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Description of Classroom
4th Grade 8-10 years old 19 Girls and 15 Boys A variety of ethnic backgrounds

The second day of a unit on surface tension

Content O&'ecti(e)s*
The students !ill learn about surface tension by using !ater observations

Lan#$a#e O&'ecti(e)s*
The students !ill be learning about surface tension by using in"uire science #e$%eri&ents' observations' and !riting do!n conclusion(

Ne(a%a Stan%ar%s
4(1 ) - *reate and use labeled illustrations' gra%hs #nu&ber lines' %ictogra%hs' bar gra%hs' fre"uency tables(' and charts to convey ideas' record observations' and &ake %redictions + 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! scientific %rogress is &ade by conducting careful investigations' recording data' and co&&unicating the results in an accurate &ethod -., + 5 A 4 - ,tudents kno! gra%hic re%resentations of recorded data can be used to &ake %redictions -., + 5 A / - ,tudents kno! observable %atterns can be used to organi0e ite&s and ideas -., #4(1 1 - 2se science notebook entries to develo%' co&&unicate' and 3ustify descri%tions' e$%lanations' and %redictions + 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! scientific %rogress is &ade by conducting careful investigations' recording data' and co&&unicating the results in an accurate &ethod -., + 5 A ) - ,tudents kno! ho! to dra! conclusions fro& scientific evidence -., + 5 A 4 - ,tudents kno! gra%hic re%resentations of recorded data can be used to &ake %redictions -., + 5 A / - ,tudents kno! observable %atterns can be used to organi0e ite&s and ideas -., #4() ) - 4nvestigate and describe ho! the earth is nearly s%herical and covered !ith &ore !ater than land - 5 A ) - ,tudents kno! &ost of -arth5s surface is covered !ith fresh or salt !ater 6.7 #4(1 1 - 4nvestigate and describe the %ro%erties of !ater

- 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! the %rocesses of the !ater cycle' including the role of the ,un -., - 5 A 4 - ,tudents kno! the role of !ater in &any %heno&ena related to !eather #e g ' thunderstor&s' sno!stor&s' flooding' and drought( -., 8 5 A ) - ,tudents kno! &aterials can be classified by their observable %hysical and che&ical %ro%erties #e g ' &agnetis&' conductivity' density' and solubility( -.,

#4() 1 - 4nvestigate and describe the !ater cycle' including the role of the sun - 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! the %rocesses of the !ater cycle' including the role of the ,un -., #4() 1 - 4nvestigate and describe the factors that affect the %rocesses of eva%oration and condensation - 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! the %rocesses of the !ater cycle' including the role of the ,un -., #4(1 1 - 4nvestigate and e$%lain that !ater can be a li"uid' a gas' or a solid and can go back and forth fro& one for& to another - 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! the %rocesses of the !ater cycle' including the role of the ,un -., 8 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! &atter e$ists in different states #i e ' solid' li"uid' gas( !hich have distinct %hysical %ro%erties -., 8 5 A 1 - ,tudents kno! heating or cooling can change so&e co&&on &aterials' such as !ater' fro& one state to another -.,

+e, Voca&$lar,
S$rface tension - !ater &olecules hold on tightly to each other They don5t !ant to se%arate They es%ecially cling to each other at the surface because there is no !ater &olecule on the other side of the& to grab on to The !ater &olecules on the surface hold on to each other so tightly that a 9skin: see&s to for& on the surface

!est Practices (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
X X Preparation Ada%tation of content 7inks to background 7inks to %ast learning ,trategies incor%orated Inte#ration of Processes 7istening ,%eaking >eading 6riting X X X X X X X X X X X X Scaffol%in# ;odeling Guided %ractice 4nde%endent %ractice <erbal scaffolds 8rocedural scaffolds Application =ands-on Authentic #;eaningful( 7inked to ob3ectives 8ro&otes engage&ent X X X X X X X X Gro$pin# Options 6hole *lass ,&all grou%s 8artners 4nde%endent Assessment 4ndividual Grou% 6ritten ?ral

Teac.in# Strate#ies
>ound >obin ,&all grou% 8airs 4ndividual !ork

/arm 0p Acti(it,
The T6 ask !hat ha%%ened the day before !hen they dro%%ed !ater on the tin foil and the !a$ %a%er The T6 then allo! the students to talk about it at their tables' starting !ith the @)5s' for 1 The T6 then rando&ly call on students to ans!er the "uestion

Lesson Se1$ence
Openin# The T6 have the students get out their science 3ournals and turn to the %age that they !orked on the day before The T6 then have the student hel%ers hand out a s&all !orksheet to glue on the ne$t %age in their notebooks The T6 !ill dra! a T-Gra%h on the board The teacher !ill then ask the students 9=o! ;any full dro%s of !ater do you think can fit on a %ennyA: 9 Bive dro%s' ten dro%s' &oreA The T6 then !rite do!n different suggestion into the T-gra%h Mo%el The T6 !ill have the nu&ber 15s fro& each table get the su%%lies for the tables #;aterials !ill already been laid out ( The T6' using the -7;?' %lace a clean %enny on a %a%er to!el The %enny !ill need to be head side u% 2sing a dro%%er' T6 %lace 3ust a fe! dro%s of !ater on the %enny The ,6 then count the dro%s and see that it !ill take &ore than 3ust 1 or ) dro%s In%epen%ent Practice The ,6 !ill need to &ake sure that their %ennies are all heads side u% ,6 count the nu&ber of dro%s it takes for the !ater to s%ill and take fill out the !orksheet And their T-gra%h as they dro% !ater The T6 !alk throughout the class &aking ?bservations and asking students ho! &any dro%s it took to fill the %enny Clos$re The ,6 read %g ) of the Boss ,cience ,tories booklets' in %airs

The T6 !alk throughout the roo& and hel% students !ho are have a difficult ti&e understanding the assign&ent

S$pplementar, Materials
-ach student !ill receiveC

1 %ennies 1 dro%%er 1 %a%er to!el 1 cu% of !ater to share !ith a %artner A !orksheet to fill out %encil -7;?

T6 vie! observations D , observations in their 3ournals

Reflection 4 really liked doing this lesson There is nothing 4 !ould do to change this lesson The students en3oyed doing this lesson and they !ere engaged during the !hole ti&e

Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08

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