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[G.R. No. 122906. February 7, 2002] Facts: Petitioner Dinah tono cohabite! "ith #ri$ate res#on!ent e! ar !

a ui%o& in "hich they ha$e an i&&e iti%ate !au hter. Petitioner &e't 'or () to "or* an! she &e't her !au hter to #ri$ate res#on!ent an! #aterna& ran! #arents Pri$ate res#on!ent 'i&e! a #etition o' uar!ianshi# be'ore rtc an! the &atter rante! its #etition Petitioner 'i&e! a re&ie' o' +u! %ent be'ore rtc in "hich the &atter set asi!e the !ecision an! a&&o"e! #etitioner to 'i&e o##osition to #ri$ate res#on!ent #etition. Pri$ate res#on!ent 'i&e! an ,R but it "as !enie! by rtc an! at the sa%e ti%e rante! %otion 'or custo!y #en!in +u! %ent in 'a$or o' #etitioner in "hich the &atter %o$e! 'or its e-ecution. Pri$ate res#on!ent 'i&e a #etition 'or certiorari be'ore ./ but it "as !is%isse!, ho"e$er "hen Pri$ate res#on!ent 'i&e! a ,R, ./ %o!i'y its !ecision or!erin status 0uo "ith res#ect to #hysica& custo!y o' the chi&! #en!in +u! %ent o' uar!ianshi#. 1ence this a##ea& 2ssue: 3hether or not #etitioner has the ri ht o' te%#orary custo!y o' their chi&! Ru&in : 4he #etition is !enie!. the "e&'are o' the sai! %inor as the contro&&in 'actor, "e 'in! that the a##e&&ate court !i! not err in a&&o"in her 'ather 5#ri$ate res#on!ent herein6 to retain in the %eanti%e #arenta& custo!y o$er her. ,ean"hi&e, the chi&! shou&! not be "renche! 'ro% her 'a%i&iar surroun!in s, an! thrust into a stran e en$iron%ent a"ay 'ro% the #eo#&e an! #&aces to "hich she ha! a##arent&y 'or%e! an attach%ent. 7et another soun! reason is that inas%uch as the a e o' the %inor, Gar!in Faith, has no" e-cee!e! the statutory bar o' se$en years, a fortiori, her #re'erence an! o#inion %ust 'irst be sou ht in the choice o' "hich #arent shou&! ha$e the custo!y o$er her #erson. Potenciano vs. CA GR No. 139789, 139808, July 19, 2001 FACTS: 2n ,arch 1999, 8r&in!a 2&&usorio, the "i'e o' herein #etitioner, Potenciano, #etitione! 'or habeas cor#us "hich "as !is%isse! on ,ay 2000 'or &ac* o' %erit an! rante! the #etition to nu&&i'y the ./ ru&in i$in $isitation ri hts to 8r&in!a. 4his case be'ore ). is 8r&in!a9s %otion to reconsi!er the !ecision %a!e. / con'erence "as set on )e#te%ber 2000 to !eter%ine the #ro#riety an! re&e$ance o' a #hysica& an! %e!ica& e-a%ination o' Potenciano an! ho" it "i&& be con!ucte!. 8r&in!a9s %otion to ha$e Potenciano be %e!ica&&y e-a%ine! by a tea% o' %e!ica& e-#erts a##ointe! by the .ourt "as !enie! "ith 'ina&ity in ,arch 2001. ISSUE: 3hether a court can $a&i!&y issue an or!er co%#e&&in the husban! to &i$e to ether an! obser$e %utua& &o$e, res#ect an! 'i!e&ity. HELD: 8r&in!a c&ai%e! that she "as not co%#e&&in Potenciano to &i$e "ith her in consortiu% but c&ear&y she "ante! the &atter to &i$e "ith her an! is the root cause o' her #etition. 3hat the &a" #ro$i!es is that :husban! an! "i'e are ob&i e! to &i$e to ether, obser$e %utua& &o$e, res#ect an! 'i!e&ity;. 4he sanction thereo' is the :s#ontaneous, %utua& a''ection bet"een husban! an! "i'e an! not any &e a& %an!ate or court or!er to en'orce consortiu%. 8$i!ent&y, there "as absence o' e%#athy bet"een 8r&in!a an! Potenciano ha$in se#arate! 'ro% be! an! boar! since 1972. 8%#athy as !e'ine! by ). is a :share! 'ee&in bet"een husban! an! "i'e e-#erience! not on&y by ha$in s#ontaneous se-ua& inti%acy but a !ee# sense o' s#iritua& co%%union;. ,arita& union is a t"o<"ay #rocess. 2t is 'or t"o &o$in a!u&ts "ho $ie" the re&ationshi# "ith res#ect, sacri'ice an! a continuin co%%it%ent to to etherness, conscious o' its $a&ue as a sub&i%e socia& institution.

Santos v CA (G.R. 113054) FACTS: Petitioner Leouel Santos, Sr., an army lieutenant, and Julia Bedia a nurse, married in Iloilo City. They beget only one child, Leouel Santos, Jr. Since birth, the boy was under the care and custody of his maternal grandparents, pri ate respondents herein, Leopoldo and !felia Bedia. Petitioner along with his two brothers, isited the Bedia household, where three"year old Leouel Jr. was staying. Pri ate respondents contend that through deceit and false pretensions, petitioner abducted the boy and clandestinely spirited him away to his hometown in Bacong, #egros !riental. The spouses Bedia then filed a $Petition for Care, Custody and Control of %inor &ard Leouel Santos Jr.,$ before the 'egional Trial Court of Iloilo City, with Santos, Sr. as respondent. the trial court issued an order on the same day awarding custody of the child Leouel Santos, Jr. to his grandparents, Leopoldo and !felia Bedia. Petitioner appealed this !rder to the Court of (ppeals but the decision of 'TC was upheld. Petitioner assails the decisions of both the trial court and the appellate court to award custody of his minor son to his parents"in"law, the Bedia spouses on the ground that under (rt. )*+ of the ,amily Code, substitute parental authority of the grandparents is proper only when both parents are dead, absent or unsuitable. Petitioner-s unfitness, according to him, has not been successfully shown by pri ate respondents. ISSUE: &ho should properly be awarded custody of the minor Leouel Santos, Jr. RULING: The minor should be gi en to the legitimate father. &hen a parent entrusts the custody of a minor to another, such as a friend or godfather, e en in a document, what is gi en is merely temporary custody and it does not constitute a renunciation of parental authority. !nly in case of the parents- death, absence or unsuitability may substitute parental authority be e.ercised by the sur i ing grandparent. The court held the contentions of the grandparents are insufficient as to remo e petitioner-s parental authority and the concomitant right to ha e custody o er the minor. Pri ate respondentsdemonstrated lo e and affection for the boy, notwithstanding, the legitimate father is still preferred o er the grandparents. The latter-s wealth is not a deciding factor, particularly because there is no proof that at the present time, petitioner is in no position to support the boy. &hile petitioner-s pre ious inattention is ine.cusable, it cannot be construed as abandonment. /is appeal of the unfa orable decision against him and his efforts to 0eep his only child in his custody may be regarded as serious efforts to rectify his past misdeeds. To award him custody would help enhance the bond between parent and son. The Court also held that his being a soldier is li0ewise no bar to allowing him custody o er the boy. So many men in uniform who are assigned to different parts of the country in the ser ice of the nation, are still the natural guardians of their children. (lso, petitioner-s employment of tric0ery in spiriting away his boy from his in"laws, though un1ustifiable, is li0ewise not a ground to wrest custody from him. Republic vs. !beci"o GR N . 1#$380, ctobe! #, 200# FACTS: .i#riano =rbeci!o 222 "as %arrie! "ith >a!y ,yros ?i&&anue$a on ,ay 2@, 19A1 at the (nite! .hurch o' .hrist in the Phi&i##ines in =Ba%is .ity. 4hey ha! a son an! a !au hter na%e! Cristo''er an! Ci%ber&y, res#ecti$e&y. 2n 19A6, the "i'e &e't 'or () brin in a&on their son Cristo''er. / 'e" years &ater, =rbeci!o !isco$ere! that his "i'e ha! been natura&iBe! as an /%erican citiBen an! &earne! 'ro% his son that his "i'e so%eti%e in 2000 ha! obtaine! a !i$orce !ecree an! %arrie! a certain )tan&ey. 1e therea'ter 'i&e! "ith the tria& court a #etition 'or authority to re%arry in$o*in Para ra#h 2 o' /rtic&e 26 o' the Fa%i&y .o!e. ISSUE: 3hether or not =rbeci!o can re%arry un!er /rtic&e 26 o' the Fa%i&y .o!e. HELD: 4he court ru&e! that ta*in into consi!eration the &e is&ati$e intent an! a##&yin the ru&e o' reason, /rtic&e 26 Par.2 shou&! be inter#rete! to inc&u!e cases in$o&$in #arties "ho, at the ti%e o' the ce&ebration o' the %arria e "ere Fi&i#ino citiBens, but &ater on, one o' the% beco%es natura&iBe! as a 'orei n citiBen an! obtains a !i$orce !ecree. 4he Fi&i#ino

s#ouse shou&! &i*e"ise be a&&o"e! to re%arry as i' the other #arty "ere a 'orei ner at the ti%e o' the so&e%niBation o' the %arria e. 1ence, the court9s unani%ous !ecision in ho&!in /rtic&e 26 Par 2 be inter#rete! as a&&o"in a Fi&i#ino citiBen "ho has been !i$orce! by a s#ouse "ho ha! ac0uire! a citiBenshi# an! re%arrie!, a&so to re%arry un!er Phi&i##ine &a".

8state o' =n ?s. DiaB Din*y "as a&rea!y %arrie! to a Da#anese nationa& "hen she%et Ro e&io. Des#ite this, they cohabitate! an! a&&e e!&ybore a chi&! to ether in February 199A. )hort&y therea'ter,Ro e&io aban!one! Din*y an! Doanne./&thou h the #resu%#tion "as that Doanne "as the&e iti%ate chi&! o' Din*y an! her Da#anese husban! because o' their subsistin %arria e, this "as turne! !o"n by the R4.. 2t "as estab&ishe! that Din*y9s husban! &i$e! abroa! an! on&y $isite! the Phi&i##ines once a year. No e$i!ence "as a&so'oun! that he $isite! 1 year #rece!in the birth o' Doanne.R4. ru&e! that Doanne "as the i&&e iti%ate chi&! o' Ro e&iobecause he a!%itte! #ayin 'or the hos#ita& bi&&s connecte!to her birth, #ic*in u# Din*y a'ter i$in birth. ./ ho"e$er,re$erse! this an! re%an!e! the case to %a*e "ay 'or DN/ana&ysis. 8state o' Ro e&io 'i&es 'or reconsi!eration a&&e in the !eath o' Ro e&io %a*es DN/ testin no &on er #ossib&e.

Petitioner 0uestions the a##ro#riateness o' the or!er by the.ourt o' /##ea&s !irectin the re%an! o' the case to the R4.'or DN/ testin i$en that #etitioner has a&rea!y !ie!.Petitioner ar ues that a re%an! o' the case to the R4. 'orDN/ ana&ysis is no &on er 'easib&e !ue to the !eath o' Ro e&io.4o our %in!, the a&&e e! i%#ossibi&ity o' co%#&yin "ith theor!er o' re%an! 'or #ur#oses o' DN/ testin is %ore ostensib&e than rea&. Petitioner9s ar u%ent is "ithout basis es#ecia&&y as the Ne" Ru&es on DN/ 8$i!ence a&&o"s thecon!uct o' DN/ testin , either %otu #ro#rio or u#on a##&ication o' any #erson "ho has a &e a& interest in the %atter &iti ation, thus )8.. @. /##&ication 'or DN/ 4estin =r!er :5a6 / bio&o ica& sa%#&e e-ists that is re&e$ant to thecaseE5b6 4he bio&o ica& sa%#&e: 5i6 "as not #re$ious&ysub+ecte! to the ty#e o' DN/ testin no" re0ueste!Eor 5ii6 "as #re$ious&y sub+ecte! to DN/ testin , butthe resu&ts %ay re0uire con'ir%ation 'or oo!reasonsE5c6 4he DN/ testin uses a scienti'ica&&y $a&i!techni0ueE5!6 4he DN/ testin has the scienti'ic #otentia& to#ro!uce ne" in'or%ation that is re&e$ant to the#ro#er reso&ution o' the caseE an!5e6 4he e-istence o' other 'actors, i' any, "hich thecourt %ay consi!er as #otentia&&y a''ectin theaccuracy or inte rity o' the DN/ testin .Fro% the 'ore oin , it can be sai! that the !eath o' the#etitioner !oes not i#so 'acto ne ate the a##&ication o' DN/testin 'or as &on as there e-ist a##ro#riate bio&o ica&sa%#&es o' his DN/./s !e'ine! abo$e, the ter% Fbio&o ica& sa%#&eF %eans any or anic %ateria& ori inatin 'ro% a #erson9s bo!y, e$en i' 'oun! in inani%ate ob+ects, that is susce#tib&e to DN/ testin .4his inc&u!es b&oo!, sa&i$a, an! other bo!y '&ui!s, tissues,hairs an! bones.4hus, e$en i' Ro e&io a&rea!y !ie!, any o' the bio&o ica&sa%#&es as enu%erate! abo$e as %ay be a$ai&ab&e, %ay beuse! 'or DN/ testin . 2n this case, #etitioner has not sho"nthe i%#ossibi&ity o' obtainin an a##ro#riate bio&o ica&sa%#&e that can be uti&iBe! 'or the con!uct o' DN/ testin ./n! e$en the !eath o' Ro e&io cannot bar the con!uct o' DN/testin . 2n Peo#&e $. (%anito , citin 4ecson $. .o%%ission on8&ections, this .ourt he&!:4he 200@ case o' 4ecson $. .o%%ission on8&ections [G.R. No. 161@G@, G ,arch 200@, @2@ ).R/277] &i*e"ise reiterate! the acce#tance o' DN/testin in our +uris!iction in this "ise: F[i]n case#roo' o' 'i&iation or #aternity "ou&! be un&i*e&y to

Republic vs. Ca%an"a&an GR. No. 1'''7', (epte)be! 12, 2008 FACTS: Denni'er .a an!ahan "as re istere! as a 'e%a&e in her .erti'icate o' >i$e Hirth. Durin her chi&!hoo! years, she su''ere! 'ro% c&itora& hy#ertro#hy an! "as &ater on !ia nose! that her o$arian structures ha! %ini%iBe!. )he &i*e"ise has no breast nor %enstruation. )ubse0uent&y, she "as !ia nose! o' ha$in .on enita& /!rena& 1y#er#&asia 5./16, a con!ition "here those a''&icte! #ossess secon!ary %a&e characteristics because o' too %uch secretion o' %a&e hor%ones, an!ro en. /ccor!in to her, 'or a&& interests an! a##earances as "e&& as in %in! an! e%otion, she has beco%e a %a&e #erson. )he 'i&e! a #etition at R4. >a una 'or .orrection o' 8ntries in her Hirth .erti'icate such that her en!er or se- be chan e! to %a&e an! her 'irst na%e be chan e! to De''. ISSUE: 3=N correction o' entries in her birth certi'icate shou&! be rante!. HELD: 4he .ourt consi!ere! the co%#assionate ca&&s 'or reco nition o' the $arious !e rees o' interse- as $ariations "hich shou&! not be sub+ect to outri ht !enia&. ). is o' the $ie" that "here the #erson is bio&o ica&&y or natura&&y interse- the !eter%inin 'actor in his en!er c&assi'ication "ou&! be "hat the in!i$i!ua&, ha$in reache! the a e o' %a+ority, "ith oo! reason thin*s o' hisIher se-. /s in this case, res#on!ent, thin*s o' hi%se&' as a %a&e an! consi!erin that his bo!y #ro!uces hi h &e$e&s o' %a&e hor%ones, there is #re#on!erant bio&o ica& su##ort 'or consi!erin hi% as bein a %a&e. )e-ua& !e$e&o#%ent in cases o' interse- #ersons %a*es the en!er c&assi'ication at birth inconc&usi$e. 2t is at %aturity that the en!er o' such #ersons, &i*e res#on!ent, is 'i-e!. ?8R=N2.= 48N8HR= ?). 418 1=N=R/H>8 .=(R4 =F /PP8/>) G.R. No. 1J07JA, February 1A, 200@ Facts: ?eronico 4enebro contracte! %arria e "ith >eticia /nca+as on /#ri& 10, 1990. 4he t"o "ere "e! by a +u! e at >a#u<>a#u .ity. 4he t"o &i$e! to ether continuous&y an! "ithout interru#tion unti& the &ater #art o' 1991, "hen 4enebro in'or%e! /nca+as that he ha! been #re$ious&y %arrie! to a certain 1i&!a ?i&&areyes on No$. 10, 19A6. 4enebro sho"e! /nca+as a #hotoco#y o' a %arria e contract bet"een hi% an! ?i&&areyes. 2n$o*in this #re$ious %arria e, #etitioner therea'ter &e't the con+u a& !"e&&in "hich he share! "ith /nca+as, statin that he "as oin to cohabit "ith ?i&&areyes. =n Danuary 2J, 199G, #etitioner contracte! yet another %arria e, this one "ith a certain Ni&!a ?i&&e as. 3hen /nca+as &earne! o' this thir! %arria e, she $eri'ie! 'ro% ?i&&areyes "hether the &atter "as in!ee! %arrie! to the #etitioner. ?i&&areyes con'ir%e! in han!"ritten &etter that in!ee! 4enebro "as her husban!.

/nca+as therea'ter 'i&e! a co%#&aint 'or bi a%y a ainst #etitioner. Durin tria&, 4enebro a!%itte! ha$in %arrie! to ?i&&areyes an! #ro!uce! t"o chi&!ren. 1o"e$er, he !enie! that he an! ?i&&areyes "ere $a&i!&y %arrie! to each other, c&ai%in that no %arria e cere%ony too* #&ace. 1e a&&e e! that he si ne! a %arria e contract %ere&y to enab&e her to et the a&&ot%ent 'ro% his o''ice in connection "ith his "or* as a sea%an. 4he tria& court 'oun! hi% ui&ty o' bi a%y. 2ssues: 516 3hether or not the #etitioner is ui&ty o' the cri%e o' bi a%y. 526 3hat is the e''ect o' !ec&aration o' nu&&ity o' the secon! %arria e o' the #etitioner on the roun! o' #sycho&o ica& inca#acityK 1e&!: 516 7es, #etitioner is ui&ty o' the cri%e o' bi a%y. (n!er /rtic&e G@9 o' the Re$ise! Pena& .o!e, the e&e%ents o' the cri%e o' bi a%y are: 516 that the o''en!er has been &e a&&y %arrie!E 526 that the 'irst %arria e has not been &e a&&y !isso&$e! or, in case his or her s#ouse is absent, the absent s#ouse cou&! not yet be #resu%e! !ea! accor!in to the .i$i& .o!eE 5G6 that he contracts a secon! or subse0uent %arria eE an! 5@6 that the secon! or subse0uent %arria e has a&& the essentia& re0uisites 'or $a&i!ity. 4he #rosecution su''icient e$i!ence, both !ocu%entary an! ora&, #ro$e! the e-istence o' the %arria e bet"een #etitioner an! ?i&&areyes. 526 / secon! or subse0uent %arria e contracte! !urin subsistence o' #etitioner9s $a&i! %arria e to ?i&&areyes, #etitioner9s %arria e to /nca+as "ou&! be nu&& an! $oi! ab initio co%#&ete&y re ar!&ess o' #etitioner9s #sycho&o ica& ca#acity or inca#acity. )ince a %arria e contracte! !urin the subsistence o' a $a&i! %arria e is auto%atica&&y $oi!, the nu&&ity o' this secon! %arria e is not #er se an ar u%ent 'or the a$oi!ance o' cri%ina& &iabi&ity 'or bi a%y. Pertinent&y, /rtic&e G@9 o' the RP. cri%ina&iBes :any #erson "ho sha&& contract a secon! or subse0uent %arria e be'ore the 'or%er %arria e has been &e a&&y !isso&$e!, or be'ore the absent s#ouse has been !ec&are! #resu%#ti$e&y !ea! by %eans o' a +u! %ent ren!ere! in the #ro#er #rocee!in s;. / #&ain rea!in o' the &a", there'ore, "ou&! in!icate that the #ro$ision #ena&iBes the %ere act o' contractin a secon! or subse0uent %arria e !urin the subsistence o' a $a&i! %arria e.

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