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Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690 www.elsevier.de/baae

Insect pests in winter oilseed rape affected by field and

landscape characteristics
Johann G. Zaller!, Dietmar Moser, Thomas Drapela, Claudia Schmöger, Thomas Frank
Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research, Institute of Zoology, University of Natural Resources and Applied
Life Sciences, Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria

Received 24 January 2007; accepted 18 October 2007

Winter oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus) cropping is often associated with an intensive use of pesticides. The
transformation of structurally rich landscapes into more monotonous landscapes may be partly responsible for this,
because non-crop habitats believed to benefit natural enemies have been eliminated. We examined the influence of field
(soil quality, nitrogen fertilization) and landscape characteristics (OSR area and isolation, non-crop area, landscape
diversity, proportions of grassy fallows and woody areas) on three major European OSR pest groups: pollen beetles,
stem weevils, and brassica pod midges. Twenty-nine landscape sectors ranging from structurally poor to complex were
studied at eight spatial scales (radii 250–2000 m) centered in the studied OSR fields. Abundances of pollen beetles and
stem weevils were significantly positively correlated with soil quality and negatively related to OSR area in the
surroundings. Generally, abundances of all groups were positively related to woody areas, but not related to grassy
fallow area. Pod midges and stem weevils tended to respond primarily to landscape variables at small (250–500 m) and
medium (1000–1250 m) scales, while pollen beetles responded at medium to large (1000–2000 m) scales. The results are
discussed in relation to differences in overwintering strategies and mobility of pest insects. Strategies at the field and
landscape level, aiming to reduce pest pressure in OSR fields, are also discussed.
r 2007 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Der Anbau von Winterraps (OSR, Brassica napus) ist oft mit einem intensiven Pestizideinsatz verbunden. Zumindest
teilweise für diese Entwicklung verantwortlich gemacht wird die Umgestaltung von strukturreichen zu monotonen
Landschaften, da dabei naturnahe Habitate verloren gehen, die für die natürlichen Gegenspieler der Schädlinge
förderlich sind. Wir untersuchten den Einfluss von Feld- (Bodenqualität, Stickstoffdüngung) und Landschaftscha-
rakteristika (Anteil und Isolation der Rapsflächen, naturnahe Flächen, Landschaftsdiversität, Anteil an Grasbrachen
und Gehölzflächen) auf die Abundanzen von drei in Europa wichtigen Gruppen von Rapsschädlingen:
Rapsglanzkäfer, Gefleckter Kohltriebrüssler und Großer Rapsstängelrüssler und Kohlschotenmücke. An 29, von
strukturarm bis komplex reichenden Landschaftssektoren wurden auf acht konzentrischen Skalen um das
Untersuchungsfeld (Radius 250–2000 m), die Beziehungen zwischen Schädlingsabundanzen und Feld-/Landschaftvar-
iablen untersucht. Die Abundanzen der Rapsglanzkäfer und der Stängelrüssler korrelierten signifikant positiv mit der
Bodenqualität und signifikant negativ mit der Rapsfläche in der Umgebung. Generell waren die Abundanzen aller
!Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 1 47654 3205; fax: +43 1 47654 3203.
E-mail address: johann.zaller@boku.ac.at (J.G. Zaller).

1439-1791/$ - see front matter r 2007 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690 683

Schädlingsarten positiv beeinflusst von der umgebenden Waldfläche aber unbeinflusst vom Anteil an grasigen Brachen.
Kohlschotenmücken und Stängelrüssler reagierten vorwiegend auf Landschaftsvariablen im näheren (250–500 m) und
mittleren Umfeld (1000–1250 m), während Rapsglanzkäfer auf mittleren bis großen Skalen reagierten (1000–2000 m).
Die Resultate werden in Bezug zu den unterschiedlichen Überwinterungsstrategien und der Mobilität der Schädlinge
r 2007 Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Canola; Ceutorrhynchus napi; Ceutorrhynchus pallidactylus; Dasineura brassicae; Insect pests; Landscape ecology;
Meligethes aeneus; Oilseed crop; Pest–crop interactions; Spatial scales

Introduction Pest species considered in the current study include

(i) stem weevils (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh. and
In agroecological research it has been appreciated that Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll., Coleoptera, Curculionidae) that
plant–insect interactions and other ecological processes lay eggs in leaf petioles or midribs of OSR plants while the
depend on scales much larger than a single habitat larvae tunnel in the stems; (ii) pollen beetles (Meligethes
(Levin, 1992; Schneider, 1994; Wiens, 1989). Moreover, aeneus Fabr. and M. viridescens Fabr., Coleoptera,
studies using a landscape approach where area propor- Nitidulidae) that feed on pollen and destroy flower buds
tions, spatial arrangement and connectivity of habitats and (iii) brassica pod midge (Dasineura brassicae Winn,
were considered have shown that the influence of Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) that lay eggs into OSR pods
landscape complexity and structure tends to be spe- where the hatched larvae consume the seeds as well as
cies-specific and communities are made up of species tissue of the pod walls and cause the pods to split
with different spatial strategies (Kareiva & Wennergren, prematurely (Alford, Nilsson, & Ulber, 2003). Stem
1995; Pickett & Cadenasso, 1995; Thies & Tscharntke, weevils either pupate in the soil of the OSR field or in
1999; Wiens, Schooley, & Weeks, 1997; With, Pavuk, woodland and grassy field boundaries and are not very
Worchuck, Rhonda, & Fisher, 2002). Crop–pest inter- mobile; the pod migdes have more than one generation a
actions have mainly been studied on single-pest species year and pupate in the OSR field from which the weakly
by focusing either on the impact of field parameters or flying adults invade new OSR fields of the next year; the
on landscape structure but only rarely included both very mobile pollen beetles hibernate in woods and other
factors (Östman, Ekbom, & Bengtsson, 2001a). We sheltered sites (see Alford et al., 2003 and literature
investigated how the abundances of three major func- therein). With the exception of pollen beetles these pest
tional groups of insect pests in winter oilseed rape (OSR, species have never been studied in a landscape context.
Brassica napus L., canola) responded to field parameters Because pest species must migrate to colonize the crop the
and landscape characteristics at various spatial scales. spatial patterns of OSR fields and potential overwintering
We are not aware of any other studies that have sites were assumed to affect their abundances.
examined insect pest–field/landscape interactions on The specific objectives of this study were to determine
more than one group of insect pests. (i) whether field and landscape characteristics influence
The importance of OSR as a source for industrial and the major OSR pests in different ways, (ii) at which
nutritional oil has been increasing worldwide during the spatial scales the influence of landscape variables are
last decades as reflected by an increase of its acreage effective and (iii) possible consequences for field and
from 8.2 million ha to 27.0 million ha from 1970 till 2005 landscape management. Generally, we hypothesized
(http://faostat.fao.org/site/567/default.aspx). In many that the abundances of these specialized pests should
regions this is accompanied by a dramatic dispropor- be more related to variables describing OSR in the
tionate increase of pesticide application (Gianessi & landscape than to non-crop variables and that less
Marcelli, 2000). Prevalent pest problems are often mobile D. brassicae would respond to landscape
attributed to the transformations of formerly hetero- characteristics at smaller scales than the more mobile
geneous landscapes with high proportions of semi- Ceutorhynchus and Meligethes species.
natural non-crop habitats to more monotonous landscapes
mainly dominated by arable land and its local decrease
of biodiversity (Kareiva, 1990; Pickett & Cadenasso,
1995) and detrimental consequences for interactions Materials and methods
between pests and beneficial organisms (Menalled,
Marino, Gage, & Landis, 1999; Östman, Ekbom, Study area and landscape structure
Bengtsson, & Weibull, 2001b; Polis, Anderson, & Holt,
1997; Roland & Taylor, 1997; Thies & Tscharntke, The study region (about 240 km2) is located in the
1999). relatively flat region of Lower Austria, about 40 km east
684 J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690

of Vienna (altitudes of arable land ranging from at seeding rates between 3.1 and 5.2 kg ha"1. OSR fields
130–250 m a.s.l.; coordinates of the central area: were fertilized and treated with herbicides, fungicides
161570 E, 481040 N). During the study period from April and insecticides following common agricultural practice
to July 2005 the average temperature was 16.9 1C; the until December 2004. Starting January 2005, 1 ha of
rainfall during this period amounted to 336 mm (average each of the OSR fields was excluded from pesticide
temperature and rainfall in these months between 1990 applications and used for sampling insect pests and crop
and 2004 was 16.0 1C and 230 mm, respectively; weather plants for this study. A buffering zone of at least 10 m to
data were provided from the meteorological station the next sprayed OSR was kept. The preceding crop was
Bruck/Leitha located about 16 km to the west of the winter barley for 18 fields, winter wheat for 10 fields and
study region). The region mainly consists of farmland on poppy seed for one field (there was no relation between
chernozem soils cropped according to integrated pest the preceding crop and total pest abundances:
management guidelines (main crops: wheat, maize, r2 ¼ 0.032, P ¼ 0.354; logistic regression analysis).
barley, OSR, sunflower, sugar beet, poppy seed) inter- Stem weevil larvae were sampled in late April 2005 by
spersed with semi-natural non-crop areas such as removing 25 randomly chosen OSR plants along a 50 m
fallows, hedges and forest remnants. The 29 OSR study transect located in the central area of each study field,
fields were randomly selected from this region that stems were dissected subsequently and weevil larvae
covered a landscape complexity gradient ranging from therein counted. Two stem weevils (C. pallidactylus
structurally poor to complex (average minimum distance and C. napi) are major pests in the region with
between study fields: 1198 m). Scale effects were inves- C. pallidactylus comprising more than 80% of the stem
tigated by calculating landscape variables at eight weevil abundance. Adult pollen beetles were sampled
circular sectors ranging from 250 to 2000 m radius during OSR flowering in late April 2005 at sunshine and
around our study plots using the software packages low wind velocity between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on 25
ArcGis 9.1 and ArcView GIS 3.3 (ESRI Redlands, CA, randomly chosen OSR plants along a 50 m transect
USA). Intensive field surveys using real-color orthopho- located in central area of each field. A plastic bag was
tos (minimum resolution 0.25 m) were conducted in 2005 put over the top raceme, the raceme was cut off, and
to assess the current landscape composition. Landscape pollen beetles were counted in the laboratory. Pollen
variables calculated were proportions of OSR fields, beetle communities comprise several species of the genus
non-crop area, area of grassy fallows and woody areas Meligethes. In our study region, M. aeneus is the
(see Appendix A: Table 1). To characterize the landscape predominant one, M. viridescens can be observed only
diversity of the study area, the Shannon–Wiener index sporadically (Kraus & Kromp, 2002). Brassica pod
(Krebs, 1994) was calculated based on 14 habitat types midge larvae (D. brassicae W) were assessed in late May
(arable land, grassy fallows, woody fallows, copse, dry 2005 in 100 randomly chosen pods from the top racemes
grassland, dry shrubland, dry forests, riparian forest, of OSR plants along a 50 m transect located in the
woods along rivers, hedges, settlements, aquatic areas, central area of each field after dissecting the pods in the
roads, vineyards). Isolation of OSR fields in the land- laboratory.
scape was calculated by using a negative exponential For better comparability of fields, all pest abundance
weighting function, where isolation was calculated based data were expressed on a 1-m2 basis by using OSR stand
on the distances of neighbouring OSR fields to our study density data (average number of stems assessed in two 1-
field and OSR area of a given spatial scale using the m2 frames). OSR plants in the study plots were cut
formula: Isolation OSRi ¼ "S(e"distance # OSR areaj)/ within two 1-m2 frames per field in the third week of
Se"distance (Kruess, 2003). Information on field variables June 2005 and yields were assessed after threshing of
was obtained by a questionnaire among the participating pods and wind sifting.
farmers (see Appendix A: Table 1). The soil index
specifies the natural yield capacity of a field in relation to
the highest yielding area of the country (0ysoil with Statistical analyses and calculations
lowest yield capacity, 100ysoil with highest yield
capacity) and is an integrative measure of soil quality Effects of field and landscape variables on abundance
that encompasses additionally the soil type, humus of OSR pest species were analysed using an ordinary
content, soil depth, texture, density, structure, lime least-squares regression (OLS) model. Response vari-
content, gleying and soil congregation (ÖBG, 2001). ables were tested for normality using Shapiro–Wilk
W-statistic and log-transformed when necessary to meet
criteria for regression analyses (Zar, 1996). To analyse
Crop management and pest sampling scale effects, we compared the predictive power of
landscape variables measured at the eight spatial scales
OSR (cv. Californium) was sown by the farmers on (250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 2000 m radius
the 29 fields between 20 August and 14 September 2004 centered in our study fields) in a univariate regression
J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690 685

approach. Prior to multivariate analyses we tested the isolation (Fig. 1F) and the proportion of woody areas
predictor variables for intercorrelations (see Appendix (Fig. 1O). Abundance of pod midge larvae was
A: Table 2). Of the intercorrelating variables we positively related to landscape diversity (Fig. 1G) and
excluded those from the subsequent analyses that did the proportion of woody areas (Fig. 1M).
not characterize specific non-crop elements (N fertiliza- For most pest species responses to landscape variables
tion level, landscape diversity, non-crop area, OSR showed clear maxima at certain scales (Fig. 1).
isolation). Significant predictor variables were selected Abundance of pod midge larvae was explained by
by performing a forward stepwise selection followed by proportion of woody areas up to 500 m only but no
a backward elimination procedure (Yee & Mitchell, relation to woody areas at greater radii (Fig. 1M).
1991). Possible non-linear effects were accounted for by Additionally, pod midge abundance was significantly
using restricted quadratic and cubic spline functions associated with landscape diversity at 1000 and 1250 m
(Harrel, 2001). Linearity of the predictor variables were radius but was unrelated at other scales (Fig. 1G).
tested by comparing linear and non-linear terms (Wald Pollen beetle abundance was related to OSR area across
tests, F-statistics; Po0.05). At each step of the variable all tested scales (Fig. 1B) and related to OSR isolation at
selection, the significance of partial effects was tested by a low (250 m) and larger radii (X1250 m; Fig. 1E).
dropping each predictor term from the model (Wald Additionally, pollen beetle abundance was significantly
tests, F-statistics; Po0.05). Because variables arising related to landscape diversity at 1500 m (Fig. 1H, non-
from such nested measurement designs can be corre- crop area between 1250–1750 m radius (Fig. 1K and
lated, we allowed only the most significant of a group of woody areas above a radius of 250 m (Fig. 1N).
correlated variables (e.g., one landscape variable at Abundance of stem weevil larvae was significantly
different radii and different variables at the same radius) explained by OSR area between 500 and 1000 m (Fig.
to be included into the next step of variable selection. To 1C), by the isolation of OSR at 750 and 2000 m radius
test for possible spatial autocorrelation we used Moran’s (Figs. 1F) and by woody areas between 250 and 1000 m
I correlograms of residuals of the landscape regression radius and at 2000 m radius (Fig. 1O). Abundances of
model (Legendre & Legendre, 1998; Lichstein, Simons, tested pest species showed generally no relation to the
Shriner, & Franzreb, 2002). area of grassy fallows (data not shown).
Multivariate OLS analysis for pod midge abundances
revealed that no other variable except the proportion of
woody areas could significantly enhance the predictive
Results power of the model (univariate model result: r2 ¼ 0.279,
P ¼ 0.009). The multivariate model for the pollen
The investigated landscape sectors varied consider- beetles (r2 ¼ 0.770, Po0.001) contains two variables,
ably in their structure and complexity, and OSR fields the proportion of OSR at 1000 m radius (partial
differed in soil index and nitrogen fertilization (see r2 ¼ 0.368, Po0.001) and soil index (partial r2 ¼ 0.102,
Appendix A: Table 1). Overall, we found great variation P ¼ 0.0137) with a distinct negative response to OSR
in pest abundances among the studied OSR fields with area and a curvilinear relationship to soil index. The
mean abundances (7SE) of brassica pod midge plot of the partial effects indicated that pollen beetle
126716 m"2, pollen beetle adults 346777 m"2 and stem abundance was affected by the soil index mainly below
weevil larvae 3074 m"2. Abundance of pollen beetle 4% OSR area in the landscape (Fig. 2A). Above 4%
adults was significantly positively correlated with stem OSR area soil index played only a marginal role in
weevil larvae (r ¼ 0.650, Po0.001) and pod midge modulating the primary correlation of pollen beetle
larvae (r ¼ 0.440, P ¼ 0.015); abundance of pod midge abundance to OSR area. Maximum pollen beetle
larvae was not correlated with stem weevil larvae abundance is predicted by this model at lowest levels
(r ¼ 0.318, P ¼ 0.086). of OSR area and average soil index values (Fig. 2A).
Univariate regression analyses showed that only The final model for the stem weevil data (r2 ¼ 0.550,
abundances of pollen beetles (r2 ¼ 0.359, P ¼ 0.001) P ¼ 0.019) also consisted of two variables: soil index
and stem weevils (r2 ¼ 0.291, P ¼ 0.002) but not of pod (partial r2 ¼ 0.335, P ¼ 0.001) and proportion of woody
midges (r2 ¼ 0.015, P ¼ 0.492) were positively related to areas at a radius of 250 m (partial r2 ¼ 0.116,
soil index; nitrogen fertilization levels were not sig- P ¼ 0.017). The plot of the partial effects shows that
nificantly related to pest abundances. Pollen beetles abundance was highest when soil index values were
showed a negative relationship to OSR area (Fig. 1B) slightly above average and proportion of woody areas is
and positive relations with the isolation of OSR in high (Fig. 2B). While abundance showed a linear
the landscape (Fig. 1E), the proportion of non-crop response to woody area, the relation to soil index is
(Fig. 1K, woody areas (Fig. 1N) and landscape diversity curvilinear and resembles a saturation curve (Fig. 2B).
(Fig. 1H. Stem weevil larvae were negatively related to The Moran’s I correlograms gave no indication for
OSR area (Fig. 1C), but positively related to OSR spatial patterns in the residuals of the OLS model.
686 J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690

Fig. 1. Relationships between abundance of pod midge larvae (D. brassicae), adult pollen beetles (M. aeneus+M. viridescens) and
stem weevil larvae (C. pallidactylus+C. napi) and landscape variables derived from univariate ordinary least-square regression
analyses. Scale-dependent predictors are displayed for all investigated radii. Asterisks denote statistical significance: *Po0.05,
**Po0.01. With the exception of graphs B+C all relationships are positive.

OSR yield was significantly negatively correlated with abundance. However, it is most likely that bottom-up
pollen beetle abundance (Fig. 3B), but unrelated to the effects via the nutritional quality or the canopy
abundance of pod midge larvae (Fig. 3A) or stem microclimate of OSR could have influenced the search-
weevils (Fig. 3C). ing efficiency of pollen beetles and stem weevils and thus
altered their abundances (Walters, Young, Kromp, &
Cox, 2003). In fact, glucosinolates and their catabolites
in OSR have been found to be important cues for host
Discussion selection by pests of crucifers, aiding both orientation to
and recognition of the host plant (Bartlet, 1996). In the
Pest responses to field characteristics current study we used a double-zero cultivar that was
reduced in its glucosinolate and erucic acid content,
Abundances of pollen beetle adults and stem weevil however other secondary compounds may have been
larvae showed strong relations to soil quality but affected by soil quality (Nicholsorians, 1991). The
remained unrelated to nitrogen fertilization levels; pod curvilinear shape of the relationship between pollen
midges showed no relation to field characteristics tested. beetle and stem weevil abundance and soil index with a
Because pollen beetles and stem weevils do not over- maximum at average levels indicates that at low soil
winter or pupate in current OSR fields, their soil quality index, OSR quality was not suitable for pests. On the
is unlikely to have any direct effect on their current other hand at a higher soil quality the crop could have
J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690 687

exhibited a better ability to protect itself from herbivores Lawton, Polis, & Martinez, 1999). This was confirmed
via the production of secondary compounds (Cipollini & for pollen beetles, partly confirmed for stem weevils but
Bergelson, 2002). It remains to be tested experimentally, not for pod midges. Pollen beetles and stem weevils were
whether soil quality could also have affected the colour more abundant in landscapes with less OSR area and
and odour of OSR plants and thereby altered their less abundant when more OSR area was available. This
attractiveness to pest species. is in contrast to findings by Thies, Steffan-Dewenter,
and Tscharntke (2003), however could be explained by
the different methodological approaches. The coloniza-
Pest responses to landscape characteristics
tion by pollen beetle of a few potted OSR plants located
in old field margins in the former study may have
Generally, we hypothesized our specialist pest species
differed considerably from that of field-grown plants in
to be more responsive to the proportion and isolation of
the current study. Generally, the pest distribution
OSR than to non-OSR elements in the landscape (Holt,
patterns could be expected to mirror areas of OSR
and overwintering sites of the preceding year that
enabled the buildup of a certain landscape pest pool
that was then dispersed among available OSR area in
the current year (Hokkanen, 2000). However, since in
our region OSR cropping history and non-crop areas
did not change considerably during the last years
because agri-environmental programmes provided sub-
sidies to promote both OSR cropping and extensifica-
tion in the region (BMLFUW, 2006), we assume that
pest migration processes are most likely responsible for
these findings.
Pollen beetle abundance and non-crop area were
positively related suggesting that more complex land-
scapes support a greater variety of alternative host
plants for pollen beetles, and thereby complex land-
scapes may have enhanced pest populations (Frenzel &
Brandl, 1998). However, this finding appears to be in
contrast to that of others (Thies et al., 2003; Thies &
Tscharntke, 1999) who showed a negative relationship
between pollen beetle damage (i.e., number of podless
stalks) and non-crop area. Because pollen beetle
abundance and damage caused are well correlated
(Zaller, Moser, Drapela, Schmöger, & Frank, 2008)
several explanations could be considered for this
Fig. 2. Partial effects of field and landscape variables on the discrepancy. First, the parameter non-crop area per se
abundance of (A) pollen beetles adults (M. aeneus+M. does not adequately describe landscapes because non-
viridescens) and (B) stem weevil larvae (C. pallidactylus+C. crop usually encompasses various habitats (e.g., fallows,
napi) derived from multivariate ordinary least-square regres- woody areas, meadows) that can exert contrasting
sion analyses. effects on pest abundances. For instance, in our study

Fig. 3. Relationship between OSR yield and abundance of pod midge larvae (D. brassicae), pollen beetles (M. aeneus+M.
viridescens) and stem weevil larvae (C. pallidactylus+C. napi). Formulae, r2 and P-values derived from linear regression fits (n ¼ 29).
688 J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690

non-crop was mainly comprised of grassy fallows and tion that fallows are refuges for insect pests (Lethmayer,
woody areas, but only the latter showed a significant Nentwig, & Frank, 1997) could not be substantiated by
effect on pest abundances. Moreover, in our study our data.
grassland elements were mainly composed of grassy
fallows while in the former studies pastures and
meadows formed the grassland elements (Thies et al., Spatial aspects of pest responses
2003; Thies & Tscharntke, 1999). Second, contrasting
findings might again result from the fundamentally Our data showed that the scale at which each insect
different methodological approaches used. The positive group is influenced is related to each groups dispersal
relations between pollen beetles and non-crop in our capacity. Generally, pod midges seemed to respond to
study also suggest that natural enemies promoted by landscape factors at small (250–500 m; woody areas) and
non-crop areas (e.g. hymenopterous parasitoids – Thies medium scales (1000–1250 m; landscape diversity),
& Tscharntke, 1999; carabid beetles – Östman et al., pollen beetles showed effects at medium to large scales
2001b; spiders – Schmidt, Roschewitz, Thies, & (1000–2000 m; all variables except grassy fallows) while
Tscharntke, 2005; Drapela et al., unpublished data) stem weevils were related to landscape factors mainly at
had no detrimental influence on pests in our region. small to medium scales (500–1000 m; OSR area, isola-
Indeed we observed that parasitoids of pollen beetles tion OSR, woody areas). A limitation of available OSR
seemed to play only a minor role in our landscapes/ food at certain scales seemed unlikely to be responsible
region (Zaller et al., unpublished data) and there is for these relationships, however dispersal limitations
evidence that besides beneficial organisms also pests are might be the reason for these patterns (Kruess &
supported by non-crop structures (Thies, Roschewitz, & Tscharntke, 1994, 2000; Tscharntke & Kruess, 1999;
Tscharntke, 2005). With, Cadaret, & Davis, 1999). Pod midges are known
Pod midge abundance was unrelated to OSR vari- to be weak fliers with females usually dispersing no more
ables but positively related to landscape diversity and than a few hundred meters from their emergence sites.
woody areas. This finding seems somewhat surprising This might explain their response to woody areas at the
because pod midge adults are reported to emerge from very smallest scales, however our data also indicate that
the OSR field of the last year and in the following spring responses at medium scales are possible. In contrast,
migrate to the current OSR fields (Alford et al., 2003). pollen beetles can easily cross distances greater than that
However, it also has been observed that second and considered in the current study (Fritzsche, 1957) and are
third generations of these polyvoltine pests are over- therefore affected by landscape characteristics on
wintering in stands of other Brassicaceae (Paul, 2003). medium to large scales. Information on the mobility of
Thus, our data suggest that for this species a more stem weevils is generally scarce but they are reported to
diverse landscape with more woody areas increases the preferably make short flights (Schmutterer, 1956). Based
likelihood of finding alternative host plants. However, on the current results, however, this did not seem to
admittedly our understanding of landscape effects on hinder them to react to landscape effects across all
pod midges is still too scarce to be able to further scales.
interpret our findings. Overall, this study is a first attempt to understand
Two general trends for the three species groups could how abundances of different pest species might be
be seen in our data: (i) pest abundances were consis- affected by landscape characteristics and at what spatial
tently positively related to woody areas, and (ii) an scale this occurs, however, much more research is
absence of any relation between pest abundances and necessary to be able to elucidate the underlying
grassy fallows. For pollen beetles, the positive effect of processes particularly regarding pest migration patterns
woody areas can be explained by their ability to serve as and dispersion between metapopulations of pests in a
overwintering sites. For stem weevils and pod midge landscape. From a farmer’s perspective pollen beetles
that are thought to overwinter in non-woody areas it is appear to be the most important species because they
possible that woody areas in the vicinity of the actual showed the most pronounced negative impact on yields,
overwintering habitats could have climatically influ- however, data also showed that the studied pest species
enced these habitats (e.g., reduced wind exposition or were generally co-occurring in our fields. Our results
increased relative humidity; Foggo, Ozanne, Speight, & suggest that crop rotation schemes commonly in place in
Hambler, 2001). No detrimental effects of grassy fallows order to reduce the carry-over of OSR pest and disease
on populations of OSR pests could be identified problems should be expanded by a landscape perspec-
although these sites have frequently been shown to be tive. However, more multi-scale assessments conducted
important overwintering habitats for natural enemies in different regions are necessary to adequately pinpoint
of OSR pest species (Östman et al., 2001b; Thies how habitat features and the spatial configuration of
et al., 2003). The lack of a relation between pests and crop and non-crop elements can affect the abundance of
grassy fallows also suggests that a widely used assump- pest populations.
J.G. Zaller et al. / Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (2008) 682–690 689

Acknowledgments Kareiva, P., & Wennergren, U. (1995). Connecting landscape

pattern to ecosystem and population processes. Nature,
We are grateful to the farmers for participating in this 373, 299–302.
research project, the staff of the University Research Kraus, P., & Kromp, B. (2002). Parasitization rates of the
Farm Groß-Enzersdorf for providing post-harvest oilseed rape pests Ceutorhynchus napi, Ceutorhynchus
pallidactylus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) and Meligethes
equipment and to the Austrian Science Fund for
aeneus (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) by Ichneumonids in
supporting J.G.Z., D.M. and T.D. (Grant no. P16972).
several localities of eastern Austria. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin,
The regional governments of Lower Austria and Burgen- 25, 117–122.
land provided maps and aerial photographs of the project Krebs, C. J. (1994). Ecology: The experimental analysis of
area. Help by Norbert Schuller and Erhard Tesarik in the distribution and abundance (4th ed.). New York, USA:
field and laboratory is gratefully acknowledged. Harper Collins College Publishers.
Kruess, A. (2003). Effects of landscape structure and habitat
type on a plant–herbivore–parasitoid community. Ecogra-
Appendix A. Supplementary materials phy, 26, 283–290.
Kruess, A., & Tscharntke, T. (1994). Habitat fragmentation,
species loss, and biological control. Science, 264,
Supplementary data associated with this article can 1581–1584.
be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.baae. Kruess, A., & Tscharntke, T. (2000). Effects of habitat
2007.10.004. fragmentation on plant–insect communities. In B. Ekbom,
M. E. Irwin, & Y. Robert (Eds.), Interchanges of
insects between agricultural and surrounding landscapes
(pp. 53–70). Doordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Aca-
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