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gmennalls the modetm se of eee Renn er Pere en te eS Cee LISS) Foundictss work is alse comple extremel sanied and Penn an Re nN tre STULL on Se cs The esas also relate See oS ce nL en eee noe Sod So) eee ete CaS) Pane ROCCE eet as RON et ero er) eee Pe ee eee ee eee oC rn eee Pree re eT RUE eo See EE pee ea Tec ie Fee Roc Pee AUN Se ior eee tt oe Seen een osm Boer eer Fee SIN Rtgs RRs Cee Re LO oe een eae Peer RES eee OR ee Ste eta CS Pre ne ISBN O-74Sb-LL30-3 AU, Pobty Press poee TKS eT ere ee ae ee ee ea OURDIEL Critical Perspective: FRCL Gn Con Grin rOle La Edward LiPuma gid Moishe Postone SHORT LOAN Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives Edited by Craig.Calhoun, Edward LiPuma and Moishe Postone < Polity Press lll Copyright © This collection Polity ress 1993, ‘Written in association withthe Center for Psychosocial Studies Each individval chapter © the author First published 1993 by Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers Editorial office: Polity Press (65 Bridge Street (Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK Marketing snd production Blackwell Publishers 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, O4 JF, UK, All rights reserved. Except forthe quotation of short passages forthe purposes ofcrticom and review, no pat ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or ‘ransmirted, in any form or by any means, electronic, ‘mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission ofthe publisher, Exceptin the United States of America, this book is sold subject co the condition that ir shall net, by way of trade or ‘otherwise, be lent, r-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated -withour the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or over thr than that in which ss published and wthouta similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. sae ISBN 0.7456 0859-0 ISBN 0 7456 1130-3 (pbk) British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ACIP catalogue record for this book isavailable from the British Library. Typeset in 1014 0n 1291 Garamond by Pentacor ric, High Wycombe Printed in Great Britain by T.} Press, Padstow, Cormevall This book is printed on acid-free paper. Contents The Authors vil Acknowledgments vii @ Introduction: Bourdieu and Social Theory om Moishe Postone, Edward LiPuma, and Craig Calhoun 1 1 Culture and the Concept of Cultureina Theory of Practice Edward LiPuma uo § 2) Can there be a Science of Existential Structure and Social ‘Meaning? Hubert Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow 35 3 ToFollowaRule... Charles Taylor 45 © 4 Habitus, Field, and Capital: The. A Saeeeie a Specificity ‘Craig Calhoun ae Th 5 Aspects of Structural and Processual Theories of Knowledge Aaron V. Cicourel 89 6 Determination and Contradiction: An Appreciation and Critique of the Work of Pierre Bourdieu on Language and Edueation James Collins 116 7 Notes on Semantics in Linguistic Practice William F. Hanks 139

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