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J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

DOI 10.1007/s10295-007-0252-2


DisiWn (Sodium tosylchloramide) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs):

evolving importance in health and diseases
Okom Nkili F. C. Ofodile

Received: 21 July 2006 / Accepted: 19 August 2007 / Published online: 5 September 2007
© Society for Industrial Microbiology 2007

Abstract DisiWn has emerged as a unique and very eVec- responses. TLRs mediate recognition and inXammatory
tive agent used in disinfection of wounds, disinfection of responses to a wide range of microbial products and are
surfaces, materials and water, and other substances contam- crucial for eVective host defense by eradication of the
inated with almost every type of pathogenic microorganism invading pathogens. Now, recent updates demonstrated the
ranging from viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast, and, very ability of DisiWn-derived products, DisiWn-Animal and
possibly, protozoan parasites, as well. The major active DisiWn-Pressant to eVectively suppress the progression and
component of DisiWn is tosylchloramide sodium (chlor- activities of Chikungunya fever and that of avian inXuenza
amine T). However, the mechanism by which DisiWn sup- A virus [A/cardialis/Germany/72, H7N1: the agent of a
presses the activities of pathogenic microbial agents highly pathogenic avian inXuenza (HPAI)] infection,
remains enigmatic. The molecular mechanisms, and the respectively. Overall, the above Wndings led me to suggest
receptors and the signal transducing pathways responsible that DisiWn and TLRs may mechanistically overlap in the
for the biological eVects of DisiWn are largely unknown. processes of executing their functions against pathogenic
Despite considerable advances, enormous investigative microbial organisms. Thus, elucidating and better under-
eVorts and large resources invested in the research on infec- standing of the molecular underpinnings responsible for the
tious diseases, microbial infection still remains a public biochemical eVects of DisiWn-products, and the nature and
health problem in many parts of the world. The exact nature mode of the interaction(s) of DisiWn with TLRs in the pro-
of the pathogenic agents responsible for many infectious cess of exerting their biological eVects may open a novel
diseases, and the nature of the receptors mediating the asso- dimension in the research of infectious diseases, which may
ciated inXammatory events are incompletely understood. provide novel therapeutic targets for the prevention and
Recent advances in understanding the molecular basis for treatment of a wide range of infectious diseases.
mammalian host immune responses to microbial invasion
suggest that the Wrst line of defense against microbes is the Keywords DisiWn-(Sodium tosylchloramide) ·
recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns Toll-like receptor (TLRs) · Pathogenic microbial organisms ·
(PAMPs) by a family of transmembrane pattern-recogniz- Signal transducing pathway ·
ing and signal transducing receptor proteins called Toll-like Exploiting the roles of the Toll-like receptors
receptors (TLRs). The TLR family plays an instructive role
in innate immune responses against microbial pathogens, as
well as the subsequent induction of adaptive immune Introduction

Immune systems in vertebrates are divided into two basic

O. N. F. C. Ofodile (&) categories: innate and adaptive arms of the immune system.
Center for Cardiovascular Research (CCR), Adaptive immunity, which is present in vertebrates, relies
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
on antigen-speciWc receptors expressed on clonally
AG: Theuring, Charite-Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Hessische Strasse 3-4, Berlin, Germany expanded T and B lymphocytes that are generated by gene
e-mail: ofodile120@yahoo.co.uk rearrangement and hyper-mutations. The innate immune

752 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

system is evolutionarily conserved and is the Wrst line of the human homologue of Drosophila Toll was reported by
defensive mechanisms for protecting the host from invad- Janeway and Medzhitov, and this Toll-like receptors (TLR)
ing pathogens. [4]. It is now well established that both ver- was shown to activate NF-kappaB. [61]. This was the Wrst
tebrates and invertebrates’ sense pathogens. This ultimately evidence that an immune response pathway was conserved
provokes the question: How does the host sense pathogens? between fruit Xies and humans. The crucial link of this TLR
Our present concepts emerged from the longstanding eVorts to mammalian immunity was dramatically highlighted
to understand infectious disease. How pathogens harm the when Poltorak, Beutler and colleagues discovered that the
host, what molecules of these non-self objects (microbes) lps mutation in mice, which abolishes the response to bac-
are sensed, and in commensurate to this, what is the type terial LPS, corresponded to a loss-of-function mutation in
and nature of receptors that enable the host to sense the spe- this receptor [73, 75]. These results, and the concomitant
ciWc components of these pathogenic microbial organisms. Wnding that mammalian genomes encoded a family of
Work in Drosophila opened the door to our understanding TLRs [78], opened a novel Weld in the study of recognition
of aforementioned questioned and the roles of Toll in innate of infectious non-self, and more generally placed the TLR
immunity. “Toll” is a German slang and it means, in this family of protein at the heart of mammalian innate immune
context, “fantastic”. Toll mutant was discovered in the reactions. The TLRs represent a major class of pattern rec-
early 1980s by C. Nüsslein-Volhard and K. Anderson (two ognition receptors (PRRs). Recognition of pathogen-associ-
investigators working in Tuebingen, Germany) during a ated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by TLRs, either alone or
mutagenesis screen aimed at unravelling the genes involved in heterodimerization with other TLR or non-TLR recep-
in the establishment of dorso–ventral (DV) axis of Drosi- tors, induces signal responsible for the activation of innate
phila embryo [7]. This work led to the discovery of 12 immune response. To date, ten members of TLRs have
genes that are required for the determination of the DV axis been identiWed in human, and 13 in mice, and a huge body
of the embryo. Out of these 12 genes discovered, 11 of the of genetic studies has revealed their respective ligands [89].
genes were named: pipe, windbeutel, nudel, gastrulation TLRs are important transmembrane signal transducing
defective, snake, easther and spätzle and the other four took receptor proteins that confer a signiWcant degree of speci-
the names: tube, pelle, cactus and dorsal. Hashimoto and Wcity to the cells of the innate arm of the immune system.
colleagues cloned the Toll gene in 1988 and found it to TLRs have been implicated to distinctly recognize every
encode a novel type of transmembrane receptor [39]. Its known category of pathogens that cause human disease.
extracellular domain is composed of leucine-rich repeats They have the ability to recognize every trace of microbial
Xanked by characteristic cystein-rich motifs, while its components and subsequently mount an early defense,
intracytoplasmic domain did not resemble any structure largely dependent on the activation of NF-kappaB, which in
known at that time. Subsequent investigative eVorts in this turn, after its translocation into the nucleus, activates multi-
direction revealed seven of the genes (pipe, windbeutel, ple pro-inXammatory genes, including tumor necrosis
nudel, gastrulation defective, snake, easther and spätzle) to factor, IL-1 and IL-6 [90].
code for factors required for activation of Toll [30], and the A good number of DisiWn-derived products are presently
other four (tube, pelle, cactus and dorsal) to code for fac- in use as very eYcient disinfectants in many settings. These
tors downscreen of the receptor. Further in-depth genetic include DisiWn Animal Tabs, for animal farming [Test
studies involving loss-of-function mutations in these genes results: Faerber WU, et al. 2000. Institut für Krankenhau-
result in dorsalization of the embryo, with the exception of shygiene und Infektionskrankheiten, GbR. ISO 9001 Reg.
mutations in the cactus gene, which lead to ventralization Nr: EQ-Zeit 97224-01, Siemens Str. 18, 35394 Giessen,
of the embryos. Subsequent follow-up work, surprisingly Germany, unpublished]; DisiWn Pond Top Tabs: for Fish
and interestingly revealed, that both ventralizing and dor- farming, DisiWn Med Tabs and Med dent Tabs for the clin-
salizing alleles of Toll were recovered in this screen ics [Test results: Trenner P. 1998: Germany: unpublished,
(Hence, the name “Toll”, which, as afore described, is a Heeg P. 1999. Krankenhaushygieniker, Universitätsklinikum,
German slang term for “fantastic”). Calwer Str. 714, 72076 Tübingen, Germany, unpublished]
Toll in Drosophila is thus involved in establishing the DisiWn Health Care Tabs for Drinking water puriWcation
DV axis in embryogenesis, and Xies with conditional muta- [Test results: Trenner P. 1998. Aqua Kommunal- Service
tions in Toll (expressed only in adult, allowing normal Xy GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 1327, 15208 Frankfurt (Oder),
development) exhibit reduced survival against fungal infec- Germany, unpublished]; DisiWn Food Tabs for the Food
tion. In other words, Toll is a Drosophila gene that is essen- industry [Test results: Stolle A. 1998: The activity of
tial for ontogenesis and antimicrobial resistance in the chemical disinfectant “DISIFIN”, Munich (Muenchen),
insect. [53]. The Wnding that Drosophila Toll had an Germany: unpublished]; and DisiWn Pressant Tabs for
immune function prompted the search for Toll-like recep- poultry farming, and specially designed, for tackling
tors in mammals [52]. In 1997, the successful cloning of a and prevention of the spread of highly pathogenic avian

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762 753

inXuenza (HPAI) virus infection. A German company, oxidant-generating enzyme, and when fully activated is
RMP GmbH & Co. KG, is presently the major and/or sole known to play a crucial role in this cascade. Now, for
producer of DisiWn-derived products worldwide. These NADPH oxidase to be activated, intracellular signaling
products have the ability to eVectively suppress the activi- should be of critical importance in facilitating the shift from
ties of almost all pathogenic microorganisms ranging from resting state to an activated state upon encounter with the
bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast and, very probably, appropriate stimuli. Since disinfectants (the active sub-
protozoan parasites. In line with the character of DisiWn stance of the DisiWn-derived product) should directly or
(Chloramine T)-derived products that belong to the family indirectly interact with pathogenic agents in the process of
of oxidant disinfectants, exhaustive exploitation of the disactivating and/or killing them, coupled with the fact that
functions of NADPH oxidase is of crucial importance for oxidant disinfectants have been shown to exploit the func-
these products in the process of exerting their function(s) of tions of NADPH oxidase in the process of exerting their
inactivating and killing of microbial pathogens [72, 85]. functions, it is thus reasonable to anticipate that innate
DisiWn-derived products as produced by the German immune system should be implicated with the processes of
Company, RMP GmbH & Co. KG, are commercially avail- microbicidal activities of a variety of disinfectants.
able mainly in tablets. DisiWn tablets are stable for, at least, However, surprisingly, very little has been disclosed
3 years at a storage temperature of 25°C. The active about the molecular mechanisms underlying the microbi-
disinfectant compound of DisiWn is sodium-N-chloro- cidal actions of disinfection agents. The nature and form of
paratoluenesulphonamide (Chloramine T; or Sodium tos- the interactions between disinfectants, microbial pathogen
ylchloramide). Chloramine T, MG.227.67, has complex on the one side, and the immune system, particu-
demonstrated wide antimicrobial activity, and it is thought larly the innate immune system, on the other side, are
to be the Wrst successful organic chlorine derivative with incompletely deWned. The type of receptors and the nature
documented bactericidal eVects on the skin [34]. Chlor- of the signaling pathways, active in these processes, are
amine T is stable in water–alcohol solution, and a mixture equally poorly understood. Microbicidal eVects are, how-
of methanol and chloramine T has been demonstrated to be ever, thought to be mediated primarily by the generation of
highly sporicidal, thereby suggesting an important role for ROS [14], by NADPH oxidase system. Activation of
such mixture in disinfecting heat-sensitive instruments NADPH oxidase, thus, represents an essential mechanism
[21]. Application of chloramine T to contaminated wounds of defense against pathogens [26, 84], and a huge body of
has been reported to be strongly bactericidal [25, 42]. scientiWc evidence recently accumulating indicates that
Chloramine T, as a good oxidizing agent, is also used for TLRs, and especially, TLR4 plays a crucially important
other purposes including iodination of proteins [11], and in role in mediating and/or regulating NADPH oxidase-
the chemical industry for bleaching of material, etc. [64]. dependent superoxide production following microbial
Despite the broad application of DisiWn products, the mech- infections [14, 27, 49, 87]. This points to a common line of
anisms by which DisiWn-derived products suppress the function for TLRs and DisiWn-derived products with regard
activities of pathogens are incompletely deWned. However, to host defense against pathogens, and also to a possible
Chloramine T is a well-known eYcient oxidant, and a role for TLRs in mediating largely and/or partially the bio-
wealth of scientiWc evidence has demonstrated the ability of logical eVects of DisiWn-derived products.
ChloramineT to suppress the activities of bacteria, for Together, the above notions are strongly suggestive of
instance, by inducing the generation of oxygen and chlo- the existence of common and/or closely related signal
rine-free radicals [33], and thereby initiating and mediating transducing pathways, and close interactions between
oxidative damage to the microbial pathogen [50, 72, 85]. DISIFIN-derived products and the TLRs in the process of
Support for the eYciency of chloramine T (or Sodium tos- exerting their actions against microbial pathogens. Thus,
ylchloramide) to suppress the activities of microbial patho- untangling the signaling networks underlying the mecha-
gen had been earlier robustly evidenced by Semmelweis nisms of innate immune system-associated disinfectant–
[83]. This indicates that Sodium tosylchloramide destroys microbe interactions will be a challenge for the future and
the activities of pathogen, among other things, through the might provide key insights into the genesis of microbi-
process of oxidative stress cascade. Reactive oxygen spe- cidal processes, and thereby the circumstances linking
cies (ROS) are generated ubiquitously in aerobic organ- disinfectants such as DisiWn-derived products to microbial
isms. However, when these cytotoxic agents overwhelm the pathogens and the innate immunity. It is thus the subject
endogenous antioxidant defense system, oxidative stress of this review article to explore the molecular signaling of
and oxidative damage occur as reXected by the oxidative TLRs, and alongside discuss the possibilities, and
modiWcation of macromolecules such as lipid, protein and ultimate importance of DisiWn-derived products, working
DNA [106]. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate in concert with TLR proteins in host defense against
(NADPH) oxidase, a multicomponent enzyme, is a major microbial pathogens.

754 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

Toll-like receptors TLR11 plays an important role in urinary tract infection.

The function of the human TLR11 is not known because of
The innate immune system the presence of a stop codon in the gene [107]. Important
updates suggested that a microbial proWlin-like molecule
The innate immune response is the Wrst line of defense isolated from the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
against an invading pathogen. (T. gondii) functions as a ligand for TLR11 [104]. This
The innate immunity is activated by a few highly con- proWlin-like molecule (a protein) was shown to trigger
served structures present in most pathogenic microorgan- IL-12 through TLR11.
isms. These structures are deWned as PAMPs sensed by the Recent studies disclosed that TLRs do not only mediate
PRRs. Among the well-deWned PAMPs are bacterial lipo- recognition and inXammatory responses to a wide range of
polysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan, mannans, bacterial microbial products but also to non-microbial endogenous
DNA and double-stranded RNA. PAMPs are believed to be proteinaceous molecules, heparan sulfate and RNA, DNA
produced almost solely by microbial pathogens and are and small molecular synthetic products [13, 48, 68, 94].
essential for the survival or pathogenicity of microorgan- These, thus, present TLRs as appealing target for pharma-
isms [2, 47, 71]. PRRs are mainly expressed on eVector cological intervention in pathological conditions in which
cells, such as dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages and B inXammatory consequences and the threat of infection pose
cells. All PRRs are displayed by a given cell type and have great problems.
identical speciWcities. When a PAMP is recognized, all
cells are immediately triggered to perform their eVector TLR signaling pathways
functions, leading to a rapid innate immune response
[22, 90]. TLRs activate distinct signaling cascades via four diVerent
TIR domain-containing adapter proteins. The four adapter
Toll-like receptors proteins are MyD88 (myeloid diVerentiation factor 88),
MAL/TIRAP (MyD88-adapter-like/TIR-associated pro-
Research over the past few years has greatly advanced our tein), TRIF or TICAM-1/Toll-receptor-associated activator
understanding of the mechanisms by which the immune of interferon) and TRAM (Toll-receptor-associated mole-
system functions, and especially, the innate immune system cule). The aforementioned four adapter proteins transduce
[46, 60]. These advances suggest that the Wrst line of signals from all of the TIR domains, activating protein
defense against microbes is the recognition of PAMPs by kinases and then the transcription factors that lead to
the TLRs. The PAMPs such as lipoteichoic acids (LTA), inXammatory eVects. Recent discoveries disclosed the iden-
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan (PGN), other tiWcation of a possibly Wfth TIR adapter protein, designated,
components of microbial cell walls [59, 89, 92], which Sarm [17]. However, the function of Sarm is presently
enables the innate immune system to recognize invading unknown.
micro-organisms and to induce a protective immune Despite divergent PAMP ligands, all TLRs with the
response. The mammalian TLRs are a family of highly con- exception of TLR3 activate MyD88-dependent pathways to
served, germline-encoded transmembrane receptors that are induce a core of stereotyped responses such as inXamma-
critically involved in mammalian host defense. To date, 13 tory events. The pathways that transduce TLR signals in
TLRs have been identiWed; 10 in humans and 12 in mice mammals appear to have both similar and dissimilar char-
[16, 89]. Structurally, TLRs are characterized by the pres- acteristics from those in Drosophila [62]. In Drosophila the
ence of a leucine-rich repeats domain in their extracellular Toll-IMD-pathways are crucial for antifungal and anti-
regions and a Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain in the intracellular Gram negative bacterial responses, respectively. In mam-
regions. In respect of the amino acid sequence and genomic mals the host defense against microorganisms mainly relies
structure, TLRs can be divided into Wve subfamilies: TLR2, on pathways that originate from the common TIR domain
TLR3, TLR4, TLR5 and TLR9. The TLR2 subfamily is of TLRs. The TLR family signaling pathway is highly
composed of TLR1, TLR2, TLR6 and TLR10, and TLR9 homologous to that of IL-1R family. Both TLR and IL-1R
subfamily is composed of TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9. TLR1 interact with an adapter protein MyD88, which has a TIR
and TLR6 form heterodimers with TLR2 [89]. Recent domain in its C-terminal segment but a death domain (DD)
updates disclosed the identiWcation of a human TLR11. in its N-terminal segment instead of the transmembrane
This was originally isolated from murine. Murine TLR 11 domain found in TLRs. MyD88 associates with both the
appears to be closely related to TLR5, and it is expressed TLRs and IL-1R via interaction between the respective TIR
abundantly in kidney and bladder. TLR11-deWcient mice domains. Upon stimulation by a ligand, MyD88 recruits a
are reported to be highly susceptible to infection of the kid- death domain-containing serine kinase, the IL-1R-associ-
ney by uropathogenic bacteria [107], suggesting that ated kinase [IRAK (IRAK 1 and IRAK4)]. IRAK is

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762 755

activated by phosphorylation through its N-terminal death agent. After this, chlorine and other active chlorine com-
domain and then activates TNFR associated factor 6 pounds, bearing O–CI or N–CI functions emerged as indis-
(TRAF6) to stimulate IKappaB Kinase (IKK) complex and pensable substances in the practice of disinfection [24]. In
MAP kinase. Phosphorylation of IkappaB by IKK complex line with the Wndings of Semmelweis [83] and others [24],
induces the degradation of Ikappa B through the ubiquitin- and extending on these Wndings, a German company, RMP
proteasome pathway, and subsequent nuclear translocation GmbH & Co. KG, concentrated on, and specialized in the
of liberated NF-kappaB mediates transcription of pro- developing of DisiWn-derived products as eVective disin-
inXammatory cytokine gene [3, 32]. fectants for a wide range of settings. Chloramine T-derived
The TLR3 ligand, double-stranded RNA has been disinfectants have not only been associated with wide anti-
reported to induce the activation of NF-kappaB in MyD88 microbial activity [25] but also been shown to control the
knockout (KO) mice, thereby buttressing the notion that spread of viral infection very eYciently [18]. Support for
TLR3 signaling is independent of MyD88 [6] Furthermore, this notion could be evidenced by important updates report-
signaling can occur independently of MyD88 for TLR4, ing the capability of DisiWn-Animal Tabs and DisiWn-Pres-
which also activates NF-kappaB through the adapter pro- sant Tabs, both at relatively low concentrations, to
tein TIRAP and for TLR3, as indicated above, which eVectively suppress the lethal activities of both Chikungu-
induces an antiviral interferon (IFN)- response through nya virus and that of avian inXuenza A virus (A/cardialis/
TICAM-1 [10, 89]. Recently, a germline-induced mutation Germany/72, H7N1) infection: the agent of a highly patho-
in TRIF led to identiWcation of another adapter molecule genic avian inXuenza (HPAI), respectively [Kaleta EF.,
with a TIR domain; TRIF-related adopter molecule Yilmaz A. Test Report: prEN 14675 Virucidal Activity of
(TRAM), shown to be required by TLR4, but not TLR3- DisiWn Animal against Chikugunya virus and Virucidal
mediated IFN response. In Tram-deWcient mice, LPS activity of DisiWn Pressant against InXuenza A/Carduelis/
induced persistent NF-kappaB activation, whereas the Germany/72 (H7N):agent of highly pathogenic avian inXu-
expression of IFN-inducible genes was defective, thereby enza (HPAI): virucidal conditions for disinfection of inXu-
strongly pointing to a crucially pivotal role for TRAM in enza viruses determined according to the prEN 14675
the TLR 4-mediated MyD88-independent signaling path- standard (obligatory conditions), University of Giessen,
way [28, 103]. These compellingly indicate that studies Giessen, Germany, March 2006. unpublished]. Chikungu-
designed to determine the activities of TLRs in any speciWc nya virus (CHIK V) is a member of the Alphavirus genus of
pathological condition, whereby strictly MyD88-deWcient the family of Togaviridae, is a single-stranded positive
model was tested (solely putting MyD88-dependent path- RNA enveloped virus, Wrstly isolated from a human serum
way into consideration), could almost impossibly lead to in 1953 in Tanzania [77]. CHIKV is widely spread through-
Wndings, which could be enough to categorically rule out out Africa, South East Asia, Western PaciWc and India [51].
the involvement of TLRs in the development and resolution CHIK V is transmitted from primates to humans generally
of the pathology in the concerned model. Thus, individual by Aedes aegpti and also by various aidine mosquitoes spe-
TLR signaling pathways are divergent, although MyD88 is cies [102] Recent resurgence of chikungunya disease is
common to almost all TLRs. Support for this notion is evi- believed to represent a worldwide public health problem.
denced by a plethora of data [23, 69, 80, 88]. Judging from [36].
the enormous interest in research on these transmembrane
receptor proteins, the TLRs, it is very likely that more TLR Avian inXuenza (A1) virus engages animals and humans
ligands and signaling pathways will be identiWed in the
future. It is also of note that signaling pathways mediated It is now well established that avian inXuenza (A1) virus
by TLRs have also been revealed to be cell type-speciWc poses signiWcant threats to both animal and human health.
[81, 99]. This indicates that, under certain conditions, some Since 2000 a huge number of birds have died or have been
cells and tissues might be prone to favor this pathway to the culled worldwide as a result of avian inXuenza (A1) virus
other. The molecular mechanisms underlying this still have infection. Highly pathogenic avian inXuenza (HPAI) is a
to be fully resolved. disease of poultry caused by H5 or H7IA A strains, with
mortality that ranges up to 100%. A disturbing number of
DisiWn (Chloramine T)-derived products and Toll-like outbreaks has been documented in the past few years: Hong
receptors: evolving importance in human health Kong (1997), Italy(1999), Chile (2002), the Netherlands’s
(2003), Canada (2004), outbreaks in Southeast Asia (2003–
A hallmark and one of the fascinating episodes during the 2005) [65, 97], and in Nigeria in February 2006. H5 and H7
development of hygiene was the beating of the puerperal subtypes have been reported to cross species barrier and
fever by Semmelweis [83], who attained this goal by intro- caused fatal disease in humans in several Asian countries
ducing chloride of lime (bleach) as a rapid disinfecting and in the Netherlands. This represents a particularly

756 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

serious threat in terms of loss of human lives and the oppor- DisiWn-derived products: DisiWn-Animal Tabs, and DisiWn-
tunity to generation of new human pandemic virus [19, 43]. Pressant Tabs, as aforementioned [Kaleta EF., Yilmaz A.
The source of this virus remains enigmatic. However, it is Test Report: prEN 14675 Virucidal Activity of DisiWn Ani-
now widely believed that circulating virus in domestic mal against Chikugunya virus and Virucidal activity of
poultry represents the main source of infectious virus for DisiWn Pressant against InXuenza A/Carduelis/Germany/72
humans. This, thus, underscores the urgency and impor- (H7NI): agent of highly pathogenic avian inXuenza
tance to pro-actively address this problem. To reduce the (HPAI): virucidal conditions for disinfection of inXuenza
primary risk of human HPAI infection, it is crucial to pre- viruses determined according to the prEN 14675 standard
vent infection of poultry. Among the common methods (obligatory conditions), University of Giessen, Giessen,
used to control the outbreaks of HPAI viruses, such as kill- Germany, March 2006. unpublished], have been recently
ing and destruction of the infected poultry, preemptive cull- demonstrated to have the ability to suppress signiWcantly
ing, bio-security measures and vaccinations, the most the activities or actions of CHIK and HPAI viruses in well
desirable measures should have the potential to prevent planned in vitro set of experiments. This, thus, strongly
viral transmission from animal to animal, and/or viral suggests that DisiWn-derived products may interact very
spread between animals in a Xock and, subsequently, the closely with TLRs in the process of exerting their func-
spread of virus between Xocks to such an extent that a tions, and/or strongly exploit the roles of TLR proteins in
major outbreak will not occur. Importantly and unfortu- the process of killing microbial pathogens.
nately, very little is presently known about the ability of AI
vaccines, working alone, to reduce substantially both the Innate immune system: evolving in disinfectant–micobial
transmission of HPAI viruses in chickens and the spread of pathogen interactions
the virus within a Xock, suggesting that consequent applica-
tion of disinfectant is capable to suppress signiWcantly the Innate immune system provides the Wrst line of defense
progression, and the spread of HPAI viruses should be against invading pathogens. Innate immunity is mediated
highly promising for the management of HPAI infection. by cells such as macrophages, neutrophils and DCs. Macro-
phages and neutrophils seem to play a pivotal role in medi-
Toll-like receptors and viruses ating the activities in the innate immune system. These
phagocytic cells have the capability to detect infectious
Viruses contain genetic material, which consists of either organisms through a plethora of receptors, engulf and kill
DNA or RNA (but not both) that encodes viral structural the pathogens, and orchestrate an appropriate host response
components and synthetic and replication enzymes. Vari- by secretion of cytokines and chemokines and activate the
ous structural components, including double-stranded RNA adaptive immune system to provide protective immunity
(dsRNA) viral DNA, single -stranded RNA (ss-RNA) and [1]. Now, compelling scientiWc evidence, derived from
surface glycoproteins, are recognized as PAMPs by TLRs recent discoveries, strongly suggests that the mechanisms
and other PRRs. Among the TLRs: TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 by which the innate immune system recognizes “nonself”
and TLR9 are the major PRRs that are recognized by dis- are largely based on the actions of a family of type I trans-
tinct types of virally determined PAMPS. The recognition membrane (TM) proteins designated TLRs, which play a
of viral components by PRRS commonly induces type I front-line role in the defense of the host against infection by
interferons (IFN-alpha/beta) production that can activate microbial pathogens. TLRs constitute a family of trans-
target cells in diVerent ways, in both autocrine and para- membrane protein that diVerentially recognize pathogen-
crine manners. Now, CHIK disease and HPAI microbial associated molecular patterns through an extracellular
pathogens are notably viruses, and as viruses the recogni- domain and initiate inXammatory signaling pathway
tion of their viral nucleic acids released from infected apop- through an intracellular domain [3, 15, 47]. The TLRs are
totic cells should or may occur in the intracellular thus thought to have diverse functions, including ligand
compartments, such as phagolysosomes, for the TLR pro- recognition, signal transduction and subcellular distribution
teins, which are in a position to recognize viral components [66].
(TLR3, TLR7/8 and TLR 9) are exclusively localized to
endosomal compartments, but not on cell surfaces [3, 55, 89] NADPH oxidase and host defense against pathogens
This implies that, before the activation of the immune
system, these viruses must have been sensed and localized As aforementioned, microbicidal eVects are mediated pri-
by speciWc members of TLR family (such as TLR3, TLR7/ marily by the NADPH oxidase-dependent generation of
8 and TLR 9), which have the capacity to sense and ROS [14] and reactive nitrogen species.
locate speciWc pathogen-associated patterns of viruses in NADPH oxidase, a specialized multienzyme system,
the intracellular compartments, such as phagolysosomes. consists of Wve essential protein complex, two in the

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762 757

membrane and three in the cytosol. It plays a pivotally cru- incompletely understood. Now, recent studies by Gottardi
cial role in this process of host defense function against and Nagl [35] suggested that this may represent the Wrst
pathogens [9, 58]. NADPH oxidase is an enzyme that is sign of interaction between disinfection agent and micro-
located in neutrophils, eosinophils, and mononuclear organisms, and concomitantly, represent the Wrst step of
phagocytes and catalyzes the generation of superoxide from action of the disinfectant against the microbial pathogen.
oxygen and NADPH. Concurrent with the activation of the These Wndings, interestingly, strongly suggest an important
NADPH oxidase, intracellular granules fuse with phagoso- role for “Chlorine cover” in the induction of innate immune
mal membrane or plasma membrane to release an array of response. The enormous importance of oxidants as disin-
biologically active molecules that are critical for host fectants in medicine is today well established [101]. These
defense. These include proteases, antimicrobial proteins include DisiWn (Chloramine T)-derived products and
and peroxidases. The H202 generated by the oxidase serves related disinfectants. In spite of the importance and wide
as a cosubstrate for peroxidases, either myeloperoxidase use of these disinfectants, and in particular, Chloramine
(MPO) in neutrophils and monocytes or eosinophil peroxi- T-derived products, which have been in use for decades,
dase in eosinophils, in the oxidation of halides to generate relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms
hypohalous acids. In the case of neutrophils, the HOCL underlying the actions of these products in inhibiting the
produced represents a potent antimicrobial agent that in actions of pathogens and killing the pathogenic agents.
turn spawns long-lived chloramines that are themselves However, it is largely believed that the molecular mecha-
cytotoxic [5, 38]. Activation of NADPH oxidase thus repre- nisms by which DisiWn-derived products and related disin-
sents an essential mechanism of host defense against patho- fectants kill pathogens might be largely consistent with the
gens, and it is widely believed that a variety of disinfectants mechanisms underlying the bactericidal eVects of NADPH
exploit these mechanisms of action by their actions against oxidase system-dependent methods [14, 70, 82, 96, 98].
microbial pathogens with the aim of killing them [33, 72, 85] The respiratory burst generated by the NADPH oxidase
To this end, recent studies have demonstrated that the [9, 58] is critical for defending the host against invading
activation of NADPH following exposure to microbial pathogens. As aforedescribed, host defense functions are
component largely implicates the actions of TLRs (func- attributed largely to direct microbicidal action of toxic
tions of TLRs and TLR signaling). These include direct intermediates such as H2O2 and OH ions. The interaction
interaction of TLR 4 with NAHPH oxidase [70], activation between the disinfectant (DisiWn-derived product, for
of NFkappaB via TLRs [14, 96], and TLR 4-mediated acti- instance) and the microbial pathogen leading to the forma-
vation of the DCs [98]. In addition to this, in contrast to the tion of the complex designated “chlorine cover” has been
previous concept, important updates suggested that the reported to represent the Wrst step of disinfectant action
microbicidal eVects observed after the activation of NADPH against the microbial pathogen [35], and this can probably
oxidase could be accomplished through many ways, including and/or plausibly serve as an adequate stimulus for the acti-
the robust generation of free radicals [9, 38, 58] modulation vation of NADPH oxidase via the TLR proteins. If this hap-
of redox-sensitive signal transduction pathway in immune pens, it might equally lead to the aforementioned reactions
cells [82] and through NADPH-dependent TLR2 interac- implicated in the host defense against pathogens following
tion with TRAF4 leading to blockage of TLR4 signaling, activation of NADPH oxidase [14, 70, 82, 96, 98]. Second,
which then results in protection of host cells from adverse the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) is an important
over-responses to pathogens [91]. Together, the above intracellular signaling pathway for both innate and acquired
Wndings buttress the notion arguing in favor of the enormous immunity. The NF-kappaB family of transcription factors
importance, and broad implications of TLRs in host defense have been reported to exert host defense against infectious
against pathogens agents by inducing the expression of inXammatory genes,
whose target genes are transcriptionally regulated by
Molecular underpinnings responsible for microbicidal NF-kappaB and they play an important role in host defense.
eVects of DisiWn (ChloramineT)-derived products and other These include pro-inXammatory cytokines, chemokines,
related disinfectants enzymes such as inducible NO synthase and beta-defensins
[12, 14, 20, 31, 96]. ROS, a major product of activated
The chlorination (the formation of “chlorine cover”) of NADPH oxidase has been shown to be implicated in signal-
microbes prior to their destruction by active chlorine com- ing by activation of transcription factors, such as NF-kappaB,
pounds has been shown in a variety of disinfection pro- as evidenced by a plethora of in vitro studies [29, 44, 54]. It
cesses [35, 50]. To this end, it is important to note that all is important to note at this point that activation of NF-kap-
organic chlorine derivatives, including Chloramine T, and paB following exposure to microbial agents in macro-
N-chlorotaurine, develop “chlorine covers” [35, 50]. phages and other cell types is largely mediated via TLR
However, the consequence of this chlorination event is signaling actions [14, 70, 96]. Now, earlier discoveries

758 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

disclosed that direct treatment of some cells with oxidants to mechanisms of microbicidal eVects by various disinfec-
activated NF-kappaB [45, 86]. This concept further but- tants, including DisiWn-derived products (oxidant disinfec-
tresses the Wnding describing oxidants as important tools to tants) is inadequate. The immense importance of the TLR
attack and kill pathogens [85, 95]. This, therefore, widely proteins in the immune system and especially in the innate
implies that direct contact of DisiWn-derived products (a arms of the immune systems, coupled with the broad impli-
well-known oxidant disinfectant) with some cells could cations of TLRs in host defense against pathogens and in
lead to activation of NF-kappaB, among other things. the inXammation events, and the notions that DisiWn-
Therefore, it could also be anticipated that DisiWn-derived derived products and, perhaps, other closely related
products may equally carry out their host defense function disinfectants, and the TLR proteins overlap both function-
against pathogens through modulation of redox-sensitive ally and in their mechanisms of actions, present DisiWn
signal transducing pathways. (Chloramine T)-derived products as exceptionally eYcient
Receptors, signaling pathways and proteins in a position disinfectants. Together, this broadly implies that DisiWn-
to transduce the necessary signals are crucial for these pro- derived products and, perhaps, other closely related disin-
cesses. Since the immune system, and especially important fectants might be exerting their microbicidal functions
cells of the innate immune system are intimately implicated largely through exploitation of mechanisms of innate
in these processes, it is thus reasonable to hypothesize that immunity in pathogen–host interaction. Despite the fact
TLR proteins may have an important role to play in the that the notions in this review are largely based on the light
molecular underpinnings responsible for the biological and of known and published information; this review is primar-
biochemical eVects of DisiWn-derived products in exerting ily meant to provide exciting and intellectual stimulations
their actions against microbial pathogens. Additionally, in to scientists and clinicians for future studies on this subject.
this regard, earlier studies carried out by Nagl et al. [63] Increased studies and better understanding of the molecular
described chloramines as powerful tools for granulocytes to underpinnings responsible for the innate immune responses
impact host defense against pathogen, by inducing immune in the processes of disinfectant, (DisiWn-derived products)
modulatory eVects. Extending these Wndings to the nucleus interactions with pathogens with the aim of killing the
of this manuscript, and coupled with what we today under- pathogens could lead to facilitate our understanding of the
stand of the functions of TLRs, and TLR signaling, the mechanisms underlying the capability of disinfectants to
aforementioned discoveries of Gottardi and associates [63] mount an attack that either protects against lethal eVects
strongly points to a crucial role for TLRs in driving the host of pathogens or, possibly, contribute to cellular damage.
defense function against pathogens executed by DisiWn- Such advances could lead to changes in outcome of com-
derived products, and closely related disinfectants. In addi- bating pathogenic microorganisms with a wide variety of
tion to this, the Wndings of Marcinkiewicz [56], associating disinfectants.
the activities of chloramines with the both arms of the
immune systems, further buttress the notion of immuno-
modulatory ability of chloramines. Therefore, the afore- Conclusions and perspectives
mentioned observations strongly, and consistently,
strengthen the concept that DisiWn-derived products may Recent studies have disclosed the mechanisms of innate
share biological eVects and mechanisms of actions with the immune recognition via the TLR family of proteins. TLRs
TLR proteins. Thus, improved understanding of the inter- recognize general molecular patterns often associated with
play between the innate immune response and the DisiWn- invading pathogens or foreign genetic material, and trigger
derived products may be fundamental to probing into the a speciWc network of signaling pathways that lead to pro-
molecular basis underlying the microbicidal actions of oxi- duction of cytokines and interferons [41]. Binding of these
dant disinfectants, generally, and, perhaps, other related patterns to TLR leads to a cascade of signaling pathways
disinfectants, as well. Furthermore, it may be reasonable to that is evolutionarily conserved from plants to insects to
anticipate that DisiWn-derived products may contribute to mammals and humans and ultimately activates NF-kappaB
their microbicidal functions through many other ways other and interferon production. Dendritic cells show up-regula-
than direct damage on microbes by free radicals generated tion of MHC antigens and costimulatory molecules such as
following the activation of NADPH oxidase, but, in addi- CD80 and CD 86. The latter are crucial for proper antigen
tion to this, also through modulation of redox-sensitive sig- presentation by antigen presenting cells (APC). Thus,
nal transducing pathways [37, 82], and through blocking thereby, the TLR creates links between innate and adaptive
the TLR signaling to evade adverse cellular activation immunity [57]. The complement system is notably an inte-
brought about by pathogens [91]. These Wndings thus indi- gral component of the innate immune system, and it is
cate that the simple scheme, which for many years has widely thought to play an important role in host defense.
served largely as a satisfactory working theory with regards The complement, a double-edged sword, which largely

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762 759

contributes to recognition and destruction of pathogens and and thereby indicating an exceptionally crucial role of
other invaders and to assist in the phagocytosis of waste TLRs in driving the immune responses and in host defense
materials. The major components of the complement against pathogenic microorganisms. Now, in addition to
system execute four major functions: (1) recognition, (2) earlier notions: (OYcial Test Results; Stolle A, 1998:
opsonization, (3) inXammatory stimulation through anaph- DisiWn Food, Faerber WU. et al, 2000, DisiWn Animal,
ylotoxins, and (4) mediate killing through membrane attack Trenner P., 1998: DisiWn Med., Heeg P., 1999: DisiWn
complex (MAC) [74, 100]. To date, very little attention has Med.: unpublished], recent work demonstrating the ability
been invested in the role the complement plays in the of DisiWn-Animal Tabs and DisiWn-Pressant Tabs to eVec-
orchestrated sequence of events involved in the microbi- tively suppress the activities of CHIKV and H7N1 virus at
cidal actions of disinfectants; activation of NADPH oxidase a relatively low concentration strongly buttresses the con-
and exploitation of the functions of NADPH oxidase in the cept that DisiWn-derived products represent eVective disin-
host defense against pathogens. To this end, it has been fecting agents. Based on the scope of what we understand
demonstrated, McGeer and associates [93], that free radi- today about the nature, functions and biochemical actions
cals generated by a free radical-generating system unregu- of TLRs, I am tempted to suggest that DisiWn-derived
lated signiWcantly the transcription of important products (in virtue of their active component: sodium tos-
complement elements subsequently leading to membrane ylchloramide) and TLR proteins share largely common
attack complex- associated injury. This Wnding widely functions and mechanisms of actions. In addition, the mere
implies that TLR-dependent activation of NADPH oxidase fact that we could to date plausibly and, to a considerable
following microbial stimulus could plausibly lead to activa- extent, correctly, associate the actions of TLRs with the
tion and/or overactivation of the complement system. This notions treated in the following works [34, 35, 37, 50, 63,
strongly suggests that the TLRs, may be, under certain con- 72, 85] strongly indicates signiWcant advances made in the
ditions, working in concert with the complement system in past 6 years in understanding the components of the innate
driving both the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of a immune system, including the pathogen sensing mecha-
wide range of diseases, and they may also be working in nisms, receptor and intracellular signaling pathways, link-
concert with disinfectants in the disinfection processes with age to adaptive immune system, and the eVectors of the
the aim of killing the pathogens. The notion that TLRs and innate immune response. Despite enormous advances in
complement system interact greatly in executing their this area of research in the past decade, infectious disease
actions has been recently evidenced in two presentations caused by microbial pathogens remains one of the major
[40, 67]. Based on the strength of these notions, and cou- causes of death. This notion is evidenced by the presence of
pled with the thoroughness and elegancy of certain sets of new diseases such as acquired immune deWciency syn-
experiments arguing in favor for these notions, it is thus drome, avian inXuenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome
reasonable to anticipate that DisiWn-derived products may and the resurgence and expansion of diseases including
equally be exploiting the roles of the complement system in chikugunya fever, West Nile and Ebola hemorrhagic
executing their functions. Studies to elucidate the cellular fevers. This fact underscores the importance and urgency
and molecular mechanisms underlying the nature, mode for increased studies in this area of research. Therefore,
and the consequences of the interactions between the com- elucidation of the nature, the mode and the consequence of
plement system and the disinfectant–microbe complex, and the interactions between the active component of DisiWn-
increased studies on the cross-talk between the TLRs and derived products and the TLRs and their signaling path-
the complement system may be fruitful for the development ways will increase our understanding of the mechanisms
of new generation of more eVective agents for both preven- responsible for triggering the activation of innate immunity,
tion of infection and treatment of diseases. Recent discov- the connection between innate immunity and adaptive
eries have identiWed some TLR-independent sensors immunity, and may help to identify potential targets for
important in driving innate immunity by their ability to rec- future therapeutic interventions to regulate host defense.
ognize some microbial components. These include nucleo- Information gained from these studies may directly contrib-
tide-binding oligomerisation domain (NOD) receptor ute to the development of eVective agents, presently not
proteins [8] and retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) available, for both prevention and management of wide
[79, 105], thereby suggesting that host cells posses multiple range of infections and infectious diseases.
mechanisms against microbial infection. NODs are a family
of intracellular PRRs that include apoptotic protease acti- Acknowledgments I immensely thank my Children; Obiamaka,
vating factor 1 and mammalian NOD-LRR proteins [76]. Ekene and Ifeanyi, for their love, unique understanding, and enormous
strength these brave and wonderful Girls gave to me all this time,
Nevertheless, a wealth of overwhelming scientiWc evidence without which it could not have been possible for me to complete my
has demonstrated a crucial involvement of TLRs in the rec- investigations and put forward this article. I thank Mr. Burghard
ognition of all the major classes of microbial pathogens, Grossmann, System Administrator, Medical library, Virchow campus,

760 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 34:751–762

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