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Dialectical Anthropology, 11:1 (1986) 93-118

9 1986 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht - Printed in the Netherlands 93

Case Study



Mahfoud Bennoune*

Before the introduction of the cultural area al-Masudi's implacable environmental

concept by Mason in his study of numerous determinism as an erroneous, unproven
configurations of North American cultures, hypothesis.
the geographical or environmental
Al-Masudi undertook to investigate the reason for the
determinism approach had been prevalent levity, excitability and emotionalism in Negroes, and
elsewhere for a long time. In fact, an Arab attempted to explain it. However, he did no better than to
geographer, al-Masudi, describing the report, on the authority of Galen and ... al-Kindi, that the
northwestern Europeans in the tenth century reason is a weakness of their brains which results in a
weakness in their intellect. This is an inconclusive and
wrote that:
unproven statement. God guides whomever He wants to
guide [2].
The peoples o f the North are those for w h o m the sun is
distant from the zenith ... cold and d a m p prevail in those
regions, and snow and ice follow one another in endless
Instead, Ibn Khaldun offered an ecological,
succession. The warm h u m o u r is lacking a m o n g them; their material, and cultural explanation. That is,
bodies are large, their natures gross, their manners harsh, given the technology used at any one time,
their understanding dull and their tongues heavy ... their economic surpluses that sustain civilized life
religious beliefs lack solidity ... those o f them who are
could not be derived from the colder and
farthest to the north are the most subject to stupidity,
grossness and brutishness. [1]
tropical zones.
Nevertheless, this ancient doctrine of
In resorting to the postulation of a rigid environmental determinism has persistently
theory that ascertains a total environmental survived under various forms in the social and
determinism, al-Masudi implied in the above biological sciences. Thus, following the views
quoted passage, and in numerous other expressed by al-Masudi and others, Bodin
writings, that civilization as a way of life (1580), in his work on climatic and geographic
cannot possibly emerge, evolve and flourish conditions, divided the earth into three zones:
both in the tropical zones and the northern temperate, frigid, and torrid.
colder regions, such as Scandinavia, which he
described above. He went as far to suggest Whoever considers the nature o f the planets will find, ...
that this position accords with the three regions I have
that even the biological make-up of people is named, giving the most distant planet, that is Saturn, to the
predetermined by geographic factors. southern region, Jupiter to the middle one, and Mars to the
However, al-Masudi's geo-biological northern ... [3].
determinism was strongly rejected by Ibn
Khaldun. Indeed, with his outstanding Here appears the old magical and astrological
versatile mind that produced insightful critical belief that the stars, planets and various other
and original thought, Ibn Khaldun dismissed heavenly bodies influence the climatic zones
of the earth's surface. However, Bodin was
* Dr. M a h f o u d Bennoune, Department o f Anthropology, cautious enough to try to demonstrate also
University of Algiers. " h o w largely food, laws and customs have the

power to change nature" [4]. Buffon, as a the geographic element in the long history of human
naturalist, appeared to grasp the role played, development has been operating strongly and operating
persistently ... It is a stable force. It never sleeps. This
at least, by human labor in the transformation natural environment, this physical basis of history, is for all
of the physical landscape. He wrote that: intents and purposes immutable in comparison with the
other factor in the problem - shifting, plastic, progressive,
by his intelligence the animals have been tamed, subjugated, retrogressive man [10].
broken in, and reduced to perpetual obedience. By his
labour marshes have been drained, rivers embanked and
provided with locks, forests cleared, moorlands cultivated In this work, Semple combined both racial
... The entire face of the earth bears today the imprint of and environmental determinism, disguised by
man's power which, although subordinate to that of nature, a flowery romantic style. In stating her
has often done more [5].
doctrine, however, she resorted to subjective
personification and glorification of nature,
Though Buffon's man is a doer, the whose immutable solidity is contrasted with
technology that articulates him with the ephemeral human life. This may be an
environment is not mentioned. One of the esthetically satisfying lyric style, but it
most influential theorists of geographical conveyed and expressed bad science.
determinism was the French Enlightenment The second proponent of environmental
philosopher and sociologist, Montesquieu. In deterministic doctrine in the twentieth century
fact, when he attempted to explain the causal is Huntington; he suggested climatic changes
factors underlying the various Greek socio- which occurred in the Near East and southern
political regimes, he stated bluntly that "the Europe resulted in the shiftings of civilization
sterility of the soil in Attica established a in those parts of the world. Indeed,
popular government and the fertility of Huntington set himself the task of analyzing
Lacedaem, an aristocratic one" [6]. "the role of biological inheritance and
However, in the beginning of the 19th physical environment in influencing the course
century, Hegel dismissed environmental of history" [11]. He came to the conclusion in
determinism as a whimsical explanatory his book, entitled Mainsprings of Civilization
concept. He exclaimed dogmatically, "where - Heredity, Geography, Climate, that climatic
the Greeks once lived the Turks now live; and conditions determine human "social
that is an end to the matter" [7]. But, this did attitudes" [12]. He stated that
not eradicate the persistence of environmental
temperature, rainfall, and other climatic conditions have as
determinist explanations from the social and much effect upon social conditions as upon the human body
biological sciences. In the twentieth century ... To take a simple illustration, a hot climate, especially if
this doctrine has been championed by Semple it is humid, makes people feel disinclined to work. This
[8], who popularized Ratzel's anthropo- encourages the more clever people to get a living with as
geography in the English-speaking countries. little physical exertion as possible. Their example fosters the
growth of a social system in which hard work is regarded as
Besides advancing notions such as the plebian. Disinclination toward extra effort also leads to the
monotony of a desert environment inspires a neglect of medical care and sanitation, thus permitting
monotheistic religion, she stated that disease to play havoc, and still further reducing human
vigor. By encouraging one type of social organization and
in every problem of history there are two main factors, discouraging another, climate has great influence upon the
variously stated as heredity and environment, man and his development of civilization [13].
geographic conditions, the internal forces of race and the
external forces of habitat [9]. Even the nature of religion, for Huntington, is
determined by the physical environment.
Semple concluded her section on the Stability Without getting involved in a critical
of Geographic Factors in History, by discussion concerning his learned
emphasizing that considerations purporting to the interaction

between genetic, climatic and environmental There was gradually established a real science of the
factors, Huntington's view of a cultural relations o f man with nature - his present relations, and his
relations in the past ... it has been established to study the
system appears utterly superficial. As for the relations between man and his environment "[16].
overall theory of sociocultural causation, it is
based on the illusory assumption that men of Two years later, in 1926, Wallis, an American
genius are the prime movers of cultural and anthropologist, wrote:
societal evolution. This "big man theory"
masked behind his scientific jargon, led him to those who support the thesis that the geographical
environment is responsible for culture show nothing more
overlook the dialectical nature of
than culture must subsist in the environment, and that given
sociocultural dynamics. Thus, his attempt to the culture and the environment, a correlation between the
extricate the determinist factors underlying two can be made [17].
social and cultural causation failed because it
remained tinged with basic theoretical Having examined the general historical
premises of environmental determinism. background of environmental and
It was such erroneous theoretical geographical determinism, let us turn now to
assumptions that led Febvre, one of the most analyze briefly the work of a few
outstanding human geographers and anthropologists who have endeavored to
historians in modern times, to examine the extricate the "correlation" between humans
historical and magical roots of this doctrine. and their physical and cultural environments.
He dedicated a whole book, entitled simply A Mason's formulation of cultural area was
Geographical Introduction to History, to it further elaborated by Kroeber in the United
[14]. Febvre wrote of the environmental States. He introduced Ratzel's general
determinists: concept, known as the Oikumene (the
Let them by all means make the "powers of the soil" and inhabited), an idea which connotes various
the "forces of the climate" act on the "genius o f peoples" clusters of cultures scattered over diverse
and the "history of nations" as their fancy dictates. But environments. In so doing, Kroeber was
they may adventure alone. Their work seems to us sterile -
drawn to reformulate the geographical
if not dangerous. They have taken the problem o f
environment ready set from an old-time tradition. They distribution of cultural complexes (areas). He
have not tried to rejuvenate its settings they stick to that endeavored to make detailed comparative
geographical influence, at both powerful and obscure, cross-cultural studies in order to demonstrate
multiform and complex, which is exerted, they tell us, both the similarities and differences of numerous
on man physical and moral and on man social and political
cultural traits. But, as Wolf pointed out, "his
- on the colour o f his skin, the shape of his body, the
strength of his organism, his psychic qualities and defects, ultimate ordering of cultural forms ... was
his judicial, economic and religious institutions - even the always in terms of style, not in terms of
production of his mind, the creations o f art and genius. cultural components organized to solve the
They state it as a fact. But they do not prove it [15]. on-going life problems of people." [18] Thus
Kroeber and the geographical area school
Thus such grandiose and omnipotent theories, failed to grasp the significance of cultural
which indulge in explaining all sociocultural ecology.
causations by the geographic factor, failed to Cultural ecology as a resourceful research
explain anything at all. This then induced strategy was devised by Steward, who defined
Febvre to refute strongly the environmental it in the following terms:
deterministic doctrine and instead he tried to
Cultural ecology is the study o f the processes by which a
elaborate, define and elucidate the scientific
society adapts to its environment. Its principal problem is to
study of human interaction with geographical determine whether these adaptations initiate internal social
settings. This discipline is called in France transformation or evolutionary change ... Its method
" H u m a n Geography." requires examination o f the interaction o f societies and

social institutions with one another and with the natural

To put it differently, he thought that there are
environment ... It distinguishes different kinds o f
sociocultural systems and institutions, recognized both
primary features or components of a culture
cooperation and competition as processes of interaction, that constitute a cultural and ecological core
a n d it postulates that environmental adaptations depend on which are ,integrated into the sociocultural
the technology, needs, and structure o f the society and on features or components which are diffused,
the nature o f the environment. It includes analyses o f shaped haphazardly by the complex
adaptations to the social environenmnt . . . . [19].
interactions of cultures. Steward seems to
imply that only certain aspects of culture are
In other words, culture is conceived as an ecologically determined. As a result, he ended
adaptive mechanism devised to articulate up by introducing an apparent determinism,
people with their social and physical which he rejected in formulating his energy
environment. The significance of Steward's system, that resembles the Wittfogelian
definition of cultural ecology refuted both hydraulic-ecological determinism. In so
cultural and environmental determinism. As doing, Steward underestimated, on the one
Wolf explained it: hand, the effects of external interrelationships
of cultures, and on the other, he overlooked
It differs from either environmental determinism, which
the basic fact that the functional
strives to explain culture in terms of its environment or
cultural determinism, which explains the adaptation to the interrelatedness of all social elements and their
environment purely as a result of culture, by making the cultural components are integrated into the
question of how a particular technology is used in a whole sociocultural system. Nevertheless,
particular environment an open one. Social organization Steward's great merit and most important
appears no longer as a category like material culture or
contribution to cultural anthropology lay in
ideology, but as a complex process by which groups of
people within societies relate themselves to each other in the
the fact that he stimulated ecological research
setting of available resources [20]. and thus set in motion the study of cultural
ecology, not as a theory, but as a research
Nevertheless, when Steward explained how strategy and method in cultural anthropology.
the ecological "interaction areas" or "social As Sahlins observed more accurately and
fields" were interrelated, he postulated with great insight, people have complex
erroneously that cultures are made up of dialectical relationships with their ecological
integrated cores, ecologically determined by settings and their physical environment from
random diffusion from adjacent areas, and a which they derive their sources of livelihood.
peripheral boundary which he refers to as By transforming nature, they usher in
merely "the rest of culture," not too involved processes that change and transform
in the processes of cultural adaptation. sociocultural values, and vice-versa. "It is the
Steward explained the concepts of core and environment that is passive, an inert
periphery thus: configuration of possibilities and limits to
development, the deciding forces of which lie
Cultural core - the constellation of features which are most
in culture itself and in the history of culture."
closely related to subsistence activities and economic
arrangements. The core includes such social, political and
He added that, "there is an idea of
religious patterns as empirically determined to be closely reciprocity, of a dialogue between cultures
connected with these arrangements. Innumerable other and their environments ... cultures are human
features m a y have great potential variability because they adaptations. Culture, as a design for society's
are less strongly tied to the core. These latter, or secondary
continuity, stipulates its environment," and
features, are determined to a greater extent by purely
culturalrhistorical factors - by r a n d o m innovations or by
he concludes,
diffusion and they give the appearance o f outward a culture is shaped by these, its own commitments: it molds
distinctiveness to cultures with similar cores [21]. itself to significant external conditions to maximize the life

chances. There is an interchange between culture and went so far as to remove crucial decisions
environment, perhaps continuous dialectic interchange, if in
adapting the culture transforms its landscape and so must
respond anew to changes that it had set in motion [22].
the individual by arguing that systems, once set in motion,
are self-regulating to the point where they do not even
However, despite Sahlin's refined
necessarily allow rejection or acceptance o f new traits by a
reformulation of culture's articulation with culture ... Culture is about as powerless to divert these
the environment, in terms of culture/nature systems as the individual is to change his culture [24].
dialectics, the new ecological theory has
remained flawed by the underlying However, contrary to this assertion, human
assumption of Whitean mechanical cultural groups, who are, after all, made up of
determinism. Indeed, Leslie White's insistence individuals organized socially and politically
upon a mechanical cultural determinism is into groups, communities and societies, and
neither congruent with the empirical data nor economically into productive units of varying
with the perceptibly observed sociocultural size, can act together, make decisions
reality. Thus, he asserted that: collectively, and mold and change their
existential and environmental surroundings.
Apart from theories of environmental determinism which
considered merely the relationship between habitat and
In other words, an anthropological theory of
culture, all types of interpretation prior to the emergence o f the essence and substance of sociocultural
anthropology as a science, thought of m a n and culture reality and its inherent dialectical process of
together; no one considered culture apart from its h u m a n causation which does not take into account its
carriers. With the advance o f science, however, came a tri-dimensional universe, brought about, kept
recognition of culture as a distinct class of events, as a
distinct order of phenomena. It was seen that culture is not
in motion and maintained in constant
merely a reflex response to habitat nor a simple and direct function by the interplay of humans, culture
manifestation of ' h u m a n nature.' It came to be realized that and nature, can explicate accurately neither
culture is a continuum, a stream of events, that flows freely diachronic-historical changes nor structural
down through time from one generation to another and transformations and modifications. The
laterally from one race or habitat to another. One came
eventually to understand that the determinants of culture lie
paradigm of both cultural determinists and
within the stream of culture itself; that a language, custom, the new ecological theorists overlooks the
belief, tool or ceremony, is the product of antecedent and respective roles of the consciousness of
concomitant cultural elements a n d processes. In short, it humans, the tool makers: culture, that
was discovered that culture m a y be considered, from the artificially made, extrasomatic "adaptive
standpoint of scientific analysis and interpretation, as a
thing sui generis, as a class o f events and processes that
mechanism"; and nature, the sum of
behaves in terms of its own principles a n d laws and which geographical possibilities and limits, from
consequently can be explained only in terms of its own which humans harness energy resources that
elements and processes. Culture m a y thus be considered as allow them to survive and perpetuate their
a self-contained, self-determined process [23]. kind.
Indeed, vulgar materialism, mechanical
In this view human populations are cultural determinism, and economism are all
considered as "helpless pawns" of culture. based upon simplistic concepts which consider
Such a mechanical interpretation of the sociocultural forms as "mere epiphenomena
cultural process that overlooks social praxis is of technologies and environments, either by
inadequate scientifically because it does not direct causation or by some economic
account for the obvious fact that human rationality which makes institutions the
beings not only act collectively to shape and product of social organizations" [25]. The
reshape their destinies, but also transform, neo-functionalism propounded by the
alter and modify their biosocial environments. theorists of cultural ecology, which is a
One proponent of this cultural determinism derivative of cultural determinism, is

embedded in the functionalist-empiricist man's most important instrument o f adaptation - that is, as
an extension of his physiology and as an artificial
ideology underlying the theoretical
instrument for maintaining a viable relationship with
assumptions of Euroamerican social science. human habitats. Culture is part o f man, and man could
have no existence without it. Man creates it, uses it, and is
[This] new functionalism is fundamentally the same as the
affected by it. Culture has largely replaced the mechanisms
old functionalism except that the field o f application has
o f natural selection and genetic mutation as the instrument
changed, the interest now being to show the rationality o f
by which life is maintained in the milieus that man seeks to
institutions with respect to their environments rather than to
exploit. Moreover, culture changes; and with every change
borrow elements in the society. But the concept o f function,
in a group's culture, the people in the group undergo
borrowed from physiology, remains unchanged, and it leads
modifications in their psychological makeups
the "new ecology" ... into a double impotency: [consciousness] and social relations in order to make use of
a) In its more modest form, it dissolves into pure
the new form of culture [28].
description. The function o f the stomach is to digest food;
the function o f ritual pig slaughter is to regulate pig
populations - i.e., the function of x is to do what it does. Humanity, as a sum total of social praxis,
The word here is totally superfluous and adds no has, in order to survive and propagate the
information unless we assume some metaphysical notion o f species, responded throughout history to
purpose implied in the following.
b) By extension to the teleological meaning " f u n c t i o n "
cultural and environmental changes by
becomes "adaptive function." Here we are still dealing with devising new adjustive social mechanisms.
our first definition, "the function of x is to do what it Since sociocultural life is based upon and
does," but now the "what it does" is not an observed derived from a material basis, around which it
datum, and we are left with what is basically a description primarily rotates, social struggle and conflict
o f imaginary relations, where the function is assumed rather
than demonstrated [26].
have played a decisive role in the shaping of
human cultures and societies. This
In a dialectical theoretical perspective socioeconomic strife, which is the distinctive
nothing is static, including the biophysical feature of human communities and social
environment itself, which changes as a result formations, is generated and maintained by a
of both inherent natural processes and human differential access to resources and wealth.
intervention. As for the sociocultural The lust to control and harness such resources
environment of the cultural ecologists, since it results in intra- and intersocietal struggles
reflects or represents real social processes of which are prone to usher in far-reaching
actual societies, which exist in time and space, changes and modifications both in the
it is constantly changing. As Edmund Leach material infrastructure and in the ideological
put it, "the demographic, ecological, superstructures. The diachronic analysis of
economic and external political siiuation does the formation of the Ibadite desert
not build up into a fixed environment, but confederacy illustrates the dynamic and
into a constantly changing environment. dialectical interplay not only between human
Every real society is a process in time" [27]. beings, their culture and society and the
In sum, there is a kind of dialectical process physical landscape upon which they were
of interaction and feedback between human forced by historical circumstances and their
beings, their sociocultural systems, and the own ideological exigencies, but also by intra-
biophysical environment. Due to such and intersocietal conflict and struggle.
constant interplay between humans, culture
and nature, change continuously occurs in all
these three dialectically and dynamically THE FORMATION OF THE MOZABITE
interconnected phenomena or components. DESSERT CONFEDERACY
As Yehudi Cohen expressed it succinctly,
culture is The formation of the Mozabite desert
confederacy must be reconsidered here in the

light of modern sociocultural and ecological mechanisms of such an apparently isolated

theory. The historical development of the society, organized by the Beni-Mzab on the
contemporary five cities that form the rocky hills of Sheibka, I must analyze the
confederation of Mzab, situated on artifical overall diachronic adjustments, which
oases in the Algerian desert about 400 miles resulted in the successful synchronic
south of Algiers, was constituted by a adaptation of these Mozabites to their social
medieval Ibadite Moslem sect. Although the and biophysical environments. In fact, the
origin of the hiving off from the Moslem history of the present day Ibadites goes back
Umma was justified by an ideological conflict to the political movement of the Kharijites
with orthodox Islam, the underlying causes which originated in the Arab orient during the
that induced the original Kharijite faction to battle of Siffin (Safar, 37 = July, 657) in
fission off appears now to be undoubtedly which the forces of Muawiya were opposed by
generated by specific sociopolitical and those of Ali.
economic grievances. The causes that induced The socio-political origins of the Ibadites
the political conflict arose from the unequal are rooted in the early history of Islam. In
distribution of wealth, prestige, and power fact, when the Caliph Umar II was murdered
which led to coercion and struggle. by a Persian slave in 644, a council of six
distinguished companions of the Prophet was
Those with the privileged interests wish to maintain them;
called upon to choose a new Caliph among
those without wish to share them. The main spheres of
conflict are between the sub-groups of the privileged and themselves. The choice narrowed down to Ali,
between the privileged and the masses. The political elite the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law; and to
usually endeavors to unite whenever their interests are Uthman from the clan of Umaiya, the
challenged by the masses. aristocratic Quarayshi family which came,
Those without wealth and power have three courses open
before its conversion, to the forefront of the
to them. They may seek to enter the political elite; they may
seek to overthrow it, challenging the ideology on which it opposition to Mohammad and Islam in
rests; they may weakly submit with little resistance. The first Meusa. Uthman was also married to one of
course will be resorted to where political office is open to all the Prophet's daughters. Finally the four
members of the society and a high degree of mobility into other members of the council gave their votes
the elite is possible. In a society with a closed ruling class the
to Uthman because of the cogent influence
second is the only active course for the masses. Social
mobility and class conflict are the expressions of these two exerted by his Quarayshi family. Ali's
methods of achieving political power [29]. supporters "denounced the 'conspiracy' to
withhold allegiance from the Prophet's own
Most scholars who have studied these family" [30].
"puritans of the desert" have overemphasized Soon history proved the partisans of Ali
the religious doctrine of the Ibadites, right. Once in the office of the caliphate,
considering it doubly as a monocausal factor Uthman distributed all the major posts to the
which brought the confederacy into existence Umawis in exchange for their support.
from ex nihilo, and as the ideological unifying Henceforth, the Quarayshi lineage became
force that maintained the social cohesion of openly involved in corrupt dealings. As for the
these sectarians intact for so many centuries. newly elected Caliph,
However, I shall argue that this religious he lived more luxuriously than his predecessors and he
factor alone, which is a mere reflection of the allowed his family and the chief companions to become
underlying sociopolitical and economic owners of vast private properties in the conquered lands. At
causes, cannot explain adequately the origin, the same time, he antagonized many of the companions.
Discontent grew in the camp cities, where it was felt that all
development, and evolution of this desert spoils and revenues of the conquests should be divided
confederacy. Therefore, in order to elucidate equally among the community. Ali was known to share this
the special socio-economic integrative view [31].

As a consequence of this corruption, the Umaiya. However, their acceptance provoked

masses rose during Uthman's eleventh year as consternation among some warriors,
Caliph to demand his abdication. Moreover, representing mainly the Tamin tribe. This new
he rejected this popular request even when the faction emphatically denounced the setting up
caliphal palace was under siege. The of a tribunal above the divine word and
insurgents responded by killing him. After this proclaimed that "judgement belongs to God
event, a delegation of the successful rebels alone (La Hukma ilia li Allahi. Their decision
headed by two companions, Talha and was paradoxically based on the Koran which
Zubayr went to see Ali to convince him to states that " I f one party rebels against the
accept his candidacy to the office of caliphate. other, fight against that which rebels."
Nevertheless, after the election of Ali as After having stated their staunch opposition
Caliph, a faction under the conservative to the arbitration between Ali and Muawiya,
leadership of Talha, Zubayr, and Aisha, the the future champions of Kharijism withdrew
Prophet's widow, denounced his election as to the village of Harura situated near Kufa in
illegal, and even accused him of complicity in Iraq and elected Abd Allah b. Wahb, a
the assassination of Uthman. This conflict member of this faction who came from a
promptly resulted in a civil war between Ali's humble social background as their Imam.
followers and the three dissidents and their These first insurgents called themselves al-
partisans. During the war, Ali made the new Haruriya. The Haruriya faction formed the
camp town of Kufa his capital; from there his core of an increasingly dynamic movement
followers launched a series of swift attacks that played, from then on, a determinant role
which routed the dissident troops. At this in the political history of Islam both in the
crucial moment the astute Governor of Syria, Maghreb and in the Mashreq. Unfortunately
Muawiya, a cousin of Uthman, decided to for Ali and his party the committee of the two
punish the assassins. This well-calculated referees decided in favor of Muawiya and his
decision of Muawiya triggered an internal war supporters on Ramadan, 37 (February 658).
of succession between two opposing factions. As a consequence, countless partisans of Ali,
After a series of inconclusive military including the indomitable members of the
campaigns and skirmishes between the Kura faction, "went out" (kharaja) secretly
warring parties, Muawiya, a skillful diplomat from Kufa to join the al-Haruriya camp under
and able manipulator made, during the the leadership of Ibn Wahb. Thenceforth all
aforementioned battle of Siffin, a proposal members of the al-Haruriya movement were
for an immediate truce and the establishment referred to by the orthodox Moslems as the
of a committee of arbitration. The chosen Kharijites, that is, those who went out of the
referees would settle the conflict in community of the faithful. As for the
pronouncing a judgement "according to the Kharijites, they referred to themselves as the
Koran" concerning the rightful successor to " S h u r a t " (the vendors), i.e., those who have
the caliphate. Ali and a large number of his sold their souls for the cause of God, which
supporters accepted this proposal, either implies political equality and social justice for
because they were trying to end the deadly all the true followers of the Prophet.
conflict or because the members of the Kura As soon as the Kharijites joined the al-
(Koran readers) faction who had previously Haruriya faction, whose members had already
conducted an implacable political campaign established their operational headquarters in
against Uthman culminating in his murder, the Djurkha country situated on the left bank
expected that this Koranic judgement would of the Tigris, a strategic location which put
be in their favor and therefore justify their them in control of all the exit routes from
past struggle against the corruption of Beni Fars, their political demands were announced:

nullification of Ali's legitimacy to the office (660-680) were marked by several risings that
of the caliphate, denunciation of Uthman's broke out both in Kufa and Basra,
past corruption and justification of his strongholds of Kharijism. Soon the Kharijites
execution, and proclamation of their strong realized that the only alternative lay in the
opposition to the mounting danger of Beni organization of a protracted guerilla war.
Umaiya. The subsequent events molded and Thus, they withdrew to the marshy country of
crystallized the Kharijite dialectics of the unity the Batniht on the left bank of the Tigris,
of theory and practice. Their political theory where they organized themselves militarily
and religious dogma emerged from the social according to revolutionary warfare tactics that
contradictions of their time; they were allowed them to carry out surprise attacks and
conceptualized, elaborated, and immediately ambushes. This hit-and-run strategy proved
translated into concrete political action that itself successful because when the military
aimed primarily at the abolition of pressures of the imperial army increased too
exploitation and the institutionalization of a much, the Kharijite partisans could gain
"Kingdom of God upon the Earth," where swiftly the mountains of the Iranian plateaus.
social justice, equality and fraternity could be This warfare rendered the life of the Umayad
maintained among all true followers of the governors miserable, right down to the end of
Prophet without distinction of birth and this dynasty's reign.
standing. However, this protracted revolutionary
The political movement founded by the warfare carried out by the Kharijites from the
Kharijites formed the earliest dissident sect of hinterland and various fringes of the Umayad
Islam. Its followers continually arose in armed empire brought about the division of their
resistance against the prerogative conferring movement. In fact, by the death of Yazid, the
upon the Quarayshi to appoint a Caliph from Khawarij became divided into three distinct
amongst their number, which allowed them to factions: Azarika, Sufriyia, and Ibadyia. Only
monopolize the economic plunder derived the latter is of concern here because of its
from the taxation of the newly conquered spread and maintenance in North Africa.
countries [32]. Paradoxically, it was Ali who Although the Kharijite movement attracted
crushed in blood the first partisans of a large number of the Arab masses,
Kharijism. He attacked them by surprise on specifically Yemenis and Radrumawtis, it
Safar, 9 (July 28, 658) in their camp and appealed much more to the non-Arab ethnic
inflicted a terrible defeat on them in which Ibn groups or Mawali. Originally the term Mawali
Wahb and a large number of his companions meant in Arabic "kinfolk," then
were slain. But Ali achieved only a pyrrhic "protection" in the Koran; after the
victory over the Kharijites whose resistance establishment of the caliphate outside Arabia
was prolonged in a long series of uprisings, it signified the clients of the Arab Moslems.
specifically in 39 (669) and 40 (670). Finally, These Mawali were attracted by the egalitarian
Ali himself perished by the dagger of the political doctrine of the Kharijites which
Khariji militant, abd al-Rahman. The death of proclaimed unambiguously the principle of
Ali consecrated the rise to hegemony of the equality of all the ethnic groups who
clan of Beni Umayia under the energetic embraced the Islamic faith. In fact, though
leadership of Muawiya, who established the the islamized populations incorporated into
first hereditary dynasty in the history of the caliphate were given by virtue of their
Islam. conversion full citizenship rights, the
However, the struggle waged by the institutionalization of patronage, which
Kharijites was not suppressed even by forced the Mawali to seek the sponsorship of
Muawiya, whose twenty years of reign 40-60 Arabian tribesmen, was strongly resented.

This practice of clientship entailed the legal On the back of my stout-ribbed galloping war-horse again!
notion of inherent differential power And would that I were among you, fighting your foes,
That me, first of all, they might give Death's beaker to
relationships between the Arab and the non- drain[
Arab populations of the expanding empire. It grieves me sore that ye are startled and chased
Therefore, the spread and popularity of the Like beasts, while 1 cannot draw on the wretches profane
sociopolitical philosophy propounded by the My sword, nor see them scattered by noble knights
Kharijites was due to the existing objective Who never yield an inch of the ground they gain,
But where the struggle is hottest, with keen blades hew
conditions prevalent within the rising multi- Their strenuous way and deem 'twere base to refrain,
ethnic empire. This philosophy was of course Ay, it grieves me sore that ye are oppressed and wronged,
based on a fundamental interpretation of the While I must drag in anguish a captive's chain.
Koran, which was made in the light of their
I say to my soul dismayed -
immediate theoretical requisites of the
Courage! Thou canst not achieve,
ongoing political and military struggle. The With praying, an hour of life
militancy and determination of this movement Beyond the appointed term.
brought its followers to the forefront of the Then courage on death's dark field,
successive revolts put up by the oppressed Courage! Impossible 'tis
To life forever and aye.
masses against the increasing, arbitrary rule of
Life is no hero's robe
the Arab ruling classes. Thus, from the outset, Of honour: the dastard vile
Kharijism as a doctrine emerged from popular Also doffs it at last.
social strife, enriched by the daily historical
experiences of the active members of a
political movement which elaborated it in the THE SPREAD OF AL IBADYA TO THE
heat of subsequent battles and in the function MAGHREB
of its objectives.
The influence of the ideas of the Kharijites The Ibadite doctrine, which originated in
on the Moslem intellectuals of the time was the Mashreq, was introduced to the Maghreb
pervasive. According to the Ronarts, around the middle of the eighth century by
a considerable number of revolutionary poets, orators, and some followers of Abd Allah b. Ibad, who
men of law, [were] inspired by the pious zeal extolled by the escaped persecution from the Middle East.
Kharijite ideal as a means of combatting the laxity of morals This Ibadite moderate and well-politicized
and the irreligious spirit which dominated the court and the
faction branched off from the main Kharijite
leading society of the towns, and this Kharijite literature has
produced works of lasting value [33].
movement during the period of its protracted
guerrilla war that was organized against the
To illustrate the fervent and colorful life of rulers of the Umawyad dynasty. The first
individual Kharijites and their arduous successful revolt of the Ibadites occurred in
struggles, it would be appropriate to quote the closing years of the reign of Marwan II
two poems. The first was written by an under the leadership of Abd Allah b. Yahya
unknown prisoner and the second by Qatari b. Talib al-Hakk and Abu Hamza (129 = 747).
al-Fujaa, one of the most intrepid Kharijite When the population of Hadramut embraced
leaders, "who routed army after army sent their cause, the Ibadites were able to free
against him by Hajjaj; he sang almost as well Sna'a, from which Abd Allah and Abu
as he fought" [34]. Hamza launched two swift expeditions that
resulted in the total liberation of both Mecca
'Tis time, O ye Sellers, for one who hath sold himself and Medina from the sway of the imperial
To God, that he should arise and saddle amain.
Fools! in the land of miscreants will ye abide,
To be hunted down, every man of you, and to be slain? Once in Medina, Abu Hamza made his
O would that I were among you, armed in mail, historic Kutba (sermon), which revealed to us

the views of the Ibadites concerning the fly?" And, he flew. To God's damnation, and the burning
history of Islam since the death of the Fire, and a painful torment!
The sons of Umayya are a party of error, and their
prophet. strength is the strength of tyrants. They take conjecture for
their guide, and judge as they please, and put men to death
I counsel you ... to put to death the injustice the tyrants
in anger, and govern by mediation, and take the law out of
have brought to life, and to revivify the just laws they have
context, and distribute the public moneys to those not
let die ... we call you to the Book of God and the Sunna of
entitled to them - for God has revealed those who are
his prophet, and to equal sharing, and to justice for the
entitled, and they are eight classes of men, for He says:
subject peoples.
"The freewill offerings are for the poor and the needy,
those who work to collect them, those whose hearts are to
He then denounced the degeneration of the be reconciled, and slaves and debtors, and those in the 'Way
imperial aristocracy into "slaves of greed and of God,' and travellers" (9:60). They make themselves the
allies of affliction." And Abu Hamza ninth, and take it all! Such are those who rule by what God
has not sent down [35].
The Moslems entrusted Abu Bakr with the matters of the
In 130 ( = 748), however, Marwan sent Abd
lower world, since God's messenger had entrusted him with
the matter of his religion. He fought the people of apostasy, al-Malik Ibn Atiya against the Ibadites. The
and acted in accord with the Book and the Sunna, and he partisans of Abu Hamza were put to flight in
passed his way; God have mercy on him! the battle of Wadi al-Kura and withdrew to
Then ruled 'Umar ibn aI-Khattab, God's mercy on him, Mecca. The army of Abd al-Malik pursued
and he went in the way of his friend and acted in accord
them there and after a vigorous battle Ibadites
with the Book and the Sunna. He collected the tribute and
distributed the shares and ... gave eighty lashes for drinking resistance was finally broken when their two
wine, and passed his way. God have mercy on him! energetic leaders fell.
Moreover, a second insurrection was
Then came 'Uthman ibn 'Affan. For six years he walked organized again in 134 ( = 751) in Oman under
in the path of his two friends, but he was less than they. And
the leadership of al-Julanda. But, since this
in his last six years he rendered to no avail what he had done
in the first six, and then he passed his way. second major rebellion lacked a well thought
Then 'Ali ibn Abi Talib ruled, and he did not attain the out political and military strategy, it was easily
goal in truth, and no beacon was given him for guidance, put down by the Abbasid General Khazim b.
and he passed his way. Khuzaima. In the meantime the Ibadite
Then ruled Mu'awiya son of Abu Sufyan, accursed of
movement spread to the Maghreb where its
God's messenger, and son of one accursed. He made
farmers of God's servants and possessions of God's egalitarian political philosophy found a
property, and a briarpatch of God's religion, so curse him favorable terrain. As Williams put it, "it was
with God's curse! North Africa which became the Scotland of
Then came Yazid the son of Mu'awiya-Yazid of the wine, these Puritans of Islam. Here the warlike
Yazid of the apes and the hunting panthers! Yazid of the
Berbers proved willing to accept Islam, but
lustful belly and the effeminate arse - and God and His
angels curse him! not the dominance or the taxation of the Arab
There came Yazid ibn 'Abd al-Malik, a libertine in Caliphs" [36].
religion and unmanly in behavior, in whom was never Thus, despite the overwhelming victory
perceived right guidance. God has said about the wealth of achieved by the Abbasid imperial army over
orphans: " I f you perceive in them right guidance, deliver
them their property" (4:6), and the matter of Muhammad's
the followers of Ibn Ibad, their movement
Community was more than any property! He would eat remains to this very day predominant in
forbidden food, and drink wine, and wear a robe worth a Oman. From there it was extended to
thousand dinars, through which you could see his flesh so Zanzibar. These various Ibadite communities
that the veil of modesty was rent; an unpardonable dis-robe. have managed, despite great odds against
And Hababa the singing-girl on his right, and Salama the
singing-girl on his left, both singing - if you had taken drink
them, to survive and protect their political and
away from him, he would have rent his garments! And he religious independence. Throughout their
would turn to one of them and say, "Shall I fly? Shall I history, they maintained close contact with

one another. The intellectual leadership towards central Algeria, until they finally
appears to be assumed by the Mozabite desert arrived at a secure location, situated at 300
confederation because of certain particular feet, by a pass leading from the highlands of
historical features. the Tell Atlas down to the fertile agricultural
When the Ibadites were more or less coastal plains. This site was a former Roman
crushed in the Mashreq by the Abbasid camp. In this secure mountain, the newly
imperial army, they proclaimed the "state of adhered and the Ibadite pilgrims erected the
secrecy" and some of them migrated to the city of Taheret or Tiaret in 761 A.D. which
Maghreb, under the leadership of the Persian, became the capital of the peculiar theocratic
Ibn Rustem, in search of a favorable land for republic that lasted, according to the Ibn
the establishment of a "Kingdom of God on Khaldun, a century and a half.
Earth," whele Ibadite ideals of social justice,
human brotherhood, and political equality
would prevail. Upon arriving in North Africa, THE SOCIOPOLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS
followers of the Ibadi doctrine found this to DOCTRINE OF THE NORTH AFRICAN
be favorable terrain for the application of IBADITES
their "libertarian" principles. These
principles were quite appealing to some The sociopolitical and religious doctrine
marginal Berber groups who had a long that governed the theocratic republic of Tiaret
tradition of tribal and village "anarchic can be summarized as follows:
democracy," known as jama'a government. 1) From the fundamental belief that
Charles Julien noted that asserted the equality of all Moslems regardless
of birth and social standing, the Ibadites base
the Islamized Berbers had grounded their opposition to the
increasing taxation and bureaucratic rule of the Arab
their principle of an elective imamate or
caliphs on Islam, which permitted them to present their caliphate;
social demands under the form of a religious ideal. 2) Since all Moslems are equal, luxurious
Kharijism became, in the Maghreb, a sort of an episode of living and ostentation are condemned;
class struggle. Nowhere else are the ascetic and egalitarian 3) Therefore, no man who is not duly
sentiments, which are inseparable from the hatred of the
elected can command;
conquerors, so deeply rooted among the masses [37].
4) Any believer who is just, virtuous and
From the swift military and political success pious and who acquires the necessary
of the Ibadites in the eastern Maghreb, it knowledge and experience can officiate as
appears that Kharijism had preceded the Imam, or sheikh al-Islam, or caliph, "even if
arrival of the Middle Eastern followers of Ibn he is an Abyssinian slave";
Ibad. In fact, from the foco of Maghreb 5) The people have the right and obligation
Kharijites, which was set up in Jebel Nefussa, to proclaim illegitimate and ipso facto depose
the Ibadite partisans led by Abu al-Khattab any caliph or imam, who has gone off the
launched their attack that resulted in the right path;
seizure of Kairawan, the imperial provincial 6) This entails the religious corollary that
capital of North Africa. Ibn Rustem was absolutely rejects the principle of justification
elected Governor. Kairawan remained under by faith without ceaseless works; from this
the control of the Ibadites for four years until principle results the strictness of Ibadite
141 (= 761) when Mohammad b. al-Ashath ethical code which requires purity of
was sent at the head of a strong imperial army conscience as a prerequisite condition for the
from Cairo to recapture it [38]. After the fall validation of acts of worship and religous
of this city, the Ibadites withdrew. From there piety;
they trekked for about 700 miles, on their way 7) God pardons only venial sins; grievous

sins cannot be forgiven unless they are blotted The succession of imams was in theory regulated by the vote
of the Ibadi community. The imam regarded as the most
out by repentance; worthy, most honourable and best educated man, the
8) Recompenses and punishments in the temporal and spiritual chief of the state, whose prestige
afterlife are both everlasting, because hell and extended to the communities in the East, was in reality
paradise are eternal; under the control of the religious caste (clerks): Shurat,
9) Work is as significant as piety and faith; Mashaikh, Talba, the guardians of the strict observance of
the laws of the sect [39].
earthly conduct in this world predetermines
one's position in the other; Marcais failed, however, to distinguish the
10) All believers have the duty and moral functional separation of power between the
obligation to denounce injustice and reprove executive office of the Imamate and the
the evil doers as far as they are able; legislative-judiciary body represented by this
11) All members of the community are Shurat council made up of the distinguished
strictly required to foster and acknowledge Ibadite scholars. It is inappropriate to
their solidarity which they express by word describe these learned Talba as a "religious
and action, but the individual who violates its caste," because their status is achieved and
laws loses citizenship rights and therefore is never ascribed to them because of their birth
treated as a public enemy until the act of or social standing. Their role is not only to
repentance is performed; interpret these laws, but also to see to it that
12) Finally, since the Koran is the word of they are equitably applied by the Imam.
God created by Him, and the Sunna is the The theocratic-democratic republic of the
political tradition of the Prophet and his close Ibadites was proclaimed in Tahert in 160 (=
companions, Abu Bakr and Omar, the Koran 776), that is, about fifteen years after their
and the Sunna are the basic frame of reference expulsion from Kairawan. The chronology of
of the laws and rules governing al-Umma al- the reigns of various Imams may be arranged
Islamya; this fact requires the thorough study as follows:
of the Holy book, the Hadith, and the 1) Abd al-Rahman b. Rustem: 160-168
numerous Ibadite Itifaqat (platforms or (776-784);
constitutions). 2) Abd al-Whhab b. Abd al-Rahman:
The founder of the doctrine, Ibn Ibad, who 168-208 (784-823);
was persecuted, oppressed and finally 3) Abu Said al-Aflah: 208-258 (823-871);
martyred, taught that there are four ways or 4) Abu Bakr, deposed 258? (871);
states in which pious Moslems could achieve 5) Abu al-Yakzan Mohammad 7 - 281 (7 -
grace: 1) the state of defense in protecting 894);
their political and religious independence; 2) 6) Abu Hatim Yusuf, deposed, 281 - ? (894
the state of devotion in its practice; 3) the state - 7)
of glory in its victory; and 4) the state of 7) Yakub deposed ... 7;
clandestinity when it becomes impossible to 8) Abu Hatim Yusuf reelected ... 7;
maintain it. 9) Yakub reelected, 294-296 (906-908).
The position occupied by the Imam was The primary function of the Imam was to
elective. Every successive Imam was both conduct the general affairs of the state and to
checked and assisted by the public spirited administer the Ibadite commonwealth. He
ulama (notables, learned men) who were interpreted and reinforced public laws and
organized in a consultative, legislative body maintained order and peace. For this purpose,
that interpreted laws and reviewed he appointed Qadis (judges) and police chiefs.
fundamental decisions taken by the executive He supervised the functioning of the courts.
office of the state. Nevertheless, according to Every Friday and on other special occasions,
Marcais, he officiates the religious service (Salat al-

Jama or Aid al Fitr and Aid Addtha). The number of these visitors stayed there. Ibn
office of the Imamite received certain specific Saghir wrote that
taxes, (Zakat and Ashr), some of which were
distributed to the poor and the rest allocated there was not a single stranger who stopped in the city that
did not stay among them. Seduced by their economic
to special services and public works. However, affluence, by the exemplary conduct of their Imam, by his
the power of the Imam was constantly sense of justice vis-A-vis his people, and by the security
checked, their decisions reviewed and often enjoyed by all for their persons and their property, he built
censured and vetoed by the council of the a house among their number and settled. Soon one did not
clerks and various notables who represented see a house in the city without heating the inhabitants
saying: this one belongs to a person from Koufa, this other
the interests of the majority of the population. one to one from Kairawan; here is the mosque of the people
The social and economic life of the Ibadites of Kairawan and their market; here is the mosque and the
in Tahert is known to us only through a few market of the Basrians, that one belongs to the people of
details in two chronicles. The first was written Koufa [41].
by an orthodox Moslem, Ibn Saghir, who
lived in Tahert during the reign of the last Thus, Tahert became one of the busiest and
Imams. The second one was authored by an most cosmopolitan market centers in the
Ibadite scholar from Ourgla, by the name of Islamic world of that time.
Abu Zakariya, at the end of the XIth century During the early period of the Ibadite
A.D. [40]. theocratic republic the economy was
Since the capital city of this theocratic organized along distributive lines. At the
republic was located in a strategic trading site moment of harvest, the Imamate appropriated
that served perfectly well as a commercial link an amount of surplus from every producer not
between the pastoralist sheep herders of the only of cereals but also of sheep, cattle, and
steppes and the northern Algerian agricultural camels. Upon the completion of this
communities of the coastal plains, the Ibadites collection, the grains were distributed among
were bound to develop and foster very special the indigent households; then the
symbiotic relations between these two functionaries of the Imamate proceeded to sell
complementary ecological zones. Even the these sheep, cattle, goats, and camels in the
pure Saharan nomads from afar were drawn markets. A part of the money received from
to the flourishing markets of Tahert. They such sale was sent by the Imam to the
brought their caravans there, loaded with governors as their administrative budget. The
certain products to be exchanged with cereal remaining sum was converted into wool and
and other TeUian goods such as oil and dry oil, which then was proportionally distributed
fruits. Upon their arrival in Tahert, the heads to every household. This distribution favored
of these trans-Saharan caravans were required the Ibadite indigent families.
to go first to see the Ibadi urban notables in The public expenditures of the Imamate
order to make known their presence. Then, were derived from the poll tax, Kharaj, from
they returned to their camps where they habous lands, and various other sources. The
remained until their departure. The political excess of state revenues was allocated to
stability, economic prosperity, and intellectual public works that were of vital importance
development of the Ibadite capital became and utility to the inhabitants. Thus, the
very well known. Tahert attracted many other Ibadite theocratic republic of Tahert was
brethren of the sect. They came from as far as characterized by a distributive economic
Iraq, Persia, Oman, Mefussa, and system that took into account the welfare of
Tripolitania to trade, study and learn from the the people.
successful institutional experience of the Nevertheless, Tahert became one of the
democratic-theocratic republic. A large busiest and most cosmopolitan market centers

in the Islamic world. The accumulation of The survivors, with their Imam, again
wealth was so keen that it attracted orthodox emigrated from Tiaret, south-eastward into
Moslem, Christian, and Jewish merchants the Sahara. They crossed about 400 miles of
from all over the world. They came and steppe and desert in their search for another
prospered within the theocratic republic of the isolated and protectible haven, until they
Ibadites. As a consequence, a genuine class arrived at Ouargla, a wide oasis in southern
struggle appeared with this prosperity which Touggourt, where an Ibadi colony had settled
generated an internal socioeconomic earlier. There the refugees from Tiaret began
differentiation. This class conflict was ushered building the city of Sedrata. Once the new city
in after the death of the fourth Imam. The was completed, the Imam who led them there
social strife centered always around the renounced his leadership and returned to
designation ancL election of a new Imam. In private life. Henceforth, the religious and
most cases, it took the form and secular authority of the entire Ibadite
characteristics of factionalism. Each faction community fell to the control of the clerks.
tried to impose its candidate for the Imamate. The last act of the resigning Imam was to
The most predominant faction was that of the proclaim "the state of secrecy by which the
merchant class. Although it was composed of Ibadites separated themselves from the
diverse ethnic elements, it always supported heterodox world and decided to live entirely
the ruling elite. on their own, instead of in mixed
communities" [45].
No less than the religious prestige of the Imams, the
However, the newly built city of Sedrata
resources of the region and the activity of its commerce
attracted to Tahert foreigners from Persia, or different was not very secure militarily. It was exposed
parts of ... Ifrikiya, Nafusa, Tripolitania, and Christians. to an open desert surrounded by large oases
The Zenata nomads of Ifrikiya and the central Maghrib inhabited by warlike nomads. Besides, there
frequented its markets and grew rich in them. Among these were powerful black kingdoms situated in the
heterogenous groups, some ... showed themselves regularly
south. Nevertheless, Sedrata was located in a
the supporters of the established authority [42].
very favorable and strategic trading area. A
When in 911 the Shiite army of the Fatimids great deal of trans-Saharan trade was directed
attacked and seized the capital of the through it. The city "grew and prospered,
theocratic republic, it allowed the sectarians to thanks to the industry and application of its
realize for a time their grand "state of glory"; citizens and its position on a main caravan
the Ibadites left Tahert with their last Imam, route from the southwest to the northeast"
Yakoub, and withdrew to Ouargla. According [46]. The city republic of Sedrata served as a
to Abu Zakariya they "arrived there without refugee center by attracting Ibadites who were
any obstacle" [43]. The Imam "was received anxious to escape persecution from all over al-
with full honor; he was given a magnificent Maghreb.
reception" by the inhabitants who were But in the long run, danger of attack was
probably Ibadites. Marcais attributed the fall anticipated by this exclusive sect, so a strategic
to the fact that several of the Imams were withdrawal was organized. In fact, the
scholars, Ibadites withdrew gradually into the arid and
inhospitable limestone highland of the
caring less for their tasks as rulers than for theological Sheibka, a safer place only 120 miles to the
speculation, not to mention profane studies like astronomy.
Their surprising tolerance of foreigners, even those hostile
southwest, about 400 miles south of Algiers.
to the sect, encouraged the entrance of dissident elements This region was avoided, even by the nomads,
into the administration and prepared the way for the because it possessed no water resource and no
collapse of Tahert and the annexation of the kingdom by grazing grounds; in a word, it was a barren
the Shiis [44]. and lifeless zone.

Thus in 1011 A.D., al Ateuf, the first city of The ground of bare stone has eroded into a criss-cross
network or maze of short ravines and clefts. In the center
Mzab was founded by the Ibadi immigrants
of this barren wilderness, the bed of the river Mzab forms
from Sedrata; about three decades later, Bou- a valley between low, yellowish hills. In the lower part of
Noura and Melika were built, followed by this valley lie the five cities perched on the slopes or on
Beni-Isquen and at last the construction of higher ground in the river bed. They are built fairly close
Ghardaya began in 1053 A.D. History proved together so that from each it is easy to see one or two of the
others ... They are all surrounded by stout walls and each
that their decision to abandon Sedrata was a
is crowned by the Minaret of its mosque, shaped like an
wisely clairvoyant one; it was destroyed in obelisk and lacking any kind of decoration [48].
1075 A.D. by a warlike nomadic Berber tribe.
As the Ronarts wrote: Thus the settlement patterns of the newly
conceived and constructed cities appear to be
There, in the Wadi Mzab - whence the name under which based on a well-thought-out a priori, strategic
they are currently referred to - in centuries of hard work
they created palm-groves of nearly 300,000 date trees
plan that expected eventual onslaughts to be
irrigated by a dense network of channels under the repulsed. In fact, their long history as a
monotomous grating sound of the pulley and cords, the religious minority taught them how their cities
"Song of the Wadi Mzab," which, kept in ceaseless motion should be planned in such a way as to be
by donkeys and camels, take up in leather buckets the water defensible against eventual military attacks.
of some 3,000 wells over 200 feet deep. These plantations
requiring an enormous investment of work and energy are
The river Mzab does not flow frequently, it
not to be regarded, however, from the point of view of only rises once every 12 or 13 years. But the
economic returns; in fact, their maintenance is made rain falls from time to time. However, in
possible only by the gains of the Mozabite merchants order to irrigate the numerous artificially
established in the towns all over Algeria. It is a deep-rooted made-out-of-nothing palmgroves described
religious particularism which makes their upkeep,
commercially considered, a luxury, a sacred duty of the
above, a very complex irrigation system had to
Mozabite community [47]. be devised. Water was drawn from about
3,000 wells that vary in depth from 10 to 200
The above passage is highly characteristic of feet. Thus despite Huntington's contention
various studies devoted to the confederacy of that the hot climate of a torrid zone makes
Mzab. Few authors paid attention to people lazy, the Mozabites, with an
diachronic sociocultural evolution of the extraordinary effort and a constantly
Mozabites. The majority of studies were sustained hard labor, planted, maintained,
consecrated to the fascinating synchronic and cared for date-palms and various fruit
description of the Beni-Mzabs' uniquely trees continually in the midst of the Sahara
religious "particularism" in North Africa. desert. A long time before the invention and
Since the reasons that motivatied and utilization of modern technology that
determinated the historical origins and growth revolutionized human ability to exploit diverse
of the five cities that made up the ecological zones, the sectarians succeeded in
confederation of Mzab are thus outlined, I making the desert truly " b l o o m " on their own
will turn now to the analysis of the further and without any help from the outside. All
development and evolution of the Ibadites' these achievements were brought about by an
culture and society. However, a short arduous perseverence sustained by their
geographical description of the so-called genuinely cohesive and highly integrative
Sheibka region is in order. The word Sheibka sociocultural system. Nevertheless, the
means " a net" in Arabic. This region is forcefully imposed technological innovations
situated, in a rocky limestone area in the that made successful the economic adaptation
middle of the Sahara. The best description of of the Mozabites to an originally barren
Mzab is provided again by Alport: environment, could nourish only a certain
number of people. The ecological settings of

Sheibka were not favorable to trading economic and demographic adaptive radiation
activities in which the Ibadites have been to continue to propagate and perpetuate their
specialized since Tiaret. Mzab was quite kind. This new adaptive radiation, initiated
isolated; here the Mozabites traded with only after the 14th century, consisted of out-
a few oases which were inhabited by migration to the Tell by traders who excelled
sedentarized nomads. It should be noted at in lucrative mercantile activities of various
this point that the Ibadites were the only sorts (the pattern of this migration will be
urbanized island surrounded by a sea of desert analyzed below). As a result of this commerce,
nomads. The pressure of an increasing the Mozabites have been successfully
population that was apparently generated by satisfying their material needs up to the
the newly created palm-grove plantations and present day without any hardship.
various other fruit trees that were breedably In fact, as early as 1849, three years before
adaptable to the artifically made Saharan the imposition of the French protectorate
oases, induced the Mozabites to expand to upon the desert confederation, a French
other exploitable oases. These included visitor described Mzab as follows:
Berriane, situated 47 kilometers to the north;
Guerrera, 99 kilometers to the north-east and The oasis of Oued-Mzab appears covered by near-bare and
arid mountains. The rocky asperities ... are separated by
not far from their metropolis; Metlili oasis, valleys covered by a stout thick layer of sand; there are eight
which became widely owned by Ibadi groups small cities erected in the middle of palm-groves inhabited
but remained settled by some sedentarized by the most active and most mercantile population of
Arab nomads. Algeria. There is not a single town in our establishments,
A further development and expansion of either on the coast or inland where the traders of Oued-
Mzab do not possess numerous stores. The eight cities of the
these highly innovative desert plantations of oases count altogether 36,000 souls; they have no less than
date and fruit-tree gardens was nonetheless 3,036 established in different areas under our occupation in
ecologically limited; so the "Passive the Tell. All the natives agree on the commercial importance
environment" thwarted, in the long run, all of Ghardaya, capital of the oases. Numerous caravans, very
genuine effort made by the Mozabites to well loaded, arrive daily to Ghardaya; and in less than a few
hours their merchandise is sold and they depart again. Only
continue increasing further sources of energy Ghardaya city is inhabited by 12,000 souls [49].
which would have kept pace with a population
growth that had been magnified by the In 1852, after the fierce battle of Laghouat
constant arrival of Ibadite immigrants from in which the French colonial army opposed
other parts of the Maghreb and the Mashreq. the Algerian resistance, resulting in the
The biophysical environment of a barren eradication of this city, and "the ignoble
desert limited the further colonization and bloody massacre of its population which was
spread of the Mozabite population over the not far from there" [50], the Mozabites
Sahara. Historically, the Mozabites initiated realized the danger and impossibility of
and developed an urban culture that more or successfully resisting the invasion of their
less ruled out any resort to nomadization territory by the army of the "infidels." They
which is considered as the best adaptation to finally decided to negotiate with the French
a desert environment. The categorical refusal General Randon a protectorate for the specific
on the part of the Mozabites to become purpose of avoiding the fate of the Zibans, a
nomads refutes the claims of the population that was exterminated by the
environmental determinists. Faced with such colonial army earlier. General Randon, Who
basic demographic and economic problems conducted these negotiations on behalf of the
necessitating a sound and viable solution, the French, declared that at this time it would not
sons and daughters of the exclusive be "opportune politically to extend a
confederation required an effective new tightening, direct administration over the

confederation" [51]. An agreement was possible their dealings and relations with the
reached in May, 1853, by means of which the colonial power and the medium of its
colonial power obtained the right to circulate domination; consequently, a silent struggle
its troops, and the Mozabites were to was ushered in and prolonged to the end of the
dissociate themselves from the enemies of the French rule in Algeria. As Andre ChevriUon
French emperor and begin the payment of put it, "here the opposition is evident, but
tributes. In exchange, the confederation was those that command it are i n v i s i b l e . . , in the
guaranteed local self-government. The shadow of the mosque and its silence, the
document proclaimed that France "will not mysterious tolba (clerk) lead the struggle"
modify the form of government which is in [52]. Here again the form and substance of the
function in their cities since many centuries resistance to colonial penetration under its
and to which they are attached." However, multifaceted guises was preconditioned by the
the colonial governor reserved the right to Mozabites' historical experience and social
interfere when the acts of the Mozabites structure.
involve "the general tranquility and the rights The sociopolitical organization of the
of our nationals" [52]. Ibadites in Mzab was characterized by
This political arrangement, favorable to the segmentary and kinship oriented elementary
colonial authority of Algeria because it was familial units that were tied together and
wrested from the confederation by the threat integrated into various lineages, sharing a
of guns and cannons, lasted only thirty years. common dynamic ideology of descent. The
In fact, in 1882, the French colonial authority Mozabites lived in large corporate extended
used the pretext of internal and intercity families. The property of every family was
conflict as a rationale for the total annexation governed by an impartible rule of inheritance
of the confederation. Ghardaya became the that kept its members together. They were
capital of the Territoire du Sud, which designated by the same name, that of the
remained under a special martial military rule common ancestor which included four to five
throughout the colonial history of Algeria. A generations. The patrilineage (farqa) unifed
French officer was subsequently appointed by several extended families which were often
the army as an administrator of Mzab. He territorially based; that is, they inhabited the
designated a Kaid to assist him as a translator same quarter; they traced their line of descent
and informer. This administrator also to the same ancestor; they shared the same
organized mock elections for the designation cemetery and the same estate. Certain large
of a jama'a council. lineages are subdivided further into sub-
lineages which consisted of several joint
But, the council of the clerks, which family units. The ancestral founder of the
governed the Mozabites since the declaration lineage is sacred and therefore is the object of
of the state of secrecy in Ouargla, and which an annual ceremony organized by all the
was operating clandestinely, never recognized descendent members. The farqa as the
either the legal validity of annexation or the fundamental social unit had its own common
French authority represented locally by the budget. It possessed a meeting place where its
appointed officers. The clerks in accord with council assembled all the adults who met
the committee of the Halqas (circles) regularly for the purpose of administering
organized the total boycott and avoidance of their common interests, such as collective
the French administration and the means of its work to be done, punishment to be inflicted,
presence: schools, hospitals, military service distribution of income among households,
and even tax evasion. In a word, the preparation of religious and familial
Mozabites tried to minimize as much as ceremonies and marriage arrangements. The

core of these lineage councils was constituted with Sunni Algerian Moslems, Christians, and
by the leaders who were chosen on the basis of Jews. Besides, the magnitude of the migration
experience and learning. They sometimes held to the North was too important not to affect
restricted meetings in the presence of one of basic changes in Mzab itself. The economic
the members of the halqa (circle); the council survival of the Mozabite cities depended on
of the halqa is made up of 12 members who this emigration of the people to the North. By
are elected by the notables of the lineages to the 1950s one third of the male population
govern every city. This council of the clerks is lived outside Mzab where the acquisition of
presided over by a sheikh. There was, necessary capital for the maintenance of the
apparently, no single head of the life of the oases was made. A Mozabite
confederation. When there were important merchant once said that, "the true Mzab is
decisions that concerned all of the cities, all not found in Mzab, ... all its strength is
the clerks of sheikhs of Mzab met in a general represented by the small groups of Mozabites
assembly for special deliberations. The who are scattered over every part of Algeria."
measures taken required the backing of a Moreover, as the Ibadite doctrine requires
general consensus. These segmentary that its followers should be isolated from
sociopolitical organizations were conducive to orthodox faiths in order to live a pure and
factionalism and all sorts of structural austere religious life, the salient features
dualism. Traditionally every city contained characterizing this Mozabite emigration to the
the two saffs (factions) that put at loggerheads Tell can be summarized thus:
the east and west sides [54]. Besides this, there 1) It was exclusively reserved to males over
was a dual distinction made between the thirteen years old; their wives were not
Mozabites which divided them into two social allowed to leave Mzab until the triumph of a
categories; the Azils formed the descendants reformist movement that obtained the
of the first inhabitants of every city, the Nazils permission for young women to follow their
were those Ibadites who immigrated later on husbands to the North after the 1940s;
to Mzab. With the development of a 2) The emigrants did not go to settle in the
mercantile bourgeoisie that possessed a Tell or to do manual labor, but to open
capitalist ethic of its own, a new dual feature businesses;
emerged and became, as will be shown later, 3) The capital to be invested in any
very significant in the political life of the commercial venture was usually furnished by
confederation. In fact, the lay council which large extended or joint families claiming
was organized to administer the economic life descent from a patrilineage, therefore, most
of Beni Mzab had tried successfully to limit Mozabite businesses were originally and some
the power of the clerks. still are, corporately owned and managed by
The struggle for power within the Mozabite the family or lineage heads;
communities between the councils of the 4) Women and children were left back in
clerks and those of the lay bourgeois Mzab. The latter were to be reared according
committees represented and expressed a clash to the cultural norms and religious precepts of
between the old sociocultural values and the the Ibadite dogma; they are taught the basic
new innovations introduced by the migrant three R's that prepare them to read the Holy
merchants from the Tell. In fact, the Mozabite Koran and to attend to their future businesses;
traders who migrated to the North did not 5) Frequent visits to Mzab were required; all
only develop a rigorous mercantile ethic of Mozabites were to be buried in their lineage
their own, but were exposed to a wider cemeteries there; two formally
experience that was constantly enriched and institutionalized rituals were practiced, in fact
modifed as a result of their social interaction they underwent a ritual of "desacralization"

on their departure and "sacralization" on regulate the secular activities of the

their arrival [55]; confederacy. Henceforth, "their world of
6) In the Tell, the Mozabites as emigrant values [would be] organized around two
traders maintained only business relations opposite poles; the domain of the secular, the
with the rest of the Moslems; as for their economic, and the domain of the sacred, the
social interactions, they tried to reduce them religious life" [57]. The political life rotates
to a minimum. between these social forces. This structural
This emigration of highly motivated and innovation was introduced in order to foster
dedicated traders turned out to be among the further the consolidation of their economic
most successful business ventures in the adaptation to a new cultural and ecological
history of North Africa. The Mozabites' environment.
specialization in trade was historically The clerks are still furnishing the
determined, culturally fostered, and "dignitaries" of the Mosques such as the
ecologically conditioned and enhanced. As Imams and Muzzins, the teachers of the
Alport put it, schools and those who wish to wash the dead.
The latter are considered as the "censors of
Since the soil of the Oued Mzab had to be created, because
morals" because they are endowed with an
there was practically none to begin with, it was clear from
the start that the only salvation of the Mozabite
effective moral authority. All these religious
communities lay in trade. Of this they had centuries of elites are still powerful because in order to
experience, first in Tiaret where they were placed between resolve current problems, interpretations of
the stock-breeding plateaux and the agricultural plains of religious jurisprudence must refer to the
the coastal Tell; and then in Sedrata which lay on the route
Koran and the Mozabite Ittifaqat, the written
connecting the western Sudan and the Niger valley with the
Mediterranean through the oases of the Rhir and the Jerid.
compilation of Mozabite customs. This falls
The Mzab was less favorably placed, in fact, that is why it to the competence of the clerks. Nevertheless,
was chosen as a retreat; so, although a north-south route
through their valley was gradually established by the Beni- the authority of the clerks has been steadily weakened in the
Mzab, it became necessary to trade elsewhere and send the past twenty years. The lay jama'a is tending to free itself
proceeds home [56]. from the control of the clerks and to dispute their right to
judicial and legislative powers, although the sheikh of the
There are about 500,000 Mozabites today, halqa (circle) still has the duty of verifying whether
one-third of them are scattered all over decisions have been in conformity with Ibadite doctrine
Algeria. But culturally they are still attached, [581.
as ever, to Mzab where they own summer
houses. This Mozabite emigration generated In other words, the power now is balanced
one of the most complex urban kinship between a lay executive and a clerical judiciary
networks in the world. In the long run, despite that interprets the religious foundations of the
their inherent religious conservatism and their laws.
stubborn effort to preserve their total cultural The second significant change occurring in
identity, the phenomenon of emigration Mzab as a result of emigration of the
caused drastic social changes. I will choose masculine active population regards the
only three areas to illustrate this point. The position of women. In fact, traditionally
power within the Ibadi communities was held women were completely dominated by the
by the clerks since the declaration of secrecy men; however, when the males left, the total
and the abolition of the office of Imam that responsibility of the entire household fell into
occurred in Sedrata. Since emigration to the the hands of the women.
Tell, and its economic success, a new center of It is through the Mozabite woman, the real safeguard of the
power emerged that included the councils or group, that the society of emigrants remains firmly attached
committees of the laymen which administer or to their homeland, as may be seen from the fundamental

regulation, a true "law of public safety," which forbids any Bourdieu here perceived with great accuracy
woman to leave the Mzab and by which is asserted the firm
the synchronic structural elasticity that
desire to preserve the community by preventing any
permanent exodus [59].
characterized the Mozabites' sociocultural
propensities to respond, if need be, to changes
A committee, made up of the most in the environment by resorting to piecemeal
intelligent, virtuous and socio-politically adjustment, and if required, by turning to
minded women, was created by the fathers of radical adaptive responses which permit them
Mzab who left to their young wives the to cope anew with their habitat; in so doing,
responsibility of running entire households they resolved the basic material problems of
during their long absences trading in the Tell. the biosocial existence of the group. But, like
The function of this order of women is to many other scholars who were illusorily
teach the young wives child-rearing practices fascinated mostly by the Ibadites' religious
and domestic economics, as well as preaching particularism, he paid less attention, if any at
to them religious virtues. They explain all, to the underlying diachronic social,
Moslem dogma to them: the Koran: the historical, economic, political and specifically
meaning of prayers, the laws and the history ecological causal factors that shaped,
of their cities and doctrine. These ladies are conditioned, and determined these perceptibly
feared and respected because they are invested distinct sociocultural features. These flexible
by the clerks with the power of public blame, and versatile societal structures of the
ridicule and religious ostracism. They also confederacy were generated by long adaptive
serve as intermediaries between the laymen, historical exposure not only to the hostile
the clerks, and these young housewives. barren and torrid desert habitat, but also and
The third important modification that most importantly to continual selective
might have far-reaching effects pertains to the pressures exerted upon them by a larger
already mentioned permission to let the society that was attempting directly or
Mozabite women accompany their husbands indirectly to absorb them socially and
to the North. Reformist movements headed by culturally. Like all other sociocultural
successful wealthy businessmen and modernist adaptive mechanisms, Mozabite culture did
sheikhs such as Bayoud, tried and succeeded not descend from heaven; it is the sum total of
in obtaining in 1953, permission for their social practice carried out through the
wives and children to leave for the Tell. Since processes of multivarious intra- and inter-
then a large number of Mozabites have taken societal interactions as determined by power
their wives with them. Others have married relations. The articulation of the Ibadites with
the daughters of Mozabites already settled in their unique physical environment came to
the Tell [60]. If this trend continues, the reinforce and shape the nature of
Mozabite emigrant traders may be integrated sociocultural and behavioral patterns used as
gradually into the Tellian society. It must be the means of their social integration. In a
noted that one of the revolutionary nationalist word, Bourdieu has overlooked the basic
poets, who wrote Kassamen, the Algerian technomic, ecological and social causes that
anthem, is Mofedi Zakaria, a Mozabite. propelled and determined the overall
However, as Bourdieu put it, sociocultural development and evolution of
fierce resistance, obstinate and scrupulous particularism, a the Ibadi Mozabites.
self-loyalty can co-exist with a cautious desire for evolution, In conclusion, it must be stressed that
an attempt at compromise and planned development; never without the use of a diachronic sociocultural
perhaps has the interaction between permanence and change
been presented so clearly and distinctly. The maintenance of
and ecological analysis, the economic causes
stability, far from excluding change, presupposes the and historical processes which determined the
capacity to modify oneself to adapt to new situations [61]. constitution of the Mozabite desert

confederation could not have been clearly operative within a community, ideologies,
understood. This historical approach allowed however (customs, habits, and ideas), are
us to extricate the interrelated multicausal always bound to have a life of their own once
factors underlying the emergence, they are brought into social focus. Though
development, and evolution of Mozabite they are results of social praxis, they become
culture and society. History enabled us to determinant factors possessing a dynamic of
comprehend not only the essence but also the their own which shapes the behavior of
substance of structural changes and individuals and makes their relationships to
continuities that have occurred over time as a one another predictable.
result of specific events and vicissitudes that Although the main ideas that make up the
were ushered in by the followers of Ibn Ibad. basic Ibadi ideological component were
This article has demonstrated that the basis originally derived from and based upon a
of politics is society, which is brought into fundamental interpretation of the Koran,
shape by the "unaided effort" of individuals these ideas have been transformed in the
in their relationships with groups, classes, and process in order to be incorporated into the
factions. It is thus social relationships and doctrine. As a result, those ideas strikingly
interactions that generate sociopolitical reflect the Ibadites' existential experiences.
forms. The social structures of the Ibadite The customary rulings and precepts of the
communities emerged from their praxis; they numerous sheikhs, though based on the
did not appear sui generis and did not subsist Koran, were thus enriched by the historical
"in the air." They had a material basis around experiences of their community and the
which the social division of labor and the official dogma of the sect. Their long historic
mode of production were organized. As a struggle shaped, conditioned and determined
result of this specific social practice, the the form of the Ibadite social praxis, which
Ibadites devised techniques, organized generated in return the fascinating patterns of
institutions, and elaborated ideologies to their societal arrangements.
rationalize their interpersonal and
intrasocietal relationships. It is in ideology The ideas in men's minds, the aims they set themselves, and
that people become conscious of class conflict the emotions they feel, arise in response to their material
conditions of existence, which include relationship with
and "fight it out" in its religious, ethical, nature and relationship with one another in society. The
legal, and political forms. In this sense forces bringing about social change are not "ideas" or
ideology is an objective sociocultural reality "aims" in the abstract, nor abstract individuals each of
and the ideological struggle not only reflects whom decided independently what he will do, but, as Marx
and Engels put it in The German Ideology, "real, active
but also constitutes an organic part of class,
men, as they are conditioned by a definite development of
factional or inter-societal struggle. Every their productive forces and of the intercourse corresponding
sociopolitical aspect of the Ibadites was to these"; and they form their ideas and aims "on the basis
traditionally tinged with a ritualized of their real life process." It is the necessary condition of
religiosity. This fact was probably due to the any human life that people should produce their means of
subsistence, and that they should enter into production
role played by religious values in the rise and
relations corresponding with their productive forces . . .
development of Ibadite culture both as a possessing certain productive forces and living within
cosmological system and as the essential frame certain production relations, people then form their ideas
of reference of their ideology which justified and intentions corresponding to these real-life conditions in
the interpersonal relations of the followers of which they find themselves.
From these conditions arise definite interests,
this sect. Although one may be right in
contradictions of interest, aims and ambitions. Ideas,
considering ideologies as mythologies that are passions, plans and intentions arise in the minds of
elaborated a posteriori to justify current individuals accordingly, in response to those conditions of
practices and to legitimate power relations life. And so social life proceeds [62].

The Kharijite movement from which the Ibadites joined forces, and left for central
Ibadite doctrine emerged, sprang from and Algeria where they established their city-state
prevailed among the socio-economic and of Tiaret, which flourished and prospered for
political strata that had been relegated to a 150 years. During this period the former
subservient position within the Islamic empire Berber agro-pastoralists were induced by their
since the beginning of the 7th century A.D. in geographical position to specialize in trade
Arabia and the fertile crescent as well as in the that rendered them excellent middlemen
Maghreb. The causes of the schism that between coastal-plains agriculturalists, grain
induced the "hiving o f f " of the Kharijite- growers, and the pastoralist sheep breeders of
Ibadite followers were primarily motivated by the steppes. When their city was destroyed by
specific socio-economic and political the Fatimid Shi'ite army, the survivors were
conditions, which made the underprivileged led by their Imam to join an Ibadi community
strata receptive or responsive to a philosophy that was established and settled early in the
that stressed the equality of all the believers. region of Ouargla in the middle of the Sahara.
The Sunni dogma was the prevalent official Once there~ they succeeded in controlling the
doctrine, which tended to favor, even to most profitable trans-Saharan trade from
sanctify, the Arab aristocracy as a hereditary which they accumulated enough gold to move
ruling class within a paradoxical, newly to a more secure place where they would live
formed theocratic-secular world empire into in a state of glory, practicing their religious
which numerous peoples of diverse cultural beliefs without external threat. Thus in 1011
backgrounds were incorporated as equal the first city of Mzab was constructed and
Moslems. Indeed, the very foundation of this finally four other cities were added.
empire was justified and legitimated by a Nevertheless, despite their industrious
religion (as an ideology) which emphasized the economic dynamism, which enabled them to
socio-political equality of all its followers. To plant and irrigate palm grove plantations and
put it otherwise, the religious ideological various fruit trees in the middle of the desert,
rationalizations, which were merely the demographic pressure was aggravated by the
appearance of the underlying causes that led physical environment that limited any further
to the fissioning off of the Ibadites from the expansion; the Mozabites were forced to
orthodox Moslems, were considered by the initiate an economic adaptive strategy that
orientalists who were proponents of would permit them to cope effectively with the
normative determinism, as the prime movers propagation of their offspring. Thus they
of this split. However, the actual underlying resorted to emigration of male traders to the
causes, which were completely overlooked and Tell. The early Mozabite businesses were, and
which triggered and propelled the conflict, some are still, corporately owned and
were generated by concrete socio-economic managed. This fact made them highly
and political stratification and class competitive because of the elaborate and
differentiation within the expanding empire. devoted, and highly cohesive kinship networks
Thus sprang in Arabia and the fertile t h a t furnished a cheap, abundant, family or
crescent the Ibadite doctrine which was lineage labor. Their sociocultural cohesion, in
diffused as an ideology as far as al Maghreb, addition to their corporate commercial
where the fleeing sectarians were ventures facilitated their transformation from
enthusiastically received by Berber parasitic but successful middlemen to highly
mountaineer agro-pastoralists who embraced modern capitalist financial speculations, and
this rebel doctrine with zeal and fervor. After prompted the development of dynamic
settling for four years in Kairowan, Tunisia, wholesale businesses and the organization of
the sectarians were forced to flee. So, all the import-export companies that were managed

with skill and technical know-how. as they please; they do not make it under circumstances
The complex of differing and conflicting chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly
encountered, given and transmitted from the past. The
ideologies and aims was born from the given
tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare
environmental and historical circumstances; on the brain of the living. And just when they seem engaged
eventually these conditions that gave rise to in revolutionizing themselves and things, in creating
sociopolitical struggles were modified by the something that has never yet existed, precisely in such
social activities of the Ibadites. The successive periods of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the
spirits of the past to their service and borrow from them
socioeconomic developments of the Mozabites
names, battle cries and costumes in order to present the new
resulted from their productive forces. But scene of world history in this time-honored disguise and this
once their political organization came into borrowed language ... In like manner a beginner who has
existence it conditioned in turn the structures learnt a new language always translates it back into his
and the rate of social, economic, and mother tongue, but he has assimilated the spirit of the new
language and can freely express himself in it only when he
demographic changes within the Ibadite
finds his way in it without recalling the old and forgets his
communities because all the organic native tongue in the use of the new [64].
components of the society were dialectically
interrelated to one another. Following Marx The origin, development, and evolution of
and Engels, one is strongly tempted to say that the Ibadite sociocultural system of the
culture, ecology, social structure, even Mozabite confederacy was brought into form
and kept in motion by the dialectical interplay
history does nothing, it "possesses no immense wealth," it
of culture, nature, and humans as the makers
"wages no battle." It is man, real living man, that does all
that, that possesses and fights; "history" is not a person of their own history, manufacturers of their
apart, using as a means for its own particular aims; history tools with which they transformed their
is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims [63]. physical landscape, and organizers of their
social structures that allowed them to channel
If the structuralists object to this statement
their collective efforts and energies in such a
on the basis that human activities are
way as to maintain their society functioning
themselves patterned by the existing and free, and the creators of their own
structures, they should be assured that Marx
ideology that explained their place in the
was in tull agreement with them a long time
universe and rationalized their social
before the elaboration of structuralism in
relationships. And these sociocultural
anthropology. Indeed, he wrote in 1852:
components are dialectically, functionally,
Men make their own history, but they do not make it just and causally interconnected.

7. Quoted in C. Geertz, Agricultural Involutions (Berkeley

NOTES and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966), p.
1. B. Lewis, The Arabs in History (New York: Harper and 8. See E. Semple's Influences o f Geographic Environment
Row, 1966), p. 164. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1911).
2. Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah: A n Introduction to 9. Ibid.
History, vol. 1, trans, from Arabic by Rosenthal (New 10. Ibid., p. 2.
York: Bollinger Foundation, 1958), pp. 175-76. 11. E. Huntington, Mainsprings o f Civilization (New York:
3. J. Bodin, Les Six Livres de la Rdpublique (Lyon, revised New American Library, 1945), p. vii.
edition, 1850), pp. 480-481. 12. Ibid.
4. Ibid., p. 485. 13. Ibid., p. 285.
5. Buffon, Oeuvres Choisies, vol. 2. (Paris: Didot, 1861), p. 14. L. Febvre and L. Bataillon, A Geographical Introduction
87. to History, trans. Mountford and Paxton (New York:
6. Quoted in M. Sahlins, "Culture and Environment," in Sol Barnes and Noble, 1924).
Tax (ed.), Horizons o f Anthropology (Chicago: Aldine, 15. Ibid., p. 17.
1964), p. 132. 16. Ibid., pp. 19-20.

17. W.D. Wallis, "Geographic Environment and Culture," in (Paris: P.U.F., 1964 [1340]), p. 328.
Social Change (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960), p. 20. 38. G. Marcais, "Rustumids," in Leyden and London (eds.),
18. E. Wolf, Anthropology (Princeton: Princeton University Encyclopedia o f l s l a m , (1936)Vol. III, p. 1187.
Press, 1964), p. 60. 39. Ibid., p. 1188.
19. J. Steward, Theory o f Culture Change (Urbana: 40. A. Zakaria, Chronique d'Abou-Zakaria trans, and
University of Illinois Press), p. 337. comments, E. Masqueray (Alger: 1978), p. 317.
20. E. Wolf, Anthropology, op. cit., p. 55. 41. C.A. Julien, Histoire de I'Algeria Contemporaine ..., op.
21. J. Steward, Theory o f Culture Change, op. cit., p. 40. cit., p. 335.
22. M. Sahlins, "Culture and Environment," op. cit., pp. 42. G. Marcais, "Rustumids," op. cit., p. 1188.
132-33. 43. A. Zakaria, Chronique .... op.cit., p.317.
23. L. White, The Science o f Culture (New York: Grove 44. G. Marcais, "Rustumids," op. cit.
Press, 1949), p. xviii. 45. E.A. Alport, "The Mzab (Algeria)," in Sweet (ed.),
24. See Kent Flannery's book review in Scientific American Peoples and Cultures o f the Middle East vol. 2 (American
(1967), p.69. Museum of Natural History, 1970), p. 231.
25. J. Friedman, "Marxism, Structuralism, and Vulgar 46. Ibid., p. 231.
Materialism," Man (1976), p. 457. 47. S. Ronart and N. Ronart, Concise Encyclopedia o f Arabic
26. Ibid. Civilization.
27. E. Leach, Political Systems o f Highland Burma: A Study 48. E.A. Alport, "The Mzab (Algeria)," op. cit., p. 225.
o f Kachin Social Structure (Cambridge: Harvard 49. R. Carette, Algerie, l~tats Tripolitains, Tunis (Paris:
University Press, 1964), p. 5. Librarie de Firmin, Didot Cie, 1849), p. 75.
28. Y. Cohen, Man in Adaptation: The Cultural Present 50. C.A. Julien, Histoire de l'Algerie Contemporaine ..., op.
(Chicago: Aldine, 1967), p. 451. cit., p. 396.
29. P.C. Lloyd, "The Political Structure of African 51. Ibid.
Kingdoms: An Explanatory Model," in M. Banton, (ed.), 52. Ibid.
Political Systems and the Distribution o f Power (London: 53. A. Chevrillon, Les Puritains de Desert (Sud Algerien)
Tavistock, 1965), pp. 78-79. (Paris: PLON, 1927), p. 156.
30. J.A. Williams (ed.), Islam (Princeton: Princeton 54. P. Bourdieu, Sociologie de I'Algerie op. cit., p. 40.
University Press, 1964), p. 197. 55. Ibid., p. 38.
31. Ibid., p. 198. 56. E.A. Alport, "The Mzab (Algeria)," op. cit., p. 238.
32. Jawzi, al-Ibn, Naqd al-llm Wa-I Ulama (Cairo:1340), p. 57. P. Bourdieu, Sociologie de l'Algerie op. cit., p. 49.
102. 58. Ibid., p. 41.
33. S. Ronart and N. Ronart, Concise Encyclopedia o f Arabic 59. Ibid., p. 46.
Civilizations: The Arab West (Amsterdam: Djambatan, 60. Ibid.
1966), p. 355. 61. Ibid., p. 49.
34. R. Nicholson, A Literary History o f the Arabs 62. M. Cornforth, Historical Materialism (New York:
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1907), p. 213. International Publishers, 1954), pp. 15-16.
35. J.A. Williams, Islam, op. cit., pp. 203-204. 63. F. Marek, Philosophy o f World Materialism (New York:
36. Ibid., p. 200. International Publishers, 1969), p. 48.
37. C.A. Julien, Histoire de l'Algerie Contemporaine: Les 64. K. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire o f Louis Bonaparte
Conqudtes et les Debuts de la Colonisation, 1830-1871 (New York: International Publishers, 1963), pp. 15-16.

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