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Policy DQ1: Design Quality in New Development

New development should be of a high quality design which will:

Site surroundings

a) Respond to and, where appropriate, enhance the characteristics of the immediate

surrounding area through the use of appropriate scale, density, massing, height and
building lines;

b) Preserve or enhance views of important landscape features/buildings in surrounding


c) Protect the amenities of neighbouring occupiers;

Site characteristics

d) Preserve any existing buildings, walls or structures which (whilst not necessarily
statutorily listed), are of intrinsic architectural or historic interest, or which contribute
to the character of the area;

e) Preserve and manage any existing important natural features such as trees,
hedgerows, greenspace, ponds, slopes and streams and where possible make use
of these as design features;

f) Include measures to accommodate protected species and their habitats where these
are seen to be relevant on nature conservation grounds.


g) Provide safe and convenient access for all by a choice of transport, including
attractive secure and safe defined pedestrian links to any community, employment,
public transport and shopping facilities in the area;

Site layout and landscaping

h) Achieve an efficient use of land;

i) Provide an appropriate form of landscape treatment;

j) Provide high quality open spaces, designed to be well used and appreciated;

k) Provide good levels of amenity for occupiers of the development;

l) Create a clear distinction between the public and private realm;

m) Include any necessary noise attenuation and flood abatement measures as an

integral part of design;

Buildings and structures

n) Achieve good design quality in all new buildings and structures in terms of their
scale, style, materials, detailing and their relationship with each other;

o) Maximise environmental efficiency through efficient use of materials and resources,

re-use of materials wherever practicable, and the promotion of energy efficiency

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