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PREFACE. In this brief w r! the "#th r "i$s "t %r &in' in " sin'(e "r'#$ent the e)isten*e f G +, "n+ wh"ts e&er we be(ie&e f G +. --The +iffi*#(t. f the t"s!. --The "#th r writes in the %ers n f ne wh * nte$%("tes G +, "n+ see!s t #n+erst"n+ wh"t he be(ie&es. T this w r! he h"+ 'i&en this tit(e/ F"ith See!in' Un+erst"n+in'. He fin"((. n"$e+ it Pr s( 'i#$, --th"t is, A Dis* #rse. AFTER I h"+ %#b(ishe+, "t the s (i*it #s entre"ties f *ert"in brethren, " brief w r! 0the Monologium1 "s "n e)"$%(e f $e+it"ti n n the 'r #n+s f f"ith, in the %ers n f ne wh in&esti'"tes, in " * #rse f si(ent re"s nin' with hi$se(f, $"tters f whi*h he is i'n r"nt2 * nsi+erin' th"t this b ! w"s !nit t 'ether b. the (in!in' f $"n. "r'#$ents, I be'"n t "s! $.se(f whether there $i'ht be f #n+ " sin'(e "r'#$ent whi*h w #(+ re3#ire n ther f r its %r f th"n itse(f "( ne2 "n+ "( ne w #(+ s#ffi*e t +e$ nstr"te th"t G + tr#(. e)ists, "n+ th"t there is " s#%re$e ' + re3#irin' n thin' e(se, whi*h "(( ther thin's re3#ire f r their e)isten*e "n+ we((-bein'2 "n+ wh"te&er we be(ie&e re'"r+in' the +i&ine 4ein'. A(th #'h I ften "n+ e"rnest(. +ire*te+ $. th #'ht t this en+, "n+ "t s $e ti$es th"t whi*h I s #'ht see$e+ t be 5#st within $. re"*h, whi(e "'"in it wh ((. e&"+e+ $. $ent"( &isi n, "t ("st in +es%"ir I w"s "b #t t *e"se, "s if fr $ the se"r*h f r " thin' whi*h * #(+ n t be f #n+. 4#t when I wishe+ t e)*(#+e this th #'ht "(t 'ether, (est, b. b#s.in' $. $in+ t n %#r% se, it sh #(+ !ee% $e fr $ ther th #'hts, in whi*h I $i'ht be s#**essf#(2 then $ re "n+ $ re, th #'h I w"s #nwi((in' "n+ sh#nne+ it, it be'"n t f r*e itse(f #% n $e, with " !in+ f i$% rt#nit.. S , ne +"., when I w"s e)*ee+in'(. we"rie+ with resistin' its i$% rt#nit., in the &er. * nf(i*t f $. th #'hts, the %r f f whi*h I h"+ +es%"ire+ ffere+ itse(f, s th"t I e"'er(. e$br"*e+ the th #'hts whi*h I w"s stren# #s(. re%e((in'. Thin!in', theref re, th"t wh"t I re5 i*e+ t h"&e f #n+, w #(+, if %#t in writin', be we(* $e t s $e re"+ers, f this &er. $"tter, "n+ f s $e thers, I h"&e written the f (( win' tre"tise, in the %ers n f ne wh stri&es t (ift his $in+ t the * nte$%("ti n f G +, "n+ see!s t #n+erst"n+ wh"t he be(ie&es. In $. 5#+'$ent, neither this w r! n r the ther, whi*h I $enti ne+ "b &e, +eser&e+ t be *"((e+ " b !, r t be"r the n"$e f "n "#th r2 "n+ .et I th #'ht the. #'ht n t t be sent f rth with #t s $e tit(e b. whi*h the. $i'ht, in s $e s rt, in&ite ne int wh se h"n+s the. fe(( t their %er#s"(. I "** r+in'(. '"&e e"*h " tit(e, th"t the first $i'ht be !n wn "s, An E)"$%(e f Me+it"ti n n the Gr #n+s f F"ith, "n+ its se3#e( "s, F"ith See!in' Un+erst"n+in'. 4#t, "fter, b th h"+ been * %ie+ b. $"n. #n+er these tit(es, $"n. #r'e+ $e, "n+ es%e*i"((. H#' , the re&eren+ Ar*hbish % f L. ns, wh +is*h"r'es the "% st (i* ffi*e in G"#(, wh instr#*te+ $e t this effe*t n his "% st (i* "#th rit. --t %refi) $. n"$e t these writin's. An+ th"t this $i'ht be + ne $ re fit(., I n"$e+ the first, Monologium, th"t is, A S (i( 3#.2 b#t the se* n+, Proslogium, th"t is, A Dis* #rse.

CHAPTER I. E)h rt"ti n f the $in+ t the * nte$%("ti n f G +. --It *"sts "si+e *"res, "n+ e)*(#+es "(( th #'hts s"&e th"t f G +, th"t it $". see! Hi$. M"n w"s *re"te+ t see G +. M"n b. sin ( st the b(esse+ness f r whi*h he w"s $"+e, "n+ f #n+ the $iser. f r whi*h he w"s n t $"+e. He +i+ n t !ee% this ' + when he * #(+ !ee% it e"si(.. 6ith #t G + it is i(( with #s. O#r ("b rs "n+ "tte$%ts "re in &"in with #t G +. M"n *"nn t see! G +, #n(ess G + hi$se(f te"*hes hi$2 n r fin+ hi$, #n(ess he re&e"(s hi$se(f. G + *re"te+ $"n in his i$"'e, th"t he $i'ht be $in+f#( f hi$, thin! f hi$, "n+ ( &e hi$. The be(ie&er + es n t see! t #n+erst"n+, th"t he $". be(ie&e, b#t he be(ie&es th"t he $". #n+erst"n+/ f r #n(ess he be(ie&e+ he w #(+ n t #n+erst"n+. U% n w, s(i'ht $"n7 f(ee, f r " (itt(e whi(e, . #r **#%"ti ns2 hi+e . #rse(f, f r " ti$e, fr $ . #r +ist#rbin' th #'hts. C"st "si+e, n w, . #r b#r+ens $e *"res, "n+ %#t "w". . #r t i(s $e b#siness. 8ie(+ r $ f r s $e (itt(e ti$e t G +2 "n+ rest f r " (itt(e ti$e in hi$. Enter the inner *h"$ber f . #r $in+2 sh#t #t "(( th #'hts s"&e th"t f G +, "n+ s#*h "s *"n "i+ . # in see!in' hi$2 *( se . #r + r "n+ see! hi$. S%e"! n w, $. wh (e he"rt7 s%e"! n w t G +, s".in', I see! . #r f"*e2 . #r f"*e, L r+, wi(( I see! 0Ps"($s ))&ii. 91. An+ * $e . # n w, O L r+ $. G +, te"*h $. he"rt where "n+ h w it $". see! . #, where "n+ h w it $". fin+ . #. L r+, if . # "re n t here, where sh"(( I see! . #, bein' "bsent: 4#t if . # "re e&er.where, wh. + I n t see . # %resent: Tr#(. . # +we(( in #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht. 4#t where is #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht, r h w sh"(( I * $e t it: Or wh sh"(( (e"+ $e t th"t (i'ht "n+ int it, th"t I $". see . # in it: A'"in, b. wh"t $"r!s, #n+er wh"t f r$, sh"(( I see! . #: I h"&e ne&er seen . #, O L r+, $. G +2 I + n t !n w . #r f r$. 6h"t, ; $ st hi'h L r+, sh"(( this $"n + , "n e)i(e f"r fr $ . #: 6h"t sh"(( . #r ser&"nt + , "n)i #s in his ( &e f . #, "n+ *"st #t "f"r fr $ . #r f"*e: He %"nts t see . #, "n+ . #r f"*e is t f"r fr $ hi$. He ( n's t * $e t . #, "n+ . #r +we((in'%("*e is in"**essib(e. He is e"'er t fin+ . #, "n+ !n ws n t . #r %("*e. He +esires t see! . #, "n+ + es n t !n w . #r f"*e. L r+, . # "re $. G +, "n+ . # "re $. L r+, "n+ ne&er h"&e I seen . #. It is . # th"t h"st $"+e $e, "n+ h"s $"+e $e "new, "n+ h"s best we+ #% n $e "(( the b(essin' I en5 .2 "n+ n t .et + I !n w . #. Fin"((., I w"s *re"te+ t see . #, "n+ n t .et h"&e I + ne th"t f r whi*h I w"s $"+e. ; wret*he+ ( t f $"n, when he h"s ( st th"t f r whi*h he w"s $"+e7 ; h"r+ "n+ terrib(e f"te7 A("s, wh"t h"s he ( st, "n+ wh"t h"s he f #n+: 6h"t h"s +e%"rte+, "n+ wh"t re$"ins: He h"s ( st the b(esse+ness f r whi*h he w"s $"+e, "n+ h"s f #n+ the $iser. f r whi*h he w"s n t $"+e. Th"t h"s +e%"rte+ with #t whi*h n thin' is h"%%., "n+ th"t re$"ins whi*h, in itse(f, is n(. $iser"b(e. M"n n*e +i+ e"t the bre"+ f "n'e(s, f r whi*h he h#n'ers n w2 he e"teth n w the bre"+ f s rr ws, f whi*h he !new n t then. A("s7 f r the $ #rnin' f "(( $"n!in+, f r the #ni&ers"( ("$ent"ti n f the s ns f H"+es7 He *h !e+ with s"tiet., we si'h with h#n'er. He "b #n+e+, we be'. He % ssesse+ in h"%%iness, "n+ $iser"b(. f rs ! his % ssessi n2 we s#ffer w"nt in #nh"%%iness, "n+ fee( " $iser"b(e ( n'in', "n+ "("s7 we re$"in e$%t.. 6h. +i+ he n t !ee% f r #s, when he * #(+ s e"si(., th"t wh se ("*! we sh #(+ fee( s he"&i(.: 6h. +i+ he sh#t #s "w". fr $ the (i'ht, "n+ * &er #s &er with +"r!ness: 6ith wh"t %#r% se

+i+ he r b #s f (ife, "n+ inf(i*t +e"th #% n #s: 6ret*hes th"t we "re, when*e h"&e we been +ri&en #t2 whither "re we +ri&en n: 6hen*e h#r(e+: 6hither * nsi'ne+ t r#in: Fr $ " n"ti&e * #ntr. int e)i(e, fr $ the &isi n f G + int #r %resent b(in+ness, fr $ the 5 . f i$$ rt"(it. int the bitterness "n+ h rr r f +e"th. Miser"b(e e)*h"n'e f h w 're"t " ' +, f r h w 're"t "n e&i(7 He"&. ( ss, he"&. 'rief he"&. "(( #r f"te7 4#t "("s7 wret*he+ th"t I "$, ne f the s ns f E&e, f"r re$ &e+ fr $ G +7 6h"t h"&e I #n+ert"!en: 6h"t h"&e I "** $%(ishe+: 6hither w"s I stri&in': H w f"r h"&e I * $e: T wh"t +i+ I "s%ire: A$i+ wh"t th #'hts "$ I si'hin': I s #'ht b(essin's, "n+ ( 7 * nf#si n. I str &e t w"r+ G +, "n+ I st#$b(e+ n $.se(f. I s #'ht *"($ in %ri&"*., "n+ I f #n+ trib#("ti n "n+ 'rief, in $. in$ st th #'hts. I wishe+ t s$i(e in the 5 . f $. $in+, "n+ I "$ * $%e((e+ t fr wn b. the s rr w f $. he"rt. G("+ness w"s h %e+ f r, "n+ ( 7 " s #r*e f fre3#ent si'hs7 An+ . # t , O L r+, h w ( n': H w ( n', O L r+, + . # f r'et #s2 h w ( n' + . # t#rn . #r f"*e fr $ #s: 6hen wi(( . # ( ! #% n #s, "n+ he"r #s: 6hen wi(( . # en(i'hten #r e.es, "n+ sh w #s . #r f"*e: 6hen wi(( . # rest re . #rse(f t #s: L ! #% n #s, L r+2 he"r #s, en(i'hten #s, re&e"( . #rse(f t #s. Rest re . #rse(f t #s, th"t it $". be we(( with #s, --. #rse(f, with #t wh $ it is s i(( with #s. Pit. #r t i(in's "n+ stri&in's t w"r+ . # sin*e we *"n + n thin' with #t . #. 8 # + in&ite #s2 + . # he(% #s. I besee*h . #, O L r+, th"t I $". n t ( se h %e in si'hs, b#t $". bre"the "new in h %e. L r+, $. he"rt is $"+e bitter b. its +es ("ti n2 sweeten . # it, I besee*h . #, with . #r * ns ("ti n. L r+, in h#n'er I be'"n t see! . #2 I besee*h . # th"t I $". n t *e"se t h#n'er f r . #. In h#n'er I h"&e * $e t . #2 (et $e n t ' #nfe+. I h"&e * $e in % &ert. t the Ri*h, in $iser. t the C $%"ssi n"te2 (et $e n t ret#rn e$%t. "n+ +es%ise+. An+ if, bef re I e"t, I si'h, 'r"nt, e&en "fter si'hs, th"t whi*h I $". e"t. L r+, I "$ b we+ + wn "n+ *"n n(. ( ! + wnw"r+2 r"ise $e #% th"t I $". ( ! #%w"r+. M. ini3#ities h"&e ' ne &er $. he"+2 the. &erwhe($ $e2 "n+, (i!e " he"&. ( "+, the. wei'h $e + wn. Free $e fr $ the$2 #nb#r+en $e, th"t the %it f ini3#ities $". n t *( se &er $e. 4e it $ine t ( ! #% t . #r (i'ht, e&en fr $ "f"r, e&en fr $ the +e%ths. Te"*h $e t see! . #, "n+ re&e"( . #rse(f t $e, when I see! . #, f r I *"nn t see! . #, e)*e%t . # te"*h $e, n r fin+ . #, e)*e%t . # re&e"( . #rse(f. Let $e see! . # in ( n'in', (et $e ( n' f r . # in see!in'2 (et $e fin+ . # in ( &e, "n+ ( &e . # in fin+in'. L r+, I "*!n w(e+'e "n+ I th"n! . # th"t . # h"s *re"te+ $e in this . #r i$"'e, in r+er th"t I $". be $in+f#( f . #, $". * n*ei&e f . #, "n+ ( &e . #2 b#t th"t i$"'e h"s been s * ns#$e+ "n+ w"ste+ "w". b. &i*es, "n+ bs*#re+ b. the s$ !e f wr n'-+ in', th"t it *"nn t "*hie&e th"t f r whi*h it w"s $"+e, e)*e%t . # renew it, "n+ *re"te it "new. I + n t en+e"& r, O L r+, t %enetr"te . #r s#b(i$it., f r in n wise + I * $%"re $. #n+erst"n+in' with th"t2 b#t I ( n' t #n+erst"n+ in s $e +e'ree . #r tr#th, whi*h $. he"rt be(ie&es "n+ ( &es. F r I + n t see! t #n+erst"n+ th"t I $". be(ie&e, b#t I be(ie&e in r+er t #n+erst"n+. F r this "(s I be(ie&e, --th"t #n(ess I be(ie&e+, I sh #(+ n t #n+erst"n+.

CHAPTER II. Tr#(. there is " G +, "(th #'h the f ( h"s s"i+ in his he"rt, There is n G +.

AND s , L r+, + . #, wh + 'i&e #n+erst"n+in' t f"ith, 'i&e $e, s f"r "s . # !n west it t be %r fit"b(e, t #n+erst"n+ th"t . # "re "s we be(ie&e2 "n+ th"t . # "re th"t whi*h we be(ie&e. An+ in+ee+, we be(ie&e th"t . # "re " bein' th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+. Or is there n s#*h n"t#re, sin*e the f ( h"s s"i+ in his he"rt, there is n G +: 0Ps"($s )i&. <1. 4#t, "t "n. r"te, this &er. f (, when he he"rs f this bein' f whi*h I s%e"! --" bein' th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+ --#n+erst"n+s wh"t be he"rs, "n+ wh"t he #n+erst"n+s is in his #n+erst"n+in'2 "(th #'h he + es n t #n+erst"n+ it t e)ist. F r, it is ne thin' f r "n b5e*t t be in the #n+erst"n+in', "n+ "n ther t #n+erst"n+ th"t the b5e*t e)ists. 6hen " %"inter first * n*ei&es f wh"t he wi(( "fterw"r+s %erf r$, he h"s it in his #n+erst"n+in', b#t be + es n t .et #n+erst"n+ it t be, be*"#se he h"s n t .et %erf r$e+ it. 4#t "fter he h"s $"+e the %"intin', be b th h"s it in his #n+erst"n+in', "n+ he #n+erst"n+s th"t it e)ists, be*"#se he h"s $"+e it. Hen*e, e&en the f ( is * n&in*e+ th"t s $ethin' e)ists in the #n+erst"n+in', "t (e"st, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+. F r, when he he"rs f this, he #n+erst"n+s it. An+ wh"te&er is #n+erst +, e)ists in the #n+erst"n+in'. An+ "ss#re+(. th"t, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+, *"nn t e)ist in the #n+erst"n+in' "( ne. F r, s#%% se it e)ists in the #n+erst"n+in' "( ne/ then it *"n be * n*ei&e+ t e)ist in re"(it.2 whi*h is 're"ter. Theref re, if th"t, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+, e)ists in the #n+erst"n+in' "( ne, the &er. bein', th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+, is ne, th"n whi*h " 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+. 4#t b&i #s(. this is i$% ssib(e. Hen*e, there is + #bt th"t there e)ists " bein', th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+, "n+ it e)ists b th in the #n+erst"n+in' "n+ in re"(it..

CHAPTER III. G + *"nn t be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist. --G + is th"t, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+. --Th"t whi*h *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist is n t G +. AND it "ss#re+(. e)ists s tr#(., th"t it *"nn t be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist. F r, it is % ssib(e t * n*ei&e f " bein' whi*h *"nn t be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist2 "n+ this is 're"ter th"n ne whi*h *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist. Hen*e, if th"t, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+, *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist, it is n t th"t, th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+. 4#t this is "n irre* n*i("b(e * ntr"+i*ti n. There is, then, s tr#(. " bein' th"n whi*h n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+ t e)ist, th"t it *"nn t e&en be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist2. "n+ this bein' . # "re, O L r+, #r G +. S tr#(., theref re, + . # e)ist, O L r+, $. G +, th"t . # *"n n t be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist2 "n+ ri'ht(.. F r, if " $in+ * #(+ * n*ei&e f " bein' better th"n . #, the *re"t#re w #(+ rise "b &e the Cre"t r2 "n+ this is $ st "bs#r+. An+, in+ee+, wh"te&er e(se there is, e)*e%t . # "( ne, *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist. T . # "( ne, theref re, it be( n's t e)ist $ re tr#(. th"n "(( ther bein's, "n+ hen*e in " hi'her +e'ree th"n "(( thers. F r, wh"te&er e(se e)ists + es n t e)ist s

tr#(., "n+ hen*e in " (ess +e'ree it be( n's t it t e)ist. 6h., then, h"s the f ( s"i+ in his he"rt, there is n G + 0Ps"($s )i&. <1, sin*e it is s e&i+ent, t " r"ti n"( $in+, th"t . # + e)ist in the hi'hest +e'ree f "((: 6h., e)*e%t th"t he is +#(( "n+ " f (:

CHAPTER I=. H w the f ( h"s s"i+ in his he"rt wh"t *"nn t be * n*ei&e+. --A thin' $". be * n*ei&e+ in tw w".s/ 0<1 when the w r+ si'nif.in' it is * n*ei&e+2 0>1 when the thin' itse(f is #n+erst + As f"r "s the w r+ ' es, G + *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist2 in re"(it. he *"nn t. 4UT h w h"s the f ( s"i+ in his he"rt wh"t he * #(+ n t * n*ei&e2 r h w is it th"t he * #(+ n t * n*ei&e wh"t he s"i+ in his he"rt: sin*e it is the s"$e t s". in the he"rt, "n+ t * n*ei&e. 4#t, if re"((., n"., sin*e re"((., he b th * n*ei&e+, be*"#se he s"i+ in his he"rt2 "n+ +i+ n t s". in his he"rt, be*"#se he * #(+ n t * n*ei&e2 there is $ re th"n ne w". in whi*h " thin' is s"i+ in the he"rt r * n*ei&e+. F r, in ne sense, "n b5e*t is * n*ei&e+, when the w r+ si'nif.in' it is * n*ei&e+2 "n+ in "n ther, when the &er. entit., whi*h the b5e*t is, is #n+erst +. In the f r$er sense, then, G + *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist2 b#t in the ("tter, n t "t "((. F r n ne wh #n+erst"n+s wh"t fire "n+ w"ter "re *"n * n*ei&e fire t be w"ter, in "** r+"n*e with the n"t#re f the f"*ts the$se(&es, "(th #'h this is % ssib(e "** r+in' t the w r+s. S , then, n ne wh #n+erst"n+s wh"t G + is *"n * n*ei&e th"t G + + es n t e)ist2 "(th #'h he s".s these w r+s in his he"rt, either with #t "n. r with s $e f rei'n, si'nifi*"ti n. F r, G + is th"t th"n whi*h " 're"ter *"nn t be * n*ei&e+. An+ he wh th r #'h(. #n+erst"n+s this, "ss#re+(. #n+erst"n+s th"t this bein' s tr#(. e)ists, th"t n t e&en in * n*e%t *"n it be n n-e)istent. Theref re, he wh #n+erst"n+s th"t G + s e)ists, *"nn t * n*ei&e th"t he + es n t e)ist. I th"n! . #, 'r"*i #s L r+, I th"n! . #2 be*"#se wh"t I f r$er(. be(ie&e+ b. . #r b #nt., I n w s #n+erst"n+ b. . #r i((#$in"ti n, th"t if I were #nwi((in' t be(ie&e th"t . # + e)ist, I sh #(+ n t be "b(e n t t #n+erst"n+ this t be tr#e.

CHAPTER =. G + is wh"te&er it is better t be th"n n t t be2 "n+ he, "s the n(. se(f-e)istent bein', *re"tes "(( thin's fr $ n thin'. 6HAT "re . #, then, L r+ G +, th"n wh $ n thin' 're"ter *"n be * n*ei&e+: 4#t wh"t "re . #, e)*e%t th"t whi*h, "s the hi'hest f "(( bein's, "( ne e)ists thr #'h itse(f, "n+ *re"tes "(( ther thin's fr $ n thin': F r, wh"te&er is n t this is (ess th"n " thin' whi*h *"n be * n*ei&e+ f. 4#t this *"nn t be * n*ei&e+ f . #. 6h"t ' +, theref re, + es the s#%re$e G + ("*!, thr #'h whi*h e&er. ' + is: Theref re, . # "re 5#st, tr#thf#(, b(esse+, "n+ wh"te&er it is better t be th"n n t t be. F r it is better t be 5#st th"n n t 5#st2 better t be b(esse+ th"n n t b(esse+.

CHAPTER =I. H w G + is sensib(e 0sensibilis1 "(th #'h he is n t " b +.. --G + is sensib(e, $ni% tent, * $%"ssi n"te, %"ssi n(ess2 f r it is better t be these th"n n t be. He wh in "n. w". !n ws, is n t i$%r %er(. s"i+ in s $e s rt t fee(. 4UT, "(th #'h it is better f r . # t be sensib(e, $ni% tent, * $%"ssi n"te, %"ssi n(ess, th"n n t t be these thin's2 h w "re . # sensib(e, if . # "re n t " b +.2 r $ni% tent, if . # h"s n t "(( % wers2 r "t n*e * $%"ssi n"te "n+ %"ssi n(ess: F r, if n(. * r% re"( thin's "re sensib(e, sin*e the senses en* $%"ss " b +. "n+ "re in " b +., h w "re . # sensib(e, "(th #'h . # "re n t " b +., b#t " s#%re$e S%irit, wh is s#%eri r t b +.: 4#t, if fee(in' is n(. * 'niti n, r f r the s"!e f * 'niti n, --f r he wh fee(s bt"ins !n w(e+'e in "** r+"n*e with the %r %er f#n*ti ns f his senses2 "s thr #'h si'ht, f * ( rs2 thr #'h t"ste, f f("& rs, --wh"te&er in "n. w". * 'nises is n t in"%%r %ri"te(. s"i+, in s $e s rt, t fee(. Theref re, O L r+, "(th #'h . # "re n t " b +. .et . # "re tr#(. sensib(e in the hi'hest +e'ree in res%e*t f this, th"t . # + * 'nise "(( thin's in the hi'hest +e'ree2 "n+ n t "s "n "ni$"( * 'nises, thr #'h " * r% re"( sense.

CHAPTER =II. H w he is $ni% tent, "(th #'h there "re $"n. thin's f whi*h he is n t *"%"b(e. --T be *"%"b(e f bein' * rr#%te+, r f (.in', is n t % wer, b#t i$% ten*e. G + *"n + n thin' b. &irt#e f i$% ten*e, "n+ n thin' h"s % wer "'"inst hi$. 4UT h w "re . # $ni% tent, if . # "re n t *"%"b(e f "(( thin's: Or, if . # *"n n t be * rr#%te+, "n+ *"n n t (ie, n r $"!e wh"t is tr#e, f"(se --"s, f r e)"$%(e, if . # sh #(+ $"!e wh"t h"s been + ne n t t h"&e been + ne, "n+ the (i!e. --h w "re . # *"%"b(e f "(( thin's: Or e(se t be *"%"b(e f these thin's is n t % wer, b#t i$% ten*e. F r, he wh is *"%"b(e f these thin's is *"%"b(e f wh"t is n t f r his ' +, "n+ f wh"t he #'ht n t t + 2 "n+ the $ re *"%"b(e f the$ he is, the $ re % wer h"&e "+&ersit. "n+ %er&ersit. "'"inst hi$2 "n+ the (ess h"s he hi$se(f "'"inst these. He, then, wh is th#s *"%"b(e is s n t b. % wer, b#t b. i$% ten*e. F r, he is n t s"i+ t be "b(e be*"#se he is "b(e f hi$se(f, b#t be*"#se his i$% ten*e 'i&es s $ethin' e(se % wer &er hi$. Or, b. " fi'#re f s%ee*h, 5#st "s $"n. w r+s "re i$%r %er(. "%%(ie+, "s when we #se ?t be? f r ?n t t be,? "n+ ?t + ? f r wh"t is re"((. n t t + , ? r t + n thin'.? F r, ften we s". t " $"n wh +enies the e)isten*e f s $ethin'/ ?It is "s . # s". it t be,? th #'h it $i'ht see$ $ re %r %er t s"., ?It is n t, "s . # s". it is n t.? In the s"$e w"., we s"., ?This $"n sits 5#st "s th"t $"n + es,? r, ?This $"n rests 5#st "s th"t $"n + es?2 "(th #'h t sit is n t t + "n.thin', "n+ t rest is t + n thin'.

S , then, when ne is s"i+ t h"&e the % wer f + in' r e)%erien*in' wh"t is n t f r his ' +, r wh"t he #'ht n t t + , i$% ten*e is #n+erst + in the w r+ % wer. F r, the $ re he % ssesses this % wer, the $ re % werf#( "re "+&ersit. "n+ %er&ersit. "'"inst hi$, "n+ the $ re % wer(ess is he "'"inst the$. Theref re, O L r+, #r G +, the $ re tr#(. "re . # $ni% tent, sin*e . # "re *"%"b(e f n thin' thr #'h i$% ten*e, "n+ n thin' h"s % wer "'"inst . #.

CHAPTER =III. H w he is * $%"ssi n"te "n+ %"ssi n(ess. G + is * $%"ssi n"te, in ter$s f #r e)%erien*e, be*"#se we e)%erien*e the effe*t f * $%"ssi n. G + is n t * $%"ssi n"te, in ter$s f his wn bein', be*"#se he + es n t e)%erien*e the fee(in' 0affectus1 f * $%"ssi n. 4UT h w "re . # * $%"ssi n"te, "n+, "t the s"$e ti$e, %"ssi n(ess: F r, if . # "re %"ssi n(ess, . # + n t fee( s.$%"th.2 "n+ if . # + n t fee( s.$%"th., . #r he"rt is n t wret*he+ fr $ s.$%"th. f r the wret*he+ 2 b#t this it is t be * $%"ssi n"te. 4#t if . # "re n t * $%"ssi n"te, when*e * $es s 're"t * ns ("ti n t the wret*he+: H w, then, "re . # * $%"ssi n"te "n+ n t * $%"ssi n"te, O L r+, #n(ess be*"#se . # "re * $%"ssi n"te in ter$s f #r e)%erien*e, "n+ n t * $%"ssi n"te in ter$s f . #r bein'. Tr#(., . # "re s in ter$s f #r e)%erien*e, b#t . # "re n t s in ter$s f . #r wn. F r, when . # beh (+ #s in #r wret*he+ness, we e)%erien*e the effe*t f * $%"ssi n, b#t . # + n t e)%erien*e the fee(in'. Theref re, . # "re b th * $%"ssi n"te, be*"#se . # + s"&e the wret*he+, "n+ s%"re th se wh sin "'"inst . #2 "n+ n t * $%"ssi n"te be*"#se . # "re "ffe*te+ b. n s.$%"th. f r wret*he+ness.

CHAPTER IX. H w the "((-5#st "n+ s#%re$e(. 5#st G + s%"res the wi*!e+, "n+ 5#st(. %ities the wi*!e+. He is better wh is ' + t the ri'hte #s "n+ the wi*!e+ th"n he wh is ' + t the ri'hte #s "( ne. A(th #'h G + is s#%re$e(. 5#st, the s #r*e f his * $%"ssi n is hi++en. G + is s#%re$e(. * $%"ssi n"te, be*"#se he is s#%re$e(. 5#st. He s"&es the 5#st, be*"#se 5#sti*e ' es with the$2 he frees sinners b. the "#th rit. f 5#sti*e. G + s%"res the wi*!e+ #t f 5#sti*e2 f r it is 5#st th"t G +, th"n wh $ n ne is better r $ re % werf#(, sh #(+ be ' + e&en t the wi*!e+, "n+ sh #(+ $"!e the wi*!e+ ' +. If G + #'ht n t t %it., he %ities #n5#st(.. 4#t this it is i$%i #s t s#%% se. Theref re, G + 5#st(. %ities. 4UT h w + . # s%"re the wi*!e+, if . # "re "(( 5#st "n+ s#%re$e(. 5#st: F r h w, bein' "(( 5#st "n+ s#%re$e(. 5#st, + . # "n.thin' th"t is n t 5#st: Or, wh"t 5#sti*e is th"t t 'i&e hi$ wh $erits etern"( +e"th e&er("stin' (ife: H w, then, 'r"*i #s L r+, ' + t the ri'hte #s "n+ the wi*!e+, *"n . # s"&e the wi*!e+, if this is n t 5#st, "n+ . # + n t "n.thin' th"t is n t 5#st: Or,

sin*e . #r ' +ness is in* $%rehensib(e, is this hi++en in the #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht wherein . # +we((: Tr#(., in the +ee%est "n+ $ st se*ret %"rts f . #r ' +ness is hi++en the f #nt"in when*e the stre"$ f . #r * $%"ssi n f( ws. F r . # "re "(( 5#st "n+ s#%re$e(. 5#st, .et . # "re !in+ e&en t the wi*!e+, e&en be*"#se . # "re "(( s#%re$e(. ' +. F r . # w #(+ be (ess ' + if . # were n t !in+ t "n. wi*!e+ bein'. F r, he wh is ' +, b th t the ri'hte #s "n+ the wi*!e+, is better th"n he wh is ' + t the wi*!e+ "( ne2 "n+ he wh is ' + t the wi*!e+, b th b. %#nishin' "n+ s%"rin' the$, is better th"n he wh is ' + b. %#nishin' the$ "( ne. Theref re, . # "re * $%"ssi n"te, be*"#se . # "re "(( s#%re$e(. ' +. An+, "(th #'h it "%%e"rs wh. . # + rew"r+ the ' + with ' +s "n+ the e&i( with e&i(s2 .et this, "t (e"st, is $ st w n+erf#(, wh. . #, the "(( "n+ s#%re$e(. 5#st, wh ("*!s n thin', best ws ' +s n the wi*!e+ "n+ n th se wh "re '#i(t. t w"r+ . #. The +e%th f . #r ' +ness, O G +7 The s #r*e f . #r * $%"ssi n "%%e"rs, "n+ .et is n t *(e"r(. seen7 6e see when*e the ri&er f( ws, b#t the s%rin' when*e it "rises is n t seen. F r, it is fr $ the "b#n+"n*e f . #r ' +ness th"t . # "re ' + t th se wh sin "'"inst . #2 "n+ in the +e%th f . #r ' +ness is hi++en the re"s n f r this !in+ness. F r, "(th #'h . # + rew"r+ the ' + with ' +s "n+ the e&i( with e&i(s, #t f ' +ness, .et this the * n*e%t f 5#sti*e see$s t +e$"n+. 4#t, when . # + best w ' +s n the e&i(, "n+ it is !n wn th"t the s#%re$e(. G + h"s wi((e+ t + this, we w n+er wh. the s#%re$e(. 5#st h"s been "b(e t wi(( this. O * $%"ssi n, fr $ wh"t "b#n+"nt sweetness "n+ wh"t sweet "b#n+"n*e + . # we(( f rth t #s7 O b #n+(ess ' +ness f G + h w %"ssi n"te(. sh #(+ sinners ( &e . #7 F r . # s"&e the 5#st, be*"#se 5#sti*e ' es with the$2 b#t sinners . # + free b. the "#th rit. f 5#sti*e. Th se b. the he(% f their +eserts2 these, "(th #'h their +eserts %% se. Th se b. "*!n w(e+'in' the ' +s . # h"s 'r"nte+2 these b. %"r+ nin' the e&i(s . # h"te. O b #n+(ess ' +ness, whi*h + s e)*ee+ "(( #n+erst"n+in', (et th"t * $%"ssi n * $e #% n $e, whi*h %r *ee+s fr $ . #r s 're"t "b#n+"n*e7 Let it f( w #% n $e, f r it we((s f rth fr $ . #. S%"re, in $er*.2 "&en'e n t, in 5#sti*e. F r, th #'h it is h"r+ t #n+erst"n+ h w . #r * $%"ssi n is n t in* nsistent with . #r 5#sti*e2 .et we $#st be(ie&e th"t it + es n t %% se 5#sti*e "t "((, be*"#se it f( ws fr $ ' +ness, whi*h is n ' +ness with #t 5#sti*e2 n"., th"t it is in tr#e h"r$ n. with 5#sti*e. F r, if . # "re * $%"ssi n"te n(. be*"#se . # "re s#%re$e(. ' +, "n+ s#%re$e(. ' + n(. be*"#se . # "re s#%re$e(. 5#st, tr#(. . # "re * $%"ssi n"te e&en be*"#se . # "re s#%re$e(. 5#st. He(% $e, 5#st "n+ * $%"ssi n"te G +, wh se (i'ht see!2 he(% $e t #n+erst"n+ wh"t I s".. Tr#(., then, . # "re * $%"ssi n"te e&en be*"#se . # "re 5#st. Is, then, . #r * $%"ssi n b rn f . #r 5#sti*e: An+ + . # s%"re the wi*!e+, theref re, #t f 5#sti*e: If this is tr#e, $. L r+, if this is tr#e, te"*h $e h w it is. Is it be*"#se it is 5#st, th"t . # sh #(+ be s ' + th"t . # *"n n t be * n*ei&e+ better2 "n+ th"t . # sh #(+ w r! s % werf#((. th"t . # *"n n t be * n*ei&e+ $ re % werf#(: F r wh"t *"n be $ re 5#st th"n this: Ass#re+(. it * #(+ n t be th"t . # sh #(+ be ' + n(. b. re3#itin' 0retribuendo1 "n+ n t b. s%"rin', "n+ th"t . # sh #(+ $"!e ' + n(. th se

wh "re n t ' +, "n+ n t the wi*!e+ "(s . In this w"., theref re, it is 5#st th"t . # sh #(+ s%"re the wi*!e+, "n+ $"!e ' + s #(s f e&i(. Fin"((., wh"t is n t + ne 5#st(. #'ht n t t be + ne2 "n+ wh"t #'ht n t t be + ne is + ne #n5#st(.. If, then, . # + n t 5#st(. %it. the wi*!e+, . # #'ht n t t %it. the$. An+, if . # #'ht n t t %it. the$, . # %it. the$ #n5#st(.. An+ if It is i$%i #s t s#%% se this, it is ri'ht t be(ie&e th"t . # 5#st(. %it. the wi*!e+.

CHAPTER X. H w he 5#st(. %#nishes "n+ 5#st(. s%"res the wi*!e+. --G +, in s%"rin' the wi*!e+, is 5#st, "** r+in' t his wn n"t#re be*"#se he + es wh"t is * nsistent with his ' +ness2 b#t he is n t 5#st, "** r+in' t #r n"t#re, be*"#se he + es n t inf(i*t the %#nish$ent +eser&e+. 4UT it is "(s 5#st th"t . # sh #(+ %#nish the wi*!e+. F r wh"t is $ re 5#st th"n th"t the ' + sh #(+ re*ei&e ' +s, "n+ the e&i(, e&i(s: H w, then, is it 5#st th"t . # sh #(+ %#nish the wi*!e+, "n+, "t the s"$e ti$e, s%"re the wi*!e+: Or, in ne w"., + . # 5#st(. %#nish, "n+, in "n ther, 5#st(. s%"re the$: F r, when . # %#nish the wi*!e+, it is 5#st, be*"#se it is * nsistent with their +eserts2 "n+ when, n the ther h"n+, . # s%"rest the wi*!e+, it is 5#st, n t be*"#se it is * $%"tib(e with their +eserts, b#t be*"#se it is * $%"tib(e with . #r ' +ness. F r, in s%"rin' the wi*!e+, . # "re "s 5#st, "** r+in' t . #r n"t#re, b#t n t "** r+in' t #rs, "s . # "re * $%"ssi n"te, "** r+in' t #r n"t#re, "n+ n t "** r+in' t . #rs2 seein' th"t, "s in s"&in' #s, wh $ it w #(+ be 5#st f r . # t +estr ., . # "re * $%"ssi n"te, n t be*"#se . # fee( "n "ffe*ti n 0affectum1, b#t be*"#se we fee( the effe*t 0effectum12 s . # "re 5#st, n t be*"#se . # re3#ite #s "s we +eser&e, b#t be*"#se . # + th"t whi*h be* $es . # "s the s#%re$e(. ' + 4ein'. In this w"., theref re, with #t * ntr"+i*ti n . # + 5#st(. %#nish "n+ 5#st(. s%"re.

CHAPTER XI. H w "(( the w".s f G + "re * $%"ssi n "n+ tr#th2 "n+ .et G + is 5#st in "(( his w".s. --6e *"nn t * $%rehen+ wh., f the wi*!e+, he s"&es these r"ther th"n th se, thr #'h his s#%re$e ' +ness/ "n+ * n+e$ns th se r"ther th"n these, thr #'h his s#%re$e 5#sti*e. 4UT, is there "n. re"s n wh. it is n t "(s 5#st, "** r+in' t . #r n"t#re, O L r+, th"t . # sh #(+ %#nish the wi*!e+: S#re(. it is 5#st th"t . # sh #(+ be s 5#st th"t . # *"n n t be * n*ei&e+ $ re 5#st2 "n+ this . # w #(+ in n wise be if . # +i+ n(. ren+er ' +s t the ' +, "n+ n t e&i(s t the e&i(. F r, he wh re3#ites b th ' + "n+ e&i( "** r+in' t their +eserts is $ re 5#st th"n he wh s re3#ites the ' + "( ne. It is, theref re, 5#st, "** r+in' t . #r n"t#re, O 5#st "n+ 'r"*i #s G +, b th when . # + %#nish "n+ when . # s%"rest.

Tr#(., then, "(( the %"ths f the L r+ "re $er*. "n+ tr#th 0Ps"($s ))&. <;12 "n+ .et the L r+ is ri'hte #s in "(( his w".s 0Ps"($s *)(&. <@1. An+ "ss#re+(. with #t in* nsisten*./ F r, it is n t 5#st th"t th se wh $ . # + wi(( t %#nish sh #(+ be s"&e+, "n+ th"t th se wh $ . # + wi(( t s%"re sh #(+ be * n+e$ne+. F r th"t "( ne is 5#st whi*h . # + wi((2 "n+ th"t "( ne #n5#st whi*h . # + n t wi((. S , then, . #r * $%"ssi n is b rn f . #r 5#sti*e. F r it is 5#st th"t . # sh #(+ be s ' + th"t . # "re ' + in s%"rin' "(s 2 "n+ this $". be the re"s n wh. the s#%re$e(. A#st *"n wi(( ' +s f r the e&i(. 4#t if it *"n be * $%rehen+e+ in "n. w". wh. . # *"n wi(( t s"&e the wi*!e+, .et b. n * nsi+er"ti n *"n we * $%rehen+ wh., f th se wh "re "(i!e wi*!e+, . # s"&e s $e r"ther th"n thers, thr #'h s#%re$e ' +ness2 "n+ wh. . # + * n+e$n the ("tter r"ther th"n the f r$er, thr #'h s#%re$e 5#sti*e. S , then, . # "re tr#(. sensib(e 0sensibilis1, $ni% tent, * $%"ssi n"te, "n+ %"ssi n(ess, "s . # "re (i&in', wise, ' +, b(esse+, etern"(/ "n+ wh"te&er it is better t be th"n n t t be.

CHAPTER XII. G + is the &er. (ife whereb. he (i&es2 "n+ s f ther (i!e "ttrib#tes.

4UT #n+ #bte+(., wh"te&er . # "re, . # "re thr #'h n thin' e(se th"n . #rse(f. Theref re, . # "re the &er. (ife whereb. . # (i&e2 "n+ the wis+ $ wherewith . # "re wise2 "n+ the &er. ' +ness whereb. . # "re ' + t the ri'hte #s "n+ the wi*!e+2 "n+ s f ther (i!e "ttrib#tes.

CHAPTER XIII. H w he "( ne is #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(, "(th #'h ther s%irits "re #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(. --N %("*e "n+ ti$e * nt"in G +. 4#t he is hi$se(f e&er.where "n+ "(w".s. He "( ne n t n(. + es n t *e"se t be, b#t "(s + es n t be'in t be. 4UT e&er.thin' th"t is in "n. w". b #n+e+ b. %("*e r ti$e is (ess th"n th"t whi*h n ("w f %("*e r ti$e (i$its. Sin*e, then, n thin' is 're"ter th"n . #, n %("*e r ti$e * nt"ins . #2 b#t . # "re e&er.where "n+ "(w".s. An+ sin*e this *"n be s"i+ f . # "( ne, . # "( ne "re #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(. H w is it, then, th"t ther s%irits "(s "re s"i+ t be #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(: Ass#re+(. . # "re "( ne etern"(2 f r . # "( ne "$ n' "(( bein's n t n(. + n t *e"se t be b#t "(s + n t be'in t be. 4#t h w "re . # "( ne #n*ir*#$s*ribe+: Is it th"t " *re"te+ s%irit, when * $%"re+ with . # is *ir*#$s*ribe+, b#t when * $%"re+ with $"tter, #n*ir*#$s*ribe+: F r "(t 'ether *ir*#$s*ribe+ is th"t whi*h, when it is wh ((. in ne %("*e, *"nn t "t the s"$e ti$e be in "n ther. An+ this is seen t be tr#e f * r% re"( thin's "( ne. 4#t #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ is th"t whi*h is, "s " wh (e, "t the

s"$e ti$e e&er.where. An+ this is #n+erst + t be tr#e f . # "( ne. 4#t *ir*#$s*ribe+, "n+, "t the s"$e ti$e, #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ is th"t whi*h, when it is "n.where "s " wh (e, *"n "t the s"$e ti$e be s $ewhere e(se "s " wh (e, "n+ .et n t e&er.where. An+ this is re* 'nise+ "s tr#e f *re"te+ s%irits. F r, if the s #( were n t "s " wh (e in the se%"r"te $e$bers f the b +., it w #(+ n t fee( "s " wh (e in the se%"r"te $e$bers. Theref re, . #, L r+, "re %e*#(i"r(. #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(2 "n+ .et ther s%irits "(s "re #n*ir*#$s*ribe+ "n+ etern"(.

CHAPTER XI=. H w "n+ wh. G + is seen "n+ .et n t seen b. th se wh see! hi$. HAS . # f #n+ wh"t . # +i+ see!, $. s #(: 8 # +i+ see! G +. 8 # h"&e f #n+ hi$ t be " bein' whi*h is the hi'hest f "(( bein's, " bein' th"n whi*h n thin' better *"n be * n*ei&e+2 th"t this bein' is (ife itse(f, (i'ht, wis+ $, ' +ness, etern"( b(esse+ness "n+ b(esse+ eternit.2 "n+ th"t it is e&er. where "n+ "(w".s. F r, if . # h"&e n t f #n+ . #r G +, h w is he this bein' whi*h . # h"&e f #n+, "n+ whi*h . # h"&e * n*ei&e+ hi$ t be, with s *ert"in tr#th "n+ s tr#e *ert"int.: 4#t, if . # h"&e f #n+ hi$, wh. is it th"t . # + n t fee( . # h"&e f #n+ hi$: 6h., O L r+, #r G +, + es n t $. s #( fee( . #, if it h"s f #n+ . #: Or, h"s it n t f #n+ hi$ wh $ it f #n+ t be (i'ht "n+ tr#th: F r h w +i+ it #n+erst"n+ this, e)*e%t b. seein' (i'ht "n+ tr#th: Or, * #(+ it #n+erst"n+ "n.thin' "t "(( f . #, e)*e%t thr #'h . #r (i'ht "n+ . #r tr#th: Hen*e, if it h"s seen (i'ht "n+ tr#th, it h"s seen . #2 if it h"s n t seen . #, it h"s n t seen (i'ht "n+ tr#th. Or, is wh"t it h"s seen b th (i'ht "n+ tr#th2 "n+ sti(( it h"s n t .et seen . #, be*"#se it h"s seen . # n(. in %"rt, b#t h"s n t seen . # "s . # "re: L r+ $. G +, $. *re"t r "n+ renewer, s%e"! t the +esire f $. s #(, wh"t . # "re ther th"n it h"s seen, th"t it $". *(e"r(. see wh"t it +esires. It str"ins t see . # $ re2 "n+ sees n thin' be. n+ this whi*h it h"s seen, e)*e%t +"r!ness. N"., it + es n t see +"r!ness, f whi*h-there is n ne in . #2 b#t it sees th"t it *"nn t see f"rther, be*"#se f its wn +"r!ness. 6h. is this, L r+, wh. is this: Is the e.e f the s #( +"r!ene+ b. its infir$it., r +"BB(e+ b. . #r '( r.: S#re(. it is b th +"r!ene+ in itse(f, "n+ +"BB(e+ b. . #. D #bt(ess it is b th bs*#re+ b. its wn insi'nifi*"n*e, "n+ &erwhe($e+ b. . #r infinit.. Tr#(., it is b th * ntr"*te+ b. its wn n"rr wness "n+ &er* $e b. . #r 're"tness. F r h w 're"t is th"t (i'ht fr $ whi*h shines e&er. tr#th th"t 'i&es (i'ht t the r"ti n"( $in+: H w 're"t is th"t tr#th in whi*h is e&er.thin' th"t is tr#e, "n+ #tsi+e whi*h is n(. n thin'ness "n+ the f"(se: H w b #n+(ess is the tr#th whi*h sees "t ne '("n*e wh"ts e&er h"s been $"+e, "n+ b. wh $, "n+ thr #'h wh $, "n+ h w it h"s been $"+e fr $ n thin': 6h"t %#rit., wh"t *ert"int., wh"t s%(en+ r where it is: Ass#re+(. $ re th"n " *re"t#re *"n * n*ei&e.

CHAPTER X=. He is 're"ter th"n *"n be * n*ei&e+. THEREFORE, O L r+, . # "re n t n(. th"t th"n whi*h " 're"ter *"nn t be * n*ei&e+, b#t . # "re " bein' 're"ter th"n *"n be * n*ei&e+. F r, sin*e it *"n be * n*ei&e+ th"t there is s#*h " bein', if . # "re n t this &er. bein', " 're"ter th"n . # *"n be * n*ei&e+. 4#t this is i$% ssib(e.

CHAPTER X=I. This is the #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht wherein he +we((s. TRUL8, O L r+, this is the #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht in whi*h . # +we((2 f r tr#(. there is n thin' e(se whi*h *"n %enetr"te this (i'ht, th"t it $". see . # there. Tr#(., I see it n t, be*"#se it is t bri'ht f r $e. An+ .et, wh"ts e&er I see, I see thr #'h it, "s the we"! e.e sees wh"t it sees thr #'h the (i'ht f the s#n, whi*h in the s#n itse(f it *"nn t ( ! #% n. M. #n+erst"n+in' *"nn t re"*h th"t (i'ht, f r it shines t bri'ht. It + es n t * $%rehen+ it, n r + es the e.e f $. s #( en+#re t '"Be #% n it ( n'. It is +"BB(e+ b. the bri'htness, it is &er* $e b. the 're"tness, it is &erwhe($e+ b. the infinit., it is +"Be+ b. the ("r'eness, f the (i'ht. ; s#%re$e "n+ #n"%%r "*h"b(e (i'ht7 O wh (e "n+ b(esse+ tr#th, h w f"r "re . # fr $ $e, wh "$ s ne"r t . #7 H w f"r re$ &e+ "re . # fr $ $. &isi n, th #'h I "$ s ne"r t . #rs7 E&er.where . # "re wh ((. %resent, "n+ I see . # n t. In . # I $ &e, "n+ in . # I h"&e $. bein'2 "n+ I *"nn t * $e t . #. 8 # "re within $e, "n+ "b #t $e, "n+ I fee( . # n t.

CHAPTER X=II. In G + is h"r$ n., fr"'r"n*e, sweetness, %(e"s"ntness t the t #*h, be"#t., "fter his ineff"b(e $"nner. STILL . # "re hi++en, O L r+, fr $ $. s #( in . #r (i'ht "n+ . #r b(esse+ness2 "n+ theref re $. s #( sti(( w"(!s in its +"r!ness "n+ wret*he+ness. F r it ( !s, "n+ + es n t see . #r be"#t.. It he"r!ens, "n+ + es n t he"r . #r h"r$ n.. It s$e((s, "n+ + es n t %er*ei&e . #r fr"'r"n*e. It t"stes, "n+ + es n t re* 'niBe . #r sweetness. It t #*hes, "n+ + es n t fee( . #r %(e"s"ntness. F r . # h"&e these "ttrib#tes in . #rse(f, L r+ G +, "fter . #r ineff"b(e $"nner, wh h"st 'i&en the$ t b5e*ts *re"te+ b. . #, "fter their sensib(e $"nner2 b#t the sinf#( senses f $. s #( h"&e 'r wn ri'i+ "n+ +#((, "n+ h"&e been bstr#*te+ b. their ( n' (ist(essness.


G + is (ife, wis+ $, eternit., "n+ e&er. tr#e ' +. --6h"te&er is * $% se+ f %"rts is n t wh ((. ne2 it is *"%"b(e, either in f"*t r in * n*e%t, f +iss (#ti n. In G + wis+ $, eternit., et*., "re n t %"rts, b#t ne, "n+ the &er. wh (e whi*h G + is, r #nit. itse(f, n t e&en in * n*e%t +i&isib(e. AND ( , "'"in * nf#si n2 ( , "'"in 'rief "n+ $ #rnin' $eet hi$ wh see!s f r 5 . "n+ '("+ness. M. s #( n w h %e+ f r s"tisf"*ti n2 "n+ ( , "'"in it is &erwhe($e+ with nee+. I +esire+ n w t fe"st, "n+ ( , I h#n'er $ re. I trie+ t rise t the (i'ht f G +, "n+ I h"&e f"((en b"*! int $. +"r!ness. N"., n t n(. h"&e I f"((en int it, b#t I fee( th"t I "$ en&e( %e+ in it. I fe(( bef re $. $ ther * n*ei&e+ $e. Tr#(., in +"r!ness I w"s * n*ei&e+, "n+ in the * &er f +"r!ness I w"s b rn. Tr#(., in hi$ we "(( fe((, in wh $ we "(( sinne+. In hi$ we "(( ( st, wh !e%t e"si(., "n+ wi*!e+(. ( st t hi$se(f "n+ t #s th"t whi*h when we wish t see! it, we + n t !n w2 when we see! it, we + n t fin+2 when we fin+, it is n t th"t whi*h we see!. D . # he(% $e f r . #r ' +ness' s"!e7 L r+, I s #'ht . #r f"*e2 . #r f"*e, L r+, wi(( I see!2 hi+e n t . #r f"*e f"r fr $ $e 0Ps"($s ))&ii. 91. Free $e fr $ $.se(f t w"r+ . #. C(e"nse, he"(, sh"r%en, en(i'hten the e.e f $. $in+, th"t it $". beh (+ . #. Let $. s #( re* &er its stren'th, "n+ with "(( its #n+erst"n+in' (et it stri&e t w"r+ . #, O L r+. 6h"t "re . #, L r+, wh"t "re . #: 6h"t sh"(( $. he"rt * n*ei&e . # t be: Ass#re+(. . # "re (ife, . # "re wis+ $, . # "re tr#th, . # "re ' +ness, . # "re b(esse+ness, . # "re eternit., "n+ . # "re e&er. tr#e ' +. M"n. "re these "ttrib#tes/ $. str"itene+ #n+erst"n+in' *"nn t see s $"n. "t ne &iew, th"t it $". be '("++ene+ b. "(( "t n*e. H w, then, O L r+, "re . # "(( these thin's: Are the. %"rts f . #, r is e"*h ne f these r"ther the wh (e, whi*h . # "re: F r, wh"te&er is * $% se+ f %"rts is n t "(t 'ether ne, b#t is/ in s $e s rt %(#r"(, "n+ +i&erse fr $ itse(f2 "n+ either in f"*t r in * n*e%t is *"%"b(e f +iss (#ti n. 4#t these thin's "re "(ien t . #, th"n wh $ n thin' better *"n be * n*ei&e+ f. Hen*e, there "re n %"rts in . #, L r+, n r "re . # $ re th"n ne. 4#t . # "re s tr#(. " #nit"r. bein', "n+ s i+enti*"( with . #rse(f, th"t in n res%e*t "re . # #n(i!e . #rse(f2 r"ther . # "re #nit. itse(f, in+i&isib(e b. "n. * n*e%ti n. Theref re, (ife "n+ wis+ $ "n+ the rest "re n t %"rts f . #, b#t "(( "re ne2 "n+ e"*h f these is the wh (e, whi*h . # "re, "n+ whi*h "(( the rest "re. In this w"., then, it "%%e"rs th"t . # h"&e n %"rts, "n+ th"t . #r eternit., whi*h . # "re, is n where "n+ ne&er " %"rt f . # r f . #r eternit.. 4#t e&er.where . # "re "s " wh (e, "n+ . #r eternit. e)ists "s " wh (e f re&er.

CHAPTER XIX. He + es n t e)ist in %("*e r ti$e, b#t "(( thin's e)ist in hi$. 4UT if thr #'h . #r eternit. . # h"&e been, "n+ "re, "n+ wi(( be2 "n+ t h"&e been is n t t be +estine+ t be2 "n+ t be is n t t h"&e been, r t be +estine+ t be2 h w + es . #r eternit. e)ist "s " wh (e f re&er: Or is it tr#e th"t n thin' f . #r eternit. %"sses "w"., s th"t it is n t n w2 "n+ th"t n thin' f it is +estine+ t be, "s if it were n t .et:

8 # w"s n t, then, .ester+"., n r wi(( . # be t -$ rr w2 b#t .ester+". "n+ t -+". "n+ t $ rr w . # "re2 r, r"ther, neither .ester+". n r t -+". n r t -$ rr w . # "re2 b#t si$%(., . # "re, #tsi+e "(( ti$e. F r .ester+". "n+ t -+". "n+ t -$ rr w h"&e n e)isten*e, e)*e%t in ti$e2 b#t . #, "(th #'h n thin' e)ists with #t . #, ne&erthe(ess + n t e)ist in s%"*e r ti$e, b#t "(( thin's e)ist in . #. F r n thin' * nt"ins . #, b#t . # * nt"in "((.

CHAPTER XX. He e)ists bef re "(( thin's "n+ tr"ns*en+s "(( thin's, e&en the etern"( thin's. --The eternit. f G + is %resent "s " wh (e with hi$2 whi(e ther thin's h"&e n t .et th"t %"rt f their eternit. whi*h is sti(( t be, "n+ h"&e n ( n'er th"t %"rt whi*h is %"st. HENCE, . # + %er$e"te "n+ e$br"*e "(( thin's. 8 # "re bef re "((, "n+ + tr"ns*en+ "((. An+, f " s#ret., . # "re bef re "((2 f r bef re the. were $"+e, . # "re. 4#t h w + . # tr"ns*en+ "((: In wh"t w". + . # tr"ns*en+ th se bein's whi*h wi(( h"&e n en+: Is it be*"#se the. *"nn t e)ist "t "(( with #t . #2 whi(e . # "re in n wise (ess, if the. sh #(+ ret#rn t n thin'ness: F r s , in " *ert"in sense, . # + tr"ns*en+ the$. Or, is it "(s be*"#se the. *"n be * n*ei&e+ t h"&e "n en+2 b#t . # b. n $e"ns: F r s the. "*t#"((. h"&e "n en+, in " *ert"in sense2 b#t . #, in n sense. An+ *ert"in(., wh"t in n sense h"s "n en+ tr"ns*en+s wh"t is en+e+ in "n. sense. Or, in this w". "(s + . # tr"ns*en+ "(( thin's, e&en the etern"(, be*"#se . #r eternit. "n+ theirs is %resent "s " wh (e with . #2 whi(e the. h"&e n t .et th"t %"rt f their eternit. whi*h is t * $e, 5#st "s the. n ( n'er h"&e th"t %"rt whi*h is %"st: F r s . # + e&er tr"ns*en+ the$, sin*e . # "re e&er %resent with . #rse(f, "n+ sin*e th"t t whi*h the. h"&e n t .et * $e is e&er %resent with . #.

CHAPTER XXI. Is this the "'e f the "'e, r "'es f "'es: --The eternit. f G + * nt"ins the "'es f ti$e the$se(&es, "n+ *"n be *"((e+ the "'e f the "'e r "'es f "'es. Is this, then, the "'e f the "'e, r "'es f "'es: F r, "s "n "'e f ti$e * nt"ins "(( te$% r"( thin's, s . #r eternit. * nt"ins e&en the "'es f ti$e the$se(&es. An+ these "re in+ee+ "n "'e, be*"#se f their in+i&isib(e #nit.2 b#t "'es, be*"#se f their en+(ess i$$e"s#r"bi(it.. An+, "(th #'h . # "re s 're"t, O L r+, th"t "(( thin's "re f#(( f . #, "n+ e)ist in . #2 .et . # "re s with #t "(( s%"*e, th"t neither $i+st, n r h"(f, n r "n. %"rt, is in . #.

CHAPTER XXII. He "( ne is wh"t he is "n+ wh be is. --A(( thin's nee+ G + f r their bein' "n+ their we((-bein'.

THEREFORE, . # "( ne, O L r+, "re wh"t . # "re2 "n+ . # "re he wh . # "re. F r, wh"t is ne thin' in the wh (e "n+ "n ther in the %"rts, "n+ in whi*h there is "n. $#t"b(e e(e$ent, is n t "(t 'ether wh"t it is. An+ wh"t be'ins fr $ n n-e)isten*e, "n+ *"n be * n*ei&e+ n t t e)ist, "n+ #n(ess it s#bsists thr #'h s $ethin' e(se, ret#rns t n n-e)isten*e2 "n+ wh"t h"s " %"st e)isten*e, whi*h is n ( n'er, r " f#t#re e)isten*e, whi*h is n t .et, --this + es n t %r %er(. "n+ "bs (#te(. e)ist. 4#t . # "re wh"t . # "re, be*"#se, wh"te&er . # "re "t "n. ti$e, r in "n. w"., . # "re "s " wh (e "n+ f re&er. An+ . # "re he wh . # "re, %r %er(. "n+ si$%(.2 f r . # h"&e neither " %"st e)isten*e n r " f#t#re, b#t n(. " %resent e)isten*e2 n r *"n . # be * n*ei&e+ "s "t "n. ti$e n ne)istent. 4#t . # "re (ife, "n+ (i'ht, "n+ wis+ $, "n+ b(esse+ness, "n+ $"n. ' +s f this n"t#re. An+ .et . # "re n(. ne s#%re$e ' +2 . # "re "((-s#ffi*ient t . #rse(f, "n+ nee+ n ne2 "n+ . # "re he wh $ "(( thin's nee+ f r their e)isten*e "n+ we((bein'.

CHAPTER XXIII. This ' + is e3#"((. F"ther, "n+ S n, "n+ H (. S%irit. An+ this is " sin'(e, ne*ess"r. 4ein', whi*h is e&er. ' +, "n+ wh ((. ' +, "n+ the n(. ' +. --Sin*e the 6 r+ is tr#e, "n+ is tr#th itse(f, there is n thin' in the F"ther, wh #tters it, whi*h is n t "** $%(ishe+ in the 6 r+ b. whi*h he e)%resses hi$se(f. Neither is the ( &e whi*h %r *ee+s fr $ F"ther "n+ S n #ne3#"( t the F"ther r the S n, f r F"ther "n+ S n ( &e the$se(&es "n+ ne "n ther in the s"$e +e'ree in whi*h wh"t the. "re is ' +. Of s#%re$e si$%(i*it. n thin' *"n be b rn, "n+ fr $ it n thin' *"n %r *ee+, e)*e%t th"t whi*h is this, f whi*h it is b rn, r fr $ whi*h it %r *ee+s. THIS ' + . # "re, . #, G + the F"ther2 this is . #r 6 r+, th"t is, . #r S n. F r n thin', ther th"n wh"t . # "re, r 're"ter r (ess th"n . #, *"n be in the 6 r+ b. whi*h . # + e)%ress . #rse(f2 f r the 6 r+ is tr#e, "s . # "re tr#thf#(. An+, hen*e, it is tr#th itse(f, 5#st "s . # "re2 n ther tr#th th"n . #2 "n+ . # "re f s si$%(e " n"t#re, th"t f . # n thin' *"n be b rn ther th"n wh"t . # "re. This &er. ' + is the ne ( &e * $$ n t . # "n+ t . #r S n, th"t is, the H (. S%irit %r *ee+in' fr $ b th. F r this ( &e is n t #ne3#"( t . # r t . #r S n2 seein' th"t . # + ( &e . #rse(f "n+ hi$, "n+ he, . # "n+ hi$se(f, t the wh (e e)tent f . #r bein' "n+ his. N r is there "n.thin' e(se %r *ee+in' fr $ . # "n+ fr $ hi$, whi*h is n t #ne3#"( t . # "n+ t hi$. N r *"n "n.thin' %r *ee+ fr $ the s#%re$e si$%(i*it., ther th"n wh"t this, fr $ whi*h it %r *ee+s, is. 4#t wh"t e"*h is, se%"r"te(., this is "(( the Trinit. "t n*e, F"ther, S n, "n+ H (. S%irit2 seein' th"t e"*h se%"r"te(. is n ne ther th"n the s#%re$e(. si$%(e #nit., "n+ the s#%re$e(. #nit"r. si$%(i*it. whi*h *"n neither be $#(ti%(ie+ n r &"rie+. M re &er, there is " sin'(e ne*ess"r. 4ein'. N w, this is th"t sin'(e, ne*ess"r. 4ein', in whi*h is e&er. ' +2 n"., whi*h is e&er. ' +, "n+ " sin'(e entire ' +, "n+ the n(. ' +.


C n5e*t#re "s t the *h"r"*ter "n+ the $"'nit#+e f this ' ' + is the *re"ti&e (ife7

+. --If the *re"te+ (ife is '

+, h w

AND n w, $. s #(, "r #se "n+ (ift #% "(( . #r #n+erst"n+in', "n+ * n*ei&e, s f"r "s . # *"n, f wh"t *h"r"*ter "n+ h w 're"t is th"t ' +7 F r, if in+i&i+#"( ' +s "re +e(e*t"b(e, * n*ei&e in e"rnestness h w +e(e*t"b(e is th"t ' + whi*h * nt"ins the %(e"s"ntness f "(( ' +s2 "n+ n t s#*h "s we h"&e e)%erien*e+ in *re"te+ b5e*ts, b#t "s +ifferent "s the Cre"t r fr $ the *re"t#re. F r, if the *re"te+ (ife is ' +, h w ' + is the *re"ti&e (ife7 If the s"(&"ti n 'i&en is +e(i'htf#(, h w +e(i'htf#( is the s"(&"ti n whi*h h"s 'i&en "(( s"(&"ti n7 If wis+ $ in the !n w(e+'e f the *re"te+ w r(+ is ( &e(., h w ( &e(. is the wis+ $ whi*h h"s *re"te+ "(( thin's fr $ n thin'7 Fin"((., if there "re $"n. 're"t +e(i'hts in +e(e*t"b(e thin's, wh"t "n+ h w 're"t is the +e(i'ht in hi$ wh h"s $"+e these +e(e*t"b(e thin's.

CHAPTER XX=. 6h"t ' +s "n+ h w 're"t, be( n' t th se wh en5 . this ' b(esse+ fr $ the b(esse+ness "n+ 5 . f thers. +. --A . is $#(ti%(ie+ in the

6HO sh"(( en5 . this ' +: An+ wh"t sh"(( be( n' t hi$, "n+ wh"t sh"(( n t be( n' t hi$: At "n. r"te, wh"te&er he sh"(( wish sh"(( be his, "n+ wh"te&er he sh"(( n t wish sh"(( n t be his. F r, these ' +s f b +. "n+ s #( wi(( be s#*h "s e.e h"s n t seen n r e"r he"r+, neither h"s the he"rt f $"n * n*ei&e+ 0Is"i"h I)i&. C2 I C rinthi"ns ii. D1. 6h., then, + . # w"n+er "br "+, s(i'ht $"n, in . #r se"r*h f r the ' +s f . #r s #( "n+ . #r b +.: L &e the ne ' + in whi*h "re "(( ' +s, "n+ it s#ffi*es. Desire the si$%(e ' + whi*h is e&er. ' +, "n+ it is en #'h. F r, wh"t + . # ( &e, $. f(esh: 6h"t + . # +esire, $. s #(: There, there is wh"te&er . # ( &e, wh"te&er . # +esire. If be"#t. +e(i'hts . #, there sh"(( the ri'hte #s shine f rth "s the s#n 0M"tthew )iii. CE1 If swiftness r en+#r"n*e, r free+ $ f b +., whi*h n"#'ht *"n withst"n+, +e(i'ht . #, the. sh"(( be "s "n'e(s f G +, --be*"#se it is s wn " n"t#r"( b +.2 it is r"ise+ " s%irit#"( b +. 0I C rinthi"ns )&. CC1 --in % wer *ert"in(., th #'h n t in n"t#re. If it is " ( n' "n+ s #n+ (ife th"t %(e"ses . #, there " he"(thf#( eternit. is, "n+ "n etern"( he"(th. F r the ri'hte #s sh"(( (i&e f r e&er 06is+ $ &. <F1, "n+ the s"(&"ti n f the ri'hte #s is f the L r+ 0Ps"($s )))&ii. ED1 If it is s"tisf"*ti n f h#n'er, the. sh"(( be s"tisfie+ when the '( r. f the L r+ h"s "%%e"re+ 0Ps"($s )&ii. <F1. If it is 3#en*hin' f thirst, the. sh"(( be "b#n+"nt(. s"tisfie+ with the f"tness f . #r h #se 0Ps"($s )))&i. 91. If it is $e( +., there the *h irs f "n'e(s sin' f re&er, bef re G +. If it is "n. n t i$%#re, b#t %#re, %(e"s#re, . # sh"(( $"!e the$ +rin! f the ri&er f . #r %(e"s#res, ; G + 0Ps"($s )))&i. 91. If it is wis+ $ th"t +e(i'hts . #, the &er. wis+ $ f G + wi(( re&e"( itse(f t the$. If frien+shi%, the. sh"(( ( &e G + $ re th"n the$se(&es, "n+ ne "n ther "s the$se(&es. An+ G + sh"(( ( &e the$ $ re th"n the. the$se(&es2 f r the. ( &e hi$, "n+ the$se(&es, "n+ ne "n ther, thr #'h hi$, "n+ he, hi$se(f "n+ the$, thr #'h hi$se(f. If * n* r+, the. sh"(( "(( h"&e " sin'(e wi((.

If % wer, the. sh"(( h"&e "(( % wer t f#(fi( their wi((, "s G + t f#(fi( his. F r, "s G + wi(( h"&e % wer t + wh"t he wi((s, thr #'h hi$se(f, s the. wi(( h"&e % wer, thr #'h hi$, t + wh"t the. wi((. F r, "s the. wi(( n t wi(( "n.thin' e(se th"n he, he sh"(( wi(( wh"te&er the. wi((2 "n+ wh"t he sh"(( wi(( *"nn t f"i( t be. If h n r "n+ ri*hes, G + sh"(( $"!e his ' + "n+ f"ithf#( ser&"nts r#(ers &er $"n. thin's 0L#!e )ii-C>12 n"., the. sh"(( be *"((e+ s ns f G +, "n+ ' +s2 "n+ where his S n sh"(( be, there the. sh"(( be "(s , heirs in+ee+ f G +, "n+ 5 int-heirs with Christ 0R $"ns &iii. <@1. If tr#e se*#rit. +e(i'hts . #, #n+ #bte+(. the. sh"(( be "s s#re th"t th se ' +s, r r"ther th"t ' +, wi(( ne&er "n+ in n wise f"i( the$2 "s the. sh"(( be s#re th"t the. wi(( n t ( se it f their wn "** r+2 "n+ th"t G +, wh ( &es the$, wi(( n t t"!e it "w". fr $ th se wh ( &e hi$ "'"inst their wi((2 "n+ th"t n thin' $ re % werf#( th"n G + wi(( se%"r"te hi$ fr $ the$ "'"inst his wi(( "n+ theirs. 4#t wh"t, r h w 're"t, is the 5 ., where s#*h "n+ s 're"t is the ' +7 He"rt f $"n, nee+. he"rt, he"rt "*3#"inte+ with s rr ws, n"., &erwhe($e+ with s rr ws, h w 're"t(. w #(+ . # re5 i*e, if . # +i+ "b #n+ in "(( these thin's7 As! . #r in$ st $in+ whether it * #(+ * nt"in its 5 . &er s 're"t " b(esse+ness f its wn. 8et "ss#re+(., if "n. ther wh $ . # +i+ ( &e "(t 'ether "s . #rse(f % ssesse+ the s"$e b(esse+ness, . #r 5 . w #(+ be + #b(e+, be*"#se . # w #(+ re5 i*e n t (ess f r hi$ th"n f r . #rse(f. 4#t, if tw , r three, r $"n. $ re, h"+ the s"$e 5 ., . # w #(+ re5 i*e "s $#*h f r e"*h ne "s f r . #rse(f, if . # +i+ ( &e e"*h "s . #rse(f. Hen*e, in th"t %erfe*t ( &e f inn#$er"b(e b(esse+ "n'e(s "n+ s"inte+ $en, where n ne sh"(( ( &e "n ther (ess th"n hi$se(f, e&er. ne sh"(( re5 i*e f r e"*h f the thers "s f r hi$se(f. If, then, the he"rt f $"n wi(( s*"r*e * nt"in his 5 . &er his wn s 're"t ' +, h w sh"(( it * nt"in s $"n. "n+ s 're"t 5 .s: An+ + #bt(ess, seein' th"t e&er. ne ( &es "n ther s f"r "s he re5 i*es in the ther's ' +, "n+ "s, in th"t %erfe*t fe(i*it., e"*h ne sh #(+ ( &e G + be. n+ * $%"re, $ re th"n hi$se(f "n+ "(( the thers with hi$2 s he wi(( re5 i*e be. n+ re*! nin' in the fe(i*it. f G +, $ re th"n in his wn "n+ th"t f "(( the thers with hi$. 4#t if the. sh"(( s ( &e G + with "(( their he"rt, "n+ "(( their $in+, "n+ "(( their s #(, th"t sti(( "(( the he"rt, "n+ "(( the $in+, "n+ "(( the s #( sh"(( n t s#ffi*e f r the w rthiness f this ( &e2 + #bt(ess the. wi(( s re5 i*e with "(( their he"rt, "n+ "(( their $in+, "n+ "(( their s #(, th"t "(( the he"rt, "n+ "(( the $in+, "n+ "(( the s #( sh"(( n t s#ffi*e f r the f#(ness f their 5 ..

CHAPTER XX=I. Is this 5 . whi*h the L r+ %r $ises $"+e f#((: --The b(esse+ sh"(( re5 i*e "** r+in' "s the. sh"(( ( &e2 "n+ the. sh"(( ( &e "** r+in' "s the. sh"(( !n w. M. G + "n+ $. L r+, $. h %e "n+ the 5 . f $. he"rt, s%e"! #nt $. s #( "n+ te(( $e whether this is the 5 . f whi*h . # te(( #s thr #'h . #r S n/ As! "n+ .e sh"(( re*ei&e, th"t . #r 5 . $".

be f#(( 0A hn )&i. >C1. F r I h"&e f #n+ " 5 . th"t is f#((, "n+ $ re th"n f#((. F r when he"rt, "n+ $in+, "n+ s #(, "n+ "(( the $"n, "re f#(( f th"t 5 ., 5 . be. n+ $e"s#re wi(( sti(( re$"in. Hen*e, n t "(( f th"t 5 . sh"(( enter int th se wh re5 i*e2 b#t the. wh re5 i*e sh"(( wh ((. enter int th"t 5 .. Sh w $e, O L r+, sh w . #r ser&"nt in his he"rt whether this is the 5 . int whi*h . #r ser&"nts sh"(( enter, wh sh"(( enter int the 5 . f their L r+. 4#t th"t 5 ., s#re(., with whi*h . #r *h sen nes sh"(( re5 i*e, e.e h"s n t seen n r e"r he"r+, neither h"s it entere+ int the he"rt f $"n 0Is"i"h ()i&. C2 i C rinthi"ns ii. D1. N t .et, then, h"&e I t (+ r * n*ei&e+, O L r+, h w 're"t(. th se b(esse+ nes f . #rs sh"(( re5 i*e. D #bt(ess the. sh"(( re5 i*e "** r+in' "s the. sh"(( ( &e2 "n+ the. sh"(( ( &e "** r+in' "s the. sh"(( !n w. H w f"r the. wi(( !n w . #, L r+, then7 "n+ h w $#*h the. wi(( ( &e . #7 Tr#(., e.e h"s n t seen, n r e"r he"r+, neither h"s it entere+ int the he"rt f $"n in this (ife, h w f"r the. sh"(( !n w . #, "n+ h w $#*h the. sh"(( ( &e . # in th"t (ife. I %r"., ; G +, t !n w . #, t ( &e . #, th"t I $". re5 i*e in . #. An+ if I *"nn t "tt"in t f#(( 5 . in this (ife $". I "t (e"st "+&"n*e fr $ +". t +"., #nti( th"t 5 . sh"(( * $e t the f#((. Let the !n w(e+'e f . # "+&"n*e in $e here, "n+ there be $"+e f#((. Let the ( &e f . # in*re"se, "n+ there (et it be f#((, th"t here $. 5 . $". be 're"t in h %e, "n+ there f#(( in tr#th. L r+, thr #'h . #r S n . # + * $$"n+, n"., . # + * #nse( #s t "s!2 "n+ . # + %r $ise th"t we sh"(( re*ei&e, th"t #r 5 . $". be f#((. I "s!, O L r+, "s . # + * #nse( thr #'h #r w n+erf#( C #nse(( r. I wi(( re*ei&e wh"t . # + %r $ise b. &irt#e f . #r tr#th, th"t $. 5 . $". be f#((. F"ithf#( G +, I "s!. I wi(( re*ei&e, th"t $. 5 . $". be f#((. Me"nwhi(e, (et $. $in+ $e+it"te #% n it2 (et $. t n'#e s%e"! f it. Let $. he"rt ( &e it2 (et $. $ #th t"(! f it. Let $. s #( h#n'er f r it2 (et $. f(esh thirst f r it2 (et $. wh (e bein' +esire it, #nti( I enter int . #r 5 ., O L r+, wh "re the Three "n+ the One G +, b(esse+ f r e&er "n+ e&er. A$en.

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