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Jln. Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3 - 4 Telpon: (021) 3812344,3812642,3811654 Fax 3811436 JAKARTA Website :www.dit~ertais.net

Nomor Lamp. Perihal

: Dj . I / D ~I. . IV/4/PP.04/3607 /2013


Jakarta, 2g Oktober 2013

1 (satu) berkas : Tawaran Beasiswa dari OIC

Kepada Yth. 1. Rektor UIN se-Indonesia 2. Rektor IAIN se-Indonesia 3. Ketua STAIN se-Indonesia Di Tempat

Assalamu'alaikum W r . Wb.
Menunjuk surat dari KBRI di Riyadh Kerajaan Arab Saudi nomor : B1469/RIYADH/130905 perihal Tawaran Beasiswa dan Program lainnya dari International Islamic University Malaysia dibawa OIC Educational Exchange Programme, dengan ini kami sampaikan bahwa KBRI Riyadh menerima nota dari Sekremiat Jenderal Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI) nomor 000247 dan nola nomor OIC/ST-16(37)/2013/005011 tanggal 3 September 2013 (terlampir) yang menyampaikan beberapa tawaran dari International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) kepada seluruh negara anggota OKI di bawah OIC Educational Exchclnge

Tawaran tersebut berupa beasiswa S 1 sampai dengan S3, kemudian Fellowship, Sabbatical Faculty Exchange dan Consultancl~and Research Prdects serta Specialized Courses bagi pengajar dan peneliti. Mormasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat pada website OKI yaitu : wwzv.oic-oci.org (pada bagian Educational Exchange Programme). Sehubungan dengan hal di atas agar Saudara mengmformasikan kepada civitas akademika di lingkungan Saudara bagi yang berminat untuk mengikuti program tersebut. Dernikian, atas perhatian dan kejasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Wassalamu'alaikum W r . Wb. Islam


Tembusan Yth : Dij e n Pendidikan Islam (sebagai laporan)

3. SEF. 2 0 1 3 : 6 : 4 4 OIC HQ 966 4 6512288 1'0: I N D O N E S I A


NO. 931


No. OlUST-l6(37)f2013 8 8 5 8 '1 1

Tkp, General Sccrctdat



of thc Organhaion of Islwtic Cooperation (OIC)p s Rs ita mmplin~enbto the OIC Mmk Gt&s d OIC &1Wd univmilities and I s the horlour to annowe the $mmus o@a of paduate and pent-graduate schalarsl )S, 89 well as opparhrPlitiaa fbr Fallawsbigs, Sabbadeals, Faculty Exohgo, Consultar: r and ]ResearchProjcat.e, by the 111ternadod11lde URivmity of Malaysia (IWMJ ur 3r-the OTC Eduatiod Esrob@ Brog~mmie,


Under-graduate scbolambipe: HUNI is offering 3evm (7) scholarships a t Ma ndwgraduate level for the y m 2014. These saholarships are baing oHwd in selecb fields

including eoonomics, huaranities, engineering, ICT etc (medical sciences and ex ;utive programs are exdudad).
Details regarding IKJM Upldagmdute progmimes may be accesaed at the fo:


,\pplication deadlines fir undergraduate suholarehigs are as foUows:--

1''~ere&er 2013 (fOr ~ e & 2014 semester); la'April 2014 (for Jwe 2014 afmesliter) 1" July 2014 (for S~pternber 2014 Sarmetibr],


d The candidates must finEli the academic requiremeats of the mspective faCUlt s m programmes (excellent grrildss). ,A c m & b muat BMB EngUsb pficiefcigncy s per requiremats for the respective p r s g r a e a b%re ehtwhg tkc university, The cla iidattl should not be receiving any atber form of scholwship or PmanciaI assistance.

Qeneral admission requirement8 for undergraduate studies and other details accessed at the f o l l o ~ I& ~g

r y be

Details about admitision p r o d w ~ may s be accmsed d the fo1Iowing link:-

Post-gn~duatesebolerabips; IWM is offering thrbe sekolwahips at the ppst-g .du&e love1 for the y o u 2014. These soholmhips we being effer~d in selected flel& is uding

PO Box: 170, legdah 21411,Klngdom olSaudl Arebb I%I:+PBBa GI 5192 1 Fax+BaB2 651 22a




SEP. 2073 16:44

economics, humanities, mgheriug. ICT a&. (mdterrl seiencu and oxwutivc pr

are excluded),

'I'l~e post-grrrdute mndfdates will be wquiwd 0 w o ~ k as graduate wsearoh msist ts at the relevant faculty.



betails about p~stgadmte p c g r o ~m s y $E aacegaed at the following link:-

General idomtion regarding o8mis~on praaadures and admission uequim post-graduate pogmmmes may B C C B B B ~at the following link:-

Application deac~~ines for postgradu~te s d h ~ l a r aam ~ ~ ss s ~OUOWS:18 November 2013 (for February 2014 btake) aRd 31 May 2014 (for Sept~Rab~r 2014 intake).

Scholardrips we avlll&le ior r oauimurn pried 01 4 para Lr undcrgraduats studbnts. 2 years for Master atud@n@ and 3 ysm b t BhD studmts.
General information on procedures

Candidates for scholarohips should apply directly to the IIUM i n ~ccordanee the procedures preswibed by flde Univemity. Appliadon f o m and d&ls regarding admission procedures w e availfibla atthe links l i d above.
Applications far scholamhips made under this pragrm should be clearly marlad by the


"UlJh1-OIC Urnmatic Academic Support P~ogramme'~

While applying directly to the IWM, copier of applications should also be the OIC Geo8ra.l Secretariat at the following d l addresses:

i> ii)

&ao~t1d@ic-~ci.otg &gg@aicc-9ci.ggg

or the postal addsess:

Depmme~rt of Science & Tecknoktvp, OIC Gsns~ul Secmta~iat, P.0. Box 179. Jeddak 21411 Kingdom o f Saudi Arab lo



2. SEF, 1613 16:45

O I C HQ 966 2 6512288

The final approval and rejection of apy application or proposal i s the ~xclusive ri ht of


Once the candidates have been accegad by the INM, the oandidates will be njtified through the OIC Oeneral Secmmiat and asked ts amt other admission md immigration formalities of IIUM and Malaysia respectively. I
Necessary certification of the sending and w i v i n g gwements will be required k'r all exchange arrangements.



Post-Dactorrtl Program4

f as The post-doctoral program will oovu science, techology and engineering as wall humanities, social ~s~imoes and Illamio s t u f i ~ s .Th.post~cctopprlprogram i s &ely a research oriented program which angagas succcs6fi.d candidates i n research and rb~ated 1 activities. There are three (3) positions allocated yearly at IIUM,
I Candidate must be a PhD h o l b in any ~elevrsnt discipline. The applicationshould be submitted within rhe fmt 5 years after graduation. Cmdidate m u s t have ti record of rmcarch and publioatio~in international indices (ISI,Saopus, etc) Candidate should not be e m l l d in a n & post-doctoral scheme sr the;a-s


Subject to the availsbfli~ of a supervisor. a candidate can be recruited for a period of 1 year The monthly allowance upon successMlyjoining the p r o p is RM5,000.00

All applications through this program shall bc submitted to the cfaca d the +uty

Rector (Internatiornalisatiou & Industry sad Community Relations) b r coordination and follow-up. Copies may a h be marked b the OIC General Secretariat, I I
Fellowj~hi~. Sabbaticals and Bacultv Excha+e

Under this oomponent o f the pragranrsle, k e can be both short-term and lon arrangements for faculty wehm~awkaeby higher education institutions botb public and private seetoss will be enoouraged to make ofPers for the faculty with IIUM on miprocd or unilateral h i s ia amordance with their nceds and The OIC General Secretariat wilJ maintain a roster of offers and needs by lecturers and researchers, and will cinulate this info to all Member States. I
All applications through MIpmgram shall be submitted to thc office of the pputy Rector (hernationalisation & Iadwtry a d Community Relations) for coordinati n and follow-up. Copies may also be marked to the OIC General Secretarbt.


2. S E F . 2 0 i 3 16:45

O I C HQ 966 2 6512288

This component will involvs the exoharrge of oonrmlmQ and mearehen for on- o n ~ g projects of interest or b inidation of a m joint pro)c*s, During the e x ~ h g p, e 'od, researchers can work on their reaectreh projoote, organize seminar8 and worksl~qpsin selected topics along with reaapulohes of the E ~ subjects, B and attand courses in relevant subjects being aught at IIUM. The Univdty will identify viable and marketable projects (cornmemiabtion of IP&D) by linking such projects with interested industries in member states.


All applications through this program ahall be submitted to the office of the ~ k ~ u t ~ Rector (Internationalisation 8t Industry anel Cornunity Relations) for coordin~tion ad follow-up. Copies may dso bt matked to the OIC Omera1Smetariat,

OIC Membr States are ~ w u ~ a g to ed stmd leotwert~rad locearchm to IIUM for tri/ining coursestspecialIzed projects to cater ta the spciflc needs of the requesting member s'tates. Such specialized requests can be d d t with on a case-by-case basis.

~ 1 appliostionr 1 through t6is p r o m WI bc sutmitted to tiw office of the ~ k ~ u t y Rector (Tnteraationdisbtion& Industry and Community Relations) for coordlnstioh and follow-up. Copies may also be marked to the OIC General Secretariat. 1

The esteemed Member States and OIC affiliated universities are requested to widely publioizc thc above idonnation for h benefit of the interested students thou h all
a\v~ilablechannels including print and eleatronio media, l e d universities aad re evant educational institutions.

The General Secretariat avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Member States and the OIC a i a t e d universities the rzsswancea of its highest consideradon.

AU OIC Member State1

PIC Aftlhated Unintersitiq

I . International Islamic Uaivcrsity Malaysia 2. Islamic University of N i g e r 3. Islamic University of Technology (IUT), D h a k a Bangladesh 4. Islamic Udva~sity in Wgaade

1. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad 2. National Univereity sf Science and Technofagy (NUST), Islamabad


3. S ~ F 20r3 , 16:45

OIC HB 966 9 6512288

3. Udvmity of P m . W y d e 4. Udv~rsity of Kuala Lupw (UdKL),Wrayaia 5 . W eE a s m T&doal Udvm~ity (METU), NosPfne;P# Cypw CaaDpw 6, &baijrtn Diglwtitt Acacbny (ADA) 7. Istanbul Aydin Ui$vtrsity, btmbul, Turkey 8, The Cyprur In4t~~~#anal U&efeity (eK1) I 9. The l3lmaIa Wterr-m Univmity (EMU), TRNC 10. Tha Emp~ren U d d t y ef Lefke @WL) 11. The O i m Am& Ualv&ty (OAV), TRNC 12, The Near Udversky PRN% i



I 0. !

i\li,c'-)N E S I A


b t I HL N 9 1 X T GENFRAL

lt~lanvaliu~lsl Islamic University Malaysia announces several schularships undcr the OIC Edamtionrl Exchange Programme 1

S'!IC lr~lsn~ni.ional Islamic Ur~iversilyMalaysia (IIUhl) has offeed a range of under-$rudu:ttc, !?oa graduate arrd PlbD scholarships for students f r o m OIC Member States undet thc Ed' c ~ t i u ~ l x l I.sclim~gcProgratn. It) addition tllc lIUM has offaed the p h c e m a t of student.. in its PastI)octt~lalI'ro~~sm where interested students can engage i n research and related rlctiv~tics~


'I IN. I I LJMis also rcady for short-tcrm a i d long-term mmgc.ments far hculty exchange jwhmeby hi~hcr c!clucation institutions both in the public and private sectors in the 01C Member States are cnmuragzd to make offers for faculty exchange wlth IICJM on reciprocal o c rinilarcr:al basis ill at.l.unk~~icr: with Llicir rtceds and priorities. The OIC &nerd Sccrebriat will tnuintiiin o'rostcr of r>ffi:rs and needs by IIIJM tor lecturers and resmrchers, and will circulate this informnt on to a 1 1

hlcmbcr States.

I'lr: Il(ilr4 offer nlrn includes arrangements far exchange af consultants and rcrearcheJs for ongoing p r ~ i ~ c of t s i1~tvrcst or the initiation of new joint projects. During thc oxehaneb p n o d , rvsc.ilrchors can work on their research projects, organize seminars wd workshops in scloctccl topics along with researchers of the same subjects, and attend coitrses in relevant subjetts being t~ughl at IICM. Thc UrJvcrsity will idcntify viable and marketable projects (ct~mmercializatioi~ r)t'Ii&LI) hy linking such projects with interested industries in Member States.
O I I : Member States are alro encouctged to send lfcturar arid researchers to llUM for training c:ui~rsw/sl~ccializcd projecrs to c.ater to the specific needs of thc rcquwtirrg Mcrnbcr Stales. Sucl~ specialized rsqllests tin be deal1 with on a caw-by-case basis. r. I

General iktails 01%tfi: llllM offer are being shared with a l 1 0 1 ~ Member States by the Secrctarint ~Rrough ofichl diplomatic channsls; Interested students, rcsol-ll~cl~c~s~ faculty : l l ~ f l l \ ~call c l ~also directly access these details at thc OIC yebsite (%ww.oic..oci.o~y, under tl~c r d !I :docrltional Ex~hangu I'rogramnle).

[ai-ticipation of ihl: tiUM an 01C affiliated university o f high international sfanding, i" tlbc OlC l,rl~~m\tionaI Exchange Progrorr~rne auprs w~ellfor promo ti or^ of greater cooperation in highcr ~~[luratic~r~ atid strengthening of academic linkages behveen the O1C Membcr Srntes ;whiclr is ~~npt'rative for Lhc advancement of knowledge in the Muslim world. I
'I'he ' 0 1 C Educational Exchange Programme: Solidarity through Acadcn~ia in rhe; Muslir~~ World' is dr~wing increasing interest and participation Wrn Member States and their public and private sector universities. h significant number of students is currently bcncfiting from the

hi!gl~cr edllcation s~}lolarships offered uncler the Programme by high ranking univcrsitics in I 8.naric)us Mcrnbe~States and lnAny more offers are in the pipeline.

PCJ PAX: 178. Jcddah 2141 1, Klngrlornof Saudi Arabia I ' r e l : +966 2 651 5222 1 Fax +!I66 2 651 2288



l'ltr. c )lC Fducational Exchasgc Programme is based on the recognition of the kno~vlcder:, higher cducation. research and science and technology in the J,tuslinl wt>rId. Acc~~dingly, the OIC Secretary General has parliculorl~f i , c ~ ~ s j:rorr;r,lion of cooperation between the OIC countria in thesc fields.

!;exiil~S enriching the ducational oxpr:rience o f the students as well ;is f;sculLy and encouraging t-~chan!e rrf knowledge and idcas among them, the Programme oan play n posilivo rolq tc>wards pl ori~otlnfi solidari~ and fisrcring understanding and tolorancc among thc Mcmber Stat+. Hcnw ihr- P f i ~ ~ ~ i i n jincorpurclies me Islamic solidarity both as a means as well as ci,ntr~h~L towards ~s firthesing one of the fiu~damental objectives ofthe DIC



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