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Daniel Globig Youth Ministry Portfolio Outward Undertaking: We believe that youth ministries have slowly, imperceptibly shifted their focus from Jesus as the center of all our ministry activities to lesser goals. We assert that Jesus is the obvious and persistent focus of effective youth ministries. And we believe that youth pastors have maximum impact, in partnership with God, when they work to connect everything they do back to Jesus. (Rick Lawrence) My personal mission is to breathe, run, fight, and preach for Christ. Inward Undertaking: If you think you can walk in holiness without keeping up perpetual fellowship with Christ, you have made a great mistake. If you would be holy, you must live close to Jesus. (Spurgeon) Philosophy of Youth Ministry: My ministry will reach a dying generation of youth who are drowning at the bottom of the lake known as youth culture, or who are at-risk to slip through the ice. Many of them are in places of ruins, whether those ruins are comprised of doubt, fear, death, depression, temptation, deception, or pain. This generation has grown up with multimedia technology and experiential learning. Many have been wounded by tumultuous shifts in family and the Church, and have reached the point of apathy or confusion emotionally. In a world full of so many good and evil influences, there are some rising millennials who have embraced the world they have been given, but passionately envision a better future. Some of them even envision the Kingdom. But all are starving and thirsty for a God who will fill voids who will invite them to shadow God, build the Church, and heal the world. Within the context of a holistic framework of youth ministry, every part of me wants to walk with each and every teen, influence them along this epic life journey, and introduce them to the full power of Christ. None of this is possible without the power of the Spirit in my own personal life, a solid and sustainable leadership team, a logical strategy and philosophy, and a long-suffering church covering. For the future of my ministry, my hope is in the Lord. My philosophy is simply to have Christ at the epicenter of all ruins. In our culture of ruins, affinity is vital to establish in order to influence a persons identity or autonomy. Affinity is so needed because so many youth are abandoned. Holistic Framework for Youth Ministry: This framework views youth as capable people who are a part of the overall community; our goal is to develop them into whole adults, empowered by God, to be disciples for Christ. Finds ways to see ministry in the context of relationships while utilizing creative programming which integrates cutting-edge truth and ancient truth which has withstood the storms of time. Keeps values such as: transparency, acceptance, respect, love, wisdom, commitment, and endurance. Youth want leaders who genuinely empathize and want to be a friend and confidant. Todays teenagers are just not getting who Jesus really is, or theyre not getting enough of who he really is, or theyre getting, literally, a fake Jesus. (Rick Lawrence) A holistic framework lives and breathes the whole picture of Jesus even hitting on the difficult-but-necessary topics.

4 Rated R Pillars 1.

Refocus myself in Christ

Do this before reaching for youth or leaders. In a plane, it is important to get your mask on first, before getting a mask for your kid. Then, revive those who are lost and dying. Put on all necessary armour for battle. And remember extreme confidence (Eph.6.1020; Rom.8.38) Rom.15.13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. The world is a dying place with more spiritual warfare than most people realize. Death is all around us, but it has no power over us. (1 Cor.15.55; Rom.6.23; Mt.7.21; Rom.3.10) Lk. 9. 2 Then he sent them out to tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. There are so many ruins and potential ruins in youth culture, so my intent is to plant seeds of growth and sustenance. (Mk.4.26) This requires humility and servant hood. (Lk.9.48; Mt.18) Mt.18.3 Unless your turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. 1 Thess. 2.8 We loved you so much that we shared with you not only Gods Good News but our lives, too. Rom.12.9-10 Dont just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Lk.5.11 As soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus. Key Concepts:


Revive anyone losing a pulse


Restore the ruins


Release through relationship-discipleship

Prophetic imagination, necessity of relationship, vitality of presentation to captivate attention, authoritative relevancy, embracing culture, discernment and balance, potent atmosphere, Biblical worldview, the relevancy of mystery, God-shaped voids, genuine intimacy, broken families, abandonment, shifting youth culture, friends on the journey, Christs compassion, the spirituality of the flesh, the warfare all around us, the untapped raw power of the Spirit, the untapped raw power of the Scripture, the unknown love of the Father, the untouched relevancy of Christ since He is the way to our True Father.
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus (Eph.2.4)

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