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Understanding Self-Realization

A. What Is The Problem?

1. 2.

Limitation Of Science Limitation Of Mind

B. How Things Are As They Are?

3. 4. 5. 6.

Mind As It Exists Soul As It Exists Direct Perception As It Exists Truth As It IS

C. Where Are We?

Your Life Going As Per Your Deepest Desire 8. True Prayer 9. Real And Abstract Worlds 10. Accepting You As You Are 11. A Long Journey 12. Real Life Journey As It Is 13. Why We Accept Our Sufferings

D. What Could Be Next Steps?

Three Basic Requirements For Stunning Performance 15. Experiencing Positive Spiral In Ones Life 16. Four Simple Steps To Self-Realization

Limitation of Science

Questioner: Can existence of the GOD be proved? Guru: It is possible for anyone to know that GOD only exists and nothing else. But No one can prove existence of the GOD to anyone else.

Questioner: Not sure I am getting it. Guru: He brought an empty class box that contained nothing (not even air). This box contains nothing. Can you prove that this box contains nothing?

Questioner: Oh yes. I can. Guru: Go ahead and prove that this box contains nothing.

Questioner: I can prove by the mathematical principle called Proof by contradiction. Guru: Go ahead explain your proof.

Questioner: We have several technics in sciences, by which you can come to know whether a known element or material exists in this box. One can run all the experiments with this box, and come to know none of the known material exists in this box. Since we

can prove that no known material exists, by principle proof by contradiction, we can conclude that nothing is present in the box. Guru: So youre essentially saying we can prove none of the known material present in the box. But that does not say, anything about any material that exists but not yet discovered by science.

Questioner: What you are trying to say. Guru: I am saying you can only conclude that known material or thing but not about presence/absence of unknown material or thing. Thus you can never conclude about the nothingness of box.

Questioner: May be one day, Science will discover all the materials that exist; at that point this proof can be established. Guru: That could never happen. I can assure that such day will never come in the future.

Questioner: How can you make that level of assertive statement? Guru: Can you explain me when a new material is discovered, how it is discovered?

Questioner: Science discover some unique property of this material and by contrasting that with all other materials, it discovers the new material. Guru: How a new property is detected? Questioner: Through experiments, through some instrument it is detected. Guru: So you mean, as a new material as discovered, it goes along with the fact making of some new instruments that has ability detect some new property.

Questioner: Yes. Guru: Great. Can you briefly explain the basis of how any property is measured or detected by any given instrument?

Questioner: Basis of any instrument is that it has unique ability of measuring some aspect of the new material. Guru: Any measurement happens against some reference, is this not always true?

Questioner: Yes, it is always that way. Against some reference only you create contrast and distinction and thus measure. Guru: Great. You have now come to the root. Questioner: What? Guru: That any measurement really depends on the reference, against which contrast can be made and measured. Now, what happens to any instrument when reference becomes same as that of being measured? Questioner: At this point, no instrument can measure anything, because no contrast can be made in any aspects. Guru: That is the limiting point of any instrument that would ever be discovered by science, and that is the limitation of any material that science would ever discover. Questioner: I see your point, what you are finally trying to point out here. Guru: As result of this limitation, science can never make any conclusion of ultimate reference, which is emptiness or nothingness. I mean it cannot say anything about this emptiness. Thus you cannot prove (in scientific terms), that there is nothing in this empty box in front of you.

Questioner: Yes, I agree with you. I cannot prove the emptiness or nothingness of this box. But how this is related my original question. Guru: They are directly related to each other. There is no place in this universe in which GOD does not exist. GOD, Universal soul, emptiness, nothingness, or awareness all are in essentially synonyms. All of them are pointing to same timeless reality. So if you cannot prove nothingness of this empty box, you cannot prove existence of GOD (in scientific basis).....That does not mean nothingness does not exists, but it can never be proved by science.

Questioner: I fully understand that limitation of science. Then how come you came to know of GOD. Guru: Not only myself, you can also come to know of it. Questioner: How? Guru: Do you know that you exist here and now? Questioner: Yes, off course. Guru: At the root of yourself, you are nothing but that nothingness. In the same way as intuitively as you know that you exist, you can come to know of your existence as nothingness, if you attempt some of things that were done by many of the people who have come to know of this timeless truth that all the times of history. When you actually come to know, you will also understand that what you came to know cannot be proved to anyone else, all the above discussion we had is the explanation why so.


Limitation of Mind
Questioner : How does one can purify his mind? Guru : What is problem you are facing with your mind?

Q: While my mind does fantastic job while I solve tecnical problems. It is almost failing me when it comes to life problems and the problem related to my relations with others. Here it seems to completely fail and as time goes, it lossing the confidence of solving any of my life problems, thus leading to frustrated and stress full life. As my age goes up, I feel my mind has become more and more dirtier and leading more and more stress filled life. Tried so many things to refine it or make it better, but nothing seems to help here. So this qustion on how to purify the mind?

G: Yes, it is true when it comes to solving tecnological problems from simple to high complicated like sending making a ship to sail through millions of miles, making rockets to lauch satelites in the space, human mind is working so perfectly to solve the probem with so many innovation and inventions. And the same mind when it comes to solve life problems or problems form human relations, utterly fails....... Q: This always puzzles me. Once side I am so proud that I having been given so much intellegence to right solve this type of problem, and other side the same mind is utterly failing. Why?

G: The answer to this puzzle is very simple. It is amount of freedom that mind has to solve the problem. When it comes to technical problems, we leave the mind with full freedom to solve it. So it does the job so beatifully without encoutnering any limitations to deal with. Q: Is it not same freedom available to it, while it is solving the life problems?

G: No. Not at all. and that is the root cause of the problem your looking at. and giving that freedom to the mind is the real answer to your question on how to purify the mind.

Q: I don't understand this. I alway feel that I am free to solve it any problem be it technical or personal

G: We need to go little deeper to understand why your mind is not free to solve the life problems. Did you rember the things we discussed on automating abilty of mind when things are repeatatively carried out. The capacity of mind to automatically analyse the event, and the probelm that is going on infront of it, at any given point in life and suggestion solutions or way to respond almost so spontaneouly as the problem is occurring? Q: Yes and also understand that an important capability of human mind without which even simpel action of taking a glass of water and drinking will be so conciouness focussed and difficult to live the life.

G: Yes. As the mind solves these problems this way, it takes into account of all the things one strongly believes in, the things one likes, the things one dislikes, the things one fears about, the the things one desires about, the things one bliefs to be right, the things one beliefs to be wrong, all the things one blieves to be of high values, the things one should do or should not....etc. All these things acts as constraints, that need to be taken care of while solving the problem. All these things together binds the mind, or completely restrict the mind while it is trying to solve or deal with the life situation that is going on infront of it. Or in other words, all these are considered as part of the event, as it tries to resolve the problem, thus it is not free at all to see the event, as event to solve the same. Or in other words problems could not seen cleary by the mind and it is blurred and colored completely by these personal constraints that put on the mind. This leads to many problems...like seeing problem when it is not there at all...or seeing problem which completely extraploated in different scales than it actually is. Thus mind is not able to see the problem as it actully is. In a way it is completely blinded in its observations. Thus leading to point where it is almost fails to sole such problems all the time and even when the problem is repeateded happening. Thus leading to frustrated life that you are leading now. Q: What is the solution?

G: If you have understood the above deeper aspects that is going within the mind as pointed above, then solution to solve the root cause of your stress or frustrated life, should be obvious to you now. Q: Do you mean make my mind free by dropping or removing all those constraints?

G: Yes, after dropping all of them, then see how it approaches any life problem. You will see how beatifully it resolves.....rather you would be amazed that very mind you are frustrated with, becomes so transparent and pure, that it is able to see the things as it exists, and response to them, so perectly to meet event, and resolves them. You will also see, non of the problem will be repeated, and every problem is solved so completely. Q: Even though what you say really attaks the root cause of the problem and is obviously so exiting and so meanifull to do. Is it possible for one to drop all those constraints you pointed out.

G: Yes. It is possible. Q: I have so many things that I like or dislike, I have so many bliefs and disbliefs, I have so many things about which I feel good and bad, if I start listing them, list will never end. How it is possible to drop all of them, more particularly things I value the most in my life. Without of all of these, I will be like like lazzy person with no interest in life at all. I will loose all interests and excitements of setting goals and meeting....almos man with no motivation at all........I feel so because these things I hold and drives my life, right from the time I get up in the mornign to sleep, from my child hood to till date, so many decades, I have been living this way only. Given all these, how it is possible for comman person like myself to drop all these and yet lead intersting life?

G: All your motivating things like values, likes and dislikes, even though looks like so many, all them are essentially coming from two things. One is desire and other is fear. So the real thing you need to drop is the thing that causes you to desire some thing or fear some thing. This particular thing, that causes both of these, is all you need to drop. Q:What is that one thing that is ultimate root cause which give rises to flowering of desires or fears?

G: The fact that you don't know who you are? Because you don't know who you really are?, you believe yourself to be simple pershiable thing that has taken birth at some point of time and will eventually die at some point of time. Q: Who I am really then?

G: Answer to this question can not be obtained through words? Even if I tell you who really you are? and Even if you believe it, it will not help you to drop your desires and fears. Q: Then what is the way out.

G: You find do the things you feel you need to do, to find out yourself. Q: Is there no other way to solve the problem fully.

G: Is that not obvious to you, how can you expect to purify the mind, or free the mind, without droping the desires/fears that you yourself have possed on it. How can you expect to drop them without getting enourmous real courage to do that ? How can you get such level of courage which takes to fearless life without knowing who are you really ? You have so much intellegence with you, think yourself and see the obvious way to move forward. Q: I agree, I see the way to best way to solve this life long problem once for all and I also see that I have to solve it myself. Thank you for pointing it out so beatifully.

G: GOD Bless you.


The Mind As It is Existing

Before we can look into how mind is existing and functioning, Let us look at some basic aspects of mind that every one of us experience in our day to day life. How mind sense any given thing? This is simple and straight forward question for which all of us know the answer, mind senses through our five sense organs (Eye, tongue, ear, skin and nose). All of these are instruments that are sensing some specific type information, processing it and finally presenting to the mind. All the sensors almost working all the time, irrespective of the fact whether mind is looking for it or not. What is thinking? Thinking basically refers to the thought and analysis process through thoughts. It is also going on all the time in our mind, just like, seen is coming to our mind all the time when our eyes are open irrespective of the fact whether mind is looking at it or not. As discussed in conditioning of mind, this thinking is happening by itself or in other words mind has ability to keep the thinking going on automatically by itself. What is Attention? To the mind, images all that we see through our eyes, all the sounds that we hear through our ears, all the sensations that we sense through this body skin, all the smells that is sensed through our nose, all the tastes that we sense through our tongue, all the thinking that is going on within our mind, are presented to the mind. Off all these various incoming things, some thing or some part only is under focus at any given point of time. For example, when we hear a person talking, sometime focus is on what other person is talking so we clearly listen to him and register what is being talked. During this,

sometime the focus shifts to what thinking is going on inside, at this point of time we don't register what the person is talking, we when recognize this, we say, sorry I missed what you said, as I was thinking on something, can you please repeat? This experience all of us go through. At this point, the sound of other person talk is received by our ear and it presented to mind, but hearing within the mind does not happen, as focus is on the thinking at that is going on inside the mind, so we don't hear the talking sound received in the mind. Same thing true with things we see, many seens are going into our mind through eyes, but only some seens are actually seen or registered in our mind, the things that are really seen or the seens that have been focused upon. This ability to focus on selected part so things from all the things that are coming from all sensors, is what is called as Attention. When one observes this attention of some time, one can know that, this attention keeps shifting form one sensation to another sensation, one observation to another observation continuously. That informations that are under attention are the ones, to which response happens. For example when one listens to someone talking, if it was under attention, it is heared and appropriate action is generated. So in a way, it is attention that gives the connection between what one senses and what response needs to be happening. Thus attention is core aspect of the mind.

What is conscious thinking? As mentioned above thinking going on all the time in our mind. When the attention is focused on the thinking that is currently going on, then it is called as conscious thinking. All the time, when we feel we are having discussion / analysis within our mind, those thinking is conscious thinking, because during this time, attention is fully on the thoughts that are coming and going. What is sub-conscious thinking? : The thinking is going on without the attention, is referred as sub-conscious thinking. Many time this also referred as subconscious mind. During this time also thoughts and analysis are going on in the background, but there is no conscious attention to them. Here the thinking is going by itself automatically as the seen from eyes are processed and brought mind, whether attention is given to it or not. What is Witness? An aspect of mind, that gives knowing quality to the mind. Gives clear feeling that I am hear and watching all the things that are going in my mind. When you know attention is shifting form one to another, it is witness that notices this.

The way mind is functioning Of all the above aspects, Sensors are grossest aspect, and then comes thinking, then attention and then Witness. It is witness that enables functioning of attention, Attention enables responses based on the information from all sensors and the appropriate choices observed through thinking, so the core aspect of mind functioning, it is witness, then attention that arises from Witness. Witness/Attention is what gives rise to the inner feeling that I am living here, I can focus on the things on by my choice, I can shift the focus/attention from seen, to song, to thinking etc. at my will. Or in other words what I focus and act upon is at my choice and at my freedom, thus making mind to function coherently and in an integrated manner and at the same time maintaining freedom of the person to act on his own choice. Here nature of functioning of mind, the most important thing to take note is nature of Witness/Attention aspect as it is core of the minds functioning, without which nothing can be registered as event in our mind and as result no appropriate responses to anything sensed by this body. Without with the situation is like all informations are coming to mind, but mind not able to processes them. The situation is like having computer where power supply, mother board, memory, program, keyboard, mouse, speaker and display screen all are working and but there is no CPU (central processing unit) to process them and make appropriate response on the all the inputs received. What is the nature of Witness and Attention? When we wake-up from deep sleep, at the moments of waking up, it is witness that arises first, along with arises consciousness (knowing quality of mind, the feeling of being aware), then arises attention, then arises the feeling that I am and so and so and just waking up from sleep at this moment here....All these things happens so fast, to us it looks it all happens simultaneously. Then wake-up day life, where attention shift from one sensation to other or from one observation to other, making appropriate the all events observed. To most of us never attempted to differentiate all these aspects of the mind, the witness, attention, sensations, thinking, and responses from the mind. As result all of these aspects seem to look like one thing and that is what generally refers by the word mind, even though there are clear separations in terms of their function, dependency and independency. All these different aspects of the mind can be directly and clearly observable to anyone. Only difficult aspect to observe is the presence of witness from normal day to life experience. Here few times of mediation helps to understand the fact on the presence of witness at the core of the mind.

In attempting meditation experience, one is really shutting down all sensations and thinking, so that one is removing all things that would attract attention, so that attention retorts backward and return to the witness, and thus one can feel the witness directly. When one goes much deeper in meditation, one can directly feel that the witness along with consciousness disappears to nothingness. This is state of mind that is in Samadhi. When one finishes the meditation and tries to come out, one will feel the appearance of witness along with consciousness, then slowly attention starts to act, then slowly all other functions of mind. When one attempts deeper mediation for over long period of time, slowly one will start realizing the following truth, (or in other words reality ones existence) At the core of the mind, it is witness that enables knowing quality, is not permanent aspect of mind, it arises from voidness, emptiness or in other words awareness and it dissolves back to the same. This phenomenon is happening all the days in ones life. Here emptiness does not mean empty of everything, but refers to the ultimate life source. Witness is the earliest of expression (finest form from formless source) and within mind it is felt as witness and starts enabling all the functions of mind. The source empty of every content and so it is formless, because it is formless, it does not have any boundary to it, because it does not have boundary, it exists beyond the skin lines of this body, and it present everywhere thus enabling every single life of this universe as it is enabling life in this body. On realizing this truth, Mind as it exists and as it is actually operating seen with full clarity. Witness/Attention knows from where it came and to where it goes back, it knows its true home is not this body but that limitless and formless source and it true nature is the nature of that timeless and space less source. Thus it is no attached or can be bounded or binded or blinded by anything (seens, objects, thoughts etc.) under its observation. Thus it feels it is a fully independent and impersonal being which is free so naturally. It comes knows, that it is independent of this observable world and while everything in this world including this body depends on it for its survival. When such self-realization happens, it also knows the relation between Witness/Attention and Voidness/Awareness/Universal being are like the relation between waves and sea. Waves come and goes (appear and disappear) all the times, while sea is always present. Voidness/Emptiness/Awareness is always present without time and space limits, while Witness/Attention come and goes (appear and disappear) all the time. Thus the feeling of "I AM here as separate being or life" melts to the limitless awareness or universal being. At this point, since inner world (world within mind) universe is seen fully in all full clarity, all that exists and functions outside the body also seen with same clarity as clearly as they actually exists. Thus the end of world of Maya, illusionary life, end to fear of death, end false belief that I am born such and such date and living in this body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

The Soul As It is Existing

This is continuation of the discussion on The Mind As It is Existing Let us look at some aspects of mind that we already discussed but in much more detail that we can connect with our experience in our day to day life. What is Consciousness? Consciousness refer field in which that we are aware of all the things that are going on within our mind like all the informations that are brought by all our five senses and the thinking that are aware and interact with. The things that happen in our sub-conscious mind are not in the field of conscious mind. Apart from the things going on in our mind, the many things that are going in our body like functioning digestion, purification of blood in lungs and in kidney etc are not also in our field of consciousness unless there is something going in them which gets reflected through our feelings of pain & discomfort. Their normal routine functions are not part of consciousness we are not aware of them. What is Awareness? As discussed earlier Witness is the place from where attention arises in our mind. Even though most of the time this Witness and attention are present in our mind, they are not there for 100% the time. There many times they are not there. The best experience that everyone has to know this fact is time in which we are in deep sleep state. During this time, both witness and attention are absent in our mind. If it is there some time and if it not there some other time, then out of this fact/observation, An obvious question of from where this witness comes in to action or play? The answer to this question cannot be known unless one goes through experience of Meditation or states of mind which takes us to meditative experience like complete silence or pure listening to a beautiful music or complete/total involvement any activities like drawing or dancing etc as we discussed in the topic on state of mind in meditation. These are some common experience one can get connected to. If Mediation looks to be heavy word or concept, just by trying to spend time regularly in total silence without any

disturbance, will give the experience that is required here to get answer to this question for any one. This meditative experience will reveal the answer that witness arises from Awareness and dissolves back to Awareness. Or simply Awareness is the source from which witness arise and get dissolved back to it. When one is deep sleep, all that is present in ones mind is pure Awareness. It is common experience for any one is that however deep sleep one gets into, when someone calls the person, the person is able to recognize call and can wake up from that deep sleep. The Pure Awareness that is present in deep sleep, comes to aware of this call and make the witness to arise and all the actions and recognition follows leading the waking up or getting up of the person. In simple terms of one wants to understand what awareness is, it somewhat one experience when one is in total/complete silence in their mind. Now the next question will come is that does awareness present only in silence or only in deep sleep timings, the answer is no. It is the only thing that is present all the time in our mind. It is the foundation on which our mind operates. When we listen to music, background silence that is required to recognize the fine and finer rhythms of music is given by this awareness. Same way, the back ground silence that is need to recognize our thoughts are given by it, and it goes onIt is the background and basic reference very thing is felt and recognized by our mind. If it is not there, our mind cannot function at all. So there is no point in time, it is absent. Thus it is much more real and permanent that witness, attention, consciousness, thinking, all sensations, emotions. All these come and go but Awareness never come and never go, as it is always there, the only thing that guaranteed to be there all the time is this Awareness. But it is rarely noticed at all. How Awareness is functioning? The real answer to this question is it does not do anything at all but enables everything. It is in stillness and is always in stillness without any moment of what so ever at all. But it enables everything in our mind. Because it is motionless, it enables motion. Because it is thought less, it enables thinking. Because it is total silence, it enables sounds. And the list goes on. It is the real source of all that we can observe directly but it itself cannot be observed at all. This is simple reason why it is rarely noticed. How Awareness enables all other functions? Answer this question is a puzzle or mystery, but through experience one can really see through this mystery. So let us focus on more what all we can observe through our direct experiences to finally get to the answer to this mystery. First thing to understand is how witness and attention are doing in our mind, and why it is doing what it is doing. This bit straight forward to understand. This connected to how

learning happens in our mind and how learned things are taken to subconscious level for any repetitive use.

We discussed this in detail on the topic of how mind gets conditioned and on the beautiful capacity of the mind to do things by itself without conscious involvement from our side. In short, anything we do it for the first time, we become more clearly conscious and we do with total attention on what we do, recall the experience we discussed on how we learn to drive car. After good time on learning the driving, we get confidence on driving the car without conscious attention to that activity, with little more time, we do the car driving so automatically. At the start of the learning, the activity is fully a conscious activity with full attention on it. At the point time when we get ability drive so automatically, it becomes unconscious or sub-conscious activity, because after good experience, mind is capable of doing it itself, without requiring attention from us. So the activity itself goes to the subconscious level. All we need to know where to go and what is route to take, rest is taken care in the subconscious level. This we call in otherworlds automating capacity of mind. Or in other words, during such driving, the driver (attention and controlling aspect of mind), vanishes, the activity goes by itself.

The same thing is true for dancer who has practiced so well before the performance, in the stage when he dances, the dancer vanishes. Actually the dance performance reaches perfection and real beauty only when dancer vanishes and when dance alone is going on. The same is true for performance of musician, performance of artists, etc. Every such great performance is happening only when the performer vanishes. Another easy example that any common person can understand is the experience of listening.

Question here is how we normally listen and what is pure or real listening. When we normally listens, the listener is fully active, the listener is one who tries to understand what he is listening to, who tries to validate the listened point with what he already knows, one who accepts what is being listened or one who rejects it, All these are referred as listener, actually it refers to the attention which tries to guide through listening process. So essentially listener is combination of attention and thinking, which together tries to control the activity of listening. Actual listening or true listening or listening to the perfection of an any artist performance can happen only when this listener is totally absent. When the listener vanishes, only listening exists, it reaches its perfection. Recall the discussion on why when mind does technical work it out performance while in all other life activity it is awkwardly failing and the reason mentioned about the level of freedom mind has to perform or solve a problem. From that context it is so obvious why, when the listener (controller or checker) is absent mind reaches perfection in is listening activity and so with every other activity. Now let us come back to the original question on the mystery of how Awareness enables all other actions, now that we clearly understand, the actor (listener, dancer driver etc) is essentially, combination of witness, attention and thinking is absent for performance reaches its perfection. What is left out in ones mind, when witness, attention and thinking absent, is nothing but Awareness alone. We already discussed in detail how this awareness is core foundation or reference to all minds functions, observations and sensations. Thus all the actions that are going on when the actor vanishes are enabled and executed by Awareness, and thus it reaches it maximum performance, as this point, there is no division between Awareness, mind, and the body, all gets synchronized and acts as one, without any friction or control from the actor. In simple terms, when actor vanishes, mind reaches its state of perfection as it has infinite freedom to act as it needs act, and it is free of all friction, conflict or divisions, thus

leading the state when Awareness, Mind and body are in sync with each other, thus anything that is performed reaches perfection by itself. Can life as whole be led by Awareness? Yes. Absolutely. When it can do all the activates as pointed out earlier, why it can lead the life by itself? In this situation the life itself reaches it is perfection or completeness. When this happens, the actor vanishes forever without return. It is possible to reach this state only when things that are trying to control life are dropped, as we saw clearly complete freedom is essential for any performance to reach its perfection. When it comes to life, the same thing needs to happen. With little self-reflection, one can clearly see it is our desires/fears that tries to control the life as whole, when these are completely dropped, then the actor who is controlling the life will vanish, leading to the point where Awareness takes care of life, or in other words, Awareness, Mind and body unification take care of the life, and life that we are living reaches its perfection. What is Soul? Awareness is Soul. Soul is Awareness. When actor vanishes, it is the soul that gets freed totally, leading to the state of TRINITY, Where Soul, Mind and Body reaches complete synchronization and reaches the state of perfection in all that is doing. At this point we have understanding that it is desires and fears that are the core things which blocking our way to perfection in our life. So until desires/fears are dropped, Actor (controller) cannot vanish, blocking our way to perfection. Desire is problem even it is as good desire as to reach GOD. Fear is problem even if it so legitimate as to save the life in this body. Thus every single desire/fear has to be dropped. When they are dropped soul is totally free and in this state, state of TRINITY, becomes so natural one, and he life becomes perfect so naturally, so effortlessly. State of life in perfection is not reserved for just some one, it can come to anyone, at any time when ones he is ready to drop the all his/her desires and fears. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Direct Perception As It is Existing

This is a continuation of the discussion on The Mind As It is Existing and The Soul As It is Exists. Let us look have quick look at the presence and absence of actor to set the context to take the discussion to what it means by Direct Perception. In the context of Actor that we had discussed let us have re-look at the listener.

As discussed earlier the listener is one who tries to understand what he is listening to, who tries to validate the listened point with what he already knows, one who accepts what is being listened or one who rejects it, All these are referred as listener. Actual listening or true listening or listening can happen only when this listener is totally absent. When the listener vanishes, only listening exists, it reaches its perfection. Who is Perceiver? By now we have clear understanding on who is listener in the action of listening, who is driver in the action of driving, who is dancer in the action of dancing, who is writer in the action of writing, who is speaker in the action of speaking, who is drawer in the action of drawing etc etc. Now the most important question is to understand who is perceiver of life in the action of living? And how he is playing his role which is similar to the above listener, driver, dancer, writer, speaker, drawer etc. Other important question that we need to understand how this perceiver in the action of perception and how it is related to the title of this article of Direction perception?

The perceiver is playing the same role as played by every actor that we understand now, with the action of perception.

To understand this bit more clearly let us take example of what is happening when we observe (=perceive) something. For example what is happening inside us when we look at beautiful hill and when we are closing watching a tree? First few seconds goes by the fact that we are lost in the beauty of the tree we are looking, but soon, attention and thinking starts with an attempt to understand what this tree, what is the name of this tree, what is the use of this tree etc ..soon these process goes into judgments how good this tree for us? How use full this tree to this world and the process of comparison of this tree with other trees etc.All these are going essentially because of an attempt to understand what is being observed in relation with the observer(=perceiver=attention, thinking, and memory) is doing this. This observer is what is called perceiver in the general sense with all the perceptions, whether what we perceive is simply watching something, or listening something, or life as whole on how it is now at this moment. In this example watching of beautiful tree and perception of its beauty is lost moment the perceiver comes to play. As with all other actors we discussed about, the watching beautify and its perfection gets lost the moment perceiver comes into play. Thus watching the beauty of mountain, sea, forest or any other thing that we watch, cannot reach its perfection and thus we cannot see the beauty as it exists and is completely corrupted by the interference of the perceiver. The same thing is true with all we do in our life. When we meet an person, the action of perceiver is in full swing, thus we cannot see the person clearly as he truly is, we cannot listen what he truly saying in this moment, thus we totally see person who is not actually as he is now in front of us.The same thing is happening all the persons we interact with, it does not matter how close our relation with him or how distant it is in terms of relation. This world that we perceive is all filled with persons only, so when we cannot see one person as he exists in front of us clearly, we cannot also perceive this world as it is existing. As result this entire process, we create imaginary persons in our mind, and we deal with them all the time. As result eventually we create imaginary world in our mind, and we are living in it all the time. As result over all we cannot see anything as it exists right in front of us. So this life that we are living in our mind, is imaginary life or maha maya. All the problems that we are continuously solving are the problems of this imaginary world in our mind, if not all, most of the problems (99%) are not real problem. So we struggle, so we are restlessly running from one place to other, and thus our life is filled with sufferings.

What is direct perception?

Now it very easy to understand what is direct perception. Answer is simple, all that we can perceive without the presence of perceiver (actor in the action of perception, attention, thinking, memory play in attempt to understand what is being perceived.) is direct perception.

When this perceiver disappears, and only perception goes on, then the act of perception reaches its perfection, in that action, still memory and thinking is used but totally and completely in different way, one might not even feel that these things are going on, they all go on at the subconscious level as we discussed with the driving without driver. So here we need to understand this clearly that what need to be understood in the action perception will happen so spontaneously and automatically. If some understanding need to happen through some thinking and memory that will happen by itself without the conscious presence of perceiver. So this perception without perceiver is completely intelligence action and perfect action by itself without need any external guidance or control from the any secondary aspect like the perceiver. Unless one understand this very clearly as we saw in the case of driver and dancer etc, one cannot reach this state of perceiving without perceiver. When that happens, is the direct perception. When the whole life goes in this state of direct perception, then we start seeing things as they truly exists as result we see this world as it actually existing and functioning, in that seeing, the illusionary mind and the life of maya comes to its end. Actor in any form cannot survive in this mind, which has its purity in all actions of lifelife itself reaches its ultimately perfection in this state of direct perception. One might tempt to ask, is there no problem exist in this world as it exists .Answer is very simple there are, but they are seen as it exists in its original scale without any zooming in or zooming out.problems seen as it exactly as it comes and resolved to the level it need to be resolved..in this world no problem handled for future or of the past..only problem as it is existing right now is seen as it is and resolved as it need to be resolved by natural flow of life.from the ultimate source..as flow of river.as like how river takes turn we it sees a rock hindering its flowwithout neither fighting with rock nor with holding the flow because of rockwith least resistance to what that need to happen with least rejection to what is happening..but simply flowing.. Thus the life transforms itself, flows itself, respond itself with no residence to anythinga completely free and totally beautiful and bliss full flow.. As result suffering comes to end once for all without any possibility to return as the perceiver disappears once for all without any trace of return. To end this article.. Every one of us, Every human being now or in the past are trying to reach this state one or other way.Most of us failnot because we are not intelligent enough to solve this problem but only because we are going in the wrong direction to solve it..the wrong direction here means..we try to reach this state by solving the problems we observe in our mind, but the right way is to question the existence of the problem itself that is posed by our mindto attack mind rather than solving the problem created by mind. That is the only place we are going wrong, wasting year after year, decade after decade while the beautiful state of direct living through direct perception is waiting for all of us .all these years of our own internal struggle Do we have capacity now to see it through now?

Check it out this question yourselfGo deep.into your mind.as deep as possible..You will find the right answer that you do have that capacity now.If only you want to see and feel it now Else many years will be lost which in other hand has potential take to a bliss full life right in this physical life where in this physical world. Choice is in your hand and so is the full freedom to question everything that is being told to you by your own mind. All you need to do is to recognize the full freedom and the power that you have to fully put your own mind under your scrutiny now. Let GOD bless all of us.


Truth As It Is
Like existence of gravity field, there is a field of awareness that exists like space around us, spread over the entire universe without any beginning and ending in terms of time and space dimension without any discontinuity in any sense.

This field of awareness is the source of every thing that we perceive in this universe. Everything arise from it and dissolve back to it

Truth As It Is
Existence of this field of awareness can not be proved in scientific sense as it is the ultimate reference to every thing that exists in this universe.
But one can intuitively come to know of presence of this field of awareness in ones body as one knows very intuitively that one exists in this body.

Truth As It Is
The conscious mind that we have arise from this field, operate in it and dissolves back to it.

When one enters state of deep sleep state, his conscious mind gets disovled in to this field of awareness or in other words one merges himself with this field. This is happening every time one enters his deep sleep state but one is not aware of this truth

Truth As It Is
When one attempts true and deep meditation, one enters the same deep sleep state and merge with this field. But here one has capacity to come to know of this truth that he is merging one with this field of awareness.

As conscious mind comes into play, this field of awareness is present in our mind as background silence and one has capacity to be with it, while mind is operating in ones self

Truth As It Is
When one become one with this filed of awareness while the mind is operating. All the actions of mind goes by itself totally unconscious or unnoticed with ultimate perfection.

When one is one with this field of awareness, one goes beyond all the opposite states of normal mind and thus one does not experience the opposites like pleasure and pain

Truth As It Is

This field of Awareness is referred by many ways like Emptiness, Pure Consciousness, Choice Less Awareness, Paramathama, Universal Being, Beingness, Reality, GOD, Para Pramamam, Formless Sivan, Father as referred by Jesus, Self, True Self, The Self and The Soul.

Your Life is going as per your deepest desire

Questioner : I get a feeling that these talks about existence of GOD and his help to librate souls are just bunch of words and imaginations filled. None them seems to be true to me? Guru : Why do you say so?

Q: I have been going to temple and praying for more than 15 years now. But nothing seems to help me to get out of my sufferings. I get a feeling nothing really works. That what is leading to this feeling. G: When some thing does not work, it simply means your deepest wish is not what it outwardly looks to be.

Q : What you mean? G: I mean, my be at the deepest level, your are not wishing GOD to come into your being.

Q: I told you, I have been praying for it and visiting so many temples. Most of the time, I am in travel visiting every temples. How I can I suspect my true wish here. G: The fact it is not working indicates that actual truth.

Q: Can you help me bit more in detail? G: What we do or What we talk or What we think, all of this might not really communicate to us, what is our souls deepest wish.

Q: Then what will indicate that?

G: The quality with which the action is going on, how much your soul and every bit of blood, every bit of your breath and how deeply all this is involved in what your are doing.

Q: I don't think I am getting what your pointing out here? G: Have you talked to people who smoke a lot. If you ask them, Don't you know that smoking hurts your lungs so much and your life time will be reduced as result of it?. They will say yes, I know it. I feel sad that I am still smoking, I want to stop it but not able to etc etc etc. In this case, even though he is saying he wants to stop smoking, , even though he thinks like that, talks like that, feels bad about it, etc etc. The smoking does not stop. The reason is his deepest wish is that he enjoys somking, At deepest level, he likes it. At deepest level His real wihs is not to stop smoking. So it is goiing on. So even though words and feelings and thoughts are communicating otherway arround, smoking continues. Because in that person, His Deepest wish is to smoke and to have the enjoyment he derives from somoking. The ulimate truth is very simple, Every one's deepest wish will be granted. None of wish will be denied ever. That is level of Freedom GOD has given to every soul. GOD will not touch it any time at any cost.

Q: Now I seems to get what you are pointing out. G: If you understand this clearly, Then all you should ask your self (nonn verbally) and find out what is your deepest wish here. What is the wish deepest wish in your soul and every bit of your blood. Seek the answer and be honest, you will be revealed the truth, and the actuallity of your wish. Don't get cheated by what you talk, what you think and what you say to other and what you outwordly etc etc. All of them will be misleading you. So none of the thing, without knowing this will work, you will be simply wasting year after year........

Q: I see. G: The same think is true when people meditate for so many many years and feel that it does not work at all........In simple terms, any action without full and complete involvement of soul's deepest wish will not bring the desired effect. For example Many people meditate not with deepest wish to merge with GOD, but to improve their mind, or to get some beatiful experiences etc etc.......So they will get what they deeply wish at their soul but not merging with GOD........Many people visit temple and do prayer as some way of spending good time with good thoughts good environment to be there etc.......They will get that good time and good thughts....but that's all...not a bit more than what they deeply wish.....So watch out very clearly......What is the deepest wish of yours. What ever that is, what will be granted. It will not be denied.....But also know that not bit

more that that will be given.......Such happening will be interfernce with the freedom given to Soul by GOD.

Q: But one may be ignorant of this. G: That is one of the way mind cover ups or clouds one's one eye, one is trying to do. Purest intellegence is given to all souls equally. One always knows, what one soul's deeply wish to happen and that will happen for sure. If it is wealth, wealth will come, if it is power, power will come, if it is some social position, that socil position will come, if it is good health, good health will come, if it good mediation experience, that meditation experience will come, if it feeling of good prayer, that good feeling of prayer will come........same way if it is merging with GOD, merging with GOD will happen. Nothing will be denied now and never.

Q: All your saying is All that will happen to one's life, is actually their deepest wish at their heart. So when some thing is not happening, all one need to visit one's heart deepest layers and ask honest question of what is their real and actual wish there? G: Yes. One's one sees this through and does it all the time, One will not mislead one's self.

Q: Thank you for clarifying this question that I had so many years now. G: GOD Bless you.


Oh My Lord
You have shown me that I can not know any thing fully
Thus I can not understand anything with full clarity

Thus I can not come to know anything

Oh My Lord
So I dont know anything

I even dont know that I dont anything

So I am suffering with Illusion that I can take care of my life, by myself.

So I never came to you, thus fully trapped in Maya, the world of illusion with so much of suffering

Oh My Lord
You have shown this beautiful truth to me with limitless love for myself

Now I begging you to take myself to the state of child which completely under blissful rest with loving mother
Now You come as my mother and take care of this childs life here after for ever

Real and Abstract Worlds

Before we can look into the Real and Abstract worlds of our mind, let us look at some basic aspects/definitions that every one of us experience in our day to day life to form a platform for main discussion on this most important topic. What is word? Every word in any given language is an abstract thing in our mind that relates our mind to something that exists outside our mind in the external physical world. For example the word bicycle in our mind relates to that which is bicycle in the physical world. Here we need to understand clearly that word bicycle does not exist in external physical world but only the object that is actually bicycle exists in the physical world. Even though one can live ones life by directly using the object bicycle without having to use the word bicycle in our mind, words has enormous use in our day to day life as it is the only thing that enables thinking in our mind. Without words, there is no such thing as thinking in our mind. What is Abstract word? There are so many words in our mind that does not have any relation to anything that exists in the external physical world. For example the word Truth. The external physical world there is no such thing that exists that could be related to this word Truth. This word Truth points to an idea or concept or philosophy that is constructed within our mind using many other set of words that has meaning only in our mind. These words are Abstract words and the feelings/effects that such words creates is abstraction, mean not real, mean not having anything to do with whatever that exits in reality. This is so true, even though many times, this world actually used to point to reality. This is happening because till the point one gets realized, he has no clue of what this words ultimately points to. What is real world?

In our mind, thinking is one of the core functions. When this thinking is happening dealing only with those words that could be related to something in external physical world and without involving any of the abstract words, creates feeling of real world. For example we feel thirsty, and we ask a person who is standing by, where I can get word, he says go straight, turn left there is room, go inside that room, there is water bottle there, you can take water from that water bottle. Then we remember all he said, then go and do things conveyed through what all said and take the water to quench our thirsty. In this whole event, many actions are involved, many words are involved, many thinkings are involved, finally leading to physical action of drinking water to meet our thirsty need.

Like this we are doing so many complex thing like driving car, driving to some definite location, many problems that we face in our life are solved in very same way without involving any of the abstract words or its related thinking. Part of our life, where this type of things are going on involving our mind, memory, thinking, talking, listening, understanding, communicating, physical actions etc etc. All this put together is referred as real world. What is Abstract world? Now it is relatively easy define Abstract world. All that we do using thinking, analysis, actions, communication, listening, understanding etc. that is not part of above explained real world, is Abstract world. To make it clear, Abstract world, essentially created from the thinking we engage ourselves by involving abstract words.

The best example for this is idea that we have on the word GOD or similar words like Lord Siva, Lord Krishna Reality, Soul etc. All the thinking that we engage ourselves with these abstract words and its related ideas & concepts, analysis, and the search we are doing in our mind with these abstract words and its meanings, explanations, listening, talking and understandings using these words and concepts, all these leads to Abstract world in our mind. In our life, apart from the time, we living in the real world, rest of the time we actually live in this abstract world. It is a dark world without any light in it as none of the words in this world relate to anything that exists in the external physical world until the point time where self-realization happens in one self. Such realization is a rare event in our human life, as result most of the humanity is really living in this abstract world of darkness. Even our religious life, spiritual life, philosophical lives are happening within this abstract world of darkness until the point of self-realization. What happens in Self-Realization? While in normal life, our mind is living in both real and abstract worlds. The life in real world does never create any suffering at all. This is so because here things are seen as they exists and dealt with correctly.

The life in Abstract world is life in darkness. The word darkness used here because here one is essentially living in imaginations created by ideas from Abstract words and its related thinking. This life creates so much suffering in our life, simply because this is imagination fuelled life, in this world mind cannot see things as they exists, here ideas and concepts are treated as real things and actions are taken on that basis, so inevitably leads to suffering and mistakes all the time. This is the sole reason for suffering in our life, because Abstract world is not real world but an imaginary world in which, the only person who lives here is the person who created it, no one else. In this world, we are really living alone. As result suffering is inevitable in this world When Self-realization happens in one, part of the mind that lives in Abstract world is destroyed without any way of returning back. This happens so naturally without any effort from one as one sees the total illusion of this mind and unreality of this mind in its totality. When this seeing happens, this mind falls by itself. Leading to a life, in which the mind lives only in the real world not even minute is spend in the abstract world. From this time on words ones mind does not engage anything any abstract things at all.

At this point mind becomes completely transparent as crystal clear water and things are seen and perceived as they exist. This is the point where mind gets completely purified where the mind gets ability to see things of this world as they truly exists and deals with them so perfectly and as correctly as needed. This brings end human to the suffering once for all. What can really enable this Self-Realization?

If you have really walked through this discussion, without neither accepting what is said nor rejecting what is said, through true reading (reading without the reader) and actually took part in this important discussion, then the answer will be so obvious and simple. The true answer is feel the need to go beyond words. Penetrate the mind without using the words. Thinking survives only when words are used. There can be no thinking when words are not allowed be in the mind. All that could there in ones mind, which is not engaging any words, is complete silence. So regularly spending quality time in complete silence, doing all that would enable true silence for longer period of time will eventually lead to Self-Realization. This the reason why Meditation is given so much importance for enabling Self-Realization as it helps one to penetrate one mind beyond words.

When one goes to mediation regularly, day will come where complete illusion of

Abstract world of the mind will be seen, as the seeing happens the nut shell of this mind will break itself leading to Self-realization so spontaneously and so


Accepting Yourself as You Are

Before we can look into how and why we should accept ourselves as we, let us look at some basic aspects that every one of us observes in our life. What is Karma? Every action like thinking, analysis, judgments, response to a given event, nonresponse to a given event, interaction through talking, listening, seeing and all physical actions we engage with all constitute our Karma. In short all that we do and did as person within our mind and outside our mind right from the time we are born to this world constitutes Karma. What is Law of Karma?

If our Karma is good, they bring good to us, if they are bad they will bring bad to us. These good and bad are independent of each other, mean good things will neither neutralize nor cancel with the bad things. Both good and bad as per our Karma will keep coming back to us. Also Karma is most powerful thing or aspect of our life, because each Karma, that we do whether good or bad, creates deeper impressions in our mind, that intern will lead to many more Karma in the future. Thus this cycle is going on endlessly in our life. Has depth full impact on our mind, thus will lead to future Karma. Like any other physical law in this universe (like law of gravity), Karma also flows with its own law. It is some time referred as law of Karma. Our life as whole is completely bound by this law of Karma Does this Law of Karma is just limited personal level? No. The most important fact is that this law of Karma does just limit itself with a single person, all we said for single person is completely applicable at family level, at every group level, country level and this world level. At individual level, we said the good and bad things come one as per his Karma, now this also true these different levels, thus one

will receive good and bad things not only just from what he did in his entire life, but also from what has been done at his family level, various group level, country level and world level. This impacts also what future Karma one will do in the future. Thus when one does something at given point of time, is controlled by ones own karma, karma form his family, karma from all the groups he belongs to, karma from his country and the karma of this entire world. And the same is true what happens as family, as any group, as country and as world. All these follows law of Karma, in essence anything that

happens at any point of time, at any level, at any place in this world is sort of controlled from this law of Karma. So power full is this Law of Karma and it is
in operation now and will be so forever like law of gravity in operation now and so will be forever. When one will be able to accept oneself as one is? Every individual is a product of Karma at all level, mean personal level, group level, country level and world level. A person is combination of impact of all these levels of Karma. A person is so because all the Karmas at all level was so, an inevitable creation of Law of Karma. The way one is inevitably so because it is fully bounded and controlled by Law of Karma. When you see odd person at some place, he looks to be odd only in your eyes, but actually he is inevitably like so because of law of Karma. He can be no way different from what he is. He is so because all the past karmas at all level were so. Or in other words, He is like so, because the entire world was as it was from the time world got created to this moment. Wishing he should be different than what he is now, is like making a wish to change the law of gravity to be different from what it is. It is as meaningless as that. In other words, everyone is as they are because the world was as it was, or in other words, the world is as it is because of the fact the way world was at different point of time from the time world got created. If you have waked through this discussion till this point, then it will be so obvious to

you, that you are what you are in a very inevitable way. Wishing yourself to be different from what you are is like wishing to change the law of karma, which controls the entire universe as the any other physical law like law of gravity.
If this fact dance in mind now, the spontaneously and effortlessly, you will be able accept fully as what you are. When one heart fully accepts what one is, immediately and effortlessly one will accept all other person as they are and as result one will be able to come to state of mind where one fully accept the world as it exist now. What happens when you accept yourself as you are?

At the fundamental level, we struggle all the time, because we cannot accept what we are. So we keep struggling all through our life, trying to change ourselves all the time. We go for so many trainings, we read so many books, we listen to so many people, all with a hope, and one day I will change from what I am to something else. Almost without exception, this something is the ideal personality that we have created from those personalities we held as role models in our mind and all the time we struggle to reach that. And we strongly believe and hope that a day will come when this change will complete so our struggle continues for ever.

As we dont accept what as we are, we dont accept all others that we are
interacting with, so our struggle does not limit to changing ourselves but continues beyond us to change all others whom we are interacting with. Struggle is more with others when they are more closely related to us. Closer the relation more is the struggle, example the notice the struggle we have to change our sons/daughter, spouse, brother and this list cannot end. Thus feeling for need to change is a very complex aspect in us, that demands change the way our relations are, change the way we work at office, change the way our family life is going on, change the our community life, essentially change all the way one lives his life. All our life efforts are going in this one fundamental struggle. We are neither at peace with oneself, nor with our family, nor with our office and nor with our society because we are internally struggling to change the things as they are to something else. Many times we have great vision for that change, and we talk about working towards greater cause, greater vision etc. And our whole life goes in this struggle and unfortunately we are so happy that we are struggling to change while we are actually trying to break the unbreakable law of Karma. This obviously turns our whole life, from one frustration to other, coming endlessly one after another, thus turning our whole life more and more hopeless. As discussed previously, when one comes to a clear understanding of law of karma, at all level, and come to state of mind of accepting one self and everyone else, there by accept the whole world as it is. Then spontaneously ends our entire struggle that has

been going on all through our life, once for all. Complete stops without any need to
convenience us on the need to stop it.

When this happens, at once there is complete peace in ones mind, as consequence of this complete peace in oneself, we start to perceive peace at family, at office, at community and at the world as there is complete acceptance of all that is going in this external world. This spontaneously makes everything fall in place so automatically so beautifully, that all our relations becomes so beautiful and turns so good. Because there is infinite peace within ones mind, it spreads itself to the family, office and entire community. Our

whole life suddenly turns itself to be so beautiful as result of internally reached peace of mind.
What happens when one reaches peace of mind within ones self? As seen above, this peace is reached as effortlessly as one stops struggling, in this state the actor of life in ones mind loses its purpose and thus vanishes from ones mind once for all. As we had discussed in the earlier article on Soul As It Is, this leaves the mind empty of all its contents, thus mind as we know dissolves.

To such mind, true meditation happens spontaneously leading to merger of oneself with all that it is, the universal being or awareness. Eventually what happens to one is SelfRealization and merger of oneself with GOD or the only thing that alone exists in this universe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

A Long Journey
Our life is a long journey spreading over multiple births in which we are travelling alone, without having any clue of when the destination will
come and how it will come, with heavy burned that we are carrying in our heart and mind.

When you are in office with all colleagues, has it ever occurred to you that the way you perceive and feel your job and your company is so unique with its unique flavors and variety that none of other person can match with? When you are with your friends, has it ever occurred to you, that the way you perceive and feel your values of this human life, is so unique with its unique flavors that none of your friends can match with? When you are at your home with your wife, son, daughter, father and mother, has it ever occurred to you that the way you perceive and feel your family is so unique with its unique flavors that none of your family member can match with? When you are at temple or a spiritual place with your religious / spiritual friends, has it ever occurred to you perceive and feel GOD or reality is so unique with its unique flavors that none of your religious or spiritual friends can match with? Essentially, has it ever occurred to you that you are actually alone all the time, that no one else can ever know you or your feelings and its values irrespective of the fact how much ever effort you make to communicate that?

Even when you feel there is some one here who seems to be close to you in one aspect of you, will be totally different in other aspects..even though close person is seems to travelling along with you, Has it ever occurred to you that he is actually travelling in his travel in his own way and so you are actually travelling alone? Even though everything and everyone seems to be there around you in material or physical sense all the time, has it ever occurred to you that you are always alone?

Have you ever noticed this simple fact in your life? As you notice this, you will also notice that you travel is so long, with you having no clue about its destination neither any one will be able to help you with that. All this is simple truth about your life. This is an absolute fact. It is so because the uniquely experience this world with unique body/mind instrument. Uniqueness of this your body/mind and the way you feel is coming from the unique combinations of the genes that got formed when the first cell of this body/mind structure got created, leading unique way of experience and the unique learnings from that experiences. All this creates the unique way you perceive this life and this world leading to point where youre alone travelling a long journey with no one near to you can help you. So this life of yours is long journey which crossing over multiple births and you are travelling alone. Has this simple fact ever accrued to you as clearly as you could see clean water, without any doubt about it? If so then you will stop looking outside for guiding you, because outside world there is no one who knows you fully as you are and your unique personality. When this fact dance in your mind, then immediately you will come to know that seeking help from outside will not help you in your long journey. As you see this truth, it will

immediately spark the other simple fact that you can to turned around and go deep inside as the only one who can really help you is the GOD who is inside you waiting for you all through this long journey. There will start the inner journey. Also as it start you will realize that all the material success that you might have got in your external life, even though has brought you the a successful life in material sense, has not helped much in your long life journey which has crossed over multiple births. Rather, such success and the desire for continued succeed has taken away all the energy that you have, which otherwise would have turned around towards inner journey.

If you can see through this another simple fact, you will see each material success that has come to you, has made you to fail in your real life journey in deeper sense. There is saying that says, desires when fulfilled gets multiplied and creates more desires. The same thing is completely true for the material success we achieve in our life, which creates more desires/craving for more success, that sucks our life totally into this cycle of desires and take full life energy into this external direction, and thus the life becomes a complete failure in the real life journey.

This however does not mean we should not attempt to succeed in our external life, without some level of success in the external life; the life force in us will lose its confidence, which is most important factor needed to succeed in the real life journey.
But at the same time, we need to see through the life destructive situation where desires are getting multiplied all the time and thus leading to complete failure in the real journey. If one can see both sides of this external life and the fact that each success in the external life is becoming bottle neck for real life journey, then one will be able to say no to continued craving for continues material successes one after another.. At this point only heart will feel that what I have materially is more than enough and feeling to put lot of effort towards to real journey of life.

Then comes the real life journey with full force toward inner worldleading to the merger with GOD or realization of who one really is. When this happens, the long journey which went across multiple births, come to end as the real destination is

merging with one who alone exists.

Whether one knows it or not, everyone is travelling towards this real and final destination in their life journey. Some reaches it in this life time itself.some after many many life times. Even though there is opportunity and potential for everyone to reach the destination in this physical life time itself.

Everything depends on you recognizing your true life journey and start moving toward that direction.

Real Life Journey As It Is

Our real life journey which is passing through multiple lives is passing through these stages in this physical life. Stage 0: Stage of Innocence

This stage extends from the time we are born to this physical life, till the time ego begins to develop. In this period the soul is in the stage of complete innocence. It is aware of nothing. The consciousness of the mind is completely empty of all its content, thus the consciousness is pure and there is no difference between consciousness and awareness in this stage. One can say stage of pure being as it is in this stage. This reason why kid in this stage is said to be GOD himself, all that is there is pure universal being or awareness. In this stage there is no touch or feel of ego in the consciousness.

Stage 1: Evolving of Ego

This stage where ego starts to develop or idea of one self as separate soul that is separate from all that is seen from the outside world. This idea starts developing in very inevitable

manner as the kids starts to feel that it is hearing something that parents are trying to say and it is able to say something to its parent and the experience of its independent existence. The feeling like it needs to take care of itself etc. all starts happening. As it evolves it comes to an understanding of who is their parent and what are its relation with them, and its relation with rest of the world. As this ego develops, it picks up all the ideas about who are their parent, what is their past life, who are his parents parents and how they are related, what is his family and how it is related to other families, and how all these families are related to its community, its relation with country and the world as whole. Every ideas forms in this stage and gets firm ground in its consciousness as ego with center strong iron like pillar that gives feeling that I am separate person who lives with separate soul, independent to the rest of this universe. In this stage only past life of parents, their desires and fears, their unfulfilled desires, all gets its impression on to the consciousness of this kid, which was originally empty of all such contents, beliefs or disbelief, along with these, desires and fears of family, community , country and world gets its due place in the consciousness of the kid. All these happens with childs won feelings and expression through its genes and its interaction, evolves its own unique ego, along with this, the same impressions from the family level, community level, country and world levels gets its due and firm place in the kids consciousness. The impressions or effects of past life karma gets its firm place in the ego and thus ego starts continuing its life from here. Stage 2: Fully developed Ego In previous stage of development of ego gets completed and forms a firm ego which starts it won unique life. This stage can be recognize more or less clearly, this is the stage where one feels I know enough to take care of my life myself. In this stage, the person knows who he is and how he is related to this external world at all levels. At this stage, most of the beliefs, disbeliefs, desires and fears, one strengths and weakness are all gets firmed up.

At this stage where person ego has fully formed in the consciousness, it is important to note two fundamental facts. One is about Genes and the other is about consciousness/mind. Gene which is creating the entire body has impact of Karma, from his parents, fore parents, family, fore families, community, country and the world. In that

one gene represents all the impressions of Karma from all levels, this gene represent its own unique evolution from the time this world got created. Even though this is little easy to see through, the same is true with ego/consciousness/mind, because its impressions represents impacts from all karmas from all levels from the past. This ego represents its own unique evolution from the time this world got created. Thus both the body and mind present all the past karmas at all levels. This is the reason why it is said that your

life is continuation of so many multiple lifes, rather to be accurate correct, millions of past lives, is represented in a unique way in this one body/mind complex. This is why it is said that what and way you are, is because of the entire world was the way it was from the time it was created.
Stage 3: Life of Ego

From the time, the ego has firmed up or fully developed in consciousness and till the nutshell of mind breaks, is a life of ego. It is almost our entire life as we are living in this world. In this life only we are building on current life karma and its cycle. As the life ego goes on, there are all feelings of opposites are experienced for example, success and failure, pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness, struggle and sufferings etc., one person goes through all these as per his destiny and this life is fully under the control of law of Karma and its cycle. Our lives of education, job, family, religion, spirituality etc. all are going on with this life of ego. This life of ego has its own various stages, but cannot be clearly distinguished from each other, a stage of disbelief where one strongly believes that there is no such thing as GOD or reality, a stage one doubts this belief, a stage one starts believing the possibility for the existence of GOD, a stage of religious life, a stage where search for GOD happens, reading and listening to various teachings about the reality of existence of GOD, a stage where serious search happens. Life goes nears end of its stage when one firmly and clearly goes deeper and deeper in his search for GOD, almost all the time, his mind is towards this direction, one goes

through and tries everything he can do to end this search happens. This is an indication of end of life an ego going to end.
Stage 4: Breaking of Nut shell of ego

As the spiritual search deepens in the stage of ego, as one goes deeper and deeper in the direction of true prayer, true self enquiry, true knowledge, and true meditation. In this stage the status of ego is that it struggles to maintain its status go, defend itself as much as possible. A full-fledged war is going on in this stage in ones consciousness, a war between what is truth and real and what is false and transient. As this war becomes more and more vigorous, a day will come where Nut shell of ego breaks and the illusionary world of ego is seen its full view. Fall that happens in ones life is dictated by ones ego till its nutshell breaks.
Stage 5: Melting of ego

After nutshell of ego is broken, influence of ego on ones body/mind starts melting, slowly but firmly and progress is made very firmly towards full realization the soul.

During this stage, there is full internal guidance from the awareness (Sat guru) happens fully and firmly, slowly taking the body/mind to the state of realization. Very soon the ego is fully destroyed and disappears from the body/mind.
Stage 6: Life of realized soul

After the ego disappears from the consciousness without any possibility of return, the body/mind is completely freed from the personality and the awareness takes over the life from this time till the physical destruction of this body.

In this stage only, this world is seen as it exists for the first time in the life of body/mind. Here everything is seen with crystal clear clarity. In this stage, no
imagination has any power of what so ever. Here the life in this body is totally freed from past and there is no question about future, all that is felt and dealt with is presence and what is directly perceived in the now. Thus burden of time leaves from this life. As in this life, one knows who one really is, one knows one alone exists beyond the body to the entire universe, so burden of space leaves from this life. Life is truly free from time

and space, past and future, birth and death cycles. In this stage only life is fully lived and with its real purpose. Thus the Real life journey finally completes its journey, the true purpose of life gets accomplished.

Humanity has limitless Compassion, Love, Passion

The Compassion that a Mother shows to her child, it is Limitlessly high. When this human being shows Love to some one, it is Limitlessly high When this human being shows passion towards some thing in this life, it is Limitlessly high

While all the above capacities of a human being is true and honest
How this humanity is so heartless when it comes to deal with.

The living beings that can not talk or fight for protecting itself

This humanity heartlessly kills Millions of animals every day to feed itself. What makes such divergent conflict possible for this humanity?

Probably same thing is also causing

To manufacture and sell hundreds of ultimately poisonous things (like cigarettes, alcohols, pan parag, woodka etc etc)

Which are killing the part of this humanity every day

We accept all this and this humanity in our heart and mind
This acceptance probably causing our own hearts to become like stone to our own sufferings

So we have taken our sufferings for granted and we say one has to suffer to live and as result

We lost our inherent power to question it, and fight it with all the force that every one of us really has To bring back true love, true compassion and true passion to this earth

Three BasicThings
Three basic things (foundation) that is must for any one to accomplish his wish with stunning performance. Weather it is kid or an adult or an old person is trying to accomplish his wish, these three basic things remains same What are these three basic things?

Three Basic Things

Instead of looking at these three things through three words, Can we look at these three important things through simple practical example.

Shall we consider the an simple wish to win 100 meter race?

First Important thing

A very healthy body Without a healthy body, one can not even move, so this is an most obvious thing for wining our 100 meter race, right?

By default our body goes to lazy state, so we need to regularly put the body to the opposite state, which is obviously regular physical exercise.
So First obvious thing is the regular physical exercise

Second Important thing

Regular Practice Even with a healthy body, if one has not done very good practice in running, one cant win the our 100 meter race, right?

By default we tend to go in the direction of less effort to get things done, so we need to push our self towards the opposite this direction, which is obviously regular effort
So Second obvious thing is the regular effort

Third Important thing

A very healthy mind Even if one as sound healthy body and has done regular practice if the mind is not fully present in the present moment, one can not win the race, so this is the third obvious thing for wining our 100 meter race, right? By default our mind goes into so much of thinking and restlessness and thus can never be in the present moment fully. We need thus put our mind in the opposite state, which is obviously in silence or meditation
So Third obvious thing is the Regular Meditation

So the three basic things are

Regular physical exercise Regular Effort Regular Meditation This is so true weather ones wish is as simple as to win 100 meter race or Passing an University exam or Becoming a CEO of a company or It is a highest wish that one can have for this entire life - Self realization

Bad and Good News.

Consistent Physical Exercise, Effort and Meditation By default nature we are not inclined towards these three things so by default nature we are bound to fail

Good news is if we do these three basic things, then stunning performance in accomplishing any wish is bound to come
Thus weather you Succeed or Fail in any of your wish is totally in your hand

Experiencing Positive Spiral in ones Life

Simple actions that we are doing in our day to day life, when changed, can turn around our life through positive spiral. To really understand this, let us go in detail about what constitutes what we generally call as character of a person What is Action (in the context of this article)?

Simple things that we regularly do in our day to day life, for example, drinking of morning coffee. They are so such simple thing, but very consistent and regular. They are so deeply ingrained in our body/mind that if one day, if we are in a situation that we are not able to have that morning coffee, we feel so uncomfortable that day. We see something is missing or something is wrong. Right? Such doing leads to very bad habits. Bad habit is mentioned here, because such consistent doing, make our body/mind to be addicted to it, without it we are not comfortable. Just taking a cup of coffee is not a problem at all, but if it creates a feeling without that there is something wrong, then it is indication that it has already turned itself towards addiction. This is not problem only with bad actions like taking cigarettes regularly which slowly kills ones lungs finally reduces once most important period of life the golden old age. The intensity of this problem is same, even if it is regular good habit like a regular Morning Prayer, regular morning meditation etc. Because of the same reason, that when we miss them for a day, then we feel something wrong on that day. So irrespective of good or bad habit, anything we do so regularly or so religiously, will bind us. Any habit can bind us, is bad habit. In this article we are talking about these types of actions that take us to regular habit (knowingly or unknowingly) slowly then bind us totally with it.

What is a Character?

Now character is very easy to define what constitute ones character. Character essentially set of habits in some unique combinations both interns of type of habit and the intensity of given habit. For all practical purpose, to the external world we are nothing but what is represented through this character of ours. Now in the set of habits, many habits have gone deep into our character, for example take a case of taking regularly taking on non-vegetarian food. This habit has come without even one person having a wish for the same, as the body/mind is put into this habit because of ones family culture at age one is not even aware of the fact that killing an animal for the sake of eating is a non-compassionate (heartless) thing. So like this we have so many habits without even we intending to have them, without even us wishing or liking for the same. Coming back to our character, as mentioned for practical external world we are nothing but our character, which is nothing but set of habits, most of them we have without even we making any wish or choice about it. So our character is what it is in a very inevitable way. We are sort of helpless stuck with this character of ours in this life. Can we change our Character?

The general answer we normally get to listen or read is no, character sticks to us till our death because it is coming from genes. You are character is so because of it is so unique expression of your soul etc. etc.

But the truthful answer is Yes. You can change it at your Will. Your Will has so
much limitless power with it. Your soul is so infinitely flexible that nothing is there in you that cannot be changed. This is simple fact. It is the simplest truth. If you ask how? The answer again simple, knowing that character is nothing but set of habits, any one habit you change, you have changed the character. For example if you just drop habit of taking regular morning coffee, and it becomes permanent in you, then your character is has changed from what it was to what it is now without that morning regular coffee. What is the impact of changing Character to our heart/mind?

Generally we think, dropping coffee habit any one can do, so what? The true answer is that, it is not that simple. Even though externally it looks to be so simple, internally the impact is so much. It shows to our heart that things can be changed, it gives our heart/mind a great hope which is otherwise hopeless.

The change might start with simple thing as dropping coffee, but because of confidence and hope that ones heart/mind tastes, this becomes the cause for making major change like dropping habit which are of much more penetrated and
intensified in us, thus makes major shift in our character. Thus the whole experience goes on in a very positive accelerated cycle positive spiral within oneself. Changes become bigger and bigger and one day eventually completely transforms oneself. Can potentially bring in true and real transformation in oneself, and it does not stop there, but continue and transform others.

Such is the real impact of making efforts towards changing habit, leading to real transformation of oneself, which everyone actually longs for, but only does not know how to go about. Where to start from here?

If you have truly walked through this discussion (reading without the reader) then your heart/mind would like to start doing something to experience this positive spiral directly which will eventually lead to real transformation in you, which you have been longing for. The very simple fact that you are reading this article means you are actually deep inside, longing for such transformation to happen to you in this very life time. Since you are the only person who knows you fully, you are the only person who knows which action you need to start with to experience this. Just to give a hint, typically one is stuck with the following habits, some of them consider to be positive and some of them are negative, but some of them are slow poisons that ultimately take the person life itself. Addiction to coffee or any other beverage Addiction to the taste of non-vegetarian food, for that matter any food Addiction to the smoking of cigarettes Addiction to drinking of alcohol Addiction to any other slow poison like drugs Addiction to talking (They have to keep talking one or other, maintaining silence is next to impossible thing) Addiction to discipline (They just cannot spend 1 day in undisciplined way., stuck with a good habit here) Addiction to work (They just cannot spend 1 day without any work, workaholic) Addition to stress full life style (They feel if there are days there no stress, then something wrong) Addition to accumulating wealth (They have to keep accumulating it, otherwise something will fall in their life) Addiction to accumulating knowledge(They have to keep learning something, otherwise they feel something will fall in their life)

Addiction to being sad (They have feel bad about something every day, For them if everything is going good, then something must be wrong.) . [Remember anything that binds you, is a bad habit, it does not matter it leads to good cause or bad cause]

The above list cannot be ended. But to you as one person in the context you know which habit binds you and kills you in every sense, the best place to start is this particular habit.

Where the positive spiral will end?

The positive spiral takes one to final transformation of ones heart and mind to self-realization if one keeps the positive spiral, keep going without hindering its speed and the direction. Normally it is the fear that would come in the
way of this positive spiral, because as it goes, its speed will become more and more vigorous and as result, ones ego might not be very comfortable. The reason is very simple, one of the root on which ego survives, is that it guarantees one

heart/mind, that past is maintained; i.e. status quo of life is maintained. Here is where one should not get slipped by ones own ego, status quo of life means no change, no change mean no hope, no change signifies dead and repetitive life, just repeating the past as it is.the ones ego actually calls ones heart/mind to be in the past without moving forward..Here is where, ones spiritual / religious knowledge will come very helpful and will enable one fight back this stand of ego and will eventually move forwards and whole heartedly do the all support this positive spiral and thus finally leading to a point of self-realization where one perceives, GOD in ones own heart and mind.

Experiencing of positive spiral is a direct experience of this writer. Like any other experiment one does in ones life, anyone and everyone can do this experiment one-self and feel the truth behind this experiment through ones own direct experience.

Now its all in your hand including happening of Self-realization for yourself in this physical life.

Four Simple Steps to SelfRealization

Step 1: Remembering the TRUTH As It Is all the time.

Truth is simple - GOD is present everywhere in every living being and in every person. There is not even single spot in this whole universe where is not present now. This has been described in detail in the article TRUTH As It Is. The first step to SelfRealization is to keep reminding our mind on this every time as the mind slips into ignorance, thus we are trying to be in the state of Awareness as much time as possible. One of the easiest way for this, whenever you feel you have nothing to do, keeps pondering about this TRUH. Use all your free time that you get every day now and then, use them to ponder about TRUH or use that free time to wonder about TRUTH. In simple terms, keep your mind at it as frequently as long as possible. Step 2: Let go of your desires and fears.

The above step 1, Remembering the TRUTH will enable one to let go of your desires and fears. Might start with small things but if you keep striving towards it, it will grow in big

and bigger ways. The article on Experiencing Positive Spiral goes in detail on how you can put this in practice. This positive spiral works in the same way as our desires works, but straight in the opposite direction, thus will eventually take you to the place of desirelessness.

Step 3: Maintaining True Inner Silence

Maintaining true inner silence is not possible till the point where mind has some desires and fears. So the previous step 2 will enable this third step. All the time strive towards maintaining calm mind. Initially it will require lot of effort, but when you practice this along with the above two steps, it will start happening more and more naturally. Step 4: Not hurting any person and any other living being.

Ensuring that we dont talk or act in any way that would hurt some heart out there. It does not matter who it is, every living being in this creation is an expression of GOD, as there is GOD every living being whether it is human being or animal or insects, not hurting them any way at any time at any cost. Remember this simple fact, whenever you hurt anyone, you are actually hurting yourself. Putting efforts towards this all the time to the

extent possible for oneself. This step will become more and more vigorous in one, when the above three steps succeed in going deeper. Enormous effort is inevitable to get self-realized. The unfortunate fact is that by default we are bound to fail to get self-realized. This is a fact even though for our true nature, the above four steps are so natural and comes into our being in a totally effortless way. The reason for this is, right from the time we are born into this world, we are taught and trained to travel in the opposite direction of our true nature, thus we have been completely successfully trained to move in the direction opposite to the above four simple steps. By default, our ego/personality denies presence of GOD everywhere and in every living being and in oneself. By default we are trained to run behind desires and run away from fears. Both are sort of running, a direction opposite to desirableness. By default our ego/personality cannot be in inner silence, because in the true inner silence destroys the ego/personality, so we keep our mind in noise all the time. By default our ego/personality keeps hurting others and other living being one or other way. Our sensitivity towards the others / other living being is so low that we dont even know that our actions are hurting. Even at times, we know we hurt, we say he/she deserves to get hurt. Our heart has become like stone as result of all these. So by default we dont know how to live without hurting other or other living beings.

As result of the above, practicing these four simple steps requires enormous amount of effort and time. People who say, its all as per GODs wish, if he wishes he will take me to self-realized state and thus I need not put any effort on this . These people are not aware of the simple fact, that their mind/ego/personality which wants to survives at any cost, is trapping them by making such statements, and thus gets trapped for ever, for them self-realization will not happen in their life time and also might not happen for many lifes to follow. This simply guaranteed for them by them. By default, we give almost no time and spend almost no effort towards self-realization or GOD realization. Even when one gives some time or effort, it will be the lowest in their order of priority. This is a very simple common fact and the simple reason why not many gets to the state of self-realization or GOD realization in this physical life itself.

Now these four simple steps and the choice to put effort and time towards GOD realization, is in your hand fully.

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