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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 1 want to prove giving aid or co !ort, then the two. witness r$le will #e apply. -reason ay also #e proved i! the o!!ender con!esses to co$rt, that is, when he pleads g$ilty or con!esses to the co ission o! the cri e o! treason.


SEC$RIT% !" T&E L W O' ! TIO!S C(a)ter One CRIMES # SEC$RIT% I!ST ! TIO! L

rt* --/* Cons)irac0 and )ro)osal to commit treason 1 Penalt0 . -he

conspiracy or proposal to co it the cri e o! treason shall #e p$nished respectively, #y )rision ma0or and a !ine not e%ceeding P1',''' pesos, and )rision correccional and a !ine not e%ceeding P2,''' pesos.

Section One* + Treason and es)iona,e rt* --.* Treason. Any person who, owing allegiance to (the United States or) the Govern ent o! the Philippine "slands, not #eing a !oreigner, levies war against the or adheres to their ene ies, giving the aid or co !ort within the Philippine "slands or elsewhere, shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral to death and shall pay a !ine not to e%ceed P&',''' pesos.
(o person shall #e convicted o! treason $nless on the testi ony o! two witnesses at least to the sa e overt act or on con!ession o! the acc$sed in open co$rt. )i*ewise, an alien, residing in the Philippine "slands, who co its acts o! treason as de!ined in paragraph 1 o! this Article shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor to death and shall pay a !ine not to e%ceed P&',''' pesos.
Giving co !ort wo en is not giving aid or co !ort. Giving aid or co !ort is so ething that will pro ote the ca$se o! the ene y. +hen yo$ give aid or co !ort, yo$ pro#a#ly give the places to hide or to tell hi the location o! the Philippine Ar ed ,orces and so on. -hat is giving aid or co !ort . those that will pro ote the ca$se o! the ene y. (ow, in the cri e o! treason, #eca$se o! the nat$re o! the cri e, there is a re/$ire ent that in order that one ay #e convicted, at least two witnesses sho$ld testi!y to the sa e overt act. 0$t that two. witness r$le is applica#le only i! the cri e o! treason !alls $nder the second !or that is adherence. "! yo$ want to prove adherence to the ene y, then there sho$ld #e two witnesses who sho$ld testi!y on the giving aid or co !ort. -he two. witness r$le does not apply to levying war #eca$se levying war, one witness will #e s$!!icient #eca$se they are act$ally 1oining the ene y. 0$t when yo$ prove adherence to the ene y and, there!ore, yo$ Pa$l "7 8#

Proposal and conspiracy to co it the cri e o! treason. +hen one proposes, there is already a cri e, even i! it is not accepted. 0$t when the proposal is accepted, as yo$ learned in Article 3, then it is #eco es conspiracy. So, yo$2re now lia#le.

rt* --3* Mis)rision o4 treason. 4very person owing allegiance to (the United States) the Govern ent o! the Philippine "slands, witho$t #eing a !oreigner, and having *nowledge o! any conspiracy against the , conceals or does not disclose and a*e *nown the sa e, as soon as possi#le to the governor or !iscal o! the province, or the ayor or !iscal o! the city in which he resides, as the case ay #e, shall #e p$nished as an accessory to the cri e o! treason.
5isprision o! treason is a very i portant cri e #eca$se it is a cri e o! o ission. 6o$ do nothing in order to #e lia#le. +hat is p$nished is that is the !ail$re to in!or the a$thorities o! the e%istence o! a cri e o! a conspiracy to co it the cri e o! treason. "t is not !ail$re to in!or the a$thorities o! an e%isting co ission o! treason. +hat is provided !or is the e%istence o! a conspiracy to co it the cri e o! treason . that is the eaning o! isprision. 0$t i! there is an ongoing treason, and yo$ do not in!or the a$thorities, yo$ are not lia#le. 6o$ are only lia#le !or a cri e o! isprision o! treason i! yo$ !ail to in!or the ,iscal, the 5ayor, and Governor o! the e%istence o! a conspiracy to co it the cri e o! treason.


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rt* --5* Es)iona,e. -he penalty o! prision correccional shall #e in!licted $pon any person who; 1. +itho$t a$thority there!or, enters a warship, !ort, or naval or ilitary esta#lish ent or reservation to o#tain any in!or ation, plans, photographs, or other data o! a con!idential nat$re relative to the de!ense o! the Philippine Archipelago< or
&. 0eing in possession, 60 reason o4 t(e )u6lic o44ice (e (olds, o! the articles, data, or in!or ation re!erred to in the preceding paragraph, discloses their contents to a representative o! a !oreign nation. -he penalty ne%t higher in degree shall #e i posed i! the o!!ender #e a p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee.

rt* -;<* Corres)ondence wit( (ostile countr0. Any person who in ti e o! war,
shall have correspondence with an ene y co$ntry or territory occ$pied #y ene y troops shall #e p$nished; 1. 0y prision correccional, i! the correspondence has #een prohi#ited #y the Govern ent< &. 0y prision ayor, i! s$ch correspondence #e carried on in ciphers or conventional signs< and >. 0y recl$sion te poral, i! notice or in!or ation #e given there#y which ight #e $se!$l to the ene y. "! the o!!ender intended to aid the ene y #y giving s$ch notice or in!or ation, he shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion te poral to death.

rt* -;-* 'li,(t to enem0 countr0. -he

-here are two acts that are p$nished in the cri e o! espionage. -he gathering o! data !ro those entioned #y the law, ilitary installation, location, vocation o! the ilitary, installation to the Philippines or naval #ases, and so on . that is espionage. -he other one is .#eca$se yo$ are in possession o! data pertaining to ilitary installations and so on, and then yo$ pass it to an ene y o! a !oreign co$ntry or representative o! a !oreign co$ntry, then that is the cri e o! espionage. -he !light to an ene y co$ntry, correspondence, violation o! ne$trality, no need to e%plain.

penalty o! arresto ayor shall #e in!licted $pon any person who, owing allegiance to the Govern ent, atte pts to !lee or go to an ene y co$ntry when prohi#ited #y co petent a$thority.

Section T(ree* + Pirac0 and mutin0 on t(e (i,( seas rt* -;;* Pirac0 in ,eneral and mutin0 on t(e (i,( seas. -he penalty o!
recl$sion te poral shall #e in!licted $pon any person who, on the high seas, shall attac* or sei=e a vessel or, not #eing a e #er o! its co ple ent nor a passenger, shall sei=e the whole or part o! the cargo o! said vessel, its e/$ip ent, or personal #elongings o! its co ple ent or passengers. -he sa e penalty shall #e in!licted in case o! $tiny on the high seas.

Section Two* + Provo7in, war and dislo0alt0 in case o4 war rt* --8* Incitin, to war or ,ivin, motives 4or re)risals. -he penalty o!
recl$sion te poral shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee, and that o! prision ayor $pon any private individ$al, who, #y $nlaw!$l or $na$thori=ed acts provo*es or gives occasion !or a war involving or lia#le to involve the Philippine "slands or e%poses ,ilipino citi=ens to reprisals on their persons or property.


--9* :iolation o4 neutralit0.

-he penalty o! prision correccional shall #e in!licted $pon anyone who, on the occasion o! a war in which the Govern ent is not involved, violates any reg$lation iss$ed #y co petent a$thority !or the p$rpose o! en!orcing ne$trality.

Piracy is now de!ined and it now incl$ded piracy within Philippine waters and, there!ore, is now de!ined as a person or persons other than the crew e #ers or passengers . other than the crew e #er or passenger . in the high seas or within Philippine waters #y sei=ing the vessel or part o! the vessel. "n other words, the piracy now in 1&& re4ers to t(e (i,( seas and P(ili))ine waters . :riginally, it was only piracy in the high seas. Piracy is act$ally ro##ery in the high seas. -he eaning o! piracy in the high seas or Philippine waters is si ply a cri e o! ro##ery, #$t the ro##ery

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # is co itted inside the vessel. And yo$ co it the cri e o! ro##ery #y sei=ing the vessel. 0$t yo$ do not call it ro##ery in the high seas "! the passengers ro# a co.passenger that cannot #e piracy $nder 1&& #eca$se piracy can only #e co itted #y o$tsiders #eca$se the law states =persons other than the crew e #ers or passengers.2 So i! a vessel, there!ore, sailing within Philippine waters and then that vessel now is attac*ed #y o$tsiders, they get the cargoes and the #aggage o! the passengers are !orci#ly ta*en #y those persons, then the cri e is piracy in Philippine waters $nder Article 1&& #eca$se it is a cri e co itted #y persons other than the crew e #ers or passengers. 0$t i! s$pposing the vessel is sailing within Philippine waters and then one o! the passengers po*ed a g$n at a co.passenger or po*ed a g$n at the captain and then sei=ed the vessel and then r$ns away with the e/$ip ent o! the vessel and the vessel is r$nning or sailing within Philippine waters, co itted #y a passenger, that cannot #e any ore a cri e o! piracy $nder the ?evised Penal @ode $nder Article 1&&, #eca$se Article 1&& can only #e co itted #y persons other than crew e #ers or passengers. So, #eca$se the cri e o! piracy is co itted #y a passenger, then the law that is violated is P8 2>& #eca$se in Presidential 8ecree 2>&, the one who can co it a cri e o! piracy within Philippine waters is any person. "t does not provide that it can only #e co itted #y persons other than crew e #ers or passengers. So i! it is sailing within Philippine waters, the o!!ender is an o$tsider, then Article 1&&. "! it is co itted #y crew e #er or a passenger sailing in Philippine waters then Presidential 8ecree 2>&.

Criminal Law Review | Page > ho icide, rape or physical in1$ries are co itted, the cri e #eco es a /$ali!ied piracy. -he law recogni=es the co ission o! those cri es on the occasion o! piracy. -here!ore, it #eco es a cri e o! /$ali!ied piracy. -here is no s$ch cri e as piracy with ho icide or piracy with rape. +hy is there is no cri e o! piracy with ho icide or piracy with rapeA -his is #eca$se the law itsel! already designates the cri e that is s$pposed to #e the proper designation or deno ination o! the cri e. #inamit na 0un, /$ali!ied privacy e(. Pa, ,inamit mo na 0un, /$ali!ied #e!ore the cri e, then that eans that all o! those cri es co itted on the occasion o! piracy are already incl$ded in the ter =/$ali!ied piracy.2 6o$ do not deno inate the cri e as /$ali!ied privacy with ho icide . ?ed$ndant 0on* Pa, sina6i mon, /$ali!ied piracy, all those cri es recogni=ed #y law to #e co itted on the occasion o! piracy are already incl$ded in the ter =/$ali!ied piracy.2 (ow, i! 1' died on the occasion o! piracy or even 1' are raped on the occasion o! piracy, what is the cri e co ittedA "t is still /$ali!ied piracy regardless o! the n$ #er o! *illings. (ow, there are n$ #er o! 12 who are raped, do not change the cri e as /$ali!ied piracy #eca$se that is a special co ple% cri e. ?egardless o! the n$ #er o! deaths, regardless o! the n$ #er o! persons in1$red, regardless o! the n$ #er o! persons raped, they !all $nder a single indivisi#le cri e o! /$ali!ied privacy. -his is di!!erent !ro a co ple% cri e in Article B3 where yo$ can $se the word $ltiple or do$#le. )i*e $ltiple $rder, $ltiple ho icide, do$#le ho icide, yo$ can $se that in Article B3 as a co ple% cri e. 0$t i! it is special co ple% cri e, do not $se do$#le or $ltiple #eca$se the cri es o! rape, ho icide or physical in1$ries are not treated as separate cri es. -hey are part and parcel o! a single indivisi#le cri e o! /$ali!ied piracy.

rt* -;>* ?uali4ied )irac0. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral to death shall #e i posed $pon those who co it any o! the cri es re!erred to in the preceding article, $nder any o! the !ollowing circ$ stances; 1. +henever they have sei=ed a vessel #y #oarding or !iring $pon the sa e< &. +henever the pirates have a#andoned their victi s witho$t eans o! saving the selves< or >. +henever the cri e is acco panied #y $rder, ho icide, physical in1$ries or rape.
(ow, i! yo$ loo* at the last circ$ stance in Article 1&>, where on the occasion o! piracy, $rder,


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Criminal Law Review | Page B independent and co petent co$nsel pre!era#ly o! his own choice, and so on. So, once he is arrested, even i! the arrest is law!$l, then he sho$ld in!or the acc$sed his rights $nder ?ep$#lic Act CB>3. De is entitled to an independent and co petent co$nsel. De has the right to re ain silent. De has the right to waive the appearance o! a co$nsel, independent and co petent co$nsel in the presence o! a co$nsel. -he acc$sed also has the right to co $nicate with the i ediate e #ers o! his !a ily or with his lawyer or with his girl!riend or #oy!riend. E un, 0an an, (inilin, e(A )uwede* CSi,e sir #eca$se yo$ have in!or ed e o! y rights to co $nicate with y lawyer, with y relatives, nearest o! *in, )uwede 6an, 6i,0an mo a7o n, tele)ono )ara 7ausa)in 7o an, nana0 7oDE Dowever, $pon the re/$est o! the acc$sed, the police an does not provide hi with any eans o! co $nication, the police an will still #e lia#le !or violation o! ?ep$#lic Act CB>3. "(7"-A-":(S ,:? FU4S-":("(G . As stated earlier, the other i portant thing a#o$t CB>3 is that it applies to invitations !or /$estioning. ,or e%a ple, the police an did not see the acc$sed co it the cri e. 0$t there were reports that he was the one who co itted the cri e. -here2s an investigation report, so e#ody said that this person co itted the cri e. Dowever, the police o!!icer has no personal *nowledge that the acc$sed co itted the cri e. So, the police o!!icer will invite the s$spect !or /$estioning. G5r. Pata1o, yo$2re invited to co e to the o!!ice.H -hen once the acc$sed is in the o!!ice, the police an as*s /$estions a#o$t the acc$sed2s participation in the cri e. G"*aw, 5r. Pata1o, i*aw ang p$ atay *ay ganito. "*aw ang nag rape *ay ganito, lahat.lahat.H :nce they2ve already as*ed those /$estions a#o$t the participation o! a person and then placed hi on arrest at that very o ent, ?ep$#lic Act CB>3 #eco es applica#le. "n other words, ?A CB>3 applies not only to those arrested in the presence o! these o!!icers, #$t also to those invited !or /$estioning concerning the co ission o! a cri e. -he o ent the police an as*s /$estions concerning the co ission o! a cri e, the police an sho$ld already in!or the s$spect o! his rights. -hat is the eaning o! CB>3.

# I!ST RELI#IO$S WORS&IP Section One* + and eB)ulsion r6itrar0 detention

rt* -;.* r6itrar0 detention. Any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who, witho$t legal gro$nds, detains a person, shall s$!!er< 1. -he penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, i! the detention has not e%ceeded three days< &. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the detention has contin$ed ore than three #$t not ore than !i!teen days< >. -he penalty o! prision ayor, i! the detention has contin$ed !or ore than !i!teen days #$t not ore than si% onths< and B. -hat o! recl$sion te poral, i! the detention shall have e%ceeded si% onths. -he co ission o! a cri e, or violent insanity or any other ail ent re/$iring the co p$lsory con!ine ent o! the patient in a hospital, shall #e considered legal gro$nds !or the detention o! any person.
Ar#itrary detention is a cri e co itted #y p$#lic o!!icers whose ain d$ty is the aintenance o! peace and order. (ot all p$#lic o!!icers can #e lia#le !or the cri e o! ar#itrary detention . only those p$#lic o!!icers whose ain d$ty is to aintain the peace and order o! the co $nity. +ho are these peace o!!icersA -hey are the police en, (0" agents, and ilitary en. 'or )ur)oses o4 ar6itrar0 detention , these are the o!!icers recogni=ed #y law as a$thori=ed #eca$se that is their d$ty to a*e arrest. (ow, i! they are there!ore the ones a$thori=ed to a*e arrest #eca$se that is their d$ty, and the arrest is $nlaw!$l, eaning there is no valid gro$nd, and the person arrested witho$t a warrant was s$#se/$ently detained, then the arresting o!!icer ay #e lia#le !or the cri e o! ar#itrary detention. Ass$ ing that the arrest is law!$l and the arresting o!!icer cannot #e lia#le !or ar#itrary detention, can he still #e lia#le !or violation o! a lawA @an yo$ still #e held lia#le !or a cri e i! the arrest is law!$lA 6es. 6o$ can still #e lia#le !or violation o! rticle -;/ or Re)u6lic ct 5.>8. ?A CB>3 . -he law that penali=es police o!!icers in !ail$re to in!or the person arrested witho$t a warrant, his right to re ain silent, his right to an

rt* -;/* "ela0 in t(e deliver0 o4 detained )ersons to t(e )ro)er Fudicial aut(orities* -he penalties provided in the
ne%t preceding article shall #e i posed $pon the p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall detain any person !or so e legal gro$nd and shall !ail to deliver s$ch person to the proper 1$dicial a$thorities within the period o!< twelve (1&)

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Criminal Law Review | Page 2 act$ally telling the person2s arresting hi that he can contin$e detaining hi . "n other words, i! yo$ waive the provisions o! 1&2, then yo$ can #e detained #eyond the periods provided !or #y 1&2. "t2s li*e telling the police an, G:*ay, " a waiving 1&2, there!ore, yo$ can contin$o$sly detain e.H -hat2s the eaning e(A di 6aD +hy does he have to waive 1&2A 0eca$se he ight avail o! his right to whatA Preliminar0 investi,ation. +hat is the e!!ect o! waiving 1&2A -he e!!ect is that yo$ are practically telling the !iscal not to !ile the in!or ation yet #eca$se yo$ want to respond to the co plaint !iled against yo$. 6o$ want to s$# it co$ntervailing evidence to re#$t the evidence presented 6ecause 0ou want to )rove t(at t(ere is no )ro6a6le cause to 4ile t(e in4ormation . "! he is a detention prisoner, #y reason o! his waiver o! the provisions o! 1&2, he cannot yet go o$t o! prison. De will have to #e detained contin$o$sly $ntil the preli inary investigation is ter inated.

ho$rs, !or cri es or o!!enses p$nisha#le #y light penalties, or their e/$ivalent< eighteen (13) ho$rs, !or cri es or o!!enses p$nisha#le #y correctional penalties, or their e/$ivalent and thirty.si% (>I) ho$rs, !or cri es, or o!!enses p$nisha#le #y a!!lictive or capital penalties, or their e/$ivalent. "n every case, the person detained shall #e in!or ed o! the ca$se o! his detention and shall #e allowed $pon his re/$est, to co $nicate and con!er at any ti e with his attorney or co$nsel.
(ow, ass$ ing that the police an is not lia#le !or ar#itrary detention and !or violation o! ?ep$#lic Act CB>3 #eca$se the he was a#le to in!or the acc$sed o! all his rights and to give the to hi , what sho$ld the police an do so that he will not #e lia#le !or another cri eA -he police an $st deliver the person arrested to the 1$dicial a$thorities within the period provided !or #y Article 1&2 as a ended #y 4%ec$tive :rder &C&, the Ad inistrative @ode. -he eaning o! delivery is to trans!er 1$risdiction. -he eaning there is yo$ trans!er the 1$risdiction o! the person arrested to the 1$dicial a$thorities. -hat is the eaning. And how do yo$ trans!er the 1$risdiction o! the person arrested to the 1$dicial a$thoritiesA 6o$ have to !ile the necessary case within the periods o! >I ho$rs, 13 ho$rs, and 1& ho$rs. "! the is arrested witho$t a warrant, then yo$ have to #ring the person arrested to the !iscal !or in/$est. (ow, i! the in/$est !iscal !o$nd pro#a#le ca$se to !ile the in!or ation and the in!or ation went to co$rt, what will the co$rt doA -hey will iss$e a warrant o! arrestA -hey will not any ore. +hy sho$ld he iss$e a warrant o! arrest, arestado na n,a e(* +hat will the co$rt doA no na7alimutan n0o. -hey will iss$e a co it ent order. Ma0 co it ent order. A co it ent order is one iss$ed #y the co$rt ordering a detention o!!icer to $nderta*e the detention o! that prisoner. -hat is the eaning. So, co it ent order, yo$ co it the person to #e detained to a speci!ic detention cell. "! in case the acc$se waives the provisions o! Article 1&2 o! the ?evised Penal @ode, then that waiver sho$ld #e in writing and with the assistance o! the co$nsel. -hat is the provision $nder ?A CB>3. De cannot waive the provisions o! 1&2 #y hi sel!. +hyA +hy sho$ld he #e assisted #y a co$nsel and the waiver sho$ld #e in writingA 6o$ *now the reasonA 0eca$se even i! the person arrested waives the provision o! 1&2, then he is Pa$l "7 8#

rt* -;3* "ela0in, release. -he

penalties provided !or in Article 1&B shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who delays !or the period o! ti e speci!ied therein the per!or ance o! any 1$dicial or e%ec$tive order !or the release o! a prisoner or detention prisoner, or $nd$ly delays the service o! the notice o! s$ch order to said prisoner or the proceedings $pon any petition !or the li#eration o! s$ch person.

rt* -;5* EB)ulsion. -he penalty o!

prision correccional shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who, not #eing there$nto a$thori=ed #y law, shall e%pel any person !ro the Philippine "slands or shall co pel s$ch person to change his residence.

Section Two* + :iolation o4 domicile rt* -;8* :iolation o4 domicile. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who, not #eing a$thori=ed #y 1$dicial order, shall enter any dwelling against the will o! the owner thereo!, search papers or other e!!ects !o$nd therein witho$t the previo$s consent o! s$ch owner, or having s$rreptitio$sly entered said dwelling, and #eing re/$ired to leave the pre ises, shall re!$se to do so.


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"! the o!!ense #e co itted in the night.ti e, or i! any papers or e!!ects not constit$ting evidence o! a cri e #e not ret$rned i ediately a!ter the search ade #y the o!!ender, the penalty shall #e prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods.
-here are those persons recogni=ed #y law who ay enter the pre ises o! another to sei=e, arrest so e#ody, or sei=e or con!iscate things inside their dwellings. -here are three ways o! co itting this cri e. ($ #er 1; +hen, not #eing a$thori=ed #y 1$dicial order, yo$ enter a dwelling witho$t the consent o! the owner. "n other words, when 0ou enter t(e domicile wit(out t(e consent o4 t(e owner* ($ #er &; +hen t(ere is no )ro(i6ition to enterA 6ut once inside t(e domicileA 0ou start searc(in, items inside t(e (ouse* ($ #er >; +hen yo$ enter Gsurre)titiousl0H there ay #e no e%press prohi#ition, #ut once 0ou are inside t(e owner as7ed 0ou to leave 6ut 0ou do not leave. 7iolation o! do icile sho$ld #e read together with Article &3' on trespass to dwelling. 6o$ also have to re!er to the aggravating circ$ stance o! dwelling that yo$ have learned $nder yo$r Paragraph >, last part o! Paragraph > o! Article 1B #eca$se when the do icile is only is an aggravating circ$ stance, then there is no cri e o! violation o! do icile. "! another cri e is co itted, #$t the entry is only a eans o! co itting the cri e, then do icile #eco es dwelling as an aggravating circ$ stance. Anyway, so violation do icile, there!ore, is co itted #y p$#lic o!!icers whose ain d$ty is the aintenance o! peace and order. "! he is not a p$#lic o!!icial conte plated #y Article 1&3, then the cri e will #e trespass to dwelling or /$ali!ied trespass to dwelling $nder Article &3' o! the ?evised Penal @ode. So, that2s the co$nterpart provision o! the violation o! do icile. 0$t there will #e so e co plications later on when we ta*e $p ro##ery with !orce $pon things.

prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding P1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall proc$re a search warrant witho$t 1$st ca$se, or, having legally proc$red the sa e, shall e%ceed his a$thority or $se $nnecessary severity in e%ec$ting the sa e.

:! co$rse yo$ *now when a search warrant is iss$ed. -he 1$dge personally cond$cts the e%a ination o! the co plainant or his witnesses. -he investigation is ade #y cond$cting searching /$estionsA di 6a 0un an, re/$ire ent. +hen so e#ody or a police o!!icer applies !or a search warrant, the #asis $s$ally o! the iss$ance o! a search warrant wo$ld #e the depositions or testi ony o! the co plainant or his witnesses. 8epositions are so eti es called testi ony o! the applicants or the witnesses in a search warrant. 0eca$se yo$ have to convince the co$rt that there is a pro#a#le ca$se to iss$e a search a warrant. -he pro#a#le ca$se can only #e arrived at a!ter a hearing cond$cted #y the 1$dge #ased on searching /$estions, =no. Ka0a an, 1$dge ni0anA2di )weden, ma,tanon,. GOA i7aw 6a itoAH GO)o.H I7aw 6a 0un, a))licantAH GO)o.H "i 6a i7aw a0 &B 0ears oldAGO)o.H G&indi 6an i7aw 0un, na, testi40A GO)o.H G"i 6a 0un, testimon0 mo )ositiveAH G:po.H &indi ,anon an, searching /$estion, )ana0 leading e(. Maramin, 1$dge n,a0on na m,a tamad e(. #ina,awa ,anon. 0$t act$ally searching /$estions, even in yo$r ?$le 1&I, ma(ira) na tra6a(o 0an, #eca$se it is the 1$dge who is only as*ing the /$estions, walan, adverse co$nsel lan, e(A i7aw lan, mismo an, ma,tatanon, e(. +hat is yo$r na eA O ilan taon 7a naA Pwede 7a lan, dito )ara ma,Ia))l0 n, search warrant. Ba7it 7a na,aa)l0 n, search warrantA 8r$g test 6a itoA : sha#$A no (itsura n, sha#$A : asan an, test !ileA :A iI s7etc( mo n,aA Saan 7a na7a)westoA San ditoA %un, 6a(a0A anon, (itsura n, taon, 0anA )an,et 6a o ,uwa)o 0anA #anun an, searching /$estions. 6o$ have to esta#lish really that there is a pro#a#le ca$se in the iss$ance o! a search warrant. (ow, i! the applicant later on, isrepresented the selves. "n other words, there are e%pert

rt* -;9* Searc( warrants maliciousl0 o6tained and a6use in t(e service o4 t(ose le,all0 o6tained. "n addition to
the lia#ility attaching to the o!!ender !or the co ission o! any other o!!ense, the penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to

witnesses, 0un, m,a usual paid witnesses. And then later, i! the co$rt only discovered later that they were not act$ally witnesses in the storage o! illegal ite s in a partic$lar ho$se, #$t a search warrant was already iss$ed, then those responsi#le !or the application o! the search warrant will all #e Pa$l "7 8#

lia#le !or violation o! Article 1&J, proc$re ent o! any search warrant.


rt* -><* Searc(in, domicile wit(out witnesses. -he penalty o! arresto ayor

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Criminal Law Review | Page C Under 1>1, it covers preventing the holding o! a peace!$l eeting. -his is $s$ally co itted #y those who are re/$ired $nder the law to iss$e per its to hold eetings in a p$#lic place, so a p$#lic o!!icer preventing the holding o! a peace!$l eeting. (ow i! the eeting is held in the private property, there is no need to get a per it. 0$t when a eeting is held in a p$#lic place, then yo$ have to sec$re a per it. (ow, the ayor or his assistant or the person designated to iss$e a per it does not li*e to iss$e a per it witho$t any 1$sti!ia#le reason, then the p$#lic o!!icer ay#e lia#le $nder 1>1 !or preventing the holding o! a peace!$l eeting. (ow, i! a eeting is held already and #eca$se there is per it, then the cri e can also #e co itted #y p$#lic o!!icers who prevent persons !ro attending a peace!$l eeting or who dist$r# an ongoing peace!$l eeting, or he stops an ongoing peace!$l eeting. "n other words i! the per it is !or 1' ho$rs, then on the Ith ho$r dinis)erse mo naA lia#le 7a na d0an. :r there is a peace!$l eeting already granted then yo$ prevent others !ro attending the peace!$l eeting. -hat is also p$nisha#le $nder 1>1. :r yo$ dist$r# an ongoing, yo$ created noise, and dist$r#ed an ongoing peace!$l eeting. -hen yo$ are li*ewise lia#le $nder 1>1. So that2s the cri e in 1>1. Preventing the holding o! a peace!$l eeting, prevent other persons !ro attending a peace!$l eeting, dist$r# an ongoing peace!$l eeting, and disperse the peace!$l eeting #e!ore the period granted.

in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed $pon a p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who, in cases where a search is proper, shall search the do icile , papers or other #elongings o! any person, in the a#sence o! the latter, any e #er o! his !a ily, or in their de!a$lt, witho$t the presence o! two witnesses residing in the sa e locality.
-here is a se/$ence in the order o! those who sho$ld witness. n, unaA it sho$ld #e in the presence o! the respondents. "n the a#sence o! the respondents, those who ay#e living in the ho$se. "n the a#sence o! any person living in the ho$se and the a#sence o! the respondent, then that is the ti e that the search warrant shall #e o#served or witnessed #y two disinterested persons !ro the co $nity. So, ,inalaw n, m,a )ulis 7a(it na nadun an, respondent, nandun 0un inha#itants o! the ho$se. Pina)ata6i nila ta)os 7u7u(a n, #arangay captain, mali 0on. -he witnesses !ro o$tside will only co e in with when there are no inha#itants, there are no respondents. (ow, i! there are no respondents, there are no inha#itants, and there are no witnesses !ro the co $nity, #$t the police en still persist in searching the ho$se witho$t any witnesses, then they will #e lia#le !or violation o! Article 1>'.

Section T(ree*+ Pro(i6itionA interru)tion and dissolution o4 )eace4ul meetin,s rt* ->-* Pro(i6itionA interru)tion and dissolution o4 )eace4ul meetin,s.
-he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who, witho$t legal gro$nd, shall prohi#it or interr$pt the holding o! a peace!$l eeting, or shall dissolve the sa e. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon a p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall hinder any person !ro 1oining any law!$l association or !ro attending any o! its eetings. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall prohi#it or hinder any person !ro addressing, either alone or together with others, any petition to the a$thorities !or the correction o! a#$ses or redress o! grievances.
Pa$l "7 8#

Section 'our* + Crimes a,ainst reli,ious wors(i) rt* ->;* Interru)tion o4 reli,ious wors(i) . -he penalty o! prision
correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall prevent or dist$r# the cere onies or ani!estations o! any religion. "! the cri e shall have #een co itted with violence or threats, the penalty shall #e prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods.

-he pro#le is that so e religio$s cere onies are already held o$tside o! places o! religio$s worship. n, sit$ation n, 1>& is that yo$ go to ch$rch and then yo$ are a p$#lic o!!icer, yo$ dist$r# ongoing religio$s cere ony, pro#a#ly misaA 0on 1>& 7a. 6o$ will !all $nder 1>& #eca$se yo$ are dist$r#ing a


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # religio$s cere ony in the place o! a religio$s worship. So the /$estion is s$pposing it is a religio$s cere ony cond$cted o$tside the place o! religio$s worship and, there!ore, so e#ody is dist$r#ed. -here is an old case involving the "glesia ni @risto. Sa#i ng S$pre e @o$rt, the law does not apply #eca$se religio$s worship, yo$ *now, those will incl$de ch$rches where $s$ally the e #ers o! the sect pray. Kasi an, ,inawa n, "glesia ni @risto, they invited people to attend a eeting, so e sort o! prayer eeting a ong the "glesia ni @risto. -hen a p$#lic o!!icer #elonging to another religion dist$r#ed the ongoing cere ony. Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, ano e (indi 0an )wede $nder 1>& #eca$se it too* place o$tside, #$t they co$ld #e lia#le !or another cri e, that wo$ld #e cri e o! $n1$st ve%ation. "! there is violence, then it wo$ld #e grave coercion. "! there is no violence, then than is light coercion. So that decision has not yet #een changed. 0$t s$pposing it is co itted #y private individ$als. -here was a ti e in o$r place, e(A sa loo6 n, sim6a(an, private individ$al, he sho$ted, GSuno,K Suno,KH Sina6i ni0a sa loo6 n, sim6a(an . #alit sa )ari #eca$se he was a die.hard 5arcos. At that ti e, alam mo naman sa Ilocos, 5arcos, e(. #alit sa m,a )ariA m,a ta,a doon. !a,mimisa 0un, )ari. De sho$ted, GWa, 7an, maniwala sa )ari . Suno,KH Ta76u(an 0un, m,a tao. +hat case are going to !ile against hi A De is not a p$#lic o!!icer. -hen the law that is violated is 12> $nder the last sentence o! Article 12>. "n 12>, the law provides that i! the acts or the o!!enses are not p$nisha#le $nder 1>1 or 1>&, then the law that is violated is Article 12> . -$ $lts and other dist$r#ance o! p$#lic orders < -$ $lt$o$s dist$r#ance or interr$ption lia#le to ca$se dist$r#ance.

Criminal Law Review | Page 3 co itting the act o!!ensive to the religio$s !eeling. +hat is o!!ensive to the religio$s !eelingA +hen we spea* o! o!!ensive to the religio$s !eeling, then the

rt* ->>* O44endin, t(e reli,ious 4eelin,s. -he penalty o! arresto ayor in
its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon anyone who, in a place devoted to religio$s worship or d$ring the cele#ration o! any religio$s cere ony shall per!or acts notorio$sly o!!ensive to the !eelings o! the !aith!$l.
%un, 1>>, any person 0un e(. Any person

act goes to the very #elie!. "t is an act that goes against the very #elie! or the !aith o! those #elonging to that religion. )i*e !or e%a ple, procession. Pa, ma0 procession, ma0 na,)atu,to, n, mala7as na radio (a6an, ma0 procession. I6an, religion nun e(* Sa )rocessionA naistor6o 0un, m,a nasa procession. "s that o!!ensive to the religio$s #elie!s when so e#ody is dist$r#ing yo$ li*e when there is a lo$d voice or so$nd or the vol$ e o! the stereo is very high and, there!ore, it is dist$r#ing the processionA (o, that is not o!!ensive to the religio$s !eeling. -hat is only a cri e o! light coercion or what they call $n1$st ve%ation. %un, $n1$st ve%ation 7asi 7un, wala 7an, ma(ana) sa 6atas, as long as yo$ are not in1$red, 7asi an, $n1$st ve%ation, yo$ are not in1$red. La(at n, )an,iinis $n1$st ve%ation 0an. 6o$ *iss a girl on the chee* and the girl does not li*e it, as long as it is not with lewd design, $n1$st ve%ation 0anA )an,iinis* :r yo$ view a lady ta*ing #ath inside the t$#. Sinisili) mo si0a , $n1$st ve%ation din 0un. Pan,iinis 0un. 0$t i! yo$ *iss a girl with ,usto, not only on the chee*, on the lips, that is acts o! lascivio$sness. -hat is not any ore $n1$st ve%ation. n, $n1$st ve%ation not attended with any lewd design . that2s the eaning. Pan,iinis lan, e*


rt* ->.* Re6ellion or insurrection1 &ow committed. -he cri e o! re#ellion or

ins$rrection is co itted #y rising p$#licly and ta*ing ar s against the Govern ent !or the p$rpose o! re oving !ro the allegiance to said Govern ent or its laws, the territory o! the Philippine "slands or any part thereo!, o! any #ody o! land, naval or other ar ed !orces, depriving the @hie! 4%ec$tive or the )egislat$re, wholly or partially, o! any o! their powers or prerogatives. (As a ended #y ?.A. IJI3).

rticle ->. I * Cou) dJetat 1 &ow committed. -he cri e o! co$p dLetat is a
swi!t attac* acco panied #y violence, inti idation, threat, strategy or stealth, directed against d$ly constit$ted a$thorities o! the ?ep$#lic o! the Philippines, or any ilitary ca p or installation, co $nications networ*,

Title T(ree
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p$#lic $tilities or other !acilities needed !or the e%ercise and contin$ed possession o! power, singly or si $ltaneo$sly carried o$t anywhere in the Philippines 60 an0 )erson or )ersonsA 6elon,in, to t(e militar0 or )olice or (oldin, an0 )u6lic o44ice o4 em)lo0ment wit( or wit(out civilian su))ort or )artici)ation 4or t(e )ur)ose o4 seiKin, or diminis(in, state )ower. (As a ended #y ?.A. IJI3).

"t ay #e co itted even i! no ar s are ta*en against the Govern ent . it can #e co itted s$rreptitio$sly. S$rreptitio$sly. -here is no need o! any !irear s as long as there is a swi!t attac* P$rpose is to c$rtail the powers o! the govern ent So, it is not act$ally ta*ing over, $nli*e in the cri e o! si ple re#ellion, which ay involve the ta*ing over in whole or in part o! the govern ent. -his one is to di inish the power o! the State. 0$t the law en$ erates what co$ld #e the !acilities that sho$ld #e the s$#1ect atter o! the swi!t attac*. 5ilitary installations, ca ps, police station, all o! these installations incl$ding p$#lic $tilities. +hat a#o$t in the :a*woodA -he s$#1ect atter is a hotel. -he soldiers were inside the hotel. "t is not a ilitary instillation. "t is not a ilitary !acility. "t is not a p$#lic $tility. we have to loo* at the otive o! the soldiers. "! it is a political otive, then we co$ld say that it is a co$p d2etat. 0$t the law en$ erates the !acilities that sho$ld #e the s$#1ect atter o! co$p d2etat. So, it is no longer i portantA 0eca$se the s$#1ect atter o! the co$p d2etat is a hotelA we really have to loo* at the otive o! the soldiers. "t is ore on the p$rpose rather the one that is attac*ed. "t cannot #e initiated #y civilians, #$t civilians @A( co it it with en in $ni!or i! initiated #y those en.

Any person in the govern ent service who participates, or e%ec$tes directions or co ands o! others in $nderta*ing a co$p dLetat shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision ayor in its a%i $ period. Any person not in the govern ent service who participates, or in any anner s$pports, !inances, a#ets or aids in $nderta*ing a co$p dLetat shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion te poral in its a%i $ period. +hen the re#ellion, ins$rrection, or co$p dLetat shall #e $nder the co and o! $n*nown leaders, any person who in !act directed the others, spo*e !or the , signed receipts and other doc$ ents iss$ed in their na e, as per!or ed si ilar acts, on #ehal! or the re#els shall #e dee ed a leader o! s$ch a re#ellion, ins$rrection, or co$p dLetat. (As a ended #y ?.A. IJI3, approved on :cto#er &B, 1JJ').

Under the old provisions in Article 1>2, there $sed to #e phrase there, $nder the old 1>2, yo$ will !ind there the penalty o! re#ellion. !a7ala,a0 an, penalty. -he penalty o! re#ellion in so !ar as the leaders are concerned, the penalty o! )rision ma0or incl$ding co ission o! serio$s violence and destr$ction o! property. "n other words, i! yo$ are a leader and then yo$ co it the cri e o! re#ellion then yo$ co it serio$s violence or da age to property, whatever violence or da age to property co itted, then the penalty is only one. And that is )rision ma0or $nder the old law. So, that 1$sti!ies the r$ling that there is no s$ch cri e o! re#ellion co ple%ed with $rder #eca$se that provision allows the a#sorption o! other cri es co itted on the occasion o! re#ellion. 0$t that phrase is not any ore incl$ded there. -hat has #een re oved in Article 1>2 when there was an a end ent. So what is the e!!ect o! re oving that phraseA -here ay now #e a cri e o! re#ellion co ple%ed with $rder.

rt* ->3* Cons)irac0 and )ro)osal to commit cou) dJetat A re6ellion or insurrection. -he conspiracy and
proposal to co it co$p dLetat shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor in ini $ period and a !ine which shall not e%ceed eight tho$sand pesos (P3,'''.''). -he conspiracy and proposal to co it re#ellion or ins$rrection shall #e p$nished respectively, #y prision correccional in its a%i $ period and a !ine which shall not e%ceed !ive tho$sand pesos (P2,'''.'') and #y prision correccional in its edi$ period

rt * ->/ * Penalt0 4or re6ellion A insurrection or cou) dJetat. Any person

who pro otes, aintains, or heads re#ellion or ins$rrection shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a. Any person erely participating or e%ec$ting the co ands o! others in a re#ellion shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion te poral. Any person who leads or in any anner directs or co ands others to $nderta*e a co$p dLetat shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a.

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Criminal Law Review | Page 1' Cou) d2etat v* Re6ellion the essence o! the cri e o! co$p d2etat is a swi!t attac*< re#ellion is a p$#lic $prising and ta*ing $p ar s. Secondly, sir, the persons who co it the cri e o! co$p d2etat $st #e initiated #y ilitary en or p$#lic o!!icers or persons in a$thority. Unli*e in re#ellion where there in no s$ch partic$lar provision in any gro$p o! person who can co it a cri e o! re#ellion. (e%t, sir, is that a re#ellion $st #e co itted #y a $ltit$de o! en, $nli*e in co$p d2etat where an a single ilitary o!!icer or gro$p o! ilitary o!!icers, with or witho$t civilian a$thority, ay co it the cri e o! co$p d2etat -he target in co$p d2etat is against constit$ted a$thority or ilitary installations or other !acilities. Unli*e in re#ellion where there is no s$ch condition and the p$rpose !or re#ellion is either to (1) deprive or prevent the e%ercise o! the govern ent o! any o! its powers or prerogatives or ta*e away any territory !ro the (ational Govern ent in whole or in part. Unli*e in co$p d2etat where the p$rpose o! co itting is to di inish or sei=e a power, s$ch that even i! they do not sei=e power as long as they di inish, that2s already cri e o! co$p d2etat.

and a !ine not e%ceeding two tho$sand pesos (P&,'''.''). (As a ended #y ?.A. IJI3, approved :cto#er &B, 1JJ').

rt * ->8 * Incitin, a re6ellion or insurrection. -he penalty o! prision

ayor in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any person who, witho$t ta*ing ar s or #eing in open hostility against the Govern ent, shall incite others to the e%ec$tion o! any o! the acts speci!ied in article 1>B o! this @ode, #y eans o! speeches, procla ations, writings, e #le s, #anners or other representations tending to the sa e end. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).
Pro)osal to commit re6ellion v* Incitin, to commit re6ellion -he ain di!!erence is that in a proposal to co it re#ellion, there is no p$#lic eeting and s$ch proposal is done in private as against in inciting to re#ellion when the leader is inciting the e #ers who attended the eeting in a p$#lic place. "n Proposal to @o it ?e#ellion, no one has act$ally co itted re#ellion. "n "nciting to ?e#ellion he is not yet in the act o! co itting a cri e o! re#ellion in inciting to re#ellion. So, in other words, he 1$st erely delivered a speech, !or e%a ple, inciting the people to co it the cri e o! re#ellion. De is not in the act$al co ission o! the cri e o! re#ellion. +hyA -he one proposing is not in the act$al co ission o! the cri e o! re#ellion, #$t he is inciting people to co it the cri e o! re#ellion. +hyA 0eca$se yo$ will not any ore #e lia#le !or inciting to re#ellion. 6o$ ay #eco e a principal to ind$ce ent. "! there is already an ongoing re#ellion and then yo$ incite people to co it the cri e o! re#ellion, yo$ are already a principal in the co ission o! the cri e o! re#ellion. 6o$ ay #e a principal to ind$ce ent #eca$se re#ellion is a contin$ing o!!ense. So i! yo$ are not in the act o! co itting a cri e o! re#ellion and then yo$2re inciting the people, then that inciting is already part o! the co ission o! the cri e o! re#ellion. Unli*e in the cri e o! proposal, y un, proposal, yo$ proposed and then later on yo$ decide. Cou) d2etat "nciting to co it the cri e o! co$p d 2etat, there 2s no s$ch cri e. 0$t proposal to co it the cri e o! co$p d2etat, meron 0an. Proposal and conspiracy to co it the cri e o! co$p d 2etat and si ple re#ellion, )wede 0on, #$t not the inciting to co it a cri e o! co$p d2etat. Ba7itA Meron 6an, en in $ni!or inviting every#ody to co it the cri e o! co$p d2etatA "t2s i possi#le. "t is always done s$rreptitio$sly. Pa$l "7 8#

rt* ->5* "islo0alt0 o4 )u6lic o44icers or em)lo0ees. -he penalty o! prision

correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon p$#lic o!!icers or e ployees who have !ailed to resist a re#ellion #y all the eans in their power, or shall contin$e to discharge the d$ties o! their o!!ices $nder the control o! the re#els or shall accept appoint ent to o!!ice $nder the . (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).

rt* ->9* Sedition1 &ow committed.

-he cri e o! sedition is co itted #y persons who rise p$#licly and t$ $lt$o$sly in order to attain #y !orce, inti idation, or #y other eans o$tside o! legal ethods, any o! the !ollowing o#1ects; 1. -o prevent the pro $lgation or e%ec$tion o! any law or the holding o! any pop$lar election< &. -o prevent the (ational Govern ent, or any provincial or $nicipal govern ent or any p$#lic o!!icer thereo! !ro !reely e%ercising its or his !$nctions, or prevent the e%ec$tion o! any ad inistrative order< >. -o in!lict any act o! hate or revenge $pon the person or property o! any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee< B. -o co it, !or any political or social end, any act o! hate or revenge against private

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 11 p$rpose n, sedition. 0eca$se there is no ta*ing $p o! ar s against the govern ent. "! there is ta*ing $p ar s against the govern ent, then it is not sedition. Act$ally, sedition is when yo$ go #eyond what is re/$ired o! yo$ as a citi=en to ventilate yo$r grievances against the govern ent. T(ere is no crime o4 Pro)osal to Commit Sedition Proposal 0unA 1$st the two o! $s. "2 1$st proposing to yo$. +e will not pay o$r ta%es, la(at la(at* "s there any har to the govern entA (one. 0eca$se that is !reedo o! speech. 6o$ are protected #eca$se there is no valid cri e against the govern ent. So anything that will #e done to propose or to propose rather, it2s not a cri e, #eca$se that2s part o! !reedo o! speech. -hat is yo$r right. 0$t s$pposing the proposal is now accepted. Inacce)t mo na n,a0on. "n the 8epart ent o! 4d$cation, we will create a co otion. +e will create tro$#le was there. +e will dist$r# the . +e will create p$#lic $prising. +e will #$rn tires and create h$ an #arricades and so on. Incitin, to Sedition v* Incitin, to Re6ellion "nciting to sedition is #roader than the cri e o! inciting to re#ellion. OoA 6roader an, inciting to sedition #eca$se inciting to sedition even incl$des sc$rrilo$s li#els co itted against the govern ent. "n inciting to co it the cri e o! re#ellion, what do yo$ do is that yo$ sho$t to those who are listening, and then yo$ tell the to co it a cri e o! re#ellion #y telling the , Gwe will over throw this govern ent, we will ar o$rselves. +e will have a p$#lic $prising. -he govern ent is not good in anything.H %un an, . yo$ entioned the ele ents o! the re#ellion. 0$t in the cri e o! inciting to sedition, o! co$rse, that is also one way o! co itting a cri e o! inciting to sedition. 6o$ anno$nce p$#licly that yo$2re inviting every#ody to 1oin in a cri e o! sedition as long as the proponent or the one who is delivering this is not hi sel! involved in the cri e o! sedition. -hat2s a clear provision in 1B&. :*ay. 0$t the law says even the scurrilous li6el is co itted in the cri e o! sedition. "t is not erely telling the people to prevent a holding o! a national election or prevent the national govern ent or all or its instr$ entalities in their per!or ing their d$ties #y creating p$#lic $prising or in a t$ $lt$o$s way, di 6aA Scurrilous Li6el )aran, ano 0an, yo$ ade !alsities in yo$r prono$nce ents. Masaman, ,o6ernador ito, iI nis)end la(at )ara sa )am6a6ae , m,a ,anito* Walan, ,inawa an, ,o6ernador 7undi ma,na7awA walan, ma6utin, sina6i. All #ad things are $ttered.

persons or any social class< and 2. -o despoil, !or any political or social end, any person, $nicipality or province, or the (ational Govern ent (or the Govern ent o! the United States), o! all its property or any part thereo!.

rt * -.- * Cons)irac0 to commit sedition. Persons conspiring to co it

the cri e o! sedition shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its edi$ period and a !ine not e%ceeding &,''' pesos. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).

rt* -.;* Incitin, to sedition. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding &,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who, witho$t ta*ing any direct part in the cri e o! sedition , sho$ld incite others to the acco plish ent o! any o! the acts which constit$te sedition, #y eans o! speeches, procla ations, writings, e #le s, cartoons, #anners, or other representations tending to the sa e end, or $pon any person or persons who shall $tter seditio$s words or speeches, write, p$#lish, or circ$late sc$rrilo$s li#els against the Govern ent (o! the United States or the Govern ent o! the @o onwealth) o! the Philippines, or any o! the d$ly constit$ted a$thorities thereo!, or which tend to dist$r# or o#str$ct any law!$l o!!icer in e%ec$ting the !$nctions o! his o!!ice, or which tend to instigate others to ca#al and eet together !or $nlaw!$l p$rposes, or which s$ggest or incite re#ellio$s conspiracies or riots, or which lead or tend to stir $p the people against the law!$l a$thorities or to dist$r# the peace o! the co $nity, the sa!ety and order o! the Govern ent, or who shall *nowingly conceal s$ch evil practices. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).
Sedition is not only p$#lic $prising, it2s not only co otion, le,al 0an e(. 4very citi=en has the right to ventilate his gripe against the govern ent. -hat is yo$r right. So, i! yo$ are not satis!ied with the @o elec, it is yo$r right to ventilate yo$r gripe against @o elec #eca$se they do not *now how to co$nt votes. "t is also yo$r right to /$estion the capa#ility or the co petence o! the e #ers o! the @o elec. ?ight n, citiKen 0anA e(. (ow, i! the govern ent o!!ice is not per!or ing well, then it is a right to /$estion the way it is #eing r$n. ?ight mo 0an e(. 0$t yo$ went over yo$r right. OA 0un an,

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # %un an, sc$rrilo$s li#el, Sumoso6ra 6a* 0$t o! co$rse, it sho$ld #e acco panied with seditio$s words not erely sc$rrilo$s li#el #eca$se it is erely saying that all the govern ent is #ad, wala 0un. 0$t i! yo$ say, CMasama an, ,o6ernadorA )alitan natin itoA (uwa, natin )a,tra6a(uin ditoA ,a,o itoAE )ero (indi naman totooA that is inciting to sedition. Incitin, to Sedition in relation to rt -/> what is p$nished in 12>, 12B, 122 is the p$#lic dist$r#ance or p$#lic disorder sa 12>, which is separate !ro the cri e o! inciting to sedition or inciting to re#ellion. In incitin, to sedition or incitin, to re6ellionA t(ere is no need o4 t(ose w(o are listenin, to 6e actuall0 eBcited 6ecause w(at is )unis(ed in incitin, to sedition and incitin, to re6ellion is t(e act o4 incitin, t(e listeners to t(e crime o4 re6ellion or sedition. "0an sa -/>A -/.A -//A what is p$nished is the p$#lic disorder. So, i4 0ou incite t(e )eo)le to commit t(e crime o4 re6ellion or seditionA and t(en t(e )eo)le are actuall0 eBcitedA n,a)ala7)a7an silaA na,si,awan la(at silaA la(atIla(at 0anA -/> an, )unis(a6le. -hat is 12> #eca$se there is a di!!erence. -he other di!!erence is that, t(e crime o4 incitin, to sedition and incitin, to re6ellionA t(e )ur)ose o4 t(e s)ea7er is ver0 clear 4rom t(e ver0 6e,innin,. So, i! yo$ go there, yo$ are the a$dience, yo$ want to listen, and yo$ go there, yo$ *now already what to e%pect !ro the spea*er. &indi 7a naman ma,aattend dun 7un, (indi mo alam an, )ur)ose e(A d i6aD So, pro#a#ly every#ody is invited in the eeting then we will listen to the speech o! Mo a Sison or sila 0$scayno and the others, yo$ *now, those (PA leaders. 6o$ e%pect what speech will delivered, di 6aD Pa, na,salita silaA . act$ally, they2re not involved in re#ellion, they are not involved in sedition. -he o ent that they incite people to co it the cri e o! re#ellion or sedition even i! the listeners do not create any noise, inciting na 0un.

Criminal Law Review | Page 1& !owA in a )u6lic outcr0 under -/>A t(e audienceA t(ose w(o FoinedA listenersA t(e0 do not 7now* T(e0 are ,oin, to listen 4rom t(e s)ea7er )ro6a6l0 t(e0 will tal7 a6out love stories in a movie or 6om6a starsA so madamin, m,a lala7i dun e(* Pa,Iuusa)an )ala e(A ovies and then they deliver the speech, they start the speech with ovies and then later on i6a na an, sinasa6i. )et2s overthrow o! the Govern ent. )et2s ar o$rselves, di 6aD And then, the listeners will now say GSi,e 6om6aL Si,e tiraLE 0un an, -/>. W(at is now )unis(a6le isA aside 4orm t(e s)eec(A t(e commotion 6ecause t(e reMuirement is tumultuous or )u6lic distur6ance* %un an, -/> to di44erentiate it 4rom incitin, to sedition.

#anun an, di)erens0a nun. 0$t in inciting to sedition and inciting to re#ellion, the people are not really e%cited. +hat is p$nished is the act o! inciting. -he one who is co itting the cri e is the one who is delivering the speech.

rt* -..* "istur6ance o4 )roceedin,s.

-he penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who dist$r#s the eetings o! the (ational Asse #ly (@ongress o! the Philippines) or o! any o! its co ittees or s$#co ittees, constit$tional co issions or co ittees or divisions thereo!, or o! any provincial #oard or city or $nicipal co$ncil or #oard, or in the presence o! any s$ch #odies sho$ld #ehave in s$ch anner as to interr$pt its proceedings or to i pair the respect d$e it. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).

rt* -.<* Penalt0 4or sedition. C(a)ter Two C RIME S # REPRESE!T TIO! I!ST POP$L R

Section One * + Crimes a,ainst le,islative 6odies and similar 6odies rt* -.>* ct tendin, to )revent t(e meetin, o4 t(e ssem6l0 and similar 6odies. -he penalty o! prision correccional or a !ine
ranging !ro &'' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who, #y !orce or !ra$d, prevents the eeting o! the (ational Asse #ly (@ongress o! the Philippines) or o! any o! its co ittees or s$#co ittees, constit$tional co issions or co ittees or divisions thereo!, or o! any provincial #oard or city or $nicipal co$ncil or #oard. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C). Pa$l "7 8#

1B>, and 1BB, yo$ read these two articles together with 1>1, 1>&, 12>. +hyA 0eca$se in Article 1>1, the cri e is co itted #y p$#lic o!!icers i! they prevent the holding o! a peace!$l eeting or when they prevent a person !ro attending a peace!$l eeting. "n 1>&, it re!ers to acts o! p$#lic o!!icers in preventing or dist$r#ing a holy or religio$s cere ony in a place o! religio$s worship. 0$t i! the o!!enders are not p$#lic o!!icers, then yo$ *now that 12> is the one violated, di 6aD "! the acts do not !all $nder 1>1 or 1>&, then is a law that is violated is 12>. 6o$ go now to 1B> and 1BB. +hen yo$ prevent the holding or prevent or dist$r# the ongoing A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # investigation or session o! @ongress or any )egislative #ody . that eans provincial #oard or city or $nicipal #oard, then the law that is violated is 1B> and 1BB o! the ?evised Penal @ode. So, yo$ dist$r# an ongoing investigation or eeting or yo$ prevented or yo$ dist$r#N "! yo$ prevent, 1B>. "! yo$ dist$r#, 1BB. Speci!ically applica#le only to those that enact o$r laws, whether provincial #oard, $nicipal #oard, city #oard or @ongress or Senate.

Criminal Law Review | Page 1>

this @ode, and he shall #e considered a leader or organi=er o! the eeting within the p$rview o! the preceding paragraph. As $sed in this article, the word O eetingO shall #e $nderstood to incl$de a gathering or gro$p, whether in a !i%ed place or oving . (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).
"alawan, p$nished dun to a*e it p$nisha#le. :ne, is the eeting o! ar ed en #eca$se i! it is a eeting o! an $nar ed en, walan, crime 0unA 7a(it ano )a,usa)an natiA 7a(it na iIra)e natin la(at n, m,a 6a6ae sa mundo* $narmed naman eA walan, crime 0un* So, what a*es it a cri e o! illegal asse #ly in 1BI, dalawan, reMuirements dun. :ne, a eeting o! ar ed en and n$ #er two, !or the p$rpose o! co itting an act p$nisha#le $nder o$r laws. I0on* I0on an, p$rpose nun* 0$t i! it is a eeting erely o! $nar ed en and they are trying to co it a cri e o! conspiracy, to co it a cri e o! ro##ery or conspiracy to co it a cri e o! rape, walan, cri e 0un #eca$se they are not ar ed. 0$t i! the p$rpose is to co it a cri e and they are ar ed then they will #e lia#le. -hose who attend the eeting who are not ar ed will, li*ewise, #e lia#le, #$t the penalty will #e lesser. %un, ar ed at sa7a $nar ed lia6le 0un 7a0a lan, 0un, $nar ed mas ma6a6a an, )enalt0* Ille,al ssem6l0 v* Bri,anda,e (ow, on that >'I o! the ?evised Penal @ode whether a !riend, i ediate e #ers o! a #and . ar ed #and. 0eca$se #and is co posed o! at least !o$r ar ed en and the p$rpose o! the eeting is to co it a cri e o! highway ro##ery or to e%tort or de and ranso , an, cri e d0an is >'I, #rigands 0an. "n other words, i! the ar ed en are attending a eeting !or speci!ic p$rpose or p$rposes o! either ro##ery, to e%tort oney or ranso , (indi 1BI an, )unis(a6le dun. +hat is p$nisha#le is Article >'I #eca$se it is speci!ied in the p$rpose o! the eeting. 0$t i4 t(e meetin,A t(e )ur)ose is not s)eci4iedA t(ere4oreA i4 it is a meetin, o4 armed men it is s)eci4iedA 6ut it does not involve (i,(wa0 ro66er0A ransom or eBtort mone0 t(en t(e crime t(at is committed is -.3* (ow, i! however, there are only three ar ed en . three ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! co itting the cri e o! *idnapping !or ranso or highway ro##ery or e%tort oney, then that is also a cri e o! 1BI, illegal asse #ly. +hyA -hat cannot #e a cri e o! #rigandage #eca$se there $st #e at least !o$r ar ed en. -he way it was phrased, it was a cri e o! conspiracy o! co itting the cri es. Pero an, sa6i nila there is no cri e #eca$se conspiracy to co it the cri e o! *idnapping !or ranso is not a cri e. =%an an, sa,otA e(* 0$t there are speci!ic

S e c t i o n Tw o * + : i o l a t i o n o 4 )arliamentar0 immunit0 rt* -./* :iolation o4 )arliamentar0 immunit0. -he penalty o! prision ayor shall
#e i posed $pon any person who shall $se !orce, inti idation, threats, or !ra$d to prevent any e #er o! the (ational Asse #ly (@ongress o! the Philippines) !ro attending the eetings o! the Asse #ly (@ongress) or o! any o! its co ittees or s$#co ittees, constit$tional co issions or co ittees or divisions thereo!, !ro e%pressing his opinions or casting his vote< and the penalty o! prision correccional shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall, while the Asse #ly (@ongress) is in reg$lar or special session, arrest or search any e #er thereo!, e%cept in case s$ch e #er has co itted a cri e p$nisha#le $nder this @ode #y a penalty higher than prision ayor.



rt* -.3* Ille,al assem6lies. -he

penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $ period to prision ayor in its edi$ period shall #e i posed $pon the organi=ers or leaders o! any eeting attended #y ar ed persons !or the p$rpose o! co itting any o! the cri es p$nisha#le $nder this @ode, or o! any eeting in which the a$dience is incited to the co ission o! the cri e o! treason, re#ellion or ins$rrection, sedition or assa$lt $pon a person in a$thority or his agents. Persons erely present at s$ch eeting shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor, $nless they are ar ed, in which case the penalty shall #e prision correccional. "! any person present at the eeting carries an $nlicensed !irear , it shall #e pres$ ed that the p$rpose o! said eeting, inso!ar as he is concerned, is to co it acts p$nisha#le $nder

Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # cri es $nder the law. +hat is p$nished is not the conspiracy, #$t the eeting o! ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! co itting a violation o! the law, di 6aD "on sa #rigandage namanA co itted #y a #and, there!ore, !o$r ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! *idnapping !or ranso , to e%tort oney. &indi 0un, conspiracy an, p$nisha#le dunA #eca$se there is also s$ch a cri e as conspiracy to co it the cri e o! highway ro##ery. +hat is p$nisha#le is the eeting o! ar ed en and !or that p$rpose*

Criminal Law Review | Page 1B

with a weapon or when the o!!ender is a p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee, or when the o!!ender lays hands $pon a person in a$thority. "! none o!

rt* -.5* Ille,al associations. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon the !o$nders, directors, and presidents o! associations totally or partially organi=ed !or the p$rpose o! co itting any o! the cri es p$nisha#le $nder this @ode or !or so e p$rpose contrary to p$#lic orals. 5ere e #ers o! said associations shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor. (?einstated #y 4.:. (o. 13C).
-he 1BC is legal associations. +hat is p$nished is the p$rpose. 6o$ !or an association !or the p$rpose o! prostit$tion, na7uL :r yo$ !or an association !or the p$rpose o! child a#$se. +hat is p$nished there is the p$rpose. So, only the organi=ers and those who !or an association are lia#le. %un an, p$rpose d$n.

@hapter ,o$r SS $LT $PO!A !" RESIST !CE !" "ISOBE"IE!CE TOA PERSO!S I! $T&ORIT% !" T&EIR #E!TS rt* -.8* "irect assaults. Any person or
persons who, witho$t a p$#lic $prising, shall e ploy !orce or inti idation !or the attain ent o! any o! the p$rpose en$ erated in de!ining the cri es o! re#ellion and sedition, or shall attac*, e ploy !orce, or serio$sly inti idate or resist any )erson in aut(orit0 or an0 o4 (is a,ents, w(ile en,a,ed in t(e )er4ormance o4 o44icial dutiesA or on occasion o4 suc( )er4ormance, shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding P1,''' pesos, when the assa$lt is co itted

these circ$ stances #e present, the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding P2'' pesos shall #e i posed.

-here are two ways o! co itting the cri e o! direct assa$lt. -he !irst one is when the p$rpose is political in order to achieve the p$rposes o! re#ellion or sedition. -he other cri e o! direct assa$lt is that when a person in a$thority or any o! the persons in a$thority is assa$lted or attac*ed in the per!or ance o! their d$ties or on the occasion on the per!or ance o! their d$ties, di 6aD So, i! the p$rpose is political and, there!ore, there is no )u6lic u)risin,, there is no ta7in, u) arms a,ainst t(e #overnment and there is no swi4t attac7, the cri e co itted is direct assa$lt $nder the !irst part o! Article 1B3. And then $nder the second part o! 1B3, when a person in a$thority or agents o! persons in a$thority is attac*ed, then the cri e is direct assa$lt . G#y reason or on the occasion o! the per!or ance o! his d$ty or while in the per!or ance o! his d$ty.H =%un an, ano I 0un an, direct assa$lt, the second !or . 5r. A is a 1$dge. M$dge si 5r. A. +hile he was in the per!or ance o! his d$ty, he was assa$lted. -hen a private individ$al . private individ$al co es to the aid o! the 1$dge, so #oth o! the . #oth o! the Pa$l "7 8#

were assa$lted. So 5r. A while a 1$dge, while he is on the per!or ance o! his d$ties, na,6ini,a0 n, order 6inato* !un, 6inato 0un 1$dge na 0onA 6a6atu(in uliA ma0ron, private individ$al who prevented the person who was throwing so ething at the 1$dge. So, nun, im6es na 6inato sa 1$dge, )ati i7aw P)a7P )inu7)o7 sa ulo* =%un, private individ$al who was going to the aid o! the person in a$thority. +hat cri e was #eing co itted or what are the cri es co itted. non, type o! cri es co ittedA "! a person in a$thority is assa$lted, a person or an agent o! the person in a$thority is assa$lted while on the per!or ance o! their d$ties, the cri e is /$ali!ied direct assa$lt, /$ali!ied direct assa$lt, #eca$se they2re assa$lted while in the per!or ance o! their d$ties. 0$t i! they are assa$lted #y the reason o! the per!or ance o! d$ty and then the cri e #eco es only direct assa$lt. )i*e whatA :r a 1$dge in the ar*et, he is #$ying !ood !or the !a ily. So, here co es a losing litigant, he saw the 1$dge sa#i, C 0 i7aw na,)atalo sa a7in (aDE Ta)os sinam)al n0aA sinunto7 n0a un, Fud,e* non, cri e =0unA "s that a direct assa$ltA 6es. 0eca$se he is assa$lted #y reason o! his #eing a 1$dge. De was assa$lted #y a losing litigant. -hen, there!ore, he A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # assa$lted hi #eca$se he lost a case #e!ore the 1$dge. -hat is still a cri e o! direct assa$lt #eca$se he was hit #y reason o! the per!or ance o! his wor* as a 1$dge. 0$t the cri e there is direct assa$lt. 0eca$se he was not assa$lted at the ti e o! the per!or ance o! the d$ties o! #eing 1$dge. (ow, the di!!erence, however, #etween direct assa$lt o! an agent o! a person in a$thority. -he police an and a 1$dge, )a, sina6i mon, direct assa$lt sa police, then the attac* $st #e ore serio$s than the attac* o! a person in a$thority. Pa, an, 1$dgeA sinam)al mo 0an, ,inanun mo lan, 0un, 1$dge or 7ina6i, mo lan,A e( med0o mala7as e( (indi naman nasa7tan n, todo* no 0anA direct assa$lt 0an #eca$se he is a person in a$thority.Ka)a, police =yan, it sho$ld #e ore than that. Tala,an, physical attac* an, 7ailan,an sa police #eca$se he is an agent o! person in a$thority. -hat2s why $nder Article 12' or 121, the cri e o! diso#edience . diso#edience or resistance that is a separate cri e. Separate !ro the cri e o! direct assa$lt co itted against agents o! person in a$thority. "E#REE O' RESIST !CE I! REL TIO! TO "ISOBE"IE!CE )et2s say 0un, police, ano (aD Inis0u(an 7a n, warrant o! arrest. So, the 1$dge orders a police an to serve a warrant o! arrest. "! the person arrested resists . resisted witho$t any physical attac*, he resisted. 0aw 7o* PinuIp$sh mo na an, )ulis* Tinutula7 n0a an, )ulisA that cannot #eco e a direct assa$lt. +hyA 0eca$se the attac* is not yet too serio$s. De, the person #eing arrested or the person who resisted, will #e lia#le only !or si ple resistance or diso#edience. 0$t i! the warrant is served and he did not 1$st p$sh the police, sinunto7 n0a an, )ulis na =0un* Pina,susunto7 n0a an, )ulisA direct assa$lt na =0un* 8irect assa$lt na =0un* But 7un, an, 1$dge 0an sumita sa0oA C&o0L Mali an, ,ina,awa mo sa (us,ado*E =%un ta)os sinam)al mo an, 1$dge direct assa$lt a,ad =0un* F$ali!ied direct assa$ltA +hyA 0eca$se when it co es to a person in a$thority, the attac* need not #e serio$s $nli*e with a cri e co itted against a police an. :! co$rse, nat$ral e( )ulis lan, 0an e(. A*o, 1$stice ta0o e(. La,ot 7a, di 6aD I! REL TIO! TO TE C&ERS

Criminal Law Review | Page 12 -he pro!essor was co$rting a lady st$dent. -hat lady st$dent was also #eing co$rted #y another st$dent. So, a!ter classes, si pro!essor was assa$lted #y that st$dent who was co$rting also that st$dent. no an, cri eA Ma0 cri e dun #$t it is not direct assa$lt +hyA 0eca$se even tho$gh he is a teacher the p$rpose o! the assa$lt was not d$e to #eing a teacher. -he assa$lt $st have so ething to do o! his #eing a teacher. Personal

=0un e(* 0$t s$pposedly the teacher cond$cting was classes* -he p$rpose o! the assa$lt #y the st$dent is that I he is co$rting the st$dent #eca$se that eans he is co$rting that st$dent and that st$dent was alsoN And then he threw a #oo* that hit the !ace o! the pro!essor, and then #eat hi . non, cri e =0unA Physical in1$riesA lam n0o =0unA nun, tinanon, sa #ar e%a s 0anA we were divided. "alawan, answers an, )rino)ose namin* Kasi, i! the p$rpose is personal, then there is no need to apply Article 12& #eca$se a teacher in a private instit$tion, na7ala,a0 dunA =di 6aD Sa6i nila physical in1$ries. =%un, isan, gro$p naman sa6i direct assa$lt. Ba7it direct assa$ltA 0eca$se yo$ apply the general principle, e(. +hen the person in a$thority is #eing assa$lted, da)at regardless o! the p$rpose. So, there!ore, #y analogy, i! a teacher in a private instit$tion is teaching, and he is stoned or assa$lted #y any o! the st$dents, that sho$ld #e direct assa$lt. +hyA 0eca$se yo$ do not need any ore to deter ine what is the p$rpose, e(. 0eca$se $nder the law, direct assa$lt is co itted when the person in a$thority or agents o! person in a$thority is attac*ed or assa$lted while in the per!or ance o! his d$ties. &indi sinasa6i dun 7un, #y reason o! the o!!ice o (indi. So, there!ore, i! the teacher is directly is cond$cting classes, whatever is the p$rpose o! the one who is attac*ing hi , i! he is attac*ed on the occasion o! his per!or ance, that is direct assa$lt. E( =0un an, da)at ma,.prepare n, /$estion and answer na direct assa$lt. 0$t there2s no . there2s no case. SoA sa6i naminA si,eA Pa$l "7 8#

consider na lan, dalawan, answer* Kun, i0an an, tinuro mo dun sa 7a6ilan, schoolA =0un* Sa 7anila naman ito tinuturo namin* "alawaA correctA =di 6aD 0$t it sho$ld #e really direct assa$lt #eca$se it was done in the per!or ance o! his d$ties. I! REL TIO! TO L W%ERS :*ay. (ow, the other one also is lawyer. =%un, lawyer mo a0aw mo sa7tan . -he law does not a*e a distinction as to who is the assa$lted lawyer. "t2s either the opposing party or yo$r own client, 6asta ma0 reason. Pwede =0un* Krinos. e%a ine nila =0un, witness n, adverse party. !a,alitA na6astos* =Pa, la6as sa (us,adoA sinunto7 ni0a =0un, lawyer. -he one who is co itting the cri e is the opposite party. 8irect assa$lt =0un. 0$t s$pposing it is his own client, mas0adon, mataas manin,il n, 7li0ente* Sinunto7 n, 7li0ente* 8irect assa$lt )a rin #eca$se the law does not a*e a distinction as who sho$ld #e co itting the cri e as long as it is #y reason o! his #eing a lawyer. COMPLE@I!# "IRECT SS $LT @an it #e co ple%edA @an direct assa$lt #e co ple%ed with other cri esA 6es, $nder Article


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # B3. "! the attac* is already ore than the re/$ired violence in the cri e o! direct assa$lt and then there is already an intent, not act$ally intent, #$t is already ore than what is re/$ired o! a cri e o! direct assa$lt, it ay #eco e direct assa$lt with atte pted or !r$strated ho icide or $rder depending $pon the co ission o! the cri e. Binaril mo =0un, 1$dge while in the per!or ance o! his d$ties. "! the 1$dge al ost died, i! the !iring o! the g$n was attended #y any, /$ali!ying, aggravating circ$ stance and loss o! li!e, then yo$ try to deno inate the cri e as /$ali!ied direct assa$lt with !r$strated or atte pted $rder #eca$se the assa$lt is already ore than the re/$ired ele ent o! direct assa$lt. -he violence co itted against the person in a$thority is already ore than what is re/$ired #y the law. E(A =0un, police o 7un, =di namanA namata0 =0un, )ulis o =0un, person in a$thority. -hen, yo$ can also co ple% that cri e $nder Article B3. "t ay #e direct assa$lt with $rder or direct assa$lt with ho icide or /$ali!ied direct assa$lt with $rder or /$ali!ied direct assa$lt with ho icide. "t depends, )a, namata0 =0anA si,urado 7a Article B3 an, ma,aa)l0 d0an and it will #e co ple%. +hat " a saying is that i! the in1$ry s$stained already ore than s$!!icient !or the cri e or re/$ired o! the cri e o! direct assa$lt, then it will #eco e atte pted or !r$strated as long as yo$ can show that there is an intent to *ill. S0em)re 7un, 6inaril moA ma0 intent to *ill na =0un*D Ba7a 7un, ano )a an, ,awin*

Criminal Law Review | Page 1I the aid o! agents o! person in a$thority. -he private individ$al co ing to the aid o! agent o! person in

rt* -.9* Indirect assaults. -he penalty

o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding P2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall a*e $se o! !orce or inti idation $pon any person co ing to the aid o! the a$thorities or their agents on occasion o! the co ission o! any o! the cri es de!ined in the ne%t preceding article.

A is a police an. De was assa$lted, then later on, 0, a private individ$al, ca e to the aid o! 5r. A. 0oth o! the were assa$lted. Police ito, police an* -he police an was directing tra!!ic* -he #ystander did not li*e the police an. A was directing tra!!ic, so he was assa$lted. 0 #ystander, ca e to the aid o! this police an. 0 was li*ewise assa$lted. +hat 2s the cri e co ittedA -hen the cri e is indirect assa$lt. So, this one wo$ld #e Article 1BJ. So, there!ore, in 1BJ the only victi now in 1BJ is a private individ$al co ing to

a$thority is a cri e o! indirect assa$lt. 0$t a private individ$al who co es to the aid o! a person in a$thority, #eca$se he #eco es an agent o! a person in a$thority, i! he is li*ewise assa$lted, then lia#le !or violation o! Article 1B3.

rt* -/<* "iso6edience to summons issued 60 t(e !ational ssem6l0A its committees or su6committeesA 60 t(e Constitutional Commissions A its committees A su6committees or divisions. -he penalty o! arresto ayor or
a !ine ranging !ro two h$ndred to one tho$sand pesos, or #oth s$ch !ine and i prison ent shall #e i posed $pon any person who, having #een d$ly s$ oned to attend as a witness #e!ore the (ational Asse #ly, (@ongress), its special or standing co ittees and s$#co ittees , the @onstit$tional @o issions and its co ittees, s$#co ittees, or divisions, or #e!ore any co ission or co ittee chair an or e #er a$thori=ed to s$ on witnesses, re!$ses, witho$t legal e%c$se, to o#ey s$ch s$ ons, or #eing present #e!ore any s$ch legislative or constit$tional #ody or o!!icial,
Pa$l "7 8#

re!$ses to #e sworn or placed $nder a!!ir ation or to answer any legal in/$iry or to prod$ce any #oo*s, papers, doc$ ents, or records in his possession, when re/$ired #y the to do so in the e%ercise o! their !$nctions. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall restrain another !ro attending as a witness, or who shall ind$ce diso#edience to a s$ on or re!$sal to #e sworn #y any s$ch #ody or o!!icial.

rt* -/-* Resistance and diso6edience to a )erson in aut(orit0 or t(e a,ents o4 suc( )erson. -he penalty o! arresto
ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who not #eing incl$ded in the provisions o! the preceding articles shall resist or serio$sly diso#ey any person in a$thority, or the agents o! s$ch person, while engaged in the per!or ance o! o!!icial d$ties. +hen the diso#edience to an agent o! a person in a$thority is not o! a serio$s nat$re, the penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine ranging !ro 1' to P1'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon the o!!ender.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 1C the aid o! a person in a$thority #eco es, li*ewise, an agent o! a person in a$thority. Sina6i(an 7a n0aA 6a0aran mo a7o* Sa6i n, cli0enteA CMas0ado naman, mataas attorney* Ito an, 7ailan,an mo*E PPa7P* Sinunto7 n0a an, a6o,adoA direct assa$lt =0un. 0eca$se a lawyer, !or

rt* -/;* Persons in aut(orit0 and a,ents o4 )ersons in aut(orit01 W(o s(all 6e deemed as suc(. "n applying
the provisions o! the preceding and other articles o! this @ode, an0 )erson directl0 vested wit( Furisdiction , whether as an individ$al or as a e #er o! so e co$rt or govern ental corporation , #oard , or co ission, shall #e dee ed a person in a$thority. A #arrio captain and a #arangay chair an shall also #e dee ed a person in a$thority. A person who, 60 direct )rovision o4 law or 60 election or 60 a))ointment 60 com)etent aut(orit0A is c(ar,ed wit( t(e maintenance o4 )u6lic order and t(e )rotection and securit0 o4 li4e and )ro)ert0, s$ch as a #arrio co$ncil an, #arrio police an and #arangay leader and an0 )erson w(o comes to t(e aid o4 )ersons in aut(orit0, shall #e deemed an a,ent o4 a )erson in aut(orit0. "n applying the provisions o! Articles 1B3 and 121 o! this @ode, teachers, pro!essors and persons charged with the s$pervision o! p$#lic or d$ly recogni=ed private schools, colleges and $niversities, and lawyers in the act$al per!or ance o! their pro!essional d$ties or on the occasion o! s$ch per!or ance, shall #e dee ed persons in a$thority. (As a ended #y P8 (o. &JJ, Sept. 1J, 1JC> and 0atas Pa #ansa 0lg. 3C>, M$ne 1&, 1J32).
(ow, persons in a$thority, )a, sina6i mon, vested with 1$risdiction, their acts can #e i ple ented or en!orced within their area o! 1$risdiction li*e ayors. %un, agents o! persons in a$thority, 0un, m,a police, agents, ilitary, ilitary en, and all those that i ple ent or those who e%ec$te the orders o! persons in a$thority are agents o! persons in a$thority. 0$t the pro#le is that a private individ$al ay #eco e an agent o! person in a$thority. A private individ$al who co es to the aid o! the person in a$thority #eco es an agent o! a person in a$thority. So, the private individ$al who co es to

p$rposes o! his #eing a lawyer, and the e%ercise o! his #eing a lawyer is assa$lted or attac*ed, he is li*ewise a person in a$thority. So, there are, there!ore, several persons in a$thority; 1) P$#lic o!!icials. &) %un, m,a 6aran,,a0 c(airman included 0an 60 speci!ic provision in 12&. >) -eachers in private instit$tions and lawyers in so !ar as i! they2re assa$lted #y the reason o! their #eing a lawyer. Persons in a$thority 0un* B) -hen the other gro$p o! a$thorities will #e agents o! persons in a$thority divided lan, into two gro$ps. =%un, p$#lic o!!icers tas*ed to aintain peace and order, and the other agents o! persons in a$thority are private individ$als who co e to the aid o! persons in a$thority.

C(a)ter 'ive P$BLIC "ISOR"ERS rt* -/>* Tumults and ot(er distur6ance o 4 ) u 6 l i c o r d e r s 1 Tu m u l t u o u s distur6ance or interru)tion lia6le to cause distur6ance. -he penalty o!
arresto ayor in its edi$ correccional in its ini $
Pa$l "7 8#

period to prision period and a !ine

not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall ca$se any serio$s dist$r#ance in a p$#lic place, o!!ice, or esta#lish ent, or shall interr$pt or dist$r# p$#lic per!or ances, !$nctions or gatherings, or peace!$l eetings, i! the act is not incl$ded in the provisions o! Articles 1>1 and 1>&. -he penalty ne%t higher in degree shall #e i posed $pon persons ca$sing any dist$r#ance or interr$ption o! a t$ $lt$o$s character. -he dist$r#ance or interr$ption shall #e dee ed to #e t$ $lt$o$s i! ca$sed #y ore than three persons who are ar ed or provided with eans o! violence. -he penalty o! arresto ayor shall #e i posed $pon any person who in any eeting, association, or p$#lic place, shall a*e any o$tcry tending to incite re#ellion or sedition or in s$ch place shall display placards or e #le s which provo*e a dist$r#ance o! the p$#lic order. -he penalty o! arresto enor and a !ine not to e%ceed P&'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon these persons who in violation o! the provisions contained in the last cla$se o! Article 32, shall #$ry with po p the #ody o! a person who has #een legally e%ec$ted.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 13

scandal in p$#lic places, provided that the circ$ stances o! the case shall not a*e the provisions o! Article 12> applica#le.
(ow the others, p$#lic o$tcry in 1>1, 1>&. "! the acts do not !all $nder 1>1 and 1>&, then the law that is applica#le is Article 12>. -hat2s the one. -he ele ents o! 12>, however, is that there $st #e t$ $lts. -here $st #e a p$#lic dist$r#ance. Re4er to disc$ssion $nder "nciting to Sedition9 ?e#ellion.

'IRI!# O'


+hen yo$ !ire a g$n in a p$#lic place, then, o! co$rse, that will #e alar and scandal in 122 when the p$rpose o! !iring o! the g$n is to ca$se a p$#lic dist$r#ance. 0$t !iring a g$n ay lead to other cri es co itted. "t will depend on any things. "! the g$n is !ired in a p$#lic place then that is alar and scandal. erely to dist$r#,

rt* -/.* $nlaw4ul use o4 means o4 )u6lication and unlaw4ul utterances.

-he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine ranging !ro P&'' to P1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any person who #y eans o! printing, lithography, or any other eans o! p$#lication shall p$#lish or ca$se to #e p$#lished as news any !alse news which ay endanger the p$#lic order, or ca$se da age to the interest or credit o! the State< &. Any person who #y the sa e eans, or #y words , $tterances or speeches shall enco$rage diso#edience to the law or to the constit$ted a$thorities or praise, 1$sti!y, or e%tol any act p$nished #y law< >. Any person who shall alicio$sly p$#lish or ca$se to #e p$#lished any o!!icial resol$tion or doc$ ent witho$t proper a$thority, or #e!ore they have #een p$#lished o!!icially< or B. Any person who shall print, p$#lish, or distri#$te or ca$se to #e printed, p$#lished, or distri#$ted #oo*s, pa phlets, periodicals, or lea!lets which do not #ear the real printerLs na e, or which are classi!ied as anony o$s.

"! a g$n is !ired at so e#ody else witho$t the intent to *ill . so i! a g$n is !ired, directed at so e#ody else witho$t the intent to *ill, then the cri e will #e a cri e against person. -hat2s a cri e o! ille,al disc(ar,e o4 4irearm. 0$t i! the g$n is !ired, ai ed at so e#ody else, with intent to *ill, and the victi is not *illed, then that will #e attem)ted 4elon0. 0$t i! yo$ !ire the g$n ai ed at so e#ody else with the intent to *ill, and he was not *illed, and then he spontaneo$sly desisted at that stage, then the cri e is ,rave t(reat* S$pposing " !ire y g$n witho$t intent to *ill, ai at so e#ody else, with proper #$llet, #$t the #$llet did not !ire. +hat2s the cri eA " !ire y g$n with #$llet, " ai at so e#ody else witho$t the intent to *ill, #$t the g$n did not !ire. +hat2s the cri eA -hat is a cri e o! 4rustrated ille,al disc(ar,e o4 4irearm. S$pposing " !ire y g$n, not *nowing that there is no #$llet. So " !ire y g$n, not *nowing that it is not loaded with #$llets, ai at so e#ody else witho$t intent to *ill, what2s the cri eA "t did not !ire, o! co$rse. "i 7o alam na walan, #$llet* " wanted to !ire the g$n, ai at so e#ody else, witho$t intent to *ill, #$t the g$n did not !ire #eca$se there is no #$llet. +hat2s the cri eA " possi#le cri e. 0eca$se it sho$ld have #een a cri e o! illegal discharge o! !irear , #$t #eca$se o! inherent i possi#ility, there are no #$llets. -he cri e #eco es an im)ossi6le crime. R 8;9. what is ?ep$#lic Act 3&JBA "t penali=es !or illegal possession o! !irear or e%plosives. :! co$rse, that is a malum )ro(i6itum, #$t yo$ will have to prove the intent. "t is a malum )ro(i6itum and, there!ore, the intent as an ele ent o! the cri e is not the essential ele ent. 0$t what are yo$ going to prove i! it is a malum )ro(i6itumA 6o$ have to prove animus )ossidendi, the one " told yo$ last ti e.

rt* -//* larms and scandals. -he penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding P&'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any person who within any town or p$#lic place, shall discharge any !irear , roc*et, !irecrac*er, or other e%plosives calc$lated to ca$se alar or danger< &. Any person who shall instigate or ta*e an active part in any charivari or other disorderly eeting o!!ensive to another or pre1$dicial to p$#lic tran/$ility< >. Any person who, while wandering a#o$t at night or while engaged in any other noct$rnal a $se ents, shall dist$r# the p$#lic peace< or B. Any person who, while into%icated or otherwise, shall ca$se any dist$r#ance or

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # -here $st #e an animus )ossidendi or intent to )ossess which is di!!erent !ro intent as an ele ent o! the cri e. Ille,al Possession -here are three ways; 1. +hen one is ca$ght in the act o! possessing a g$n witho$t the necessary license. &. +hen one is ca$ght in the possession o! a g$n with proper license, #$t has already e%pired, with e%pired license. -hat2s also illegal possession o! !irear s. >. And then the last one is yo$ ay have the license to possess, #$t i! yo$ #ring it o$t witho$t necessary license to carry, that is also an $nlicensed !irear . :iolations And then the violations in ?ep$#lic Act 3&JB wo$ld #e; "! one is ca$ght in the act o! an $nlicensed !irear , then he is lia#le !or illegal possession o! !irear , $nlicensed !irear . So, i! yo$ are wal*ing o$tside o! yo$r residence and then yo$ are ca$ght in possession o! an $nlicensed !irear , then that a*es it already a cri e o! illegal possession o! !irear s. +hen an $nlicensed !irear is $sed in the *illing, then the cri e will #e either $rder or ho icide and then the $se o! $nlicensed !irear will #e treated as a special aggravating circ$ stance. So, there is only one cri e o! *illing. -he cri e is *illing. -hat eans $rder, ho icide or in!anticide and then the $se o! an $nlicensed !irear will #e treated as the s)ecial a,,ravatin, circumstance. And then the third sit$ation is that when an $nlicensed !irear is $sed in the co ission o! the cri e other than *illing, then yo$ will #e lia#le !or the cri e to which the $nlicensed !irear was $sed. Isan, cri e lan,* So, i! one !ires a g$n in a p$#lic place, and there!ore, it dist$r#s the peace, and it was !o$nd o$t that the g$n that was $sed in !iring is an $nlicensed !irear , what will #e the cri e o! . how any cri es are co ittedA So, " $sed an $nlicensed !irear in a p$#lic place and " !ired the g$n. So "2 ca$ght in the act o! possessing an $nlicensed !irear #eca$se police en ca$ght e right a!ter " !ired the g$n. " a lia#le !or alar and scandal #eca$se " !ired the g$n in a p$#lic place and, there!ore, the cri e against p$#lic order and p$nisha#le $nder 122. +hat a#o$t the g$n that was $sed, which was an $nlicensed !irear A +hat will happen with that g$nA 6o$ cannot #e lia#le !or the separate cri e o! Pa$l "7 8#

Criminal Law Review | Page 1J illegal possession o! !irear . "llegal possession o! !irear is a#sor#ed with the cri e o! alar and scandal #eca$se that is what the law provides, that i! an $nlicensed !irear is $sed in the co ission o! the cri e other than *illing, then yo$ will only #e lia#le !or the cri e to which the $nlicensed !irear was $sed. In relation to re6ellion in re#ellion, ta*ing $p ar s is already the ele ent. 6o$ ean, co$p d2etat or si ple re#ellionA (o separate cri e in an $nlicensed !irear . -hat is incl$ded in the ele ent o! ta*ing $p ar s against the govern ent. R 8;9. In relation to S)ecial Com)leB Crimes 6o$ are passengers in a passenger #$s. All o! a s$dden, a gro$p o! ro##ers and so e o! the passengers #ro$ght o$t their *nives and g$ns and then pointed at the victi s. (ow, one o! the passengers #ro$ght o$t his g$n and then !o$ght #ac* the ro##ers who were ar ed with g$ns and *nives. -he passenger died. (ow, it was !o$nd o$t that the g$ns $sed #y the were $nlicensed !irear s. So, there!ore, they co itted a cri e o! ro##ery with ho icide with the $se o! an $nlicensed !irear . So, how will yo$ treat that $nlicensed !irear A Dow will yo$ treat that $nlicensed !irear A (ow, the $nlicensed !irear $nder ?ep$#lic Act 3&JB will #e now a#sor#ed in the cri e o! ro##ery with ho icide #eca$se the cri e is ro##ery. So, the $nlicensed !irear will #e a#sor#ed in the cri e o! ro##ery #eca$se they were $sed in the cri e o! ro##ery.

0$t s$pposing, instead o! g$ns, they $se *nives in the cri e o! ro##ery, and then later on, they $sed an $nlicensed !irear in the *illing o! the victi . So they #ro$ght o$t their *nives. G0ring o$t yo$r val$a#les.H So they $sed *nives in the act o! co itting the cri e o! ro##ery, and then one o! the passengers #ro$ght o$t a g$n, and then one o! the ro##ers, li*ewise, a!ter they saw the passenger #ring o$t a g$n, li*ewise, #ro$ght o$t a g$n and then *illed the passenger. "t was !o$nd o$t that the g$n $sed in the *illing o! the passenger is an $nlicensed !irear . So how will yo$ now treat the $nlicensed !irear A "! that is the case, #eca$se o! the doctrine laid down in 4scote, i! the $nlicensed !irear was not $sed in the ro##ery, #$t was $sed in the *illing, then the cri e is ro##ery with ho icide, and yo$ can appreciate the special aggravating o! $nlicensed !irear in so !ar as the *illing is concerned #eca$se that g$n was not $sed in the ro##ery. A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # 0$t i! the g$n . $nlicensed !irear was $sed in the ro##ery, then the cri e is erely ro##ery with ho icide. -he $nlicensed !irear cannot #e treated as a special aggravating circ$ stance #eca$se that is a#sor#ed in the cri e o! ro##ery. "n !actA meron, 7aso di0an. Altho$gh the !acts are di!!erent, #$t #y analogy . what happened there is that a!ter ro##ing the victi s in a #$s, a g$n was !o$nd !ro the possession o! the ro##er, which was never $sed in the ro##ery. Pa, 6a6a n20an, ,an0anA ma0 na(ulo, na 6arilA =0un, ro##er. +hen they pic*ed $p the g$n, then it was an $nlicensed !irear . 0$t the $nlicensed !irear was pic*ed $p a!ter the ro##ery has already #een cons$ ated. So, ano2n, cri e =toD Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rtA dalawan, cri es =0an* :ne is ro##ery, the other one is illegal possession o! !irear #eca$se the $nlicensed !irear was not $sed in the co ission o! the cri e o! ro##ery. OA =)a, ,anunA =di 6aD

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A detention prisoner, escapes !ro prison, what is the lia#ilityA (ow, i! he escapes !ro prison, then the detention prisoner is not lia#le !or a cri e. )et2s say the cri e is non.#aila#le. De is charged with the cri e o! $rder and, there!ore, he is $nder detention. "! that detention prisoner escapes !ro prison, that is not evasion o! service #eca$se there is no yet 1$dg ent, !inal 1$dg ent. "s there a cri eA "! the person escapes while trial is ongoingA (o, he is not lia#le !or a cri e. -he detention prisoner is not lia#le !or a cri e, #$t he ay lose so e o! his rights. "! there is now a 1$dg ent o! condition and he is convicted, then he cannot any ore appeal. De cannot ano, he will lose his right to appeal #eca$se there is no 1$dg ent e(. ,or all we *now, he ight #e ac/$itted. So, there is no cri e i! he escapes.

rt* -/8* Evasion o4 service o4 sentence on t(e occasion o4 disorde r A con4la,rationsA eart(Mua7esA or ot(er calamities* A convict who shall evade the
service o! his sentence, #y leaving the penal instit$tion where he shall have #een con!ined, on the occasion o! disorder res$lting !ro a con!lagration, earth/$a*e, e%plosion, or si ilar catastrophe, or d$ring a $tiny in which he has not participated, shall s$!!er an increase o! one.!i!th o! the ti e still re aining to #e served $nder the original sentence, which in no case shall e%ceed si% onths, i! he shall !ail to give hi sel! $p to the a$thorities within !orty.eight ho$rs !ollowing the iss$ance o! a procla ation #y the @hie! 4%ec$tive anno$ncing the passing away o! s$ch cala ity. @onvicts who, $nder the circ$ stances entioned in the preceding paragraph, shall give the selves $p to the a$thorities within the a#ove entioned period o! B3 ho$rs, shall #e entitled to the ded$ction provided in Article J3.

rt* -/3* "eliver0 o4 )risoners 4rom Fails* -he penalty o! arresto ayor in its
a%i $ period o! prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall re ove !ro any 1ail or penal esta#lish ent any person con!ined therein or shall help the escape o! s$ch person, #y eans o! violence, inti idation, or #ri#ery. "! other eans are $sed, the penalty o! arresto ayor shall #e i posed. "! the escape o! the prisoner shall ta*e place o$tside o! said esta#lish ents #y ta*ing the g$ards #y s$rprise, the sa e penalties shall #e i posed in their ini $ period.

C(a)ter SiB E: SIO! O' SER:ICE O' SE!TE!CE rt * -/5 * Evasion o4 service o4 sentence. -he penalty o! prision
correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed $pon any convict who shall evade service o! his sentence #y escaping d$ring the ter o! his i prison ent #y reason o! !inal 1$dg ent. Dowever, i! s$ch evasion or escape shall have ta*en place #y eans o! $nlaw!$l entry, #y #rea*ing doors, windows, gates, walls, roo!s, or !loors, or #y $sing pic*loc*s, !alse *eys, deceit, violence or inti idation, or thro$gh connivance with other convicts or e ployees o! the penal instit$tion, the penalty shall #e prision correccional in its a%i $ period.

rt* -/9* Ot(er cases o4 evasion o4 service o4 sentence* -he penalty o!

prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon the convict who, having #een granted conditional pardon #y the @hie! 4%ec$tive, shall violate any o! the conditions o! s$ch pardon. Dowever, i! the penalty re itted #y the granting o! s$ch pardon #e higher than si% years, the convict shall then s$!!er the $ne%pired portion o! his original sentence.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # -o the di!!erentiate it !ro parole. -he re/$ire ents sa conditional pardon e( a conditional pardon is granted #y the @hie! 4%ec$tive wherein the acc$sed and the govern ent will enter into a contract. Unli*e in parole, in parole there is also a contract. 0$t a violation o! the conditions in parole ay not lead to a cri e o! other !or s o! evasion o! service. Walan, cri e n, violation o! a paroleA e(* -hereQs no cri e o! violation o! parole. Unli*e in a conditional pardon, violation o! the conditional pardon is a#o$t the cri e o! Article 12J. 0$t there are two periods in 12J, in de!ense on the period re itted. So, i! the period re itted is ore than si% years, then the e!!ect o! a violation o! the conditional pardon is that the acc$sed will have to #e arrested and serve the re aining sentence. 0$t i! the period re itted is less than si% years, then there is a cri e o! violation o! a conditional pardon, the penalty o! which is prision correccional.

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P(ili))ine IslandsA t(e si,nature or stam) o4 t(e C(ie4 EBecutive* rt* -3-* Counter4eitin, t(e ,reat seal o4 t(e #overnment o4 t(e P(ili))ine IslandsA 4or,in, t(e si,nature or stam) o4 t(e C(ie4 EBecutive . -he penalty o!
recl$sion te poral shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall !orge the Great Seal o! the Govern ent o! the Philippine "slands or the signat$re or sta p o! the @hie! 4%ec$tive.

rt* -3;* $sin, 4or,ed si,nature or counter4eit seal or stam). -he penalty
o! prision ayor shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall *nowingly a*e $se o! the co$nter!eit seal or !orged signat$re or sta p entioned in the preceding article.

C(a)ter Seven COMMISSIO! O' !OT&ER CRIME "$RI!# SER:ICE O' PE! LT% IMPOSE" 'OR !OT&ER PRE:IO$S O''E!SE rt* -3<* Commission o4 anot(er crime durin, service o4 )enalt0 im)osed 4or anot(er o44ense1 Penalt0* 0esides the
provisions o! ?$le 2 o! Article I&, any person who shall co it a !elony a!ter having #een convicted #y !inal 1$dg ent, #e!ore #eginning to serve s$ch sentence, or while serving the sa e, shall #e p$nished #y the a%i $ period o! the penalty prescri#ed #y law !or the new !elony. Any convict o! the class re!erred to in this article, who is not a ha#it$al cri inal, shall #e pardoned at the age o! seventy years i! he shall have already served o$t his original sentence, or when he shall co plete it a!ter reaching the said age, $nless #y reason o! his cond$ct or other circ$ stances he shall not #e worthy o! s$ch cle ency.

Section Two* + Counter4eitin, Coins rt* -3>* Ma7in, and im)ortin, and utterin, 4alse coins. Any person who
a*es, i ports, or $tters, !alse coins, in connivance with co$nter!eiters, or i porters, shall s$!!er; 1. Prision ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not to e%ceed P1',''' pesos, i! the co$nter!eited coin #e silver coin o! the Philippines or coin o! the @entral 0an* o! the Philippines o! ten centavo deno ination or a#ove. &. Prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine o! not to e%ceed P&,''' pesos, i! the co$nter!eited coins #e any o! the inor coinage o! the Philippines or o! the @entral 0an* o! the Philippines #elow ten. centavo deno ination. >. Prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P1,''' pesos, i! the co$nter!eited coin #e c$rrency o! a !oreign co$ntry. (As a ended #y ?.A. (o. B&'&, approved M$ne 1J, 1JI2).

Title 'our CRIMES # I!ST P$BLIC I!TEREST C(a)ter One 'OR#ERIES Section One* + 'or,in, t(e seal o4 t(e #overnment o4 t(e

r t * -3. * M u t i l a t i o n o 4 c o i n s 1 Im)ortation and utterance o4 mutilated coins. -he penalty o! prision correccional
in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P&,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall $tilate coins o! the legal c$rrency o! the United States or o! the Philippine "slands or i port or $tter $tilated c$rrent coins, or in connivance with $tilators or i porters.

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rt* -3/* Sellin, o4 4alse or mutilated coinA wit(out connivance. -he person
who *nowingly, altho$gh witho$t the connivance entioned in the preceding articles, shall possess !alse or $tilated coin with intent to $tter the sa e, or shall act$ally $tter s$ch coin, shall s$!!er a penalty lower #y one degree than that prescri#ed in said articles.

!oreign govern ent. a$thori=ed #y law to iss$e the sa e. >. 0y prision ayor in its edi$ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P2,''' pesos, i! the !alsi!ied or co$nter!eited doc$ ent was iss$ed #y a

Section T(ree* + 'or,in, treasur0 or 6an7 notesA o6li,ations and securities1 im)ortin, and utterin, 4or,ed notesA o6li,ations and securities* 4alse or

rt* -33* 'or,in, treasur0 or 6an7 notes on ot(er documents )a0a6le to 6earer1 im)ortin,A and utterin, suc( 4alse or 4or,ed notes and documents. -he
!orging or !alsi!ication o! treas$ry or #an* notes or certi!icates or other o#ligations and sec$rities paya#le to #earer and the i portation and $ttering in connivance with !orgers or i porters o! s$ch !alse or !orged o#ligations or notes, shall #e p$nished as !ollows; 1. 0y recl$sion te poral in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P1',''' pesos, i! the doc$ ent which has #een !alsi!ied , co$nter!eited, or altered, is an o#ligations or sec$rity o! the United States or o! the Philippines "slands. -he word Oo#ligation or sec$rity o! the United States or o! the Philippine "slandsO shall #e held to ean all #onds, certi!icates o! inde#tedness, national #an* notes, !ractional notes, certi!icates o! deposit, #ills, chec*s, or dra!ts !or oney, drawn #y or $pon a$thori=ed o!!icers o! the United States or o! the Philippine "slands, and other representatives o! val$e, o! whatever deno ination, which have #een or ay #e iss$ed $nder any act o! the @ongress o! the United States or o! the Philippine )egislat$re. &. 0y prision ayor in its a%i $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P2,''' pesos, i! the !alsi!ied or altered doc$ ent is a circ$lating note iss$ed #y any #an*ing association d$ly

B. 0y prision ayor in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P&,''' pesos, when the !orged or altered doc$ ent is a circ$lating note or #ill iss$ed #y a !oreign #an* d$ly a$thori=ed there!or.

#eca$se there is no intent to $se it. PRES$MPTIO! O' I!TE!T TO $TTER (ow, in an old case, 0an* o! ?ep$#lic o! the Philippines "slands, an old case raised in the S$pre e @o$rt #eca$se the acc$sed was ca$ght in possession o! several pieces o! !alse notes. De was convicted, #$t the S$pre e @o$rt ade a distinction that ere possession o! a !alse note is not a cri e #eca$se what is p$nisha#le is that there $st #e intent to $tter. KasiA ,a0a 7o ,usto 7on, meron, a7on, 4alse noteA di 7o naman ,ina,amitA remem6rance e(* +hy sho$ld " #e lia#leA SoA sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, i! one, however, is ca$ght with several #$ndles, let say, yo$ are not $sing it, #$t yo$ were ca$ght in possession o! 1' #$ndles o! !alse notes. Ah, sa#i ng S$pre e @o$rt, yo$ will now #e lia#le. +hyA -he possession o! so any #$ndles is an ele ent o! intent to $se.

rt* -35* Counter4eitin,A im)ortin, and utterin, instruments not )a0a6le to 6earer. Any person who shall !orge, i port or
$tter, in connivance with the !orgers or i porters, any instr$ ent paya#le to order or other doc$ ent o! credit not paya#le to #earer, shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding PI,''' pesos.
-he other one is utterin,. "n the co$nter!eit, the one who co$nter!eits the oney is lia#le. (ow, the one who act$ally $ses the oney is lia#le !or $ttering. So, thatQs part o! Article 1II.1IC, $ttering o! !alse notes. And the one who is ca$ght in the act o! possessing !alse notes is lia#le !or the cri e o! ille,al )ossession o4 4alse note . 0$t in illegal possession o! !alse notes, t(ere must 6e an element o4 intent to utterA intent to utter . -hat eans that, i! "Q in possession o! letQs say, ten !a*e oney and "Q not $sing it, they are 1$st inside y wallet, " will not #e lia#le !or illegal possession Pa$l "7 8#

rt* -38* Ille,al )ossession and use o4 4alse treasur0 or 6an7 notes and ot(er instruments o4 credit. Unless the act #e
one o! those co ing $nder the provisions o! any o! the preceding articles, any person who shall *nowingly $se or have in his possession, with intent to $se any o! the !alse or !alsi!ied instr$ ents re!erred to in this section, shall

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s$!!er the penalty ne%t lower in degree than that prescri#ed in said articles.

rt* -39* &ow 4or,er0 is committed . -he !orgery re!erred to in this section ay
#e co itted #y any o! the !ollowing eans; 1. 0y giving to a treas$ry or #an* note or any instr$ ent, paya#le to #earer or order entioned therein, the appearance o! a tr$e gen$ine doc$ ent. &. 0y erasing, s$#stit$ting, co$nter!eiting or altering #y any eans the !ig$res, letters, words or signs contained therein.
)a, sina6i naA C6o$ are lia#le !or the cri e o! !orgery,H walan, crime na 4or,er0. ,orgery is a way o! co itting a cri e o! !alsi!ication. 0$t !orgery is not a cri e #eca$se !orgery is erely the act o! i itating the signat$re or the handwriting, a*ing it appear that it was signed #y the person concerned. %anA 0an an, m,a 4or,er0* 6o$ !orge, thatQs the eaning, #$t thatQs not a cri e. Under 1IJ, it is a anner o! co itting a cri e o! !alsi!ication.

notary who, ta*ing advantage o! his o!!icial position , shall !alsi!y a doc$ ent #y co itting any o! the !ollowing acts; 1. @o$nter!eiting or i itating any handwriting, signat$re or r$#ric< &. @a$sing it to appear that persons have participated in any act or proceeding when they did not in !act so participate< >. Attri#$ting to persons who have participated in an act or proceeding state ents other than those in !act ade #y the < B. 5a*ing $ntr$th!$l state ents in a narration o! !acts< 2. Altering tr$e dates< I. 5a*ing any alteration or intercalation in a gen$ine doc$ ent which changes its eaning< C. "ss$ing in an a$thenticated !or a doc$ ent p$rporting to #e a copy o! an original doc$ ent when no s$ch original e%ists, or incl$ding in s$ch a copy a state ent contrary to, or di!!erent !ro , that o! the gen$ine original< or 3. "ntercalating any instr$ ent or note relative to the iss$ance thereo! in a protocol, registry, or o!!icial #oo*. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon any ecclesiastical inister who shall co it any o! the o!!enses en$ erated in the preceding paragraphs o! this article, with respect to any record or doc$ ent o! s$ch character that its !alsi!ication ay a!!ect the civil stat$s o! persons.

rt * -5; * 'alsi4ication 60 )rivate individual and use o4 4alsi4ied documents. -he penalty o! prision
correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine o! not ore than P2,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any private individ$al who shall co it any o! the !alsi!ications en$ erated in the ne%t preceding article in any p$#lic or o!!icial doc$ ent or letter o! e%change or any other *ind o! co ercial doc$ ent< and &. Any person who, to the da age o! a third party, or with the intent to ca$se s$ch da age, shall in any private doc$ ent co it any o! the acts o! !alsi!ication en$ erated in the ne%t preceding article. Any person who shall *nowingly introd$ce in evidence in any 1$dicial proceeding or to the da age o! another or who, with the intent to ca$se s$ch da age, shall $se any o! the !alse doc$ ents e #raced in the ne%t preceding article, or in any o! the !oregoing s$#divisions

Section 'our* + 'alsi4ication o4 le,islativeA )u6licA commercialA and )rivatedocuments A and wireless A tele,ra)(A and tele)(one messa,e* rt* -5<* 'alsi4ication o4 le,islative documents. -he penalty o! prision
correccional in its a%i $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding PI,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon an0 )erson who, witho$t proper a$thority there!or alters any #ill, resol$tion, or ordinance enacted or approved or pending approval #y either Do$se o! the )egislat$re or any provincial #oard or $nicipal co$ncil.

rt* -5-* 'alsi4ication 60 )u6lic o44icerA em)lo0ee or notar0 or ecclesiastic minister. -he penalty o!
prision ayor and a !ine not to e%ceed P2,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer, e ployee, or

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Criminal Law Review | Page &B Application !or a arriage license, the application is !illed $p #y the applicants. Application o! a arriage contract, the applications are ade #y private individ$als. 0$t once yo$ have s$# itted it #e!ore the proper agencies they #eco e part o! the records o! the @ivil ?egistrar and, there!ore, o!!icial doc$ ents . -hose who are entering the govern ent service, yo$r application !or . -hey #eco e part o! the record o! the @ivil Service @o ission or the @:54)4@ or what, then they #eco e a part o! the records o! those govern ent agencies and also #eco e o!!icial doc$ ents. (ow, the other one is p$#lic doc$ ent. A p$#lic doc$ ent $s$ally is not a doc$ ent which will record a govern ental !$nction that this ay per!or . 0$t rather it is prepared #y private individ$als. -he p$#lic doc$ ent is one involving a deed o! conveyance. "n other words, when yo$ spea* o! a deed o! conveyance, there!ore, that doc$ ent i! cons$ ated will prod$ce rights and o#ligations o! the parties with the participation o! a notary p$#lic. So, a contract o! sale that is a deed o! conveyance, yo$ convey so ething, the other one pays. So, there is an o#ligation to deliver and there is an o#ligation to pay. (ow, i! that contract o! sale is ac*nowledged #e!ore a notary p$#lic that eans that yo$ go to a lawyer and then yo$ swear #e!ore the lawyer. %un, ac*nowledge entA na7a6asa na 6a 7a0o nun, #e!ore e, a notary p$#lic, personal appeared 5r. A herein re!erred to as the vendor, e%hi#iting his certi!icate, iss$ed at #lah.#lah.#lah, and 5r. 7endee #lah.#lah.#lah, herein re!erred to as the vendee. -hat the attest that they e%ec$ted this doc$ ent with their !ree will consisting o! seven pages with each page signed on the le!t portion incl$ding the last page. S$#scri#ed and sworn to #e!ore e. -hat is the ac*nowledg ent. -hatQs what yo$ call ac*nowledg ent. So, that is the participation o! a notary p$#lic. "! that doc$ ent now is the one re/$ired #y law li*e the ac*nowledge ent then that doc$ ent #eco es a p$#lic doc$ ent. -hen !or p$rposes o! !alsi!ication, that p$#lic doc$ ent is treated in the sa e category as o!!icial doc$ ent. (ow, i! that doc$ ent, however, is not notari=ed or is not ac*nowledge #e!ore a notary p$#lic and there!ore it is a deed o! conveyance, #$t in the a#sence o! a notary p$#lic or ac*nowledge ent then that doc$ ent #eco es a private doc$ ent, o*ay. And the last one is co ercial doc$ ent. Sa6i nila, what is a co ercial doc$ entA -he #oo* o! ?eyes will say, or even in the #oo*, a co ercial doc$ ent is one that is governed #y the @ode o! @o erce. Meron nan, de4initionA di 6aD A co ercial doc$ ent is one that is governed #y the @ode o! @o erce e an, dami covered n, Code o4 Commerce* no an, commercial documentsD So, co ercial doc$ ents are those that are $s$ally s$#stit$te !or

o! this article, shall #e p$nished #y the penalty ne%t lower in degree.

(ow, when it co es, however to o!!icial p$#lic doc$ ent, co ercial doc$ ent, and private doc$ ent, the laws that are applica#le will #e Article 1C1 and Article 1C&. 0$t in Article 1C1, !alsi!ication $nder 1C1 can only #e co itted #y three speci!ied persons or gro$ps o! persons. P$#lic o!!icers ta*ing advantage o! their p$#lic position. (otary p$#lics. 4cclesiastics. :nly those entioned in 1C1 can #e lia#le !or the cri e o! !alsi!ication. (ow, i! yo$ go to Article 1C&, then the cri e o! !alsi!ication can #e co itted #y private individ$als, #$t it a*es re!erence to the !alsi!ications in 1C1. So, what is the i plication o! thatA -he i plication o! that when it is co itted #y private individ$al, then the law that is violated is 1C&. 0$t the anner o! co itting the cri e o! !alsi!ication in 1C& is li*ewise the anner o! co itting the cri e o! !alsi!ication in Article 1C1. -here are !o$r *inds o! !alsi!ication o! doc$ ents $nder 1C1 and 1C& altho$gh li*e o!!icial doc$ ent, #e it a p$#lic doc$ ent, #e it a private doc$ ent or #e it a co ercial doc$ ent. 0$t the o!!icial doc$ ent and p$#lic doc$ ent are created as one !or p$rposes o! !alsi!ication. So, when yo$ spea* o! o!!icial doc$ ent, theyQre 1$st the sa e as (tal*ing) doc$ ent !or p$rposes o! !alsi!ication. 0$t, theyQre not the sa e in eaning. -he other one is co ercial doc$ ent then the last one is private doc$ ent. -he o!!icial doc$ ents are those that are iss$ed #y the Govern ent as part o! the records o! the Govern ent or an order to evidence an act o! a certain govern ent agency, pay ent o! ta%es. 6o$ iss$ed a receipt. -hat is an o!!icial doc$ ent #eca$se it records the pay ent, a govern ental !$nction. 6o$ apply yo$r arriage license. -hat is also an o!!icial doc$ ent #eca$se it #eco es part o! the records o! the @ivil ?egistrar. 0irth certi!icate, co$rt records, pleadings, co plaints, decisions. All o! these are p$#lic records or o!!icial doc$ ents #eca$se they #eco e part o! the o!!icial records o! the govern ent. (ow, o!!icial doc$ ents ay, li*ewise, incl$de doc$ ents prepared #y private individ$als. -hese are not . #eca$se, generally, the o!!icial doc$ ents are those that are prepared and iss$ed #y a govern ent o!!icial. 0$t there ay #e o!!icial doc$ ents prepared #y private individ$als. +hen those doc$ ents #eco e part o! the records o! the govern ent they #eco e o!!icial doc$ ents.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # oney. S$#stit$te !or oney, pro otes #$siness transaction . n, im)ortante di0an is the characteristics o! a negotia#le instr$ ent. "n other words, it can #e trans!erred !ro one person or negotiated !ro one person to the other. -his is not only li ited to personal chec*s, 0un, c(eMue, co ercial doc$ ents 0an. 0eca$se it pro otes #$siness transaction, it can #e negotiated or delivered !ro one person to the other. %un, m,a i6a Ndun ma0 m,a #ill o! ladingA wareho$se receiptA di 6aD Bumili 7a n, 1'',''' rice* +here will yo$ get . where will yo$ store the 1'',''' sac*s o! s$gar or riceA 6o$ ay have to get a #onded wareho$se. 6o$ store the 1'',''' gra s o! s$gar in a #onded wareho$se, what will the wareho$se doA "t will iss$e a wareho$se receipt. "! yo$ are now in a possession o! the wareho$se receipt then yo$ #eco e nat$rally the owner o! the s$gar or rice stored in that wareho$se. 6o$ want to sell those #o%es o! s$gar. +hat will yo$ doA 8o yo$ need to physically trans!er the 1'','''A (o, yo$ 1$st negotiate the receipt and whichever is in the possession o! that he #eco es the owner. So, that is the eaning o! a co ercial doc$ ent (aA o7a0* (ow, co ercial doc$ ent and o!!icial or p$#lic doc$ ent have the sa e ele ent. T(e onl0 element is t(ere must 6e an act o4 4alsi4ication. So, the ere act o! !alsi!ying that doc$ ent is a cons$ ated cri e o! !alsi!ication. ' LSI'IC TIO! B% PRI: TE I!"I:I"$ LS Unli*e when it is co itted #y a private individ$al $nder Article 1C&, when it is a private doc$ ent and this is covered #y Article 1C&, then the cri e is !alsi!ication o! a private doc$ ent. And, there!ore, has two essential ele ents; -he act o! !alsi!ying the doc$ ent. -o ca$se in1$ry to third persons. ?e e #er that, to ca$se in1$ry to a third person. +hat a#o$t i! a private individ$al co its a cri e o! !alsi!ication o! an o!!icial doc$ entA "s there also an ele ent o! intent to in1$reA "Qll give yo$ an e%a ple. 6o$ are an e ployee o! the @ivil ?egistrar. 6o$ are the one in charge o! the iss$ance o! a arriage license or arriage contracts. 6o$ ta*e advantage o! yo$r p$#lic position. 6o$ a*e it appear that the person who wants to get arried is already o! age. SoA 4inalsi40 mo 0un, edad ni0aA di 6aA in a arriage license* Tama 6aD no 6an, a,e na n,a0on )ara ma7a)a,I asawaD 4ighteen. So, 13. 6o$ ade it appear that the one o! the contracting parties is already 13 when he *nows !$lly well that he is only 1C. So, he iss$ed a arriage license, )ina4alsi40 n0aA ,inawa ni0an, 13. +hat a#o$t i! he is a private individ$alA De !alsi!ied a arriage license, the sa e o!!icial and the sa e contracting party. De li*ewise !alsi!ied the arriage license. De a*es it appear that he is 13, when in !act he is 1C years o! age. F$estion; Are they lia#le !or a cri eA "! it is co itted #y p$#lic o!!icer ta*ing advantage o! his

Criminal Law Review | Page &2 p$#lic position, whether that arriage license is $sed or not #eca$se there is an ele ent o! intent to

ca$se in1$ry, he #eco es lia#le !or a cri e o! !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent. +hyA 0eca$se there is no need to prove that the !alsi!ication o! an o!!icial doc$ ent was intended to ca$se in1$ry to another. (ow, what a#o$t the inor #oyA De !alsi!ied the arriage license. So, i! he did not $se the license that he !alsi!ied, can he #e lia#le !or a cri e o! !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent or o!!icial doc$ entA "s it the cri e o! the individ$alA (o, #eca$se there is no har done to any#ody #eca$se he did not $se the arriage license. "! a private individ$al !alsi!ies a p$#lic doc$ ent, there is still a need to prove da ageA (o, itQs not prove da age. "tQs the intent to ca$se da age. "ntent. "! a doc$ ent is !alsi!ied #y private individ$al and he does not $se it, there is no intent o! to ca$se da age. ,or e%a ple, the receipt, the receipt that yo$ gave to e, i! yo$ pay ta%es in the govern ent. So, the receipt is legally is an o!!icial doc$ ent. " !alsi!ied itA #$t " *ept it. (o har COMPLE@I!# ' LSI'IC TIO! (ow, the other thing is that the ost pro#a#ly yo$ *now this that there is a !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent that ay#e co ple% with esta!a. 6o$ can co ple% the cri e o! esta!a thro$gh the !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ents or even alversation thro$gh !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent or pro#a#ly the!t thro$gh !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent, /$ali!ied Pa$l "7 8#

the!t thro$gh !alsi!ication o! p$#lic doc$ ent. 0$t yo$ cannot co ple% esta!a with !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent. -here is no cri e o! esta!a thro$gh !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent. "tQs either esta!a or !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent. +hyA 0eca$se, in a cri e o! !alsi!ication o! a p$#lic doc$ ent, there is only one ele ent o! !alsi!ication. +hereas in the cri e o! esta!a, there are two essential ele ents which are deceit and da age. +hereas in the cri e o! private doc$ ent, there are two essential ele ents, one is the act o! !alsi!ying the doc$ ent and the other one, the intent to ca$se da age. So there!ore, in the cri e o! esta!a in !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent, they have co on ele ents o! da age. So, there!ore, i! there are two co on ele ents o! da age, then they cannot #e co ple%. Kasi in private doc$ ent ma0 da age and !alsi!ication. 4sta!a, da age and !alsi!ication. So, there is no cri e o! esta!a thro$gh !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ents. "tQs either esta!a or !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ents. RT -5- !OTES So, when a doc$ ent is already cons$ ated, yo$ are not s$pposed to a*e any eras$res. So this $s$al interpellations witho$t the *nowledge o! the other party, Ndi 6aD )etQs say contract o! sale. N"i 7a na )wede ma,)alit d0an e( #eca$se cons$ ated na. 0$t yo$ can still change witho$t #eing lia#le !or a cri e o! !alsi!ication. %ou can still c(an,e w(en t(e act o4 c(an,in, or A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # inter)olatin, or erasin, will not c(an,e t(e meanin, o4 t(e document or will not a44ect t(e inte,rit0 o4 t(e document* )i*e, !or e%a ple, na,7amali 7a n, spelling sa )an,alanA walan, co a, walan, se i.colon, mali 4nglish, )inalitan moA e( wala 7a na dun* Walan, cri e, altho$gh, the doc$ ents are already . the parties have already signed. -hen, di )wede 0un, sana ma I yo$ interpolated so ething when that was !o$nd o$t when s$ppose that word was not there when the doc$ ent was signed. -here is no cri e o! !alsi!ication #eca$se it is not intended to alter the eaning o! this doc$ ent. :r when yo$ alter the doc$ ent #$t the one that is altered is not aterial to the contract. Walan, !alsi!ication dun Ma7in, untrut(4ul statement in t(e narration o4 4acts* -he !irst thing that yo$ have to re e #er is that, there $st #e a d$ty to disclose the tr$th. "! there is no d$ty to disclose the tr$th, then there is no cri e o! !alsi!ication. "n other words, i! in a /$estionnaire, (indi 6aA )etQs say, yo$ are applying !or a 1o#. 6o$ go over there , and then eet the other /$ali!ications, and then yo$ are as*ed. Are yo$ a college grad$ateA -here!ore, it is yo$r d$ty to disclose the tr$th. 6o$ *now that is cr$cial in yo$r application !or a 1o# in the govern ent. :r have yo$ ever #een convicted o! a cri eA -hen yo$ have a d$ty to disclose the tr$th, orality or this is also recorded in yo$r application !or a 1o# a#road. TEST TO "ETERMI!E W&ET&E R I!TERC L TIO! WILL ''ECT "OC$ME!T I!TE#RIT% +hen it is co pletely change the eaning o! the doc$ ent. ,or e%a ple, contract o! sale in the a o$nt 1'',''' pesos, yo$ changed to 2',''' pesos. E( di na,Ii6a na 0un, eaning n, doc$ ent. "t is a contract o! sale o! 1'',''' pesos na,in, 2',''' pesos na* %un an, i6i, 7on, sa6i(in* So walan, )ro6lema, 1C1.1C&.

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Section 'ive* + 'alsi4ication o4 medical certi4icatesA certi4icates o4 merit or services and t(e li7e* rt* -5.* 'alse medical certi4icatesA 4alse certi4icates o4 merits or serviceA etc. -he penalties o! arresto ayor in its
a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed P1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon; 1 . Any physician or s$rgeon who , in connection, with the practice o! his pro!ession, shall iss$e a !alse certi!icate< and &. Any p$#lic o!!icer who shall iss$e a !alse certi!icate o! erit o! service, good cond$ct or si ilar circ$ stances. -he penalty o! arresto ayor shall #e i posed $pon any private person who shall !alsi!y a certi!icate !alling within the classes entioned in the two preceding s$#divisions.
-he !alsi!ication done, that it ay happen in two ways. -he doctor a*es it appear that yo$ were sic* when, in !act, yo$ were not sic*. -hat is covered #y 1CB. :r the other one is that, a person presented a edical certi!icate which is !alsi!ied. -he one who will #e lia#le is the person who !iled so ething with a !alsi!ied doc$ ent. )i*e !or e%a ple in this hospital, di 6a they *eep recordsA -hey *eep records o! all patients, e(* (ow, i! the doctor now co es o$t with the edical certi!icate contrary to the records in the hospital, lia#le 0an ng !alsi!ication #eca$se he is the one iss$ing. So it ay happen that the doctor is the one who $ses a !alsi!ied doc$ ent, then heQll #e lia#le. :r it ay happen that the person clai ed that he is sic* and then presents a certi!ied edical certi!icate when in !act there is none, si0a din an, lia#le. +hat i! it was a private individ$al who !alsi!ied the edical certi!icateA De will #e lia#le #eca$se that is covered #y 1CB. -hatQs why there are two things that can happen there. -hatQs why itQs not covered in Article 1C1 and 1C& #eca$se a edical certi!icate cannot #e treated as a private doc$ ent or co ercial doc$ ent.

rt* -5>* 'alsi4ication o4 wirelessA ca6leA tele,ra)( and tele)(one messa,esA and use o4 said 4alsi4ied messa,es . -he
penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed $pon o!!icer or e ployee o! the Govern ent or o! any private corporation or concern engaged in the service o! sending or receiving wireless, ca#le or telephone essage who $tters a !ictitio$s wireless, telegraph or telephone essage o! any syste or !alsi!ies the sa e. Any person who shall $se s$ch !alsi!ied dispatch to the pre1$dice o! a third party or with the intent o! ca$se s$ch pre1$dice, shall s$!!er the penalty ne%t lower in degree.

rt* -5/* $sin, 4alse certi4icates . -he penalty o! arresto enor shall #e i posed $pon any one who shall *nowingly $se any o! the !alse certi!icates entioned in the ne%t preceding article.

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Section SiB * + Manu4acturin, A im)ortin, and )ossession o 4 instruments or im)lements intended 4or t(e commission o4 4alsi4ication* rt* -53* Manu4acturin, and )ossession o4 instruments or im)lements 4or 4alsi4ication. -he
penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine not to e%ceed P1',''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall a*e or introd$ce into the Philippine "slands any sta ps, dies, ar*s, or other instr$ ents or i ple ents intended to #e $sed in the co ission o! the o!!enses o! co$nter!eiting or !alsi!ication entioned in the preceding sections o! this @hapter. Any person who, with the intention o! $sing the , shall have in his possession any o! the instr$ ents or i ple ents entioned in the preceding paragraphs, shall s$!!er the penalty ne%t lower in degree than that provided therein.

rt* -58* $sin, 4ictitious name and concealin, true name. -he penalty o!
arresto ayor and a !ine not to e%ceed 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon an0 )erson who shall p$#licly $se a !ictitio$s na e !or the p$rpose o! concealing a cri e, evading the e%ec$tion o! a 1$dg ent or ca$sing da age. Any person who conceals his tr$e na e and other personal circ$ stances shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor or a !ine not to e%ceed &'' pesos.

+hat a*es it a cri e $nder 1C3 is that the $se o! an alias is either !or the p$rpose or p$rposes o! any o! those entioned #y the law, to a#ate 1$dg ent, to ca$se an act over the p$#lic interest and to ca$se da age to other party, conceal the co ission o! the cri e to a#ate 1$dg ent or to ca$se da age. "! yo$ $se an alias !or the p$rposes o! any o! the p$rposes entioned in 1C3, then yo$2ll #e lia#le to a violation o! 1C3 #y ere, #$t erely $sing an alias is not a cri e. "t is not a cri e, no(.

C(a)ter Two OT&ER ' LSI'IC TIO!S Section One* + $sur)ation o4 aut(orit0A ran7A titleA and im)ro)er use o4 namesA uni4orms and insi,nia* rt* -55* $sur)ation o4 aut(orit0 or o44icial 4unctions. n0 )erson who shall
*nowingly and !alsely represent hi sel! to #e an o!!icer, agent or representative o! any depart ent or agency o! the Philippine Govern ent or o! any !oreign govern ent, or who, $nder pretense o! o!!icial position, shall per!or any act pertaining to any person in a$thority or p$#lic o!!icer o! the Philippine Govern ent or any !oreign govern ent, or any agency thereo!, witho$t #eing law!$lly entitled to do so, shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods.

rt* -59* Ille,al use o4 uni4orms or insi,nia* -he penalty o! arresto ayor
shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall p$#licly and i properly a*e $se o! insignia, $ni!or s or dress pertaining to an o!!ice not held #y s$ch person or to a class o! persons o! which he is not a e #er.

Section Two* + 'alse testimon0 rt* -8<* 'alse testimon0 a,ainst a de4endant. Any person who shall give
!alse testi ony against the de!endant in any cri inal case shall s$!!er; 1. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral, i! the de!endant in said case shall have #een sentenced to death< &. -he penalty o! prision ayor, i! the de!endant shall have #een sentenced to recl$sion te poral or recl$sion perpet$a< >. -he penalty o! prision correccional, i! the de!endant shall have #een sentenced to any other a!!lictive penalty< and B. -he penalty o! arresto ayor, i! the de!endant shall have #een sentenced to a correctional penalty or a !ine, or shall have #een ac/$itted.

-hat $s$rpation can #e co is a private individ$al.

itted #y a person that

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"n cases provided in s$#divisions > and B o! this article the o!!ender shall !$rther s$!!er a !ine not to e%ceed 1,''' pesos.

rt* -8>* 'alse testimon0 in ot(er cases and )erFur0 in solemn a44irmation.
-he penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any person, who *nowingly a*es $ntr$th!$l state ents and not #eing incl$ded in the provisions o! the ne%t preceding articles, shall testi!y $nder oath, or a*e an a!!idavit, $pon any aterial atter #e!ore a co petent person a$thori=ed to ad inister an oath in cases in which the law so re/$ires. Any person who, in case o! a sole n a!!ir ation ade in lie$ o! an oath, shall co it any o! the !alsehoods entioned in this and the three preceding articles o! this section, shall s$!!er the respective penalties provided therein.

rt* -8-* 'alse testimon0 4avora6le to t(e de4endants. Any person who shall
give !alse testi ony in !avor o! the de!endant in a cri inal case, shall s$!!er the penalties o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period a !ine not to e%ceed 1,''' pesos, i! the prosec$tion is !or a !elony p$nisha#le #y an a!!lictive penalty, and the penalty o! arresto ayor in any other case.

rt* -8;* 'alse testimon0 in civil cases. Any person !o$nd g$ilty o! !alse
testi ony in a civil case shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed I,''' pesos, i! the a o$nt in controversy shall e%ceed 2,''' pesos, and the penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine not to e%ceed 1,''' pesos, i! the a o$nt in controversy shall not e%ceed said a o$nt or cannot #e esti ated.
"t $st #e thro$gh a 1$dicial #ody. +hyA 0eca$se i! the state ent is ade #e!ore a 1$dicial #ody li*e, !or e%a ple, the co$rts. 0e!ore testi!ying, yo$ raise yo$r right hand. 6o$ tell the tr$th and nothing #$t the tr$th. -he yo$ start giving !alse state ents, alicio$s. Sa6i moA (indi* ItoA si0a an, )umata0* Kasama 7o 0an* ndun 7ami sa A erica* ndun 7ami sa (ew 6or*A 0un )ala sa (ew 6or*, @$#ao lan,* De is now telling a lie and that is !alse testi ony #eca$se it is really !alse. non, cri e 0unD "s that per1$ryA (o, that is not per1$ry. -he cri e will either #e those p$nished $nder 13', 131, and 13&. "! the state ent is ade #e!ore . the !alse testi ony is ade #e!ore the co$rt, then the cri e will either #e !alse testi ony in a civil case, !alse testi ony !avoring the de!endant or !alse testi ony in a cri inal case !avoring the acc$sed. S$BOR! TIO! O' PERJ$R% S$#ornation o! per1$ry is a principal in the cri e o! per1$ry. " as* yo$ to e%ec$te a per1$red state ent. -he one who e%ec$ted the per1$red state ent is lia#le !or the cri e o! per1$ry. -he one who ind$ced so e#ody to co it the cri e o! per1$ry is lia#le !or the cri e o! s$#ornation o! per1$ry. "n other words, s$#ornation o! per1$ry is e/$ivalent to a principal #y ind$ce ent in a cri e o! per1$ry.

(ow, i! yo$ want to sec$re a license. )etQs say yo$ apply !or a driverQs license. -hen the driverQs license, yo$ are iss$ed. And yo$ were ca$ght, and then yo$r license was con!iscated #eca$se yo$ inc$rred so e violations. +hat yo$ do is that yo$ can no longer sec$re a new driverQs license #eca$se con!iscated na e(* 6o$ are already prohi#ited to drive within a certain period o! ti e #eca$se o! too any violations. +hat yo$ did was to e%ec$te an a!!idavit o! loss to go aro$nd the law. State "N#lah #lah #lah. " was driving in the vehicle, so e#ody pic*ed y wallet incl$ded in that wallet is a license and, there!ore, " can no longer locate it and " a e%ec$ting this state ent in order to sec$re another license. -hen at the end o! that state ent, yo$ will !ind there the 1$rat. lam nin0o 0un, 1$rat di 6aA -o di!!erentiate it !ro ac*nowledge ent. no 0un, 1$ratA A ere state ent that that state ent is $nder oath. S$#scri#ed and sworn to #e!ore e this #lan* day o! Septe #er date and so and so na e o! the notary p$#lic. -hatQs the eaning o! 1$rat. (ow, i! those state ents are !alse and then alicio$s. -hese are state ents . #eca$se it is not only the !alse state ent that is p$nisha#le $nder per1$ry. "t $st #e attended with alice. "n other words, !ra$d$lent. 5ere !alse state ent, 1$st to #e giving a !alse state ent is not a cri e o! per1$ry. "n other words, when yo$ spea* o! alice, 0an an, unan, ele ent d0an. "t $st #e a state ent o! !act, done with alice, and n$ #er two, s$#stantial !or aterial to the doc$ ent. ,or e%a ple, letQs say 0un, a!!idavit o! loss na 0an* Per1$ry 0an* +hy do they have to e%ec$te a state ent o! !act, a!!idavit o! loss, to sec$re another license when in !act yo$ can no longer sec$re a new one #eca$se con!iscated na y$ng license o. %un, an, A.).,.9(.:.S.

Pa$l "7 8#

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # alicio$s. -here is a otive on the part o! the a!!iant to e%ec$te a per1$red state ent. 0$t i! the one that is per1$red is not essential to the doc$ ent li*e !or e%a ple a!!idavit o! loss, and then yo$ stated there ", 5r. #lah #lah #lah single when yo$ are already arried, walan, per1$ry 0un #eca$se it is not s$#stantial or essential to the doc$ ent #eca$se what is essential in the doc$ ent is the state ent o! loss. Walan, sil6i 0un 7un, ,anun an, sina6i moA 6inata 7a dun* -hat is not per1$ry #eca$se it will no a!!ect, in any way, the doc$ ent. %un, an, sinasa6i 7on, i aterial. -he ost i portant thing is that it $st #e done with alice. (ow, the other *ind o! per1$ry is yo$ do not e%ec$te a written state ent, #$t yo$ are re/$ired to testi!y. -hen #e!ore yo$ testi!y, yo$ are as*ed to raise yo$r right hand. 6o$ will tell the tr$th, nothing #$t the tr$th. 6es, " do. -he yo$ answer the /$estion and then yo$ now give per1$red state ent. %un an, other !or o! per1$ry. 0$t the oral testi ony in the cri e o! per1$ry $st #e done #e!ore a /$asi. 1$dicial #ody.

Criminal Law Review | Page &J


@o prehensive 8angero$s 8r$gs Act o! &''&, Part 1 rticle -9< PossessionA )re)aration and use o4 )ro(i6ited dru,s and maintenance o4 o)ium dens )et2s now go to 1J' which has #een a ended #y the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw. :*ay. (ow, the present dangero$s 8r$gs )aw is ?ep$#lic Act J1I2, no(, o! the year &''&. "t2s the law that too* e!!ect in M$ly B, &''&. -hat is ?A J1I2 otherwise *nown as the @o prehensive 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw o! &''&. (ow #e!ore that law, the law was then ?ep$#lic Act IB&2, no(. "t $sed to #e ?ep$#lic Act IB&2, otherwise *nown as the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw o! 1JC&. (ow, #e!ore we go to the salient !eat$res o! J1I2, we will !irst *now what were those that were provided $nder ?ep$#lic Act IB&2 so that we will $nderstand the a end ents in J1I2, o*ayA R 3.;/ " !#ERO$S "R$#S L W (ow, the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw is #y its very nat$re a al$ prohi#it$ . "t is a al$ prohi#it$ #eca$se ere violation o! the law a*es the o!!ender cri inally lia#le. -here!ore, i! it is a al$ prohi#it$ , then yo$ do not apply the provisions o! the ?evised Penal @ode as a r$le, no(A As a r$le, yo$ cannot appreciate the itigating circ$ stances or those circ$ stances that ay #e availa#le in cri es p$nished $nder the ?evised Penal @ode. Dowever, $nder the old law o! ?ep$#lic Act IB&2, that is the old one, not the present law, so that yo$ will *now the changes. $nder t(e old lawA Re)u6lic ct 3.;/A t(e )enalties t(en at t(at time were 6ased on t(e Muantit0 o4 t(e )ro(i6ited or re,ulated dru,s and )unis(ed wit( )enalties under t(e Revised Penal Code. "n other words, yo$ have there a special law where the law provides !or penalties that are !o$nd in the ?evised Penal @ode. So, that was the reason why the S$pre e @o$rt ca e o$t with a doctrine laid down in People vers$s 5artin Si on, that i! the special law adopts the no enclat$re o! penalties $nder the ?evised Penal @ode, then the provisions o! the ?evised Penal @ode are applied as a general r$le. So that $nder the old law, i! one pleads g$ilty $nder the old law, or one proves itigating circ$ stances $nder the old law, then those itigating circ$ stances are appreciated #eca$se the penalties then are penalties $nder the ?evised Penal @ode. :*ay.


rt* -8.* O44erin, 4alse testimon0 in evidence . Any person who shall
*nowingly o!!er in evidence a !alse witness or testi ony in any 1$dicial or o!!icial proceeding, shall #e p$nished as g$ilty o! !alse testi ony and shall s$!!er the respective penalties provided in this section.

C(a)ter T(ree 'R $"S Section One*+ Mac(inationsA mono)olies and com6inations rt * -8/ * Mac(inations in )u6lic auctions. Any person who shall solicit any
gi!t or pro ise as a consideration !or re!raining !ro ta*ing part in any p$#lic a$ction, and any person who shall atte pt to ca$se #idders to stay away !ro an a$ction #y threats, gi!ts, pro ises, or any other arti!ice, with intent to ca$se the red$ction o! the price o! the thing a$ctioned, shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period and a !ine ranging !ro 1' to 2' per cent$ o! the val$e o! the thing a$ctioned.

Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # R 9-3/ "an,erous "ru,s Law o4 ;<<; ?ep$#lic Act J1I2 $nder Section J3 speci!ically provides that the ?evised Penal @ode is not applica#le to this law. So, there is a clear declaration in this law that the ?evised Penal @ode is not applica#le to this law. 4%cept that i! the o!!ender is a inor, however, inority )ala (indi e%e pted, i! the o!!ender is a inor, then the penalty i posed #y law is the penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death, then the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a to death. So, that is !o$nd in Section J3, ano (a. -here is e%pressed prohi#ition o! the application o! the ?evised Penal @ode to this law that a*es the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw. 0$t i! the o!!ender is a inor, however, i! the o!!ender is a inor and the o!!ense co itted #y the inor is a penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death, then the penalty to #e i posed shall #e the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a to death. I! REL TIO! to R 9>.. :*ay, how do we e%plain thatA (ow, $nder yo$r ?ep$#lic Act J>BB, no(, which is the M$venile 8elin/$ent +el!are )aw o! &''I. -he law says that there is only one inor that can now #e lia#le, and the inor that can #e lia#le is i! the age o! the inor is #etween 12 and 13, (indi 6aA 0etween 12 and 13 acting with discern ent. So, that is the only inor that can now #e lia#le a!ter that law. 0$t i! that inor is lia#le #eca$se he acted with discern ent, then in Article I3 o! the ?evised Penal @ode, he will #e entitled to a )rivile,ed miti,atin, circumstance o4 minorit0 . So, it will then ill$strate . yo$ pay partic$lar attention to the e%a ple that " will #e giving. So, i! the . let2s ta*e the case o! sha#$. Under Section 11, i! one is !o$nd in possession o! sha#$ where the /$antity is ore than 2' gra s, let2s say 2' gra s o! sha#$, sha#$ 0anA (a and then here co es a inor, 1C.year.old #oy, ca$ght in act o! possessing, possessing (a, 21 gra s o! sha#$ and there!ore violation o! Section 11. -he penalty o! which is ore than 2' gra s o! sha#$ is li!e i prison ent to death or the penalty is li!e i prison ent to death, is it notA Under Section 11, o*ayA (ow, the /$estion that will #e as*ed is what is the e!!ect o! a inor co itting an o!!ense $nder Section 11 where the penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death is i posa#leA (ow, i! yo$ loo* at this, never ind Section J3 . never ind Section J3 in the eanti e. "! the penalty o! the o!!ense is li!e i prison ent to death, even i! yo$ want to appreciate a privileged itigating circ$ stance o! inority, there is nowhere #etween lower to li!e i prison ent to death. 0eca$se as " told yo$ in Article I1 #e!ore, only the penalties in the ?evised Penal @ode can #e grad$ated. 8o yo$ !ollowA 4ven i! yo$ want to appreciate the privileged itigating circ$ stance, yo$ cannot lower it #y one Pa$l "7 8#

Criminal Law Review | Page >' degree #eca$se there is no one degree lower to li!e i prison ent to death. 8o yo$ !ollowA (ow, what does Section J3 provideA Section J3 provides that i! a inor co its an o!!ense where the penalty is li!e i prison ent to death, then the penalty to #e i posed sho$ld #e the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a to death. "i 6aA !a7ala,a0 sa Section J3A "! the penalty o! the o!!ense co itted #y the inor is li!e i prison ent to death, then the penalty to #e i posed shall #e recl$sion perpet$a to death. So what happens, there!ore, in this partic$lar case is that the penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death, a penalty $nder special law is converted into a penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a to death, a penalty $nder the ?evised Penal @ode, di 6aA "s this the penalty $nder the ?evised Penal @odeA -here is no s$ch thing as li!e i prison ent. 0$t is this a penalty $nder the ?evised Penal @odeA ?ecl$sion perpet$a to deathA 6es. -here!ore, the penalty is converted to a penalty $nder the ?evised Penal @ode. (ow, yo$ now apply the doctrine laid down in People vers$s 5artin Si on. +hat does the doctrine sayA -hat i! the o!!ense is now p$nisha#le, the no enclat$re o! penalty $nder the ?evised Penal @ode, then the provisions o! the ?evised Penal @ode shall apply as a general r$le. So what will they do now with thisA 0eca$se the penalty now is recl$sion perpet$a to death. "! yo$ now appreciate a privileged itigating circ$ stance o! inority, is there one degree lower to recl$sion perpet$a to deathA 6es. :ne degree lower is recl$sion te poral. -hat is the only instance where the ?evised Penal @ode is applica#le, it is a special law. -hat is the i plication o! Section J3. :*ay. (ow, i! yo$ go !$rther, i! yo$ re e #er yo$r co p$tation o! penalties in yo$r Article IB o! the ?evised Penal @ode, i! the penalty now is 6a6ae, what will yo$ doA 8ivide. 6o$ divide into three, di 6aD So, yo$ divide into three. 6o$ have ini $ , edi$ , and a%i $ . (o itigating, no ore itigating, no aggravatingA +hat2s the penaltyA 5edi$ . 6o$r a$thority is Article IB o! the ?evised Penal @ode. +here will yo$ get yo$r ini $ penalties $nder the "ndeter inate Sentence )awA -he "ndeter inate Sentence )aw, the ini $ penalties shall #e ta*en in any o! the penalty ne%t lower or in #etween. Ba6ae o lala7iD Ba6ae* A.).,.9(.:.S. ore

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # And then yo$ divide into three. So, yo$ have yo$r ini $ , edi$ , and a%i $ . So, yo$r ini $ penalty will co e !ro there. 6o$r a%i $ penalty will co e !ro here. "s it notA :*ay. So, " convicted the acc$sed inor, applying the "ndeter inate Sentence )aw and appreciating a privileged itigating circ$ stance, " i posed a penalty o! si% years and one day to 12 years as the a%i $ . Si% years and one day o! the ini $ to 12 years as the a%i $ . 8o yo$ !ollowA -hen the co$nsel o! the acc$sed says, assumin, t(at t(ere is no sus)ension, 1$st to e%plain. 8o yo$ now apply his !$ll pro#ationA +ill yo$ approve a pro#ation hereA 6es. -he a%i $ penalty is si% years, e(. -he ini $ penalty that " i posed is si% years and one day, e(* -he ini $ penalty that " i posed is si% years and one day, e(. $nder t(e Pro6ation Law, 0ou can onl0 a))l0 4or )ro6ation w(ere t(e )enalt0 does not eBceed siB 0ears. 0$t the penalty that " i posed is si% years and one day to 12 years. @an he apply !or pro#ationA %esA under Section 5<* s lon, as (e2s a 4irst time minor o44enderA (a* Section 5<A as lon, as (e is a 4irst time minor o44ender* (ow, #$t, #e care!$l, as " said. " $sed an e%a ple o! ILLE# L POSSESSIO! #eca$se there ay #e penalties o! li!e i prison ent to death, #$t does not !all $nder the Section 11 li*e Section 2, that is dr$g p$shing, dr$g tra!!ic*ing, anoA (aD 0eca$se $nder Section &B, i! yo$ loo* at yo$r Section &B, there is a prohi#ition on pro#ation. n, na7ala,a0 sa Section &B, !O PROB TIO! 'OR "R$# TR ''ICKERS !" "R$# P$S&ERS. So, that is the prohi#ition on pro#ation. (o pro#ation !or dr$g tra!!ic*ers or dr$g p$shers. (ow, i! y e%a ple here is that he was ca$ght in the act o! selling, Section C' is not applica#le to hi . 8o yo$ !ollowA "! y e%a ple is, let2s say, dr$g tra!!ic*er, he 2s a dr$g tra!!ic*er, he2s a dr$g p$sher, seller, and so on, yo$ will still apply this co p$tation #eca$se he is entitled to a privileged itigating circ$ stance, 6ut (e cannot a))l0 4or )ro6ation . 0eca$se $nder Section &B, pro#ation is prohi#ited !or dr$g tra!!ic*ers or dr$g p$shers. -hat2s why " $sed illegal possession. 8o yo$ !ollowA "! " $sed dr$g tra!!ic*ing, yo$ !ollow still this co p$tation. 0$t he is not entitled to pro#ation #eca$se $nder Section &B, pro#ation is prohi#ited to dr$g tra!!ic*ers or dr$g p$shers. So, that is the only instance where the ?evised

Criminal Law Review | Page >1 Penal @ode will apply as a general r$le, #eca$se Section 1J.

6esA "! " read it correctly, ?A J>B provides thatN J>BB 0un* ?egarding on what ti e the o!!ender ay #e, a inor o!!ender ay #e entitled to pro#ation a!ter all theN "! he !ails. "! he !ails in the intervention progra . -hat2s it. 6eah, that2s why " said !orget a#o$t J>BB in the eanti e, 1$st to e%plain Section 1J and Section 1C, #$t "2 ass$ ing that yo$ ass$ ed that he will apply !or pro#ation only i! he !ailed in the intervention progra #eca$se he is entitled. +e will co e into that $nder Section II. " will correlate this with Section II later on. And then, also with Section >3 and Section B& o! J>BB, no(A -he e%planation, so that it will no #e co plicated. 5y e%planation on Section J3 is only in so !ar as the application o! the ?evised Penal @ode and the application o! pro#ation law in the eanti e. Med0o malalim 0un, tanon,A e(. So6ran, co ple% 0unA e(* :*ay. So, let2s go #ac*. REMO: L O' "R$# CL SSI'IC TIO!S1 !OW J$ST " !#ERO$S "R$#S (ow, $nder the old law, there were two *inds o! dr$gs $nder the old law. 6o$ have prohi#ited dr$gs Pa$l "7 8#

and reg$lated dr$gs so that decisions o! the S$pre e @o$rt tell $s that i! yo$ are in possession . let2s say yo$ have two hands, o! co$rse. 6o$r right hand is holding ari1$ana and then yo$r le!t hand is holding the sha#$, ca$ght at the sa e ti e, no(. So yo$ where holding ari1$ana, then pro#a#ly yo$2re s o*ing the ari1$ana, at the sa e ti e yo$2re sni!!ing the sha#$. Pwede 0an e(K Kun, ,usto mo ma,)a7amata0 . So, yo$ are, $nder the old law, yo$2re violating two o!!enses #eca$se $nder the old law, prohi#ited and reg$lated dr$gs were treated separately. So, $nder the old law i! yo$ are ca$ght in the act o! possessing ari1$ana, yo$ were then p$nished $nder Section 3. -hen i! yo$ are in possession o! sha#$, which is a reg$lated dr$g, then yo$ will #e p$nished $nder Section 1I. -hey were treated separately. ButA nowA t(ere is no more distinction 6etween re,ulated or/and )ro(i6ited dru,s* T(e0 now 4all under one cate,or0A w(ic( is now dan,erous dru,s. So, whether it is a ari1$ana, opi$ , or "ndian he p, or sha#$, that will #e treated only as one o!!ense #eca$se they now !all $nder one category, dangero$s dr$gs. TR ''ICKI!# !" POSSESSIO! (ow, the other the thing is that $nder the old law, when yo$ are ca$ght in the act o! selling, no(A )et2s say yo$ were ca$ght in the act o! selling A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # sha#$, and then later on a!ter yo$ were arrested, yo$ were arrested #y the police an, and then yo$ get one stic* o! ari1$ana !ro his poc*et, then yo$ will #e lia#le !or two o!!enses $nder the old law. -he one is selling or dr$g p$shing $nder the old law in Section 12, and then the ari1$ana ta*en !ro yo$r possession, #eca$se that is a prohi#ited dr$g, Section 3, illegal possession. +hat happens now $nder the )resent lawA (ow, i! this is $nder the present law, then yo$ will have to a*e a Muali4ication. 1. "! what was !o$nd !ro the possession o! the p$sher a!ter he was arrested !or selling is )art o4 t(e sale< then he will only #e lia#le !or one o!!ense. &. 0$t, i! the pot was !o$nd !ro his poc*et a!ter he was ca$ght selling the dangero$s dr$gs, then he will #e lia#le !or two o!!enses #eca$se that is not part o! the sale. )et2s say what was !o$nd !ro his poc*et is part o! the sale, one o!!ense< i! what is !o$nd !ro his poc*et is not part o! the sale, then two o!!enses. :ne !or selling $nder Section 2 o! J1I2< the one that is !o$nd !ro his poc*et is violation o! Section 11 $nder J1I2 as illegal possession. PREC$RSOR OR ESSE!TI L C&EMIC LS -hose prec$rsors or essential che icals are those that are $sed !or the prod$ction o! #i.prod$cts. Paran, raw aterial 0anA (indi prod$ction. So, i! yo$ prod$ce sha#$, the ingredients o! the sha#$ will #e called prec$rsor or essential che icals. -he sha#$ now will #eco e the !inished prod$ct that is a dangero$s dr$g. (ow, why do " tell yo$ thisA 0eca$se $nder the old law, we do not !ind any prec$rsor. (ow, what they did now here $nder ?ep$#lic Act J1I2 that2s why i! yo$ read Section B or even Section 2, or even Section 11, let 2s go to Section B as an e%a ple, or Section 2 na lan, as an e%a ple, and then Section 11 as an e%a ple. 6o$ read the speci!ic violation o! the law. -hat2s in Section 2, that is the i portation o! dangero$s dr$gs regardless o! the /$antity< the penalty is li!e i prison ent to death. SECTIO! /1 'I! !CIER PROTECTOR CO""LER "ELI:ER% TR !SPORT C RR%I!# W % S LE +hen yo$ read tra!!ic*ing $nder Section 2 !or e%a ple, the law does not only penali=e the act o! tra!!ic*ing, #$t it penali=es also the !inanciers, the protectors, or the coddlers, and the settles o! prec$rsor or essential che icals. -hat2s what " 2 saying. 6o$ did not !ind that in the old law. n, ,inawa nila na,0onA la(at n, ma,I)artici)ate sa sellin, A o la(at n, ma, I)artici)ate sa im)ortationA la(at ma,I)artici)ate sa ille,al

Criminal Law Review | Page >& )ossession* !a7ala,a0 na la(at don. :*ay, "2ll give yo$ an e%a ple o! a protector or coddler so that yo$ $nderstand what "2 tal*ing a#o$t. Dere co es a den. A den. +hen yo$ operate a vice den, that eans operating a dr$g den, where people will go there and then sni!! sha#$ or ari1$ana. Paran, prostit$tion den, #$t this one is a dr$g den. Paran, sariIsari store !or dr$gs. " thin* yo$ read this in the papers, in Pasig, di 6aD -hat is a clear e%a ple o! a dr$g den. -he penalty o! operating a dr$g den, !or those who are operating a dr$g den is the penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death. -hose who visit the den or visitors are li*ewise lia#le !or violating the law as visitors o! the vice den. -he two is li*ewise are lia#le #eing e ployees o! a vice den. -he police en or the p$#lic o!!icials who protect or coddle the operators o! a vice den are li*ewise lia#le as protector or coddlers. -hat2s what " ean #y protectors or coddlers. +here they will #e . o! co$rse, the penalty is lower than the penalty o! operators #eca$se operators o! a vice den, the penalty is li!e i prison ent to death, e(. @oddlers can #e penali=ed with the penalty o! 1& years and one day to &' years. &aD =%on* -his is a . "2ll give yo$ another e%a ple. So that yo$ ay thin* that this is a cri e o! direct #ri#ery that we will st$dy later on. :*ay. S$pposing the dr$g p$sher is arrested, di 6aD )et2s say one *ilo o! sha#$. -he police en did not any ore !ile the case against hi #eca$se the agree ent is that they will divide the one *ilo o! sha#$. Sa6i nunA o*ay* &indi 7a na 7a7asu(an. 6o$ get the hal! *ilo o! sha#$, and then hal! o! that will #e ine, sa6i n, )ulis. So that ,a,amitin ni0a rin, )an, ne,osi0o un, 7ala(atiA (indi 6aD :! co$rse, the one . the p$sher is lia#le !or dr$g p$shing #eca$se he was ca$ght in the act o! selling. 0$t, what a#o$t the lia#ility o! the police anA &e cannot 6e lia6le 4or 6ri6er0 6ecause (e did not receive mone0 in eBc(an,e 4or not )rosecutin, (im or not 4or arrestin, (im. De is lia#le as a protector or a coddler. -hat is the eaning o! a protector or coddler. 0$t, t(e 4iscal does not )rosecute (imA t(en t(e crime t(at is committed as Muali4ied 6ri6er0 under rticle ;-- o! the sa e which we will st$dy later on. " 2 1$st only tal*ing a#o$t who is the protector or the coddler, (aA I! REL TIO! TO RT 8 RPC1 PROPOS L !" CO!SPIR C% TO SELL (ow, the other thing that yo$2ll have to re e #er is that in yo$r st$dy o! yo$r Article 3 o! the ?evised Penal @ode, it2s Article 3, di 6aA Proposal and

conspiracy to co

it a cri e is not a cri e, di 6aD

(ow, this special law recogni=es atte pt and A.).,.9(.:.S.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # conspiracy, altho$gh this is a al$ prohi#it$ $nder Section &I. Atte pt and conspiracy. :*ay, what is the i plication o! atte pt and conspiracyA B$% B$ST (ow, the sit$ation is li*e this. Pro#a#ly, " re!erred to entrap ent or #$y.#$st operations, di 6aD 6o$ *now what is entrap ent or #$y.#$st operation. So, here co es a gro$p o! police en receiving an in!or ation that 5r. A is a dr$g p$sher. +hat the police en will do is that they will !or a #$y.#$st tea to entrap the seller. So, they will pic* one !ro the as a p$sher.#$yer. -hey will give hi the oney to #$y, di 6aD 0$t $s$ally, police en, when they present a case on dr$g p$shing, in ost cases, they will a*e it appear that the oney co$ld no longer #e !o$nd, #eca$se once the oney is s$# itted to the co$rts, they #elieve that the oney co$ld no longer #e ret$rned to the #eca$se that2s the part o! the evidence. So, they will concoct a story that the oney was not recovered. 0$t, yo$ *now, in $nder Section 2 o! ?ep$#lic Act J1I2, i! yo$ read Section 2 o! J1I2, what is p$nished there is not only sale, #$t delivery, transport, carrying away, and sale. I* -here!ore, the doctrine is that the #$y.#$st oney is not essential in proving violation o! dr$g tra!!ic*ing or dr$g p$shing $nder Section 2. 0eca$se what is covered #y Section 2 is not only sale, #$t also incl$des delivery or transport, o*ay. "i 6aD -hat2s why the S$pre e @o$rt is very clear on this atter. 4ven i! the #$y #$st is oney is not presented #e!ore the co$rt, yo$ co$ld still #e convicted o! violation o! Section 2 #eca$se the oney is not indispensa#le. :*ay. II* -he other doctrine is that when yo$ can not prove sale in so e instances when yo$ can not prove sale, then the o!!ender will now #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 11 $nder illegal possession. 0eca$se illegal possession is necessarily incl$ded in sale. 8o yo$ !ollowA SECTIO! --1 ILLE# L POSSESSIO! Ille,al )ossession is necessaril0 included in sale. So, i4 (e can not )rove t(e elements o4 deliver0A trans)ort or saleA t(en t(e ot(er doctrine is t(at t(e )erson can still 6e lia6le 4or ille,al )ossession 6ecause ille,al )ossession is necessaril0 included in t(e saleA trans)ort or deliver0* So, what can the police an doA -here!ore, they will co e $p with a story that the oney was lost in the process or they will co e $p with a story li*e this. So, #e!ore the seller co$ld give the sha#$ to the #$yer, and #e!ore the #$yer co$ld give the oney to the seller, the seller sensed that the

Criminal Law Review | Page >> #$yer is a police an and ran away. -hen they

ca$ght $p with hi , they were a#le to ta*e hold o! the sha#$ in his possession, #$t in the co otion, the oney co$ld no longer #e !o$nd. -hat 2s what they do. "! yo$ try to analy=e the !acts, there is no e%change altho$gh what they have !iled is dr$g p$shing #eca$se that is they want to prove in their entrap ent. So, i! there is no trans!er o! the thing, s$#1ect atter o! the sale, as in ordinary sale and then the consideration li*ewise is not trans!erred to the seller, then yo$ can not convict hi !or selling, transporting or delivering #eca$se there was no act$al delivery. So, in that partic$lar instance, the o!!ense that is co itted is illegal possession #eca$se the sha#$ was ta*en !ro the possession o! the o!!ender, that is Section 11. 0$t, 0un an, )ro6lema don. 0$t i! in the !acts o! the case, it will show that there is intent to sell, intent to deliver, or intent to transport, then the o!!ense will no longer #e illegal possession $nder Section 11, it will now #e Section &I. :*ay. SECTIO! ;31 I!TE!T TO SELL 4%a ple. So yo$ try to add so ething to the !acts, so it2s still . !or e%a ple, no(. -here was already delivery, (indi 6aA -here is already delivery, #$t #e!ore it co$ld #e held #y the police en, he ran away. "n other words, as long as there is an intent to sell, transport, or deliver, no(, 7asi 0un, e%a ple 7o 7anina walan, )an, diniI deliverA (indi )a Pa$l "7 8#

nilala6as 0un, 7uwartaA (indi )a nilala6as 0un, s(a6u, so there is he now and senses that he is a police an, then he ran away, #$t he was ca$ght #y the police en and then !o$nd !ro his possession is the sha#$. 0$t i! the !acts will now show that he is already . )et2s say now the police an is giving the oney, di 6aA And then the seller now is giving the sha#$, then all o! a s$dden he ran away, altho$gh the oney was not yet ta*en #y the seller and the sha#$ was not yet given to the #$yer. 0$t !ro those !acts, there is already intent to sell, (indi 6aA !a,6a6a0ad na e(A diniIdeliver naA e(A so meron nan, intent to sell or delivery or transport, then the law that is violated is Section &I $nder ?ep$#lic Act J1I2 which provides that atte pt and conspiracy is p$nisha#le with the sa e penalty as i! the act is cons$ ated. !a7ala,a0 sa Section &I, yo$ read Section &I. -here!ore, there is no di!!erence as so !ar as the penalty is concerned i! the act is cons$ ated selling, or transporting, or delivering #eca$se $nder Section 2, i! it is a cons$ ated dr$g p$shing, then the penalty is li!e i prison ent to death. (ow, $nder Section &I, atte pt and conspiracy, marami 0anA (a, #$t yo$ *now, " a 1$st giving yo$ one e%a ple. Sell, transport , deliver, aintenance o! a den , an$!act$re, i portation, aintenance o! a den, the penalty is the sa e as i! the o!!ense in


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # cons$ ated. -he penalty is still li!e i prison ent to death. 0$t that Section &I will only #e applica#le i!, as " said, yo$ have already proved an intent to sell, intent to deliver or transport. -he other one, as "2ve told yo$ last ti e, no(, when it co es to violation o! J1I2 which is very di!!erent !ro illegal possession o! !irear s, the corp$s delicti in violation o! J1I2 $st #e proved with certainty. 5$st #e proved with certainty. -hat is why yo$ have to prove the chain o! c$stody o! this sha#$ ta*en !ro the possession o! the acc$sed, and that sha#$ ta*en !ro the possession o! the acc$sed $st #e presented #e!ore the co$rt. Unli*e in illegal possession o! !irear , di mo 7ina7ailan,an iI)resenta sa (us,ado 0anA e(* ,acts or circ$ stances and evidence will show that the g$n was $nlicensed, even i! it was not presented #e!ore the co$rt, )wede 7an, maIconvict sa illegal possession o! !irear , #$t not in illegal possession o! sha#$ or dangero$s dr$gs, that $st #e presented #e!ore the co$rt #eca$se that is part o! the corp$s delicti. C& I! O' C$STO"% (ow, $s$ally o!!enses are co itted o$tside o! police precincts, di 6aA "n places o$tside o! police precincts, si0em)re. "! there is one violating dangero$s dr$gs inside the police precinct, it2s the police an. Si0a an, na,Is(asha#$, di 6aA So, what they $s$ally do is that, so that we can esta#lish the chain o! c$stody, the $s$al pro#le s there wo$ld #e; "! yo$ are arrested so ewhere in ?oc*well, no(, then the police an who arrested that person in ?oc*well must now ma7e (is mar7in,s on the one that is ta*en !ro the possession. Kasi an, ,ina,awa n, )ulisA (uli mo =don sa ?oc*well, they will not a*e any ar*ing, they will go to the police precinct and then t$rn over to the investigator. (ow, i! that was not ar*ed and then the investigator will #e the one to ar* that speci en, that is not the corp$s delicti. 8o$#t!$l. -hey say that the chain o! c$stody sho$ld #e esta#lished with certainty that that sha#$ was the one that was ta*en !ro the procession o! the o!!ender. So, i! the sha#$ was ta*en in ?oc*well that has to already #e esta#lished, that it2s the sa e one. So, what they do is that they sho$ld now ar* the e%hi#it, ar* the speci en, and then #ring that to the investigator, that again will #e ar*ed, and then that speci en will #e #ro$ght to the che ist, that again will have to #e deter ined that that was the one that was the s$#1ect atter o! the e%a ination and then later on, when it is #ro$ght to the co$rt, that is the sa e evidence that was ta*en !ro the possession o! the acc$sed. "! there is a hiat$s on the chain o! c$stody, the acc$sed will #e ac/$itted

Criminal Law Review | Page >B #eca$se the corp$s delicti with $st #e esta#lished

certainty. =Pa, meron, do$#t sa c(ain o4 custod0A yo$ can p$t $p do$#t that that is not the sa e sha#$ that was ta*en !ro the possession o! the o!!ender, the acc$sed will #e ac/$itted. #anon 7a iI stri7to an, dangero$s dr$gs in esta#lishing the corp$s delicti in violation o! the dangero$s dr$gs. SECTIO! . IMPORT TIO! B% "IPLOM TS :*ay. (ow, let2s go to the other areas. Si,uroA we2ll 1$ p to . anyway, in Section B, the o!!ense there violated is i portation. So yo$ *now what is i portation, i! it is co itted #y a diplo atic e #er o! the diplo atic #oard, ta*ing advantage o! his privileges, then the a%i $ penalty o! death shall #e i posed and those who are p$nished li*ewise are the !inanciers or coddlers. -hen yo$ go to Section 2, that 2s where we have ta*en $p p$shing or dr$g tra!!ic*ing, sale, or delivery o! which will incl$de also prec$rsors and then li*ewise penali=es the !inanciers and the protectors and the coddlers. :*ay. (ow, in the eanti e will go to Section 12 in relation to Section 1& and Section 11. (ow the other Section, Section I aintenance o! a den, an$!act$re, an$!act$re o! dr$gs, aintenance o! a den, visitors o! a den, e ployees o! a den. Sel! .e%planatory 0an A walan, mas0adon, )ro6lema. +ho2s the aintenor o! a denA 4 ( di 0un, na,maI aintain n, dr$g den. +ho are visitorsA -hen those who go to a den. 7isitors. +ho Pa$l "7 8#

are the e ployeesA -he e ployees. nu )an, ie. e%plain natin d0anD Kun, sino 0un, em)le0adoA e( di 0un, m,a em)le0ado roon . -hen an$!act$rerA -he one who an$!act$re dr$gs, that2s also p$nisha#le #y li!e i prison ent )o 0anA e(. SECTIO! -/1 SECTIO! --1 SECTIO! -; (ow, yo$ go to Section 12 so that yo$ can !ollow e. Under Section -/A one is lia6le 4or ille,al useA t(at is ille,al use, (aA +hat is $seA #uma,amit. "llegal $se o! dangero$s dr$gs !or the !irst ti e is p$nisha#le #y si% onths reha#ilitation. So, one who is ca$ght in the act o! $sing dangero$s dr$gs a4ter a con4irmator0 test, na7ala,a0 =don, a!ter a con!ir atory test is p$nisha#le #y si% onths reha#ilitation. "! yo$ are !o$nd !or the second ti e with the penalty, there will now #e a penalty o! i prison ent. " thin* it2s 1& years and one wee* to &' years, o*ay. SEC -/1 ILLE# L $SE1 P R P&ER! LI So, the sit$ation there!ore is li*e this. "! yo$ are ca$ght $sing or yo$2re s o*ing ari1$ana or yo$ are sni!!ing sha#$, sha#$ na lan,. Dow do yo$ co it the cri e o!, how to yo$ co it or how do yo$ $se sha#$A Si0em)re, yo$ have a tooter, ma0 tooter 0anA e(. Ma0 tooter, ma0 al$ in$ !oil, ma0 #$rner at sa7a ma0 lighter. So what they do is that they will get aN A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # Rla$ghterS Owalan, nasa6iA 6i,lan, e%plain, nohA 0ata si sir, e(. Rla$ghterS So, 1$st to ill$strate it 6a. -hey will get ta*e al$ in$ !oil and then there is a #$rner and then there is a tooter. And then they will light the #$rner and then s o*e will #e e itting on top o! the al$ in$ !oil. -hen yo$ will place the tooter, and then yo$ start sni!!ing it. ,inally. Rla$ghterS Ka0o lan, an, na7a7aalam n0an. -hen pro#a#ly a!ter >' in$tes yo$ will already #e thro$gh, then yo$ we will say, Gheaven.H GDeaven.H C PT$RE (ow, i! the police an ca$ght e in the act o! sni!!ing sha#$, " a not yet lia#le, I am not lia6le 6ecause t(e law sa0s a4ter a con4irmator0 test, na7ala,a0 donA a!ter a con!ir atory test. 6o$ *now what is a con!ir atory testA CO!'IRM TOR% TEST @on!ir atory test is the second test. -here is an initial test and that initial test $st #e con!ir ed, that is the eaning o! a con!ir atory test. So, i! yo$ are ca$ght there!ore, then the police en will pro#a#ly re/$est yo$ to $rinate (a* "! that is positive, then that !irst !indings will #e con!ir ed #y another test, that is the eaning o! a con!ir atory test. %ou can not 6e lia6le even t(e )oliceman saw 0ou 6ecause t(e law reMuires a4ter a con4irmator0 test. " do not *now why we incl$ded that phrase, con!ir atory test. (ow, and then yo$ loo* at the last part o! Section 12. !a7ala,a0 donA i! however the person ca$ght in the act o! $sing sha#$, a /$antity, a Muantit0 o4 dan,erous dru,s is 4ound 4rom (is )ossessionA t(en (e will 6e lia6le 4or violation o4 Section --* T(en t(at is ille,al )ossession. So, the e%a ple . yo$ can go !$rther with the e%a ple. So, " a now ca$ght in the act o! $sing. Apart !ro any place where " have control, no(, even one gra or one gra o! sha#$ was !o$nd in y possession $nder y control, nandun sa ta#le lan,, then the $se will now #e a#sor#ed #y Section 11. So, yo$ will now #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 11 #eca$se the /$antity will now 1$sti!y the o!!ense to this violation o! Section 11 and there!ore, yo$ are no longer lia#le !or $se. 0eca$se yo$ *now, what they say is that the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw o! &''& is ore !avora#le to the $ser. User is not Addict

Criminal Law Review | Page >2 considered as a cri inal. De is rather a victi o! the dr$g in the case. -hat2s why to prevent police en !ro ta*ing advantage o! those who are ca$ght, they have to #e s$#1ected to a con!ir atory test #eca$se i! they are !o$nd positive $nder a con!ir atory test , there is no penalty o! i prison ent. -hey will only go on reha#ilitation and a!ter reha#ilitation, they will already #e released. %on an, )ur)ose n0an. -he pro#le , however is co plicated #y Section 1&. Kasi na7ala,a0 sa Section 1&, illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia is p$nisha#le #y si% onths and one day to !o$r years, di 6aA Tama 6aA Si% onths and one day to !o$r years. 6o$ co pare the penalty $nder Section 12 !or the !irst o!!ense, the !irst o!!ense is only si% onths reha#ilitation, e(. 0$t an, dr$g paraphernalia is p$nished #y si% onths and one day to !o$r years i prison ent. -hen i! yo$ loo* at the second sentence o! Section 1&, illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia, na7ala,a0 dunA (aA is a pri a !acie evidence o! $se $nder Section 12. Section -; is a )rima 4acie evidence o4 violation o4 Section -/ , #$t yo$ can not $se sha#$ witho$t dr$g paraphernalia, e(* Kina7ain 6a 0un, sha#$A Ma(al 0an =)a, 7inain mo 0an, u6os an, 7warta moA e(. Ba7a )ati Roc7well i6e6enta mo n0an* Ma(al 0an, eh. So, yo$ did yo$ get y e%a pleA " was ca$ght in the act o! $sing #$t "2 also $sing dr$g paraphernalia #eca$se " can not $se sha#$ witho$t any dr$g paraphernalia. So what will #e the sit$ationA 6o$ can not #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 1& , illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia, #$t instead yo$ will #e violating Section 12 #eca$se illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia is a pri a !acie evidence o! $se. So the $se now will a#sor# the dr$g paraphernalia #eca$se yo$ can not really $se sha#$ witho$t dr$g paraphernalia, that is the eaning. 0$t i! yo$ are not $sing any sha#$ #$t erely got ca$ght in possession o! dr$g paraphernalia, then yo$ are lia#le $nder Section 1&. Ka0a mas ma,anda )a 7un, ,amitin mo na lan,* Rla$ghterS Section 11 a#sor#s $se. Use a#sor#s illegal $se #y illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia. 0$t i! in the pro#le is that a /$antity li*ewise is !o$nd !ro yo$r possession, then the /$antity will a#sor# everything. 6o$ will only #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 11. )et2s say ,umamit a7oA di 6aA #umamit a7o, so "2 violating $se at the sa e ti e, "2 violating illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia. (ow, i! "2 only $sing it then the illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia will now #e a#sor#ed in the $se #eca$se yo$ can not co it a cri e o! $sing witho$t dr$g paraphernalia. 0$t, however, i! " a ca$ght now, they !o$nd two gra s o! sha#$ in the

Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # ta#le, then that two gra s o! sha#$ will now a#sor# the $se. -hen yo$ will now #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 11, illegal possession. So the illegal possession will a#sor# everything, (a, #$t that2s why i! yo$ are ca$ght in the act o! possessing dr$g paraphernalia, the penalty is si% onths and one day to !o$r years, e(. #amitin mo na lan, . Si% onths in reha#ilitation )a. "! the one ca$ght in the act o! $sing re!$ses to $ndergo con!ir atory test, )lantin,an 7a n, )ulis. Plantin,an 7a n, )ulis n0an. Kasi, G&o0, a0aw mo n, con!ir atory . aA a0aw moA (a*E O si,eA )lantin,an 7a n, one gra . Pata0 7aA mas ma(a6a an, sentence nun. Ka0a n,a $seless un, Section 11, e(. "n !act, that2s what they are doing. 0eca$se it2s very hard to s$#1ect a person arrested in the act o! $sing and then s$#1ecting to a con!ir atory test. MaItra6a(o sa )ulis 0an , e(. &u(uli(in moA dadal(in 7a sa Cam) Crame or sa che istA e(. "t will ta*e ti e. Si0a )a ma,6a0ad n, )amasa(e at la(at )a. So what do yo$ thin* i! they will not charge yo$ with illegal $seA +hat will they charge yo$A Possession na lan,. Walan, ,astos. E(A na,6i6i(is )a lan, si )ulis sa uma,a e(A na,I iisi) na 7un, saan 7a7ainA e(* Kun, s a a n ma,memer0endaA =san iinom n, #eer sa ,a6iA e(* Ta)osA con!ir atory test )aA Maniwala 7a di0an. "s it possi#le that an o!!ender will #e lia#le in Section 1& #$t then he also !ailed the con!ir atory testA (ow, pro#le there is that $nder Section 1&, what the law still provides is that that is a pri a !acie evidence o! $se, ano (aA 0$t when yo$2re already in possession o! dr$g paraphernalia, yo$ will always #e #eco e lia#le !or illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia. Pro#a#ly, what the acc$sed will do is to p$t $p in de!ense that he intended to $se it so that he can #e a#sor#ed in illegal $se. 0$t i! the police an ca$ght yo$ in the act o! possessing dr$g paraphernalia, it is already a violation in itsel! $nder Section 1&. n, sinasa6i lan, di0an pri a !acie evidence #eca$se he ight have $sed dr$gs when he was ca$ght in the act o! possessing. Ka0a )aran, it2s a warning to the police an that i! he is $sing it, do not charge hi with illegal possession. So, an, nan,0a0ari d0an, i! yo$ are the acc$sed, " ean the lawyer, pro#a#ly " can p$t $p a de!ense that he was $sing the so that " can get the si% onths reha#ilitation. Ka0a sina6i =don pri a !acie

Criminal Law Review | Page >I evidence. "! yo$2re the acc$sed2s lawyer, then yo$ can not p$t $p a de!ense e%cept that yo$ are ca$ght in the act, e(* Pano mo idede)ensa 0onA Mamimili 7a lan, n, )ulis na iaIassi,n mo d0anA e(. So the only de!ense that yo$ can p$t $p is that he was $sing it so that he can escape with the penalty o! si% onths reha#ilitation. %an* T(at2s true* Kasi lo7o an, m,a )ulisA e(. Lo7oA e(*

n, )ro6lema 7asi $nder the law, even $nder the old law, )ina,(iwala0I(iwala0 nila an, provisions na 0onA e(. %un, illegal possession $nder Section 11 also incl$des illegal $se $nder Section 12 $nder the old law, e(. Pina,(iwala0 nila 7asiA e(A thin*ing it will help the $sers #$t rather it is helping the police an increase their inco e. Ba7itA E(A 7un, $ser lan, 0anA e(A e(A (indi 7a ma,6i,a0. (A wala* -hey will convert it into illegal possession n0an. 6o$ go aro$nd the co$rt r$les sa Metro Manila. @ond$ct 7a n, s$rvey 7un, sino an, na,Ic(ar,e n, illegal $se. Ba7a sa 1'', iisa lan,. Sa 1'' cases o! dr$gs, iisa lan, an, na.charge ng illegal $se. "a,da, sa tra6a(o 0an e(A )ulis )aA "n the in!or ation charges possession #$t is act$ally a violation o! another provision, is the acc$sed entitled to an ac/$ittalA (o. (o, it is not. As long as the allegations in the in!or ation will incl$de possession, wala. "t will not violate any . it does not violate the right o! the acc$sed in the r$les in cri inal proced$re. di 6aA 6o$ can #e convicted o! a cri e not necessarily charged with the provision as long as it is necessarily incl$ded in the cri e charged. "i 6aA ,a0a n, $rder. )i*e this one also, i! yo$ are charged with illegal sale. Under Section 2, yo$ can still #e convicted o! illegal possession #eca$se possession is necessarily incl$ded in the sale. 6o$ Pa$l "7 8#

can not sell witho$t possessing it. #anon din an, principle. So it will depend on whether or not that is a cri e necessarily incl$ded in the cri e charged in the in!or ation. SECTIO! ;9 I PL !TI!# "( ?4)A-":( -: ?P@ >I> Planting o! evidence. Planting o! evidence is p$nisha#le #y penalty o! death. 0$t i! yo$ plant any other evidence in the cri e, in any other cri e, then the law that is violated is Article >I> o! the ?evised Penal @ode . "ncri inatory achination, (aA "t2s not alicio$s persec$tion. %un, alicio$s prosec$tion is yo$ . it ight lead to a cri e o! per1$ry, e(* 5alicio$s prosec$tion. =Pa, alicio$s prosec$tion, it2s $s$ally a da age s$it. (ow, i! however, what we did is that we planted an evidence, li*e a !irear , so that he can #e charged with illegal possession o! !irear , that can not #e per1$ry #eca$se there is no !alse state ent, then that will now #eco e a cri e o! incri inatory achination $nder Article >I>. (ow, i! the charge, however, is violation o! ?ep$#lic Act J1I2, " planted a sha#$ in order that he can #e lia#le, then the o!!ense that is p$nisha#le is violation o! Section &J, planting o! evidence where the penalty is death. Penalty 0anA penalty o! death !or planting o! A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # evidence. 8o yo$ !ollowA +hat a#o$t alicio$s prosec$tionA no 0un, alicio$s prosec$tionA ,or p$rposes o! recovery o! da ages lan, 0an* SECTIO! >> . WIT!ESSES I! REL TIO! TO SECTIO! ;3 I CO!SPIR C% -his has to #e connected with Section &I. (ow, &I and >> can #e correlated with one another. +hy did @ongress co e $p with these two provisionsA "t 2s li*e this. +hen yo$ say al$ prohi#it$ , the principle is that yo$ can only #e lia#le when yo$ are ca$ght in the act o! violating it, (indi 6aA 5ere violation o! the law a*es the o!!ender cri inally lia#le. -here!ore, yo$ can not a*e the so$rce o! the dr$gs lia#le #eca$se the dr$g p$shers or the dr$g lord is sleeping in his ho$se. So, i! " a the seller, so the dr$g lord says, o*ay. G-he sha#$ ca e !ro the dr$g lord living in a high rise condo ini$ .H -hen he has the sellers. %un, m,a #idder man n0a. And then here co es now a s all ti e seller. 0$t those dr$gs co e !ro the dr$g lord. (ow, i! that seller now is ca$ght in the act o! selling, then who will #e lia#leA -he seller. -he one who is ca$ght . the one who is ca$ght selling #eca$se that is the essence o! al$ prohi#it$ , (a. -he one who is co itting the act is the one lia#le $nder the principle o! al$ prohi#it$ . So , the #rainers o! the law adopted the characteristics o! mala in se into the law, that2s why yo$ have conspiracy. Atte pt and conspiracy and that2s why yo$ have Section >>. -hat i! yo$ are charged with o!!enses where the penalties are light o!!ense, Section C ille,al )rescri)tion, ille,al )ossession o4 dru, )ara)(ernalia , ille,al use< t(en t(at victim ma0 6e utiliKed as a witness #y the govern ent in order to charge the so$rces o! these dr$gs or those who are in the #$siness o! i porting $nder Section B, in the #$siness o! tra!!ic*ing $nder Section 2, in the #$siness o! an$!act$ring, in the #$siness o! aintaining a den, in the #$siness o! c$ltivating. All o! those can now #e lia#le #y $tili=ing the person arrested as long as the person arrested is not charged with a higher o!!ense, speci!ied sa Section >>A e( . %un, m,a light o!!ense lan, 0an. Ille,al )rescri)tionA ille,al useA =0un, )ara)(ernalia, di 6aA or visitors o4 a den or em)lo0ees o4 a den . So, they can #e now $tili=ed as witnesses against those, even . even, na7ala,a0 sa Section >>* Even i4 0ou do not com)l0 wit( t(e reMuirements o4 t(e disc(ar,e o4 an accused under 0our rules o4 criminal )rocedure. 6o$ !ile a case against all the acc$sed, then i! the evidence o! the prosec$tion, not act$ally wea*, #$t

Criminal Law Review | Page >C the evidence o! the prosec$tion needs one o! the acc$sed to #e discharged, then yo$ !ile a otion to discharge with the sa e cri inal proceedings, and then yo$ convince the co$rt that all the essential

ele ents o! a discharge o! acc$sed are present, he does not appear to #e the ost g$ilty, that the evidence can #e corro#orated #y other pieces o! evidence, he sho$ld have not #een charged as convicted o! a cri e involving oral t$rpit$de, di 6aA -hen yo$ have to prove. :*ay. $nder Section >>A 0ou do not need t(at . Even 6e4ore t(e 4ilin, o4 t(e caseA 0ou can alread0 use t(e )erson arrested as a witness to determine w(o are t(e sourcesA w(o are t(ose involved in dru, tra44ic7in, A in dru, manu4acturin,, in dr$g transporting, or even in i porting. 8o yo$ !ollowA 6o$ correlate that with Section &I. non, sinasa6i sa Section &IA @onspiracy. A conspiracy allowed in al$ prohi#it$ . +hyA -hey !ollowed this !ro the (arcotics )aw o! United States o! A erica e(, di 6aA :*ay. Another e%a ple, so " was ca$ght in the act o! selling to hi , di 6aD (ow, how will yo$ hold the so$rce o! the dr$gs who is !o$nd in @hinaA "! " 2 involved in the act o! selling, di 6aA 0eca$se " a the one violating the law * Under the principle o! conspiracy. "! yo$ can prove that the dr$gs ca e !ro that an !ro @hina or any place in the world, he can #e indicted $nder the principle o! conspiracy. 0$t o! co$rse, the other /$estion will #e how can yo$ esta#lish conspiracyA -hat2s another thing. Pa$l "7 8#

0$t what "2 saying is that yo$ can now charge the so$rces o! the dr$gs $nder the principle o! conspiracy. =%un an, p$rpose na inila,a0 =0un, Section &I at sa7a Section >>, to hold the so$rces o! tra!!ic*ing o! dr$gs li*ewise lia#le either $nder Section >> or $nder Section &I. Ka0a ma,andan, )rovision 0anA #$t n,a0on wala )aA e(. Paano 0ung territorial provisionA +ell, the pro#le there is whether or not the law can #e applied here. -he cri e is co itted here, e(. 0$t, whether or not yo$ can #ring it here in the Philippines, that2s another thing. "! the delivery was ade in @hinaA ade

Ah, (indi )uwede dito =0on. 8elivery in @hinaA 0$t i! the theN iddle

an is here #ased on report, that

De can #e indicted here $nder the principle o! conspiracy #eca$se the cri e was co itted here. -hat is the e!!ect o! Section >> and Section &I. -hat2s a good law, #$t " have yet to hear others charged with this *ind o! conspiracy or $nder


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # Section . wala )a, wala )a a7on, naririni,. "t2s a good law, #$t very hard. "t2s very hard to prove conspiracy. lam naman nin0o =0an e(. 6o$ prove conspiracy as i! there is the cri e, so there!ore, prove conspiracy with proo! #eyond reasona#le do$#t, (ind 6aA 6esA Sir, " was going to as* a#o$t proving the conspiracy part, sir, #eca$se di 6a, al$ prohi#it$ , ma(ira). +e have to prove conspiracy. 0$t pro#a#ly the provisions there are deterrent, (indi 6aA 8eterrent )arati* So . anyway. 0$t let2s go !$rther. Sir, it says here that an0one w(o voluntaril0 su6mits to re(a6ilitation t(en s(all 6e eBem)ted 4rom )rosecution and )unis(ment* SirA ma7i7i)a,Iare,lo 7a na lan, 6a sa 7anilaD -hat2s a good /$estion, #eca$se they ight raise that as an iss$e in Section >>, e(. 6o$ ight #e violating the right o! the acc$sed. -he one who is arrested, li*e !or e%a ple o! illegal $se, then yo$ co pel hi now to testi!y against hi , he not assisted #y co$nsel. -hat can #e $sed as a . ano e(Nthat ay #e $sed to de!lect the p$rpose o! Section >>. So, y only concern is that, that is a r$le, whether or not it can #e ad issi#le, that2s another thing. "t2s $p to yo$. 0$t, as long as the law says that, it will a*e yo$ e%plain. 5a,i,in, )ro6lema tala,a =0an. 0eca$se once yo$ get the state ent o! a person arrested, then yo$ will apply now the r$les, the r$les o! cri inal proced$re or cal in the @onstit$tion now, that ight #eco e an e%tra1$dicial con!ession, e(. @onsidered =0an ad itting eh. -hat2s another thing. lam mo 7asiA )inattern nila sa meri7a 0anA e(. 6o$ *now that in A erica, mas strict an, r$les natin, ang laws natin. n, d$e process, mas strict ta0o dito 7a0sa meri7a. "un sa meri7a, ma0 search warrant 7a, a search warrant is iss$ed against the individ$al. -hat individ$al is arrested and then i! he will cooperate, then the police an and the district attorney can already #argain with the person arrested, and then he will give his state ent i plicating the so$rce, ad issi#le =0an* Sa atin (indi )uwede e(. OoA ,anun sa meri7a 7a0a an, dali nilan, na7a7a(uli sila even i! the dr$g ports !ro Pana a, in other @ol$ #ia eh, naIiindict nila doonA e( #eca$se o! whatA E( ta0oA mas0ado

Criminal Law Review | Page >3 ta0on, )asi7atA e(* no (aD So6ra so6ra e(A (indi 6aD Ka0a, pro#a#ly they only place that as a deterrence, #$t act$ally i! yo$ get the state ent o! a person arrested, they ight /$estion the legality

o! the state ent as violation o! e%tra1$dicial con!ession or they ay invo*e sel! incri ination. Maramin, o#1ections di0an e(A #$t what " a always saying is that this is #etter than ordinary cri es. 0eca$se i! yo$ want to discharge an acc$sed in a cri e co itted as a whole cri e, then yo$ have to !ollow the re/$ire ents $nder the r$les. #an0an din an, m,a . 7a0a n,a an, nila,a0 sa Section >>, yo$ will not any ore go to this process o! an acc$sed #eing discharged d$ring the trial #eca$se the process is harder. Kasi an, process sa r$le n, cri inal proced$re, yo$ present the witnesses, he will s$# it an a!!idavit, then a!ter s$# itting the a!!idavit, yo$2ll present hi as a witness , he will #e s$#1ected to a cross e%a ination. "! the co$rt is not convinced, denied 0un, discharge. "! the co$rt is convinced, then discharge hi . 0$t, under t(is >>A even 6e4ore 0ou ,o to trialA )uwede nan, iIeBclude t(at )erson w(o ,ave t(at statement in order 4or t(e arrest o4 t(e source o4 t(e dru,s under Section >>* !a7ala,a0 di0anA (indi 6aA So, there is no need o! !iling a otion to discharge. "n the !irst place, he is not #eing charged as a dr$g p$sher or tra!!ic*er. #anun =0on. -hat2s why the law says, not withstanding the provisions o! the r$les o! cri inal proced$re on discharge o! the acc$sed, the person Pa$l "7 8#

arrested !or violation, =0an, o! Section C 0ata or Section 11, pro#a#ly Section 1& or 12 and so on. "llegal prescription o! dr$gs or a$thori=ed ro##er, he can #e $sed as a state witness. =%an an, i plication n, Section >>. Com)re(ensive "an,erous "ru,s ctA Part ; SECTIO! ;- I "ESTR$CTIO! O' E:I"E!CE :*ay, that is a new provision. T(is is t(e onl0 crime in our )enal structures w(ere t(e law reMuires t(e destruction o4 t(e evidence even 6e4ore trial* -he $s$al position o! the destr$ction o! tools or instr$ ents $sed in the co ission o! a cri e or the law wo$ld #e the provisions in Article B2 o! the ?evised Penal @ode. Under Article B2 o! the ?evised Penal @ode, those o! instr$ ents $sed in the co ission o! the cri e, are !or!eited in !avor o! the govern ent. 0$t that !or!eit$re $nder Article B2 ta*es place d$ring 1$dg ent. "n other words, that is incorporated with the 1$dg ent. +hen ca$ght, yo$ can only get the tools, instr$ ents, those $sed in the co ission o! the cri e, are !or trial #eca$se that will #e incorporated in the 1$dg ent. 0$t $nder Section &1 o! the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw, the law allows the destr$ction o! the evidence even #e!ore trial. :! co$rse, the process is very long A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # $nder Section &1. process d0anA e(* process. Mas0adon, ma(a6a 0un, 0$t yo$ can si pli!y the

Criminal Law Review | Page >J sa ple. -he representative sa ple, i! this is one ton, so pro#a#ly a representative sa ple o! 2'' gra s will do. So, 7u7u(a n, 2'' gra s and then later on, the 2'' gra s will #e one that will #e ar*ed and that will now #e the one that will #e $sed in the presentation o! the evidence o! the prosec$tion. So yo$ get a representative sa ple that is recorded #y the co$rt, that is ar*ed d$ring the #$rning and then all those that are no longer needed will now #e destroyed. So what will happen is that d$ring the trial, only those representative sa ples that were ta*en d$ring the #$rning, will #e the one that will #e presented to the co$rt to de!end to esta#lish the p$rpose direct ti e. -hat2s what happens in Section &1. -hat2s why the law, as " said, this is the only cri e that the law allows destr$ction o! the evidence even #e!ore arraign ent. Kasi within C& ho$rs in &B ho$rs !ro the oc$lar inspection, the evidence $st #e destroyed. -hat is a new provision. SECTIO! ;5 -hese o!!icers or those who are in.charged in the *eeping o! evidence, $st *eep the evidence, act$ally yo$ *now. -hey are not s$pposed to $se it !or the selves or steal. -hat will #eco e a cri e $nder Section &C #eca$se that will #e e/$ivalent to pil!erage. -hey $st acco$nt !or the dr$gs in their possession when re/$ired. "! they cannot acco$nt, then that2s also a violation o! Section &C. It is eit(er )il4era,e or misa))ro)riation o4 t(e dru,s con4iscated* So, what happened to that pro#le two years ago is that sa6i nila /$ali!ied #ri#ery. -he pro#le was the @hinese arrived on the airport. " told yo$ with !ive *ilos wrapped in !ive di!!erent pac*ages. So, there were !ive *ilos wrapped in !ive di!!erent pac*ages. De was arrested #y the c$sto s with the aviation police in (A"A, and then, J0un )alaA the police en arrested the @hinese and a negotiation. So, what they did was the arresting o!!icers c$t three *ilos o! the heroin and then the @hinese c$t the two *ilos o! heroin, and then he was allowed to leave. "n other words he was never arrested. F$estion, what are the cri es co ittedA !andun la(at n, !acts eh. +hat are the cri es co ittedA :! co$rse, the @hinese is lia#le !or dr$g tra!!ic*ing or i portation $nder Section B. 0$t there are also o!!enses co itted #y the police o!!icers, e(. So, sa6i nila, that is direct #ri#ery or /$ali!ied #ri#ery $nder article B11.A. "! an apprehending o!!icer !ails to prosec$te or apprehend the person where the penalty is reclusion )er)etua to death or li!e i prison ent, the cri e is /$ali!ied #ri#ery, #eca$se they !ailed to per!or re/$ired #y law. And the penalty o! the o!!ense co itted #y the A.).,.9(.:.S.

1. -he !irst process is that when dangero$s dr$gs, or e/$ip ent, or prec$rsors, or che icals are sei=ed or con!iscated, then they shall re ain in the place where they sei=ed or con!iscated. +hat the police en will do is to cond$ct an inventory and then #ro$ght !orth to c$!! the . -hey cannot ove, di 6aA )etLs say, there is a search warrant. So this ho$se is now searched. -here are che icals, or dangero$s dr$gs, or e/$ip ent in the prod$ction o! dr$gs, then those shall not #e to$ched #y the arresting police en or certain police en. +hat they will do is that they will photograph and then they will inventory. &. ?ight a!ter the inventory and the photograph, >. then the evidence will #e trans!erred to the che ist, anoD B. -he che ist now will now deter ine i! those con!iscated are !o$nd to #e positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs. So then, all o! these will #e s$#1ected to a test. 2. And then she will prepare the report $nder oath. -he p$rpose o! the report is to deter ine really i! they2re positive to the test !or dangero$s dr$gs. (ow, i! the res$lt is positive then the che ist now will and the police en will now !ile the case #e!ore the in/$est !iscal. I. -hey will now #ring the case to in/$est !iscal. 8o yo$ *now who the in/$est !iscalA +e st$died that $nder Article 1&2. -he in/$est !iscal is to deter ine i! there is a pro#a#le ca$se $pon the in!or ation i! a person is arrested witho$t a warrant. "n other words, i! there is a warrant o! arrest, then that case will #e #ro$ght to the !iscal to deter ine i! there is a pro#a#le ca$se o! !inding in!or ation witho$t a need o! a preli inary investigation. So, the case will go to the !iscal and then the !iscal is re/$ired to !ind in!or ation i! there is a pro#a#le ca$se within &B ho$rs !ro receipt o! the co plaint. "! it is the s$#1ect atter o! in/$est !or within B3 ho$rs, i! it passed thro$gh the reg$lar preli inary investigation $nder Section 1J o! J1I2, no(. C. "! yo$r in!or ation now is received #y the co$rt, what will the 1$dge doA -he 1$dge within C& ho$rs !ro receipt o! the in!or ation will cond$ct an oc$lar inspection in the place where the ite s are located. 3. And then within &B ho$rs !ro the oc$lar inspection will ca$se the destr$ction o! the evidence. "! the presence o! the acc$sed, his co$nsel, the !iscal, the edia, the P84A, concerned citi=ens, dami e(A and then what will happen is that, itLs li*e a co$rt proceeding. -he process o! destr$ction is recorded #y the co$rt. J. So let2s say this is one ton, di 6aD +hat they will do is that, they will 1$st get a representative

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # @hinese is a penalty o! li!e i prison ent to death, then they are lia#le to the cri e o! /$ali!ied #ri#ery, and there!ore B11. 0$t thatLs not the cri e. T(at is not Muali4ied 6ri6er0 6ecause t(ere was no I w(at was ta7enA w(at was ,iven rat(erA to t(e )olicemen in order not to )er4orm reMuired 60 law is not mone0 in eBc(an,ed* It is t(e ver0 evidenceA i4 we de4ineA t(e t(ree 7ilos o4 (eroin w(ic( s(ould (ave 6een ta7en 60 t(emA 7e)t 60 t(em and t(en surrendered to t(e aut(orities later onA i4 reMuired* 0$t what did they doA -hey did not charge the person arrested. Dappy sila* Kinu(a n, )ulis 0un, tatlo* %un, dalawa i6ini,a0 dun sa arrested. So, (indi )weden, #ri#ery L0un #eca$se the three *ilos were already part o! the evidence, e(. So, anon, cri e Jto per Section &CA 0eca$se they were s$pposed to *eep the evidence in order that when they are re/$ired to acco$nt !or the , they have to acco$nt !or the . And that is an evidence in dangero$s dr$gs. SoA t(e violation is Section ;5 not 6ri6er0* -he o!!ense co itted wo$ld #e . that 2s what " was telling yo$. T(e0 are also lia6le 4or t(e crime o4 w(atA Protectors and coddlers o4 a dru, tra44ic7er under Section . or an im)orter. So, there were three cri es. :ne !or Section B !or the @hinese, two o!!enses !or the police o!!icers Section &C, and then the other one is protector o! coddlers. -hatLs the eaning o! Section &C, (aA :*ay. S$SPE!SIO! O' SE!TE!CE )oo* at yo$r Section II, that i! the o!!ender is a inor, !irst ti e inor o!!ender, (indi 6a, and at the ti e o! the co ission o! the cri e, #etween the ages o! 12 and 13 acting with discern ent, as long as at the ti e o! trial, he is still or at the ti e the 1$dg ent sho$ld have #een pro $lgated, he is still 13 years o! age, then he is entitled to s$spension o! sentence, di 6aA SoA t(e reMuirement is t(atA (e s(ould 6e less t(an -8 at t(e time o4 t(e commission o4 t(e o44ense and less t(an -8 at t(e time t(e Fud,ment s(ould (ave 6een )romul,ated* "alawa lan, an, reMuirement nun di 6aD SoA da)at -8 )a rin si0a*

Criminal Law Review | Page B' 0$t $nder Section >3 o! yo$r J>BB, thatLs why there is con!lict #etween the two, e(. Under Section >3 o! ?ep$#lic Act o! J>BB, a s$spension o! sentence o! inor o!!ender, the law says that, i! the o!!ender is less than 13 at the ti e o! the co ission o! the cri e, even i! he is already ore than 13 at the ti e 1$dg ent sho$ld have #een pro $lgated, he can still apply !or s$spension o! sentence. So, ma0 con!lict 0un, dalawa* %un, una e( 0un, sa J>BB, 7a(it ore than 13 )wede )a rin. "n other words, yo$ were arrested, 1C years old. -hen yo$ go to trial. At the ti e that the 1$dg ent is a#o$t to #e pro $lgated, yo$ already reached the age o! &'.

Pwede 7a n, ma,sus)ension o! sentence $nder J>BB #eca$se the law does not re/$ire that yo$ are still less than 13 at the ti e the 1$dg ent sho$ld have #een pro $lgated. 0$t $nder Section II o! J1I2, at the ti e the 1$dg ent sho$ld have #een pro $lgated, yo$ are still less than 13. So the pro#le is what law are yo$ going to applyA "s it J>BB or Section II o! ?ep$#lic J1I2A I4 t(e o44ense is violation o4 9-3/ 6ecause t(at is a s)ecial lawA t(en Section 33 will a))l0* -hat will govern. S$spension o! sentence o! inor o!!ender !or dr$g cases the law that is applica#le is Section II, J1I2. (ot the general provision in the ?ep$#lic Act J>BB. SECTIO! 9- !" 9; I B$!#LI!#1 "EL % And then yo$ have also o!!enses li*e delay o! #$ngling $nder Section J1 and J&. +e have there o!!enses involving #$ngling or co itted #y those who prosec$te or those who apprehend. 0$ngling. no 0ung #$ngling or delayA 0$ngling. -he police an testi!ies in !avor o! the acc$sed, or the !iscal pro#es a case not !or the conviction o! the acc$sed #$t !or his ac/$ittal, or the witnesses testi!y !or the ac/$ittal o! the acc$sed, they are lia#le o! #$ngling. -he penalty is a little #it ano harsh. 1& years and 1 wee* to &' year2s J0an* -hen police en or witnesses who re!$se to testi!y are li*ewise lia#le !or delay !or !ail$re to testi!y. -hat is also a cri e. Ka0a )a, nasu6)oena(an *a ng )ulis either n, (us,adoA 0un )ulis a0aw ma,testi40 4ilan o ng cri inal case. De will #e lia#le $nder this provision, sa J1 J0an J&. Pa$l "7 8#

C$LTI: TIO!1 M !$' CT$RI!# -hen yo$ go #ac* to the other o!!enses !or cri es, ano. Meron din 0un, cri e na c$ltivation. J%un, m,a na,tatanim n, ari1$ana, c$ltivation J0an. Meron din 0un, an$!act$re. -hose who an$!act$re dangero$s dr$gs. Matindi an, penalty nLyan, li!e i prison ent to death. Pa, na,tanim 7a n, mariFuana sa loo6 na lan, n, 6a(a0* Ba7it sa loo6 n, 6a(a0D 6o$ can p$t $p a de!ense, e(. 5edicinal, e(. Sa6i nilaA ,amot daw sa ti0an. Altho$gh sa "locos maramin, na,tatanim sa loo6 n, 6a(a0 n0an* Oo* #ina,amit n, ano e(* -hey #oil the leaves and then they drin*. Sa6i nila ,amot daw* " don2t *now. "i 7o )a nasu6u7an. 0$t that2s what they do. 0$t c$ltivation that eans plantation is p$nisha#le #y li!e i prison ent to death. SECTIO! ;/1 ?$ LI'%I!# ##R : TI!# CIRC$MST !CE +hen one co its a cri e and he is !o$nd positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs, then it is a /$ali!ying aggravating. !a7ala,a0 sa Section &2. +e de#ated 7asi )a, sina6i mon, /$ali!ied aggravating, then it ay change the nat$re o! the A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # cri e. #a0a ng ho icide. @o it a cri e o! ho icide witho$t any /$ali!ying aggravating then it #eco es a cri e o! ho icide. 0$t when yo$ co it a cri e o! *illing attended #y /$ali!ying aggravating circ$ stance o! treachery, then the cri e #eco es a cri e o! $rder. So, the treachery is a /$ali!ied aggravating. (ow, i! yo$ apply that principle. Si ilar to Section &2 #eca$se Section &2 says that i! one is !o$nd positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs, then that is a /$ali!ying aggravating circ$ stance. -hen i! yo$ *ill so e#ody else, no /$ali!ying aggravating. 0$t yo$ were !o$nd positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs, then the cri e #eco es a cri e o! $rder. #anun tatan,,a) n, /$ali!ying aggravating. I t(in7 t(at is not t(e intention o4 t(e lawma7er* ?o##ery. 6o$ p$t her a g$n then give e yo$r oney or else " will *ill yo$. -hen yo$ give yo$ the oney. -hen yo$ were arrested. -hen when yo$ were arrested yo$ were s$#1ected to a test !or the presence o! dangero$s dr$gs. Positive. So, what will happen nowA "! that is a /$ali!ied aggravating circ$ stance, #eing positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs, then the cri e #eco es /$ali!ied ro##ery. Wala naman, cri e na /$ali!ied ro##ery. So, that is only special aggravating or 0un, /$ali!ied the!t na nina7awan 7a n, 7atulon, mo. She has !ree access to yo$r personal #elongings. 6o$ co e to class. +hen yo$ go ho e, )a,datin, dun sa 6a(a0A mister P$no wo$ld li*e to ta*e a #ath. Dis #oy already ran away with his #rie!. "! that #oy is !o$nd positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs and yo$ consider his #eing positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs as a /$ali!ied aggravating, then yo$ will have a cri e o! /$ali!ied /$ali!ied the!t. Sa6i 7o (indi /$ali!ied yanA special aggravating . T(at s(ould 6e s)ecial a,,ravatin,. "t was not intended to change the nat$re o! the cri e. +ith #eing positive to the test o! dangero$s dr$gs is not intended to change the nat$re o! the cri e #eca$se even there is act$ally, to i pose the a%i $ penalty o! the cri e co itted. SECTIO! >3 I M !" TOR% "R$# TESTI!# -hen the other thing is that 0un, sa Section >I, andatory dr$g testing. -here is a pending case in the S$pre e @o$rt $ntil now. -he case was !iled as early as &''& right then a!ter the law #egin e!!ective. F$estioning the andatory provisions o! Article $nder Section >I on andatory dr$g testing. -he law says that i! yo$ are sec$ring a license !or yo$r g$n then yo$ have to $ndergo andatory dr$g testing. :n yo$r section, a license !or the p$rpose o! driver2s license, then yo$ have to have a andatory

Criminal Law Review | Page B1 dr$g testing. -hen, i! yo$ #elong to the tertiary or secondary school, then yo$ have to $ndergo andatory dr$g testing. -hen, when yo$ enter the @ivil Service, now there is !ro the govern ent, andatory dr$g testing. +hen yo$ enter a private e ploy ent, then that is also andatory dr$g testing, or yo$ r$n !or a p$#lic o!!ice, then yo$ have to $ndergo andatory dr$g testing. -he worst is given. -he worst is . when one is charged to the cri e or an o!!ense with the !iscal2s o!!ice, (a, na7ala,a0 doon sa Section >I, when one is charge with the cri e #e!ore the !iscal2s o!!ice and the penalty o! the cri e charged against the respondent is a penalty o! ore than I years, andatory dr$g testing. )et2s say 4inile mo si 5r. Sosa n, esta4a sa !iscal2s o!!ice. n, )enalt0 a0 I years and 1 day to 1& years. )rison ma0or. De will have to $ndergo andatory dr$g testing $nder Section >I. Ka0a n,a sa6i nila !o$l an, Section >I. "t is . yo$ are pres$ ed innocent, di 6aA A!ter the wor*er . what is the $se i! they had to $ndergo dr$g testingA #inaIFud,e 7a lan, 7un, ma0 lo7o is to #ring it $p. Kailan,an 7a(it anon, )aso7 6asta ore than I years. )etLs say physical in1$ries lan, an, da)at na 4ile sa i0o. +hat will the co plainant doA De will !ight against a !r$strated ho icide #eca$se i! it !r$strated ho icide, the penalty is I years and 1 day to 1& years, ma,Imamandator0 dr$g testing 7a, iistor6o(in 7a ni0an. an, na7ala,a0 sa Section >I e(. 0$t 0un

lso in tertiar0 and secondar0 sc(ools . +hat2s the reason why this yo$ng people, yo$ng children will $ndergo a andatory dr$g testing, di 6aA Sa6i ni 5ayor 8$terte e, why sho$ld one r$nning !or a rep$#lic o!!ice $ndergo a andatory dr$g testing i! the constit$tion already provides !or the /$ali!ications, (indi 6aA -hat is another /$ali!ication. So, the pro#le with this law o! do e e!!ect, a petition was !iled with the S$pre e @o$rt /$estioning #eca$se o! this c$rrent Section >I. Wala )an, resultaA mata,al na . ,or those in the ilitary or ar ed !orces o! the Philippine, they are $n/$estiona#le. So, thereLs now pending andatory dr$g testing. But t(enA t(e ot(er t(in, t(at we (ave to remem6er is w(en 0ou are c(ar,ed wit( ille,al )ossessionA di 6aD Ille,al )ossession sa Section --* T(e )enalt0 on Section -- is de)endent on t(e Muantit0A re,ardless o4 t(e )urit0* T(at is t(e onl0 o44ense w(ere t(e )enalt0 is de)endent on t(e Muantit0*

SECTIO! ->/-. I POSSESSIO! O' ILLE# L "R$#S !" OR P R P&ER! LI I! SOCI L # T&ERI!# I! REL TIO! TO SECTIO! -- /-; Pa$l "7 8#


!" OR


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # (ow, yo$ loo* at yo$r Section 1>. " thin* it is in Section 1>. -he law says that w(en one is cau,(t in t(e act o4 )ossessin, dan,erous dru,s in t(e com)an0 o4 two or more )ersons or in a social ,at(erin,, then the penalties had #een i posed is a%i $ period. T(ere4oreA Section -> is a,,ravatin, circumstance o4 Section --. Section 1> is an aggravating circ$ stance o! Section 11. And then, that2s why .s$pposing two or ore persons are ca$ght in the act o! $sing. So, there are > persons ca$ght in the act o! $sing dangero$s dr$g. Kun, tatlo 7a0o, what is the e!!ect o! > persons at the sa e ti e $sing dangero$s dr$gsA +hat is the e!!ectA Sa6i nilaA aggravating )a 0un e(. &indi aggravating 0un. -he aggravating circ$ stance in Section 1> is only in so !ar as illegal possession. "llegal possession 0an, not an aggravating in illegal $se. T(ere is no a,,ravatin, in ille,al use . Ka0a sa6i nilaA Section 1> daw is )ot session. n, Section 1>, (indi )ot session 0an . Section -> is an a,,ravatin, circumstance in ille,al )ossession under Section --* Section 1B , li*ewise , is an aggravating circ$ stance when illegal possession o! dr$g paraphernalia is in the co !ort o! & or ore persons or in a social gathering, then the penalty shall #e i posed. "t is a%i $ period. In ot(er wordsA t(e a,,ravatin, circumstances in -> and -. do not re4er to ille,al use. -here is no s$ch thing as aggravating circ$ stance in illegal $se $nder Section 12. So, 1> and 1B act$ally are not o!!enses, #$t aggravating circ$ stances in violation o! Section 11 and Section 1& respectively. So, what !orA Wala na. :! co$rse, " told yo$ last ti e, 0un, n$ #er 1 ele ent o! illegal possession is or even the violation o! dangero$s dr$gs law is the presentation o! the dr$gs d$ring the trial, (indi 6aA )et2s say, i! yo$ want to prove weLre dr$g p$shing $nder Section 2. F$estion; Dow any witnesses are yo$ s$pposed to presentA "i 6a dr$g p$shing, saleA Sale, di 6aA saleA Dow any witnesses are s$pposed to presentA Sho$ld #e &, o*ayA Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, - is su44icient witness as lon, as t(e witness (as )ersonal 7nowled,e and t(ere4ore can testi40 on t(e Section -- o4 t(e o44ense. -he other thing is that, as " told yo$ last ti e and " will say it again, when yo$ say dangero$s dr$gs, and there!ore shall #e presented and identi!ied and

Criminal Law Review | Page B& o!!ered as evidence in the trial, there $st #e yet to prove the chain o! c$stody !ro the ti e he is arrested !ro the o!!ender $p to this ti e he is trans itted to the investigator, $ntil the evidence is

s$# itted to the che ist !or e%a ination, $ntil the evidence is preserved !or p$rposes o! trial. And then, yo$ have also to prove the chain o! c$stody !ro the ti e it is #ro$ght to the co$rt and then one d$ring the trial. "! there is any hiat$s on the chain o! c$stody, the acc$sed will #e ac/$itted. Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt e 0un, )olice e(A na7asu(an ni0a sana 7a0 5r. Sosa. n, ,inawa n, )ulisA (indi naman ni0a minar7a(an 0un, evidence or the arresting o!!icer did was to #ring 5r. Sosa to the police and then it was already police station that the evidence was not #$t even the arresting o!!icer, not #y the arresting o!!icer, #$t the police an who was not even the arresting police an, #$t the police an who was as*ed to investigate the case. Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, the police en have vindicated the case. De is not the one who arrested the person. -hat ay not #e the evidence con!iscated !ro the acc$sed or in a case also why they decided to the S$pre e @o$rt with the arrest warrant. -he place . there!ore they #ro$ght the person arrested to the police station. -hat was only the ti e that they !ris*ed the acc$sed, then when they !ris*ed, they !o$nd dangero$s dr$gs. Sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, dam)utin 0an. Bat (indi mo 4rinis7ed dun sa )a,7a(uli dun sa lu,arD Ba7it doon lan, sa police stationA 8on2t e%pect Jton, S$pre e @o$rt sa p$rpose the ringside. -he acc$sed esta#lished the evidence o! con!iscated !ro the acc$sed. -here is a do$#t there. :*ay. Pa$l "7 8#

:OL$!T R% / COMP$LSOR% S$BMISSIO! (o ore. "! it is o!!enses $nder o! the sa e code, yo$Lre #eing positive to the dangero$s dr$gs. De will #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 1>. -he 1$sti!ication o! Section &2 is a cri e or o!!ense p$nisha#le $nder the law. Kasi sa Section 22, 0un, vol$ntary s$# ission is proced$ral, (indi lala6as sa #ar 0an e, yun, co p$lsory s$# ission and then vol$ntary s$# ission. S$pposing yo$ are as*ed, what is vol$ntary s$# ission and what is co p$lsory s$# issionA )et2s say, yo$2re an addict, di 6aA 6o$ are not arrested in the act o! $sing. 0$t they #elieve that yo$ are really a dr$g dependent. +hat will yo$ doA 6o$ go to the co$rt and then !ile a petition !or vol$ntary s$# ission. -he p$rpose there is that #e!ore the order, that yo$ will #e reha#ilitated. -hat2s the eaning o! vol$ntary s$# ission. "! yo$ now reha#ilitated, yo$ are not lia#le !or any cri e #eca$se yo$ 2ve vol$nteered to the co$rt that yo$ are a dr$g dependent. -hat2s the eaning. 0$t in the cri e o! co p$lsory s$# ission, a0aw mon, ma,amot, then so e#ody, pro#a#ly yo$r !ather, yo$r other, or any agency !or that atter, who will !ile a petition. -hat is what they call co p$lsory s$# ission. De is not the person who goes to the co$rt and then as*s !or an order that he ay #e reha#ilitated, #$t another person, the third person shall #e co pelled, and the co$rt will order his A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # arrested and then #ro$ght to a reha#ilitation center. -hat2s the eaning, anoA 0$t in #oth cases, i! yo$ s$cceeded in yo$r reha#ilitation progra , yo$ will no longer #e lia#le !or illegal $se. Kasi na,I su6mit 7a vol$ntarily e. -hat is the eaning o! vol$ntary s$# ission or co p$lsory s$# ission. " thin* we have passed everything that we are s$pposed to pass. %un, n,a0on, the decisions not in S$pre e @o$rt, have yo$ heard a#o$t P84AA Kasi $nder the law, there wo$ld #e agency, the dangero$s dr$gs law o! the P84A (Philippine 8r$g 4n!orce ent Agency). P"E GP(ili))ine "ru, En4orcement ,enc0H* (ow, $nder the law, the arrest or violators o! the 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw, the lead agency is P84A, thatLs the law. So, s$pposing a police an does not #elong to the P84A a*es his own arrest witho$t involving the P84A o! s$ch arrest. So they $se that, they capitali=ed on those sit$ation !or the ac/$ittal o! the $sed dr$g as a dr$g !or the ac/$ittal. Easi na*alagay d$n sa law, the lead agency and so !ar as the dangero$s dr$gs disposal is P84A. And $nder the law, #e!ore police an, not e #ers o! the P84A, who a*e arrest, they sho$ld !irst coordinate with the P84A. So, let 2s say, they operate here in ?oc*well, ordinary police en, #e!ore they co e here and operate, the e #ers to coordinate with the P84A. 0oss, meron 7amin, iIo)erate dito sa ?oc*well. M,a addicts. -hatLs the proced$re. (ot in ?oc*well Aven$e (aA So, what they do is that, so eti es they do not any ore in!or the P84A. -hey do not coordinate. -hey go down into the place and then a*e arrest. -he acc$sed lawyers will raise that iss$e. -hat they cannot #e convicted o! violation o! J1I2 #eca$se they !ailed to in!or the P84A. -hat will not ca$se the ac/$ittal o! the acc$sed. -hat is only proced$ral in character. +hat is only re/$ired #y t(e law is t(at t(e P"E s(all 6e t(e lead a,enc0* But t(e law does not sa0 t(atA e( 7un, ,anun an, man,0a0ar )ati a7o* "i 6a meron ta0on, citiKenJs arrestD t 7un, meron a7on, mariFuana dunA e( wala naman, P"E A (indi 7o na arestu(in 0anD MinsanA m,a a6o,ado rin m,a lo7o e* !un, manalo 0un, m,a inarestoA sa6i n, Su)reme Court na,alit )a e(* T(at will )revent ot(ers 4rom conductin, arrest* Even i4 some6od0 is smo7in, mariFuana in 0our )resenceA 0ou can no lon,er arrest (im* I4 0ou call action P"E A

Criminal Law Review | Page B> e 0un, P"E na,Iiinuman daw*

Title SiB CRIMES # I!ST P$BLIC MOR LS C(a)ter One # MBLI!# !" BETTI!# rt* -9/* W(at acts are )unis(a6le in ,am6lin,. (a) -he penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine not e%ceeding two h$ndred pesos, and, in case o! recidivis , the penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine ranging !ro two h$ndred or si% tho$sand pesos, shall #e i posed $pon;
1. Any person other than those re!erred to in s$#sections (#) and (c) who, in any anner shall directly, or indirectly ta*e part in any ga e o! onte, 1$eteng or any other !or o! lottery, policy, #an*ing, or percentage ga e, dog races, or any other ga e o! sche e the res$lt o! which depends wholly or chie!ly $pon chance or ha=ard< or wherein wagers consisting o! oney, articles o! val$e or representative o! val$e are ade< or in the e%ploitation or $se o! any other echanical

invention or contrivance to deter ine #y chance the loser or winner o! oney or any o#1ect or representative o! val$e. &. Any person who shall *nowingly per it any !or o! ga #ling re!erred to in the preceding s$#division to #e carried on in any $nha#ited or $ninha#ited place o! any #$ilding, vessel or other eans o! transportation owned or controlled #y hi . "! the place where ga #ling is carried on has the rep$tation o! a ga #ling place or that prohi#ited ga #ling is !re/$ently carried on therein, the c$lprit shall #e p$nished #y the penalty provided !or in this article in its a%i $ period. (#) -he penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $ degree shall #e i posed $pon the aintainer, cond$ctor, or #an*er in a ga e o! 1$eteng or any si ilar ga e. (c) -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ degree shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall, *nowingly and witho$t law!$l p$rpose, have in his possession and lottery list, paper or other atter containing letters, !ig$res, signs or sy #ols which pertain to or are in any anner $sed in the ga e o! 1$eteng or any si ilar ga e which has ta*en place or a#o$t to ta*e place.

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rt * -93 * Im)ortation A sale and )ossession o4 lotter0 tic7ets or advertisements. -he penalty o! arresto
ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, in the discretion o! the co$rt, shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall i port into the Philippine "slands !ro any !oreign place or port any lottery tic*et or advertise ent or, in connivance with the i porter, shall sell or distri#$te the sa e. Any person who shall *nowingly and with intent to $se the , have in his possession lottery tic*ets or advertise ents, or shall sell or distri#$te the sa e witho$t connivance with the i porter o! the sa e, shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor, or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, or #oth, in the discretion o! the co$rt. -he possession o! any lottery tic*et or advertise ent shall #e pri a !acie evidence o! an intent to sell, distri#$te or $se the sa e in the Philippine "slands.

rt* -99* Ille,al coc74i,(tin,. -he penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, or #oth, in the discretion o! the co$rt, shall #e i posed $pon;
1. Any person who directly or indirectly participates in coc*!ights, #y #etting oney or other val$a#le things, or who organi=es coc*!ights at which #ets are ade, on a day other than those per itted #y law. &. Any person who directly or indirectly participates in coc*!ights, at a place other than a licensed coc*pit.

P" -3<; Ga #ling is winning #y chance, we #et. So, winning is dependent on #ased on level o! chance, not on s*ill. 0$t even i! it is #ased on chance, these ga es are played or ga #ling is played li*e a parlor ga e, then there is no violation o! P8 1I'&. Pa, sina6in, ma0 patay, meron, na*ipagla ay. !a,laro sila n, )$c*y J or ga es a ong the i ediate e #ers o! the !a ily 1$st to *ill the ti e. Parlor ga e 0an* -hatQs not ga #ling. -here are other special laws concerning ga #ling, #$t they do not !all $nder P8 1I'&. +e have illegal coc*!ighting, 0un, point shaving, 0un, sport contests, illegal #oo*ies. &indi naman 0an itatanon, sa #ar 0an e(. 5ay#e 1I'& lan, an, itatanon di0an sa #ar e%a .

rt* -95* Bettin, in s)orts contests .

-he penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall #et oney or any o#1ect or article o! val$e or representative o! val$e $pon the res$lt o! any #o%ing or other sports contests.

rt* -98* Ille,al 6ettin, on (orse race. -he penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine
not e%ceeding &'' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who e%cept d$ring the period allowed #y law, shall #e on horse races. -he penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who, $nder the sa e circ$ stances, shall aintain or e ploy a totali=er or other device or sche e !or #etting on horse races or reali=ing any pro!it there!ro . ,or the p$rposes o! this article, any race held in the sa e day at the sa e place shall #e held p$nisha#le as a separate o!!ense, and i! the sa e #e co itted #y any partnership, corporation or association, the president and the directors or anagers thereo! shall #e dee ed to #e principals in the o!!ense i! they have consented to or *nowingly tolerated its co ission.

C(a)ter Two O''E!SES # I!ST #OO" C$STOMS



rt* ;<<* #rave scandal. -he penalties o! arresto ayor and p$#lic cens$re shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall o!!end against decency or good c$sto s #y any highly scandalo$s cond$ct not e%pressly !alling within any other article o! this @ode. rt* ;<-* Immoral doctrinesA o6scene )u6lications and eB(i6itions and indecent s(ows. -he penalty o! prision
ayor or a !ine ranging !ro si% tho$sand to twelve tho$sand pesos , or #oth s$ch i prison ent and !ine, shall #e i posed $pon; (1) -hose who shall p$#licly e%po$nd or proclai doctrines openly contrary to p$#lic orals<

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Criminal Law Review | Page B2 !o$nd loitering in any inha#ited or $ninha#ited place

(1) (a) the a$thors o! o#scene literat$re, p$#lished with their *nowledge in any !or < the editors p$#lishing s$ch literat$re< and the owners9operators o! the esta#lish ent selling the sa e< (# ) -hose who , in theaters , !airs , cine atographs or any other place, e%hi#it, indecent or i oral plays, scenes, acts or shows, whether live or in !il , which are prescri#ed #y virt$e hereo!, shall incl$de those which (1) glori!y cri inals or condone cri es< (&) serve no other p$rpose #$t to satis!y t he ar*et !or violence, l$st or pornography< (>) o!!end any race or religion< (B) tend to a#et tra!!ic in and $se o! prohi#ited dr$gs< and (2) are contrary to law, p$#lic order, orals, and good c$sto s, esta#lished policies, law!$l orders, decrees and edicts< (&) -hose who shall sell, give away or e%hi#it !il s, prints, engravings, sc$lpt$re or literat$re which are o!!ensive to orals. (As a ended #y P8 (os. JI' and JIJ).
6$ng o#scenity, pornography, o#scenity and so on, then that wo$ld #e di!!erent. Wala mas0ado 0an sa 0oo* 1 o#scenity, pornography. 0$t o#scenity is not only li ited to what yo$ see !ro h$ an #eings, #$t it ay also incl$de 0un, m,a ano o#scene aterials or 0un, m,a istor0a* no 6a 0anD @ereB 6a 0anA 6$ng ga sa Ti7ti7* Ti7ti7A Sa,ad, ano 6a 0unA %un, m,a Sa,adA ano 6a 0un A All o! these, incl$ded sa o#scenity 0an. So, itQs not only in television, cine atography or h$ an #eings that we see, they incl$de T 0anA stories, 7omi7As la(at 0an* SoA 0un lan, 0an*

rt* ;<;* :a,rants and )rostitutes1 )enalt0* -he !ollowing are vagrants;
1. Any person having no apparent eans o! s$#sistence, who has the physical a#ility to wor* and who neglects to apply hi sel! or hersel! to so e law!$l calling< &. Any person !o$nd loitering a#o$t p$#lic or se i. p$#lic #$ildings or places or tra pling or wandering a#o$t the co$ntry or the streets witho$t visi#le eans o! s$pport< >. Any idle or dissol$te person who ledges in ho$ses o! ill !a e< r$!!ians or pi ps and those who ha#it$ally associate with prostit$tes< B. Any person who, not #eing incl$ded in the provisions o! other articles o! this @ode, shall #e

#elonging to another witho$t any law!$l or 1$sti!ia#le p$rpose< 2. Prostit$tes. ,or the p$rposes o! this article, wo en who, !or oney or pro!it, ha#it$ally ind$lge in se%$al interco$rse or lascivio$s cond$ct, are dee ed to #e prostit$tes. Any person !o$nd g$ilty o! any o! the o!!enses covered #y this articles shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, and in case o! recidivis , #y arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, in the discretion o! the co$rt.

Title Seven CRIMES COMMITTE" O''ICERS C(a)ter One PRELIMI! R% PRO:ISIO!S rt* ;<>* W(o are )u6lic o44icers . ,or the p$rpose o! applying the provisions o! this and the preceding titles o! this #oo*, any person who, #y direct provision o! the law, pop$lar election or appoint ent #y co petent a$thority, shall ta*e part in the per!or ance o! p$#lic !$nctions in the Govern ent o! the Philippine "slands, o! shall per!or in said Govern ent or in any o! its #ranches p$#lic d$ties as an e ployee, agent or s$#ordinate o!!icial, o! any ran* or class, shall #e dee ed to #e a p$#lic o!!icer.
"n other words, the cri e p$nisha#le !o$nd $nder this chapter are those cri es where #eing a p$#lic o!!icer is inherent in the cri e. So that i! yo$ go A.).,.9(.:.S.



A prostit$te is very hard to prove #eca$se they have to prove reg$larity or ha#it$ality. -here $st #e an ele ent o! ha#it$ality or reg$larity. 4h, s ino ma,tetesti,oD "n other words, how can yo$ prove a cri e o! #eing a prostit$te when there are no witnessesA Sino ma,IteItesti40D -he only one who can testi!y is the c$sto er. Kasi, who will prove ha#it$ality or reg$larityA @$sto er lan, e(. 5ost o! the c$sto ers are arried. "i na(uli sila n, misis* Kasi n,a c$sto er, 6inataA na7u hopeless naman 0an, 6inatan, 0an* DopelessK Ku7u(a 6a n, prostit$te e( 6inata si0aD Ma,Iasawa na lan,* Sino an, ,uma,amit di0anA Pa$l "7 8#

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # #ac* to Paragraph 1 o! Article 1B, the law says that ta*ing advantage o! p$#lic position is an aggravating circ$ stance, (indi 6aD So, i! yo$ co it a cri e de!ined !ro Article &BB then &B2, that ta*ing advantage o! p$#lic position as an aggravating circ$ stance in Paragraph 1 o! Article 1B is not applica#le to any o! the cri es #eca$se yo$ cannot ta*e advantage o! yo$r p$#lic position when that is the very ele ent o! the cri e. 8o yo$ !ollowA Article &'>, there!ore, is who are p$#lic o!!icers . all who wor* with the govern ent, whether a cons$ltancy, seasonal, pro1ect, reg$lar, regardless o! the position as long as they wor* !or the govern ent, yo$ are a p$#lic o!!icer. Manitor, reg$lar, te porary, o!!icial, e #er o! the #oard, all the receiving their pay !ro the gvern ent, regardless o! the anner o! wages that yo$ receive whether allowance or what, yo$ are a p$#lic o!!icer $nder Article &'>.

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K!OWI!#L% Enowingly is !ra$d$lently. 6o$ wrong!$lly applied the law in order to acco odate one, and then in order to ca$se in1$stice to the other party. 0$t, the pro#le , however, is how will yo$ prove *nowinglyA Enowingly can only #e proven. "! it is a state o! ind, li*e in other cri es, yo$ can erely prove that the state o! ind thro$gh acts per!or ed #y the o!!ender, di 6aD Enowingly rendering, how do yo$ prove that it is *nowinglyA 6o$ cannot read y ind i! " render an $n1$st 1$dg ent. Enowingly rendering an $n1$st 1$dg ent. Dow will yo$ prove thatA -hen pro#a#ly thro$gh the acts o! the 1$dge. De ight #e whether #e given oney, #$t yo$ cannot prove. "! " then pro ise a #ene!it or yo$ ight have the son or child receive so ething !ro a willing party. %un an, . thatQs the way to prove *nowingly. 0$t that is very hard to prove, as " said, also in interloc$tory order.

C(a)ter Two M L'E S !CE O''ICE

!" MIS'E S !CE I!

rt * ;<5 * Malicious dela0 in t(e administration o4 Fustice. -he penalty

o! prision correccional in its ini $ period shall #e i posed $pon any 1$dge g$ilty o! alicio$s delay in the ad inistration o! 1$stice.

Section One* + "ereliction o4 dut0 rt* ;<.* Knowin,l0 renderin, unFust Fud,ment. Any 1$dge who shall *nowingly
render an $n1$st 1$dg ent in any case s$# itted to hi !or decision, shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor and perpet$al a#sol$te dis/$ali!ication.

rt* ;<8* Prosecution o4 o44enses1 ne,li,ence and tolerance. -he penalty

o! prision correccional in its ini $ period and s$spension shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer, or o!!icer o! the law, who, in dereliction o! the d$ties o! his o!!ice, shall alicio$sly re!rain !ro instit$ting prosec$tion !or the p$nish ent o! violators o! the law, or shall tolerate the co ission o! o!!enses.

rt* ;</* Jud,ment rendered t(rou,( ne,li,ence. Any 1$dge who, #y reason o!
ine%c$sa#le negligence or ignorance shall render a ani!estly $n1$st 1$dg ent in any case s$# itted to hi !or decision shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor and te porary special dis/$ali!ication.

rt* ;<9* Betra0al o4 trust 60 an attorne0 or solicitor. Revelation o4 secrets.

"n addition to the proper ad inistrative action, the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period, or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any attorney.at.law or solicitor ( proc$rador 1$dicial) who, #y any alicio$s #reach o! pro!essional d$ty or o! ine%c$sa#le negligence or ignorance, shall pre1$dice his client, or reveal any o! the secrets o! the latter learned #y hi in his pro!essional capacity. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon an attorney.at.law or solicitor (proc$rador 1$dicial) who, having $nderta*en the de!ense o! a client or having received con!idential in!or ation !ro said client in a case, shall $nderta*e the de!ense o! the


;<3* $nFust interlocutor0 order.

Any 1$dge who shall *nowingly render an $n1$st interloc$tory order or decree shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its ini $ period and s$spension< #$t i! he shall have acted #y reason o! ine%c$sa#le negligence or ignorance and the interloc$tory order or decree #e ani!estly $n1$st, the penalty shall #e s$spension.

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opposing party in the sa e case, witho$t the consent o! his !irst client.
"! yo$ are a govern ent lawyer, yo$Qre not s$pposed to div$lge whatever in!or ation yo$ gathered #y reason o! yo$r decision. 6o$ are not s$pposed to give it even i! yo$ go o$t !ro the govern ent service. 6o$ are not s$pposed to do that. So thatQs a #reach o! tr$st o! lawyers, #etrayal o! tr$st to #e e%act.

rt* ;--* Indirect 6ri6er0. -he penalties o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, and p$#lic cens$re shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer who shall accept gi!ts o!!ered to hi #y reason o! his o!!ice. (As a ended #y 0atas Pa #ansa 0lg. 3C&, M$ne 1', 1J32).

Section Two* + Bri6er0 rt* ;-<* "irect 6ri6er0. Any p$#lic o!!icer who shall agree to per!or an act constit$ting a cri e, in connection with the per!or ance o! this o!!icial d$ties , in consideration o! any o!!er, pro ise, gi!t or present received #y s$ch o!!icer, personally or thro$gh the ediation o! another, shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine Ro! not less than the val$e o! the gi!t andS not less than three ti es the val$e o! the gi!t in addition to the penalty corresponding to the cri e agreed $pon, i! the sa e shall have #een co itted. "! the gi!t was accepted #y the o!!icer in consideration o! the e%ec$tion o! an act which does not constit$te a cri e, and the o!!icer e%ec$ted said act, he shall s$!!er the sa e penalty provided in the preceding paragraph< and i! said act shall not have #een acco plished, the o!!icer shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional, in its edi$ period and a !ine o! not less than twice the val$e o! s$ch gi!t. "! the o#1ect !or which the gi!t was received or pro ised was to a*e the p$#lic o!!icer re!rain !ro doing so ething which it was his o!!icial d$ty to do, he shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its a%i $ period and a !ine Ro! not less than the val$e o! the gi!t andS not less than three ti es the val$e o! s$ch gi!t. "n addition to the penalties provided in the preceding paragraphs, the c$lprit shall s$!!er the penalty o! special te porary dis/$ali!ication.
-he provisions contained in the preceding paragraphs shall #e ade applica#le to assessors, ar#itrators, appraisal and clai co issioners, e%perts or any other persons per!or ing p$#lic d$ties. (As a ended #y 0atas Pa #ansa 0lg. 3C&, M$ne 1', 1J32).

/ KI!"S O' BRIBER% 1. &1' . -here are > ways o! co itting a cri e o! direct #ri#ery; 'IRST 'ORM -he p$#lic o!!icer receives oney !or consideration in order to per!or an act that is p$nisha#le $nder o$r @ode, $nder o$r law. So, a police an is given oney in order to *ill, then the giver as long as or provided a law, then the p$#lic o!!icer is lia#le !or #ri#ery $nder the !irst !or . %un, $s$al na tinatanon, sa #ri#ery wo$ld #e those that !all $nder the second and the third !or s. "! a police an arrests so e#ody else, what sho$ld the police an do as a police anA De sho$ld arrest and then !ile the case, di 6aA So, the d$ty o! the police an is to arrest and then !ile, apprehend, and then !ile the case later on. So, the private co plainant in the cri e o! ro##ery told to the police an, GSir, !ile mo naman 0un, 7aso )ara ma7ulon,*E -hen the police an said, G 0A (indi. %un an, 7ailan,an 7o n, )an,Imer0enda e(* Pa, 7ina7ailan,an 7o n, )am6ili n, iuwi 7o )ara sa )amil0a 7o e(*E COA sir meron d0an*E E( di , the private co plainant now gives oney, then a!ter giving oney, then police an !iles the case. -hatQs the !irst !or . SECO!" 'ORM -he law says that when a p$#lic o!!icer receives oney or val$a#le or in e%change !or oney in order to per!or an act re/$ired #y law, 0un an, do$#le co pensation. ?eceived oney in order to per!or and act re/$ired #y law. -he police an received oney !ro the private co plainant in order that he will per!or the act re/$ired o! hi that is to !ile the case, di 6aA %un an, tinatawa, na do$#le co pensation. Ma0 sweldo 7a na sa ,o60ernoA 7a0a lan, (indi 7a ,a,alaw 7un, (indi 7a 6i6i,0an* T&IR" 'ORM And the third one is receive oney in order not to per!or an act re/$ired #y law. So, the e%a ple wo$ld #e . received oney in order to per!or an act re/$ired #y law.

-he third !or

is yo$ receive

oney in order not A.).,.9(.:.S.

Pa$l "7 8#

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # to per!or an act re/$ired #y law. So, " arrested yo$. Ta)os sa6i mo sa )ulisA CSirA wa, mo na a7on, tutulu0anDE C O 6a7itDE CBi,0an 7ita n, P&','''.H GO si,eA 6i,0an mo 7o n, P&','''.H " accepted it. So, " will #e lia#le $nder the third !or that is received oney in order not to per!or . +hat is it that he did not per!or A (ot to !ile the case. &. &11.A 0$t that sho$ld #e di!!erentiated with Article &11. A, the cri e o! /$ali!ied #ri#ery. 0eca$se $nder &11.A, when the p$#lic o!!icer re!$ses to apprehend or prosec$te the person arrested !or the co ission o! the cri e where the penalty o! the cri e co itted #y that person is the penalty o! li!e i prison ent, recl$sion perpet$a or death, then the penalty either recl$sion perpet$a to death. 0$t, i! de and is in the de and ca e !ro the p$#lic o!!icer then the a%i $ penalty o! death is one #eing i posed. +here lies the di!!erenceA -he di!!erence wo$ld #e; " ca$ght hi in the act o! co itting a cri e o! ro##ery. De gave e oney in order not to per!or an act re/$ired #y law. -here!ore, " do not !ile a case against hi . Another person, " arrested hi !or violation o! 8angero$s 8r$gs )aw, selling 1 gra o! sha#$. -he penalty is li!e i prison ent to death $nder Section 2. De gave e then P&',''' in order that " will not !ile the case against hi !or violation o! Section 2. So, where lies the di!!erenceA "n so !ar as the ro##ery is concerned, " a lia#le !or a cri e o! direct #ri#ery, #$t in so !ar the sale o! dr$gs is concerned, " a lia#le !or the cri e o! /$ali!ied #ri#ery $nder &11.A. +hereQs the di!!erenceA 0eca$se o! the penalty o! the o!!enses or the cri e co itted #y two persons. -he cri e o! ro##ery is not p$nisha#le #y recl$sion perpet$a to death. 0$t the cri e co itted in the sa e is p$nisha#le #y li!e i prison ent to death. So i! " !ail per!or an act re/$ired #y law where the penalty, we incl$de the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a and also death or even li!e i prison ent, then " a lia#le !or the cri e o! /$ali!ied #ri#ery. "t will depend on the penalty o! the person arrested. >. &11 So, in other words the receipt o! the oney is not intended !or the p$rpose o! co itting a cri e, !or the p$rpose o! the nonper!or ance or !or the p$rpose o! per!or ance, then the law that is violated is Article &11, the law on indirect #ri#ery. So, what is indirect #ri#eryA ?eceipt o! so ething o! val$e or oney #y reason o! the position, #y reason o! the position. 0$t that law act$ally is intended to prevent or yo$ are #$ilding a goodwill to the p$#lic o!!icer e(* Wala 7an, 7ina7ailan,an n,a0on A 6ut in t(e 4uture A meron 7a Pn,

Criminal Law Review | Page B3 7ina7ailan,an* SoA ano n,aA )uma)a)el 7a* 6o$ are then #$ilding $p, na, 6iI6uild 7a n, !riendship with the p$#lic o!!icial. Bini6i,0an mo n, 7warta, and so and so on. -hen later on, 7ina7ailan,an mo si0a. -hat is indirect #ri#ery #eca$se there is no other p$rpose e%cept that yo$ are #eing gi!ted #y reason o! yo$r p$#lic position. B. Paragraph 0 o! Section > o! ?ep$#lic Act >'1J $nder Paragraph 0 o! Section > o! ?ep$#lic Act >'1J, i! a p$#lic o!!icer directly or indirectly receives oney !or any consideration and !or the award o! a contract or a transaction, then the law that is violated in Section > Paragraph 0. +hen a p$#lic o!!icer indirectly or directly receives oney in consideration o! the award or a contract, or transaction, wherein that p$#lic o!!icer has the right to intervene, then the cri e is Paragraph 0 o! Section > >'1J. -he only di!!erence #etween Article &1' and Section >.0 is that, in Paragraph 0 it is speci!ied that the receipt o! oney is !or the p$rpose o! awarding a contract or a transaction, li*ewise with Paragraph @ o! Section >. 2. Paragraph @ o! Section > o! ?ep$#lic Act >'1J, otherwise *nown as -he Anti.gra!t and @orr$pt Practices Act. :*ay. -he law says in Paragraph @ o! Section >, the receipt o! oney indirectly or directly !or the p$rpose o! awarding or e%tending a license or a per it. So, there!ore, i! the p$#lic o!!icer receives oney in order to per!or an act re/$ired #y law which is the awarding o! a contract or a transaction, then the law that is violated is Paragraph 0 o! Section >. ROBBER% I! REL TIO! TO BRIBER% Kun, an, ro##er, letQs say, i! yo$ are erely accosted #y a peace o!!icer and, there!ore, yo$ are not act$ally co itting a cri e, di 6aA Ta)os sasa6i(in n, peace o!!icer, G&o0A 6i,0an mo a7o n, 7warta 7un, (inde )a 4ileIan 7a n, ro66er0 .H 0$t the person did not co it any cri e. GOA 6i,0an mo na a7o n, 7wartaA 7un, (inde )a 4ileIan 7ita n, 7aso.H )etQs say on dangero$s dr$gs. -hen the poor #oy says, G:h, "Q a!raid. "Q st$dying law eh, and thatQs not #aila#le. @an " give yo$ oneyAH G Si,eA 6i6i,0an mo a7o n, 7wartaA 7un, (indeA )a4ileIan 7ita*E -hen the poor #oy gives the oney #eca$se he is (s$!!ering) that in case o! ro##ery will #e !iled against hi or a cri e or a charge will #e !iled against hi . non, crime 0onA &indi 6ri6er0 0un. -hat cannot #e #ri#ery. -hat will #eco e a cri e o! ro##ery. -hat is inti idation. " will !ile a case against yo$ when act$ally yo$ did notN "! yo$ did not co it any cri e, and then it is only his version that he will !ile a case against yo$ i! yo$ do not give the oney, that is a cri e o! ro##ery. -he !alse charge

Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # will !all $nder the ele ent o! inti idation. -hat is one way o! inti idating. OT&ER :IOL TIO!S I! R ><-9 Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( (ow, letQs go to Paragraph A. Paragraph A is so eti es a cri e o! in!l$ence peddling. +hen a p$#lic o!!icer directly or indirectly ind$ces a p$#lic o!!icer to co it an act in violation o! reg$lations and the o!!icer so pers$aded or ind$ced. (ow, there are two persons here who ay#e lia#le . the one who is ind$cing and the one who is act$ally ind$ced. (ow, i! a p$#lic o!!icer ind$ces directly or indirectly a p$#lic o!!icer, even i! the p$#lic o!!icer is not ind$ced, the ind$cer is already lia#le. (ow, i! the person is act$ally ind$ced, then #oth o! the will #e lia#le. So, ere ind$ce ent, the ere act, directly or indirectly o! ind$cing a p$#lic o!!icer to violate a reg$lation is already penali=ed. "! the p$#lic o!!icer so ind$ced and is act$ally ind$ced, then #oth o! the will #e cri inally lia#le. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( B -hen Paragraph 0, as "Lve said, is a sort o! #ri#ery i! the p$rpose is to award a contract or a transaction. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( C Paragraph @, li*ewise, is a . 0un, sa U-4, maramin, lia#le di0an Jno $nder Paragraph A. -here are p$#lic o!!icers ind$cing so e#ody to violate a r$le. -hey will !all $nder Paragraph A o! Section >. "! the o!!icer is act$ally ind$ced, then #oth o! the are act$ally lia#le. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( " Paragraph 8 prohi#its the agree ent o! the i ediate e #er o! the !a ily wherein an instit$tion or any persons where that person or instit$tion has a pending case #e!ore, pending application or an act to #e done #y the p$#lic o!!icer or wit(in one 0ear a!ter that p$#lic o!!icer has acted on that !avor or what. -here was one case where it never reached . there was a la#or ar#iter in @e#$ where they decided a case in !avor o! a #an* . the 5etro#an*. 0eca$se a case #etween 5etro#an* and the la#or $nion. -he #an* won in the case #e!ore hi and then later on, his son applied with 5etro#an*. -he son was over/$ali!ied. De was even over/$ali!ied. De was e ployed #y the #an* within the one year prohi#ition $nder Paragraph 8. -hen what happen is that the la#or $nion discovered that the son o! the la#or ar#iter was e ployed in the #an*. So, a case was !iled against la#or ar#iter within the one year period. -he case did not progress #eca$se #e!ore the acc$sed co$ld #e arraigned, he was charged #e!ore $s. 0e!ore it co$ld #e arraigned, the acc$sed died. -hat is the #est de!ense e(* Buti na lan, inde!ensi#le di 6aD -he only de!ense $nder Paragraph 8 is that he is not yo$r son e(. -he only de!ense $nder Paragraph 8 is that the e ployee is Pa$l "7 8#

Criminal Law Review | Page BJ not yo$r son even i! he is . even i! he is very $ch /$ali!ied. -hatLs not a de!ense e(. -he only de!ense that he is not yo$r son and that the one year period has already e%pired. De was e ployed #eyond the one year period. 0$t yo$ cannot (apply) those de!enses 7un, )ata0 7a na* 6o$ will #e lia#le. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( E 0y ca$sing $nd$e in1$ry to a private person or to a person or to the govern ent or giving $nwarranted #ene!it to any person thro$gh evident 6ad 4ait(A ,ross ineBcusa6le ne,li,ence or mani4est )artialit0* So, there are two things that ay happen $nder Section >.4; :ne is the ca$sing o! $nd$e in1$ry. -he other one is giving $nwarranted #ene!it. -hese are two di!!erent things. +hen yo$ ca$se in1$ry to the govern ent or to any person, then that in1$ry can #e /$anti!ied in ter s o! da ages. +hen yo$ are as*ing !or da ages, t(en t(ose dama,es must 6e Muanti4ied. "n other words, in can #e ascertained. 0$t when yo$ tal* o! ani!est partiality or $nwarranted #ene!it, then pro#a#ly yo$ cannot /$anti!y the a o$nt, #$t so e#ody #ene!ited !ro yo$r act. -here!ore, i! yo$ prove $nd$e in1$ry or yo$ !ile the case o! $nd$e in1$ry, then that $nd$e in1$ry sho$ld #e /$anti!ied. "t sho$ld #e in the !or o! da ages which can #e ascertained. 0$t in $nwarranted #ene!it, the one who is #ene!ited is a private individ$al, (all concerned). 0$t i! it is $nd$e in1$ry, then itLs an $nd$e in1$ry ca$sed to a person or to the govern ent. So, #$t the pro#le , however is that when we ca$se $nd$e in1$ry or yo$ give $nwarranted #ene!it, it is thro$gh evident 6ad 4ait(A ,ross ineBcusa6le ne,li,ence or mani4est )artialit0. In t(e )urc(ase o4 over)riced walis tin,Itin,* So, there!ore, the di!!erence now #etween the act$al val$e and the p$rchase price o! the walis tin,tin, will now #e the $nd$e in1$ry ca$sed to the govern ent. "nstead o! !iling a case o!, letLs say, #ri#ery or indirect #ri#ery or any #ri#ery !or that atter #eca$se the giver will not co e o$t in the open #eca$se he #ene!ited. -hen $s$ally yo$ !ile a case o! $nd$e in1$ry ca$sed to the govern ent #y reason o! the overprice, 0un. In t(e case o4 ,(ost transactions* -he other one is that, there ay#e transactions were the govern ent o!!icial did not #ene!it !ro it. So, li*e !or e%a ple, ghost pay ents, ghost e ployees, ghost deliveries. +hen yo$ prove ghost deliveries and ghost e ployees, theyQre very easy to prove #eca$se yo$ 1$st deter ine i! there are dis#$rse ents, #$t there were act$ally no pro1ects and there were act$ally no e ployees. 0$t yo$ cannot prove that the p$#lic o!!icer ade oney o! those ghost pro1ects or ghost e ployees. +hat are yo$ going to !ileA -hen yo$ !ile Paragraph A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # >.4 or Section >.4 #eca$se yo$ ca$sed $nd$e in1$ry to the govern ent. -hatLs another e%a ple. In t(e case o4 inFur0 to )rivate individuals* -he other e%a ple is ca$sing in1$ry to a private individ$al, $nd$e in1$ry to the private individ$al. +hat yo$ !ind here is that, letLs say, yo$ are an e ployee o! the govern ent, #$t already retired. 6o$ are entitled to yo$r retire ent pay. 0$t the ayor does not want to give the retire ent pay altho$gh yo$Qre already entitled to it on the gro$nd that yo$ are a political opponent. -hen, they will again !ile Section >.4 #eca$se they ca$sing in1$ry. $nd$e in1$ry . to a private individ$al. %un an, m,a e%a ple n, $nd$e in1$ry. In t(e case o4 unwarranted 6ene4its* An e%a ple o! $nwanted #ene!it wo$ld #e 0un, m,a #idders. 6o$ are not the lowest #idder, #$t the contract is awarded to yo$. So, there is no in1$ry to the govern ent that yo$ can prove, #$t yo$ gave $nwarranted #ene!it, " ean, there!ore, he is entitled to the #idding. So, #eca$se yo$ cannot /$anti!y the a o$nt that was . yo$ cannot /$anti!y the a o$nt, ano. -he . and that yo$ are not ca$sing in1$ry to that #idder, #$t yo$ awarded the contract wherein he is not /$ali!ied, then yo$ are giving $nwarranted #ene!it. -hatLs the eaning o! $nwarranted #ene!itA It is actuall0 ,ettin, 6ene4its w(ere t(e )rivate )art0 is not entitled to it* PEOPLE v* #O Ghe was ac/$itted #eca$se the act o! entering into a contract grossly disadvantageo$s to the govern ent can only #e co itted #y a p$#lic o!!icer.H RI S "OCTRI!E I -he approving o!!icer does not need to go over again. De is not re/$ired to go over again the doc$ ents and then deter ine !or hi sel! i! the doc$ ents are in order. -he p$#lic o!!icer, the approving o!!icer will go over the signat$res o! those who participated in the preparation, the review, and so on. And he has no reason to do$#t the acc$racy o! the wor* o! his s$#ordinates #eca$se i! he again will go over the doc$ ents and !or hi sel! to deter ine the tr$th!$lness o! the doc$ ents or the co pleteness o! all the doc$ ents, then the S$pre e @o$rt said what will happen with the govern ent !$nctionaries. -he govern ent ay not any ore ove #eca$se he again re/$ired the approving o!!icer to do things that have #een done #y the s$#ordinates. So, he can #e (e%$#erated) $nder that doctrine. ?4FU"?454(- ; 0$t that doctrine will only apply i! that p$#lic o!!icer, the approving o!!icerQs d$ty, his d$ty is to sign several doc$ ents, #eca$se i! he only signs one doc$ ent d$ring that ti e he cannot invo*e the Arias 8octrine. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( & Pa$l "7 8#

Criminal Law Review | Page 2' -here are several transactions prohi#ited #y law !or yo$ to #e engaged into, #$t ost o! those transactions apply to local govern ent o!!icials. %un, ano I 6awal 0on e(A 0un,A let say a ayor who engages in coc*pit, 0un, operation o! a coc*pit that prohi#ited $nder )ocal Govern ent @ode. %un, an, sina6in, prohi#ited transactions. So, i! there is a law prohi#iting a p$#lic o!!icial to engage in this prohi#ited transaction, then he will #e lia#le $nder this provision. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section > Para,ra)( # -hen the one that is also very i portant, the latest decision o! the S$pre e @o$rt, is entering a contract grossly disadvantageo$s to the govern ent. -hat is a case that ight have precipitated the news report that a lady 1$stice was receiving oney !ro ano I 0un. -hat is one o! the cases #eca$se o! that decision, #eca$se o! that gross ine%c$sa#le . the entering into a contract that is grossly disadvantageo$s to the govern ent. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section -> Sus)ension )endente lite and loss o4 6ene4its* So, there are two re/$ire ents; -he in!or ation is already valid. 6o$ are charged with those that " entioned in >'1J or those cri es p$nisha#le $nder the ?evised Penal @ode !ro Article &'> to &B2 or any act o! !ra$d that ay#e co itted against the govern ent. (ow, no i!s or #$ts, thatLs what they say. (o i!s or #$ts. "n other words, yo$ cannot arg$e that the evidence o! g$ilt against yo$ is wea*. Wala 7an, ma,awa* +hen the in!or ation is valid, yo$ cannot do anything e%cept to serve yo$r s$spension pendente lite. 7A)"8 "(,:?5A-":( . +hen the acc$sed is already arraigned, then that eans that the in!or ation is already valid #eca$se yo$ can no longer c$re a de!ect the in!or ation once the arraign ent is concl$ded. 6o$ can only raise the iss$es o! prescription, do$#le 1eopardy, di 6aA a!ter arraign ent. SUSP4(S":( "( ?4)A-":( -: A85"( )A+ . (ow, what is good a#o$t the s$spension pendente lite $nli*e in preventive s$spensionA Pro#a#ly 0un, ad inistrative law yo$ have st$died this, di 6aD "! yo$ are elected o!!icial !or e%a ple, d$ring yo$r ter !ro &''B to &''C, then yo$ are now charged ad inistratively, di 6aD And then yo$ are preventively s$spended. 6o$ can only #e preventively s$spended d$ring yo$r ter o! o!!ice !ro &''B to &''C o! the acts co itted while yo$ were an inc$ #ent p$#lic o!!icial. So, that i! yo$ are now re.elected a!ter &''C, yo$ cannot now #e preventively s$spended !or an act, ad inistrative act, that yo$ co itted d$ring yo$r previo$s ter s. J%un, an, preventive s$spension. &indi na )wede #eca$se the re.election #y a people is the #est evidence that the #est 1$dge o! yo$r ad inistrative acts, e(. 6o$r acts altho$gh not cri inal, ano (aD A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # So, there!ore, yo$ can no longer #e preventively s$spended. "( ?4)A-":( -: ?4.4)4@-":( . 0$t in s$spension pendente lite, so letLs say yo$ are an inc$ #ent governor !ro &''B to &''C. 6o$ were charged cri inally !or an act co itted d$ring that ter . (ow , yo$ are charge with the Sandigan#ayan, in the eanti e, yo$ are now a congress an. A!ter &''C yo$ co itted an act in &''2, yo$ are charged in &''C, #$t at the ti e that yo$ were charged, yo$ are already a congress an. @an yo$ #e s$spended pendente lite !or an act co itted when yo$ were governor, when in !act yo$ are already a congress anA 6es. Unli*e in preventive s$spension, ad inistrative,yes, yo$ can still #e s$spended i! it is a s$spension pendente lite wherever yo$ are as long yo$ as yo$ re ain a p$#lic o!!icial. Re)u6lic ct ><-9 Section -- Prescri)tion o4 o44enses G. 0ear )rescri)tionH (ow, the other thing that yo$ sho$ld *now a#o$t ?ep$#lic Act >'1J, " thin* we have disc$ssed already, 0un, prescriptions o! cri es $nder >'1J, anoD 0eca$se >'1J is special law, there!ore, the prescriptive period o! the cri e prescriptive period or o!!enses $nder special law is governed not #y the ?evised Penal @ode, #$t ?ep$#lic Act >>&I the )aw on Prescription. " thin* " told yo$ already a#o$t the case o! ?o $alde= vers$s 5arcelo. ?e e #er this case o! ?o $alde= vers$s 5arcelo. -hat we do not apply the provisions o! the ?evised Penal @ode on the second part o! second sentence o! Article J1, that when the o!!ender is o$tside o! the Philippine Archipelago, then the prescriptive period will #e s$spended. -he cri es p$nisha#le $nder special law, that Article J1 is not applica#le. :*ay. So, yo$ *now already the doctrine. -he doctrine there is that we cannot apply the ?evised Penal @ode as a s$pple entary law or s$ppletory law to ?ep$#lic Act >>&I which is a law on prescription #eca$se the applica#ility o! the ?evised Penal @ode or the s$pple entary or s$ppletory character o! the ?evised Penal @ode is only applica#le to special penal laws, laws that de!ine cri es with corresponding penalties. ?ep$#lic Act >>&I is not a penal law. "tQs a law on prescription. -here!ore, the ?evised Penal @ode can not #e applied s$ppletorily or s$pple entarily. Re)u6lic ct 35-> Code o4 Conduct and Et(ical Standards 'or Pu6lic O44icials nd Em)lo0ees (epotis is p$nished $nder IC1>. So eti es " call this law o! IC1> as the law o! on i propriety. " propriety, yo$ do not divest, yo$ do$#le co pensation, oonlighting. -he other one is yo$ !ail . it is act$ally a repetition in >'1J #eca$se in >'1J, yo$ are re/$ired to respond. 6o$ have to respond with in/$iries !ro the citi=ens. "! yo$ do not respond within reasona#le ti e, then thatLs p$nisha#le $nder ?ep$#lic Act >'1J. +hat are the

Criminal Law Review | Page 21 acts p$nisha#le $nder ?A >'1JA "! there is an in/$iry ade, that in/$iries sho$ld #e answered within reasona#le ti e. Under ?ep$#lic Act IC1>, that is reiterated $nder IC1>. 0$t IC1>, it sets a period in which to respond to an in/$iry. "un sa >'1J, wala* ?easona#le ti e lan,* "n IC1>, there is a speci!ic period. " thin* itLs 12 days* Ma,res)ond lan, within 12 days !ro receipt o! the in/$iry. -hen the other act that is p$nished is oonlighting, !ail$re to act on ti e o! the in/$iries, and then !ail$re to !ile SA)(, sworn assets, lia#ilities, and net worth. "t is re/$ired in o$r laws o! the govern ent service to !ile every year sworn asset, lia#ilities, and net worth. -here ay #e two violations $nder this o ission on SA)(. And so eti es they call it SA)( sworn asset, lia#ilities and net worth. 1. (on!iling. &. -he other one is nondisclos$re. (on!iling, i! they do not !ile, then yo$ are lia#le $nder IC1>. "! yo$ !ile, #$t yo$ did not disclose yo$r assets, then yo$Lll also #e lia#le !or nondisclos$re o! assets. Ka0a lan, d0an t(at is why we ac/$itted 4rap !or per1$ry #eca$se i! yo$ do not disclose with yo$r SA)(, which is $nder oath, then they charge yo$ with per1$ry $nder Article 13>. So aside !ro #eing charged with violation o! IC1> !or nondisclos$re, then yo$ are, li*ewise, charged with per1$ry $nder Article 13> #eca$se there is a alicio$s, " ean, there is a !alse narration o! !acts re/$ired to #e disclosed $nder IC1> ade $nder oath.

rt* ;-;* Corru)tion o4 )u6lic o44icials . -he sa e penalties i posed $pon the
o ! !i c e r c o r r $ p t e d , e % c e p t t h o s e o ! dis/$ali!ication and s$spension, shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall have ade the o!!ers or pro ises or given the gi!ts or presents as descri#ed in the preceding articles.
-he giver will #e lia#le $nder &1& !or the cri e o! corr$ption o! a p$#lic o!!icial. -he private o!!ended party is not lia#le !or the cri e o! #ri#ery #eca$se only p$#lic o!!icers are lia#le !or the cri e o! #ri#ery. -here!ore, the giver is lia#le !or the cri e o! corr$ption o! the p$#lic o!!icial $nder Article &1&. 0$t s$pposing a 1$stice o! the @o$rt o! Appeals does not want to receive the #ri#ed oney. "n other words, there is a re!$sal. De wants to give oney to the 1$stice !or an application o! a -?:, #$t the M$stice says, G+hat do yo$ thin* o! eA "Q honest.H And, there!ore, the 1$stice did not accept. De did not accept the oney. +hat is the cri e A.).,.9(.:.S.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # co ittedA "s there a cri eA Walan, cri e 0un, p$#lic o!!icer. De sho$ld #e rewarded !or re!$sing to accept #ri#ed oney. So, what is the cri e co itted o! the giverA -hat will now #eco e a cri e o! atte pted corr$ption o! a p$#lic o!!icial. "! the oney is not accepted, the giver has the right to $phold the cri e o! atte pted corr$ption o! a p$#lic o!!icial. -he p$#lic o!!icer who does not receive the oney will #e rewarded, i! there is a reward.

Criminal Law Review | Page 2& 0etween the contract or transaction ay #e #road N0an e(. 0$t i! yo$ loo* at the title o! &1>, it is act$ally !alse co itted that is !alsi!ication is. Sa paraghraph -A ano 0onD J%un, m,a s)eculators 0an o J0un, m,a ano I m,a N0un logos or in charge o! s$pplies. n, ,a,awin n0aA iIover)riceA 0an paragraph 1, &1>* Kun, (indi namanA (indi n0a muna 6i6il(in 0un n,a0on* "i )a ma6a6a 0onA ano (aD OPare (uwa, muna natin 6i6il(in itoA i6enta mo na lan, )a, tumaas an, )res0o* O I0an &1> N0anA paragraph 1* -hat is #ro$ght against p$#lic hearing or 0un, spec$lators, let say, properties o! the govern ent, di 6aD Be6enta n0a* Ba,o i6entaA 6i6il(in n0a muna N0un, 7ata6i n, govern ent property. Bi6il(in n0a la(at N0un. Ma,s)eculate s0a, then sells the govern ent property. "! the property o! the govern ent is sold, tumaas na )res0o* 6a i0on )alaA sa 7an0an, 7ata6i* -hat is also p$nisha#le $nder paragraph 1 o! Article &1>. P R ;*1 ILLE# L E@ CTIO! -here are three ways o! co itting the cri e o! illegal e%action. no N0unD 1. 6o$ de and pay ent higher than what is re/$ired to #e paid. &indi direct #ri#ery T0an* -hat is not direct #ri#ery #eca$se in direct #ri#ery, ma0 e%change, e(. Ito . CSirA ma,7ano 6a6a0aran 7oDE P&','''* %un )ala P13,''' lan, 6a6a0aran* So, heLs de anding ore than what is re/$ired o! the ta% payer who pay. N%un illegal e%action. &. re!$sal to iss$e a receipt >. yo$ re/$ire so e#ody to pay other than oney. )et say, 1'',''' an, 6a6a0aran* &indiA (uwa, mo na 7on, 6a0aran n, -<<A<<<* I6a0ad mo na lan, N0un, 5ercedes 0en= mo* Wala n, ,ulon,* 6o$ de and pay ent other than oney.

C(a)ter T(ree 'R $"S !" ILLE# L E@ CTIO!S !" TR !S CTIO!S rt* ;->* 'rauds a,ainst t(e )u6lic treasur0 and similar o44enses. -he
penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ period to prision ayor in its ini $ period, or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1',''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer who; 1. "n his o!!icial capacity, in dealing with any person with regard to !$rnishing s$pplies, the a*ing o! contracts, or the ad1$st ent or settle ent o! acco$nts relating to p$#lic property or !$nds, shall enter into an agree ent with any interested party or spec$lator or a*e $se o! any other sche e, to de!ra$d the Govern ent< &. 0eing entr$sted with the collection o! ta%es, licenses, !ees and other i posts, shall #e g$ilty or any o! the !ollowing acts or o issions; (a) 8e anding, directly, or indirectly, the pay ent o! s$ s di!!erent !ro or larger than those a$thori=ed #y law. (#) ,ailing vol$ntarily to iss$e a receipt, as provided #y law, !or any s$ o! oney collected #y hi o!!icially. (c) @ollecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, #y way o! pay ent or otherwise things or o#1ects o! a nat$re di!!erent !ro that provided #y law. +hen the c$lprit is an o!!icer or e ployee o! the 0$rea$ o! "nternal ?even$e or the 0$rea$ o ! @$sto s, the provisions o! the Ad inistrative @ode shall #e applied.

rt* ;-.* Ot(er 4rauds. "n addition to the

penalties prescri#ed in the provisions o! @hapter Si%, -itle -en, 0oo* -wo, o! this @ode, the penalty o! te porary special dis/$ali!ication in its a%i $ period to perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer who, ta*ing advantage o! his o!!icial position, shall co it any o! the !ra$ds or deceits en$ erated in said provisions.

P R -*1 SPEC$L TORS (ow &1>, we now go #ac* to &1>. Pare(on, sa &1>, there are act$ally two o!!enses that ay #e co itted $nder it. I0on, paragraph 1, 6i(ira lan, nacoconvict 0anA e(. J%un, spec$lators, J0un, illegal escapes co itted #y a p$#lic o!!icers, anoD

rt* ;-/* Pro(i6ited transactions. -he

penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $

period or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any appointive p$#lic o!!icer who, d$ring his inc$ #ency, shall directly or indirectly #eco e
Pa$l "7 8#

interested in any transaction o! e%change or spec$lation within the territory s$#1ect to his 1$risdiction.


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Criminal Law Review | Page 2>

rt* ;-3* Possession o4 )ro(i6ited interest 60 a )u6lic o44icer. -he

penalty o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon a p$#lic o!!icer who directly or indirectly, shall #eco e interested in any contract or #$siness in which it is his o!!icial d$ty to intervene. -his provisions is applica#le to e%perts, ar#itrators and private acco$ntants who, in li*e anner, shall ta*e part in any contract or transaction connected with the estate or property in appraisal , distri#$tion or ad1$dication o! which they shall have acted, and to the g$ardians and e%ec$tors with respect to the property #elonging to their wards or estate.

latter, the penalty shall #e recl$sion te poral in its a%i $ period to recl$sion perpet$a. "n all cases, persons g$ilty o! alversation shall also s$!!er the penalty o! perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine e/$al to the a o$nt o! the !$nds alversed or e/$al to the total val$e o! the property e #e==led. -he !ail$re o! a p$#lic o!!icer to have d$ly !orthco ing any p$#lic !$nds or property with which he is chargea#le, $pon de and #y any d$ly a$thori=ed o!!icer, shall #e pri a !acie evidence that he has p$t s$ch issing !$nds or property to personal $se. (As a ended #y ?A 1'I').
@ri es @o itted #y P$#lic :!!icers; Part 1

C(a)ter 'our M L:ERS TIO! O' P$BLIC '$!"S OR PROPERT% rt* ;-5* Malversation o4 )u6lic 4unds or )ro)ert01 Presum)tion o4 malversation. Any p$#lic o!!icer who, #y reason o! the
d$ties o! his o!!ice, is acco$nta#le !or p$#lic !$nds or property, shall a))ro)riate the sa e or shall ta*e or misa))ro)riate or shall consent , t(rou,( a6andonment or ne,li,enceA s(all )ermit an0 ot(er )erson to ta7e s$ch p$#lic !$nds, or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise #e g$ilty o! the isappropriation or alversation o! s$ch !$nds or property, shall s$!!er; 1. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the a o$nt involved in the isappropriation or alversation does not e%ceed two h$ndred pesos. &. -he penalty o! prision ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the a o$nt involved is ore than two h$ndred pesos #$t does not e%ceed si% tho$sand pesos. >. -he penalty o! prision ayor in its a%i $ period to recl$sion te poral in its ini $ period, i! the a o$nt involved is ore than si% tho$sand pesos #$t is less than twelve tho$sand pesos. B. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral, in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the a o$nt involved is ore than twelve tho$sand pesos #$t is less than twenty.two tho$sand pesos. "! the a o$nt e%ceeds the

M !!ER O' COMMITTI!# M L:ERS TIO! -here are act$ally three ways o! co itting a cri e o! alversation. 1. to isappropriate or convert to a personal $se. &. :r yo$ allow a third person to co it the cri e o! alversation either #y a#andon ent >. and n$ #er three is thro$gh the negligence. Tatlo e(. So e%a ple. " a a treas$rer. " receive oney as pay ent. ,ro the !irst day, so that oney now is entr$sted to e. And there!ore, that oney is $nder y c$stody. "! " spent that oney collected then " a lia#le $nder the !irst one. -hat is the eaning o! alversation, when yo$ isappropriate or yo$ convert the sa e !or yo$r personal #ene!it. -he other one is a#andon ent or negligence. 6o$ do not isappropriate !or yo$r own #ene!it. +e do not convert the sa e to yo$r own #ene!it, #$t yo$ allow a third person to co it a cri e or to isappropriate and not co it a cri e. 6o$ allow a third person to isappropriate or yo$ convert the oney entr$sted to yo$. So, the #est e%a ple, in the one o! the cases as with the #ar e%a two years ago. %un, govern ent o!!icial is assigned a govern ent vehicle. So, there!ore, that govern ent a*er is entr$sted to that govern ent o!!icial and, there!ore, he is an acco$nta#le o!!icer in so !ar as the car is concerned. #inawa ni0a, he le!t the *ey inside the car one night. $muwi na 0un, driver. -hen later on, the driver when to the garage, and then at > oQ cloc* or B oQ cloc* in the orning, he got the car #eca$se the govern ent o!!icial le!t the *ey inside the ignition *ey. Tinan,a0. %un an, cri e o! alversation thro$gh a#andon ent or negligence. -hatQs the eaning.

Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # I!C$RRI!# LI BILIT% 0$t i! yo$ are charged with alversation $nder &1C, let say, yo$ are charged with isappropriating or converting to a personal #ene!it, and then what was proven in the trial is not yo$ allowed the third person to co it a cri e o! alversation either thro$gh a#andon ent or negligence, )wede 7an, maconvict. "i 6a tatlo an, anners o! co itting a cri e o! &1CA -he isappropriate or yo$ convert to yo$r personal #ene!it. Allowing a third person to co it a cri e o! alversation thro$gh a#andon ent or thro$gh negligence. Tatlo N0an e(A di 6aD :*ay. CCO$!T BLE O''ICERS (ow, who is the acco$nta#le o!!icer $nder &1CA %un, acco$nta#le o!!icer is tas*ed #y law to ta*e c$stody or the property or !$nds o! the govern ent in tr$st, in the eanti e, and then to ret$rn or to re it to the proper a$thorities the !$nds or property i! re/$ired or de anded #y the govern ent agency concerned. -hatQs the eaning. So, the 1anitor, there!ore, is not an acco$nta#le o!!icer #eca$se he is not entr$sted with oney or property, and has a d$ty to re it or to ret$rn the !$nd or property re/$ired #y the govern ent agency. So, thatQs the eaning o! an acco$nta#le o!!icer. PRES$MPTIO! O' M L:ERS TIO! So, how will yo$ prove then that a p$#lic o!!icer isappropriates or converts it to his personal #ene!it, the !$nds entr$sted #y the govern ent to that acco$nta#le o!!icerA -he law said that i! the govern ent wants all the acco$nting o! the !$nds entr$sted to hi #y the govern ent, and there is a shortage in the !$nds which he canQt e%plain, then the pres$ ption arises that he isappropriated or converted the oney !or his personal #ene!its. So, in the other words, the #$rden o! proo! now that the acco$nta#le o!!icer did not isappropriate the oney is on the part o! the acco$nta#le o!!icer. So, what will yo$ do is now e%plain, thatQs the eaning. -he only way to re#$t that pres$ ption is that to e%plain why there are shortages. "! there is no valid e%planation as to the shortages, in other words, there is no 1$sti!ia#le reason why there were shortages, then that acco$nta#le o!!icer will #e lia#le !or a cri e o! alversation. J$STI'IC TIO! O' S&ORT #E ,or e%a ple, na,7aIanoA na, 7aroon n, calamit0 walan, ilawA 6umili n, 6ater0aA in the eanti e, a0un* -hat will #e a valid de!ense #eca$se that is an e ergency spending or pro#a#ly walan, walan, )am6ili n, )a,7ain n, m,a em)le0ado nasa remote area sila* -hey are in a place where there are no !ood or what . they have to #$y. 0un )wede 0on no haA BaPt (indi 7a ma, e%plain #eca$se not all e%planations can #e 1$sti!ied. "n one o! the cases, " thin*, it is F$i =on vers$s Sandigan#ayan. :ne o! the cases in re#$tting that

Criminal Law Review | Page 2B pres$ ption is the giving o! vale or advance salary. SoA sa6i n, treas$rer, G:A 7ulan, n, twenty tho$sand ditoAH GE( sirA )ina6ale 7o e(.H GOA6a7it

mo )ina6aleAH GKasi )ara walan, )am)asweldo.H "s that a valid e%c$seA "s that a valid act on the part o! the treas$rer to re#$t the pres$ ption, pres$ ption that he converted or isappropriated the sa eA "n one case the S$pre e @o$rt said that is not a valid e%c$se. :therwise, i! yo$ allow that as a valid e%c$se, then no#ody will #e lia#le !or a cri e o! alversation. De wo$ld 1$st say, G 6inaleE e( di ta)os na. #a,awa 7a lan, n, resi6o e(A 6ale n, 6ale. n, sa6i n, S$pre e @o$rt, i! is not a practice o! that govern ent agency in giving GvalesH or advance salaries, i! it is not a practice in the o!!ice o! giving GvalesH or advance salaries, then yo$ can #e still lia#le !or a cri e o! alversation. 0$t i! that has #een a practice even #e!ore he #eca e an acco$nta#le o!!icer, and that is already #eing practice in the o!!ice, that ay #e a valid e%c$se. And, there!ore, s$!!icient to re#$t that pres$ ption o! isappropriation or conversion, o*ay. So, a0an an, alversation $nder Article &1C. R 5<8< I PL$!"ER L W (ow, the a assing o! wealth or the acc$ $lation o! wealth in the a o$nt o! at least !i!ty illion pesos sho$ld #e done thro$gh a series o! acts or a co #ination o! overt acts arising !ro any o! the cri es provided !or in the ?ep$#lic Act C'3', si% predicate cri es. 6o$ *now the si% predicate cri es that incl$de #ri#ery, or receipt o! any pec$niary #ene!it #y reason in part o! the position. SoA one o4 t(e )redicate )rime is 6ri6er0 . Pa$l "7 8# no

0un, predicate cri e na #ri#eryA ?eceipt o! any a o$nt or pec$niary #ene!it #y reason o! position. So, we have &1', direct #ri#ery. -hen we have &11, indirect #ri#ery, then &11.A, /$ali!ied #ri#ery. -hen we have the special . the two special *inds o! #ri#ery $nder ?ep$#lic Act >'1J. -hose are Paragraph 0 and @ o! Section > o! ?ep$#lic Act >'1J, otherwise *nown as the Anti.Gra!t and @orr$pt Practices Act. SoA t(ose are limited to t(e 4irst )redicate crime. T(e second )redicate crime is t(e crime o4 malversa tion , which eans that yo$ isappropriated or yo$ converted yo$r personal #ene!it, the !$nds or property entr$sted to yo$ #y the govern ent where yo$ are an acco$nta#le o!!icial or raid to #e tanta o$nt to a raid in the p$#lic treas$ry. -hat is also a part o! alversation, )ina,anda lan, 0un, raid. -hen the other predicate cri e 0un, >, B, 2, recei)t o4 s(ares o4 stoc7s or 4uture em)lo0ment* %un, shares o! the stoc*, yo$ *now, it does not say i! yo$ are #ene!iting !ro the shares o! stoc*. !a7ala,a0 don, receipt o! shares o! stoc* or !$t$re e ploy ent. Walan, sinasa6i, a*ing oney !ro the shares o! the stoc*. Unli*e 0un, #ri#ery tala,an, yo$ a*e oney o$t o! it, e(. %un, alversation also, yo$ a*e oney o$t o! it. 0$t 0un, shares o! the stoc*, receipt lan,A e(. :*ay.


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # -hen the other one is 4raudulent or ille,al sale o4 assets o4 t(e !ational #overnment. +hat " ean is that yo$ declared that the property o! the govern ent is now !or sale to the private sector. -hen #y selling to the private sector, yo$ ade oney o$t o! it. -hat is illegal or !ra$d$lent sale. %an di 7o masa6in, 6inentaA ,anun 0un di 6aD Govern ent properties, there is no proo!. Maramin, allegations dunA maramin, 7umitaA di6aD -he other one is 4ormation o4 mono)olies a ong relatives, !riends or associations o! the p$#lic o!!icials. :! co$rse yo$ *now what is onopoly. 6o$ control a certain ind$stry. 6o$ a*e oney o! it, !or ed #y yo$r #$siness associates, !riends, partners or even relatives. @atch.all provision y$ng Paragraph I. Recei)t o4 )ecuniar0 6ene4it detrimental to t(e interest o4 t(e 'ili)ino )eo)le and t(e Re)u6lic o4 t(e P(ili))ines. &indi 6inan,,it 7un, ano 0anA anon, cri e 0an. Basta sina6i n0a receipt o! pec$niary #ene!it #y reason o! p$#lic position detri ental to the interest o! the ?ep$#lic o! the Philippines and the ,ilipino people. %un an, tinatawa, nilan, catch. all provision. :*ay. PL$!"ER1 ILL #OTTE! WE LT& So, i! yo$ a ass, there!ore, an a o$nt o! ore than 2' illion pesos. So 5r. General, they cond$cted an investigation and was !o$nd to have an ill.gotten wealth o! ore than a h$ndred illion pesos. 6o$ *now how to discover ill.gotten wealthA +hat is ill.gotten wealth act$allyA +hen the wealth is grossly ore than . o$t o! proportion rather o! yo$r legiti ate inco e, any a o$nts #eyond yo$r legiti ate inco e will /$estion !or ill.gotten wealth. -here is a pres$ ption o! ill.gotten wealth $nder the law o! ?ep$#lic Act >'1J, -he Anti.Gra!t and @orr$ption Practices Acts. So any a o$nt thatQs o$t o! proportion !or yo$r legiti ate inco e is called ill.gotten wealth. "! the ill.gotten wealth o! the p$#lic o!!icial is ore than 2' illion pesos, is that govern ent o!!icial lia#le now !or the cri e o! pl$nderA (o, he is not lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nder. -he a o$nt that yo$ discovered sho$ld have co e !ro a co #ination o! overt acts or series o! co #ination o! overt acts !ro any o! those cri es entioned #y law. So, the a o$nt o! 2' illion pesos, ore than 2' illion pesos sho$ld have co e !ro the series o4 acts 4rom an0 o4 t(ose )redicate crimes entioned #y law sho$ld have co e !ro 6ri6er0A malversationA s(ares o4 stoc7A ille,al saleA recei)t o4 )ecuniar0 6ene4its or even creation o4 mono)ol0 amon, 4riends or (is associates.

Criminal Law Review | Page 22 Sir, in the case o! @hair an A#alos, do yo$ ean there is pec$niary #ene!itN 6o$ have to prove that he has illion pesos. ore than 2'

0$t he

ight #eN

(o. 6o$ can prove that. "! his ill.gotten wealth is ore than 2' illion pesos and then the a o$nts were derived !ro the series o! acts co ing !ro any o! those predicate cri es, he ay #e lia#le. 0$t, yo$ *now, there is an iss$e there 7asi e(. De *nows that 7asi a a assing o! ($nintelligi#le) series o! acts or co #ination o! overt acts, the series o! acts or co #ination o! overt acts. -he pro#le there is that will yo$ #e lia#le . a p$#lic o!!icial will #e lia#le i! there is an acc$ $lation o! ore than 2' illion pesos !or a series o! acts, #$t the a o$nt was derived !ro a single transactionA So, one was awarded a contract, he gave the a o$nt o! 1'' illion pesos in order that contract will #e awarded. -hat is a cri e o! #ri#ery, (indi 6aD F$estion; "s he now lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nder #eca$se the act does not involve a series o! actsA Kasi na7ala,a0 sa ill.gotten wealth, i! the ill.gotten is the a assing or acc$ $lating o! at least 2' illion pesos, di 6a, thro$gh series or co #ination o! overt acts, there!ore it involved several acts, and then thro$gh these acts, thereQs an acc$ $lation o! ore than 2' illion pesos. %un an, anoNthatQs the pro#le . So, so ething li*e that. S$pposing yo$ are with the @entral 0an* and then yo$ #ro$ght gold #$llion, the a o$nt . the val$e o! which is 1'' illion. 6o$ are the person in c$stody. So, yo$ are the acco$nta#le o!!icer o! @entral 0an*. "n yo$r c$stody is the gold. At one instance, Pa$l "7 8#

yo$ #ro$ght o$t several gold #ars worth 1'' pesos.


SERIES O' CTS 1 PER LT OPI!IO! I!CL$"ES SI!#LE CTS MO$!TI!# TO /<M F$estion; Are yo$ lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nder #eca$se there is only one act prod$cing pro#a#ly ore than the a o$nt o! 2' illion pesosA Sa6i nila (indi a7o coveredA e(. n, sa6i 7o . yo$ *now the law . why the law said a series o! actsA 0eca$se it was intended really to acc$ $late that a o$nt thro$gh the years #eca$se i! yo$ indicate in the law what act . there is a #ri#ery or alversation o! 2' illion pesos only in one act. And what will the #an*ing o!!icer doA &indi tatan,,a) n, 2' illion, (ati(atiin ni0a. So, an, p$rpose na inila,a0 sa series o! acts, so that it will cover the acc$ $lation o! a o$nts that ight ta*e place in two or three years. -hen 7un, ila,a0 0un, single a o$nt 0anA (a(atiin ni0a. -hatQs why they said series o! acts. SoA (e did not antici)ate t(at 60 sa0in, series o4 act t(at mi,(t not include a sin,le act* n, sa6i 7oA t(at includes sin,le acts* Kasi meron na d0anA dun sa BP ;; 60 analo,0* So, they ac/$itted the acc$sed on the gro$nd that he cannot #e convicted #eca$se the law does not provide that i! the reason o! the owner is acco$nt A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # closed, yo$ are lia#le !or violation o! 0P &&. n, na7ala,a0 lan, dunA e(, drawn against ins$!!iciency o! !$nd. Pa,datin, sa S$pre e )ina,alitan 0un, 1$dgeA e(* non, sa6iA i7aw naman Fud,e i7aA 0un, drawn against ins$!!iciency o! !$nd ay acco$nt na 0anA di 6aA 7a0a lan, 7ulan, an, )ondo. Ito account closed na n,a wala nan, acco$nt, (indi )a covered, thatQs even worse. Pina,alitan, so covered na n,a 0un, acco$nt closed. +hen do yo$ *now apply that /$estionA "! series o! acts are covered, (indi 6a, that involved reasoning. -he act is only a single act. 6o$ have acc$ $lated ore than 2' illion thro$gh the years, e(, covered 7a. -hat was only one act o! a o$nting to ore than 2' illion pesos is not covered, with ore reason that sho$ld #e covered, (indi 6aD O7a0* PL$!"ER CO!SPIR C% I! REL TIO! TO ROBBER%1 -he giver is not lia#le !or a cri e o! corr$ption o! a p$#lic o!!icial. De #eco es a conspirator in a cri e o! pl$nder. -here!ore, i! in the cri e o! ro##ery, the giver was practically !orced to give his oney, can yo$ charge now the giver as lia#le !or the cri e o! pl$nder when the oney is not willingly givenA Ka0a (indi )weden, ro##ery, e(. 0eca$se the giver $st also ay #e lia#le as part o! the series o! acts. E(A 7un, )inilit mo 0un, ro##er. Pwede 6an, . will yo$ !ile itA +ill yo$ !ile a case against hi or pl$nderA -he oney was not willingly given. %unA maramin, /$estions 7a doon 7un, an, i6aJ0 na,sasa6i, covered daw e(* +e donQt *now i! it is covered. Bawal 0an $nder the si% predicate cri e. :r even i! yo$ read the catch.all provision, receipt, e(A o! pec$niary #ene!it, e(. 6o$ receive, in a cri e o! ro##ery, yo$ do not receive eh. 6o$ $nlaw!$lly ta*e, e(. %un an, di)erens0a n, #ri#ery at sa7a ro##ery. 6$ng #ri#ery, $t$al. %un, ro##ery, yo$ $nlaw!$lly ta*e #eca$se it is against the consent. PL$!"ER CO!SPIR C% I! REL TIO! TO #I:ERS1 LI BILIT% S$pposing !ive persons or three persons gave &' illion each, di 6aA 6o$ gave e &' illion, &' illion, &' illion. "n so !ar as "Q concerned as the p$#lic o!!icer, " a now lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nder #eca$se the a o$nt already reached ore than 2' illion. 0$t a#o$t the giversA De only gave &' illion, e(. &' illion, &' illion. +ill they now #e lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nderA :! co$rse, they will #e lia#le !or the cri e o! pl$nder as long as they co e !ro the sa e predicate cri e. +hat does that eanA 6$n ang *aso ni . thatTs was the raised in the case o! Senator 4strada, Minggoy, e(. Kasi si0a, in the in!or ation he was charged with the cri e o! pl$nder, #$t in the evidence he did not contri#$te. 0$t there is no showing that he got ore than 2' illion pesos as !ar as the conspiracy. -wo illion lan, sa 7an0aA e(. So, 7inuwest0on na n0a n,a0on 0un, provision. Dow co$ld " #e lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nder when it is s$# itted that the e%tent o! y

Criminal Law Review | Page 2I participation is only $p to & illion. non, sa6i ng S$pre e @o$rt, lia#le *a #eca$se that is part o! the

series o! acts* "! all the a o$nts ca e !ro a single predicate cri e o! #ri#ery, letQs say &' illion, &' illion, &' illion. La(at 7a0o lia#le 7a0o n, pl$nder #eca$se those are parts o! the series o! act and they co e !ro the sa e predicate cri e. 0$t i! !or e%a ple, the B' illion ca e !ro the two, #$t the 2' illion did not co e !ro . they are pro#a#ly shares o! stoc*. Shares o! stoc* worth &' illion was given to e. "t is not #ri#ery, #$t " receive shares o! stoc* worth &' illion. F$estion; +ill " #e lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nderA :! co$rse, #eca$se there is an acc$ $lation o! ore than 2' illion. E(A )ano 0un, 7wan 0un, tatlo , they cannot #e lia#le !or a cri e o! pl$nderA +hyA 0eca$se one o! the a o$nt o! &' illion did not co e !ro the sa e predicate cri e. -he a o$nt sho$ld co e !ro the sa e predicate cri e, so to spea*. &indi )wede 0un, i6a . letQs say 7un, 1' illion lan, 0un, participation, 0un, isaA di!!erent predicate cri e )a,7ata)os i)a)ataw mo doon sa i6a 0un, wala 2' illion, he will #e treated separately !ro the others #eca$se they do not co e !ro the sa e predicate cri e. R ->591 PRES$MPTIO! EST BLIS&E" "! yo$ ay approve, the acts that lead to the acc$ $lation o! an ill.gotten wealth ore than P2' illion, the re edy o! the State is not to !ile a cri e o! pl$nder. -he re edy o! the State is to !ile a !or!eit$re Pa$l "7 8#

o! assets $nder ?ep$#lic Act 1>CJ which is civil in character. -hatQs what they did with President 5arcos and !a ily. "t was very easy to recover any ill.gotten wealth !ro the 5arcoses #eca$se $nder ?ep$#lic Act 1>CJ, the law o! !or!eit$re, when they have esta#lished that there is an ill.gotten wealth, the #$rden o! proo! shall #e part o! the de!endants, to prove that it is not ill. gotten. Ma0 pres$ ption o! ill.gotten, e( $nder ?A 1>CJ. MO$!TS PL$!"ERE" !EE" !OT BE LOC TE" TO S$ST I! PL$!"ER CO!:ICTIO! 0$t yo$ can prove the acc$ $lation #eca$se whatever a o$nts deposited in the #an* in the !$nd, N0un an, ill.gotten wealth. 6o$ do not need to prove that the a o$nt is still there. +hat all yo$ need to prove, there were a o$nts deposited. -he a o$nts acc$ $lated are ore than 2' illion and then the sa e were withdrawn #y the sa e person. -hatQs s$!!icient ill.gotten wealth. 0eca$se i! yo$ prove that in the re/$ire ents that a o$nt is still there, walan, ma7o.convict.

rt* ;-8* 'ailure o4 accounta6le o44icer to render accounts. Any p$#lic o!!icer,
whether in the service or separated there!ro #y resignation or any other ca$se, who is re/$ired #y law or reg$lation to render acco$nt to the "ns$lar A$ditor, or to a provincial a$ditor

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 2C 0$t it sho$ld #e provided !or #y law o! ordinance. M L:ERS TIO! !" TEC&!IC L M L:ERS TIO! RE TWO "ISTI!CT CRIMES (ow, one o! the cases, the acc$sed was charged with alversation $nder Article &1C, JnoD De was charged with isappropriating or converting to his personal #ene!it !$nds #elonging to the govern ent. 0$t d$ring the trial, it was !o$nd o$t that is was not act$ally Article &1C. "t was act$ally a cri e o! technical alversation that he co itted. F$estion; @an he #e convicted !or technical alversationA :r s$pposing, he was charged with technical alversation #$t d$ring the trial it was act$ally isappropriation, or conversion to his personal #ene!it, and there!ore alversation $nder &1C, isaversion. @an he #e convicted o! technical alversation i! what is charged in the !or ation is alversation $nder &1CA So, people said no. -hese are two di!!erent cri es. -hey are not the sa e. As " said, $s$ally, the cri e o! illegal $se o! p$#lic !$nds, walan, nawawala sa ,o60erno* 5is$se lan, N0an, is$se. Walan, nawawala* As a r$le, (a* Ma0 nawawala #eca$se a general r$le. Walan, nawawala as a r$le* -hey are ay #e instances where cri e o! technical alversation can only #e co itted* N%un, 7otse n, #aranggay o!!icial !or y $se, di 6aD So, " have a vehicle !or y $se. So, the p$rpose why a vehicle in the #$dget is p$rchased is !or the $se o! a govern ent o!!icial. "! that car is $sed #y other persons, yo$r !a ily, they are e #ers o! yo$r !a ily !or personal $se, lia#le 6a N0an n, illegal $se o! p$#lic !$nds. -hat is technical alversation. Ka0a a7o di a7o na,)a)la7a n, )ula* "i 6a un, )ula govern ent carD I0on, )la7a 7o dalawa e(* Pweden, ma0 )ula )weden, itim* Pa, )umunta sa )alen,7eA itim* -echnical alversation N0an* +hen yo$ $sed the property o! the govern ent !or a p$rpose other than it was intended, that is technical alversation $nder Article &&'. Dindi alversation T0an sa Article &1C.

and who !ails to do so !or a period o! two onths a!ter s$ch acco$nts sho$ld #e rendered, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ period, or #y a !ine ranging !ro &'' to I,''' pesos, or #oth.

rt* ;-9* 'ailure o4 a res)onsi6le )u6lic o44icer to render accounts 6e4ore leavin, t(e countr0. Any
p$#lic o!!icer who $nlaw!$lly leaves or atte pts to leave the Philippine "slands witho$t sec$ring a certi!icate !ro the "ns$lar A$ditor showing that his acco$nts have #een !inally settled, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor, or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos or #oth.

rt* ;;<* Ille,al use o4 )u6lic 4unds or )ro)ert0. Any p$#lic o!!icer who
shall apply any p$#lic !$nd or property $nder his ad inistration to any p$#lic $se other than !or which s$ch !$nd or property were appropriated #y law or ordinance shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ period or a !ine ranging !ro one.hal! to the total o! the s$ isapplied, i! #y reason o! s$ch isapplication, any da ages or e #arrass ent shall have res$lted to the p$#lic service. "n either case, the o!!ender shall also s$!!er the penalty o! te porary special dis/$ali!ication. "! no da age or e #arrass ent to the p$#lic service has res$lted, the penalty shall #e a !ine !ro 2 to 2' per cent o! the s$ isapplied.
@ri es @o itted #y P$#lic :!!icers; Part &

TEC&!IC L M L:ERS TIO! +hen yo$ tal* o! illegal $se o! p$#lic !$nds or the cri e o! technical alversation, the govern ent does not lose oney. "t does not lost any property or oney involved. +hat happens is that there is a diversion o! the !$nds o! the govern ent !or a p$rpose other than to which it was intended #y law or #y ordinance. "t was very i portant. "t is the illegal $se o! the p$#lic !$nds, there!ore !$nds $sed !or a p$rpose di!!erent !ro what it is intended #y an ordinance or #y law. So, yo$ $se now the oney !or salaries o! e ployees !or a p$rpose di!!erent !ro what it was intended. -he General Appropriations Act allotted P1' illion or P&' illion !or salaries. -here!ore, that a o$nt sho$ld only #e $tili=ed !or salaries. "! that a o$nt allotted #y law is $sed to #$y, !or yo$ to #e $sed !or other p$rposes others than what was intended, that is a cri e o! technical alversation. Pa$l "7 8#

rt* ;;-* 'ailure to ma7e deliver0 o4 )u6lic 4unds or )ro)ert0. Any p$#lic
o!!icer $nder o#ligation to a*e pay ent !ro Govern ent !$nds in his possession, who shall !ail to a*e s$ch pay ent, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor and a !ine !ro 2 to &2 per cent o! the s$ which he !ailed to pay. -his provision shall apply to any p$#lic o!!icer who, #eing ordered #y co petent a$thority to deliver any property in his c$stody or $nder his ad inistration, shall re!$se to a*e s$ch delivery.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta #

Criminal Law Review | Page 23

-he !ine shall #e grad$ated in s$ch case #y the val$e o! the thing, provided that it shall not less than 2' pesos.

penalty ne%t lower in degree than that prescri#ed !or the p$#lic o!!icer.

rt* ;;;* O44icers included in t(e )recedin, )rovisions. -he provisions o!

this chapter shall apply to private individ$als who in any capacity whatever, have charge o! any ins$lar, provincial or $nicipal !$nds, reven$es, or property and to any ad inistrator or depository o! !$nds or property attached, sei=ed or deposited #y p$#lic a$thority, even i! s$ch property #elongs to a private individ$al.

Section Two* + In4idelit0 in t(e custod0 o4 document rt* ;;3* RemovalA concealment or destruction o4 documents. Any p$#lic
o!!icer who shall re ove, destroy or conceal doc$ ents or papers o!!icially entr$sted to hi , shall s$!!er; 1. -he penalty o! prision ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos, whenever serio$s da age shall have #een ca$sed there#y to a third party or to the p$#lic interest. &. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ period and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos, whenever the da age to a third party or to the p$#lic interest shall not have #een serio$s. "n either case, the additional penalty o! te porary special dis/$ali!ication in its a%i $ period to perpet$al dis/$ali!ication shall #e i posed.

C(a)ter 'ive I!'I"ELIT% O' P$BLIC O''ICERS Section One* + In4idelit0 custod0 o4 )risoners in t(e

rt* ;;>* Connivin, wit( or consentin, to evasion. Any p$#lic

o!!icer who shall consent to the escape o! a prisoner in his c$stody or charge, shall #e p$nished; 1. 0y prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and te porary special dis/$ali!ication in its a%i $ period to perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication, i! the !$gitive shall have #een sentenced #y !inal 1$dg ent to any penalty. &. 0y prision correccional in its ini $ period and te porary special dis/$ali!ication, in case the !$gitive shall not have #een !inally convicted #$t only held as a detention prisoner !or any cri e or violation o! law or $nicipal ordinance.

rt* ;;.* Evasion t(rou,( ne,li,ence. "! the evasion o! the prisoner shall have
ta*en place thro$gh the negligence o! the o!!icer charged with the conveyance or c$stody o! the escaping prisoner, said o!!icer shall s$!!er the penalties o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period and te porary special dis/$ali!ication.

rt* ;;/* Esca)e o4 )risoner under t(e custod0 o4 a )erson not a )u6lic o44icer. Any private person to who
the conveyance or c$stody or a prisoner or person $nder arrest shall have #een con!ided, who shall co it any o! the o!!enses entioned in the two preceding articles, shall s$!!er the
Pa$l "7 8#

I! REL TIO! TO T&E CRIME O' EST ' 0$t yo$ *now, there is a twist here #eca$se what we are tal*ing o! &&I is the cri e co itted #y p$#lic o!!icer entr$sted in the c$stody o! p$#lic doc$ ents, either he destroys, conceals, or trans!er the doc$ ents to other place witho$t a$thority. 0$t when the evidence or when the doc$ ents pertaining to records o! the co$rts, then, the cri e ay #e esta!a. 4sta!a $nder Article >12 Paragraph > S$#paragraph @. Tin,nan nP0o sa esta!a sa >12 Paragraph >, J0un other !or s o! !ra$d$lent acts. Meron destr$ction o! co$rt records and doc$ ents. "! the destr$ction is !or the p$rpose o! deceits, na7ala,a0 N0an* " thin* itLs Article >12 Paragrah > Section @. Kun, co$rt records, esta!a. "! yo$ destroyed the doc$ ent, yo$ are in c$stody. -he cri e is in!idelity in the c$stody o! doc$ ents. +hat i! there were destr$ction o! co$rt records or even doc$ ents o! evidenceA Under Article >12 Paragraph > S$#paragraph @, esta!a N0an* Ba7itD +hen the destr$ction o! the doc$ ent or a co$rt record o! doc$ ents, itLs !or the p$rpose o! ca$sing da age to another party, esta!a N0an. 8estroyed the evidence. N%un, co$rt record )inunit mo N0un, evidence )ara manalo 7aso J0anA esta!a N0un*

rt* ;;5* O44icer 6rea7in, seal. Any p$#lic o!!icer charged with the c$stody o! papers or property sealed #y proper a$thority, who shall #rea* the seals or per it the to #e


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#ro*en, shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, te porary special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding &,''' pesos.

rt* ;;8* O)enin, o4 closed documents. Any p$#lic o!!icer not

incl$ded in the provisions o! the ne%t preceding article who, witho$t proper a$thority, shall open or shall per it to #e opened any closed papers, doc$ ents or o#1ects entr$sted to his c$stody, shall s$!!er the penalties or arresto ayor, te porary special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine o! not e%ceeding &,''' pesos.

the penalties o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, te porary special dis/$ali!ication in its a%i $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos.

rt* ;>;* "iso6edience to order o4 su)erior o44icersA w(en said order was sus)ended 60 in4erior o44icer. Any
p$#lic o!!icer who, having !or any reason s$spended the e%ec$tion o! the orders o! his s$periors, shall diso#ey s$ch s$periors a!ter the latter have disapproved the s$spension, shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication.

Section T(ree* + Revelation o4 secrets rt* ;;9* Revelation o4 secrets 60 an o44icer. Any p$#lic o!!icer who shall reveal
any secret *nown to hi #y reason o! his o!!icial capacity, or shall wrong!$lly deliver papers or copies o! papers o! which he ay have charge and which sho$ld not #e p$#lished, shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding &,''' pesos i! the revelation o! s$ch secrets or the delivery o! s$ch papers shall have ca$sed serio$s da age to the p$#lic interest< otherwise, the penalties o! prision correccional in its ini $ period, te porary special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding 2' pesos shall #e i posed.

rt* ;>>* Re4usal o4 assistance . -he penalties o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos, shall #e i posed $pon a p$#lic o!!icer who, $pon de and !ro co petent a$thority, shall !ail to lend his cooperation towards the ad inistration o! 1$stice or other p$#lic service, i! s$ch !ail$re shall res$lt in serio$s da age to the p$#lic interest, or to a third party< otherwise, arresto ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed. rt* ;>.* Re4usal to disc(ar,e elective o44ice. -he penalty o! arresto
ayor or a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who, having #een elected #y pop$lar election to a p$#lic o!!ice, shall re!$se witho$t legal otive to #e sworn in or to discharge the d$ties o! said o!!ice.

rt* ;><* Pu6lic o44icer revealin, secrets o4 )rivate individual. Any

p$#lic o!!icer to who the secrets o! any private individ$al shall #eco e *nown #y reason o! his o!!ice who shall reveal s$ch secrets, shall s$!!er the penalties o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos.

rt* ;>/* Maltreatment o4 )risoners .

-he penalty o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, in addition to (is lia6ilit0 4or t(e )(0sical inFuries or dama,e caused, shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer or e ployee who shall overdo hi sel! in the correction or handling o! a prisoner or detention prisoner $nder his charge, #y the i position o! p$nish ent not a$thori=ed #y the reg$lations, or #y in!licting s$ch p$nish ent in a cr$el and h$ iliating anner. "! the p$rpose o! the altreat ent is to e%tort a con!ession, or to o#tain so e in!or ation !ro



rt* ;>-* O)en diso6edience. Any

1$dicial or e%ec$tive o!!icer who shall openly re!$se to e%ec$te the 1$dg ent, decision or order o! any s$perior a$thority ade within the scope o! the 1$risdiction o! the latter and iss$ed with all the legal !or alities, shall s$!!er
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the prisoner, the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ period, te porary special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos, in addition to his lia#ility !or the physical in1$ries or da age ca$sed.

correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, and #y arresto ayor i! the p$rpose o! s$ch a#andon ent is to evade the d$ty o! preventing, prosec$ting or p$nishing any other cri e.

5altreat ent o! prisoners is co itted #y p$#lic o!!icer or entr$sted in dragging the prisoners and the prisoner is altreated $nder their c$stody. Pina,6u6u,6o, mo N0un, 7wan* Kawawa naman* !a7a7ulon, na n,a A 6inu6u,6o, mo )a * 5altreat ent N0an.

Section T(ree* + $sur)ation o4 )owers and unlaw4ul a))ointments rt* ;>9* $sur)ation o4 le,islative )owers . -he penalties o! prision
correccional in its ini $ period, te porary special dis/$ali!ication and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos, shall #e i posed $pon any p$#lic o!!icer who shall encroach $pon the powers o! the legislative #ranch o! the Govern ent, either #y a*ing general r$les or reg$lations #eyond the scope o! his a$thority, or #y atte pting to repeal a law or s$spending the e%ec$tion thereo!.

Section Two* + ntici)ationA )rolon,ation and a6andonment o4 t(e and )owers o4 )u6lic o44ice*


rt* ;>3* ntici)ation o4 duties o4 a )u6lic o44ice. Any person who shall
ass$ e the per!or ance o! the d$ties and powers o! any p$#lic o!!icer or e ploy ent witho$t !irst #eing sworn in or having given the #ond re/$ired #y law, shall #e s$spended !ro s$ch o!!ice or e ploy ent $ntil he shall have co plied with the respective !or alities and shall #e !ined !ro &'' to 2'' pesos.

rt* ;.<* $sur)ation o4 eBecutive 4unctions. Any 1$dge who shall ass$ e
any power pertaining to the e%ec$tive a$thorities, or shall o#str$ct the latter in the law!$l e%ercise o! their powers, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period.

rt* ;>5* Prolon,in, )er4ormance o4 duties and )owers. Any p$#lic o!!icer
shall contin$e to e%ercise the d$ties and powers o! his o!!ice , e ploy ent or co ission, #eyond the period provided #y law, reg$lation or special provisions applica#le to the case, shall s$!!er the penalties o! prision correccional in its ini $ period, special te porary dis/$ali!ication in its ini $ period and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos.

rt * ;.- * $sur)ation o4 Fudicial 4unctions. -he penalty o! arresto ayor in

its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period and shall #e i posed $pon any o!!icer o! the e%ec$tive #ranch o! the Govern ent who shall ass$ e 1$dicial powers or shall o#str$ct the e%ec$tion o! any order or decision rendered #y any 1$dge within its 1$risdiction.

rt * ;.; * "iso6e0in, reMuest 4or disMuali4ication. Any p$#lic o!!icer who,

#e!ore the /$estion o! 1$risdiction is decided, shall contin$e any proceeding a!ter having #een law!$lly re/$ired to re!rain !ro so doing, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos.

rt* ;>8* 6andonment o4 o44ice or )osition. Any p$#lic o!!icer who, #e!ore
the acceptance o! his resignation, shall a#andon his o!!ice to the detri ent o! the p$#lic service shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor. "! s$ch o!!ice shall have #een a#andoned in order to evade the discharge o! the d$ties o! preventing, prosec$ting or p$nishing any o! the cri e !alling within -itle :ne, and @hapter :ne o! -itle -hree o! 0oo* -wo o! this @ode, the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y prision
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rt * ;.> * Orders or reMuests 60 eBecutive o44icers to an0 Fudicial aut(orit0. Any e%ec$tive o!!icer who shall
address any order or s$ggestion to any 1$dicial a$thority with respect to any case or #$siness co ing within the e%cl$sive 1$risdiction o! the co$rts o! 1$stice shall s$!!er the penalty o!

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arresto pesos.

ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2''

rt* ;..* $nlaw4ul a))ointments.

Any p$#lic o!!icer who shall *nowingly no inate or appoint to any p$#lic o!!ice any person lac*ing the legal /$ali!ications there!or, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos.

Title Ei,(t CRIMES # I!ST PERSO!S C(a)ter One "ESTR$CTIO! O' LI'E Section One* + ParricideA murderA (omicide rt* ;.3* Parricide* Any person who shall
*ill his !ather, other, or child, whether legiti ate or illegiti ate, or any o! his ascendants, or descendants, or his spo$se, shall #e g$ilty o! parricide and shall #e p$nished #y the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a to death.

Section 'our* + c(astit0

6uses a,ainst

rt* ;./* 6uses a,ainst c(astit01 Penalties. -he penalties o! prision

correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods and te porary special dis/$ali!ication shall #e i posed; 1. Upon any p$#lic o!!icer who shall solicit or a*e i oral or indecent advances to a wo an interested in atters pending #e!ore s$ch o!!icer !or decision, or with respect to which he is re/$ired to s$# it a report to or cons$lt with a s$perior o!!icer< &. Any warden or other p$#lic o!!icer directly charged with the care and c$stody o! prisoners or persons $nder arrest who shall solicit or a*e i oral or indecent advances to a wo an $nder his c$stody. "! the person solicited #e the wi!e, da$ghter, sister o! relative within the sa e degree #y a!!inity o! any person in the c$stody o! s$ch warden or o!!icer, the penalties shall #e prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and te porary special dis/$ali!ication.
%un, m,a g$ards, warden. Ba,o )a)asu7in N0un, asawa n, )resoA )indotI)indot muna !ro the g$ard. ?e/$est !or a se%$al !avor in order that the re/$est o! the lady visitor will #e acco odated in e%change. N%un, a#$se o! chastity N0an !or those p$#lic o!!icials who re/$est !or se%$al !avor in e%change o! a transaction. )etQs say, N0un, m,a detained wo en. !a,6e6enta n, m,a du,o sa m,a os)ital* Meron din lo7on, doctor. O)L La,ot 7aA i(a* Bi6ili a7o n, ,amot* PindotI)indot muna* 0an* -hat is the eaning o! &B2 a#$se o! chastity. +hat a*es it a cri e o! a#$se o! chastity is that the victi has a transaction in the p$#lic o!!icer and in e%change o! that !avor, ma,7a7aroon si0a n, se%$al !avor in e%change to it. -hat is not a cri e involving chastity. -hatQs a#$se o! chastity co itted only #y those persons entioned #y the law.

rt* ;.5* "eat( or )(0sical inFuries in4licted under eBce)tional circumstances. Any legally arried
person who having s$rprised his spo$se in the act o! co itting se%$al interco$rse with another person, shall *ill any o! the or #oth o! the in the act or i ediately therea!ter, or shall in!lict $pon the any serio$s physical in1$ry, shall s$!!er the penalty o! destierro. "! he shall in!lict $pon the physical in1$ries o! any other *ind, he shall #e e%e pt !ro p$nish ent. -hese r$les shall #e applica#le to parents with respect to their da$ghters $nder eighteen years o! age, and their seducer, w(ile t(e dau,(ters are livin, wit( t(eir )arents* Any person who shall pro ote or !acilitate the prostit$tion o! his wi!e or da$ghter, or shall otherwise have consented to the in!idelity o! the other spo$se shall not #e entitled to the #ene!its o! this article.
Immediatel0 t(erea4ter . does not ean right a!ter, deter ine i! he was still in control o! hi sel!. -here is no cri e in this article. 8estierro here is not a penalty. "t is !or the p$rpose !or protecting the wo$ld #e o!!ender. @ivil inde nity wo$ld #e i proper. ?e e #er; +hile in destierro $nder &BC, ca$ght $sing 8?UGS (: "S)A+, I onths reha#ilitation !or !irst ti e o!!ender, penalty is less than 1 year.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # " $#&TER !" SE"$CER -hat eans the da$ghter and her sed$cer so, in other words, the !ather *ills the da$ghter. -hat2s what the law says. -his law applies also to the da$ghter and her sed$cer. So, what does that eanA "t eans, there!ore, that there is a cri e o! Muali4ied seduction or sim)le seduction #eing co itted. -hen yo$ have to re!er yo$rselves to >>C and >>3 o! the ?evised Penal @ode to $nderstand that. Under rticle >>5, the law provides that when a girl #etween the ages o! 1& and 13 consents to carnal *nowledge or even se%$al interco$rse thro$gh a#$se o! con!idence, or co itted #y do estic servant, a teacher, or those o! religio$s calling, then the cri e #eco es a /$ali!ied sed$ction, as long as the wo an is o! good rep$tation. -he other one is rticle >>8, the cri e o! si ple sed$ction. +hen the girl #etween the ages o! 1& and 13, virgin, consents to carnal *nowledge thro$gh deceit, then that #eco es a cri e o! si ple sed$ction. "! the da$ghter now is #eing sed$ced, and there is an ongoing se%$al interco$rse #etween the da$ghter and the o!!ender, in a /$ali!ied sed$ction or in a si ple sed$ction, and then the !ather *ills the an or even the da$ghter, &BC applies as an a#sol$tory ca$se. -hat is the application. Ka0a lan, $n!air don sa da$ghter. 0$t the law says, in so !ar as the da$ghter and the sed$cer, (indi sina6i na sed$cer lan, an, )inata0*

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an earth/$a*e, er$ption o! a volcano, destr$ctive cyclone, epide ic or other p$#lic cala ity. 2. +ith evident pre editation. I. +ith cr$elty, #y deli#erately and inh$ anly a$g enting the s$!!ering o! the victi , or o$traging or sco!!ing at his person or corpse.

0ar e%a ; g$ard !ired g$n to scare, #$llet #o$nced #ac* ca$sed in1$ries... now it ay lead to three cri es $rder ho icide rec*less i pr$dence res$lting to ho icide +hen the *illing is attended #y any o! the /$ali!ying aggravating circ$ stances, then it #eco es a cri e o! $rder. &owever, i! there is no intent to *ill !ro the very #eginning, no intent to *ill !ro the very #eginning even i! the *illing is attended #y a /$ali!ying aggravating circ$ stance, that cannot #eco e a cri e o! $rder. -hat #eco es a cri e o! ho icide. As we have st$died in Paragraph 1 o! Article B when yo$ per!or a law!$l act, and then di!!erent !ro what yo$ have intended to co it, then that is $nintentional cri e. " ean, yo$ were per!or ing an $nlaw!$l act, altho$gh di!!erent !ro what yo$ have intended to co it, then that #eco es a cri e o! ho icide, =di 6aD De dies. Altho$gh di!!erent !ro what he intended to co it. 0$t i! yo$ are per!or ing a law!$l act, in the per!or ance o! s$ch law!$l act yo$ ca$sed the death o! so e#ody else, that cannot #e ho icide. -hat cannot #e $rder. "t #eco es a cri e o! rec*less i pr$dence res$lting to ho icide. Intent to Kill 1. 5anner o! *illing &. $tterances prior and at the occasion o! >. weapon $sed (altho$gh a hand*erchie! #e $sed in a lethal anner)

rt* ;.8* Murder. Any person who, not !alling within the provisions o! Article &BI shall *ill another, shall #e g$ilty o! $rder and shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral in its a%i $ period to death, i! co itted with any o! the !ollowing attendant circ$ stances;
1. +ith treachery, ta*ing advantage o! s$perior strength, with the aid o! ar ed en, or e ploying eans to wea*en the de!ense or o! eans or persons to ins$re or a!!ord i p$nity. &. "n consideration o! a price, reward, or pro ise. >. 0y eans o! in$ndation, !ire, poison, e%plosion, shipwrec*, stranding o! a vessel, derail ent or assa$lt $pon a street car or loco otive, !all o! an airship, #y eans o! otor vehicles, or with the $se o! any other eans involving great waste and r$in. B. :n occasion o! any o! the cala ities en$ erated in the preceding paragraph, or o!
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ay also

rt* ;.9* &omicide. Any person who, not !alling within the provisions o! Article &BI, shall *ill another witho$t the attendance o! any o! the circ$ stances en$ erated in the ne%t preceding article, shall #e dee ed g$ilty o! ho icide and #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral.

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rt* ;/<* Penalt0 4or 4rustrated )arricideA murder or (omicide rt* ;/-* "eat( tumultuous a44ra0. caused in a

Section Two* + In4anticide and a6ortion rt* ;//* In4anticide.

Eilling a child $nder C& ho$rs old. 8i!!erence in penalty i! the other or her parents did the *illing to conceal dishonor.

rt* ;/;* P(0sical inFuries in4licted in a tumultuous a44ra0*

?e e #er, there are 1$st two *inds o! t$ $lt$o$s a!!rays, one where death res$lts, and one where serio$s physical in1$ries res$lts. there is no s$ch thing as atte pted or !r$strated death d$ring t$ $lt$o$s a!!ray. -here is no s$ch thing. -he cri e #eco es physical in1$ries d$ring t$ $lt$o$s a!!ray i! the victi does not die. -here is no atte pted or !r$strated. "t is only in!anticide, parricide, $rder, and ho icide where yo$ have atte pted or !r$strated. -here is no s$ch thing as atte pted or !r$strated death. "! the victi does not die, then it is physical in1$ries. ?454504?; -he essence o! this cri e is the ina#ility to identi!y, so the o ent yo$ can identi!y who dealt those #lows, then they sho$ld #e charged $nder the proper cri e.

rt* ;/3* Intentional a6ortion. Any person who shall intentionally ca$se an a#ortion shall s$!!er; 1. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral, i! he shall $se any violence $pon the person o! the pregnant wo an.
&. -he penalty o! prision ayor i!, witho$t $sing violence, he shall act witho$t the consent o! the wo an. >. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the wo an shall have consented.

rt* ;/5* $nintentional a6ortion. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ period shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall ca$se an a#ortion #y violence, #$t unintentionall0.
Intentional and $nintentional p$rpose is to 7ill 4etus 6ut 6ot( woman and c(ild die . i! p$rpose was not *ill the !et$s, #$t then dies, unintentional a6ortion . i! no intent to *ill wo an only !et$s, ho icide with intentional a#ortion . i! to *ill wo an with treachery #$t not to *ill the !et$s, $rder with $nintentional a#ortion . theoretical instance ; two intentions, one to *ill wo an, and other child, this ay res$lt to two cri es.

rt* ;/>* #ivin, assistance to suicide.

8i!!erence only in penalty i! the one assisting pretty $ch did the *illing o! the poor #astard.

rt* ;/.* "isc(ar,e o4 4irearms.

Any person who shall shoot at another with any !irear shall s$!!er the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, unless the !acts o! the case are s$ch that the act can #e held to constit$te !r$strated or atte pted parricide, $rder, ho icide or any other cri e !or which a higher penalty is prescri#ed #y any o! the articles o! this @ode. ,r$strated illegal discharge loaded ai ed #$t did not !ire, and i! there was no #$llet and acc$sed did not *now, i possi#le cri e.

rt* ;/8*

6ortion )racticed 60 t(e

woman (ersel4 o4 60 (er )arents.

-his article is sel!.e%planatory. -he wo an ay co it this or her parents. )ower penalty provided !or i! the p$rpose is to conceal dishonor.

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rt* ;/9* 6ortion )racticed 60 a )(0sician or midwi4e and dis)ensin, o4 a6ortives.

5idwi!e or Physician ca$se or assist in an a#ortion. Physician is also lia#le !or dispensing witho$t proper prescription a#ortives.

1. insane, i #ecile, i potent, or #lind< &. lost the $se o! speech or the power to hear or to s ell, or shall have lost an eye, a hand, a !oot, an ar , or a leg or shall have lost the $se o! any s$ch e #er, or shall have #eco e incapacitated !or the wor* in which he was there!or ha#it$ally engaged< >. the person in1$red shall have #eco e de!or ed, or shall have lost any other part o! his #ody, or shall have lost the $se thereo!, or shall have #een ill or incapacitated !or the per!or ance o! the wor* in which he as ha#it$ally engaged !or a period o! ore than (J') ninety days< B. illness or incapacity !or la#or o! the in1$red person !or ore than (>') thirty days.
"! the o!!ense shall have #een co itted against any o! the persons en$ erated in Article &BI, or with attendance o! any o! the circ$ stances entioned in Article &B3, the case covered #y s$#division n$ #er 1 o! this Article shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral in its edi$ and a%i $ periods< the case covered #y s$#division n$ #er & #y prision correccional in its a%i $ period to prision ayor in its ini $ period< the case covered #y s$#division n$ #er > #y prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods< and the case covered #y s$#division n$ #er B #y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods.

Section T(ree* + "uel rt* ;3<* Res)onsi6ilit0 )artici)ants in a duel*


rt* ;3-* C(allen,in, to a duel* (A)ny person who shall challenge another, or incite another to give or accept a challenge to a d$el, or shall sco!! at or decry another p$#licly !or having re!$sed to accept a challenge to !ight a d$el. C(a)ter Two P&%SIC L I!J$RIES rt* ;3;* Mutilation.
+hat a#o$t serio$s intentional $tilation or intentional $tilation. +hat are these cri esA (ow, serio$s intentional $tilation, it will depend on what is $tilated. "! what is $tilated is a reprod$ctive organ, then that is serio$s intentional $tilation. Any other part o! the #ody $tilated other than the reprod$ctive organ is what we called intentional $tilation. "t #eco es serio$s when it is reprod$ctive organ. "t is intentional $tilation when it is not a reprod$ctive organ. 0$t $tilation ay also #e a serio$s physical in1$ries* "! yo$ c$t o!! one !inger, that is also serio$s physical in1$ries. 6o$ c$t one !inger that can #e also intentional $tilations. Dow do yo$ di!!erentiate the twoA "! the intention is only to in1$re, then &I>. 0$t i! the intention is to $tilate, then that is intentional $tilation. 7in =0un, 7ama0 mo ta)os )inalo mo n, martil0oA intentional $tilation =0un* 0$t in the process o! a /$arrel, na, awa0 7a0oA and then one o! the !ingers was c$t o!! #eca$se o! the /$arrel, then that is serio$s physical in1$ries.

-he provisions o! the preceding paragraph shall not #e applica#le to a parent who shall in!lict physical in1$ries $pon his child #y e%cessive chastise ent.

rt* ;3.* dministerin, inFurious su6stances or 6evera,es* -he

penalties esta#lished #y the ne%t preceding article shall #e applica#le in the respective case to any person who, wit(out intent to 7ill, shall in!lict $pon another any serio$s, physical in1$ry, #y *nowingly ad inistering to hi any in1$rio$s s$#stance or #everages or #y ta*ing advantage o! his wea*ness o! ind or cred$lity.

rt* ;3/* Less serious )(0sical inFuries* Any person who shall in!lict $pon another
physical in1$ries not descri#ed in the preceding articles, #$t which shall incapacitate the

rt* ;3>* Serious )(0sical inFuries*

Any person who shall wo$nd, #eat, or assa$lt another, shall #e g$ilty o! the cri e o! serio$s physical in1$ries and shall s$!!er;
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o!!ended party !or la#or !or (1') ten days or ore, or shall re/$ire edical assistance !or the sa e period, shall #e g$ilty o! less serio$s physical in1$ries and shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor. W(enever less serious )(0sical inFuries s(all (ave 6een in4licted wit( t(e mani4est intent to 7ill or o44end t(e inFured )ersonA or under circumstances addin, i,nomin0 to t(e o44ense in addition to t(e )enalt0 o4 arresto ma0orA a 4ine not eBceedin, /<< )esos s(all 6e im)osed* Any less serio$s physical in1$ries in!licted $pon the o!!enderLs parents, ascendants, g$ardians, c$rators, teachers, or persons o! ran*, or persons in a$thority, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, provided that, in the case o! persons in a$thority, the deed does not constit$te the cri e o! assa$lt $pon s$ch person.
@hec* that it does not a o$nt to 8irect Assa$lt.

#) +hen the o!!ended party is deprived o! reason or otherwise $nconscio$s< c) 0y eans o! !ra$d$lent achination or grave a#$se o! a$thority< d) +hen the o!!ended party is $nder twelve (1&) years o! age or is de ented, even tho$gh none o! the circ$ stances entioned a#ove #e present< &) 0y any person who, $nder any o! the circ$ stances entioned in paragraph 1 hereo!, shall co it an act o! se%$al assa$lt #y inserting his penis into other personLs o$th or anal ori!ice, or any instr$ ent or o#1ect, into the genital or anal ori!ice o! another person.

rt* ;33IB* Penalties. . ?ape $nder paragraph 1 o! the ne%t preceding article shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion perpet$a.
+henever the rape is co itted with the $se o! a deadly weapon or #y two or ore persons, the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a to death. +hen #y reason or on the occasion o! the rape, the victi has #eco e insane, the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a to death. +hen the rape is atte pted and a ho icide is co itted #y reason or on the occasion thereo!, the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a to death. +hen #y reason or on the occasion o! the rape, ho icide is co itted, the penalty shall #e death. -he death penalty shall also #e i posed i! the cri e o! rape is co itted with any o! the !ollowing aggravating9/$ali!ying circ$ stances; 1) +hen the victi is $nder eighteen (13) years o! age and the o!!ender is a parent, ascendant, step.parent, g$ardian, relative #y consang$inity or a!!inity within the third civil degree, or the co on.law spo$se o! the parent o! the victi . &) +hen the victi is $nder the c$stody o! the police or ilitary a$thorities or any law en!orce ent o! penal instit$tion. >) +hen the rape is co itted in !$ll view o! the spo$se, parent, any o! the children or other relatives within the third civil degree o! consang$inity.

rt* ;33* Sli,(t )(0sical inFuries and maltreatment* -he cri e o! slight physical in1$ries shall #e p$nished;
1. 0y arresto enor when the o!!ender has in!licted physical in1$ries which shall incapacitate the o!!ended party !or la#or !ro one to nine days, or shall re/$ire edical attendance d$ring the sa e period. &. 0y arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &' pesos and cens$re when the o!!ender has ca$sed physical in1$ries which do not prevent the o!!ended party !ro engaging in his ha#it$al wor* nor re/$ire edical assistance. >. 0y arresto enor in its ini $ period or a !ine not e%ceeding 2' pesos when the o!!ender shall illItreat anot(er 60 deed wit(out causin, an0 inFur0*

rt ;33I * Ra)eQ W(en and &ow Committed. . ?ape is

@o itted. 1) 0y a an who shall have carnal *nowledge o! a wo an $nder any o! the !ollowing circ$ stances; a) -hro$gh !orce, threat, or inti idation<
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B) +hen the victi is a religio$s engaged in legiti ate religio$s vocation or calling and is personally *nown to #e s$ch #y the o!!ender #e!ore or at the ti e o! the co ission o! the cri e. (2) +hen the victi is a child #elow seven (C) years old. (I) +hen the o!!ender *nows that he is a!!licted with D$ an " $ne.8e!iciency 7ir$s (D"7)9Ac/$ired " $ne 8e!iciency Syndro e (A"8S) or any other se%$ally trans issi#le disease and the vir$s or disease is trans itted to the victi . (C) +hen co itted #y any e #er o! the Ar ed ,orces o! the Philippines or para ilitary $nits thereo! or the Philippine (ational Police or any law en!orce ent agency or penal instit$tion, when the o!!ender too* advantage o! his position to !acilitate the co ission o! the cri e. (3) +hen #y reason or on the occasion o! the rape, the victi s$!!ered per anent physical $tilation or disa#ility. (J) +hen the o!!ender *new o! the pregnancy o! the o!!ended party at the ti e o! the co ission o! the cri e. (1') +hen the o!!ender *new o! the ental disa#ility, e otional disorder and9or physical handicap o! the o!!ended party at the ti e o! the co ission o! the cri e. ?ape $nder paragraph & o! the ne%t preceding article shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor. +henever the rape is co itted with the $se o! a deadly weapon or #y two or ore persons, the penalty shall #e prision ayor to recl$sion te poral. +hen #y reason or on the occasion o! the rape, the victi has #eco e insane, the penalty shall #e recl$sion te poral. +hen the rape is atte pted and a ho icide is co itted #y reason or on the occasion thereo!, the penalty shall #e recl$sion te poral to recl$sion perpet$a. +hen #y reason or on the occasion o! the rape, ho icide is co itted, the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a. ?ecl$sion te poral shall also #e i posed i! the rape is co itted #y any o! the ten aggravating9/$ali!ying circ$ stances entioned in this article.

rt* ;33IC* E44ect o4 Pardon . -he s$#se/$ent valid arriage #etween the o!!ender and the o!!ended party shall e%ting$ish the cri inal action or the penalty i posed. "n case it is the legal h$s#and who is the o!!ender, the s$#se/$ent !orgiveness #y the wi!e as the o!!ended party shall e%ting$ish the cri inal action or the penalty. Provided, -hat the cri e shall #e e%ting$ish or the penalty shall not #e a#ated i! the arriage is void a# initio. rt* ;33I"* Presum)tions. . Any physical overt act ani!esting resistance against the act o! rape in any degree !ro the o!!ended party, or where the o!!ended party is so sit$ated as to render her9hi incapa#le o! giving valid consent, ay #e accepted as evidence in the prosec$tion o! the acts p$nished $nder Article &II.A
TTEMPTE" R PE1 ME !I!# -hen that2s atte pted rape. So eti es so e say, intent to lie down with the wo an or in so eti es they call it . intent to penetrate. 0eca$se lying down is ano e( #road 0unA e(* Pina(i,a mo 0un e(A that2s lying down. 0$t there is no intent to penetrate, e(. So, i! there is intent to penetrate, #$t the pro#le is how do yo$ *now i! there is intent to penetrateA Dow will yo$ *nowA "t still depends on the !acts. S$pposing the an insisted on inserting his private organ, #$t he was prevented #y the girl, so that he co$ld not insert his private organ. -hen that is s$re intent to penetrate. 0$t there was no penetration slightest #eca$se the wo an !orced the an, di 6aD #anun 0unA e(* Ma0 intent to penetrate #$t #eca$se there is no slight penetration, that will #eco e a cri e o! atte pted rape. 'ORCE1 RE?$IRE" eno$gh !or her not to #e a#le to prevent the intent to penetrate. "EPRI:E" O' RE SO!1 ME !I!# P; She ight #e asleep or was #o%ed. +hat a#o$t a wo an who2s sleepingA A wo an who is sleeping. @an yo$ do a cri e o! rape when the wo an is sleepingA "s she $nconscio$sA S; 6es, sir. She is pro#a#ly $nconscio$s. Ass$ ing that there is a possi#ility that . P; -here was an old case, " thin* 1' years ago, when the wo an was already sleeping #$t she did not resist. "! she is sleeping and then yo$ go on top o! the wo an and then she wa*es $p . o! co$rse she will wa*e $p. -hen, she did not persist, a0un A.).,.9(.:.S.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # 6a7a walan, rape 0un #eca$se she did not resistA e(* +hen a wo an is sleeping and then yo$ go on top o! her she will #e awa*en. 0$t i! she does not resist at that ti e, walan, rape i0on* -hat is not $nconscio$s. +hat is $nconscio$s is that, she only discovers that so e#ody inserted his private organ a!ter she2s awa*ened. 6 un an, $nconscio$s or deprived o! reason. +hat a#o$t sleepingA -here was an old case, where the acc$sed was convicted #eca$se what happened there was she was sleeping. -hen when she was sleeping, so e#ody went on top o! her. !aramdaman ni0a e(* 0$t #e!ore that she tho$ght that it was her h$s#and. &indi na,rere7lamo* Sa6i ni0a a(A h$s#and 7o =to* O7a0 lan,* n, )ro6lema a!ter he inserted his private organ, " do not *now 7un, 6a7it anoI a(A C&indi ito an, asawa 7oL &indi ito an, asawa 7oLE &indi sina6i sa case 7un, 6a7itA e(* !aramdaman ni0aA (indi )ala 0un an, asawa ni0a* Ba7a maliit eA o i6a 0un, 7orte* -hat is still a cri e o! rape. She did not resist hi #eca$se she tho$ght then that he was her h$s#and. %unA sina6i n, S$pre e @o$rtA ra)e 0an* -hen there was another case in Palawan. Actress 0un n, 0ritish, e(* Kasama 0un, #oy!riend then they have #een drin*ing A na, inuman sila dun* -hen the wo an was a littler tipsy, pro#a#ly tipsy, na7atulo,* 0eca$se this case ca e later than the !irst one, so the #oy 0un, ano dunA 0un, )aran, #ell#oy doon sa hotel* %un )ala an, anoA he went on top o! the 0ritish stage actress and then he charged the #oy with rape and he was convicted in the lower co$rt. 0$t in the S$pre e @o$rt the #oy was ac/$itted #eca$se she was not totally asleep. She was conscio$s. "t does not !all $nder otherwise conscio$s 7asi she testi!ied on cross e%a ination that she co$ld !eel what was #eing done to her * So, i! she !elt there2s so ething #$t she did not resist. She only resisted a!ter eh. And then the other pro#le is she !ails to !ile the case, #elatedly. &indi ni0a a,ad 4iInile 0un, 7asoA e(* SoA an, sus)etsa 7o dunA the #oy!riend later discovered that she went to #ed with another an, and the #oy!riend discovered, 4iInilan ni0a n, rape, i0on an, sus)etsa 7o* So, that #oy was ac/$itted in !ollow $p. Swerte. !a7ali6reL

Criminal Law Review | Page IC 'R $"$LE!T M C&I! TIO! -he e%a ple that they gave yo$ in congress is that, let2s say even a c$sto er. 6o$2re a prostit$te, yo$ have a c$sto er and then yo$ agreed that yo$ will pay the prostit$te, let2s say in the a o$nt o! 2,''' pesos. -hen a!ter that she agreed to have a se%$al interco$rse #eca$se yo$ will have to pay her 2,''' pesos. (ow, a!ter the se%$al interco$rse, the #oy said, G!oA I will not )a0 0ouA )ulis a7o e(* Li6re an, )ulisA e(*E According to @ongress, rape 0un* -hat2s the eaning o! rape. -hat2s rape #eca$se she sho$ld not have agreed to se%$al interco$rse i! not

. that is now !ra$d$lent achination. ,ra$d, eh. "i 6a an, esta!a can #e co itted also thro$gh !ra$dA )i*ened to esta!a 0un eh. :r yo$ have a prostit$te the as*ing price is 2,''' pesos. -hen sa#i niya, G&o0A tama na sa0o isan, li6o e(* &indi 7a naman )ala ma,alin,* SoA -A<<< lan,*E -hat2s a cri e o! rape. -hat is !ra$d$lent achination. Wala )an, na,a,an0an e(* Meron na 6aD Wala* -he prostit$te will charge the c$sto erA "! she does that, she will lose all her c$sto ers. She will not do that. -hey incl$ded that, #$t that was not there #e!ore the a end ent, #$t they incl$ded that. :*ay. So, ore than 1&, yo$ have to prove witho$t the consentA R PE O' :ICTIM O' #ES BETWEE! -; !" -8 I! REL TIO! TO ?$ LI'IE" SE"$CTIO! 0etween the ages 1& and 13, (a, as long as it does not !all $nder /$ali!ied or si ple sed$ction. So, #etween 1& and 13 yo$ always prove that is done thro$gh any o! those entioned in Paragraph A, 0, and @. "n all cases. -here is one e%ception. +hen the rape is co it ent #y the !ather over the da$ghter or step!ather or stepda$ghter even i! the da$ghter consented to a carnal *nowledge as long as the da$ghter is #etween the ages o! 1& and 13 that can still #e a cri e o! rape #eca$se according to the S$pre e @o$rt, the oral ascendancy e%ercised #y the !ather #y reason o! parental a$thority s$#stit$tes !or the re/$ired !orce o! inti idation in a cri e o! rape. Kasi daw )a, ore than 1& daw less than 13A )a, sina6i daw n, tata0 Pa$l "7 8#

walan, ma,awa 0un, ana7 #eca$se o! the ascendancy* 0$t i! the da$ghter is already ore than 13, consented to a se%$al interco$rse re/$ested #y the !ather, the !ather can no longer #e lia#le o! a cri e o! rape. +hyA 0eca$se there is no parental a$thority to spea* o!. 0$t the !ather cannot escape lia#ility, he will still #e lia#le. De can still #e lia#le !or a cri e o! /$ali!ied sed$ction $nder the second paragraph o! Article >>C. Walan, lusot an, tata0A e(* Pala,i 0un* Kun, ore than 1&A less than 13, na, consent 0un, ana7A rape 0an* Kun, ore than 13, na, consent 0un, ana7A (indi rape 0anA #$t the !ather ay #e lia#le !or /$ali!ied sed$ction $nder the second paragraph o! Article >>C. !a7ala,a0 dun sa second paragraph n, >>C1 even i! the da$ghter is ore than 13 and is not o! good rep$tation, consents to a se%$al interco$rse o! the !ather, the cri e is /$ali!ied sed$ction MISSIO! R% R PE !" "O#IST%LE R PE1 S$CCESSI:E ST%LESA O!E CRIME E C& 5issionary rape is when the wo an and the an !ace each other. So, !rontal an, rape. 8og style is dog style, )atali7od. (ow, the di!!erence #etween the two is that, when it is a issionary rape, it is a si ple rape. 8og style rape is, li*ewise, a si ple rape #$t aggravated #y igno iny. Aggravated #y igno iny. -hat eans $nder Paragraph 1C o! A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # Article 1B. "t is still a si ple rape #$t there is now an aggravating circ$ stance o! igno iny or oral s$!!ering $nder Paragraph 1C o! Article 1B. (ot treachery. &indi rin ista*e o! the #low. S$CCESSI:E PE!ETR TIO! 6eah, three cri es =0an. ?ape is cons$ ated the o ent that there is a slightest penetration. So, i! yo$ co itted a cri e o! rape !rontal and then a!terwards dog style, that2s another !or o! rape. S; Sir, go #ac* to issionary rape. P; 6o$ go #ac* toA S; 5issionary rape* P; E(A =di )an,atlo na =0un* S; -hen go #ac* to !rontal, !o$r ti esA P; 6es. "OCTRI!E Q PEOPLE v* ORILL Bawat (u,ot mo at sa7sa7 isan, crime o4 ra)e 0un. People vs. Moseph :rilla where the S$pre e @o$rt said that in that case the an e1ac$lated twice. So A ilan cri es o! rapeA De e1ac$lated twice, ano* Sa6i n, S$pre e isa lan, cri e o! rape. 0eca$se according to the S$pre e @o$rt cons$ ated cri e o! rape is deter ined #y how any ti es the private organ to$ched the opening. So, in other words, yo$ . there is one cons$ ated cri e o! rape, (a. Inalis mo* Ta)os regardless o! the interval o! ti e, i6inali7 mo* Pan,alawan, rape =0un* Bawa2t (u,otA isan, ra)e 0un* -hat is the i plication. "t is deter ined #y the n$ #er o! ti es the private organ penetrates the private organ o! the !e ale. R PE I! REL TIO! TO CTS O' L SCI:IO$S!ESS !,a0onA i! yo$r interpretation is that it is done erely to satis!y one2s l$st thro$gh lewd design, acts o! lascivio$sness =0unA (indi 6aD So, how will yo$ disting$ish now i! that2s acts o! lascivio$sness or lewd designA T(enA it will de)end on t(e intention o4 t(e o44ender 6ecause more t(an lewd desi,n is attem)ted ra)e , 7asi* So, i! yo$r pro#le is that walan, erection, incapa#le o! erectionA a(A ma(ira) iIprove =0unA e(. 6o$Lre incapa#le o! erectionA si0a lan, na,sasa6i nun* -hen, that will #e acts o! lascivio$sness i! there 2s no intent to penetrate, (indi 6aD +hat " a saying is that, i! there is no intent to penetrate, e( 6a7it nandun Ba7it 7un, ma0 a#sence o! erectionD

Criminal Law Review | Page I3 nandun sa i6a6aw 0un, @ond$cting s$rveillanceA &indi 6aD -hat will #e o! de!ense. Sa tin,in 7o that will atte pted rape i! yo$ can prove that there is to penetrate. lala7iD a still atter #e

an intent

SE@$ L SS $LT S CRIME O' R PE ;33IB Par ;* it can #e co itted against any person that eans that the victi ay#e a #oy, ay#e a girl. -he o!!ender ay also #e a #oy, ay also #e a girl. O''E!"ER -he o!!ender is the one e ploying necessarily the one who inserted his penis. !orce, not

se%$al assa$lt as a !or

o! rapeA 6es.

'I!#ER S ! I!STR$ME!T @an yo$ not insert an instr$ ent or o#1ect into the private organ o! the aleA 0$t the law says any person, e(, or instr$ ent or o#1ect on the anal ori!ice o! any person. =%un an, any person. 4ven i! he is $ndergoing treat ent !or he orrhoidsA Minsan iton, 6atas 7asi ano e( , #eca$se the law says instr$ ent or o#1ect, e(. -hat2s why the /$estion in one o! the cases that was #ro$ght to the S$pre e @o$rt, " thin* that2s in &''>, whether or not that instr$ ent or o#1ect incl$des a !inger . incl$des a !inger #eca$se the law says instr$ ent or o#1ect. -he law does not say instr$ ent or o#1ect or any part o! the #ody e%cept private organ. !a7ala,a0 dun instr$ ent or o#1ect, e(. So, any instr$ ent or o#1ect is so ething that is not part o! the #ody, 7asi instr$ ent or o#1ect, e(. So, a an now, i! a an to$ches the private organ o! a ale, a ale person to$ches the private organ o! ale person against his consent, is that covered #y Pa$l "7 8#

-he S$pre e @o$rt already interpreted that instr$ ent or o#1ect incl$des !ingers or any part o! the #ody other than the private organ o! the ale. "! it is the private organ o! the ale, then it #eco es a cri e o! rape. "! any part o! the #ody, the tong$e, the !ingers, that is se%$al assa$lt as a !or o! rape. Ka0a =0un, genitalia na sinasa6i mo* -hat also applies to ale person. :h, let2s say a ale person !orces another ale. :*ay. 6o$ $ndress and then to$ch his private organ. #inanun ni0a* -hat2s covered #y se%$al assa$lt as !or o! rape. :*ay. So, that2s not any ore acts o! lascivio$sness. -hat2s already #een settled, ano (a. 0$t i! yo$ to$ch the private organ o! the !e ale, then a!terwards in one occasion yo$ went $p and then to$ch the #reast o! the wo an. =%unA dalawan, cri es =0un. -he to$ching o! the private organ o! the !e ale is a se%$al assa$lt as a !or o! rape and the to$ching o! the #reast or yo$ !ondle the #reast. -hat2s a cri e o! acts o! lascivio$sness $nder Article >>I.


Sir, is slightest penetration r$le apply also to the what se%$al assa$lt as a !or o! rapeA (o, there is none, there $st #e insertion. @ons$ ated )arati 0un* A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # SPECI L COMPLE@ CRIMES I! R PE "! the victi died in the cri e o! rape, special co ple% cri e o! ?AP4 +"-D D:5"@"84. "! the rape is atte pted and the victi dies, it #eco es the special co ple% cri e o! A--45P-48 ?AP4 +"-D D:5"@"84. "! the victi raped did not die !ro the in1$ries, the cri e is FUA)","48 ?AP4. All the in1$ries now will #eco e ele ents o! violence as a cri e o! rape. "! a vi#rator was inserted in the victi , and died as a res$lt there!ro , then he #eco es lia#le !or the special co ple% cri e o! S4VUA) ASSAU)- AS A ,:?5 :, ?AP4 +"-D D:5"@"84. ?$ LI'IE" R PE So what is then /$ali!ied rapeA "! the rape is attended #y any o! the 1' circ$ stances in the law on rape R 53-< G ntiIC(ild 6use LawH and R 9;3; G ntiI: WC LawH in Relation to rticle ;33I * Re)u6lic ct !o* 53-< Section / C(ild Prostitution and Ot(er SeBual 6use -his says that the law applica#le is the law on rape in the revised penal code. I4 t(e victim is more t(an -; and less t(an -8A t(en t(e law t(at is a))lica6le is R 53-<* Re)u6lic ct 9;3; ntiI:iolence ,ainst Women and T(eir C(ildren ct . there is a relations(i) 6etween t(e o44ender and t(e mot(er o4 t(e victim or t(e o44ender (as a relations(i) wit( t(e victim. J&I& covers !o$r *inds o! violence; 1) Physical violence. &) Se%$al violence. >) Psychological violence. B) 4cono ic violence. 9;3; W&E! PPLIC BLE +hen the act is co itted against a wi!e, !or er wi!e or has a co on child. !aana7an ni0a, co on child or has had dating relationships or has had se%$al relationships, and their children. -hat eans that co itted against wo en< those " entioned wi!e, !or er wi!e, has a co on child, has had dating relationships or has had se%$al relationships, and their children. -here!ore, these are the victi s. S-4P ,A-D4?S -he o!!ender is the step!ather o! an 11.year.old girl. So, a an is living with a wo an who has a child o! their own, and they had se%$al relationship. -hey are living together as h$s#and and wi!e. 0$t the step!ather o! the child later can #e . and then 11. year.old girl s$rrendered hersel!, consented to a

Criminal Law Review | Page IJ se%$al interco$rse re/$ested #y the step!ather. So, he will !ind now that is a cri e o! rape that his stat$tory rape #eca$se the wo an, the girl is less than 1& even i! she consents, that is always rape. 0$t, the law says in J&I&, that i! the victi is the child o! a co on law wi!e and thereLs a se%$al violence, the law that is applica#le is ?ep$#lic Act J&I&. 0$t, there is no penalty !or se%$al violence in J&I&. So w(at rule is violatedD T(e laws violated would 6e Re)u6lic ct 9;3; in relation to t(e law and ra)e in t(e Revised Penal Code . 8o not answer it i ediately as ?evised Penal @ode #eca$se the relationship o! the o!!ender and the o!!ended party is covered J&I&. So, violation o! ?ep$#lic Act J&I&, otherwise *nown as the )aw on the 7iolence Against +o en and @hildren in relation to stat$tory rape $nder the ?evised Penal @ode. W (ow, i! however, there is no relationship #etween the o!!enders. So, a an was wal*ing and then he saw a little girl, 11 years old, not related, co es $p to the girl, then gives her candy. -hen a!ter giving candy, the girl consented to a se%$al interco$rse or carnal *nowledge. +hat is the cri e co ittedA -hen the o!!ender will now #e lia#le $nder the ?evised Penal @ode #eca$se that is stat$tory rape and there is no relationship covered #y J&I&, in so !ar as the o!!ended and the o!!ender are concerned. W :*ay. (ow, i! the victi is ore than 1& and less than 13, so a an raped a girl #etween the ages o! 1& and 13. +hat is the law violatedA 8e!initely the ?ep$#lic Act CI1' as provided !or in Paragraph & o! Section 2 in relation to the law on rape in the ?evised Penal @ode. W 0$t i! there is a relationship #etween the o!!ender and the o!!ended parties covered #y J&I&, then the law that is violated is ?ep$#lic Act J&I& in relation to the law on rape in the ?evised Penal @ode. MI!OR :ICTIMS So, letLs go to Section 2. (ow, Section 2, as "Lve said, covers victi s o! child a#$ses less than 13 years o! age or those ore than 13 years o! age who cannot properly anage the selves. -hat eans those are s$!!ering !ro ental disorder, covered 0un #y child a#$se #eca$se they thin* li*e a child. &indi lan, less than 13 0on and also those who cannot properly anage the selves #eca$se o! ental de!iciency. :*ay. So, a girl was sold #y her other. A girl was sold #y her other. Pro#a#ly, the girl was 11 years o! age to a !oreigner who li*es to have yo$ng children. -he girl was, li*ewise, raped. -he 11.year. old girl was, li*ewise, rapes. And then #eca$se heLs a !oreigner, yo$ went to the highest co$rt in Pasig. +hat is the highest co$rt in PasigA 7ictoria @o$rt. -hat is the highest co$rt. And with the consent o! the owner o! the otel, allowed the !oreigner and the girl to rent a roo where he co$ld $se the girl !or se%$al a#$se. 0$t the girl consented, she was

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # raped. -he other, li*ewise, was an, nan,0ari 7a0 Inda0 sa6i(in 7o saJ0o* raped. #anon e(* Mama0a

Criminal Law Review | Page C' instr$ ent or o#1ect, it #eco es se%$al assa$lt. -here!ore, yo$ do not also prove consent. So, i! she died, i! the girl consent, i aterial. @onsent is i aterial i! the victi is less than 1&. "! she dies, i! the girl consented to the insertion o! a vi#rator and she is less than 1&, then the cri e is se%$al assa$lt with ho icide $nder the ?evised Penal @ode as a ended #y ?ep$#lic Act 3>2>. And, then, the an who the ( anager) o! otel will still #e lia#le $nder Paragraph @ p! Section 2. 8o yo$ !ollowA %on ,anon* Maramin, suma,ot ho icide daw e(A #eca$se there was no intent to *ill. &indi 7a7o se%$al assa$lt 0an with ho icide #eca$se she is less than 11. So, every#ody agreed that that sho$ld #e the answer. So, that was the answer in the #ar e%a s. E( 6uti nalan, ,anon lan, an, tanon, (e* Ma(ira) 7ase )a, )ina, . they as* yo$ a /$estion, and then pro#a#ly the answers co$ld #e !o$nd in two or three special laws. 6un an, ma(ira). )i*e in the ne%t topic, o! co$rse, yo$ *now already what is #attered wo an syndro e, di 6aA Under J&I&, we too* that $p when we too* $p Paragraph 1 o! Article 11, the de!ense o! #attered wo an syndro e, o*ay.

So what happenedA So, consentedA +hat is the cri e or what are the cri esA Are there cri es co ittedA -here are three cri es co itted there #eca$se she is less than 13 years o! age. "n !act, she is 11 years o! age. -he other will #e lia#le $nder Section 2 Paragraph A as a proc$rer. -hatQs the eaning, pi p, $nder Section 2 Paragraph A. -he !oreigner will #e lia#le to the cri e o! rape. +hy cri e o! rapeA 0eca$se the girl is less than 1& years old, that is always rape $nder the ?evised Penal @ode. (ow, the ad inistrator o! the otel who *new o! what the an did to the girl #eca$se he allowed the to go inside the roo will #e lia#le !or violation o! Section 2 Paragraph @. -he owner, the ad inistrator, o! the place where the act is co itted is li*ewise lia#le $nder Paragraph @. (ow, i! however the girl is ore than 1&, #$t less than 13, whatLs the cri e co ittedA -here co$ld #e no rape. +hy no rapeA 0eca$se the wo an consented, ore than 1& na e(, less than 13, di 6aD 0$t still the !oreigner or the other wo$ld still #e lia#le $nder Paragraph A, still a proc$rer. And then the an co$ld still #e lia#le $nder Section 2 $nder the second part !or the cri e o! child a#$se. -hatQs the eaning o! child a#$se or se%$al e%ploitation. And then the place where it too* place is still lia#le $nder Paragraph @ o! Section 2. Walan, lusot di0an e(* 0$t, s$pposedly, i! the victi is ore than 13, allowed hersel! to #e $sed, it doesnLt any ore !all $nder ?ep$#lic Act CI1' #eca$se she is already o! age. She is not considered as a child !or p$rposes o! ?ep$#lic Act CI1'. So, the #ar e%a s last year or & years ago, the e%a iner co #ined the provisions o! Section 2 and the law o! rape. Ma,anda 0un, tanon, e(* n, ,inawa ni0a, the other allowed her da$ghter to #e $sed #y a !oreigner, and the !oreigner instead o! having se%$al interco$rse with the girl, he inserted a vi#rator in the private organ and she dies, di 6aD She dies inside a otel where the ad inistrator or the anager allowed the !oreigner to engage in that lascivio$s act inside the otel. ST T$TOR% SE@$ L SS$ $LT n, tinanon, n,a0on anon, cri es co itted. non, cri esA %un, mot(er is still lia6le as a )im)A )rocurer. +hat a#o$t the !oreigner in so !ar as the girl is concernedA &e is lia6le 4or t(e crime o4 assault I seBual assault wit( (omicide . no 0an, se%$al assa$lt #eca$se i! the se%$al assa$lt . there is also what they call statutor0 seBual assault. "i 6a 7un, rape, stat$tory rape. 0$t i! yo$ do not insert yo$r private organ, #$t instead the

Title !ine CRIMES # I!ST PERSO! L LIBERT% !" SEC$RIT% C(a)ter One CRIMES # I!ST LIBERT% rt* ;35* Kidna))in, and serious ille,al detention. Any private individ$al who shall
*idnap or detain another, or in any other anner deprive hi o! his li#erty, shall s$!!er the penalty o! recl$sion perpet$a to death; 1. "! the *idnapping or detention shall have lasted ore than !ive days. &. "! it shall have #een co p$#lic a$thority. itted si $lating

>. "! any serio$s physical in1$ries shall have #een in!licted $pon the person *idnapped or detained< or i! threats to *ill hi shall have #een ade. B. "! the person *idnapped or detained shall #e a inor, !e ale or a p$#lic o!!icer. -he penalty shall #e death where the *idnapping or detention was co itted !or the p$rpose o! e%torting ranso !ro the victi or any other person, even i! none o! the

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Criminal Law Review | Page C1 #rave coercion ta*en against will #$t no loc*$p ("n the words o! 1$stice, namimilit)

circ$ stances a#ove. entioned were present in the co ission o! the o!!ense.
;35 in relation to ,rave coercion ;83 (ow, when yo$ spea* o! &IC, the intention o! the o!!ender is to deprive the li#erty* JPa, &IC, deprivation o! li#erty. Para mas madali nin0o maintindi(an* JPa, &3I sa grave coercion ca$sing so e#ody to do so ething against his will an, grave coercion &3I. 6o$ !orce so e#ody with the $se o! violence or inti idation against his will whether it is p$nisha#le #y law or not. ;35 in relation to >.; 'ORCIBLE B"$CTIO! -hen we go to >B&, to !orci#le a#d$ction, it ay only #e co itted against a wo an. -he p$rpose there is to co it lewd design. "n other words, yo$ !orce a wo an to go with yo$ in order to co it lascivio$s acts, lewd design, anoD 4%cl$ding rape. :nly lewd design. )ewd design does not incl$de rape. 7idna))in, and serious ille,al detention loc7u) . restraint. +hen yo$r !reedo or yo$r li#erty or yo$r !reedo s have already #een co pletely restrained. Meron n, loc* $p 0on. )i*e whatA 6o$ are tied with yo$r hands or yo$r !eet. Tinali 7a sa )unon,7a(o0A tinali 7a doonA nila,0an 7a n, #lind!old. !ila,0an 7a sa 6un,an,a mo n, hand*erchie! so that yo$ cannot tal* and, there!ore, yo$ cannot see, yo$ cannot tal*, yo$ cannot ove. %un an, loc* $p. "! there is already loc* $p, then !ro that o ent, yo$r li#erty is already restrained. Eidnapping 0an. So when the perpetrator is ca$ght #$t #e!ore =loc*$p2, he is only lia#le !or ,rave coercion. (peralta; no atte pted *idnapping) A child was ta*en against her will. She was #eing #ro$ght inside the car. 0$t #e!ore the child co$ld #e #ro$ght to the car, the person was arrested. -hat cannot #e *idnapping #eca$se at the ti e that he was arrested, the child was not yet loc* $p #eca$se there was no yet co plete loss o! !reedo , wala )a* Pwede )a si0an, sumi,aw* Pwede )a si0an, tuma76o* "n other words wala )an, loss o! !reedo at that ti e. 0$t that will not #e a cri e o! *idnapping, that cannot #e a cri e o! *idnapping, #$t there sho$ld #e a cri e, Ldi 6aA no an, cri e doonA -hen that is grave coercion $nder &3I #eca$se so e#ody is !orced to do so ething against his will. And what is the !orceA De is ta*en against his will, #$t thereQs no loc* $p, then it #eco es grave coercion. !ew doctrine; &''I . even i! no de and !or ranso , #$t there is an intent to de and !or ranso , the cri e is *idnapping !or ranso .

"! person a#d$cted is wo an, this is either *idnapping or !orci#le a#d$ction. -he only di!!erence is the p$rpose. i! to co lascivio$s acts, then !orci#le a#d$ction.

it only

0asta inor9#a#ae and the )ur)ose to de)rive li6ert0, it is either *idnapping or serio$s illegal detention "! the victi is a inor, chec* i! the one detaining is $nder the o#ligation to ret$rn the child, !or i! he is, then he #eco es chargea#le $nder Art &C' and not $nder Art &IC. SPECI L COMPLE@ CRIME O' KI"! PPI!# !" SERIO$S ILLE# L "ETE!TIO! WIT& &OMICI"E )etLs go to so e pro#le areas in &IC. Altho$gh the pro#le was already in the #ar e%a s two years ago in the case o! People vers$s )arraXaga, et al, ano (a. Ea0a lan, dun sa /$estion na J0on meron 7auntin, di)erens0a. 0$t anyway, it was already decided #y the S$pre e @o$rt. -he S$pre e @o$rt 1$st recogni=ed that when the victi in *idnapping is *illed or a cri e o! ho icide is co itted or $rder is co itted or rape then it is now a special co ple% cri e. "t is now special co ple% cri e, not a co ple% cri e $nder Article B3. So, yo$ deno inate the cri e as *idnapping and serio$s illegal detention with ho icide, ta)os sina6i nila )uwede )an, $rder or rape as special co ple% cri e. :*ay. Kidna))in, o4 minors in relation to s)ecial laws* ?A CI1' sec C tra!!ic*ing o! children, sale9#arter o! a child ( ere act o! selling9#artering is p$nisha#le). -he child is not ta7en a,ainst (is will. -he child is 1$st sold9#artered. -his is not *idnapping. ?A J&'3 sec B that a person is sold9#artered (a p$rpose is re/$ired; ,:? S4VUA) 4VP):"-A-":(, 840- 0:(8AG4, P?:S-"-U-":(...) S4@ C A@-S PU(S"D48 ?ecr$it ent, e ploy ent a#road, sale, #arter, e ploy ent a#road, adoption, arriages !or p$rposes o! going a#road, and then yo$ have also e ploy ent a#road, or also getting arranging travels a#road !or the p$rposeNma0 p$rpose dun, (ow, i! yo$ now go to the en$ erations !ro A to D, ano (aA e%cept the Paragraph G, J0an, p$rpose n, tra!!ic*ing en$ erated #y law is either !or prostit$tion, se%$al e%ploitation, invol$ntary

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # servit$de, de#t #ondage, then on the last Paragraph, Paragraph D, !or the p$rpose o! ar ed activities, ercenaries, e%cept in Paragraph G. par (g) when child is a#d$cted against his will9 violence . why not *idnappingA #eca$se o! )ur)ose which is ,:? S4))"(G :?GA(S. #$I"E OoA )a, deprivation o! li#erty, si,urado 7a &IC. !,unit 7un, walan, loc* $p, grave coercion. !,unit 7un, child tra!!ic*ing, then Section C ?ep$#lic Act CI1'. ,or p$rposes o! e%ploitation or any o! the p$rpose or any o! the p$rposes entioned #y Section B ?ep$#lic Act J&'3. 0$t, there is also a cri e o! *idnapping o! a inor $nder &C'. Ka0a 7un, 7idna))in, n, minor 0anA da)at and com)lete answer is i4 t(e answer 4alls under ;35A t(e0 can denominate t(e crime as 7idna))in, and serious ille,al detention i4 t(e victim is a minor.

Criminal Law Review | Page C&

Section Two* + Kidna))in, o4 minors rt* ;5<* Kidna))in, and 4ailure to return a minor* -he penalty o! recl$sion
perpet$a shall #e i posed $pon any person who, 6ein, entrusted wit( t(e custod0 o4 a minor )erson, shall deli#erately !ail to restore the latter to his parents or g$ardians.

rt* ;5-* Inducin, a minor to a6andon (is (ome*

(A)nyone who shall ind$ce a inor to a#andon the ho e o! his parent or g$ardians or the persons entr$sted with his c$stody.

-he !ather or the other o! the child lia#le !or this cri e.

ay also #e

rt* ;5;* Slaver0* -he penalty o! prision

ayor and a !ine o! not e%ceeding 1',''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon anyone who shall p$rchase, sell, *idnap or detain a h$ an #eing !or the p$rpose o! enslaving hi . "! the cri e #e co itted !or the p$rpose o! assigning the o!!ended party to so e i oral tra!!ic, the penalty shall #e i posed in its a%i $ period.

rt* ;38* Sli,(t ille,al detention. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral shall #e i posed $pon any private individ$al who shall co it the cri es descri#ed in the ne%t preceding article witho$t the attendance o! any o! circ$ stances en$ erated therein.
-he sa e penalty shall #e inc$rred #y anyone who shall !$rnish the place !or the perpetration o! the cri e. "! the o!!ender shall vol$ntarily release the person so *idnapped or detained within three days !ro the co ence ent o! the detention, witho$t having attained the p$rpose intended, and #e!ore the instit$tion o! cri inal proceedings against hi , the penalty shall #e prision ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding seven h$ndred pesos.

rt* ;5>* EB)loitation o4 c(ild la6or*

-he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon anyone who, $nder the prete%t o! rei #$rsing hi sel! o! a de#t inc$rred #y an ascendant, g$ardian or person entr$sted with the c$stody o! a inor, shall, against the latterLs will, retain hi in his service.

rt* ;5.* Services rendered under com)ulsion in )a0ment o4 de6t*

rt* ;39* $nlaw4ul arrest* -he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who, in an0 case ot(er t(an t(ose aut(oriKed 60 law, or wit(out reasona6le ,round there!or,
shall arrest or detain another 4or t(e )ur)ose o4 deliverin, (im to t(e )ro)er aut(orities*

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C(a)ter Two CRIMES # I!ST SEC$RIT% Section One* + 6andonment o4 (el)less )ersons and eB)loitation o4 minors* rt* ;5/* 6andonment o4 )erson in dan,er and a6andonment o4 oneJs own victim* -he penalty o! arresto ayor
shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any one who shall 4ail to render assistance to an0 )erson w(om (e s(all 4ind in an unin(a6ited )lace wounded or in dan,er o4 d0in,, w(en (e can render suc( assistance wit(out detriment to (imsel4, $nless s$ch o ission shall constit$te a ore serio$s o!!ense. &. Anyone who shall !ail to help or render assistance to another who he has accidentally wo$nded or in1$red. >. Anyone who, having !o$nd an a#andoned child $nder seven years o! age, shall !ail to deliver said child to the a$thorities or to his !a ily, or shall !ail to ta*e hi to a sa!e place.

rt* ;53* 6andonin, a minor*

A#andoning o! a child $nder C o! which one has c$stody o!. Digher penalty i! the child dies or his li!e is p$t in danger.

rt* ;55* 6andonment o4 minor 60 )erson entrusted wit( (is custod01 indi44erence o4 )arents* -he penalty o!
arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon anyone who, having charge o! the rearing or ed$cation o! a inor, shall deliver said inor to a p$#lic instit$tion or other persons, witho$t the consent o! the one who entr$sted s$ch child to his care or in the a#sence o! the latter, witho$t the consent o! the proper a$thorities. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon the parents who shall neglect their children #y not giving the the ed$cation which their station in li!e re/$ire and !inancial conditions per it.

"! yo$ ca$se in1$ry to another thro$gh rec*less i pr$dence, then yo$ a#andon, it is a cri e. so yo$ end $p lia#le !or two cri es. this only applies to rec*less i pr$dence, and does not apply to intentional !elonies. 0ar F$estion; A#andon ent o! a person on the verge o! death. . l$neta par* at 1& n . /$ali!y i! inha#ited9$ninha#ited. (ow, what is an unin(a6ited )laceA +hen there are no people at any given ti e. "! it so happens that there are no people at that ti e, that does not a*e the place $ninha#ited. )etLs say, in the evening at 1& oLcloc*, there are no persons aro$nd the area. -here are any ho$ses. "s that $ninha#itedA -hat is not $ninha#ited. -hat is inha#ited. So, there is no cri e. &C2 is not applica#le.

:ne in charge o! rearing or ed$cation o! a inor delivers to a )u6lic institution or ot(er )ersons witho$t the consent o! the one who entr$sted the child to his care or the consent o! proper a$thorities. Parents who ne,lect their children (#y not giving the the ed$cation which their !inancial conditions per it) are also lia#le $nder this article.

rt* ;58* EB)loitation o4 minors. -he

penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any person who shall ca$se any #oy or girl $nder si%teen years o! age to per!or any dangero$s !eat o! #alancing, physical strength, or contortion. &. Any person who, #eing an acro#at, gy nast, rope.wal*er, diver, wild. ani al ta er or circ$s anager or engaged in a si ilar calling, shall e ploy in e%hi#itions o! these *inds children $nder si%teen years o! age who are not his children or descendants. >. Any person engaged in any o! the callings en$ erated in the ne%t paragraph preceding who shall e ploy any descendant o! his $nder

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twelve years o! age in s$ch dangero$s e%hi#itions. B. Any ascendant, g$ardian, teacher or person entr$sted in any capacity with the care o! a child $nder si%teen years o! age, who shall deliver s$ch child grat$ito$sly to any person !ollowing any o! the callings en$ erated in paragraph & hereo!, or to any ha#it$al vagrant or #eggar. "! the delivery shall have #een ade in consideration o! any price, co pensation, or pro ise, the penalty shall in every case #e i posed in its a%i $ period. "n either case, the g$ardian or c$rator convicted shall also #e re oved !ro o!!ice as g$ardian or c$rator< and in the case o! the parents o! the child, they ay #e deprived, te porarily or perpet$ally, in the discretion o! the co$rt, o! their parental a$thority. 2. Any person who shall ind$ce any child $nder si%teen years o! age to a#andon the ho e o! its ascendants, g$ardians, c$rators, or teachers to !ollow any person engaged in any o! the callings entioned in paragraph & hereo!, or to acco pany any ha#it$al vagrant or #eggar.

Section Two* + Tres)ass to dwellin, rt* ;8<* ?uali4ied tres)ass to dwellin,*

Tres)ass to dwellin, ; Any private person who shall enter the dwelling o! another against the latterLs will. ?uali4ied Tres)ass to dwellin, ; "! co itted with violence or intimidation, a higher penalty shall #e i posed. E@CEPTIO!S 1. Any person who shall enter anotherLs dwelling !or the p$rpose o! preventing so e serio$s har to hi sel!, the occ$pants o! the dwelling or a third person, &. any person who shall enter a dwelling !or the p$rpose o! rendering so e service to h$ anity or 1$stice, >. Anyone who shall enter ca!es, taverns, inn and other p$#lic ho$ses, while the sa e are open. Art 1&3 7iolation o! 8o icile . only p$#lic o!!icers 0$t s$pposing yo$ enter and then later on yo$ ca$sed in1$ry to the owner o! the ho$se. +hatLs the cri e co ittedA -he entry is not acco panied #y violence. 0$t i! the entry is acco panied #y violence, there is no pro#le . 0$t i! the entry is not acco panied #y violence and then a!ter the entry, violence is co itted, whatLs the cri e co ittedA +ill it #e trespass to dwelling and another cri eA :r /$ali!ied trespass to dwellingA (ow, the violence re/$ired o! /$ali!ied trespass to dwelling sho$ld not #e so serio$s. "t is erely violence in order to ca$se entry. (ow, i! yo$ enter the dwelling witho$t any violence, #$t right a!ter the entry the owner o! the ho$se says, O+hy did yo$ enterAO and then yo$ #o% the owner o! the ho$se. "n other words, i! the violence is still in connection with the entry, then itLs still /$ali!ied trespass to dwelling. Pa, )aso7 ni0aA ROA 6aJt 7a )umaso7DR Sinunto7 mo* In ot(er wordsA i4 t(e violence (as somet(in, to do wit( t(e entr0A even i4 t(e violence too7 )lace a4ter t(e entr0A t(e crime is still Muali4ied tres)ass to dwellin,. 0$t i! the violence has nothing ore to do with the entry, then dwelling now #eco es aggravating circ$ stance i! there is another cri e co itted.

&C3, " #elieve, has already #een a ended #y ?ep$#lic Act CI1' . e%ploitation o! inors. "t ay !all $nder child a#$se. J%un, act is p$nisha#le. +hyA 0eca$se the inor children is less than 1I years o! age or #elow, or so eti es 1& years o! age or #elow, they are re/$ired to per!or dangero$s tric*s. J%un, 7uma7ain n, a)o0A es)adaA circ$s. -hatLs tr$e. -hatLs &C3. J%un, dangero$s !alling, J0un, acro#ats, J0un, 7uma7ain n, a)o0A o 7uma7ain n, es)adaA 0un, m,a acro#ats, circ$s. -hose are p$nished $nder Article &C3. 0$t i! the acts !all $nder child a#$se, then the law that is applica#le is ?ep$#lic Act CI1'.

rt* ;59* dditional )enalties 4or ot(er o44enses.

-he violence re/$ired in /$ali!ied trespassing need not #e serio$s, #$t only eno$gh to enter. "! the violence had nothing to do with the entry, then it is not /$ali!ied trespass. dwelling ay

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Criminal Law Review | Page C2 Peralta; Grave -hreat . #odily har 9property9person9honor +hat is p$nished is the threat e ployed. papatayin *ita is grave threat. #$t i! yo$ say i will 7iss 0ouA -hat ay !all $nder Art &32. S$pposing i tell yo$ to give e yo$r oney to orrow or else i will *ill yo$K there is a threat o! #odily har , *illing is a cri e, there is a !$t$re condition. no need to !$l!ill the condition. Grave -hreat. S$pposing i say give e oney now or i2ll *ill yo$K 8i!!erence ; there is no ore condition. the threat is i ediate. this is a cri e o! ro##ery. the threat e ployed is an ele ent o! ro##ery, with violence9 inti idation. So to orrow, letLs say, the ti e now co es !or the !$l!ill ent o! the condition. !a,7ita 7ami* Wala a7on, 7uwarta. OGive e yo$r oney.O Wala a7on, 7uwarta* Ka(it anoA ,a,awin 7o* So, i! he does not give e the oney, yo$ are lia#le !or a cri e o! grave threat #eca$se the threat was e ployed the day #e!ore. So, letLs say, OGive e oney to orrow or else " will *ill yo$.O "s it not that the day #e!ore there is already a grave threatA So that i! it is to orrow now, whether they have oney or not, there is already a cons$ ated cri e o! grave threat. -here is no need !or yo$ to !$l!ill that condition #eca$se the law says even !$l!illed or not. (ow, i! the oney is there, yo$ give the oney, that is still grave threat. -hat is not a cri e o! ro##ery #eca$se the giving o! the oney is not i ediate. So, OGive e yo$r oney or else " will *ill yo$,O and then yo$ give now the oney. +hat is the cri eA "s that grave threatA (o, that will now #e a cri e o! ro##ery #eca$se the threat that yo$ e ployed now is the ele ent o! ro##ery with violence or inti idation. So, now it #eco es a cri e o! ro##ery.

then now #eco e an aggravating circ$ stance

rt* ;8-* Ot(er 4orms o4 tres)ass*

-respassing into a 1. closed pre ises &. !enced estate o! another while U("(DA0"-48, i! the prohi#ition to 4(-4? #e not ani!est and there has #een no consent !or owner or careta*er.

Sim)l0 stated
0$t i! yo$ 1$st erely enter an enclosed estate period, the cri e is Article &31. "! yo$ enter and then #$ild a ho$se, clai that that is yo$r property, then the cri e is >1& $nder cri es against property.

Section T(ree* + T(reats and coercion rt* ;8;* #rave t(reats. Any person who shall threaten another with the in!liction u)on t(e )ersonA (onor or )ro)ert0 o! the latter or o! his !a ily o4 an0 wron, amountin, to a crime, shall s$!!er;
1. -he penalty ne%t lower in degree than that prescri#ed #y law 4or t(e crime 6e t(reatened to commit, i4 t(e o44ender s(all (ave made t(e t(reat demandin, mone0 or im)osin, an0 ot(er condition , even t(ou,( not unlaw4ul, and said o44ender s(all (ave attained (is )ur)ose. "! the o44ender s(all not (ave attained (is )ur)ose, the penalty lower #y two degrees shall #e i posed. "! the threat #e ade in writing or thro$gh a middleman, the penalty shall #e i posed in its a%i $ period. &. -he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos, i4 t(e t(reat s(all not (ave 6een made su6Fect to a condition*

rt* ;8>* Li,(t t(reats* Any threat to commit a wron, not constitutin, a crime, ade in the anner e%pressed in s$#division 1 o! the ne%t preceding article, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor.
(ow, i! the threat, however, does not constit$te a cri e, then it ay #e Article &3>. -here is a de and !or oney, that is the eaning o! light threat, or even &32 $nder Paragraph (c), any !or o! threat. A.).,.9(.:.S.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # Peralta; +riter in p$#lication. give e oney or else ill e%pose yo$r wrong doings as a p$#lic o!!icialA or else i will p$#lish yo$r cri inal actsA the threats do not constit$te a cri e. this is a cri e o! light threats $nder &3> altho$gh in art >2I, this ay #e p$nished as a cri e o! 6lac7mail. &3> . ele ent is a !$t$re condition. #$t let2s say there was no de and !or oneyA then cri e wo$ld #e par c o! &32. it is not s$#1ect to a condition.

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"! the coercion #e co itted !or the p$rpose o! hi to do so ething against his will, whether it #e right or wrong.

rt* ;8.* Bond 4or ,ood 6e(avior*

"n all cases !alling within the two ne%t preceding articles, the person a*ing the threats ay also #e re/$ired to give #ail not to olest the person threatened, or i! he shall !ail to give s$ch #ail, he shall #e sentenced to destierro.

rt* ;8/* Ot(er li,(t t(reats* -he penalty o! arresto enor in its ini $ period or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon;
1. Any person who, witho$t #eing incl$ded in the provisions o! the ne%t preceding article, shall t(reaten anot(er wit( a wea)on or draw suc( wea)on in a Muarrel, $nless it #e in law!$l sel!.de!ense. &. Any person who, in t(e (eat o4 an,er, shall orall0 t(reaten anot(er wit( some (arm not constitutin, a crime, and w(o 60 su6seMuent acts s(ow t(at (e did not )ersist in t(e idea involved in (is t(reatA provided that the circ$ stances o! the o!!ense shall not #ring it within the provisions o! Article &3& o! this @ode. >. Any person who shall orall0 t(reaten to do anot(er an0 (arm not constitutin, a 4elon0.

rt* ;83* #rave coercions* -he penalty

o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who, witho$t a$thority o! law, shall, #y eans o! violence, prevent another !ro doing so ething not prohi#ited #y law, or co pel

co pelling another to per!or any religio$s act or to prevent hi !ro so doing, the penalty ne%t higher in degree shall #e i posed.
So, letLs go to grave coercion. Med0o ma6i,at an, grave coercion. Ba7it ma6i,atD So eti es, grave coercion is act$ally ta*ing the law into yo$r own hands when there is a legal re edy. L %an an, unan, isi)in ni0o sa grave coercion. :ne o! the !or s o! grave coercion is ta*ing the law into yo$r own hands when there is a proper re edy. 4%a ple, so e#ody is renting yo$r apart ent and he does not want to pay. +hat is yo$r re edyA Apart ent dweller. 6o$2re the owner o! the apart ent. De is not paying. +hat are yo$ s$pposed to doA J"i 6a ,ile a co plaint !or $nlaw!$l detainerA -hatLs yo$r re edy. 0$t s$pposing, in order to re/$ire hi to pay or in order that he can get o$t !ro the pre ises, yo$ c$t o!! the water line, yo$ c$t o!! the electricity. -hatLs a cri e o! grave coercion. -hat is ta*ing to yo$r own hands when there is a proper re edy. :r so e#ody is inde#ted to yo$, then yo$ !orce hi or yo$ !orce her to pay. -hat is, li*ewise, grave coercion. -he other !or o! grave coercion is yo$ !orce

so e#ody to do so ething against his will. "n order words, li*e a wo an, the wo an does not li*e yo$. 6o$ !orced her to go with yo$. -hatLs grave coercion. -here is violence, which is di!!erent !ro grave threat. "n grave threat, what is p$nished is the threat. +hen yo$ threaten so e#ody else, then it #eco es grave threat or light threat. +hen it is grave coercion, the threat ay #e the ele ent o! the coercion. So, i! " threaten yo$ and the p$rpose is to !orce yo$ to do so ething against his will, then it #eco es grave coercion #eca$se the threat is now $tili=ed. "t is now the ele ent o! the grave coercion.

rt* ;85* Li,(t coercions* Any person who, #y eans o! violence, shall sei=e anything #elonging to his de#tor !or the p$rpose o! applying the sa e to the pay ent o! the de#t, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its ini $ period and a !ine e/$ivalent to the val$e o! the thing, #$t in no case less than C2 pesos.
Any other coercions or $n1$st ve%ations shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor or a !ine ranging !ro 2 pesos to &'' pesos, or #oth.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # Un1$st ve%ation as a !or o! light coercion . ca$sing annoyance or ve%ing the senses o! the o!!ended party short o! in1$ry. erely pangiinis. peeping to . *issing a wo an witho$t lewd design. #asta wag lang ay in1$ry. "n slander #y deed, p$nished in Art >2J(A) slapping so e#ody in the !ace in the presence o! other persons, #$t i! no one saw the slapping, it is not slander #y deed #eca$se yo$ cannot #es irch his rep$tation. "! the person is inFured, even i! !or a short ti e, it ay #eco e a cri e o! ill treat ent, #$t i! no in1$ry and no one saw the act, then $n1$st ve%ation. 0$t s$pposing a wo an is #eing 4ollowed )ersistentl0, what is the cri e co ittedA there is now a cri e o! S-A)E"(G. $nder 7A+@. "n Art 1>& o!!ensive to religio$s !eeling... sa e as $n1$st ve%ation #$t only pec$liar to religio$s !eelings

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e%ercise o! their ind$stry or wor*, i! the act shall not constit$te a ore serio$s o!!ense in accordance with the provisions o! this @ode.

C(a)ter T(ree "ISCO:ER% !" RE:EL TIO! O' SECRETS rt* ;9<* "iscoverin, secrets t(rou,( seiKure o4 corres)ondence*
Private person who sei=es correspondence o! another. Digher penalty i! he ?474A)S s$ch secrets. (ot applica#le to 1. parents, &. g$ardians, or persons entr$sted with the c$stody o! inors with respect to the papers or letters o! the children or inors placed $nder their care or st$dy, nor to >. spo$ses with respect to the papers or letters o! either o! the .

rt* ;88* Ot(er similar coercions1 (@o p$lsory p$rchase o! erchandise and pay ent o! wages #y eans o! to*ens.) -he penalty o! arresto ayor or a
!ine ranging !ro &'' to 2'' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person, agent or o!!icer, o! any association or corporation who shall !orce or co pel, directly or indirectly, or shall *nowingly per it any la#orer or e ployee e ployed #y hi or #y s$ch !ir or corporation to #e !orced or co pelled, to p$rchase erchandise or co odities o! any *ind. -he sa e penalties shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall pay the wages d$e a la#orer or e ployee e ployed #y hi , #y eans o! to*ens or o#1ects other than the legal tender c$rrency o! the la#orer or e ployee.

rt* ;9-* Revealin, secrets wit( a6use o4 o44ice* -he penalty o! arresto ayor
and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any anager, e ployee, or servant who, in s$ch capacity, shall learn the secrets o! his principal or aster and shall reveal s$ch secrets. ()earn !" reveal)

rt* ;9;* Revelation o4 industrial secrets* -he penalty o! prision

correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon the person in charge, e ployee or wor* an o! any an$!act$ring or ind$strial esta#lish ent who, to the pre1$dice o! the owner thereo!, shall reveal the secrets o! the ind$stry o! the latter.

rt* ;89* 'ormationA maintenance and )ro(i6ition o4 com6ination o4 ca)ital or la6or t(rou,( violence or t(reats*
-he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding >'' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who, !or the p$rpose o! organi=ing, aintaining or preventing coalitions or capital or la#or, stri*e o! la#orers or loc*.o$t o! e ployees, shall e ploy violence or threats in s$ch a degree as to co pel or !orce the la#orers or e ployers in the !ree and legal
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Title Ten CRIMES # I!ST PROPERT% C(a)ter One ROBBER% I! #E!ER L rt* ;9>* W(o are ,uilt0 o4 ro66er0*
Any person who, with intent to gain, shall ta*e any personal property #elonging to another, 60 means o4 violence or intimidation o4 an0

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)ersonA or usin, 4orce $pon anything shall #e g$ilty o! ro##ery.

ore than (>') thirty days.) o! said Article &I>.

5anner o! asportation i! attended #y violence or !orce $pon things ro##ery $nder &J>, i! not attended, si ple the!t "! along the hiway . the cri e ay#e P8 2>& hiway ro##ery, i! not ay#e si ply ro##ery $nder &J>.

Section One* + Ro66er0 wit( violence or intimidation o4 )ersons* rt* ;9.* Ro66er0 wit( violence a,ainst or intimidation o4 )ersons1 Penalties* 1. on occasion o! the ro##ery
the cri e o! (omicide shall have #een co itted.

&. when the ro##ery shall have #een acco panied #y ra)e or intentional mutilation, or i! #y reason or on occasion o! s$ch ro##ery, any o! the )(0sical inFuries penali=ed in s$#division 1 o! Article &I> (insaneA im6ecileA im)otentA or 6lind) shall have #een in!licted< Digher penalty i! rape is co itted with the $se o! a deadl0 wea)on >. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral, when #y reason or on occasion o! the ro##ery, any o! the physical in1$ries penali=ed in s$#division & (loss o4 s)eec(A (earin,A smellin,A an e0eA a (andA a 4ootA an armA or a le, or s(all (ave lost t(e use o4 an0 suc( mem6erA or s(all (ave 6ecome inca)acitated 4or t(e wor7 in w(ic( (e was t(ere4or (a6ituall0 en,a,ed) o! the article entioned in the ne%t preceding paragraph, shall have #een in!licted. B. "! the violence or intimidation em)lo0ed in the co ission o! the ro##ery shall have #een carried to a de,ree clearl0 unnecessar0 !or the co ission o! the cri e, or when in the co$rse o! its e%ec$tion, the o!!ender shall have in!licted $pon any person not responsi#le !or its co ission any o! the physical in1$ries covered #y s$#.divisions > and B (de!or ity, loss o! any other part o! his #ody, or loss o! the $se thereo!, or shall have #een ill or incapacitated !or the per!or ance o! the wor* in which he as ha#it$ally engaged !or a period o! ore than (J') ninety days< illness or incapacity !or la#or o! the in1$red person !or

2. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $ period to prision ayor in its edi$ period in other cases. (As a ended #y ?. A. 13).

1. Do icide rape $tilation arson on the occasion o! ro##ery, sho$ld incl$de 60 reason t(ereo4. So even i! *illing ta*es place a!ter, as long as it was #y reason o! the ro##ery then ro##ery with ho icide. -his also incl$des *illing thro$gh c$lpa or rec*less i pr$dence. "! *illing happened #e!ore the ta*ing, the intention was to *ill. -wo cri es; 5$rder and -he!t. ?egardless o! n$ #er o! rape9*illings, it does not res$lt to di!!erent cri es or serve to aggravate. Special @o ple%. i! several people were *illed and so e were h$rt, those who h$rt !all $nder the designation o! ?o##ery with Do icide. "! the victi does not die, then ?o##ery with Serio$s physical in1$ries, #$t i! slight then it is covered #y &JB par 2, si ple ro##ery. "! so eone was *illed and raped on acco$nt o! the ro##ery, then ro66er0 wit( (omicide and ra)e*

(ow, the other thing here is that . o! co$rse, " told yo$ last ti e " thin* in Article B3 that i! two or ore persons died on the occasion o! ro##ery, then yo$ deno inate the cri e as ro##ery with ho icide. -here is no s$ch thing as ro##ery with $ltiple ho icide or do$#le ho icide. -he e%cess *illings will #e incl$ded $nder the generic ter Oho icide.O So, regardless o! persons who died, we deno inate the cri e as ro##ery with ho icide #eca$se that is a special co ple% cri e. So, yo$ do not any ore create the additional ho icides as analogo$s to aggravating circ$ stances o! cr$elty. Wala na 0an* -he old doctrine has #een overta*en #y the doctrines later on in People vs. ?$tan and People vs. ?egala. (ow, i! on the occasion o! ro##ery, so e died, so e were *illed, so e s$rvived, there!ore, physical in1$ries, what2s the cri e co ittedA 5erely ro66er0 wit( (omicide. -hose who s$rvived or those who s$!!ered serio$s physical in1$ries are incl$ded li*ewise in the generic ter Oho icide.O Walan, cri e na ro##ery with ho icide and physical in1$ries, no cri e. "n1$ries there are incl$ded in the generic ter Oho icide.O (ow, i! the victi does not die on the occasion o! ro##ery, what is the cri e co ittedA (o A.).,.9(.:.S.

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # cri e o! ro##ery with atte pted or !r$strated ho icide. (o cri e o! atte pted or !r$strated $rder. I4 t(e victim does not dieA t(en denominate t(e crime as ro66er0 wit( serious )(0sical inFuries i4 t(e inFuries are serious* But i4 t(e inFuries are onl0 less seriousA or sli,(t )(0sical inFuriesA t(en denominate t(e crime as sim)le ro66er0* Walan, ro66er0 wit( sli,(t )(0sical inFuries* Walan, ro66er0 wit( less serious )(0sical inFuries* Less or sli,(t )(0sical inFuries are covered 60 Para,ra)( / o4 rticle ;9.* T(at is sim)le ro66er0* :*ay, then intentional $tilation, o! co$rse yo$ *now what is intentional $tilation. "! on the occasion o! ro##ery, he is intentionally $tilated or arson, so only one cri e. So, ro##ery with ho icide, i! all o! these cri es ta*e place on the occasion o! ro##ery, that is only one cri e, a single indivisi#le cri e. &. ro##ery with serio$s physical in1$ries . where the victi ends $p #lind9i #ecile

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itted #y a #and.

+hen any o! the ar s $sed in the co ission o! the o!!ense #e an $nlicensed !irear , the penalty to #e i posed $pon all the ale!actors shall #e the a%i $ o! the corresponding penalty provided #y law, wit(out )reFudice o4 t(e criminal lia6ilit0 4or ille,al )ossession o4 suc( unlicensed 4irearms* Any e #er o! a #and who is present at the co ission o! a ro##ery #y the #and, shall #e p$nished as )rinci)al o! any o! the assa$lts co itted #y the #and, $nless it #e shown that he atte pted to prevent the sa e.
ROBBER% WIT& :IOLE!CE +hat do yo$ ean #y ro##ery with violenceA So, there are two *inds o! ro##ery. :ne is ro##ery with violence. -he other one is ro##ery with !orce $pon things. +hen the ro##ery is directed against a person, yo$ want to deprive the possession or the property o! another person, and then yo$ $se violence, that is ro##ery. -hat is the eaning o! ro##ery with violence. OGive e yo$r oney or else " will *ill yo$KO -hat is ro##ery with violence. ROBBER% WIT& 'ORCE $PO! T&I!#S 0$t when the s$#1ect atter o! the asportation pertains to inha#ited or $ninha#ited ho$ses, there!ore, yo$ enter the ho$se and then ro# the ho$se. -hen, the cri e is ro##ery with !orce $pon things. rt ;9/I;93 ,o$r ar ed en serio$sly in1$red so e#ody on acco$nt o! ro##ery; &JB(1) (&) 0A(8 is considered as an ordinary aggravating, ?:004?6 +"-D 7":)4(@49 A--4(848 06 S4?":US PD6S"@A) "(MU?"4S aggravated #y a 0A(8 &JB(>) (B)(2) other !or s o! physical in1$ries, i! co itted #y a #and, ?:004?6 +"-D9"( 0A(8 E@PL ! TIO! i! the ro##ery with serio$s physical in1$ries !alls $nder paragraphs >, B or 2 o! &JB then the cri e is ro##ery in #and. -he #and there is $sed in the deno ination o! the cri e #eca$se it is co itted #y a #and. ?o##ery in #and. (ow, i! however, the ro##ery with serio$s physical in1$ries !alls $nder paragraph & o! &JB, he #eca e #lind and #eca e insane, #eca e i #ecile, ano (aA co itted #y !o$r ar ed en, then deno inate the cri e as ro##ery with serio$s physical in1$ries. -he #and is

rt* ;9/* Ro66er0 wit( )(0sical inFuriesA committed in an unin(a6ited )lace and 60 a 6andA or wit( t(e use o4 4irearm on a streetA road or alle0. "! the o!!enses
entioned in Art &JB (>)(B)(2) shall have #een co itted 1. in an $ninha#ited place or &. #y a #and, or >. #y attac*ing a oving train, street car, otor vehicle or airship, or B. #y entering the passengerLs co part ents in a train or, 2. in any anner, ta*ing the passengers thereo! #y s$rprise in the respective conveyances, or on a street, road, highway, or alley, and the inti idation is ade with the $se o! a !irear , the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y the maBimum period o! the proper penalties. "n the sa e cases, the penalty ne%t higher in degree shall #e i posed $pon the leader o! the #and.

rt* ;93* "e4inition o4 a 6and and )enalt0 incurred 60 t(e mem6ers t(ereo4. +hen ore than three ar ed
ale!actors ta*e part in the co ission o! a ro##ery, it shall #e dee ed to have #een

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Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # erely an aggravating circ$ stance. -hat is the interpretation. Kun, ang ro##ery mo e( >, B, 2, co itted #y a #and, they yo$ deno inate the cri e as ro##ery in #and. 0$t i! yo$r ro##ery !alls $nder paragraph 1 and & o! Article &JB, then deno inate the cri e as ro##ery with serio$s physical in1$ries aggravated #y a #and. (ot ro##ery in #and. "t2s not covered #y &J2 and &JI

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&. 0y #rea*ing any wall, roo!, or !loor or #rea*ing any door or window. >. 0y $sing !alse *eys, pic*loc*s or si ilar tools. B. 0y $sing any !ictitio$s na e or pretending the e%ercise o! p$#lic a$thority. :r i! (#) -he ro##ery #e co !ollowing circ$ stances; itted $nder any o! the

rt* ;95* ttem)ted and 4rustrated ro66er0 committed under certain circumstances* +hen #y reason or on
occasion o! an attem)ted or 4rustrated ro66er0 a (omicide is committed, the person g$ilty o! s$ch o!!enses shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral in its a%i $ period to recl$sion perpet$a, $nless the ho icide co itted shall deserve a higher penalty $nder the provisions o! this @ode.

1. 0y the #rea*ing o! doors, wardro#es, chests, or any other *ind o! loc7ed or sealed !$rnit$re or receptacle< &. 0y ta*ing s$ch !$rnit$re or o#1ects to #e #ro*en or !orced open o$tside the place o! the ro##ery. +hen the o!!enders do not carry ar s, and the val$e o! the property ta*en e%ceeds &2' pesos, the penalty ne%t lower in degree shall #e i posed. -he sa e r$le shall #e applied when the o!!enders are ar ed, #$t the val$e o! the property ta*en does not e%ceed &2' pesos. +hen said o!!enders do not carr0 arms and the val$e o! the property ta*en does not e%ceed &2' pesos, they shall s$!!er the penalty prescri#ed in the two ne%t preceding paragraphs, in its ini $ period. "! the ro##ery #e co itted in one o! the dependencies o! an inha#ited ho$se, p$#lic #$ilding, or #$ilding dedicated to religio$s worship, the penalties ne%t lower in degree than those prescri#ed in this article shall #e i posed.
1) -he !irst one . madali lan, naman intindi(in 0an* Ba7it 7amoD E( 7asi when we spea* o! !orce $pon things, then the s$#1ect atter is a ho$se, or p$#lic or a private #$ilding. 0$t it #eco es a ro##ery with !orce $pon things #eca$se there is an $nlaw!$l entry. Unlaw!$l entry. "n other words, yo$ enter the pre ises. So, in other words, when yo$ enter the pre ises, as long as there is an $nlaw!$l entry regardless o! the anner o! the $nlaw!$l ta*ing, that is always ro##ery. 4%a ple; -here are how areN any ways . " thin* there

"! victi dies, ro##ery not cons$ ated, this is Atte pted9!r$strated ro##ery with ho icide. General r$le is that there is no treachery in cri es against property. 0U- in people v. 4S@:-4 i! the victi was *illed treachero$sly, ?:004?6 +"-D D:5"@"84, #$t #eca$se *illing was aggravated #y treachery, then yo$ consider it as an aggravating circ$ stance. @?U4)-6 can also #e appreciated i! it attended the ho icide on acco$nt o! ro##ery.

rt* ;98* EBecution or deliver0 o4 deeds 60 means o4 violence or intimidation* Section Two* + Ro66er0 60 t(e use o4 4orce u)on t(in,s rt* ;99* Ro66er0 in an in(a6ited (ouse or )u6lic 6uildin, or edi4ice devoted to wors(i)* n0 armed
)erson w(o s(all commit ro66er0 in an in(a6ited (ouse or )u6lic 6uildin, or edi4ice devoted to reli,ious wors(i), shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral, i! the val$e o! the property ta*en shall e%ceed &2' pesos, and i!; (a) -he ale!actors shall enter the ho$se or #$ilding in which the ro##ery was co itted, #y any o! the !ollowing eans; 1. -hro$gh a opening not intended !or entrance or egress.
Pa$l "7 8#

a) +hen yo$ enter #y #rea*ing a wall, or a roo!, or a window. 6o$ enter. Kumu(a 7a n, nasa mesa.


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # )et say, yo$ #ro*e open the window, even i! the val$a#le was on the top o! the ta#le, ro##ery L 0an #eca$se what a*es it a cri e o! ro##ery with !orce $pon things is the $nlaw!$l entry* J%un an, !irst ode o! co itting a cri e. So, yo$ #ro*e open a window 7a(it na (indi 7a . ano an, 7u7unin mo dunA ro##ery with !orce $pon things 0an #eca$se what a*es it a ro##ery with !orce $pon things $nder the !irst gro$p or anners o! co itting the cri e is the entry. -he entry is $nlaw!$l. #) :r yo$ enter a window there is no !orce, #$t yo$ are entering an opening which is not intended !or entry or e%it. 0eca$se i! yo$ enter an opening not intended !or entry or e%it, that is $nlaw!$l entry. L%un, window . )ara saan 6a an, windowA "i 6a )ara sa (an,in* &indi naman daanan n, tao J0an e(* SoA 7un, (indi daanan n, tao J0anA ta)os )umaso7 7a* Kinu(a mo 0un, na7ala,a0 sa ta#le 0un, 7wartaA ro66er0 )a rin J0un #eca$se the entry is $nlaw!$l. c) :r #y $sing any !ictitio$s na e or pretending the e%ercise o! p$#lic a$thority. Kumato7 7a sa6iA R&o0A )ulis a7o*R !aniwala* Pina)aso7 mo, $nlaw!$l entry J0un* ?egardless o! the ta*ing that ta*es place the anner o! ta*ing the place li*e inside the ho$se that is ro##ery with !orce $pon things. L%un an, the anner o! co itting the cri e. d) And the other is the $se o! a pic*loc*, !alse *ey. !a6u7san mo then yo$ enter. 6o$ ta*e so ething inside the ho$se even yo$ did not #rea* open anything that is also ro##ery with !orce $pon things. &) (ow the second ode I there is an entry. So, what the law provides in &JJ is the entry now is law!$l. "t does not !all $nder $nlaw!$l entry. And what is itA 6o$ enter an opening intended !or entry or e%it. !a7a6u7as J0un, )intuan* "i 6a )asu7an n, tao J0anD Pumaso7 7a sa loo6 n, )intuan* -here!ore, there is no $nlaw!$l entry #eca$se it is an opening intended !or entry or e%it. So e#ody did not prohi#it yo$ !ro entering. !a7a)aso7 7a e(* !a7a6u7as e(* (ow, the val$a#le at the top o! the ta#le, yo$ too* that val$a#le on the top o! the ta#le. "s that ro##ery with !orce $pon thingsA -hat cannot #e ro##ery with !orce $pon things. +hyA 0eca$se

Criminal Law Review | Page 31 the entry is law!$l. -here is no $nlaw!$l entry. -here is no #rea*ing. 0$t it will still #eco e ro##ery with !orce $pon things i! a!ter entering when the entry is not $nlaw!$l yo$ #rea* open the receptacle, or ca#inets, so the watch is inside the ca#inet* Pumaso7 7a* Binasa, mo J0un, ca#inet, 7inu(a mo J0un, val$a#les that is still ro##ery with !orce $pon things even i! the entry is not $nlaw!$l. :r )amaso7 7a, the entry is not $nlaw!$l and then yo$ #ro$ght

o$t the ca#inet. !ila6as mo sa la6as n, 6a(a0* Pa, la6as mo sa la6as n, 6a(a0 #rea* open mo J0un, ca#inet. "t is still ro##ery with !orce $pon things.

rt* ><<* Ro66er0 under rt ;99 in an unin(a6ited )lace and 60 a 6andA )enalt0 M @ rt* ><-* W(at is an in(a6ited (ouseA )u6lic 6uildin, or 6uildin, dedicated to reli,ious wors(i) and t(eir de)endencies*
"nha#ited ho$se eans any shelter, ship or vessel constit$ting the dwelling o! one or ore persons, even tho$gh the inha#itants thereo! shall te porarily #e a#sent there!ro when the ro##ery is co itted. All interior co$rts, corrals, waterho$ses, granaries, #arns, coach.ho$ses, sta#les or other depart ents or inclosed places contig$o$s to the #$ilding or edi!ice, having an interior entrance connected therewith, and which !or part o! the whole, shall #e dee ed dependencies o! an inha#ited ho$se, p$#lic #$ilding or #$ilding dedicated to religio$s worship.
Pa$l "7 8#

:rchards and other lands $sed !or c$ltivation or prod$ction are not incl$ded in the ter s o! the ne%t preceding paragraph, even i! closed, contig$o$s to the #$ilding and having direct connection therewith. -he ter Op$#lic #$ildingO incl$des every #$ilding owned #y the Govern ent or #elonging to a private person not incl$ded $sed or rented #y the Govern ent, altho$gh te porarily $nocc$pied #y the sa e.

rt* ><;* Ro66er0 in an unin(a6ited )lace or in a )rivate 6uildin,* Any

ro##ery co itted in an $ninha#ited place or in a #$ilding other than those entioned in the !irst paragraph o! Article &JJ, i! the val$e o! the property ta*en e%ceeds &2' pesos, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional i! any o! the !ollowing circ$ stances is present; 1. "! the entrance has #een e!!ected thro$gh any opening not intended !or entrance or egress. &. "! any wall, roo!, !lo$r or o$tside door or window has #een #ro*en.

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Criminal Law Review | Page 3& val$a#les were ta*en !ro inside the car. -he entry was done thro$gh the #rea*ing o! a door or a window, the cri e cannot #e ro##ery even i! there is !orce. +hyA 0eca$se the car is not an $ninha#ited or inha#ited place, thatLs what " ean. So, only the $ninha#ited or inha#ited places ay #e the s$#1ect atter o! ro##ery with !orce $pon things. Art >'& ; sa e as Art &JJ< altho$gh, yo$ cannot $se si $lating o! p$#lic a$thority *asi wala ngang tao.

>. "! the entrance has #een e!!ected thro$gh the $se o! !alse *eys, pic*loc*s or other si ilar tools. B. "! any dor , wardro#e, chest or #y sealed or closed !$rnit$re or receptacle has #een #ro*en. 2. "! any closed or sealed receptacle, as entioned in the preceding paragraph, has #een re oved even i! the sa e to #ro*en open elsewhere. +hen the val$e o! the property ta*es does not e%ceed &2' pesos, the penalty ne%t lower in degree shall #e i posed. "n the cases speci!ied in Articles &JB, &J2, &JC, &JJ, >'', and >'& o! this @ode, when the property ta*en is ail atter or large cattle, the o!!ender shall s$!!er the penalties ne%t higher in degree than those provided in said articles.
Pa, 7otseA )umaso7 7a sa loo6 n, 7otse walan, ro6err0 J0an, the!t lan,J 0an* Pumaso7 7a sa inha#ited or $ninha#ited even i! yo$ $sed !orce, there is no ro##ery. ?o##ery with !orce $pon things only applies to inha#ited or $ninha#ited places, p$#lic or private #$ildings. !,unit 7un, s/$atters area, ro##ery )a rin J0un #eca$se the law does not say, O-he ho$se will #e #ig or s all,O 6asta sina6i natin, inha#ited or $ninha#ited.O

rt* ><.* Possession o4 )ic7loc7s or similar tools. Any person who shall
wit(out law4ul cause have in his possession pic*loc*s or si ilar tools especially adopted to the co ission o! the cri e o! ro##ery, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall a*e s$ch tools. -his incl$des loc*s iths.

rt* ></* 'alse 7e0s. -he ter *eysO shall #e dee ed to incl$de;


rt* ><>* Ro66er0 o4 cerealsA 4ruitsA or 4irewood in an in(a6ited (ouse or )u6lic 6uildin, or edi4ice devoted to wors(i) or an unin(a6ited )lace or )rivate 6uildin,A )enalt0 neBt lower in de,ree*
Ro66er0 wit( 4orce u)on t(in,s +hen the s$#1ect atter o! the asportation pertains to inha#ited or $ninha#ited ho$ses, there!ore, yo$ enter the ho$se and then ro# the ho$se. -hen, the cri e is ro##ery with !orce $pon things. 0$t the s$#1ect atter o! ro##ery with !orce $pon things, dalawa lan,; 1) "nha#ited, which is Article &JJ. &) -he other one is $ninha#ited, which is Article >'&. 4%a ple,7otse moA nand0an sa )ar7in,. So e#ody #ro*e the window in order to enter the car and then

1. -he tools entioned in the ne%t preceding articles. &. Gen$ine *eys stolen !ro the owner. >. Any *eys other than those intended #y the owner !or $se in the loc* !orci#ly opened #y the o!!ender.

C(a)ter Two BRI# !" #E

+hen a 6and o4 ro66ers !or the p$rpose o! 1. co itting ro##ery in the highway, or &. *idnapping persons !or the p$rpose o! e%tortion or to o#tain ranso or >. !or any other p$rpose to #e attained #y eans o! !orce and violence, they shall #e dee ed highway ro##ers or #rigands. "! any o! the ar s carried #y any o! said persons #e an $nlicensed !irear s, it shall #e pres$ ed that said persons are highway ro##ers or #rigands, and in case o! convictions the penalty shall #e i posed in the a%i $ period.

rt* ><3* W(o are 6ri,ands1 Penalt0*

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+here there are only three ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! those in >'I, then does not !all $nder >'I. -hey will #e lia#le !or illegal asse #ly. ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! co itting a violation o! a penal law. -he ere !or ation o! at least !o$r ar ed en !or the p$rpose o! e%torting ranso or !or the p$rpose o! co itting highway ro##ery, then that #eco es a cons$ ated cri e. "!, however, the !o$r ar ed en act$ally co itted highway ro##ery, then they will now #e lia#le !or a cri e o! highway ro##ery, no longer lia#le $nder Article >'I. +hat is p$nished in >'I is that #e!ore the highway ro##ery, there are !o$r ar ed en !or ed !or the p$rpose o! co itting any o! those cri es entioned in Article >'I. -hat is already a cons$ ated cri e $nder Article >'I. i! asportation #y a #and is co itted in the highway, is that highway ro##eryA is ay #e $nder P8 2>&. "n the case o! people v. p$no et al, S@ distinction in P" />; and A?- >'I ade a

C(a)ter T(ree T&E'T rt* ><8* W(o are lia6le 4or t(e4t* -he!t is co itted #y any person who, with intent to gain #$t witho$t violence against or inti idation o! persons nor !orce $pon things, shall ta*e personal property o! another witho$t the latterLs consent.
-he!t is li*ewise co itted #y; 1. Any person who, having !o$nd lost property, shall !ail to deliver the sa e to the local a$thorities or to its owner< &. Any person who, a!ter having alicio$sly da aged the property o! another, shall re ove or a*e $se o! the !r$its or o#1ect o! the da age ca$sed #y hi < and >. Any person who shall enter an inclosed estate or a !ield where trespass is !or#idden or which #elongs to another and witho$t the consent o! its owner, shall h$nt or !ish $pon the sa e or shall gather cereals, or other !orest or !ar prod$cts.

&I#&W % ROBBER% -hree essential re/$ire ents 1. the asportation sho$ld ta*e place in the highway &. the victi is not a predeter ined victi >. sho$ld not #e an isolated one. it sho$ld happen indiscri inately. *idnapping . p$rpose is to deprive li#erty highway ro##ery "! only one ro##ery, then si ple ro##ery only. S$pposing it happens in a #$s with 1' passengers. everyone is ro##ed. "s that hiway ro##ery or si ple ro##eryA con!licting 1$rispr$dence. 5ore accepted view, one cri e o! ro##ery $nder the principle o! continuado delicto.

rt* ><5* idin, and a6ettin, a 6and o4 6ri,ands*

1. Any person *nowingly and in any anner aiding, a#etting or protecting a #and o! #rigands or ac/$iring &. or receiving the property ta*en #y s$ch #rigands "t shall #e pres$ ed that the person per!or ing any o! the acts provided in this article has per!or ed the *nowingly, $nless the contrary is proven. Pa$l "7 8#

rt* ><9* Penalties* Any person g$ilty o! the!t shall #e p$nished #y; 1. -he penalty o! prision ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the val$e o! the thing stolen is ore than 1&,''' pesos #$t does not e%ceed &&,''' pesos, #$t i! the val$e o! the thing stolen e%ceeds the latter a o$nt the penalty shall #e the a%i $ period o! the one prescri#ed in this paragraph, and one year !or each additional ten tho$sand pesos, #$t the total o! the penalty which ay #e i posed shall not e%ceed twenty years. "n s$ch cases, and in connection with the accessory penalties which ay #e i posed and !or the p$rpose o! the other provisions o! this @ode, the penalty shall #e ter ed prision ayor or recl$sion te poral, as the case ay #e. &. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the val$e o! the thing stolen is ore than I,''' pesos #$t does not e%ceed 1&,''' pesos. >. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the val$e o! the property stolen is ore than &'' pesos #$t does not e%ceed I,''' pesos. B. Arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, i!

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the val$e o! the property stolen is over 2' pesos #$t does not e%ceed &'' pesos. 2. Arresto ayor to its !$ll e%tent, i! s$ch val$e is over 2 pesos #$t does not e%ceed 2' pesos. I. Arresto ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! s$ch val$e does not e%ceed 2 pesos. C. Arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, i! the the!t is co itted $nder the circ$ stances en$ erated in paragraph > o! the ne%t preceding article and the val$e o! the thing stolen does not e%ceed 2 pesos. "! s$ch val$e e%ceeds said a o$nt, the provision o! any o! the !ive preceding s$#divisions shall #e ade applica#le. 3. Arresto enor in its ini $ period or a !ine not e%ceeding 2' pesos, when the val$e o! the thing stolen is not over 2 pesos, and the o!!ender shall have acted $nder the i p$lse o! h$nger, poverty, or the di!!ic$lty o! earning a livelihood !or the s$pport o! hi sel! or his !a ily.

3. i! property is ta*en on the occasion o! !ire, earth/$a*e, typhoon, volcanic err$ption, or any other cala ity, vehic$lar accident or civil dist$r#ance. (As a ended #y ?.A. 1&' and 0.P. 0lg. C1. 5ay 1, 1J3').
Grave a#$se o! con!idence re!ers to other people and not to the do estic servant. +hat i! helper has access to ca#inets, And then when yo$ ca e ho e, she is no longer there and, there!ore, ran away yo$r personal #elongings, 0un an, /$ali!ied the!t. 0eca$se yo$ allowed her to have access to yo$r personal #elongings. 0$t that is not grave a#$se o! con!idence. "t is erely a#$se o! con!idence. So, there!ore, i! it is a do estic servant, there $st #e so e sort o! a#$se o! con!idence. (ot 1$st #eca$se she is a do estic servant /$ali!ied the!t na 0an. &indi* what i! teller receives deposits !ro a depositr, at the end o! day she did not t$rn over. she is lia#le !or F$ali!ied the!t. (ow, the other thing is that when the s$#1ect atter o! the the!t is ail atters, then thatLs /$ali!ied the!t. !a,na7aw 7a n, sulat, thatLs /$ali!ied the!t. :r i! the s$#1ect, when it is cattle, it is no longer a /$ali!ied the!t. +hat is the cri e co ittedA @attle r$stling $nder P8 2>>, #$t $nder cattle r$stling, it is not erely the $nlaw!$l ta*ing o! a e #er o! the #ovine !a ily. "t also incl$des #$tchering o! a e #er o! the #ovine !a ily witho$t the consent o! the owner. So, P8 2>> does not only cover $nlaw!$l ta*ing. "t also covers *illing o! a e #er o! the #ovine !a ily witho$t the consent o! the owner. Ba7a a7ala ni0o 0un, P8 2>> na,na7aw lan, e(. Pa, 7inata0 mo 0un, 6a7a walan, alam 0un, ma0I ari e(A 0an* So, yo$ have to get the consent #e!ore yo$ sla$ghter a cara#ao or a cow. :*ay. what i! s$#1ect o! asportation is a carnapping otorvehicleA is it

there is no

ore !r$strated the!t.

entering an enclosed estate, other !or s o! trespass. entering an enclosed estate, yo$ $se violence, then yo$ clai , $s$rpation. entering an enclosed estate then yo$ start harvesting !ar prod$cts9!ish (as long as it doesn2t !all $nder Art >1'.) I!CREME!T L PE! LT% So, i! yo$ are as*ed G+hat is an incre ental penaltyAH in yo$r #ar e%a s, then they are re!erring to a penalty o! esta!a and the penalty o! the!t. 0eca$se the penalty so eti es will depend on the val$e o! the thing stolen in the!t and the da age ca$sed in the cri e o! esta!a.

rt* >-<* ?uali4ied t(e4t* -he cri e o!

the!t shall #e p$nished #y the penalties ne%t higher #y two degrees than those respectively speci!ied in the ne%t preceding article, i! co itted #y a 1. do estic servant, or &. with grave a#$se o! con!idence, or >. i! the property stolen is otor vehicle, B. ail atter or 2. large cattle or I. consists o! cocon$ts ta*en !ro the pre ises o! the plantation or C. !ish ta*en !ro a !ishpond or !ishery, or
Pa$l "7 8#

@arnapping 1. ta*ing is attended with violence threat or inti idation &. in any other $nlaw!$l eans. (lac* o! consent on the part o! the owner) #$t s$pposing yo$ went to have the car repaired, and the yo$ will redee yo$r car a!ter one onth. yo$ go #ac*, the owner ran away with yo$r vehicle. it cannot #e carnapping #eca$se ta*ing was not $nlaw!$l at the very #eginning. co$ld that #e esta!aA when yo$ spea* o! esta!a, there $st #e physical possession and 1$ridical possession, while in the!t, only physical possession. when do yo$ say there2s 1$ridical possession. -4S-; can he p$t $p a A.).,.9(.:.S.

Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # de!ense o! ownership or law!$l possessorA -hat is the eaning o! 1$ridical possession. people v. santos ; the S@ said that was F$ali!ied -he!t. -he owner cannot clai the driver who steals the car, there is no 1$ridical possession. driver cannot p$t $p de!ense o! law!$l possessor.. so no esta!a. the ta*ing o! the vehicle $st #e $nlaw!$l !ro the #eginning. so in car repair ; FUA)","48 -D4,- :, A 5:-:?74D"@)4. in the occasion o! carnapping and a person is *illed, it #eco es a special co ple% cri e. the cri e sho$ld #e deno inated as Muali4ied carna))in,. people v. e1ia. carnapping in its aggravated !or . ?A I2>J. 0$t i! it is /$ali!ied the!t, law does not recogni=e the *illing, then yo$ co ple% the cri e $nder Art B3. S$pposing in a carnapping three died, regardless o the death, then it is 1$st /$ali!ied carnapping, #eca$se it is a special co ple% cri e. S; Sir, what i! a otor vehicle was ta*en. -he ta*ing was law!$l !ro the #eginning and so it is a cri e o! /$ali!ied the!t. 0$t then so eone was *illed later on. +hat is the cri eA P; -hatLs a good /$estion. Kasi 0an when it is a /$ali!ied the!t o! a otor vehicle $nder Article >1' and then s$pposing on the occasion . so the driver ran away the vehicle. "! two days or three days a!ter, police en ran a!ter hi , and then as a res$lt, there was a !ire !ight, one o! the police en was *illed. So, on the occasion o! /$ali!ied the!t, a police an was *illed. So, how will yo$ deno inate the cri eA (ow, yo$ co$ld deno inate the cri e as /$ali!ied the!tA :*ay, so thatLs a good /$estion. Kasi i! it is carnapping . i! on the occasion o! carnapping, so e#ody is *illed then it #eco es special co ple% cri e #eca$se $nder I2>J, it recogni=es the *illing as a cri e that really co itted on the occasion o! carnapping. 0$t i! it is a /$ali!ied the!t, the law does not recogni=e a cri e o! *illing on the occasion o! /$ali!ied the!t e(. So, i! there!ore, so e#ody dies on the occasion o! the /$ali!ied the!t, then yo$ can still co ple% the cri e as /$ali!ied the!t with $rder or /$ali!ied the!t with ho icide, #$t no longer $nder the principle o! a special co ple% cri e. "t will #e $nder the principle o! Article B3 as a co ple% cri e n, ma,anda roon 7un, tatlo an, namata0. S$ppossing in a carnapping, three died. Dow will yo$ deno inate the cri eA ?egardless o! the death #eca$se that is a special co ple% cri e, yo$ always deno inate the cri e as /$ali!ied carnapping whether it is done with treachery or not, it is /$ali!ied carnapping #eca$se that is a special Pa$l "7 8#

Criminal Law Review | Page 32 co ple% cri e. 0$t i! it is a /$ali!ied the!t, i! the cri e co itted is $rder, o! co$rse, yo$ can /$ali!y the cri e as /$ali!ied the!t with $rder #eca$se that is a co ple% cri e $nder Article B3. -hatLs a good /$estion.

rt* >--* T(e4t o4 t(e )ro)ert0 o4 t(e !ational Li6rar0 and !ational Museum. "! the property stolen #e any property o! the
(ational )i#rary or the (ational 5$se$ , the penalty shall #e arresto ayor or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 2'' pesos, or #oth, $nless a higher penalty sho$ld #e provided $nder other provisions o! this @ode, in which case, the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y s$ch higher penalty.

C(a)ter 'our $S$RP TIO! rt* >-;* Occu)ation o4 real )ro)ert0 or usur)ation o4 real ri,(ts in )ro)ert0*
Any person who, 60 means o4 violence a,ainst or intimidation o4 )ersons, shall ta7e )ossession o! any real )ro)ert0 or shall usur) an0 real ri,(ts in property #elonging to another, in addition to t(e )enalt0 incurred 4or t(e acts o4 violence eBecuted 60 (im, shall #e p$nished #y a !ine !ro 2' to 1'' per cent$ o! the gain which he shall have o#tained, #$t not less than C2 pesos. "! the val$e o! the gain cannot #e ascertained, a !ine o! !ro &'' to 2'' pesos shall #e i posed.

there is intent to gain. "t is act$ally a cri e o! land. gra##ing. twoItiered )enalt0 rule. two penalties ay #e i posed. the pay ent o! the !ine here is !i%ed. the penalty o! i prison ent is dependent on the e%tent o! violence $sed. so i! violence is grave threat, then penalty o! grave threat Y !ine.

rt* >->* lterin, 6oundaries or landmar7s* Any person who shall alter the
#o$ndary ar*s or on$ ents o! towns, provinces, or estates, or any other ar*s intended to designate the #o$ndaries o! the sa e, shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding 1'' pesos, or #oth.


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C(a)ter 'ive C$LP BLE I!SOL:E!C% rt* >-.* 'raudulent insolvenc0*

Any person who shall a6scond wit( (is )ro)ert0 to t(e )reFudice o4 (is creditors 5a*ing it it appear that yo$ are insolvent to escape.

1. +ith $n!aith!$lness or a#$se o! con!idence, na ely; (a) 0y altering the s$#stance, /$antity, or /$ality or anything o! val$e which the o!!ender shall deliver #y virt$e o! an o#ligation to do so, even tho$gh s$ch o#ligation #e #ased on an i oral or illegal consideration. (#) 0y isappropriating or converting, to the pre1$dice o! another, oney, goods, or any other personal property received #y the o!!ender in tr$st or on co ission, or !or ad inistration, or $nder any other o#ligation involving the d$ty to a*e delivery o! or to ret$rn the sa e, even tho$gh s$ch o#ligation #e totally or partially g$aranteed #y a #ond< or #y denying having received s$ch oney, goods, or other property. (c) 0y ta*ing $nd$e advantage o! the signat$re o! the o!!ended party in #lan*, and #y writing any doc$ ent a#ove s$ch signat$re in #lan*, to the pre1$dice o! the o!!ended party or o! any third person. &. 0y eans o! any o! the !ollowing !alse pretenses or !ra$d$lent acts e%ec$ted prior to or si $ltaneo$sly with the co ission o! the !ra$d; (a) 0y $sing !ictitio$s na e, or !alsely pretending to possess power, in!l$ence, /$ali!ications, property, credit, agency, #$siness or i aginary transactions, or #y eans o! other si ilar deceits. (#) 0y altering the /$ality, !ineness or weight o! anything pertaining to his art or #$siness. (c) 0y pretending to have #ri#ed any Govern ent e ployee, witho$t pre1$dice to the action !or cal$ ny which the o!!ended party ay dee proper to #ring against the o!!ender. "n this case, the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y the a%i $ period o! the penalty. (d) 0y post.dating a chec*, or iss$ing a chec* in pay ent o! an o#ligation when the o!!ender therein were not s$!!icient to cover the a o$nt o! the chec*. -he !ail$re o! the drawer o! the chec* to deposit the a o$nt necessary to cover his chec* within three (>) days !ro receipt o! notice !ro the #an* and9or the payee or holder that said chec* has #een dishonored !or lac* o!

person who shall de!ra$d another #y any o! the eans entioned herein #elow shall #e p$nished #y; 1st. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its a%i $ period to prision ayor in its ini $ period, i! the a o$nt o! the !ra$d is over 1&,''' pesos #$t does not e%ceed &&,''' pesos, and i! s$ch a o$nt e%ceeds the latter s$ , the penalty provided in this paragraph shall #e i posed in its a%i $ period, adding one year !or each additional 1',''' pesos< #$t the total penalty which ay #e i posed shall not e%ceed twenty years. "n s$ch cases, and in connection with the accessory penalties which ay #e i posed $nder the provisions o! this @ode, the penalty shall #e ter ed prision ayor or recl$sion te poral, as the case ay #e. &nd. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the a o$nt o! the !ra$d is over I,''' pesos #$t does not e%ceed 1&,''' pesos< >rd. -he penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period i! s$ch a o$nt is over &'' pesos #$t does not e%ceed I,''' pesos< and Bth. 0y arresto ayor in its a%i $ period, i! s$ch a o$nt does not e%ceed &'' pesos, provided that in the !o$r cases entioned, the !ra$d #e co itted #y any o! the !ollowing eans;

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Criminal Law Review | Page 3C le,al dut0 to deliver* "s there a 1$ridical tieA yes, he is entitled to co ission. -hat will #e his de!ense, he is entitled to the oney. !ovation o4 contracts. -he agree ent o! the parties is a#andoned, and a new contract is entered into. so the /$estion is, what is the e!!ect o! novationA does it e%ting$ish cri inal penalty !or esta!aA (ovation is not a gro$nd !or e%tinction o! cri inal penalty. E@CEPTIO!, the only esta!a that can #e e%ting$ished is only in Par 1. not par & or >. #eca$se the en$ erations there a and # can #e novated, #eca$se it is a #orderline o! a civil contract. e%. yo$ enter into sale, co ission #asis. oney was not re itted. nah$li in isappropriationA -hen yo$ as*ed Gp$wede #a y$ng rere it h$l$gan na langAH and there is an agree ent. -here is no ore esta!a. the !irst contract is novated. 4sta!a 1. 6use o4 con4idence and un4ait(4ulness (:- deceit . yo$ repose con!idence to another and it is a#$sed a. it is a #orderline #etween a civil and cri inal o#ligation. Altering s$#stance /$ality even i! consideration is illegal i. contract o! sale . civil character. i! the agree ent is to deliver o! 1'' #ags o! rice and /$ality is speci!ied. +hat i! is delivered is (,A rice. -he alteration o! the /$ality a*es it 4S-A,A. "t is the $n!aith!$lness or a#$se o! con!idence. ii. "! /$antity is altered, that still a*es it a cri e o! esta!a iii. illegal consideration o! ga #ling iv. selling o! sha#$. #. Par 1 (c) signat$re. &. Misre)resentationA 4alse )retense IS deceit . P?":? :? S"5U)-A(4:US +"-D @:55"SS":( :, -D4 ,?AU8 -here is )anlolo7o !ro the very #eginning. -he cri e o! esta!a is that the private o!!ended party co$ld not have parted i! yo$ did not e ploy isrepresentation or !alse pretenses. a. Mo# recr$iter. #y pretending to have in!l$ence . panlolo*o. i can #ring yo$ to ira/ !or e ploy ent, #$t yo$ have to pay certain 4ees. :nly to !ind o$t he is not an a$thori=ed recr$iterA he a*es it appear that he has a$thority to #ring wor*ers. Prior si $ltaneo$s . and that the reaon why she had parted was #eca$se o! the

ins$!!iciency o! !$nds shall #e pri a !acie evidence o! deceit constit$ting !alse pretense or !ra$d$lent act. (e) 0y o#taining any !ood, re!resh ent or acco odation at a hotel, inn, resta$rant, #oarding ho$se, lodging ho$se, or apart ent ho$se and the li*e witho$t paying there!or, with intent to de!ra$d the proprietor or anager thereo!, or #y o#taining credit at hotel, inn, resta$rant, #oarding ho$se, lodging ho$se, or apart ent ho$se #y the $se o! any !alse pretense, or #y a#andoning or s$rreptitio$sly re oving any part o! his #aggage !ro a hotel, inn, resta$rant, #oarding ho$se, lodging ho$se or apart ent ho$se a!ter o#taining credit, !ood, re!resh ent or acco odation therein witho$t paying !or his !ood, re!resh ent or acco odation. >. -hro$gh any o! the !ollowing !ra$d$lent eans; (a) 0y ind$cing another, #y eans o! deceit, to sign any doc$ ent. (#) 0y resorting to so e !ra$d$lent practice to ins$re s$ccess in a ga #ling ga e. (c) 0y re oving, concealing or destroying, in whole or in part, any co$rt record, o!!ice !iles, doc$ ent or any other papers.
"I''ERE!CE O' EST ' !" T&E'T

-a*ing is always witho$t consent o! the owner, #$t in esta!a, the owner act$ally gives the property so there is no $nlaw!$l ta*ing. the o!!ender receives the property. 0an* teller who receives deposits. that is /$ali!ied the!t not esta!a. -he teller receives #$t does not t$rn over. it is /$ali!ied the!t.5eron #ang 1$ridical possessionA 5eron #ang $nlaw!$l ta*ingA it is /$ali!ied the!t #eca$se when the teller receives the oney, it #eco es the oney o! the #an*, #$t the teller does not declare, she ends $p $nlaw!$lly ta*ing the oney o! the #an*. -he #an* did not give the oney to the teller. (ow it wo$ld #e di!!erent i! yo$ are an e ployee9 sales an, yo$r wor* is to sell the prod$ct o! yo$r e ployer. yo$2re a so!tdrin*s sales an, in the orning yo$ #ring o$t the prod$cts with the o#ligation to re it the proceeds and to receive the co ission and ret$rn the $nsold prod$cts and i! yo$ run awa0 wit( t(e mone0* esta4a* t(ere is a Pa$l "7 8#


Codal and Lecture / Justice Peralta # representation that she co$ld #e #ro$ght a#road. #. Art or 0$siness . ito gold ring ito #eca$se i was the one who ade it, sweet tal*ing, na#ola, and the ring t$rns o$t na hindi gold. i! it is yo$r own art, then >12(&). the reason why i #o$ght that was #eca$se o! yo$r isrepresentation. c. 8 . postdating o! chec* . =osa owns a 1ewelry store. i want to #$y a ring !or y wi!e. yes sir, ito 1''*. o* i can pay #$t i did not #ring y cash. i paid in chec*. issuance o4 t(e c(ec7 was simultaneous wit( t(e )artin, o4 t(e ,oods. >. co pare with &J'(a) a. destr$ction o! co$rt records 4S-A,A, all the rest in!idelity in the c$stody o! p$#lic o!!icers. #. eating evidence to win, destr$ction o! evidence cannot co ple% esta!a thro$gh !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent it is either esta!a or !alsi!ication o! private doc$ ent. sa e ele ents. CRE"IT C R"S (indi )uweden, co ercial doc$ ent ang credit card #eca$se there is a special law a#o$t it. +e agreed that that.(indi )a n,a esta4a an, sa,ot namin, dun* +e agreed that the cri e is $na$thori=ed $se o! access device, not even esta4a. It is onl0 one crime o4 unaut(oriKed use o4 access device. 6o$ *now whatLs the penaltyA Mataas ang penalty o! access device, higher )a n, the!t, $na$thori=ed $se o!, anoA Access device, higher than the!t #eca$se the!t is deter ined.the penalty o! the!t is deter ined #y the val$e o! the thing stolen. Sir, $na$thori=ed $se din 6a 0un, d$plicated credit cardA -hatLs also $nder the special law. -hatLs a cri e i! that will #e illegal $se or illegal an$!act$re or illegal prod$ction o! access devices.

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>. -he owner o! any personal property who shall wrong!$lly ta*e it !ro its law!$l possessor, to the pre1$dice o! the latter or any third person. B. Any person who, to the pre1$dice o! another, shall e%ec$te any !ictitio$s contract. 2. Any person who shall accept any co pensation given hi $nder the #elie! that it was in pay ent o! services rendered or la#or per!or ed #y hi , when in !act he did not act$ally per!or s$ch services or la#or. I. Any person who, while #eing a s$rety in a #ond given in a cri inal or civil action, witho$t e%press a$thority !ro the co$rt or #e!ore the cancellation o! his #ond or #e!ore #eing relieved !ro the o#ligation contracted #y hi , shall sell, ortgage, or, in any other anner, enc$ #er the real property or properties with which he g$aranteed the !$l!ill ent o! s$ch o#ligation.

rt* >-5* Swindlin, a minor. Any person who ta*ing advantage o! the ine%perience or e otions or !eelings o! a inor, to his detri ent, shall ind$ce hi to ass$ e any o#ligation or to give any release or e%ec$te a trans!er o! any property right in consideration o! so e loan o! oney, credit or other personal property, whether the loan clearly appears in the doc$ ent or is shown in any other !or , shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine o! a s$ ranging !ro 1' to 2' per cent o! the val$e o! the o#ligation contracted #y the inor. rt* >-8* Ot(er deceits. -he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine o! not less than the a o$nt o! the da age ca$sed and not ore than twice s$ch a o$nt shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall de!ra$d or da age another #y any other deceit not entioned in the preceding articles o! this chapter. Any person who, !or pro!it or gain, shall interpret drea s, a*e !orecasts, tell !ort$nes, or ta*e advantage o! the cred$lity o! the p$#lic in any other si ilar anner, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos.

rt* >-3* Ot(er 4orms o4 swindlin,.

-he penalty o! arresto ayor in its ini $ and edi$ period and a !ine o! not less than the val$e o! the da age ca$sed and not ore than three ti es s$ch val$e, shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any person who, pretending to #e owner o! any real property, shall convey, sell, enc$ #er or ortgage the sa e. &. Any person, who, *nowing that real property is enc$ #ered, shall dispose o! the sa e, altho$gh s$ch enc$ #rance #e not recorded.

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C(a)ter Seven C& TTEL MORT# #E rt* >-9* RemovalA sale or )led,e o4 mort,a,ed )ro)ert0. -he penalty or
arresto ayor or a !ine a o$nting to twice the val$e o! the property shall #e i posed $pon; 1. Any person who shall *nowingly re ove any personal property ortgaged $nder the @hattel 5ortgage )aw to any province or city other than the one in which it was located at the ti e o! the e%ec$tion o! the ortgage, witho$t the written consent o! the ortgagee, or his e%ec$tors, ad inistrators or assigns. &. Any ortgagor who shall sell or pledge personal property already pledged, or any part thereo!, $nder the ter s o! the @hattel 5ortgage )aw, witho$t the consent o! the ortgagee written on the #ac* o! the ortgage and noted on the record hereo! in the o!!ice o! the ?egister o! 8eeds o! the province where s$ch property is located.

C(a)ter Ei,(t RSO! !" OT&ER CRIMES I!:OL:I!# "ESTR$CTIO!S rt* >;<* "estructive arson. -he penalty o! recl$sion te poral in its a%i $ period to recl$sion perpet$a shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall #$rn; # [# 1. Any arsenal, shipyard, storeho$se or ilitary powder or !irewor*s !actory, ordinance, storeho$se, archives or general $se$ o! the Govern ent. &. Any passenger train or otor vehicle in otion or vessel o$t o! port. >. "n an inha#ited place, any storeho$se or !actory o! in!la a#le or e%plosive aterials. Art. >&1. :ther !or s o! arson. +hen the arson consists in the #$rning o! other property and $nder the circ$ stances given here$nder, the o!!ender shall #e p$nisha#le; # [# 1. 0y recl$sion te poral or recl$sion perpet$a;
Pa$l "7 8#

# [# # S# (a) i! the o!!ender shall set !ire to any #$ilding, !ar ho$se, wareho$se, h$t, shelter, or vessel in port, *nowing it to #e occ$pied at the ti e #y one or ore persons< (#) "! the #$ilding #$rned is a p$#lic #$ilding and val$e o! the da age ca$sed e%ceeds I,''' pesos< (c) "! the #$ilding #$rned is a p$#lic #$ilding and the p$rpose is to destroy evidence *ept therein to #e $sed in instit$ting prosec$tion !or the p$nish ent o! violators o! the law, irrespective o! the a o$nt o! the da age<chan ro#les virt$al law li#rary (d) "! the #$ilding #$rned is a p$#lic #$ilding and the p$rpose is to destroy evidence *ept therein to #e $sed in legislative, 1$dicial or ad inistrative proceedings, irrespective o! the a o$nt o! the da age< Provided, however, -hat i! the evidence destroyed is to #e $sed against the de!endant !or the prosec$tion o! any cri e p$nisha#le $nder e%isting laws, the penalty shall #e recl$sion perpet$a< (e) "! the arson shall have #een co itted with the intention o! collecting $nder an ins$rance policy against loss or da age #y !ire. # [# &. 0y recl$sion te poral; # [# # S# (a) "! an inha#ited ho$se or any other #$ilding in which people are acc$sto ed to eet is set on !ire, and the c$lprit did not *now that s$ch ho$se or #$ilding was occ$pied at the ti e, or i! he shall set !ire to a oving !reight train or otor vehicle, and the val$e o! the da age ca$sed e%ceeds I,''' pesos< (#) "! the val$e o! the da age ca$sed in paragraph (#) o! the preceding s$#division does not e%ceed I,''' pesos< (c) "! a !ar , s$gar ill, cane ill, ill central, #a #oo groves or any si ilar plantation is set on !ire and the da age ca$sed e%ceeds I,''' pesos< and (d) "! grain !ields, past$re lands, or !orests, or plantings are set on !ire, and the da age ca$sed e%ceeds I,''' pesos. # [# >. 0y prision ayor; # [#

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# S# (a) "! the val$e o! the da age ca$sed in the case entioned in paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) in the ne%t preceding s$#division does not e%ceed I,''' pesos< (#) "! a #$ilding not $sed as a dwelling or place o! asse #ly, located in a pop$lated place, is set on !ire, and the da age ca$sed e%ceeds I,''' pesos< # [# B. 0y prision correccional in its a%i $ period to prision ayor in its edi$ period; # [# # S# (a) "! a #$ilding $sed as dwelling located in an $ninha#ited place is set on !ire and the da age ca$sed e%ceeds 1,''' pesos< (#) "! the val$e or the da age ca$sed in the case entioned in paragraphs (c) and (d) o! s$#division & o! this article does not e%ceed &'' pesos. # [# 2. 0y prision correccional in its edi$ period to prision ayor in its ini $ period, when the da age ca$sed is over &'' pesos #$t does not e%ceed 1,''' pesos, and the property re!erred to in paragraph (a) o! the preceding s$#division is set on !ire< #$t when the val$e o! s$ch property does not e%ceed &'' pesos, the penalty ne%t lower in degree than that prescri#ed in this s$#division shall #e i posed. I. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the da age ca$sed in the case entioned in paragraph (#) o! s$#division > o! this article does not e%ceed I,''' pesos #$t is over &'' pesos. C. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the da age ca$sed in the case entioned paragraph (#) s$#division > o! this article does not e%ceed &'' pesos. 3. -he penalty o! arresto ayor and a !ine ranging !ro !i!ty to one h$ndred per cent$ i! the da age ca$sed shall #e i posed, when the property #$rned consists o! grain !ields, past$re lands, !orests, or plantations when the val$e o! s$ch property does not e%ceed &'' pesos. (As a ended #y ?.A. 2BIC, approved 5ay 1&, 1JIJ).

Art. >&&. @ases o! arson not incl$ded in the preceding articles. @ases o! arson not incl$ded in the ne%t preceding articles shall #e p$nished; # [# 1. 0y arresto ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, when the da age ca$sed does not e%ceed 2' pesos< &. 0y arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, when the da age ca$sed is over 2' pesos #$t does not e%ceed &'' pesos< >. 0y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the da age ca$sed is over &'' pesos #$t does not e%ceed 1,''' pesos< and B. 0y prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! it is over 1,''' pesos. Art. >&>. Arson o! property o! s all val$e. -he arson o! any $ninha#ited h$t, storeho$se, #arn, shed, or any other property the val$e o! which does not e%ceed &2 pesos, co itted at a ti e or $nder circ$ stances which clearly e%cl$de all danger o! the !ire spreading, shall not #e p$nished #y the penalties respectively prescri#ed in this chapter, #$t in accordance with the da age ca$sed and $nder the provisions o! the !ollowing chapter. Art. >&B. @ri es involving destr$ction. Any person who shall ca$se destr$ction #y eans o! e%plosion, discharge o! electric c$rrent, in$ndation, sin*ing or stranding o! a vessel, intentional da aging o! the engine o! said vessel, ta*ing $p the rails !ro a railway trac*, alicio$sly changing railway signals !or the sa!ety o! oving trains, destroying telegraph wires and telegraph posts, or those o! any other syste , and, in general, #y $sing any other agency or eans o! destr$ction as e!!ective as those a#ove en$ erated, shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral i! the co ission has endangered the sa!ety o! any person, otherwise, the penalty o! prision ayor shall #e i posed. Art. >&2. 0$rning oneLs own property as eans to co it arson. Any person g$ilty o! arson or ca$sing great destr$ction

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o! the property #elonging to another shall s$!!er the penalties prescri#ed in this chapter, even tho$gh he shall have set !ire to or destroyed his own property !or the p$rposes o! co itting the cri e. Art. >&I. Setting !ire to property e%cl$sively owned #y the o!!ender. "! the property #$rned shall #e the e%cl$sive property o! the o!!ender, he shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period, i! the arson shall have #een co itted !or the p$rpose o! de!ra$ding or ca$sing da age to another, or pre1$dice shall act$ally have #een ca$sed, or i! the thing #$rned shall have #een a #$ilding in an inha#ited place. Art. >&I.A. "n cases where death res$lted as a conse/$ence o! arson. "! death res$lted as a conse/$ence o! arson co itted on any o! the properties and $nder any o! the circ$ stances entioned in the preceding articles, the co$rt shall i pose the death penalty. Art. >&I.0. Pri a !acie evidence o! arson. Any o! the !ollowing circ$ stances shall constit$te pri a !acie evidence o! arson; # [# 1. "! a!ter the !ire, are !o$nd aterials or s$#stances soa*ed in gasoline, *erosene, petrole$ , or other in!la a#les, or any echanical, electrical che ical or traces or any o! the !oregoing. &. -hat s$#stantial a o$nt o! in!la a#le s$#stance or aterials were stored within the #$ilding not necessary in the co$rse o! the de!endantLs #$siness< and >. -hat the !ire started si $ltaneo$sly in ore than one part o! the #$ilding or locale $nder circ$ stances that cannot nor ally #e d$e to accidental or $nintentional ca$ses; Provided, however, -hat at least one o! the !ollowing is present in any o! the three a#ove. entioned circ$ stances; # S# (a) -hat the total ins$rance carried on the #$ilding and9or goods is ore than 3' per cent o! the val$e o! s$ch #$ilding and9or goods at the ti e o! the !ire< (#) -hat the de!endant a!ter the !ire has presented a !ra$d$lent clai !or loss.

-he penalty o! prision correccional shall #e i posed on one who plants the articles a#ove. entioned, in order to sec$re a conviction, or as a eans o! e%tortion or coercion. (As a ended #y ?.A. 2BIC, approved 5ay 1&, 1JIJ). @hapter (ine 5A)"@":US 5"S@D"4, Art. >&C. +ho are lia#le !or alicio$s ischie!. Any person who shall deli#erately ca$se the property o! another any da age not !alling within the ter s o! the ne%t preceding chapter shall #e g$ilty o! alicio$s ischie!. Art. >&3. Special cases o! alicio$s ischie!. Any person who shall ca$se da age to o#str$ct the per!or ance o! p$#lic !$nctions, or $sing any poisono$s or corrosive s$#stance< or spreading any in!ection or contagion a ong cattle< or who ca$se da age to the property o! the (ational 5$se$ or (ational )i#rary, or to any archive or registry, waterwor*s, road, pro enade, or any other thing $sed in co on #y the p$#lic, shall #e p$nished; # [# 1. 0y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! the val$e o! the da age ca$sed e%ceeds 1,''' pesos< &. 0y arresto ayor, i! s$ch val$e does not e%ceed the a#ove entioned a o$nt #$t it is over &'' pesos< and >. 0y arresto enor, in s$ch val$e does not e%ceed &'' pesos. Art. >&J. :ther ischie!s. -he ischie!s not incl$ded in the ne%t preceding article shall #e p$nished; # [# 1. 0y arresto ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ periods, i! the val$e o! the da age ca$sed e%ceeds 1,''' pesos< &. 0y arresto ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods, i! s$ch val$e is over &'' pesos #$t does not e%ceed 1,''' pesos< and >. 0y arresto enor or !ine o! not less than the val$e o! the da age ca$sed and not ore than &'' pesos, i! the a o$nt involved does not e%ceed &'' pesos or cannot #e esti ated.

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Art. >>'. 8a age and o#str$ction to eans o! co $nication. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall da age any railway, telegraph or telephone lines. "! the da age shall res$lt in any derail ent o! cars, collision or other accident, the penalty o! prision ayor shall #e i posed, witho$t pre1$dice to the cri inal lia#ility o! the o!!ender !or the other conse/$ences o! his cri inal act. ,or the p$rpose o! the provisions o! the article, the electric wires, traction ca#les, signal syste and other things pertaining to railways, shall #e dee ed to constit$te an integral part o! a railway syste . Art. >>1. 8estroying or da aging stat$es, p$#lic on$ ents or paintings. Any person who shall destroy or da age stat$es or any other $se!$l or orna ental p$#lic on$ ent shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its edi$ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period. Any person who shall destroy or da age any $se!$l or orna ental painting o! a p$#lic nat$re shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos, or #oth s$ch !ine and i prison ent, in the discretion o! the co$rt. @hapter -en 4V45P-":( ,?:5 @?"5"(A) )"A0")"-6 "( @?"54S AGA"(S- P?:P4?-6 Art. >>&. Persons e%e pt !ro cri inal lia#ility. (o cri inal, #$t only civil lia#ility, shall res$lt !ro the co ission o! the cri e o! the!t, swindling or alicio$s ischie! co itted or ca$sed $t$ally #y the !ollowing persons; # [# 1. Spo$ses, ascendants and descendants, or relatives #y a!!inity in the sa e line. &. -he widowed spo$se with respect to the property which #elonged to the deceased spo$se #e!ore the sa e shall have passed into the possession o! another< and >. 0rothers and sisters and #rothers.in.law and sisters.in.law, i! living together.
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-he e%e ption esta#lished #y this article shall not #e applica#le to strangers participating in the co ission o! the cri e. -itle 4leven @?"54S AGA"(S- @DAS-"-6 @hapter :ne A8U)-4?6 A(8 @:(@U0"(AG4 Art. >>>. +ho are g$ilty o! ad$ltery. Ad$ltery is co itted #y any arried wo an who shall have se%$al interco$rse with a an not her h$s#and and #y the an who has carnal *nowledge o! her *nowing her to #e arried, even i! the arriage #e s$#se/$ently declared void. Ad$ltery shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods. "! the person g$ilty o! ad$ltery co itted this o!!ense while #eing a#andoned witho$t 1$sti!ication #y the o!!ended spo$se, the penalty ne%t lower in degree than that provided in the ne%t preceding paragraph shall #e i posed. Art. >>B. @onc$#inage. Any h$s#and who shall *eep a istress in the con1$gal dwelling, or shall have se%$al interco$rse, $nder scandalo$s circ$ stances, with a wo an who is not his wi!e, or shall coha#it with her in any other place, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods. -he conc$#ine shall s$!!er the penalty o! destierro. C(a)ter Two R PE !" CTS O' L SCI:IO$S!ESS rt* >>/* W(en and (ow ra)e is committed. ?4P4A)48 rt* >>3* cts o4 lasciviousness. Any person who shall co it any act o! lascivio$sness $pon other persons o! either se%, $nder any o! the circ$ stances entioned in the preceding article, shall #e

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p$nished #y prision correccional.

C(a)ter T(ree SE"$CTIO!A CORR$PTIO! O' MI!ORS !" W&ITE SL :E TR "E rt* >>5* ?uali4ied seduction. -he sed$ction o! a virgin over twelve years and $nder eighteen years o! age, co itted #y any person in )u6lic aut(orit0, )riest, (ome. servant, domestic, ,uardian, teac(er, or any )erson w(oA in an0 ca)acit0A s(all 6e entrusted wit( t(e education or custod0 o4 t(e woman seduced, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods. -he penalty ne%t higher in degree shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall sed$ce his sister or descendant, whether or not she #e a virgin or over eighteen years o! age. Under the provisions o! this @hapter, sed$ction is co itted when the o!!ender has carnal *nowledge o! any o! the persons and $nder the circ$ stances descri#ed herein.

prete%t, shall engage in the #$siness or shall pro!it #y prostit$tion or shall enlist the services o! any other !or the p$rpose o! prostit$tion (As a ended #y 0atas Pa #ansa 0lg. 13I.)

@hapter ,o$r A08U@-":( Art. >B&. ,orci#le a#d$ction. -he a#d$ction o! any wo an against her will and with lewd designs shall #e p$nished #y recl$sion te poral. -he sa e penalty shall #e i posed in every case, i! the !e ale a#d$cted #e $nder twelve years o! age. Art. >B>. @onsented a#d$ction. -he a#d$ction o! a virgin over twelve years and $nder eighteen years o! age, carried o$t with her consent and with lewd designs, shall #e p$nished #y the penalty o! prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods. @hapter ,ive P?:7"S":(S ?4)A-"74 -: -D4 P?4@48"(G @DAP-4?S :, -"-)4 4)474( Art. >BB. Prosec$tion o! the cri es o! ad$ltery, conc$#inage, sed$ction, a#d$ction, rape and acts o! lascivio$sness. -he cri es o! ad$ltery and conc$#inage shall not #e prosec$ted e%cept $pon a co plaint !iled #y the o!!ended spo$se. -he o!!ended party cannot instit$te cri inal prosec$tion witho$t incl$ding #oth the g$ilty parties, i! they are #oth alive, nor, in any case, i! he shall have consented or pardoned the o!!enders. -he o!!enses o! sed$ction, a#d$ction, rape or acts o! lascivio$sness, shall not #e prosec$ted e%cept $pon a co plaint !iled #y the o!!ended party or her parents, grandparents, or g$ardian, nor, in any case, i! the o!!ender has #een e%pressly pardoned #y the a#ove na ed persons, as the case ay #e. "n cases o! sed$ction, a#d$ction, acts o! lascivio$sness and rape, the arriage o! the o!!ender with the o!!ended party shall

rt* >>8* Sim)le seduction. -he

sed$ction o! a wo an who is single or a widow o! good rep$tation, over twelve #$t $nder eighteen years o! age, co itted #y eans o! deceit, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor.

rt* >>9* cts o4 lasciviousness wit( t(e consent o4 t(e o44ended )art0. -he
penalty o! arresto ayor shall #e i posed to p$nish any other acts o! lascivio$sness co itted #y the sa e persons and the sa e circ$ stances as those provided in Articles >>C and >>3. rt* >.<* Corru)tion o4 minors. Any person who shall pro ote or !acilitate the prostit$tion or corr$ption o! persons $nderage to satis!y the l$st o! another, shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor, and i! the c$lprit is a p$#ic o!!icer or e ployee, incl$ding those in govern ent.owned or controlled corporations, he shall also s$!!er the penalty o! te porary a#sol$te dis/$ali!ication. (As a ended #y 0atas Pa #ansa 0lg. J&). rt* >.-* W(ite slave trade. -he penalty o! prision ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ period shall #e i posed $pon any person who, in any anner, or $nder any
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e%ting$ish the cri inal action or re it the penalty already i posed $pon hi . -he provisions o! this paragraph shall also #e applica#le to the co.principals, acco plices and accessories a!ter the !act o! the a#ove. entioned cri es. Art. >B2. @ivil lia#ility o! persons g$ilty o! cri es against chastity. Person g$ilty o! rape, sed$ction or a#d$ction, shall also #e sentenced; # [# 1. -o inde ni!y the o!!ended wo an. &. -o ac*nowledge the o!!spring, $nless the law sho$ld prevent hi !ro so doing. >. "n every case to s$pport the o!!spring. -he ad$lterer and the conc$#ine in the case provided !or in Articles >>> and >>B ay also #e sentenced, in the sa e proceeding or in a separate civil proceeding, to inde ni!y !or da ages ca$sed to the o!!ended spo$se. Art. >BI. )ia#ility o! ascendants, g$ardians, teachers, or other persons entr$sted with the c$stody o! the o!!ended party. -he ascendants, g$ardians, c$rators, teachers and any person who, #y a#$se o! a$thority or con!idential relationships, shall cooperate as acco plices in the perpetration o! the cri es e #raced in chapters, second, third and !o$rth, o! this title, shall #e p$nished as principals.chan ro#les virt$al law li#rary -eachers or other persons in any other capacity entr$sted with the ed$cation and g$idance o! yo$th, shall also s$!!er the penalty o! te porary special dis/$ali!ication in its a%i $ period to perpet$al special dis/$ali!ication. Any person !alling within the ter s o! this article, and any other person g$ilty o! corr$ption o! inors !or the #ene!it o! another, shall #e p$nished #y special dis/$ali!ication !ro !illing the o!!ice o! g$ardian. -itle -welve @?"54S AGA"(S- -D4 @"7") S-A-US :, P4?S:(S

@hapter one S"5U)A-":( :, 0"?-DS A(8 USU?PA-":( :, @"7") S-A-US Art. >BC. Si $lation o! #irths, s$#stit$tion o! one child !or another and conceal ent or a#andon ent o! a legiti ate child. -he si $lation o! #irths and the s$#stit$tion o! one child !or another shall #e p$nished #y prision ayor and a !ine o! not e%ceeding 1,''' pesos. -he sa e penalties shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall conceal or a#andon any legiti ate child with intent to ca$se s$ch child to lose its civil stat$s. Any physician or s$rgeon or p$#lic o!!icer who, in violation o! the d$ties o! his pro!ession or o!!ice, shall cooperate in the e%ec$tion o! any o! the cri es entioned in the two ne%t preceding paragraphs, shall s$!!er the penalties therein prescri#ed and also the penalty o! te porary special dis/$ali!ication. Art. >B3. Us$rpation o! civil stat$s. -he penalty o! prision ayor shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall $s$rp the civil stat$s o! another, sho$ld he do so !or the p$rpose o! de!ra$ding the o!!ended part or his heirs< otherwise, the penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed. @hapter -wo "))4GA) 5A??"AG4S Art. >BJ. 0iga y. -he penalty o! prision ayor shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall contract a second or s$#se/$ent arriage #e!ore the !or er arriage has #een legally dissolved, or #e!ore the a#sent spo$se has #een declared pres$ ptively dead #y eans o! a 1$dg ent rendered in the proper proceedings. Art. >2'. 5arriage contracted against provisions o! laws. -he penalty o! prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods shall #e i posed $pon any person who, witho$t #eing incl$ded in the provisions o! the ne%t proceeding article, shall have not #een co plied with

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or that the arriage is in disregard o! a legal i pedi ent. "! either o! the contracting parties shall o#tain the consent o! the other #y eans o! violence, inti idation or !ra$d, he shall #e p$nished #y the a%i $ period o! the penalty provided in the ne%t preceding paragraph. Art. >21. Pre at$re arriages. Any widow who shall arry within three h$ndred and one day !ro the date o! the death o! her h$s#and, or #e!ore having delivered i! she shall have #een pregnant at the ti e o! his death, shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor and a !ine not e%ceeding 2'' pesos. -he sa e penalties shall #e i posed $pon any wo an whose arriage shall have #een ann$lled or dissolved, i! she shall arry #e!ore her delivery or #e!ore the e%piration o! the period o! three h$ndred and one day a!ter the legal separation. Art. >2&. Per!or ance o! illegal arriage cere ony. Priests or inisters o! any religio$s deno ination or sect, or civil a$thorities who shall per!or or a$thori=e any illegal arriage cere ony shall #e p$nished in accordance with the provisions o! the 5arriage )aw. -itle -hirteen @?"54S AGA"(S- D:(:? @hapter :ne )"04) Section :ne. 8e!initions, !or s, and p$nish ent o! this cri e. Art. >2>. 8e!inition o! li#el. A li#el is p$#lic and alicio$s i p$tation o! a cri e, or o! a vice or de!ect, real or i aginary, or any act, o ission, condition, stat$s, or circ$ stance tending to ca$se the dishonor, discredit, or conte pt o! a nat$ral or 1$ridical person, or to #lac*en the e ory o! one who is dead. Art. >2B. ?e/$ire ent !or p$#licity. 4very de!a atory i p$tation is pres$ ed to #e alicio$s, even i! it #e tr$e, i! no
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good intention and 1$sti!ia#le otive !or a*ing it is shown, e%cept in the !ollowing cases; # [# 1. A private co $nication ade #y any person to another in the per!or ance o! any legal, oral or social d$ty< and &. A !air and tr$e report, ade in good !aith, witho$t any co ents or re ar*s, o! any 1$dicial, legislative or other o!!icial proceedings which are not o! con!idential nat$re, or o! any state ent, report or speech delivered in said proceedings, or o! any other act per!or ed #y p$#lic o!!icers in the e%ercise o! their !$nctions. Art. >22. )i#el eans #y writings or si ilar eans. A li#el co itted #y eans o! writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting, theatrical e%hi#ition, cine atographic e%hi#ition, or any si ilar eans, shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its ini $ and edi$ periods or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to I,''' pesos, or #oth, in addition to the civil action which ay #e #ro$ght #y the o!!ended party. Art. >2I. -hreatening to p$#lish and o!!er to present s$ch p$#lication !or a co pensation. -he penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine !ro &'' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any person who threatens another to p$#lish a li#el concerning hi or the parents, spo$se, child, or other e #ers o! the !a ily o! the latter or $pon anyone who shall o!!er to prevent the p$#lication o! s$ch li#el !or a co pensation or oney consideration. Art. >2C. Prohi#ited p$#lication o! acts re!erred to in the co$rse o! o!!icial proceedings. -he penalty o! arresto ayor or a !ine o! !ro &' to &,''' pesos, or #oth, shall #e i posed $pon any reporter, editor or anager or a newspaper, daily or aga=ine, who shall p$#lish !acts connected with the private li!e o! another and o!!ensive to the honor, virt$e and rep$tation o! said person, even tho$gh said p$#lication #e ade in connection with or $nder the prete%t that it is necessary in the narration o! any 1$dicial

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or ad inistrative proceedings wherein s$ch !acts have #een entioned. Art. >23. Slander. :ral de!a ation shall #e p$nished #y arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period i! it is o! a serio$s and ins$lting nat$re< otherwise the penalty shall #e arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos. Art. >2J. Slander #y deed. -he penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its ini $ period or a !ine ranging !ro &'' to 1,''' pesos shall #e i posed $pon any person who shall per!or any act not incl$ded and p$nished in this title, which shall cast dishonor, discredit or conte pt $pon another person. "! said act is not o! a serio$s nat$re, the penalty shall #e arresto enor or a !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos. Section -wo. General provisions Art. >I'. Persons responsi#le. Any person who shall p$#lish, e%hi#it, or ca$se the p$#lication or e%hi#ition o! any de!a ation in writing or #y si ilar eans, shall #e responsi#le !or the sa e. -he a$thor or editor o! a #oo* or pa phlet, or the editor or #$siness anager o! a daily newspaper, aga=ine or serial p$#lication, shall #e responsi#le !or the de!a ations contained therein to the sa e e%tent as i! he were the a$thor thereo!. -he cri inal and civil action !or da ages in cases o! written de!a ations as provided !or in this chapter, shall #e !iled si $ltaneo$sly or separately with the co$rt o! !irst instance o! the province or city where the li#elo$s article is printed and !irst p$#lished or where any o! the o!!ended parties act$ally resides at the ti e o! the co ission o! the o!!ense; Provided, however, -hat where one o! the o!!ended parties is a p$#lic o!!icer whose o!!ice is in the @ity o! 5anila at the ti e o! the co ission o! the o!!ense, the action shall #e !iled in the @o$rt o! ,irst "nstance o! the @ity o! 5anila, or o! the city or province where the li#elo$s article is printed and !irst p$#lished, and in case
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s$ch p$#lic o!!icer does not hold o!!ice in the @ity o! 5anila, the action shall #e !iled in the @o$rt o! ,irst "nstance o! the province or city where he held o!!ice at the ti e o! the co ission o! the o!!ense or where the li#elo$s article is printed and !irst p$#lished and in case one o! the o!!ended parties is a private individ$al, the action shall #e !iled in the @o$rt o! ,irst "nstance o! the province or city where he act$ally resides at the ti e o! the co ission o! the o!!ense or where the li#elo$s atter is printed and !irst p$#lished; Provided, !$rther, -hat the civil action shall #e !iled in the sa e co$rt where the cri inal action is !iled and vice versa; Provided, !$rther ore, -hat the co$rt where the cri inal action or civil action !or da ages is !irst !iled, shall ac/$ire 1$risdiction to the e%cl$sion o! other co$rts; And, provided, !inally, -hat this a end ent shall not apply to cases o! written de!a ations, the civil and9or cri inal actions which have #een !iled in co$rt at the ti e o! the e!!ectivity o! this law. Preli inary investigation o! cri inal action !or written de!a ations as provided !or in the chapter shall #e cond$cted #y the provincial or city !iscal o! the province or city, or #y the $nicipal co$rt o! the city or capital o! the province where s$ch action ay #e instit$ted in accordance with the provisions o! this article. (o cri inal action !or de!a ation which consists in the i p$tation o! a cri e which cannot #e prosec$ted de o!icio shall #e #ro$ght e%cept at the instance o! and $pon co plaint e%pressly !iled #y the o!!ended party. (As a ended #y ?.A. 1&3J, approved M$ne 12, 1J22, ?.A. B>I>, approved M$ne 1J, 1JI2). Art. >I1. Proo! o! the tr$th. "n every cri inal prosec$tion !or li#el, the tr$th ay #e given in evidence to the co$rt and i! it appears that the atter charged as li#elo$s is tr$e, and, oreover, that it was p$#lished with good otives and !or 1$sti!ia#le ends, the de!endants shall #e ac/$itted.

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Proo! o! the tr$th o! an i p$tation o! an act or o ission not constit$ting a cri e shall not #e ad itted, $nless the i p$tation shall have #een ade against Govern ent e ployees with respect to !acts related to the discharge o! their o!!icial d$ties. "n s$ch cases i! the de!endant proves the tr$th o! the i p$tation ade #y hi , he shall #e ac/$itted. Art. >I&. )i#elo$s re ar*s. )i#elo$s re ar*s or co ents connected with the atter privileged $nder the provisions o! Article >2B, i! ade with alice, shall not e%e pt the a$thor thereo! nor the editor or anaging editor o! a newspaper !ro cri inal lia#ility. @hapter -wo "(@?"5"(A-:?6 5A@D"(A-":(S Art. >I>. "ncri inating innocent person. Any person who, #y any act not constit$ting per1$ry, shall directly incri inate or i p$te to an innocent person the co ission o! a cri e, shall #e p$nished #y arresto enor. Art. >IB. "ntrig$ing against honor. -he penalty o! arresto enor or !ine not e%ceeding &'' pesos shall #e i posed !or any intrig$e which has !or its principal p$rpose to #le ish the honor or rep$tation o! a person. -itle ,o$rteen FUAS".:,,4(S4S Sole @hapter @?"5"(A) (4G)"G4(@4 Art. >I2. " pr$dence and negligence. Any person who, #y rec*less i pr$dence, shall co it any act which, had it #een intentional, wo$ld constit$te a grave !elony, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its a%i $ period to prision correccional in its edi$ period< i! it wo$ld have constit$ted a less grave !elony, the penalty o! arresto ayor in its ini $ and edi$ periods shall #e i posed< i! it
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wo$ld have constit$ted a light !elony, the penalty o! arresto enor in its a%i $ period shall #e i posed. Any person who, #y si ple i pr$dence or negligence, shall co it an act which wo$ld otherwise constit$te a grave !elony, shall s$!!er the penalty o! arresto ayor in its edi$ and a%i $ periods< i! it wo$ld have constit$ted a less serio$s !elony, the penalty o! arresto ayor in its ini $ period shall #e i posed. +hen the e%ec$tion o! the act covered #y this article shall have only res$lted in da age to the property o! another, the o!!ender shall #e p$nished #y a !ine ranging !ro an a o$nt e/$al to the val$e o! said da ages to three ti es s$ch val$e, #$t which shall in no case #e less than twenty.!ive pesos. A !ine not e%ceeding two h$ndred pesos and cens$re shall #e i posed $pon any person who, #y si ple i pr$dence or negligence, shall ca$se so e wrong which, i! done alicio$sly, wo$ld have constit$ted a light !elony. "n the i position o! these penalties, the co$rt shall e%ercise their so$nd discretion, witho$t regard to the r$les prescri#ed in Article si%ty. !o$r. -he provisions contained in this article shall not #e applica#le; # [# 1. +hen the penalty provided !or the o!!ense is e/$al to or lower than those provided in the !irst two paragraphs o! this article, in which case the co$rt shall i pose the penalty ne%t lower in degree than that which sho$ld #e i posed in the period which they ay dee proper to apply. &. +hen, #y i pr$dence or negligence and with violation o! the A$to o#ile )aw, to death o! a person shall #e ca$sed, in which case the de!endant shall #e p$nished #y prision correccional in its edi$ and a%i $ periods. ?ec*less i pr$dence consists in vol$ntary, #$t witho$t alice, doing or !alling to do an act !ro which aterial da age res$lts #y reason o! ine%c$sa#le lac* o! preca$tion on the part o! the person per!or ing o! !ailing to per!or s$ch act, ta*ing into consideration his e ploy ent or

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occ$pation, degree o! intelligence, physical condition and other circ$ stances regarding persons, ti e and place. Si ple i pr$dence consists in the lac* o! preca$tion displayed in those cases in which the da age i pending to #e ca$sed is not i ediate nor the danger clearly ani!est. -he penalty ne%t higher in degree to those provided !or in this article shall #e i posed $pon the o!!ender who !ails to lend on the spot to the in1$red parties s$ch help as ay #e in this hand to give. (As a ended #y ?.A. 1CJ', approved M$ne &1, 1J2C).

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