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(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)

Course & Branch B!E " AE#$%AU&$%'EC( &itle of the )a*er En+ineerin+ &her,od-na,ics 'a.! 'ar/s 01 2ub! Code 315313%515313%546313%6C1131 &i,e 3 (ours 5ate 16%15%4111 2ession A6

1! 4! 3! 3! 5! 6! @! 0! 9!

)A#& " A Ans9er A:: the ;uestions <hat is an adiabatic *rocess= 5efine Enthal*-! 5efine coefficient of *erfor,ance! 5efine Entro*-!

(11 . 4 8 41)

:i>uid air ? air ,i.ture is not a *ure substance, 9h-= <hat is ,eant b- tri*le *oint of a substance= <hat do -ou understand b- ,ean effectiAe *ressure= 2tate an- t9o ,ethods to i,*roAe the *erfor,ance of #an/ine c-cle! <hat is Boule"&ho,son coefficient=

11! 5efine heatin+ Aalue of fuel! )A#& C B (5 . 14 8 61) Ans9er All the ;uestions 11! Dn an isentro*ic flo9 throu+h noEEle, air flo9s at the rate of 611 /+%hr! At inlet to the noEEle, *ressure is 4 ')a and te,*erature is 14@C! &he e.it *ressure is 1!5 ')a! Dnitial air Aelocit- is 311,%s, deter,ine (a) e.it Aelocit- of air (b) inlet and e.it area of the noEEle! (or)

14! Calculate the chan+e in internal ener+-, heat transferred and chan+e in enthal*- for 1!5 /+ of air e.*andin+ accordin+ to la9 *F1!4 8 Cfro, 1 ')a and 311C to 111 /)a! <hat 9ill be the 9or/ done b- air durin+ the e.*ansion= 13! A reAersible heat en+ine o*erates bet9een t9o reserAoirs at te,*eratures @11C and 51C! &he en+ine driAes a reAersible refri+erator 9hich o*erators bet9een reserAoirs at te,*eratures off 51C and "45C! the heat transfer to the en+ine is 4511 /B and the net 9or/ out*ut of the co,bined en+ine refri+erator is 311 /B! (a) 5eter,ine the heat transfer to the refri+erator and the net heat transfer to the reserAoir at 51C! (b) #econsider (c) GiAen that the efficienc- of the heat en+ine and the C!$!)! of the refri+erator are each 35 *er cent of their ,a.i,u, *ossible Aalues! (or) 13! An insulated c-linder of Aolu,e ca*acit- 3 , 3 contains 41 /+ of nitro+en! )addle 9or/ is done on the +as b- stirrin+ it till *ressure in the Aessel +ets increased fro, 3 bar to 0 bar! 5eter,ine (a) Chan+e in internal ener+-, (b) <or/ done, (c) (eat transferred, and (d) Chan+e in entro*-! 15! A Aessel of Aolu,e 1!13,4 contains a ,i.ture of saturated 9ater and saturated stea, at a te,*erature of 451 C! &he ,ass of the li>uid *resent is 9 /+! Gind the *ressure, the ,ass, the s*ecific Aolu,e, the enthal*-, the entro*-, and the internal ener+-! (or) 16! A certain +as has C*81!960 and CF81!5@1@ /B%/+ H! Gind its ,olecular 9ei+ht and the +as constant! A constant Aolu,e

cha,ber of 1!3,3 ca*acities contains 4 /+ of this +as at 5 C! (eat is transferred to the +as until the te,*erature is 111 C! Gind the 9or/ done, the heat transferred, and the chan+es in internal ener+-, enthal*- and entro*-! 1@! Dn an air standard 5iesel c-cle, the co,*ression ratio is 16, and the be+innin+ of isentro*ic co,*ression, the te,*erature is 15 C and the *ressure is 1!1 '*a! (eat is added until the te,*erature at the end of the constant *ressure *rocess is 1301 C! Calculate (a) the cut"off ratio, (b) the heat su**lied *er /+ of air, (c) the c-cle efficienc-, and (d) the ,!e!*! (or) 10! Dn a #an/ine c-cle the stea, at inlet to the turbine is saturated at a *ressure of 41 bar and e.haust *ressure is 1!13 bar! 5eter,ine (a) *u,* 9or/ (b) turbine *o9er and (c) #an/ine efficiencassu,in+ a flo9 rate of 11 /+%s! 19! <rite do9n the first and second &d2 e>uations, and deriAe the e.*ression for the difference in heat ca*acities, C * and CA! <hat does the e.*ression si+nif-= (or) 41! &he follo9in+ is the ulti,ate anal-sis of a sa,*le of *etrol b9ei+ht Carbon 8 05IJ (-dro+en 8 15I! Calculate the ratio of air to *etrol consu,*tion b- 9ei+ht if the Aolu,etric anal-sis of the dr- e.haust +as is C$4 8 11!5IJ C$ 8 1!4I, $4 8 1!9IJ 64 8 06I! Also find *ercenta+e e.cess air!

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