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GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES 1. 1. 2. !. %. (. Put the verb into the correct form, to or in!. When I am tired, I enjoy . Television.

. It is relaxing. (watch) It was a nice day, so we decided . For a wal . (go) It is a nice day. "oes anyone #ancy .. #or a wal $ I am not in a h&rry. I don't mind ..(wait) They don't have m&ch money. They can)t a##ord .. o&t very o#ten. (go) *. I wish that dog wo&ld sto+ . It is driving me mad. (,ar ) -. .&r neigh,o&r threatened .. the +olice i# we didn't sto+ the noise. (call) /. We were h&ngry, so I s&ggested .. dinner early. (have) 0. 1&rry &+2 I d+n)t want to ris .. the train. (miss) 13. I am still loo ing #or a jo, ,&t I ho+e something soon. (#ind) ". com#$ete e%ch &entence& 'ith % &uit%b$e verb. 1. "on)t #orget .. the letter I gave yo&. 2. There was a lot o# tra##ic ,&t we managed . To the air+ort in time. !. 4ill has decided not . 5 car. %. We have got a niew com+&ter in o&r o##ice. I haven't learnt it yet. (. I wonder where 6&e is. 6he +romised not . 7ate. *. We were all too a#raid to s+ea . 8o,ody dared anything. (. )om#$ete the&e &entence& &o th%t the me%nin! i& &imi$%r to the fir&t &entence. 1. 9y #ather said I co&ld &se his car. 9y #ather allowed 2. I was s&r+rised that it rained. I didn)t ex+ect . !. "on)t sto+ him doing what he wants. 7et .. %. 1e loo s older when he wears glasses. :lasses ma e .. (. I thin yo& sho&ld now the tr&th. I want . *. "on)t let me #orget to +hone my sister. ;emind .. -. 5t #irst I didn)t want to a++ly #or the jo, ,&t 6arah +ers&aded me. 6arah +ers&aded. /. 9y lawyer said I sho&ldn)t say anything to the +olice. 9y lawyer advised 0. I was told that I sho&ldn)t ,elieve everything he says. I was warned.. 13. I# yo& have got a car, yo& are a,le to travel ro&nd more easily. 1aving a car ena,les . *. 1. 2. !. %. (. Put the verb in the ri!ht form+ ,in! or infinitive 'ith or 'ithout to. 6he doesn't allow in the ho&se. (smo e) I have never ,een to Iceland ,&t I wo&ld li e there. (go) I am in a di##ic&lt +osition. What do yo& advise me $(do) 6he said the letter was +ersonal and wo&ldn)t let me ..it. (read) We were e+t at the +olice station #or two ho&rs and then we were allowed . (go)

*. Where wo&ld yo& recommend me . For my holidays$ (go) -. I wo&ldn)t recommend in that resta&rant. The #ood is aw#&l. (eat) /. the #ilm was very sad. It made me (cry). 0. <arol)s +arents always enco&raged her . 1ard at school. (st&dy) -. 1. 2. !. %. (. *. -. Put the verb& into the correct form, ,in! or to They denied .the money. (steal) I don)t enjoy very m&ch. (drive) I don)t want o&t tonight. I am too tired. (go) I can)t a##ord o&t tonight. I haven)t got m&ch money. (go) 1as it sto++ed yet$ (rain) <an yo& remind me some o#ee when we go o&t$ (,&y) Why do yo& ee+ me =&estions$ <an)t yo& leave me alone$ (as ) /. >lease sto+ . 9e =&estions2 (as ) 0. I re#&se any more =&estions. (answer) 13. .ne o# the ,oys admitted . The window. (,rea ) 11. The ,oy)s #ather +romised .. #or the window to ,e re+aired. (+ay) 12. 5nn was havi.ng dinner when the +hone rang. 6he didn)t answer the +hone? she j&st carried on (eat) 1!. 1ow did the thie# get into the ho&se$ I #orgot ..the window. (sh&t) 1%. I have enjoyed .yo&. (meet) I ho+e yo& again soon. (see) 1(. The ,a,y ,egan . In the middle o# the night. (cry) 1*. 4&lia has ,een ill ,&t now she is ,eginning. @etter. (get) 1-. When I was a child, I hated to ,ed early. (go) 1/. I need a new jo,. I can)t stand .. here any more. (wor ) 10. I wo&ld love to yo&r wedding ,&t I am a#raid it is not +ossi,le. (go) 23. 1ave yo& got a moment$ I wo&ld li e . To yo& a,o&t something. (tal )

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