reasoning. .. Prophet (uhammad, praise and peace be upon him, was sent during a time in which fit was common/place to have forty wives. The &slamic 0aw reduced the number of wives a man could have to four, and made it conditional when marrying more than one that 1ustice must prevail and each should be evenly treated, if this cannot be established, then a man should only marry one wife, and today 22.223 of marriages are monogamous, whereas the west, have for many decades, engaged in dating, free love and e"tra marital affairs. This way of life has unfortunately has been e"ported through the internet to young (uslims. @ Prophetic intellect is the root of each of his honora%le ethics & 4arwish%s draw your attention to the overloo!ed fact that the -ew Testament, found in the Christian 5ible is not the 6ospel given to Prophet 7esus by #llah, rather, it is the teachings of Paul who was not a disciple of 7esus. Paul is responsible for corrupting the purity of the teachings of 7esus who taught that #llah is ,ne, alone, the Creator of all things, and does not have a partner. Paul

substituted the ,neness of #llah for the concept of three gods in one and called it the trinity. @ The Prophet's co'rage and %ra(er" ) There were many occasions when the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, encountered perilous situations, however, he never faltered, he remained steadfast despite the circumstances, even when the most courageous and heroic of his Companions retreated. ,nce decided to advance, he was never seen to either retreat or waver, there has never in the history of man!ind been a person so brave. @ The Prophet's merc" and compassion *# #llah made His Prophet%s gentle disposition, concern and mercy encompass every sector of His creation. Part of the Prophet%s e"cellence is that #llah adorned him with two of His -ames when He said, "and is gentle, merciful" )281.9*. @ The Prophet in the +ight of his ,ord &# 1. &t is well !nown that 5urac! was the heavenly mount of the prophets, however, it had been centuries since he was last ridden. 5urac! was also aware of the esteemed ran! of the Prophet, and it was this that caused him to become fris!y, then when 6abriel spo!e to him about it, he bro!e out in a sweat. .. The elephants were brought to (ecca by #braha to destroy the :a%ba. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was permitted to fight in the Holy precinct of (ecca for 1ust one hour on the day he ,pened (ecca. @ The miracle of the -ight .o'rne" and the /ea(enl" Ascent &1 1. Please refer to our first introductory note relating to8 7udge ;yad and Hafi$ ibn Ha11ar in which Hafi$ ibn Ha11ar unifies the se<uence by organi$ing all the threads into 1ust one thread based upon his vast comprehension of event. There are many other authentic hadith which add more details to the event, both in the introductory phase of visions and of the actual. 7udge ;yad continues to throw more light upon the -ight 7ourney by drawing our attention to the reports of several Companions8 .. +ou may be curious why (oses wept. &t is because he will have a lesser number of people who worship and praise #llah alone, whereas Prophet (uhammad is happy because he will have a greater number of worshipers who praise #llah alone because he was instrumental in guiding them. =. Humans cannot penetrate their limitation because they are as if veiled. The Creator is never absent, but at the same time He is unreachable through the limitation of our human eyes, however, later in Paradise the believer will see Him.

@ 0e%'ttal to the -ight .o'rne" %eing a dream - &* There are some people, who lived many centuries after the #scent and -ight 7ourney too! place, who claim the event was a dream. To support their opinion they <uote the verse, "We did not make the vision (ru'yah) which We showed to you. except to e a trial for people" (1>8?0*. #ccordingly, they named the -ight 7ourney and #scent as being a vision, while the &sra verse negates such, because He said, !xalted is "e who carried "is worshiper (#rophet $uhammad) to travel in the night from the %acred $os&ue to the 'urthest $os&ue which We have lessed around it so that We might show him some of (ur signs. "e is the "earer, the %eer." )1>81* #nd no one can say that the -ight 7ourney was while he was sleeping. #lso, the word trial in )1>8?0* proves that it is the sighting of an eye because a vision has no trial in it, and no one will deny a vision regardless of how far its distance@ @ Did the Prophet see his ,ord1 && The report of #bbas% son is in reference to the Paradise status of the Prophet, as the Prophet sees #llah in Paradise with the eyes of Paradise, and remember, he had already entered Paradise on the -ight of #scent. 0ady #yesha, on the other hand, was referring to the opposite, which is that of a physical appearance of #llah in the same way the unbelievers of (ecca see their idols or the location of their idols. #llah said, "so ()llah) revealed to "is worshiper that which "e revealed". #llah revealed to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, His (ighty, Anseen :ingdom where he saw and witnessed the wonders of the angelic realm that can neither be e"pressed in words nor yet is it possible for human intellect to endure seeing or hearing, not even in its minutest atom. ,ne must reali$e that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was given powers far in e"cess of our own. Bor e"ample, he was given the strength and power to receive the intensity of the Cevelation, the witnessing of the communing of the angelic hosts, the -ight 7ourney from (ecca to 7erusalem when he was carried by 5urac! at the speed of light and thereafter his ascent through the heavens to the furthest limit. Cegarding his everyday affairs he told his Companions that #llah feeds him and gives him to eat and drin!, and that although his eyes slept his heart was always awa!e, all of which is beyond our reach. This e"ceptional blessing from #llah is far beyond our capacity to understand, and if one were to attempt such understanding then one%s mind would become paraly$ed. This fact is important to understand before progressing to the hadiths of 0ady #yesha and #bbas% son relating to the seeing of his 0ord. @ The proximit" of the Prophet and his nearness &! ,ther lesser scholars say it refers to #llah, however, their interpretation is based on the understanding of the 4ivine Hadith in which #llah says, 'hosoever comes close to (e by the span of a hand, & come close to him an arm%s length which means these scholars negated physical distance and directions by giving this e"ample.

@ The friendship and lo(e of Allah to /is Prophet - &2 1. There is a difference between the e"alted titles of %close friend% and %beloved% and these will be e"plained in due course. .. The Prophethood has perspectives between people and the prophet, whereas the friendship has a perspective between #llah and Prophet (uhammad, praise and peace be upon him, which ma!es it very special. @ Prohi%ition of fa(oring the Prophet o(er other no%le prophets - 31

(Shaykh Darwish added:. And the Prophet's evident high etiquette and elegance when he mentions his noble ellow prophets!.
(%haykh *arwish commented+ ,his is ecause no ordinary person, regardless of his rank or depth of knowledge is fit to -udge the prophets who are far higher than ordinary humans in all aspects especially their unseen &ualities.) @ The excellent names of the Prophet 3 (%haykh *arwish added+ #rior to receiving the .oran, the prophet's status was that of illiterate. ,he moment he ecame the recipient of the .oran his status was raised from that miraculous rank of eing illiterate to eing the human with the most knowledge of )llah, "is Words, religion, faith, perfection and matters pertaining to the material world.) @ The meaning of prophethood and $essengership 3! The #rabic word for revelation is wahy , and its root means to hasten . 'hen #llah sends words <uic!ly to His Prophet it is called Cevelation, and consists of three types. The first contains the challenge of the :oran which is the 'ord of #llah without human voicing and letters, the second is the 4ivine <uotations which is the meaning from #llah e"pressed in the words of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, in which he reports #s #llah said , the third is the Prophetic <uotations which is inspiration to the Prophet in his own elo<uent, uni<ue words. @ The meaning of miracles 3) 1. The ne"t section is dedicated to the splitting of the moon, and addresses this great miracle in detail. &n addition, the report of the ama$ing story of the sighting of the splitting of the moon by the sultan of :erala, &ndia. .. Praise be to #llah, & )4arwish* have been blessed to compile one of the largest collections of falsely attributed hadith which lists the name of each hadith liar. The false hadith are less than 13 of the total of all the authentic hadith. This collection can be downloaded from #llah.com @ 4nseen Di(ine affairs - !# 4uring the time of 7udge ;yad there was a sect !nown as Darmatians . This

sect was very active in their attempt to pervert &slam, but they li!e their predecessors were unsuccessful. Praise be to #llah, none have been successful to e"tinguish either the light of the :oran, nor yet alter a single word, or cause doubt in the minds of (uslims@ @ 5"gone generations and (anished nations mentioned in the Koran - !1 1. They had no other option but to admit that the news the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, brought came from the Anseen and thereby compelled to admit to its authenticity, and ac!nowledge its truthfulness but many refused to openly admit this. .. #mong the bishops of -a1ran were those who refused to accept the truth, as did Euriya%s son and the son of #!htab, the chief rabbi of (edina. They !new the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, spo!e the truth, but refused to ac!nowledge it as such. They were envious and stubborn, and thereafter died in disbelief. @ The splitting of the moon - !! 'e have heard that in .00? the prestigious 55C / 5ritish 5roadcasting Company / broadcasted significant scientific news from a report issued by the AE# space agency, -#E# whose astronauts discovered the signs of a crac! going across the moon. 'e also heard that this news was released by 4avid Pidcoc! @ Things transformed thro'gh the to'ch of the Prophet - )) #bu Hurayah reported over F000 prophetic sayings which were, with the e"ception of 4. prophetic sayings, also reported by many other Companions. This fact is proof that those who attempt to throw doubt on the science of hadith, or the personality of #bu Hurayrah are wrong, and (uslims should not doubt these reports. @ The Prophet's 6nowledge of some of the 4nseen and f't're )2 1. This hadith is reported in (uslim and is of the highest ran! of authenticity of collective narrations. The group referred to is spread throughout the nation and not a specific group or sector. &t is representative of the nation of Prophet (uhammad and consists of reciters of the :oran, scholars of prophetic sayings, 1urisprudence, prophetic life, worshipers, preachers and laymen and will continue as such up until the advent of #l (ahdi and the descent of 7esus. .. The bar!ing occurred as 0ady #yesha rode in seclusion in her howdah and upon hearing the bar!ing of the dogs she as!ed if she was in How%ab but those whose intention was to deceive her lied saying it was some other place. =. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, instructed ,mar and #li to as! ,wais to pray for them. &t was only after the death of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, that this great worshiper from the second generation became !nown to the Companions

4. The Dadiani are a deviant sect encouraged by the 5ritish. F. The doctrine of the :hari1ites was re/hatched by ibn Taymia and thereafter adopted by his adherents the 'ahabis who claim that the Creator has a physi<ue similar to that of His created human beings, and this falsehood forms an essential part of their belief. &t has been observed that among their maneuvering ploys is they approach the governing parties with the policy of live/ and/ let/live but as time progresses infiltrate and change policies to their favor. Their fanatical tactics against the moderate scholars has become apparent in #fghanistan, &ra< and ;ast #frica. @ The o%ligation to follow the g'idance of the Prophet - 2) 1. Echolars say innovations are either negative or positive. Those in !eeping with &slamic principals are positive, whereas those which are negative are those against &slamic principals. 5oth types are categori$ed under the five 1urisprudence classifications which are8 obligatory, forbidden, li!eable, disli!able, permission either to practice something or not to practice it. .. Anfortunately in Eyria and also in several western countries a false innovated doctrine has arisen. #dherents wear T shirts proclaiming statements such as, The people of :oran . These people cannot be considered to be representative of their claim in fact they are the opposite.

'hen we learn that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, practiced something, we should follow as much as we can. 5ut, if he ordered us not to do something we should stop immediately, however, if he did not do something there is no obligation to refrain from its doing unless it is sub1ect to a prohibition. @ The signs of lo(ing the Prophet - 7* Echolars say innovations are either negative or positive. Those in !eeping with &slamic principals are positive, whereas those which are negative are those which are against &slamic principals. 5oth types are categori$ed under the five 1urisprudence classifications which are8 obligatory, forbidden, li!eable, disli!able, permission to either practice something or not to practice it. @ The Prophet's de(otion to his famil"8 wi(es and descendants - 1## This hadith is reported in (usnad #hmad and ibn Hiban and -isai with multiple authentic chain of narrators. Hafi$ ibn Ha11ar said, Hafi$ ibn ,<da gathered it in a boo! of which most <uotations are authentic or designated as being fine. Euyuti said, it is (utawatta )collectively reported*. Hafi$ Gahabi said, it has fine chains. The meaning of the #rabic word mowalah in this hadith means &slamic love and support. &t does not mean becoming an appointed imam, though #li was elected to be the fourth guided caliph, because the Prophet says the truth and the claim of the Ehia would render the first three caliphs in error together with the ;migrants and Eupporters who collectively elected one caliph after the other by

giving them their allegiance. 'ith such understanding, the Ehi%ite twelve imams have earned the anger of #llah and His Prophet by accusing such a fine generation who spread the :oran and sunnah and with whom #llah is pleased. @ The respect8 6indness d'e to the 9ompanions and their rights - 1#1 This authentic hadith is an indication that #bu 5a!r should be the first caliph and ,mar the second.

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