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Nehemiah Week 8 Chapter 9 God is the absolute focus of Nehemiah chapter nine.

His work, His will, His way and His love are highlighted as the people remember past events in prayer. Reading through this chapter will bring together for us much of what God did to establish His name amongst His people. Lets get started.

Day One: Gods people gathered again to pray, with fasting, in sackcloth and dust on their heads. There was a heart of repentance, confession and obedience. Lets read Nehemiah 9:1-8. 1) According to verses 1-3, the Jews separated themselves from whom? Why? (Take a look at Ezra 10:10-11.) 2) How did they spend the first quarter (3 hours) of the day? What about the second quarter (3 hours) of the day? 3) Confession of sins and reading from the Law led the people to what? 4) The Levites stood to pray, crying out to God. How did they call the people to join them (verse 5)?

5) Read through verses 6, 7 and 8 again and summarize their praise in each verse: Day Two: In our reading, the people remember miraculous works of God as He freed their ancestors, sustained them and made a way for them through the wilderness into the Promised Land. The book of Exodus will be our companion as we walk through these memories today. Lets read Nehemiah 9:9-15. 1) Verse 9 speaks of the Hebrews affliction in Egypt. Take a journey back to Exodus 1:1-14 to discover how Gods chosen people became Egyptian slaves. What happened after the death of Joseph? 2) Gods people cried out to Him (Ex. 2:23-25) and He heard them. Exodus 7-14 gives the account of all of Gods dealings with the Pharaoh through His servant Moses. God sent plague after plague on Pharaoh and the Egyptians, culminating in the death of the firstborn. Through each plague, He protected His people, ultimately instituting Passover as a memorial to His mercy in the midst of judgment. Read one of the most precious verses in all of Scripture found in Exodus 12:13. What did God say would cause Him to pass over the home of a Hebrew family during the last plague? 3) What was celebrated the night before Jesus was crucified? (Matthew 26:17) How does His blood on the cross make a way for God to pass over believers in judgment?

4) Nehemiah 9:11-12 describes Gods miraculous deliverance and leading of His people as He brought them out of Egypt. According to the last sentence of verse 10, why did God perform these miracles? 5) Verses 13-15 recount Gods holy descent on Mount Sinai to give the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:1-20) and His provision of manna and water in the wilderness (Exodus 16:14-17). Verse 15 ends with remembering Gods command to go in and possess the land He had promised to Abraham (Joshua 1:1-17). Take a deeper look at one of these 3 acts of God and write down 3 things that you discover (or see more clearly) about our God. Day Three: In our flesh, our nature is to sin. In Gods holiness, His nature is to forgive. Todays passage takes us through the sinful rebellion of Gods people. In the face of His miraculous provision, they refused to obey, and they were not mindful of [His] wonders. We are so much like them. Arent we? Instead of focusing on their failure, lets focus on Gods faithfulness. Read Nehemiah 9:16-21. 1) Verses 16-17a and 18 describe the Hebrew heart of rebellion in the wilderness (Numbers 14:4). While we cannot understand the choice of their sinful hearts, remember we each have a heart that will quickly lead us astray. What does Jeremiah 17:9 say about our hearts?

2) While our hearts are impure, God is completely pure and faithful. How is He described in verse 17b? 3) Which of the characteristics listed in verse 17 stands out to you the most in your own life? Why? Thank God for that particular aspect of Who He is. 4) According to verse 19, how did God continue to lead His people even when they turned away from Him?


God gave bread and water for physical hunger and thirst in the wilderness. He also gave His most valuable gift for a hunger and thirst the people did not know they had. While He preserved His people for 40 years in the wilderness with food, water, clothes and health, what was the most vital provision He gave? How important is Gods Holy Spirit to you? Day Four: In Nehemiah 9:22-31, Gods people continue to worship by remembering all God did and praising Him for Who He is. Read straight through these verses and then well break them down into sections.

1) Verses 22-25 recall Gods gift of the Promised Land, as well as His faithfulness to the promise He had made to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-2. List the things God gave to His people as they came into the land. 2) How did the people respond to Gods goodness (v. 25)? After struggling with His people for their obedience, why did God choose to give them all He promised? 3) Verses 26-30 recall the cycle of rebellion and deliverance of Gods people. Throughout the book of Judges, we see the patterns explained in this passage. How did God repeatedly seek to bring the people back to Himself? 4) Verse 31 is a precious Truth that reveals Gods deep love as it has been demonstrated over and over again in the lives of His children. Why did He not just destroy the people of leave them alone to fend for themselves? 5) Compare Hebrews 13:5 to Nehemiah 9:31. What comfort do you find in knowing God will never leave you? Thank Him for that reality today.

Day Five: The last section of chapter 9 moves from recalling the faithfulness of God to His people throughout generations, to a cry for God to accept their promise of obedience. Lets read from verse 32 to the end of chapter 9. 1) How is God described in verse 32? 2) What is the trouble, or hardship faced by the children of Israel? 3) Look at the second and third phrases of verse 33. Copy them here: Consider your own life. In what ways has God dealt faithfully with you even when you have disobeyed Him? 4) Because of the disobedience of His people, what did God allow as chastisement in their lives? What does God say in Hebrews 12:6 about chastising His own? What is His goal for our lives after chastisement? 5) In the last verse of chapter 9, we see the people making a covenant with God. Recognizing their disobedience and purposing in their hearts, they make a pledge to obey God. What characteristic of God causes Him to allow His people a second (or third) chance at faithful obedience? How thankful are you for second chances?

Building Block: Never confuse Gods discipline in your life for disdain of your life. It is Gods kindness that leads each of us to repentance. It is by His mercy we are not consumed. He gives grace in our weakness. Remember His goodness. Dwell in His love.

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