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Name of School Subject Grade/Semester Topic Subtopic Standard Competence

: SMP Negeri 1 Mojokerto : Mathematics : 9th /Odd : Cylinders, Cones and Spheres : The element of cylinders, cones and spheres : Geometry 2. Understanding the characteristics of cylinders, cones, and spheres and finding their sizes


: 1 40 minutes

I. Basic Competence

2.1 Identifying the elements of cylinders, cones, and sphere. Mengenal unsure unsurepadatabung, kerucutdan bola.

II. Indicator: 2.1.1 Drawing cone nets accurately and creatively to make some birthday hats. Menggambar jarring-jaring kerucut dengan tepat dan kreatif untuk membuat beberapa topi ulang tahun.

III. Learning Objective: 1. By working in group, students are able to draw the net of cone accurately, and creatively to make some birthday hats. Dengandiskusikelompok, siswa dapat menggambar jaring-jaring tabung dengan benar dan kreatif untuk membuat beberapa topi ulang tahun.

IV. Tools and Learning Sources Tools Sources : Paper, marker. : Student book Directorate General Management of Primary and Secondary Education. Directorate of Junior High school Development (2009). Mathematics Student Book Grade IX. Adinawan, Cholik. 2009. Mathematics 3A .Jakarta:

Erlangga.Presentation media, e.g: Power Point Presentation and LCD projector Worksheet and Exercise

V. Time Allocation

: 1 40 minutes

VI. Teaching Approach and Methods Teaching Model : Cooperative Learning Pembelajarankoperatif Method : Speech, discussion, questioning, and task Ceranmah, Diskusi, Tanya jawab dan Pemberian Tugas

IV. Learning Activities A. Introduction ( 10 minutes) Phase 1 : Present the objectives of learning and motivate students a. Apperception: The teacher remind the students about net of cylinder. Guru mengingatkan siswa kembali tentang jarring-jaring tabung. b. Motivation : Teacher gives motivation to the students by giving a real example about cones in the daily life. Guru memberi motivasi siswa dengan memberi contoh nyata benda-benda yang berbentuk kerucut pada kehidupan sehari-hari. c. Teacher explains the learning objective that is the students will learn about net of cone and make some birthday hats. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yaitu siswa akan belajar tentang jarring-jaring kerucut dan membuat topi ulang tahun yang berbentuk kerucut.

B. Main activities Phase 2 : Give information (Exploration) 1. Giving information to students about net of cone. Disampaikan informasi tentang jarring-jaring kerucut. (Elaboration) Phase 3 : Organize students into group of learning 2. The teacher divided students into some heterogeneous group that consist of 4 or 5 students. Guru membagi siswa yang heterogen kedalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 atau 5 siswa. 3. Teacher gives students worksheet and teacher asks each groups to make sure that all members have understood about topic and the questions.

Guru memberi lembar kerja dan menanyakan pada setiap kelompok apakah sudah jelas dan paham tentang topic dan soal.

Phase 4 : Guide the groups work and learn 4. Teacher asks each groups to read worksheet for 5 minutes. Guru menugaskansiswauntukmembacalembarkerjamerekadalamwaktu 5 menit. 5. Teacher goes around to each group when they are doing worksheet. Teacher makes sure that each groups work together well. Guru berkeliling ketika siswa berdiskusi untuk memastikan siswa berdiskusi dengan baik. 6. Teacher asks each group whether there are difficulties or not on doing it. If there are difficulties, teacher will help them. Guru bertanya apakah ada yang mengalami kesulitan dan membantu siswa untuk memecahkannya. Phase 5 : Evaluation 7. After finishing the worksheets, teacher asks some groups to show their work in front of the class and explain how to do that, while the other groups perceive and note attentively. Setelah berdiskusi, guru memminta salah satu kelompok untuk menampilkan hasil kerja mereka di depan kelas sedang siswa yang lain memperhatikan dan mencatat. 8. The teacher gives a chance to the other group to ask and explain their opinion to the class. Guru member kesempatan kelompok lain untuk menyampaikan pendapatnya di depan kelas. (Confirmation) 9. The students do the assessment individually to clarify their comprehension and be collected in that day. Siswa secara mandiri mengerjakan tes untuk guru memastikan pemahaman mereka dan dikumpulkan pada hari itu juga.

C. Closing Phase 6 : Give appreciation 10. The students make a summary of all subject matters that are discussed Siswa membuat rangkuman dari materi yang didiskusikan 11. Teacher gives appreciation to the groups based on basic score to following score through groups activity.

Guru memberi penghargaan kelompok berdasarkan penilaian ketika berdiskusi. 12. Teacher gives a reward to a group that has highest score. Guru memberi penghargaan kepada kelompok yang mendapat nilai terbaik. 13. Teacher asks students to reflect on the learning in that meeting. After we learned more about cone net, what do you think about our learning in this meeting? Guru menanyakan ke siswa untuk member gambaran tentang pembelajaran pada pertemuan hari ini, Setelah kita mempelajari tentang jarring-jaring kerucut, apa pendapat kamu tentang pembelajaran kita hari ini?


Assessment Technique of assessment : individual task Tugasindividu Form of instrument : written test Testulis Type of assessment : Essay Uraian Instrument example : Student Worksheet and item test Lembarkerjasiswadansoaltes

Acknowledgment Principal of SMPN 1 MOJOKERTO

Mojokerto, 9July 2012 Mathematics teacher

I WAYAN ASTAWA, S.Pd. M.Pd NIP. 1957 1125 1978 03 1 005

EndangKusumastuti,S.Pd NIP 196111081983032015


Group : The members :

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. /

Learning objective: After learning the lesson, students should be able to: Draw the net of cone accurately, and creatively. Make some birthday hats.

1. Find conical objects around you. Sketch the objects. Carilah benda-benda disekitarmu yang berbentuk kerucut. Sketsa/gambar bendabenda tersebut

2. Draw net of the cone that you find. Gambarlah jaring-jaring dari kerucut yang kamu temukan.

3. Material : Drawing the net of conical models to make birthday hat. Tool : Cutter, double stip, paper, crepe paper

Do this instruction well.

1. Draw the net of cone. Gambalah jaring-jaring kerucut. 2. Make the cone net become a birthday hat. Buatlah topi ulang tahun dari jaring-jaring kerucut yang telah kamu buat. 3. Decorate the hat using crepe paper to make it beautiful. Hiaslah topi yang telah kamu buat agar menjadi indah. 4. Do 1st 3rd instruction so that you have many birthday hats. Lakukan kegiatan 1-3 sehingga kamu mendapatkan banyak topi ulang tahun.


Level 4 Superior 3 Satisfactory with some shortcomings 2 satisfactory with many faults 1 Unsatisfactory

Ideal Criteria Showing a greater understanding of the concept of cylinders, cones and spheres Using very appropriate strategy Writing explanatory can became good example Computing is true Giving perfect conclusion Showing an understanding of the concept of cylinders, cones and spheres Using appropriate strategy Writing explanatory good enough Computing is true Giving right conclusion Showing less understanding of the concept of cylinders, cones and spheres Using less appropriate strategy Writing explanatory somewhat true Computing is little bit true Giving inappropriate conclusion Showing less or nothing in understanding the concept of cylinders, cones and spheres Using inappropriate strategy Writing explanatory is false Computing is false Giving wrong conclusion




Standard of performance 4

Score 3 2 1

Demonstrate an understanding about cylinders, cones and spheres

2 3 4 5

Using appropriate strategies Good explanation Computing is true Giving right conclusion Reach score Maximal score 20

Criteria: 5-8 9 12 13 16 17 20 : Fail : Less successful : Successful : Very successful


Answer the following questions correctly.

1. Jari-jari alas sebuah kerucut = 2cm dan panjang garis pelukisnya = 6 cm. Gambar jaring-jaring kerucut tersebut dengan cermat. 2. Jari-jari alas sebuah kerucut = 4 cm dan panjang garis pelukisnya = 6 cm. Gambar jaring-jaring kerucut tersebut dengan cermat.

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