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MGMT591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior Course Project

!T"O#$CT O!

The organization that will be the topic of discussion in my final project paper is Blue Group. Blue Group is one of the top five media service companies in Vietnam. It was established at the end of 2 !. "e have been affirming our position in mar#eting

and advertising field with strong and rapid growth. $ctually% Blue Group is focusing on the I&' ( Integrated &ar#eting 'ommunication. This is not only a method of science but also a combination of both art and creativity that conveys powerfully the messages to the potential customers with the most reasonable cost. Therefore% with the e)perience of mar#eting in Vietnam% Blue Group confidently offer you the mi)ture mar#eting strategy or the single operation that we follow in the direction of synchronization. Besides% we integrate all the traditional tools based on a consistency and a connection of all the modern communication tools *$B+% BT+% ,-% .igital .../ in order to bring the most effective for each brand. Blue Group is the partner of the great bands such as 'hevrolet% 0ony% &anulife% 1 . &oreover% we are also the manufacturer of some favorite TV shows. I2m an employee of the department of &anaging 3 organizing event. I started wor#ing at Blue Group in 2 44. &y job was to find customers having needs of organizing events such as the ground brea#ing ceremony% the opening ceremony1 Then I had to plan and build scenarios in order to convince customers. In the early period of time% I was very happy when wor#ing in a professional and dynamic organization. 5owever% after only three months of wor#ing% I realized numerous wea#nesses in management as well as operation. The first one was mista#es in operating employees of the leader and specifically was my direct manager. I can easily list some mista#es in his leadership6

7valuating employees by his own standards. 0cramble for achievements of staff. .on2t #now how to use the ability of employees. .on2t #now how to encourage and motivate employees.

P"OBL%M &T'T%M%!T "hen the problems of leadership happened in a negative way% Blue Group fell into an instability. The revenue of the company was getting decreased because of delay in implementation contracts. $nd the causes of this were confusion of operating activities. Therefore% the company2s board hold an in8uiry to analyze this situation. They wanted all of employees as well as managers to ma#e a report showing personal opinion about the difficulties of the company and how to overcome them. 'onse8uently% I posed 8uestion 95ow did the errors of leadership impact on an organization:; $nd 95ow would we do to turn Blue Group into a 5,<:; I will assess and analyze the wea#nesses of the organization. Then I will propose appropriate plans in order to ta#e Blue Group into one of the top companies in communication field.

L T%"'T$"% "%( %) 7ngaged leaders are actively involved alongside the staff to #eep the vision on trac# and they don=t hide behind the fear of interfering. The engaged leader doesn=t boast about >giving my team room to grow% >but really mean >I don=t want to get involved in the staff=s problems. 9$n engaged leader #nows how important it is to ma#e decisions ?and how destructive it is when a leader cannot or will not ma#e a decision. The

engaged leader shows interest and enthusiasm for the mission and accepts nothing short of e)cellence in its performance. The engaged leader #nows how well the organization is fulfilling its mission by adopting and regularly reviewing #ey performance metrics% evaluating the 8uality of important products or actions% and obtaining and acting on honest customer feedbac#. 7ngaged leaders continually ta#e the opportunity to ma#e the team and their performance better. *Trowel% +. *2 4@/. 7ngaged +eadership. Contract Management% 53*A/% B./ There are three roles which can be thought to encompass all of the possible roles within organizations6 the role of professional or individual contributor *e.g.% salesperson% account manager% financial analyst% dealCmar#er% accountant% lawyer% etc./D the role of manager and the role of leader. "e should understand clearly these three roles.

*Boyatzis% -. 7. *4EE@/. B7F<G. '<&,7T7G'76 T57 '5<I'7 T< B7 $ +7$.7-. Human Resource Management Review% 3*4/% 4./

Being a leader means being an effective leader. Being a leader re8uires opportunity% capability and commitment6 The opportunity is in the form of a job or position that offers the potential acting li#e a leader and inspiring others to be followers. The opportunity is affected by the culture and climate of the organization. The opportunity to be a leader must be considered in conte)t and is more than just having a job. The capability to be a leader is the degree to which the person possesses the s#ills% traits% motives% value% and #nowledge relevant to the organization% its purpose% people and other sta#eholders. The commitment to be a leader involves the decision to utilize the competencies possessed. The use of one2s capability involves the application of discretionary effortD that is% when a person is in professional% managerial% or e)ecutive job% they have a great deal of discretion as to what to do each hour% day and wee# and as to how to do it. *Boyatzis% -. 7. *4EE@/. B7F<G. '<&,7T7G'76 T57 '5<I'7 T< B7 $ +7$.7-. Human Resource Management Review% 3*4/% 4./ The leader guides the group and is at the same time himself guided by the group. $uthority% genuine authority% is the outcome of our common life. It does not come from separating people% from dividing them into two classes% those who command and those who obey. It comes from the intermingling of all% of my wor# fitting into yours and yours into mine *&ary ,ar#er Hollett in 4E4B articulated a concept of leadership/. +eaders must deal with conflict to get a group of people to move in the same direction. 0uccessful leaders learn to have difficult conversations that increase understanding and

morale and creatively deal with the inevitable interpersonal conflicts present in every organization made up of people. $nother trait for a leader during uncertain and chaotic times is the ability to see things as they really are% rather than as we wish or believe them to be. 0uccessful leaders are also usually optimists who level with their coCwor#er. *Bottles% I. *2 4/. The Good +eader. Physician Executive% 27*2/% !J./

Throughout the whole world% companies and organizations with bad leaders e)ist. 7ven many countries suffered a lot for the worse act of their leaders. In the same way% bad leadership can influence the performance of companies and organizations significantly. +ac# of #nowledge about leadership is one of the commonest reasons behind poor leadership. The number one effect will be poor employee performance. If the employer is dedicated% the employees will also become dedicated. $lways the employees will follow their leaders. This is why leaders should act as an icon in front of all of the employees. Hailure to do so can result irreversible damage to the organization. $nother poor impact of bad leadership will be low morale of the employees. 0ometimes% the employees can understand that the company is struggling due to bad leaders. In such cases% the morale of the employees will be reduced a lot. This phenomenon can act li#e a virus and it can spread li#e any other viral disease. &oreover% poor leadership will result poor decision ma#ing which will ultimately cause irreversible damage to the company. Bad public perception is another worse effect of poor leadership. If people can understand the company is under poor

leadership% they will try to get rid of that organization. This will cause significant loss of popularity. *http6KKwww.leadershipCs#ills.netKeffectsCofC havingCbadCleadershipK / The first few wee#s in a new leadership role can be challenging and bewildering. The e)citement of being promoted is often coupled with an underlying fear about how you will cope with more authority and responsibility and whether you are really up to the job. The five mista#es that a new leader should avoid6 <verCpromising6 It2s natural to want to get your team and other departments 8uic#ly by responding positively to their re8uests. The 8uic#est way to lose your credibility as a leader% however% is to promise things you subse8uently can2t deliver. &a#e sure you #now the limits of your authority and have the full picture before you ma#e any big commitments. Being afraid to as# for help6 Gew leaders often feel they will be perceived as wea# or ineffective if they don2t immediately have all the answers. There is no shame% however% in as#ing for advice if you are unsure of what action to ta#e. .on2t sweep problems under the carpet if you don2t #now how to tac#le them ( they won2t go away and will probably only get worse. Hailing to prioritize relationships6 &a#e building relationships a priority in the first few wee#s of your new role. .eveloping an understanding of the dynamics of your own team and how you can get the best from everyone is important ( but don2t overloo# the need to ma#e connections and form alliances across and outside the business.

0pea#ing instead of listening6 In an attempt to ma#e their mar#% new leaders often overCtal# and underClisten. &a#e sure your door is open to give your new team the chance to share information and raise concerns. $s# plenty of 8uestions and listen carefully to the answers for what is being said as well as what is implied or not being said.

Trying to do it all yourself6 &anagers who step up into leadership roles often find it hard to let go of the practical or specialist tas#s they would previously have done themselves. .on2t fall into the trap of ta#ing on the whole team2s wor# because you feel you can ma#e a better job of it. Four role as a leader is to delegate the dayCtoCday so that you can provide direction and give your people the chance to learn and grow. *http6KKgulfbusiness.comK2 4@K AKfiveCmista#esCtoCavoidCasCaCnewC leaderKL.Mc#l&N)TOu&/

The five success factors that determine what ma#es a 5igh ,erformance <rganization *5,</6 Puality of management6 The management of an 5,< is of high 8uality% builds relationships based on trust by combining integrity and coaching leadership with highly e)emplary behavior% is 8uic# to ma#e decisions *also regarding nonCperformers/% and is resultCoriented and committed to a longCterm vision. Puality of employees6 The employees of an 5,< are diverse% complementary and well able to wor# together. They are fle)ible and resilient when it comes to achieving results. This are busy every day

answering the 8uestion6 95ow can I ma#e our organization more successful:;. <penness and action orientation6 The culture of an 5,< is an open one in which everyone is involved in important processes through shared dialogue% continuous #nowledge sharing and learning from mista#es% where change is encouraged and actions are ta#en to improve performance. 'ontinuous improvement and innovation6 $n 5,< is aware of its distinctive *strategic/ characteristics and has all employees continuously contributing to improving% simplifying% aligning and renewing processes% services and products. +ongCterm orientation6 To an 5,<% continuity in the long term always ta#es precedence over profit in the short term. The longCterm orientation of an 5,< applies to clients% collaboration partners% as well as relationships with employees. &anagement positions are filled by employees rising from the ran#s. *http6KKwww.hpocenter.comKinde).asp:uidQ@3sidQ!3urlQtheCRC hpoCsuccessCfactorsCthatCreallyCma#eCorganizationsChighCperformance/

'!'L*& & There was a serious issue at Blue Group. It was the mista#es in leadership. 7valuating employees by his own standards6 7veryone has own opinions and standards. "hat a person thin# is right is not li#ely true for others. 5owever% the leader

always thin# his opinions and assessments are right. 5e do not #now that his incorrect evaluations will ma#e employees lose confidence. 0cramble for achievements of staff6 0ome good leaders often ma#e common mista#e which is touching on everything% even the smallest. It means they don2t trust in the ability of employees. The type of this leader usually li#e showing themselves to superior leader and consider all achievements gained are his efforts. $ leader who li#e scrambling for achievements of subordinates will not be successful because of not getting the consensus of subordinates. .on2t #now how to use the ability of employees6 0ome leaders believe that subordinates don2t have enough e)perience% #nowledge as well as vision li#e them. Therefore% they turn their employees into a puppet doing everything following their thin#ing. This will ma#e employees lose creativity. This is serious mista#e in leading subordinates. .on2t #now how to encourage and motivate employees6 The leaders consider employees as the machine. They thin# that the mission of employees is just wor#ing and get the money. 0o they try to assign tas#s as much as possible. 5owever% there are leaders who bully% defame or deny employees2 efforts. Instead of encouraging subordinates% the leaders will ma#e employees feel not to stic# by the company.

&OL$T O!&

Hor wea# leaders% Blue Group should replace their positions by new ones who have stronger ability. The old leaders will be moved to other positions which is less important than or is fired. The advantage of this solution is the new leaders could operate the group better and ta#e the company out of unstable state before. 5owever% the old leaders understand the operation of Blue Group than others. They also hold the secrets as well as the strategies of the company. Therefore% the replacement might cause certain ris# for the company. In addition% the business operations might face difficulties in the early period of the replacement. Instead of replacing by the new% the leaders can still stay in their positions. But they must complement and reinforce their leadership s#ills. In this case% the company can still maintain operation normally. But the nature and character of a person aren2t easy to change. The s#ills and #nowledge cannot be ac8uired in a short time% so it will ta#e a long time to achieve positive changes in leadership activities. $nother solution I want to propose is reducing the power of the leaders. I mean empowering employees. $s I stated in analysis section% some leaders turn their employees into a puppet doing everything following their thin#ing. It ma#e employees become passive and be less innovative. Therefore% instead of doing that% Blue Group should empower employees and inspire them. Then the employees will put on the table more and more initiatives and attempt towards the company2s successes. But empowering employees e)ist potential ris#s that if controlling not well could harm the organization.

"%+L%CT O!

The assignment has impacted on my personal% academic% and professional leadership and managerial development. Hirstly% I have learned more about the role leadership in an organization. Besides% I have #nown about the common mista#es of a leader as well as the solutions. +eadership is not a position% a job title% but as a captain who ta#e the business towards successes. 0econdly% I have learned that as a professional you must be willing to face difficulties and challenges in any circumstance. $dditionally% from a managerial perspective% individuals must engage employees in order to improve performance management. +astly% from an academic standpoint learning is a continuous improvement process that allows us to become more #nowledgeable of ourselves% environment% wor#place% and family members of whom we all interact. This project has given me access to valuable management tools and techni8ues that I will continue to utilize for the duration of my management career.


Trowel% +. *2 4@/. 7ngaged +eadership. Contract Management% 53*A/% B.

-etrieved from 7B0'<5<T http6KKweb.ebscohost.com.pro)y.devry.eduKehostKdetail: vidQ443sidQfae4B4 ACfJafCJ@ 2Ca4dbCb eA c@RbA!b SJ sessionmgr4R3hidQ2 3bdataQNnGpdGMET"hvc@PtbGl2TPS@d S@dLdbQbth3$GQB!!22A@2 Boyatzis% -. 7. *4EE@/. B7F<G. '<&,7T7G'76 T57 '5<I'7 T< B7 $ +7$.7-. Human Resource Management Review% 3*4/% 4. -etrieved from 7B0'<5<T http6KKweb.ebscohost.com.pro)y.devry.eduKehostKdetail: vidQ4R3sidQfae4B4 ACfJafCJ@ 2Ca4dbCb eA c@RbA!b SJ sessionmgr4R3hidQ2 3bdataQNnGpdGMET"hvc@PtbGl2TPS@d S@dLdbQbth3$GQR!E4B2@ Bottles% I. *2 4/. The Good +eader. Physician Executive% 27*2/% !J.

-etrieved from 7B0'<5<T http6KKweb.ebscohost.com.pro)y.devry.eduKehostKdetail: vidQJE3sidQfae4B4 ACfJafCJ@ 2Ca4dbCb eA c@RbA!b SJ sessionmgr4R3hidQ2 3bdataQNnGpdGMET"hvc@PtbGl2TPS@d S@dLdbQbth3$GQJ22@ABA 7ffects of 5aving +eadership

-etrieved from http6KKwww.leadershipCs#ills.netKeffectsCofChavingCbadCleadershipK Hive &ista#es To $void $s $ Gew +eader

-etrieved from http6KKgulfbusiness.comK2 4@K AKfiveCmista#esCtoCavoidCasCaCnewC leaderKL.Mc#l&N)TOu&

The R 0uccess Hactors That -eally &a#e <rganizations 5igh ,erformance

-etrieved from http6KKwww.hpocenter.comKinde).asp:uidQ@3sidQ!3urlQtheCRChpoCsuccessCfactorsCthatC reallyCma#eCorganizationsChighCperformance

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