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Appendix for KPI Formula

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Appendix for KPI Formula

1. Call setup time e2e(voice) ..................................................................... 2 2. Handover Success Rate, Intra BSC.......................................................... 3 3. Handover Success Rate, Inter BSC/MSC .................................................. 7 4. Minutes Per Drop, MPD........................................................................ 10 5. TCH Congestion ................................................................................. 11 6. SDCCH Congestion (including reattempt)............................................... 14 7. Paging Success Rate % ....................................................................... 16 8. Random Access Success Rate %........................................................... 16 9. PDCH Allocation Success Rate (%)........................................................ 18 10. TBF Establishment Success Rate (%) .................................................... 19 11. PDP Context Activation Success Rate (%) .............................................. 20 12. SDCCH drop due to quality .................................................................. 22


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1. Call setup time e2e(voice)

Definition: Time period from the BSC receiving a CHANNEL REQUEST message from MS to ALERTING message sent back to MS. Formula: To be derived from drivetest. Figure 1. Call Set Up Procedure:


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2. Handover Success Rate, Intra BSC

Definition: Handover Success Rate of different cells within the same BSC. Formula: Successful Internal inter-cell Handovers/Outgoing Internal inter-cell Handover Commands. Figure 2: Internal inter-cell handover procedure (including directed retry):

Attempt at Measurement Point B. Existing Formula: Handover Success Rate (%), Intra BSC =NCELLREL.HOVERSUC*100/NCELLREL.HOVERCNT HOVERSUC: Number of successful handover to the neighbor cell. HOVERCNT: Number of Handover Commands sent to the MS. NCELLREL means internal BSC. Huawei Formula: Handover Success Rate (%), Intra BSC =100 * Successful Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers/ Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell = 100* CH313/ CH311
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Successful Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers: CH313:CELL_INTRABSC_OUTCELL_HO_SUCC This measurement provides the number of successful outgoing internal inter-cell handovers per cell. This measurement is triggered when BSC receives an HO CMP message before the timer that is set to wait for the HO CMP message expires. Counter measures successful direct retry as well. Detail Formula: Successful Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell = [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests] - [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers]
= [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + 2008-06-12 HUAWEI Confidential Page 4/24

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[Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] - [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)]


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Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell CH311:CELL_INTRABSC_OUTCELL_HO_CMD The BSC measures the related counter when sending an HO CMD message to the MS through the originating cell. Detail Formula:
= [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (900/850-GSM1800/1900)] + [Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands per Cell (Including Directed Retry) (GSM1800/1900-900/850)]


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3. Handover Success Rate, Inter BSC/MSC

Definition: Handover Success Rate, Inter BSC/MSC (outgoing) Formula: Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers/Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands Figure 3: External handover procedure

Start Measurement at Point B. Existing Formula Handover Success Rate (%), Inter BSC =NECELLREL.HOVERSUC*100/NECELLREL.HOVERCNT HOVERSUC: Number of successful handover to the neighbouring cell. HOVERCNT: Number of Handover Commands sent to the MS. NECELLREL means external BSC. Huawei Formula Handover Success Rate (%), Inter BSC =100 * Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers / Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands =100* CH333/ CH331


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Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers CH333:CELL_INTERBSC_OUTCELL_HO_SUCC In the outgoing external inter-cell handover procedure, this measurement is triggered when the handover is successful. Detail Formula: Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers = [Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests]- [Failed Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers]



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Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands CH331:CELL_INTERBSC_OUTCELL_HO_CMD This measurement provides the number of outgoing external inter-cell handover commands sent by the originating BSC to the MSs. The measurement is performed in the originating cell. Detail Formula:
= [Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHF) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (TCHH) (Excluding Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Directed Retry) (900/850-900/850)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Directed Retry) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands (Directed Retry) (1800/1900-900/850)]


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4. Minutes Per Drop, MPD

Definition: Minutes Per Drop, MPD Formula: {60}*Traffic Volume of TCHs/Call Drops on TCH Figure 4: Call drops during TCH assignment

Call Drops Measurement Points A1, A2, A3. Figure 5: Call drops during handover

Call Drops Measurement Points A1, A2, A3, A4.


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Existing Formula Minute per drop, MPD =(CELTCHF.TFTRALACC/CELTCHF.TFNSCAN+CELTCHH.THTRALACC/CELTCHH.THNSC AN )*CELTCHF.CFAIL/(CELTCHH.THNDROP+CELTCHH.THNDROPSUB+CELTCHF.TFND ROP+CELTCHF.TFNDROPSUB) TFTRALACC: Traffic level accumulator for full-rate TCH. The corresponding counter for half-rate is THTRALACC. TFNSCAN and THNSCAN: Every 10 seconds, the scanning counters are incremented by one, and the traffic level counters are scanned and the scanning results are added to the accumulation counters per cell TFNDROP: The total number of dropped full-rate TCH in underlaid subcell. The counter is also available for half-rate and for overlaid subcells, e.g. THNDROPSUB. Huawei Formula Minute per drop, MPD ={60}* Traffic Volume on TCH/ Call Drops on TCH = {60}* K3014/ CM33 Traffic Volume on TCH K3014: CELL_KPI_TCH_TRAF_ERL_TRAF This counter indicates the traffic load on TCH. It is the average number of sampled TCHs, which are measured within some periods (on a per second basis) after the TCHs are activated. The period of the sampling timer for the measurement is five seconds. Call Drops on TCH CM33:CELL_TRAF_CH_CALL_DROPS In TCH assignment procedure or in the handover procedure after the MS accesses the TCH assigned by the BSC, the procedure fails to be performed due to various reasons. This measurement provides the number of Call Drops on Traffic Channel. Alternatively, this measurement provides the number of call drops due to various reasons after the MS is in the normal call state on the TCH. Detail Formula:
=[Call Drops on Radio Interface in Stable State (TCH)] +[Call Drops on Radio Interface in Handover State (TCH)] +[ Call Drops due to No MRs from MS for a Long Time (TCH)] +[ Call Drops due to Abis Terrestrial Link Failure (TCH)] +[Call Drops due to Equipment Failure (TCH)] +[Call Drops due to Forced Handover (TCH)]


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TCH Congestion

Definition: TCH assign failure due to congestion (no channel available) Formula: Failed Assignments Channel Unavailable /Assignment Request Figure 9: Assignment Requests per Cell

Start at Measurement Point A. Existing Formula TCH Congestion (%) =(CELTCHF.TFNRELCONG+CELTCHH.THNRELCONG+CELTCHF.TFNRELCONGS UB+CELTCHH.THNRELCONGSUB+CLSDCCH.CNRELCONG)*100 /CLTCH.TASSALL TFNRELCONG: Number of released TCH signalling connections due to transcoder resource congestion during immediate assignment on TCH. The corresponding counter for half-rate is THNRELCONG. These counters are also available for overlaid subcell as TFNRELCONGSUB and THNRELCONGSUB. CNRELCONG: Number of released connections on SDCCH due to TCH or Transcoder (TRA) congestion in both underlaid and overlaid subcell. TASSALL: Number of first assignment attempts on TCH for all MS power classes.


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Huawei Formula = 100 * Failed TCH Seizures due to Busy TCH (Traffic Channel) / (Assignment Requests + Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Directed Retry) + Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Directed Retry) = 100* CA312/ (CA310 + Handover Requests (Directed Retry)) Failed Assignments (Channel Unavailable) CA312:CELL_ASS_FAIL_NO_CH This counter measures the number of failed TCH (traffic channel) seizures due to no TCH available. After the BSC receives the ASS REQ message from the MSC, this measurement is triggered if the BSC cannot return the ASS CMP message or send the ASS FAIL message to the MSC. Detail Formula:
= [Failed Assignments (First Assignment, Channel Unavailable in Assignment Procedure)] +[Failed Assignments (First Assignment, Channel Unavailable in Directed Retry Procedure)] +[Failed Assignments (Reconnection to Old Channels, Channel Unavailable in Assignment)] +[Failed Assignments (Reconnection to Old Channels, Channel Unavailable in Directed Retry)]

Assignment Requests CA310:CELL_ASS_REQ This measurement provides all the assignment requests received by the BSC. Detail Formula:
=[Assignment Requests (Signaling Channel)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHF Only)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHH Only)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHF Preferred, Channel Type Unchangeable)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHH Preferred, Channel Type Unchangeable)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHF or TCHH, Channel Type Unchangeable)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHF Preferred, Channel Type Changeable)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHH Preferred, Channel Type Changeable)] +[Assignment Requests (TCHF or TCHH, Channel Type Changeable)]

Handover Requests (Direct Retry) Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (Directed Retry) + Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests per Cell (Directed Retry) This measurement is triggered when the BSC initiates a directed retry procedure.
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Detail Formula:


SDCCH Congestion (including reattempt)

Definition: SDCCH Congestion (including reattempt) Formula: Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH/SDCCH Seizure Requests Measurement point: Figure 10: Immediate Assignment Procedure

Start Measurement Point C. Existing Formula SDCCH Congestion (%) (including reattempt) =(CLSDCCH.CCONGS+CLSDCCHO.CCONGSSUB)*100/CLSDCCH.CCALLS CCONGS: Congestion counter for underlaid subcell. Stepped per congested allocation attempt. The counter for overlaid subcell is CCONGSSUB. The SDCCH congestion counters are incremented when an allocation attempt in a resource type fails due to no idle channels. CCALLS: Channel allocation attempt counter (on SDCCH). The allocation attempt counters are incremented at every attempt to allocate an SDCCH in a resource type in the cell, regardless of whether the allocation succeeded or failed.
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Allocation attempts are made at signalling connection setup, at handover and at assignment. Huawei Formula detail SDCCH Congestion (%) =100* Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH/ SDCCH Seizure Requests =100* K3001/ K3000 Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH K3001:CELL_KPI_SD_CONGEST In the immediate assignment procedure, when the SDCCH is requested but the cell has no SDCCH available, the BSC measures the counter. Detail Formula:
= [Failed Channel Assignments due to Busy or Not Configured Channels in Immediate Assignment Procedure (SDCCH)] + [Failed Internal Intra-Cell Handovers (Channel Unavailable) (SDCCH)] + [Failed Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handovers (Channel Unavailable) (SDCCH)] + [Failed Incoming External Inter-Cell Handovers (Channel Unavailable) (SDCCH)]

SDCCH Seizure Requests K3000:CELL_KPI_SD_REQ In the immediate assignment procedure, the BSC receives the CHANNEL REQUIRED message from the BTS and measures this counter if the required channel is the SDCCH. Detail Formula:
= [Channel Assignment Requests in Immediate Assignment Procedure (SDCCH)] +[Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH)] +[Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (900/850-900/850)] +[Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (1800/1900-900/850)] +[Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (900/850-900/850)] +[Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (1800/1900-1800/1900)] +[Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (900/850-1800/1900)] +[Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (1800/1900-900/850)]


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7. Paging Success Rate %

Definition: Paging Success Rate Formula: All paging response from A interface / First paging request time Figure 7. Paging Procedure:

8. Random Access Success Rate %

Definition: Random access success rate. Formula: Immediate Assignment Command /Channel Requests Figure 6: Channel Request

RACCH received at Measurement point A.

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Existing Formula Random Access Success Rate (%) = RANDOMACC.CNROCNT*100/ (RANDOMACC.CNROCNT + RANDOMACC.RAACCFA) CNROCNT: Counter for all accepted random accesses that means all except failed random accesses. RAACCFA: The failed random access counter (RAACCFA) is incremented for a Random access received with too high TA, values that are not used or in case of "software file congestion". Huawei Formula Random Access Success Rate (%) =100* Channel Requests (Circuit Service)/(Channel Requests (Circuit Service) + Channel Requests (Protocol Incompatible)) = CA300J / (CA300J + A300K) Channel Requests (Circuit Service) CA300J:CELL_IMM_ASS_REQ This measurement provides the channel requests from all circuit services for multiple causes. The BSC measures this counter when receiving the CHANNEL REQUIRED message from the BTS. Detail Formula:
= [Channel Requests (MOC)] + [Channel Requests (MTC)] + [Channel Requests (Emergency Call)] + [Channel Requests (Call Re-establishment)] + [ Channel Requests (Location Updating)]

Channel Requests (Protocol Incompatible) A300K:CELL_CH_REQ_PROTOCOL_INCOMPATIBLE To obtain the service from the network, an MS sends a CHAN REQ message on the RACH. After receiving this message, the BTS sends a CHAN RQD message to the BSC for a dedicated channel. The access cause of channel requests for this counter is that the protocol is incompatible.


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9. PDCH Allocation Success Rate (%)

Definition: PDCH Allocation Success Rate(%) Formula: 1- Number of packet channel allocation failures / Number of packet channel allocation attempts Existing Formula PDCH Allocation Success Rate (%) = (1 - CELLGPRS.PCHALLFAIL/CELLGPRS.PCHALLATT)*100 PCHALLFAIL: Number of packet channel allocation failures. The counter value is incremented when a PDCH allocation request is done and there are no channels available in the cell to be allocated for PDCHs. PCHALLATT: Number of packet channel allocation attempts. Packet Channel Allocation Attempt per cell (PCHALLATT). The counter value is incremented at each request to allocate PDCHs in the cell. No request to allocate PDCHs is done if there are no unblocked traffic channels in the cell. Huawei Formula detail PDCH Allocation Success Rate (%) = 100* Number of Successful Uplink Assignments/ Number of Uplink Assignments = 100* A9502/ A9501 Number of Successful Uplink Assignments A9502: SUCC_UPLINK_ASS This measurement provides the number of successful uplink assignments in a granularity period. Successful assignment means that the BSC receives the uplink data block or single block. Number of Uplink Assignments A9501: UPLINK_ASS This measurement provides the number of uplink assignments in a granularity period. Upon receipt of the PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST from the RACH, the BSC sends a PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT message on the CCCH. Figure 6B: Request and Successful PDCH Allocation




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TBF Establishment Success Rate (%)

Definition: TBF Establishment Success Rate (%) Formula: The number of Downlink TBF successful establishment / The number of Downlink TBF establishment Attempts Existing Formula TBF Establishment Success Rate (%) = (1CELLGPRS.FAILDLTBFEST/CELLGPRS.DLTBFEST)*100 FAILDLTBFEST: The total number of attempts to establish a downlink TBF that resulted in a failure due to lack of resources. DLTBFEST: The total number of attempts to establish a downlink TBF. The counter DLTBFEST counts the number of both successful DL TBF establishment attempts (either via CCCH, PACCH or PCCCH). Huawei Formula detail TBF Establishment Success Rate (%) =100 * (1- ((Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel + Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel) / (Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts+ Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts))) =100*(1- ((A9103+ A9303)/( A9101+ A9301))) Number of Failed Downlink GPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel A9103: DOWN_GPRS_TBF_ESTB_FAIL_NO_CHAN_RESP This measurement provides the number of failed downlink GPRS TBF establishments due to no channel in a granularity period. Number of Failed Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishments due to No Channel A9303: DOWN_EGPRS_TBF_ESTB_FAIL_NO_CHAN_RES This measurement provides the number of failed downlink EGPRS TBF establishments due to no channel in a granularity period. Number of Downlink GPRS TBF Establishment Attempts A9101: DOWN_GPRS_TBF_ESTB_ATMP This measurement provides the number of downlink GPRS TBF establishment attempts in a granularity period.
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Number of Downlink EGPRS TBF Establishment Attempts A9301: DOWN_EGPRS_TBF_ESTB_ATMP This measurement provides the number of downlink EGPRS TBF establishment attempts in a granularity period. Note: Allocation of more resources is mainly the solution for the improvement of this KPI.

11. PDP Context Activation Success Rate (%)

Definition: PDP Context Activation Success Rate (%) Formula: Successful times of PDP Context Activation / Requests of PDP Context Activation *100

Figure 8. Reasons for PDP Context Activation Failures.

If the PDP context set up time is larger than 20 second or a failure during the set up, the PDP context set up is considered to be failed. Set up time = the time between the first "Channel request" and "PDP activation accept". Exclusion cases: For PDP activation procedure: 1) No "missing or unknown APN" cause failure, 2) No "unknown PDP address or PDP type" cause failure, 3) No user authentication cause failed, 4) Service option are all supported,
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5) Requested service option has been subscribed, 6) Error of HLR Subscribed Data is excluded, 7) At low traffic conditions and excludes blocked calls due to insufficient traffic channel or poor air interface quality. 8) Excludes all failure caused by bugs of mobile stations. For Attach Procedure: 1) No GPRS service not allowed, 2) Authorized subscriber and Subscribed Data is accurate, 3) The failure with the cause of "Illegal MS" is not caused by network and therefore need be excluded. 4) Roaming is allowed 5) At low traffic conditions and excludes blocked calls due to insufficient traffic channel or poor air interface quality. 6) Excludes all failure caused by bugs of mobile stations or SIM. 7) SS7 route data is correct on all the SS7 Node equipment. 8) SS7 bearing network provide stable service. This KPI is measured by the core network(SGSN).


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Proposal for SDCCH drop Rate

Definition: SDCCH call drop rate Formula: Call Drops on SDCCH/Successful SDCCH Seizures Figure1: Immediate assignment measurement procedure

Successful SDCCH seizures are measured at point C. Existing Vendor Formula SDCCH DROP Rate (%) = (CLSDCCH.CNDROP-CLSDCCH.CNRELCONG)*100 / CLSDCCH.CMSESTAB (CNDROP CNRELCONG): The total number of dropped SDCCH channels in a cell excluding drops due to radio resource congestion that is when there is congestion on TCH or congestion on transcoder resources. CMSESTAB: Successful MS establishment on SDCCH. Huawei Formula =100* Call Drops on SDCCH (Call Type) / Call Setup Indications (SDCCH) (Circuit Service) = 100* CM30C/ CA3030J


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Call Drops on SDCCH (Call Type) CM30C:CELL_SD_CALL_DROPS_CALL This counter measures the call drops on the SDCCH in a cell. The causes for the call drops include the following: The air interface is faulty. No MRs from the MS is received for a long time. The Abis interface is faulty. The equipment is faulty. The handover is performed forcibly. Detail Formula:
= Call drops on radio interface (SDCCH )(call type) + Call drops due to other causes received on SDCCH in stable state (call initiation)(SDCCH) + Call drops due to other causes received on SDCCH in stable state (paging response)(SDCCH) + Call drops due to other causes received on SDCCH in stable state (call re-establishment)(SDCCH) + Call drops due to other causes received on SDCCH in stable state (emergency call)(SDCCH)

Call Setup Indications (SDCCH) (Circuit Service) CA3030J:CELL_IMM_ASS_SUCC_SD This measurement provides the indications of call setup on SDCCH for the circuit service. Detail Formula:
= [Call Setup Indications (MOC Non SMS) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (MOC SMS) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (MTC) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (emergency Call) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (Call Re-establishment) (SDCCH) ] + [Call Setup Indications (Location Updating) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (IMSI detach) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (SS) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (Location Updating) (SDCCH)] + [Call Setup Indications (Others) (SDCCH)]

If this KPI is acceptable, FAC value shall be decided after GP provide existing statistics for the related counters.


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Appendix for KPI Formula

Security level

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