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HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism The final assignment for this o!

rse is a "inal #a$er% The $!r$ose of the "inal assignmet is to give &o! an o$$ort!nit& to a$$l& m! h of 'hat &o! have learned abo!t Ameri an national government to an e(amination of ivil liberties in the onte(t of the 'ar on terror% The "inal #a$er re$resents )*+ of the overall o!rse grade%

,oon after the U%,% invasion of Afghanistan in )**-. the /!sh administration develo$ed a $lan for holding and interrogating a$t!red $risoners% The& 'ere sent to a $rison inside a U%,% naval base at G!antanamo /a&. on land leased from the government of C!ba% ,in e )**). over 0** men have been detained at 1GIT23%1 2ost have been released 'itho!t harges or t!rned over to other governments% In )*--. Congress s$e ifi all& $rohibited the e($endit!re of f!nds to transfer GIT23 $risoners to detention fa ilities in the ontinental United ,tates. ma4ing it virt!all& im$ossible to tr& them in ivilian o!rts% As of A$ril )*-). -56 remained in detention at GIT23 7,!tton. )*-)8% An ass!m$tion made b& the /!sh administration in sele ting this lo ation 'as that it 'as be&ond the 9!risdi tion of U%,% o!rts% The administration 'anted to avoid an& 9!di ial oversight of ho' it handled detainees. hara teri:ed as 1enem& ombatants%1 A $ossible legal hallenge to indefinite detention 'ith no formal harges or 9!di ial $ro eedings might arise from the habeas or$!s $rovision of the Constit!tion% Arti le I. ,e tion 6 of the Constit!tion states. 1The #rivilege of the ;rit of Habeas Cor$!s shall not be s!s$ended. !nless 'hen in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the $!bli ,afet& ma& re<!ire it%1 Under this $rovision. $ersons detained b& the government are entitled to a 9!di ial hearing to determine if there is an& legal basis for their detention% ,ome legal ommentators refer to the right of habeas or$!s as the 1great 'rit of libert&1 be a!se it is a $risoner=s !ltimate re o!rse to an im$artial 9!dge 'ho an revie' the $ossibilit& that he is being held illegall& b& the e(e !tive 7e%g%. the $oli e or the militar&8% In nations that do not honor habeas or$!s. $eo$le sim$l& disa$$ear into $risons 'itho!t ever having their da& in o!rt% ,everal ontroversial ,!$reme Co!rt ases have ome o!t of GIT23% 3ne f!ndamental <!estion that has been debated. b!t not learl& resolved. is to 'hat e(tent the 'ar on terror 9!stifies the #resident=s indefinite detention of 1enem& ombatants1 'itho!t the $ossibilit& of the minimal 9!di ial revie' $rote ted b& habeas or$!s> Another iss!e in the debate is to 'hat e(tent Congress m!st learl& a!thori:e the #resident to ond! t e(tra-9!di ial detentions in order for them to be legal> In )**?. the ,!$reme Co!rt@s de ision in Boumediene v. Bush offered some ans'ers to these <!estions% Ho'ever. the dee$l& divided A-B Co!rt and the li4elihood of the $rotra ted nat!re of the 'ar on terror s!ggest that debate aro!nd these im$ortant <!estions 'ill ontin!e% ;riting the "inal #a$er in this o!rse 'ill $re$are &o! to $arti i$ate intelligentl& as a iti:en in this ongoing debate% ;rite an essa& abo!t the right of habeas or$!s in the onte(t of the 'ar on terror% Co!r essa& sho!ld address the follo'ing s!bto$i s:

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism

-% The general meaning of the right of habeas or$!s in the U%,% Constit!tion and its relationshi$ to the $rote tion of other ivil liberties% )% The histori al evol!tion of habeas or$!s. in l!ding its English and Ameri an traditions% D% E(am$les from U%,% histor& of the 1s!s$ension1 of habeas or$!s and their a$$li abilit& to the $resent% B% The relevan e of habeas or$!s to the ontem$orar& U%,% sit!ation d!ring the 'ar on terror. es$e iall& 'ith res$e t to $ersons hara teri:ed b& the #resident as 1enem& ombatants1 or 1illegal ombatants%1 A% The U%,% ,!$reme Co!rt=s inter$retation of the right of habeas or$!s 'ith res$e t to 1enem& ombatants1 or 1illegal ombatants1 7i%e%. the vie's of the five 9!sti es ma4ing !$ the ma9orit& in Boumediene v. Bushas 'ell as the vie's of the fo!r dissenting 9!sti es8% 5% Co!r eval!ation of vario!s $ers$e tives on this to$i e($ressed b& 9!sti es of the ,!$reme Co!rt. leaders in other bran hes of government. and ommentators in both the a ademi and $o$!lar media% Co!r assessment sho!ld onsider several $ers$e tives on this to$i . in l!ding : o The role of the #resident as ommander-in- hief% o The role of Congress in determining 'hen habeas or$!s an be 1s!s$ended%1 o The role of the ,!$reme Co!rt in $rote ting ivil liberties. in l!ding the 9!di ial $hiloso$h& 'hi h sho!ld g!ide the Co!rt in this role. and o Co!r $ersonal $hiloso$h&. val!es or ideolog& abo!t the balan e bet'een ivil liberties and national se !rit& in the onte(t of an !nending 'ar on terror% "ollo' these re<!irements 'hen 'riting the "inal assignment: -% The bod& of the assignment 7e( l!ding the title $age and referen e $age8 m!st be at least -.A** 'ords long% )% The $a$er m!st start 'ith a short introd! tor& $aragra$h 'hi h in l!des a lear thesis statement% The thesis statement m!st tell readers 'hat the essa& 'ill demonstrate% D% The $a$er m!st end 'ith a short $aragra$h that states a on l!sion% The on l!sion and thesis m!st be onsistent% B% The $a$er m!st logi all& develo$ the thesis in a 'a& that leads to the on l!sion. and that develo$ment m!st be s!$$orted b& fa ts. f!ll& e($lained on e$ts and assertions. and $ers!asive reasoning% A% The $a$er m!st address all s!bto$i s o!tlined above% At least )*+ of the essa& m!st fo !s on s!bto$i 5. above 7&o!r eval!ation of arg!ments abo!t the to$i 8% 5% Co!r $a$er m!st ite at least three a ademi arti les 7e( l!ding the o!rse te(tboo48 and at least fo!r other 4inds of so!r es 7e%g%. ,!$reme Co!rt o$inions. maga:ine or ne's$a$er arti les. the o!rse te(tboo4. and reliable 'ebsites or videos8%

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism

0% Use your own words% ;hile brief <!otes from so!r es ma& be !sed. altogether the total amo!nt of <!oted te(t m!st be less than five $er ent of the bod& of &o!r $a$er% ?% ;hen &o! !se someone else=s 'ords. the& m!st be en losed in <!otation mar4s follo'ed b& an A#A in-te(t short itation E 7A!thor. Cear. $age8 E to &o!r so!r e% The in-te(t itation m!st orres$ond to a f!ll A#A itation for the so!r e on the referen e $age at the end of the essa&% 6% ;hen &o! e($ress in &o!r o'n 'ords someone else=s ideas. arg!ments or fa ts. &o!r statement m!st be follo'ed b& an A#A in-te(t short itation E 7A!thor. Cear. $age8 E to &o!r so!r e% The in-te(t itation m!st orres$ond to a f!ll A#A itation for the so!r e in the referen e $age% -*% The form of the title $age. the bod& $ages. and the referen e $age m!st om$l& 'ith A#A st&le% Additionall&. the title $age m!st in l!de the o!rse n!mber and name. the instr! tor=s name. and the date s!bmitted% --% The $a$er m!st !se logi al $aragra$h and senten e transitions. om$lete and lear senten es. and orre t grammar. s$elling. and $!n t!ation% "or this assignment &o! need to do resear h in $eer-revie'ed 9o!rnals or other so!r es that are onsidered to have reliable information% In addition to &o!r re<!ired o!rse te(t. &o! need at least seven $rofessional s holarl& so!r es. three of 'hi h m!st be $eer revie'ed 9o!rnal arti les from the Ashford 3nline Librar&% A ademi resear h $a$ers m!st meet !niversit& level standards of <!alit&% ;hat onstit!tes <!alit&. a ademi resear h>

#rimar& so!r es 'ritten b& e($erts in the field of st!d& ,e ondar& so!r es s!$$orted b& resear h in $rimar& so!r es Credible so!r es 7e($erts in the area of st!d&8 Relevant resear h 7materials are $ertinent to the area of st!d&8 #eer-revie'ed 9o!rnal arti les 79o!rnal arti les revie'ed b& re ogni:ed e($erts in the relevant field of st!d&8% Ed! ational and Government 'ebsites 7those ending 'ith a 'eb URL s!ffi( of %ed! or %gov8 ma& be a$$ro$riate in some ases b!t sho!ld be eval!ated aref!ll&%

#lease visit the A ademi Resear h se tion on &o!r o!rse home$age 7a essible thro!gh the ,t!dent Res$onsibilities and #oli ies tab on the left navigation toolbar8 to revie' 'hat t&$es of materials are not a e$table for a ademi . !niversit& level resear h% The $a$er m!st be at least -A** 'ords in length and formatted a ording to A#A st&le% Cite &o!r so!r es 'ithin the te(t of &o!r $a$er and on the referen e $age% "or information regarding A#A. in l!ding sam$les and t!torials. visit the Ashford ;riting Center 'ithin the Learning Reso!r es tab on the left navigation toolbar

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism

Civil Liberties and Terrorism Co!r Name #3L)*Instr! tor Name Date Civil Liberties and Terrorism

FAll those 'ho see4 to destro& the liberties of a demo rati nation o!ght to 4no' that 'ar is the s!rest and shortest means to a om$lish itG Ale(is de To <!eville% I $ersonall& believe that 'e do not need to restri t o!r ivil liberties as stated in the /ill of

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism Rights in order to $rote t Ameri an iti:ens from terrorist organi:ations% Civil liberties are the $ersonal g!arantees and freedoms that the government annot abridge. either b& la'. onstit!tion. or 9!di ial inter$retation 'hi h in l!de the freedom from slaver& and for ed labor. freedom from tort!re and death. the right to libert& and se !rit&. right to a fair trial. the right to defend one=s self. the right to o'n and bear arms. the right to $riva &. freedom of ons ien e. freedom of e($ression. freedom of assembl& and asso iation. and the right to marr& and have a famil& 7 Conner. ,abato. )*--8% Ces. it is ver& im$ortant for !s to 'orr& abo!t terrorism and to defend o!r o!ntr& b!t it is not ne essar& for o!r government to ta4e a'a& o!r ivil liberties in the $ro ess% ,o 'here does this leave !s> Do 'e let terrorism s are !s into losing o!r ivil liberties or do 'e ignore terrorism and 4ee$ o!r rights> I do not thin4 'e have to om$romise o!r safet& from terrorism to 4ee$ o!r ivil liberties. there has got to be a ommon gro!nd 'here ever&one an 4ee$ their ivil

liberties and still be safe from terrorism% I believe that restri tions in ivil liberties violate the !nderl&ing $rin i$les of Ameri an demo ra & greatl&% It is not ne essar& to thro' o!t ever&thing this o!ntr& stands for to $revent !s from being h!rt b& terrorism% There are man& other 'a&s to fight terrorism 'itho!t violating o!r rights as Ameri an iti:ens% I do not !nderstand the governments need to ta$ into o!r onversations and violate o!r $riva & and $ersonal rights to $revent terrorism% ;hat is the need for it> I mean I om$letel& !nderstand if there is s!s$i ion of someone being a terrorist or if the& have reason to believe the& are a terrorist or $lanning to h!rt the United ,tates b!t there needs to be some limitations on this matter% As of right no'. the government

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism an do $rett& m! h 'hatever the& 'ant 'itho!t ons!lting or letting the $erson in <!estion 4no' the& are being 'at hed or $hone ta$$ed% It is tr!l& sad to me that the government states that the& are all for o!r ivil liberties and rights as Ameri an iti:ens b!t &et the& go behind o!t ba 4s 'itho!t 'arrants and sear h into o!r $ersonal lives and

$ersonal information be a!se the& are s!s$i io!s% I !nderstand that after 6H-- 'e need to ta4e ever& $re a!tion to 4ee$ o!r o!ntr& and its $eo$le safe b!t this is not the 'a& to go abo!t it% The first and fo!rth amendments have hanged immensel& sin e the im$lementation of the U,A #atriot A t% FThe U,A #atriot A t of )**- learl& violates the onstit!tionall& g!aranteed rights of the residents of the United ,tates. and the time has ome for ever&one to be !nited in raising a'areness of s! h violations b& <!estioning the a tions of the government !nder the disg!ise of the #atriot A tG 7Iashan. )*-*8% Not onl& is the U,A #atriot A t fla'ed b!t it 'as also r!shed%G A ording to Iam C% ;ong. Chair. De$artment of Criminal J!sti e at Kavier Universit&. The U,A #ATRI3T A t 'as Lr!shed@ $assed Congress b& the /!sh administration 'itho!t follo'ing the !s!al legislative $ro ed!re. i%e%. agen & revie'. $!bli hearings. mar4 !$. floor debate. and onferen e re$ort. in both hambers% 2ore signifi antl&. thro!gho!t the entire U,A #atriot A t legislative $ro ess. neither the Congress nor the Administration has s&stemati all& investigated. 9!di io!sl& e(amined. o$enl& debated. and om$rehensivel& onsidered the relative meritsG 7Iashan. )*-*8% /e a!se of this r!shed $ro ess in the U,A #atriot A t. the o$$osing sides 'ere not given a han e to be heard 'hi h in t!rn a!se man& debates and ontroversies over the U,A #atriot A t% There are man& onse<!en es be a!se of the U,A #atriot A t s! h as the dangero!s e($ansion of the

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism $residential $o'ers. #resident /!sh allo'ing the N,A to eavesdro$ on Ameri ans 'itho!t o!rt a$$roved 'arrants and #resident /!sh lo 4ing an Ameri an born iti:en named Jose #adilla in solitar& onfinement for more than three &ears be a!se he 'as

a !sed of ma4ing a bomb $lot and 'as ref!sed the right to a trial% It is ver& lear. and all eviden e above $roves that the U,A #atriot A t has not done an& good and has done damage to not onl& o!r ivil liberties as Ameri ans b!t o!r governments@ infrastr! t!re as 'ell% The U,A #atriot A t has done more harm than good and has made a mo 4er& of ever&thing o!r o!ntr& stands for% ;e as Ameri ans o'e it to o!r o!ntr& to stand !$ for 'hat is right and ast o!t 'hat is 'rong% FAmeri ans need to !nderstand the signifi an e of having their ivil liberties dismantled% It doesn=t 9!st affe t terrorists and foreigners. it affe ts !s allG /ian a Jagger% The U,A #atriot A t is om$letel& !n onstit!tional and 'e need to rid o!rselves of it om$letel& be a!se 'ith this a t still in $la e. it 'ill lead to !s as Ameri ans losing all of o!r rights% As $er the 'ords of Abraham Lin oln FDon=t interfere 'ith an&thing in the Constit!tion% That m!st be maintained. for it is the onl& safeg!ard of o!r liberties%G

Referen e #age 3=Conner. I%. ,abato. L% J%. M Can!s. A% /% 7)*--8% Ameri an Government Roots and Reform

HEAD RUNNING: - Civil Liberties and Terrorism 7)*-- ed%8% #earson Ed! ation. In % Iashan. ,% 7)*-*8% The !sa $atriot a t: Im$a t on freedoms and% Retrieved from htt$:HHd % od%ed!H giHvie' ontent% gi>arti leN--)DM onte(tNessai /rain& <!ote% 7)*-)8% Retrieved from htt$:HH'''%brain&<!ote% omH<!otesH4e&'ordsHliberties%html

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