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AIM: To design & develop a solar seeker. . ABSTRACT:The project here is all about a solar seeker System with latest electronics technology & Microcontroller Based solar seeker. The major blocks of our system are as follows: !"# $ower Supply: %e will need a &'()'**m+ power supply for our project. ,or this purpose we will use a step down transformer to convert --*(+.)'*/0 into "-(+.. The out

put of transformer is rectified through bridge rectifier using diode "12**". 3inear voltage regulator 4. 3M56*' is used to provide a stable regulated &'( supply for microcontroller and other parts in the project.


7c motor: 4n our project we will be using a dc motor for rotted the dc gear motor System and its presence. %e will be using a solar panel for this purpose.


S91S:;S: 4n our project we will use read sensor for sensing effect of a motor rotted clock wise and anti clock wise Switching System. These read sensor basically will sense the change in dc moto . which is re<uired to control the a solar seeker Switching System. +M$34,49; & ,43T9;: The function of electronics amplifier & filter is to amplify the weak signal received by electrodes without noise. The amplification and filtering is done in multiple stage.


i!t oductio!

T"i# $ o%ect i# &bout de#i'!i!' &!d im$(eme!ti!' & So(& T &c)i!' #y#tem. T"i# #y#tem *i(( be u#ed to t &c) &!d +o((o* t"e #u! du i!' t"e d&ytime i! o de to i!c e&#e t"e $o*e *"ic" i# &b#o b# by t"e $&!e(#. Si!ce ou cou!t y i# u!de e!e 'y c i#i# due to #"o t&'e o+ e(ect icity o+ *"ic" m&i! e&#o! i# #"o t&'e o+ *&te &!d it# #to &'e,d&m#- #o *e "&.e to +i!d out &(te !&ti.e# o+ e!e 'y #ou ce#. T"e .&#t &!d com$(e/ #y#tem by *"ic" e!e 'y i# $ oduced &!d u#ed i# i!c e&#i!'(y &t t"e "e& t o+ e!.i o!me!t &!d eco!omic c"&((e!'e# +&ci!' t"e *o (d.

Ou cou!t y i# "e&.i(y de$e!de!t o! "i'"(y $o((uti!' +o##i( +ue(#0 $& ticu(& (y co&( &!d oi(. Mo#t o+ *"ic" "&# to be im$o ted. t"u# educi!' t"e u#e o+ +o##i( +ue(# i# e##e!ti&( +o I!di&1# (o!' te m eco!omic &!d (o!' te m *e(( bei!'. Re!e*&b(e e!e 'y i# &$id(y '&i!i!' im$o t&!ce &# &! e!e 'y e#ou ce &# +o##i( +ue( $ ice# +(uctu&te. At t"e educ&tio!&( (e.e(0 it i# t"e e+o e c itic&( +o e!'i!ee i!' &!d tec"!o(o'y #tude!t# to "&.e &! u!de #t&!di!' &!d &$$ eci&tio! o+ t"e tec"!o(o'ie# &##oci&ted *it" e!e*&b(e e!e 'y. O!e o+ t"e mo#t $o$u(& e!e*&b(e e!e 'y #ou ce# i# #o(& e!e 'y. M&!y e#e& c"e# *e e co!ducted to de.e(o$ #ome met"od# to i!c e&#e t"e e++icie!cy o+ P"oto 2o(t&ic #y#tem# ,#o(& $&!e(#-. O!e #uc" met"od i# to em$(oy & #o(& $&!e( t &c)i!' #y#tem .T"i# $ o%ect de&(# *it" & mic oco!t o((e b&#ed #o(& $&!e( t &c)i!' #y#tem. So(& t &c)i!' e!&b(e# mo e e!e 'y to be 'e!e &ted bec&u#e t"e #o(& $&!e( i# &(*&y# &b(e to m&i!t&i! & $e $e!dicu(& $ o+i(e to t"e #u!1# &y#. De.e(o$me!t o+ #o(& $&!e( t &c)i!' #y#tem# "&# bee! o!'oi!' +o #e.e &( ye& # !o*. A# t"e #u! mo.e# &c o## t"e #)y du i!' t"e d&y0 it i# &d.&!t&'eou# to "&.e t"e #o(& $&!e(# t &c) t"e (oc&tio! o+ t"e #u!0 #uc" t"&t t"e $&!e(# & e &(*&y# $e $e!dicu(& to t"e #o(& e!e 'y &di&ted by t"e #u!. T"i# *i(( te!d to m&/imi3e t"e &mou!t o+ $o*e &b#o bed by P2 #y#tem#. It "&# bee! e#tim&ted t"&t t"e u#e o+ & t &c)i!' #y#tem0 o.e & +i/ed #y#tem0 c&! i!c e&#e t"e $o*e out$ut by 456 - 756. T"e i!c e&#e i# #i'!i+ic&!t e!ou'" to m&)e t &c)i!' & .i&b(e $ e$o#itio! de#$ite o+ t"e e!"&!ceme!t i! #y#tem co#t. It i# $o##ib(e to &(i'! t"e t &c)i!' "e(io#t&t !o m&( to #u! u#i!' e(ect o!ic co!t o( by & mic o co!t o((e

De#i'! e8ui eme!t# & e:

9- Du i!' t"e time t"&t t"e #u! i# u$0 t"e #y#tem mu#t +o((o* t"e #u!1# $o#itio! i! t"e #)y. :- T"i# mu#t be do!e *it" &! &cti.e co!t o(0 timed mo.eme!t# & e *&#te+u(. It #"ou(d be tot&((y &utom&tic &!d #im$(e to o$e &te. T"e o$e &to i!te +e e!ce #"ou(d be mi!im&( &!d e#t icted to o!(y

*"e! it i# &ctu&((y e8ui ed. T"e m&%o com$o!e!t# o+ t"i# #y#tem & e &# +o((o*#. 9- I!$ut $"oto t &!#duce ,$"oto diode-. :- A!&(o' to di'it&( co!.e te . 4- Mic oco!t o((e . ;- T &c)i!' #o+t*& e. <- Out$ut mec"&!ic&( t &!#duce ,dc 'e& moto -.
=e *i(( com$(ete ou di#cu##io! P"&#e I-SO>AR TRAC?ER P"&#e II-MICROCONTRO>>ER ,AT@AC<9 P"&#e II-Dc 'e& moto P"&#e III-DRI2ER CIRCUIT ,o$to cou$(e @9B-

Comme ci&( m&de #o(& t &c)e # & e & !ice &dditio! to &!y #o(& $&!e( & &y. T"ey "e($ i!c e&#e t"e time t"&t $&!e(# di ect(y +&ce t"e #u! &!d &((o* t"em to $ oduce t"ei m&/imum $o*e . U!+o tu!&te(y t"ey c&! be e/$e!#i.e to

buy. =e decided to m&)e ou o*! #o(& t &c)e to #ee i+ *e cou(d educe t"e co#t. =e did !ot *&!t to e-i!.e!t t"e *"ee( but *&!ted to m&)e it mo e &++o d&b(e. =e #t& ted out #m&(( &!d c&me u$ *it" t"e ide& o+ #o(& t &c)i!' u#i!' time i!#te&d o+ u#i!' & de.ice t"&t *ou(d #e!#e *"e e t"e #u! i# &!d mo.e t"e $&!e(# to*& d it.

4.1Need for this proje t

So(& e!e 'y b&#ic&((y come# i! t"e +o m o+ (i'"t &!d "e&t &!d "&# to be co!.e ted to e(ect ic&( e!e 'y. T"e t &!#duce u#ed i# & #$eci&( #emico!ducto diode c&((ed & $"oto.o(t&ic ce((. T"e#e ce((# & e u#u&((y m&de o+ #i(ico! ,#i-0 #e(e!ium ,#e-0 c&dmium #u($"&te ,cd#- &!d c&dmium te((u ide ,cite-. >i'"t +&((i!' o! t"e %u!ctio! i!duce# & $ote!ti&( di++e e!ce bet*ee! t"e t*o e(ect ode#0 e(ect o!# & e t"u# mobi(i3ed &!d &! e/te !&( ci cuit c&! be d i.e!. Mo e $o*e c&! be 'e!e &ted out o+ t"e#e ce((# by i!c e&#i!' t"e i!te!#ity o+ (i'"t +&((i!' o! t"em. T"i# c&! be &c"ie.ed by )ee$i!' t"e ce((# $e $e!dicu(& to t"e (i'"t #ou ce. Be#ide t"i# to m&)e mo e $ eci#e(y t"e u#e o+ e!e 'y $ oduced + om t"i# #y#tem *e !eed & #uc" #y#tem *"ic" *ou(d co!ti!uou#(y mo!ito &!d de(i.e t"e i!+o m&tio! &bout &(( t"e e8ui$me!t *e *i(( i!#t&(( &# (o&d.

The So!"r P"#e!.

So(& ce((# & e u#u&((y i! t"e +o m o+ .e y t"i! +(&t *&+e #. A !umbe & e co!!ected i! #e ie# o $& &((e( &!d mou!ted o! +(&t bo& d to +o m *"&t i# )!o* i# So(& $&!e(. So(& $&!e( *o ) by by co!.e ti!' Su!1# e!e 'y i!to e(ect ic&( e!e 'y *"ic" i# #to ed i! b&tte y. A c"& 'e co!t o((e bet*ee! b&tte y &!d #o(& $&!e( *"ic" $ otect t"e b&tte y + om o.e c"& 'i!'. T"e e!e 'y c&! be t&)e! out o+ t"e b&tte y &# e8ui ed,9: o :; 2 DC-u#i!' & t &!#+o me to co!.e t to ::5D:;5 2 i+ e8ui ed

Desi$# Opti%i&"tio#.
Si!ce *e "&.e to t &c) t"e Su! t"i# me&!# t"&t moto d i.i!' t"e moto co!ti!uou#(y but &# t"e moto ecei.i!' t"e $o*e + om $&!e(0 #o t"e co!ti!uou# u!!i!' o++ t"e moto *i(( c&u#e t"e e++icie!cy it #u++e & ' e&t de&( #o i! o de to &c"ie.e t"e m&/imum e++icie!cy. =e "&.e to de#i'! ou t &c)e i! #uc" & *&y t"&t t"e moto co!#ume mi!imum $o*e #o *e "&d to di++e e!t *&y# to "&!d(e #itu&tio!. Ei #t *&# by u#i!' t"e #te$$e im$(eme!ted. moto i! *"ic" timi!' &('o it"m i#

Seco!d *&# by u#i!' DC moto i! *"ic" di ectio! i# co!t o((ed by >DR #e!#o #. =e #e(ect t"e #eco!d met"od bec&u#e o+ it# e++icie!cy0 i! te m# o+ !ot co!#umi!' t"e $o*e co!ti!uou#(y e.e! i! c(oudy *e&t"e it i# e++icie!t &(#o it do!1t !eed & (o!' &!d com$(e/ c&(cu(&tio!

T"i# c"&$te &im# to $ o.ide & b ie+ )!o*(ed'e o+ So(& P&!e(0 So(& T &c)e &!d t"e com$o!e!t# *"ic" m&de u$ So(& T &c)e

Te h#o!o$+ of So!"r P"#e! So(& $&!e(# & e de.ice# t"&t co!.e t (i'"t i!to e(ect icity. T"ey & e c&((ed #o(& &+te t"e #u! o FSo(F bec&u#e t"e #u! i# t"e mo#t $o*e +u( #ou ce o+ t"e (i'"t &.&i(&b(e +o u#e. T"ey & e #ometime# c&((ed $"oto.o(t&ic *"ic" me&!# F(i'"t-e(ect icityF. So(& ce((# o P2 ce((# e(y o! t"e $"oto.o(t&ic e++ect to &b#o b t"e e!e 'y o+ t"e #u! &!d c&u#e cu e!t to +(o* bet*ee! t*o o$$o#ite(y c"& 'e (&ye #. 1) (
A #o(& $&!e( i# & co((ectio! o+ #o(& ce((#. A(t"ou'" e&c" #o(& ce(( $ o.ide# & e(&ti.e(y #m&(( &mou!t o+ $o*e 0 m&!y #o(& ce((# #$ e&d o.e & (& 'e & e& c&! $ o.ide e!ou'" $o*e to be u#e+u(. To 'et t"e mo#t $o*e 0 #o(& $&!e(# "&.e to be $oi!ted di ect(y &t t"e Su!. T"e de.e(o$me!t o+ #o(& ce(( tec"!o(o'y be'i!# *it" 9@4A e#e& c" o+ E e!c" $"y#ici#t A!toi!e-Ce#& Bec8ue e(. Ge ob#e .ed t"e $"oto.o(t&ic e++ect *"i(e e/$e ime!ti!' *it" & #o(id e(ect ode i! &! e(ect o(yte #o(utio!. A+te t"&t "e #&* & .o(t&'e de.e(o$ed *"e! (i'"t +e(( u$o! t"e e(ect ode.

Acco di!' to E!cyc(o$edi& B it&!!ic& t"e +i #t 'e!ui!e +o #o(& $&!e( *&# bui(t & ou!d 9@@4 by C"& (e# E itt#. Ge u#ed %u!ctio!# +o med by co&ti!' #e(e!ium ,& #emico!ducto *it" &! e/t eme(y t"i! (&ye o+ 'o(d.

C y#t&((i!e #i(ico! &!d '&((ium & #e!ide & e ty$ic&( c"oice# o+ m&te i&(# +o #o(& $&!e(#. G&((ium & #e!ide c y#t&(# & e ' o*! e#$eci&((y +o $"oto.o(t&ic u#e0 but #i(ico! c y#t&(# & e &.&i(&b(e i! (e##-e/$e!#i.e #t&!d& d i!'ot#0 *"ic" & e $ oduced m&i!(y +o co!#um$tio! i! t"e mic oe(ect o!ic# i!du#t y. No *&y1# Re!e*&b(e E!e 'y Co $o &tio! ,REC- "&# co!+i med t"&t it *i(( bui(d & #o(& m&!u+&ctu i!' $(&!t i! Si!'&$o e by :595 - t"e (& 'e#t i! t"e *o (d. T"i# $(&!t *i(( be &b(e to $ oduce $ oduct# t"&t c&! 'e!e &te u$ to 9.< 'i'&*&tt# ,G=- o+ e!e 'y e.e y ye& . T"&t i# e!ou'" to $o*e #e.e &( mi((io! "ou#e"o(d# &t &!y o!e time. >&#t ye& 0 t"e *o (d &# & *"o(e $ oduced $ oduct# t"&t cou(d 'e!e &te %u#t : G= i! tot&(.

Solar Energy Solar Energy is used as renewable energy source and is most unlikely to vanish. The technique of extracting electrical energy from solar energy is improving as renewable energy source. The downfall of the solar energy ended about 50 years ago when

ell !aboratories developed the first solar cell in "#5$. %nd

these solar cells were used as power source in satellites. &n the end of "#'0 scientists were able to develop silicon solar cells ()hoto voltaic cells* on industrial basis+ and these became more and more attractive. The main source of abundant energy in this world is sun. %ccording to calculations the sun deposits ",0+000 T- of radiation on the surface of Earth. The sun covers about 0."./ of the land on Earth. -ith "0/ efficient solar conversion systems we can generate almost ,0 T- of power+ which is almost twice

the world0s consumption. The above comparisons show that solar energy have impressive magnitude+ it provides more energy than present day human technology can provide. The main steps involved in utili1ing solar energy are 2apture+ 2onversion and Storage. The energy of sun reaches on earth in the form of radiations distributed across the colour spectrum (&nfrared to 3ltraviolet*. This energy is in the form of excited electron hole so it must be captured as electron hole. This is a good sign that some solar energy technologies that may ultimately have significance for developing countries. 4ost of the solar technologies presented are possible and verified. So far most of these technologies are too expensive for use in the South. 5n the other hand+ ma6ority of the technologies existing are possible in remote areas and desert region of a country. &n the developing countries+ the availability of power can play a ma6or role in development. %s countries became richer and their populations increase day by day+ demand for energy increases. 2onventional sources of energy are often too expensive to fulfill this demand. There are also fear about the limited resources of fossil fuels and their environmental factors.

Evolution of Solar Tracker Since the sun moves across the sky throughout the day+ in order to receive the best angle of exposure to sunlight for collection energy. % tracking mechanism is often incorporated into the solar arrays to keep the array pointed towards the sun. % solar tracker is a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. -hen compare to the price of the )7 solar panels+ the cost of a solar tracker is relatively low. 4ost photovoltaic ()7* solar panels are fitted in a fixed location8 for example on the sloping roof of a house+ or on framework fixed to the ground. Since the sun moves across the sky though the day+ this is far from an ideal solution. Solar panels are usually set up to be in full direct sunshine at the middle of the day facing South in the 9orthern :emisphere+ or 9orth in the Southern :emisphere. Therefore morning and evening sunlight hits the panels at an acute angle reducing the total amount of electricity which can be generated each day

. ;uring the day the sun appears to move across the sky from left to right and up and down above the hori1on from sunrise to noon to sunset. <igure " shows the schematic above of the Sun=s apparent motion as seen from the 9orthern :emisphere. To keep up with other green energies+ the solar cell market has to be as efficient as possible in order not to lose market shares on the global energy marketplace. There are two main ways to make the solar cells more efficient+ one is to develop the solar cell material and make the panels even more efficient and another way is to optimi1e the output by installing the solar panels on a tracking base that follows the sun. The end8user will prefer the tracking solution rather than a fixed ground system to increase their earnings because> The efficiency increases by ?08$0/ The space requirement for a solar park is reduced+ and they keep the same output &n terms of cost per -att of the completed solar system+ it is

usually cheaper (for all but the smallest solar installations* to use a solar tracker and less solar panels where space and planning permit. % good solar tracker can typically lead to an increase in electricity generation capacity of ?0850/. <igure , shows ,kw Solar Trackers System.

@equirement of %lternates of Energy and &ts Scope in &ndia ;ue to the advancement in electronics almost every appliance that we use now is running on electrical energy. %ccording to the predictions of the &E% (&nternational Energy %gency* the natural sources (-ater+ 9atural Aas* of electrical energy that are used most commonly for electrical energy production will be able to provide energy till ,0?08?5. @eacting on these facts provided by &E% many countries are taking steps to get maximum energy from other natural sources for their future use. @eali1ing this problem &9;&% is also taking steps to provide energy from other sources and the main concentration is on -ind and Solar technologies. &ndian government has a goal of getting at least '/ of the total energy from these two sources by year ,0"5. %chieving #'00 4from wind power is planned by year ,0"5. -ith this government will be able to provide 'B'$ remote off8grid villages in the )rovinces of &9;&%. %lternative Energy ;evelopment oard (%E; * is looking for the 9ational and &nternational companies which are interested in producing energy from the alternate sources. %E; has started its first phase of providing electricity to the $00 remote areas of &9;&% within few years

..S5!%@ T@%2CE@. % solar tracker is a device for orienting a d&y (i'"ti!' e+(ecto + #o(& $"oto.o(t&ic $&!e( or concentrating solar reflector or lens toward the sun. The sun=s position in the sky varies both with the seasons and time of day as the sun moves across the sky. Solar powered equipment works best when pointed at or near the sun+ so a solar

tracker can increase the effectiveness of such equipment over any fixed position+ at the cost of additional system complexity. This is a power generating method from sunlight.This method of power generation is simple and is taken from natural resource. This need only maximum sunlight to generate power. This pro6ect helps for power generation by setting the equipment to get maximum sunlight automatically. This system is tracking for maximum intensity of light. -hen there is decrease in intensity of light + this system automatically changes its direction to get maximum intensity of light. :ere we are using two sensors in two directions to sense the direction of maximum intensity of light. The difference between the outputs of the sensors is given to the microcontroller unit. :ere we are using the microcontroller for tracking and generating power from sunlight. &t will process the input voltage from the comparison circuit and control the direction in which the motor has to be rotated so that it will receive maximum intensity of light from the sun. The power generated from this process is then stored in a lead acid battery and is made to charge an emergency light and is made to glow during night.

'.-5@C&9A 5< S5!%@ T@%2CE@

4y pro6ect includes the design and construction of a microcontroller based solar panel tracking system. Solar tracking allows more energy to be produced because the solar array is able to remain aligned to the sun. The sun tracker uses a cadmium sulphide (2dS* photocell for light sensing . This is the least expensive and least complex type of light sensor. The 2dS photocell is a passive component whose resistance is inversely proportional to the amount of light intensity directed towards. To utili1e the photocell + it is placed in series with the resister . % voltage divider is thus formed and output at the 6unction is determined by the resistance . &n this pro6ect + it was desired for the output voltage to increase as the light intensity increase+ so the photocell was placed in the top position. Stepper motor is commonly used for precision positioning control applications. %ll the stepper motor posses five common characteristics which make them ideas for this application. 9amely+ they are brushless load independentD have open loop positioning capability+ good holding torque + and excellent response characteristics. The sun tracker uses a unipolor stepper motor. 3nipolor motors have two winding with each having centre tap.

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