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Roni and Dini study at SMP 1. Their school has a nice library.

The library is not so big, but it has a lot of books, newspaper, and maga ines. The book are arranged according to a system. The students like coming to the library. The room is air conditioned and always full of !isitor. They go there to read, or borrow some books they like. They are ser!ed by Mrs. "ulia and Mr. #ahrul. These librarian ha!e been working fo twenty years. 1. $ow is the library at Dini school% 't is nice and !ery big &. 't is really nice and big #. 't is )uiet and nice 't is not so big but nice

(. D.

*. $ow will the !isitor feel when they are in the library % They+ll feel cool they will feel !ery cold &. (. They will feel hot they won+t feel comfortable #. D. ,. $ow are the books arranged in the library% They are arranged ........ neatly &. orderly #.

(. D.

mathematically systematically

-. .They are ser!ed by Mrs. "ulia and Mr. #ahrul../paragraf *0. 1hat does the word .They. refer to% Mrs. "ulia and Mr. #ahrul 2ibrarians &. (. Roni and Doni 3isitors #. D. A Theatre & theater is a place where people entertain the audience. The people who perform, called actors and actresses, act in plays on a stage. & stage can be raised platform, or it can be part of the floor in a room, either in the center of the room or against a wall. The audience, is a !ery important part of a theatre because it is for the audince that the actors and actresses act, and the playwright writes. 1ithout an audience, they are only rehearsing or practising. & theatre can be anywhere in home, school auditorium, park and a hall. Theatre means action. 'n this te4t theatre is used in connection with performances on stage by li!e actors and actresses. 't is li!ing theatre. Theatre in the 5ast differs greatly from that of the 1est. The &sian theatre is, for the most part, nonrealistic, or symbolic. 1estern theatre, on the other hand, tends to be realistic. 6. 1hat is actor% & person who plays on stage &. & person who performs and acts in plays #. & man who acts in plays on a stage (.


& person who is playing at the theatre

7. 1hat is the main idea of paragraf *% School auditorium is the only theatre. &. 1hat a theatre is. #. The performance of actors is theatre. (. Theatre means action of actors. D. 8. 1hat is the difference between the 5astern theatre and the 1estern theatre% The 5astern theatre is based on facts rather than sentiment of illusion. &. The 1estern theatre is based on facts rather than 5astern theatre. #. The 5astern theatre is better than the 1estern theatre. (. The 1estern theatre is better than the 5astern theatre. D. 9. .& theatre is a place where people entertain the audience.. The synonym of the italic word is ........ amuse watch &. (. influence present #. D. Dear #etty, '+m writing to you concerning of my last day in :ogya. ' ;ust got back from #orobudur, the wonderful temple '+!e e!er seen. The weather is fine. 1e are now staying in a hotel. 't+s not far from Malioboro. 1e are treated well here. 't has many e4cellent staff who ser!e the customers. 1e plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a short nap. 1e want to en;oy ha!ing .lesehan. there. 't is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground. Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. #oth domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. ' want to buy some as sou!enirs. Don+t worry, '+ll also buy you the most interesting one. 2o!e, Dara <. The te4t gi!es us information about ........ the wonderful #orobudur temple &. the sou!enirs to be bought #. Dara+s last day in :ogya (. a comfortable hotel near Malioboro D. 1=. 1ho is the letter from% ........

&. #.

(ustomers #etty

(. D.

The hotel staffs Dara

11. $ow do the staff ser!e the customers of the hotel% ........ Proudly #adly &. (. 'nterestingly >icely #. D. ?armers usually start to culti!ate their field in the wet season. #efore culti!ating, they prepare their ..../1*0.... like hoes, sickles, rakes and ploughs. They also prepare their cows or buffaloes. The cows or buffaloes are !ery important for farmers to pull the ..../1,0.... to culti!ate the rice field. 't is a ..../1-0.... way. 1*. &. #. 1,. &. #. 1-. &. #. machines tools plough tractor modern traditional (. D. (. D. (. D. appliances utensils spade rake simple nice

16. The ad!ertisement abo!e tells us about ........ a tra!el agent &. a holidays package tour #.

(. D.

a transportation number a transportation company

17. The company will take the passengers to some cities in ........ islands. fi!e three &. (. four two #. D. 18. 1here can we rent the #lack #ird buses% ........ :a!a Sumatera &. (. #ali :akarta #. D. 19. +?or further information, call 8802309+ The italic word means ........ ask &.







Read the follwoing graph.

1<. The graph tells us about ........ indoor children acti!ities &. outdoor children games #.

(. D.

characteristic of games games for children

*=. The most popular games based on the diagram is ........ snakes and ladders kite flying &. (. hide and seek chess #. D. *1. ')bal @ $ello, ' am ')bal. $adi @ Ah, hi, '+m $adi. $ow do you do% ')bal @ ........% ?ine, thank you &. >ice to meet you #. **. ?adilla @ 1hose bag is that% Bahra @ 1hich one% ?adilla @ The new one on the table. Bahra @ Ah, it+s mine. The antonym of the italic word is ........ small &. old #.

(. D.

$ow do you do '+m )uite alright

(. D.

bad cheap

*,. >inda @ $a!e you met the new student% (itra @ "es, ' ha!e. $e ........ speak english well. >inda @ Really% (itra @ "es, he+s been in &ustralia for about fi!e years. can could &. (. able ability #. D. *-. Mother @ $a!e you written a letter for your cousin, Rina% Rina @ "es, ' ha!e. Mother @ 1hen did you write it% Rina @ ' ........ it last night. write wrote &. (.


will write


am writing

*6. Sella @ My uncle bought me two tCshirt and ' want to gi!e you one. #estha @ Ah, thank you !ery much. $ow kind of you. Sella @ Don+t mention it. #ut ........ one do you want% The red one or the blue one% #esthe @ The red one, please. what which &. (. whose whom #. D. *7. buying C did not C clothes C money C much C we C spend C for. The best arrangement of the world to make a good sentences is ........ 7C*C8C6C-C9C1C, 7C*C8C6C,C1C-C9 &. (. ,C*C1C7C8C6C*C9 ,C*C6C1C7C8C-C9 #. D. *8. Rio Rudi Rio Rudi @ 1hat do you think of show% @ ?antastic. 5specially the ........ She is so talented. @ ' agree. She is still young, but she is !ery professional. @ She+ll be !ery famous in the future, ' think. !iolinist harpist &. (. guitarist fentist #. D.

*9. &le4 @ "ou look fit. Do you always go to a fitness centre% Rudy @ >ot really. ' ha!en+t got much time, but e!ery morning ' go ;ogging. &le4 @ ' see. That+s why you+re so fit. Rudy @ That+s correct. 'f you want to stay fit you should e4ercise ........ continuity continously &. (. continue continuous #. D. *<. Susi @ 't+s good to hear that you+!e mo!ed to a new house. (arol @ Thank you. ' am !ery happy with it. There are ........ rooms than the old ones. Susi @ $ow many rooms are there% (arol @ , bedrooms, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 family room, 1 li!ing room and , bathrooms, including toilets. The old one ;ust had two bedrooms. more as many as &. (. fewer not so many as #. D. ,=. Mother @ $ow are you feeling, dear%

Daughter @ ' am feeling better, Mom. ' ha!e had a blood test. Mother @ $a!e you got the result% Daughter @ >ot yet. Dr. $enry ........ me when it+s ready. tells is telling &. (. will tell told #. D. ,1. Dian @ 1elcome home. $ow was your holiday% Tari @ 't was wonderful. ' really en;oyed it. ' spent two days in the #lue Mountains. 't+s !ery beautiful there. Dian @ ' ........ there twice. ' plan to go there again ne4t year. Tari @ Me too. ha!e been am &. (. will be was #. D. ,*. Santi @ 1ould you like to buy some sugar for me, please% Santo @ ........ ' can+t. '+m in a hurry. Santi @ 't is A.D then. ' will buy it myself. Af course ' don+t know &. (. '+m sure '+m really sorry #. D. ,,. >ina @ 1hy didn+t you come to my birthday party yesterday% Damar @ My brother had an accident. $e was hit by a car. >ina @ Ah, my Eod ........ '+m glad to hear that, '+m disappointed to hear that &. (. '+m sorry to hear that '+m really happy to hear that #. D. ,-. 1ulan @ ........ you can do the test well. Renny @ Thank you. 1ish me luck. ' hope &. ' doubt #. ,6. Dimas @ $ow ........ is Timothy% Samuel @ $e is 18= cm. far &. tall #. ,7. Publishing schedule. The table shows that +Hello+ is published ........ a month.

(. D.

'+m curious '+m not sure

(. D.

high long

&. #.

once twice

(. D.

three times four times

,8. 1. >e4t, please stand in line to wait your turn. *. There are many steps to cash your sa!ings in a bank. ,. ?ill in the form you ha!e got. -. ?inally, come to the teller to cash your sa!ings account. 6. ?irst of all, get the form pro!ided by the bank. *C,C1C-C6 *C6C,C1C&. (. 6C,C1C-C* 6C*C,C1C#. D. ,9. &ri @ She usually tra!els by train, ........ &di @ "es. She prefers to go by train to bus because it+s more comfortable. doesn+t she% is she% &. (. does she% won+t she% #. D. ,<. Didi @ 54cuse me, ' am looking for 1ida @ Do you know her% De!y @ "es, ' do. She used to li!e ne4t door, but ' ha!en+t seen her for a long time. ' ........ she is still here. Didi @ Do you know how to find her% De!y @ ' am sorry. '+!e no idea. doubt know &. (. am sure am certain #. D. -=. Mother @ "ou know that Tamara always takes sleeping pills to sol!e her problems. ?ather @ That's wrong. 't can be dangerous for her life if she doesn+t change her bad habit. She should go to a specialist or share her problems with someone she trusts. The italic e4pression e4presses ........ sympathy disagreement &. (. possibility uncertainty #. D. -1. 2et me tell you about a cute animal which can li!e in both places, in water and on land. This kind of animal is often used for e4periments. The animal being described is picture number ........ 1 , &. (. * #. D.

-*. #ased on the pictures abo!e, the binoculars are ........ cheaper than the suitcase the most e4pensi!e among them &. (. the same price as the knapCsack less e4pensi!e than the knapCsack #. D. -,. (ici @ ' can+t find my #iology book. Does ........ know where it is% #etty @ 5ko came here ;ust now and took the book. $e is going to get it in the afternoon. (ici @ ' see. e!erybody anybody &. (. nobody somebody #. D. --. Mini @ 1ow, ........ 2ili @ "es, this is also the fastest cruise. 't is called .quick cat. Mini @ $ow long does it take to get to 2embongan island% 2ili @ Anly -6 minutes. what+s a ship. what a boring cruise isF &. (. what a fast cruise it isF what a lu4urious cruise ship it isF #. D. -6. (hrist @ 54cuse me, ' must go to bed now. Ste!e @ 1hy% 't+s only a )uarter to nine. (hrist @ 1ell, ........ ' don+t want to come late for the conference tomorrow morning. Eood night. Ste!e @ $a!e a good sleep. when because &. (. though but #. D. -7. &rrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. 1. School buses are often recogni able by their orangeCyellow colour. *. They are school buses and commercial buses. ,. (ommercial buses may ser!e routes which are not accessible by other forms of public transit. -. 't is used to transport students to and from school. 6. Eenerally, there are two kinds of buses. The best arrangement is ........ 6C*C-C1C, 6C*C,C-C1 &. (. 6C*C,C1C6C*C1C-C, #. D. -8. Read the following paragraph and complete it with the appropriate sentence. ........1e went to the last show at nine o+ clock. The horses performed first. The animals were trained by a young man dressed in green with a long, cracking whip. The horses

danced when the band started to play to entertain e!eryone. 1hich is the most suitable sentence to complete the paragraph% 1e went to the show at se!en o+clock. &. My brother and ' went to the horses show last month. #. My family went to a circus a few months ago. (. 't was already ten o+ clock. D. -9. Denta @ 1owF "ou ha!e so many maga ines. $a!e you read them all% Dea @ "es, ' ha!e. Denta @ They seem interesting. Do they ha!e good articles% Dea @ "esF ........ of the articles are )uite good. &ll >one &. (. #oth >othing #. D. -<. Mr. #ambang @ &re you interested in reading international Mr. #udi @ "es, '+m !ery interested in it. Mr. #ambang @ Do you read .Time. or .>ews 1eek%. Mr. #udi @ ........ >ot only .Time. but also .>ews 1eek. ' read. &. ' read not only .Time. but also .>ews 1eek.. #. ' not only read .Time. but also read+ .>ews 1eek.. (. >ot only read .Time. but also ' read .>ews 1eek.. D. 6=. >indi @ (an you mention some people working on newspapers% >anda @ "es. &mong them are ;ournalists, editors, caricaturist, and columnists. >indi @ ' see. &nd can you tell me who edits the articles, before they are printed out% >anda @ The editor ........ is does &. (. did do #. D. 61. Dona @ $ow did Mirna swim in the swimming contest% Dodi @ She swam )uickly. Dona @ Really% $ow about 3era% Dodi @ She swam )uicker than Mirna. Dona @ &nd Rosa% Dodi @ Ah, she swam ........of all. So that, she became the best swimmer in her class. slower the slowest &. (. )uicker the )uickest #. D. 6*. &ri @ Mom, may ' climb the starfruit tree to pick its fruit%

Mom @ #ut the fruits are still unripe. &ri @ The ones on the right branch are ripe, Mom. Mom @ AD, but ........F Gsually, there are many caterpillars on the starfruit tree. &ri @ Thank you, Mom. don+t mo!e don+t come any closer &. (. watch out Mr. be careful #. D. 6,. Mr. (han @ $a!e you been to .Mecca.% Mr. :aya @ "es. 1hat about you% Mr. (han @ ........ ' went there in *==*. ' did too &. neither ha!e ' #.

(. D.

So ha!e ' So did '

6-. Mr. (haniago @ 1elcome to :akartaF Mr. #ill @ Thanks. 't+s a terrific city. Mr. (haniago @ "es. 't+s the busiest city in 'ndonesia. #y the way ........ ' will take you round the city this afternoon. Mr. #ill @ Ereat '+d lo!e to ' want to see the Miniature Park of 'ndonesia and the >ational Monument. because you are not tired if you are tired &. (. if you are not tired after you take a bath #. D. 66. 1hich of the following sentences is grammatically correct% ........ Roses are beautiful and ;asmines are too. &. Does .kangkung. grows well on the waterF #. (actus can not grow in a pot and asparagus can, too. (. & li ard don+t bite and a iguana doesn+t either D. 67. Eandhi @ ........ 2ala @ "es, thank you. (an you lift this suitcase% Eandhi @ Sure. 1ho can help me% 1ould you like any help% &. (. (an you help me% 1hy do you need any help% #. D.

68. 1hat does the passage tell us about% ........ & band show &. 5ntrance tickets #.

(. D.

Ticket sellers Ticket price

69. 1hen will the show be held% ........ 'n the morning &. 'n the afternoon #.

(. D.

&t midday 'n the e!ening

6<. There will be ........ entertainers performing on stage. three fi!e &. (. four si4 #. D. 7=. .We present the most famous singers.. The italic word refers to ........ the readers &. the writer #.

(. D.

the singers the organi er

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