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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Hanna Wash Australia Sample Marketing Plan

This plan may be edited using Microsoft Word. Please note This is a sample marketing plan and the names! locations and numbers contained herein are for e"ample purposes only. #ou are $elcome to use this plan as a starting point to create your o$n plan! but $e recommend that you seek professional ad%ice from your legal ad%isor before submitting this plan.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Confidentiality Agreement
The undersigned reader ackno$ledges that the information pro%ided by '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' in this Marketing Plan is confidential( therefore reader agrees not to disclose it $ithout the e"press $ritten permission of ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. )t is ackno$ledged by reader that information to be furnished in this marketing plan is in all respects confidential by nature! other than information $hich is in the Public *omain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader! may cause serious harm or damage to '''''''''''''''''''''. +pon re,uest! this document is to be immediately returned to '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Signature '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -ame '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *ate This is a marketing plan . it does not imply an offering of securities.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Table of Contents
.! %.! "#ecuti$e Summary Situation Analysis /.& Market Summary /.&.& Market *emographics /.&./ Market -eeds /.&.0 Market Trends /.&.1 Market 2ro$th /./ SW3T Analysis /./.& Strengths /././ Weaknesses /./.0 3pportunities /./.1 Threats /.0 4ompetition /.1 Ser%ices /.5 6eys to Success /.7 4ritical )ssues Marketing Strategy 0.& Mission 0./ Marketing 3b8ecti%es 0.0 9inancial 3b8ecti%es 0.1 Target Marketing 0.5 Positioning 0.7 Strategy Pyramids 0.: Marketing Mi" 0.; Marketing <esearch (inancials) *udgets and (orecasts 1.& =reak-e%en Analysis 1./ Sales 9orecast 1.0 >"pense 9orecast Controls 5.& )mplementation Milestones 5./ Marketing 3rganisation 5.0 4ontingency Planning




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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd .! "#ecuti$e Summary

Hanna 4ar Wash and 4af? @H4WA4A $ill be the prominent car $ash for lu"ury %ehicles in >ast Melbourne! Bictoria. The *irector of the business is Mr. Cohn Smith! a successful business operator $ho has $orked in the 4ar *etailing business for o%er &D years. Ha%ing operated from his $orkshop in >ast Melbourne for this time! Cohn has de%eloped a loyal clientele and is $ell respected by his business peers. )t is en%isioned that people $ill come H4WA4 not only to ha%e their cars $ashed and detailed! but also for a coffee and snack break. Alternati%ely! clients $ill lea%e their cars at the site $hilst shopping or at appointments $ithin the %icinity. H4WA4 $ill be based in >ast Melbourne! B)4. This area has a number of benefits in terms of the market it $ill pro%ide for the business. 3%er 1DE of households in the immediate neighbourhood earn o%er F:D!DDD annually! pro%iding a large market for up-market hand car $ashes. Cohn himself has run successful businesses o%er the span of /5 years! pro%ing %ery skilled and e"perienced in all matters relating to management and business operations. H4WA4 $ill ha%e 05E market share of Hand 4ar Wash business in the %icinity by the end of year three! and aims to con%ert a larger percentage of people a$ay from machine and self-ser%e car $ashes. H4WA4 $ill maintain a G5E gross profit margin and make &&E net profit margin after &/ months of operation.

Table: Sales Forecast Sales (orecast )ndi%iduals =usinesses Total Sales 1irect Cost of Sales )ndi%iduals =usinesses Total Cost of Sales %!!+ F:7!D;7 F7!10& ./%)+ %!!+ F0!;D1 F0// .') %, %!!, F&/0!D00 F;!::7 . & )/!0 %!!, F7!&5/ F10G .,)+0! %!!F&75!77/ FG!G;; . -+),+! %!!F;!/;0 F1GG ./)-/&

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd %.! Situation Analysis

H4WA4 is entering their first year of operation. The o$ner belie%es that a comprehensi%e marketing strategy $ill be key to the success of the business. H4WA4 offers a premium hand car $ashing ser%ice $ithin a funky! attracti%e premises offering coffees and light snacks.


Market Summary

H4WA4 possess good information about the market and kno$s a great deal about their target customers. This information $ill be le%eraged to better understand $ho is ser%ed! their specific needs and ho$ H4WA4 can better communicate $ith them.


Individuals Businesses 99%

Table: Market Analysis

Potential Custo mers )ndi%iduals =usinesses 2rowth &/E &E %.!!4 %!!+ 10!DDD G '&)!!0 %!!, 1;!&7D G '/) ,0 %!!50!G0G G +&)0'/ %!!/ 7D!1&/ G ,!)'% %!!0 7:!77& G ,-),-! CA23 &/.DDE D.DDE %.!!4


%. .

Market 1emographics

The profile for HW4A4 target customer consists of the follo$ing geographic! demographic and beha%iour factors Geographics The immediate geographic target is >ast Melbourne! B)4. A /5 km radius is in need of the ser%ice! ho$e%er ;:E of the business $ill be from $ithin a : km radius. The total targeted population is 8ust o%er 10!DDD.


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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Male 9emale . 70E 0:E. The reason for this discrepancy in the ratio is generally e"plained by the fact that men typically care more about their %ehicles. Men are more likely to spend money on accessories and add-ons! $hereas most $omen %ie$ their cars as a utility. Also! there are more men $ith company %ehicles! that may need to be kept clean as a re,uirement for their organiHation. 1DE of households earn o%er F:D!DDD. :0E of the target population ha%e Tertiary >ducation of some sort.

Behaviour Factors 10E of the target market lease their cars. )ndi%idual and family image is personified by the type and condition of the %ehicle they dri%e.

%. .% Market 5eeds
H4WA4 is pro%iding the market $ith a premium hand car $ash ser%ice for the >ast Melbourne community. H4WA4 seeks to fulfill the follo$ing benefits that are important to the customers >"emplary customer ser%ice . The target customers ha%e money and are used to recei%ing e"cellent customer ser%ice. They $ill generally not use the $ash again if they donIt get the ser%ice they are used to. High ,uality $ashes . The target market %alue a higher ,uality $as for their upper-end cars. 4on%enience . The hours of operation! as $ell as the time needed to pro%ide the ser%ice! must be con%enient and fast respecti%ely! in order to gain market share.

%. .& Market Trends

The market trends for the car $ashing industry has been a gra%itation from hand $ashing to automatic $ashing machine facilities. This trend has been fuelled by the progression of technology. The automatic $ashing machines ha%e become more efficient and less e"pensi%e o%er the past &D years to the point that it is typically %ery cost effecti%e to in%est in these machines. Although this can be %ie$ed as perhaps leading to a do$nturn in the need for hand $ashing! a good percentage of the general community still understand that a hand $ash is a superior method of ha%ing their %ehicle cleaned thoroughly. 3ther reasons may include that some people are not able to! or donIt $ish to! use the self-ser%e car $ashes that are a%ailable to them. >ast MelbourneIs community are considered Jupper-endI . more e"pensi%e %ehicles than the a%erage! and more $illing to in%est the little bit e"tra in ha%ing them hand $ashed.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Market Forecast: 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Individuals Businesses

%. .' Market 2rowth

The car $ashing market has seen steady 1E gro$th for the last si" years. 1E gro$th is forecast for the ne"t four years.

Target Market Growth:

12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Individuals Businesses

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd


SW6T Analysis

The follo$ing SW3T analysis captures the key strengths and $eaknesses $ithin the company! and describes the opportunities and threats facing H4WA4.


2ood relationships $ith many prospecti%e customers in the target market. Strong family name recognition in the community. Well trained employees. *irector has sound background and understanding of business.


The need for reliance on outside in%estors. The learning cur%e associated $ith entering an industry $ithout direct prior kno$ledge or e"perience. The re,uirement to ha%e a constant %olume of business to support the necessary ser%ice staff.


Participation $ithin a steadily gro$ing industry. A high likelihood of repeat business. The ability to decrease fi"ed costs as a percentage of an indi%idual sale as %olume increases.


9utureKpotential competition from a franchised firm. A slump in the economy! reducing discretionary spending. The perception that there is not a difference in ,uality bet$een a machine $ash and a hand $ash.



There is one other car $ash in >ast Melbourne. )t is ,uite ne$ and is trying to compete $ith the automatic car $ashes by offering lo$ prices. Ho$e%er it is not targeting the consumers $ho seek ,uality cleaning. The customers H4WA4 is targeting ha%e their cars $ashed based on the ,uality of the 8ob. They do not mind spending a little more each $eek to ha%e their car $ashed and $a"ed in order to keep the paint $ork in e"cellent shape. The businesses that H4WA4 targets $ill be more cost conscious! so prices $ill be appro"imately 0DE less to promote %olume usage.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd %.' 2oods 7 Ser$ices

H4WA4 $ill pro%ide the follo$ing goods L ser%ices 4ar $ashing . e"terior 4ar $ashing . interior 4ar detailing 9ully operational 4af?


8eys to success

H4WA4 keys to success are High ,uality car $ash ser%ice =enchmarked customer ser%ice 4on%enience


Critical issues

H4WA4 is still in the speculati%e stages as a start-up organiHation. critical issues are

4ontinue to take a modest fiscal approach! e"pand at a reasonable rate! not for the sake of e"pansion! but for economic reasons. =uild brand a$areness! increasing the customer base and de%eloping brand e,uity. >stablish H4WA4 as the premier hand car $ash in >ast Melbourne.

&.! Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy $ill be to de%elop brand e,uity! increase customer a$areness of H4WA4! and build the customer base. This strategy $ill use se%eral different methods to achie%e these goals.



The mission of H4WA4 is to pro%ide top-,uality $ashing and detail ser%ice for lu"ury car o$ners in >ast Melbourne! B)4. H4WA4 $ill $ork to keep employees satisfied in order to maintain impeccable customer ser%ice.


Marketing 6b9ecti$es
)ncrease repeat customers by 1E a ,uarter. Steadily increase market share e%ery ,uarter. *e%elop brand a$areness and acceptance! ,uantified by a decrease in customer ac,uisition costs.

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(inancial 6b9ecti$es
)ncrease the profit margin by .5E a ,uarter. Achie%e a double digit gro$th rate each year for at least the first three years. *e%elop efficiencies in the deli%ery of the ser%ice through ad%anced training and $orkflo$ analysis.


Target Marketing

H4WA4 segments itIs customers by type of car o$nership. H4WA4 belie%es that the type of car that a person o$ns says %olumes about their dri%ing and therefore their car $ashing and detailing re,uirements. 5ew car owners . 3$ners of ne$er cars are most likely to use a hand car $ashing ser%ice. These o$ners take great pride in their cars and $ill bring them often to the $ash and detailing ser%ice. The aim is to inform these customers that H4WA4 $ill keep their %ehicle looking e%ery bit as good as it did the day it dro%e out of the car sales yard. 6lder lu#ury car owners . These people ha%e either o$ned their high-end lu"ury cars for se%eral years or are unable to afford the e"pense of a ne$ lu"ury car but $ant the feel of rela"ed dri%ing. =oth these groups of clientele $ant to keep their cars in the best shape possible. Those $ho ha%e bought second hand cars $ill often spend many hours in their cars! and $ill place high importance on keeping their cars looking good. These o$ners $ill bring their cars in for regular $ashes and occasional details. Sports car owners . These people are often younger or middle-aged and $ill regard the look of their car as important. They pride themsel%es on the look of their car! and $ill most often ha%e their car hand $ashed $eekly. These dri%ers $ill ha%e an occasional detail! but generally keep their cars so clean that a detail is not normally necessary. :ifetime owners . Many of these clients ha%e o$ned their cars for more than fi%e or si" years and are more likely to be $omen. They are attached to their cars as friends and thought it may be sensible for them to purchase a ne$ car! they $ill bring their car in for a $ash occasionally! 8ust $hen it is dirty. They $ant their cars to remain presentable! but are not tied to the look of their car. 9or this reason! they $ill generally not ha%e the car detailed unless they are selling it. 1ealerships . There are fi%e ne$ and used car dealerships $ithin three miles of the proposed location of H4WA4. These dealerships use outside car $ash ser%ices to detail their %ehicles before they are put up for sale. )n addition! there are fifteen other car dealerships located $ithin a se%en km radius of H4WA4. :ocal *usinesses . Some local businesses ha%e fleets of cars and small %ans that must be kept clean to maintain their company image. These businesses $ill be looking for a cost effecti%e! efficient car $ashing ser%ice to perform this duty! and $ill prefer to use a car $ash ser%ice during the $eek rather than on $eekends! like the general public.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Please note that for analysis purposes in regards to the charts and graphs! the different segments $ill be grouped into indi%iduals and businesses. This has been done to allo$ the charts and graphs to ha%e a clean look that $ill aid in the ability to ,uickly discern information from them.



H4WA4 seeks to position themsel%es as the premier hand auto $ashing ser%ice pro%ider in the >ast Melbourne area. This positioning $ill be achie%ed by le%eraging their competiti%e edge. H4WA4Is competiti%e edge $ill be gained through the reputation of the *irector and his name throughout the area. =randing and marketing of the car $ash $ill be a priority! and the *irector once again has a myriad of e"perience in this area! through other businesses he has operated and sold in the past. Lastly! by purchasing a ,uality con%eyor through a %ery reputable Australian supplier! H4WA4 $ill place an emphasis on creating a fast! no hassle system for the client.


Strategy Pyramids

The single ob8ecti%e is to position H4WA4 as the premier automobile hand $ashing company in the area! steadily increasing market share. The marketing strategy $ill seek to first create customer a$areness! de%elop a customer base! and $ork to$ard building customer loyalty. The message that H4WA4 $ill seek to communicate is that their hand $ashes are superior to a machine $ash alternati%e. The message of con%enience $ill be communicated through se%eral different methods the placement of ad%ertisements in the local ne$spaper! $hich is $ell read and $ill reach a large portion of the targeted community( net$orking and le%eraging the *irectors substantial customer base from his pre%ious businesses( and lastly a Jmarketing pyramidI through the use of coupons placed in the local ne$spaper. The use of coupons $ill introduce people $ho are not yet familiar $ith either the *irector or the use of a Hand Wash style car $ash.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd


Marketing Mi#

H4WA4Is marketing mi" is comprised of the follo$ing approaches to pricing! distribution! ad%ertising and promotion! and customer ser%ice Pricing . the pricing scheme is based on a per ser%ice price. A H4WA4 M4ardN can be purchased! $hich pro%ides %olume discount to the user. 1istribution . The offered ser%ices $ill be distributed from H4WA4Is facilities. Ad$ertising ; Promotion . H4WA4 $ill use different methods for ad%ertising and promotion. Customer Ser$ice . >"emplary customer ser%ice $ill be pro%ided.


Marketing 3esearch

*uring the initial stages of the marketing plan de%elopment the *irector performed primary market research in the form of a ,uestionnaireKsur%ey. The *irector outsourced the de%elopment of the sur%ey to a local Professor of Statistics at Monash +ni%ersityIs 2<)S. While the *irector could ha%e undertaken the de%elopment of the sur%ey in-house! the end result $as a far more %alid and statistically significant product. The sur%ey $as handed to a total of &5D people $ithin the target market. 51 sur%eys $ere returned completed. The results of the sur%ey pro%ided %aluable insight into the customer preferences as $ell as the decision making process of the target market. While some of the already held assumptions $ere confirmed! the sur%ey pro%ided H4WA4 $ith ne$ information that $ould ha%e been other$ise una%ailable.

'.! (inancials) *udgets and (orecasts

This section $ill offer a financial o%er%ie$ of H4WA4 as it relates to the marketing acti%ities. H4WA4 $ill address break-e%en analysis! sales forecasts! e"pense forecasts! and ho$ they relate to the marketing effort.


*reak<e$en analysis

The break-e%en analysis indicates that FG!&// is re,uired in monthly re%enue to break-e%en.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Break-even analysis chart $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 -$2,000 -$4,000 -$6,000 -$8,000
$6 ,0 00 $9 ,0 00 $3 ,0 00 $0 $1 2, 00 0 $1 5, 00 0

Monthly break-even point where line intersects with 0

*reak<e$en analysis= Monthly +nits =reak-e%en Monthly re%enue break e%en /D0 FG!&//

Assumptions= A%erage per-unit re%enue A%erage per-unit %ariable cost >stimated monthly fi"ed cost F15.DD F;.DD F:!5DD


Sales (orecast

The follo$ing chart forecasts sales based on the Market Segmentation Strategy. Sales are seasonal in this industry! tending to be higher in the $armer summer months! and to drop off in the $inter. Ho$e%er! H4WA4 $ill aim to flatten sales across the sales cycle by targeting segments that $ill $ant to keep their cars clean and looking good all year round.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd Monthly Sales Forecast

$16,000 $14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0

Jan March May July Sep Nov

Individuals Businesses


"#pense (orecast

The e"pense forecast $ill be used as a tool to keep the marketing on target and pro%ide indicators if corrections need to be made. Additionally it $ill re,uire long term analysis.

Monthly Sales Forecast $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0

Other Net !r"in# $dvertisin#







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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Table: Marketing

!pense Bu"get
%!!+ F&1!&DD F&!7DD F&!5:5 . -)%-+ /D.G1E F7&!&&7 :1.D7E %!!, F&G!DDD F/!DDD F&!5DD .%%)+!! &:.D:E F&D/!:&G ::.G0E %!!F/1!DDD F/!5DD F&!5DD .%/)!!! &5.G1E F&0;!;7; :G.D7E

Marketing "#pense *udget Ad%ertisements -et$orking 3ther Total Sales and Marketing "#penses Percent of sales 4ontribution Margin 4ontribution Margin K Sales

+.! Controls
This The purpose of H4WA4Is marketing plan is to ser%e as a guide for the business. The follo$ing areas $ill be monitored to gauge performance <e%enue . Monthly and annual Sales . Monthly and annual <epeat business 4ustomer satisfaction


>mplementation milestones

The follo$ing milestones identify the key marketing programs. H4WA4 notes it is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget. Marketing Plan Completion Ad$ertisement Campaign ? Profitability for the coupon program Ad$ertisement Campaign ?% /DD5 /DD7 /DD:

Table: Milestones
Milestone Marketing Plan 4ompletion Ad%ertisement 4ampaign O& Profitability for the coupons Ad%ertisement campaign O/ Totals Start 1ate "nd 1ate *udget FD.DD F7!55D F&!DD5 F:!55D . +) !+ Manager Cohn Cohn Cohn Cohn

&K&K/DD5 /K&K/DD5 &K&K/DD5 0&K&/K/DD7 &K&K/DD: -KA &K&K/DD5 0&K&/K/DD:

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd


Marketing 6rganisation

Cohn Smith $ill be responsible for de%eloping! implementing and o%erseeing the marketing acti%ities.


Contingency Planning

Di##iculties an" $isks: Problems generating %isibility 3%erly aggressi%e and debilitating actions by competitors. %orst &ase $isks: *etermining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis. Ha%ing to li,uidate e,uipment to co%er liabilities.

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Sample Marketing Plan - Hanna Wash Australia Pty Ltd

Appen"i! A ' Sales Forecast Table ())*

Sales .. )ndi%iduals =usinesses Total 1irect Cost of Sales .. )ndi%iduals =usinesses Subtotal @an
0DD /DD .+!!

015 05D .,0+

5DD 15D .0+!

&!/// 5DD . )-%%

/!000 50/ .%)/,+

7!:77 511 .-)& !

:!;:; 5G; ./)'-,

;!;GD 7D& .0)'0

G!G:7 7/0 . !)++0

&D!00/ 711 . !)0-,

&/!GGD 7;: . &),--

&1!551 :D/ . +)%+,

&5 &D .%+

&: &; .&+

/5 /0 .'/

7& /5 ./,

&&: /: . '&

00; /: .&,,

0G1 0D .'%'

115 0D .'-+

1GG 0& .+&!

5&: 0/ .+'0

75D 01 .,/'

:/; 05 .-,&

Appen"i! B ' Marketing

@an Ad%ertisements -et$orking 3ther Total E of sales 4ontribution Margin 4ontribution Margin K Sales
&!DDD &DD &DD . )%!! /1DE @F:/5A -&15E

!pense Bu"get ())*

&!5DD &5D &5D

&!/5D &/5 &/5 . )+!! /&7E @F;1DA -&/&E

&!:5D &5D &:5 .%)!-+ &/DE @F10GA -/7E

5DD &/5 &DD .-%+ /5E F&!GG: :DE

55D &DD &/5 .--+ &&E F7!&:D ;1E

7DD &/5 &5D ./-+ &DE F:!&:: ;5E

:DD &5D &:5 . )!%+ &&E F:!GG& ;1E

&!DDD &:5 &DD . )%-+ &/E F;:G1 ;0E

&!5DD /DD &/5 . )/%+ &:E F;!7D/ :;E

&!:5D &DD &5D .%)!!! &5E F&D!GG0 ;DE

/!DDD &DD &DD .%)%!! &1E F&/!/G0 ;&E

. )/!! &;GE @F;G;A -G1E



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