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Global Change Biology (2010) 16, 427–438, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01981.

Contribution of trees to carbon storage in soils of

silvopastoral systems in Florida, USA
S O L O M O N G . H A I L E *w , V I M A L A D . N A I R w and P. K . R A M A C H A N D R A N N A I R *
*Center for Subtropical Agroforestry, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, PO Box 110410, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA, wSoil and Water Science Department, PO Box 110510; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

Silvopastoral systems that integrate trees in pasture production systems are likely to
enhance soil carbon (C) storage in lower soil layers due to the presence of deep tree roots.
To quantify the relative soil C contribution from trees (C3 plants) and warm season
grasses (C4 plants) in silvopastoral systems, soil samples were collected and analyzed
from silvopastures of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) 1 bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), and
adjacent open pasture (OP), at six depths down to 125 cm, at four sites representing two
major soil orders (Spodosols and Ultisols) of Florida. The plant sources of C in whole
(nonfractionated) and three soil fraction sizes (250–2000, 53–250, and o53 lm) were traced
using stable C isotope signatures. The silvopasture sites contained higher amounts of C3-
derived soil organic carbon (SOC) compared with OP sites, at all soil depths. Slash pine
trees (C3 plants) seemed to have contributed more C in the silt 1 clay-sized (o53 lm)
fractions than bahiagrass (C4 plants), particularly deeper in the soil profile. Spodosols
sites contained more C in the o53 lm fraction at and below the spodic horizon (occurring
between 15 and 50 cm) in silvopasture compared with OP. The results indicate that most
of SOC in deeper soil profiles and the relatively stable o53 lm C fraction were derived
from tree components (C3 plants) in all the sites, suggesting that the tree-based pasture
system has greater potential to store more stable C in the soil compared with the treeless
OP 5 open pasture
SOC 5 soil organic carbon
SP-A 5 center of the alley in a silvopasture
SP-T 5 in-between trees in a row of a silvopasture
Keywords: agroforestry, bahiagrass pasture, carbon sequestration, slash pine, stable carbon isotope

Received 10 December 2008; revised version received 21 April 2009 and accepted 7 May 2009

cultural) systems (Montagnini & Nair, 2004). Such

claims are based on the premise that the tree compo-
Agroforestry systems (AFS) that combine trees and/or nents in AFS can be significant sinks of atmospheric C
shrubs with crops and/or livestock production are due to their long-term storage of high amounts of C in
planned and managed agroecosystems (Garrett et al., biomass, especially in the deep root systems. Further-
2000). Increasing the overall productivity and efficiency more, higher diversity of grassland species and specific
of the land-use system are major goals of agroforestry plant functional traits were reported to increase uptake
(Nair, 2005). AFS have the potential to enhance carbon of C into the soil system through resource partitioning
(C) sequestration in soil compared with treeless (agri- (Steinbeiss et al., 2008). Similarly Saha et al. (2009) found
that homegardens with higher, compared with those
with lower, number of plant species, as well as higher
Correspondence: Vimala D. Nair, tel. 1 352 392 1804, fax 1 352 392 species richness and tree density had higher soil C,
3399, e-mail: vdn@ufl.edu especially in the top 50 cm of soil.

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428 S . G . H A I L E et al.

Silvopasture – the integration of trees into forage or/ (Nyberg et al., 2000; Biedenbender et al., 2004; Staddon,
and livestock – has been practiced in the southeastern 2004). When a C4 plant is introduced to a system that
USA as ‘tree-pasture’ or ‘pine-pasture’ since the early had previously been under a C3 plant (or vice versa), the
1950s (Nair et al., 2005). Indeed, silvopasture is the most relative contribution of new vs. old soil organic C can be
common form of agroforestry in North America (Gar- quantified using the mass balance of stable isotope
rett et al., 2000; Nair et al., 2008). These agroecosystems contents based on the change in 13C signature of SOM
are usually established by incorporating trees in exist- (Dawson et al., 2002; Del Galdo et al., 2003). In a
ing, managed pastures of bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum combined tree 1 grass land-use system, C3 inputs are
Flueggé), common bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) dominated by either woody shrubs or trees and C4
Pers. var. dactylon] or other similar grasses (Workman inputs are dominated by grass (McClaran & McPher-
et al., 2003). son, 1995). In pine-based silvopastoral systems where
Functional consequences of integration of trees into C3 and C4 plants are grown simultaneously, such
grass-dominated vegetation include changes of above- studies that use the natural abundance of d13C to
and belowground productivity (Scholes & Hall, 1996; understand the C dynamics are rare.
Archer et al., 2001), modifications to rooting depth and The d13C isotope technique requires comparison be-
distribution (Gill & Burke, 1999), and changes in the tween a site where the photosynthetic pathway of the
quantity and quality of litter inputs (Connin et al., 1997; dominant vegetation (C3 or C4) has been changed and a
Jackson et al., 2000; Jobbágy & Jackson, 2000). Soil reference site where photosynthetic pathway of the
organic matter (SOM) is extremely vulnerable to land- vegetation remains unchanged. The plant community
use change (Paul et al., 1997; IPCC, 2001), as well as to in silvopasture systems of the southeastern USA is
intensification of agricultural practices (Matson et al., composed of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) (a C3 plant;
1997). Thus, in order to quantify the strength and long- d13C  29.5%) and C4 plants dominated by bahia-
evity of the C sink in tree-based pasture systems, it is grass (P. notatum) (d13C  13.3%). The d13C value
important to understand the mechanisms and processes ranges of C3 and C4 plants do not overlap. Therefore,
associated with C transformation and storage. SOM has differences in isotope ratio can be used to quantify the
a very complex and heterogeneous composition, and is relative contribution of plants of each photosynthetic
associated with mineral soil constituents to form soil pathway to SOM (Balesdent et al., 1988). Thus, combin-
aggregates. The nature and extent of turnover of soil ing SOM fractionation techniques with the 13C natural
organic carbon (SOC) is intimately linked to organic abundance technique offers a compelling approach to
matter size fractions as well as to soil structure and investigating small shifts in soil C stores that would be
extent of aggregation (Martens, 2000). Different compo- significant in the long term, which might not be de-
nents of SOC have different residence times, ranging tected by conventional methods. A change in land use
from labile to stable forms (Carter, 1996). Thus, to from open pasture (OP) to silvopasture presents a
evaluate changes in soil C and SOM dynamics correctly, unique opportunity to use the stable C isotope metho-
it is necessary to separate out functionally different dology to study SOC dynamics following the integra-
SOM fractions. Soil size fractionation helps to differ- tion of trees into OP. The present study was undertaken
entiate these different SOC fractions, (Christensen, in this context, with the objectives of assessing the
1992); it is based on the premise that SOC associated impact of integrating trees in pastures systems on the
with sand-size aggregates (or macro-organic matter SOC content and SOM fraction size compared with OP
4250 mm) is often more labile than SOC in the clay systems, and quantifying the relative SOC contribution
and silt fractions (Tiessen & Stewart, 1983). of trees and warm-season grasses of silvopastoral sys-
Stable C isotope-ratio analysis in SOC studies tems using their natural C isotopic differences.
emerged as a tool to trace the source of SOC to C3
and C4 components in vegetation (Stout et al., 1981).
Materials and methods
Numerous studies (Bernoux et al., 1998; Ehleringer et al.,
2000; Accoe et al., 2002; Swap et al., 2004) have been
Study area
successful in applying d13C to understand plant–soil
SOM dynamics, making stable isotopic analysis a useful Soil samples were collected from four sites, located in
technique. When one type of vegetation is replaced with Alachua (29145 0 N, 82133 0 W), Osceola (2819 0 N, 81110 0 W),
another, d13C values can be used to identify SOM Hardee (27113 0 N, 8218 0 W), and Suwannee (30124 0 N,
derived from residues in the native vegetation and the 8310 0 W) counties in Florida, USA. Hereafter, the sites
new vegetation based on discrimination between C3 are designated by county names where the farms are
and C4 plants. The reported d13C values range from 9 located. The sites represented two major soil orders
to 19% for C4 plants and 20 to 35% for C3 plants [Spodosols (Hardee and Osceola counties) and Ultisols

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438


(Alachua and Suwannee counties)] of Florida. The slash pine (C3) plant parts was prepared to determine
Spodosol sites are on Ona (sandy siliceous, hyperther- the d13C values. A similar procedure was adopted for
mic Typic Alaquods) or Immokalee fine sands (sandy bahiagrass (C4 plant) by collecting leaves (shoots) and
siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquods), whereas the roots of grass from the OPs.
Ultisol sites are on Kendrick (loamy, siliceous, semiac-
tive, hyperthermic Arenic Paleudults) or Blanton sands
(loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Grossarenic Pa- Size fractionation
leudults). Detailed description of the study sites can be Soils were physically fractionated by wet-sieving fol-
found in Haile et al. (2008). At each site, soils were lowing a procedure using the disruptive forces of slak-
sampled in a silvopasture with slash pine (P. elliottii ing and wet-sieving through a series of two sieve sizes
Englem) and bahiagrass (P. notatum Flueggé) and ad- (250 and 53 mm) to obtain three soil fraction size classes,
jacent open (treeless) pasture with bahiagrass. The soil as described by Elliott (1986) and Six et al. (1998). Briefly,
particle-size distribution in these sites ranged from 87% all field-moist composite samples were air dried and
to 96% sand, 2% to 4% silt, and 3% to 9% clay (Haile passed through a 2 mm sieve. A subsample of 100 g of
et al., 2008). the composite sample was submerged in deionized
At each site, silvopasture and adjacent treeless pas- water with disruptive forces of slaking for approxi-
ture plots were selected from which soil samples were mately 5 min before placing it on top of 250 mm sieve.
taken. Slope, aspect, and soil series were uniform across The sieving was done manually by moving the sieve
plots within a site, thus ensuring that the land-use up and down approximately 50 times in 2 min. The
system (pasture vs. silvopasture) was the primary factor fraction remaining on the top of a 250 mm sieve was
influencing the soil C content in plots. The OPs on collected in a hard plastic pan and allowed to dry in
Suwannee, Osceola, Hardee, and Alachua farms, were oven at 65 1C and weighed. Water plus soil o250 mm
40, 22, 48, and 55 years old, respectively, since pasture was poured through a 53 mm sieve and the same sieving
establishment. The respective ages (years) of silvopas- procedure was repeated. The overall wet sieving pro-
tures since establishment at the four sites were: Suwan- cedure yielded a water-stable macro-sized fraction, 250–
nee (40), Osceola (14), Hardee (12), and Alachua (8). 2000 mm; a micro-sized fraction, 53–250 mm, and a
silt 1 clay-sized fraction, o53 mm. The recovery of
Sampling mass soil fractions after overall wet sieving procedure
ranged from 96% to 99% of the initial soil mass. Taki-
Soil samples were collected from three different sam- moto et al. (2008) reported a recovery range from 97% to
pling plot sets: two locations in the silvopasture sites 99% mass soil fractions using a similar fractionation
including between trees in a row at about 50 cm from a procedure.
tree trunk (SP-T) and at the center of an alley at 2–3 m
from tree trunk (SP-A), and one set of samples from OP.
Each of these sample sets had stratified grid sampling Chemical analysis
points made by three parallel rows with four sampling For chemical analysis, whole and fractionated soils
points in a row. The distance between samples was on were oven-dried at 60 1C for 72 h, and ground to fine
average 50 m. From each sampling point, soils were powder using a ball mill (Cianflone Scientific Instru-
collected using an auger, from six soil depths: 0–5, 5–15, ments, Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Total SOC content was
15–30, 30–50, 50–75, and 75–125 cm. While in the field, a determined for whole and fractionated soil samples by
composite sample was created for each depth interval. dry combustion on an automated FLASH EA 1112 N C
Equal amounts of soil from corresponding depth inter- elemental analyzer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Wal-
vals of four sampling points in a row were mixed. Thus, tham, MA, USA).
at each site, there were three composite samples for
each depth interval. The composite samples [each soil
depth interval in a row (grid line in OP)] constituted the Stable C isotope analysis
experimental unit of analysis and each unit had three Soil samples were analyzed for C concentrations and for
replications (rows), giving a total of 216 samples [six
d13C values using a Carlo Erba EA-1108 (CE Elantech,
depths  three replications  three ‘locations’ (SP-A, SP-
Lakewood, NJ, USA) interfaced with a Delta Plus
T, and OP)  four sites/counties] (Haile et al., 2008).
(Thermo Finnigan, San Jose, CA, USA) isotope ratio
Needles, roots, wood (branch), bark, and cones were
mass spectrometer operating in continuous flow mode.
collected from slash pine trees of silvopastures. The
C isotope ratios are presented in d-notation:
samples were oven-dried at 60 1C for 72 h, and ground
to fine powder using a mill. A composite sample of the d13 C ¼ ð½RSAMPLE  RSTD =RSTD Þ  103 ; ð1Þ

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where RSAMPLE is the 13C/12C ratio of the sample, and difference between SP-A and SP-T locations. In general,
RSTD is the 13C/12C ratio of the Vienna Pee Dee Belem- whole soil d13C values in silvopasture were strongly C3-
nite (VPDB) standard (Coplen, 1996). Precision of du- dominated signals with value ranging from 17.5% to
plicate measurements was 0.1%. None of the samples 25.1% at all sites (Table 1). The d13C values of whole
contained CaCO3 or other forms of inorganic C. A soil had a maximum value of 15% at the surface (0–
relative proportion of SOC derived from the bahiagrass, 5 cm) in OP, and a minimum value of 25.1% in the
a C4 plant, or from the slash pine, a C3 plant, was deeper soil profile of the silvopasture.
estimated based on the following equations (Balesdent
& Mariotti, 1996): Fractionated samples. The d13C values of the macro-sized
% C4-derived SOC ¼ ðd  dT Þ=ðdG  dT Þ  100; ð2Þ fraction (Fig. 1) showed a similar trend as the whole soil
sample with high values at the surface of the OP and
decreasing with depth in all four sites. At the upper
% C3-derived SOC ¼ 100  %C4-derived SOC; ð3Þ 5 cm, the d13C values in the OP were higher by 38% in
where d is the d C of a given sample, dT a composite Alachua (Fig. 1a, Po0.001), 33% in Suwannee (Fig. 1b,
sample of the C3 plant and dG is a composite sample of Po0.001), 27% in Hardee (Fig. 1c, Po0.001), and 25% in
pasture grass shoots and roots (C4). the Osceola sites (Fig. 1d, Po0.01) than the average
Based on the percentages of C3- and C4-derived SOC value at the silvopasture (SP-A and SP-T). Except at the
and the C content in each soil sample, the contributions depth interval 3050 cm, the OP d13C values in macro-
to total SOC by C3 and C4 plants were calculated as sized fraction were significantly higher than values on
follows: an adjacent silvopasture across Alachua, Suwannee,
and Osceola sites (Fig. 1a, b, and d).
C3-derived SOC ðkg m2 Þ ¼ð% C3-derived SOCÞ
The d13C values of the OP system in the micro-sized
 ðSOC content; kg m2 Þ; fraction (53–250 mm) were significantly higher than
ð4Þ those at corresponding sampling locations in the
C4-derived SOC ðkg m2 Þ ¼ð% C4-derived SOCÞ silvopasture in the Ultisol sites at any given depth
(Fig. 1e and f). Average values were 19.3% and
 ðSOC content; kg m2 Þ:
20.5% for OP in Alachua and Suwannee,
ð5Þ respectively, compared with average values 24.6%
and 24.7%, SP-T and SP-A, respectively, in Alachua
and 25.5% and 25.6% for SP-A and SP-T,
Statistical analysis
respectively, in Suwannee. Similarly, the d13C values
Planned comparison analysis of variance (ANOVA) with of OP system at surface in the Spodosol sites were
Tukey’s studentized range test (HSD) was used to higher than those of locations in silvopasture. In the
compare the mean differences between land-manage- silt 1 clay-sized fraction, a clear difference between d13C
ment practices and plant sources on SOC in whole soil, values of OP and silvopasture was observed in Ultisol
macro-sized, micro-sized and silt- and clay-sized frac- sites as opposed to Spodosol sites that showed no
tions at four sites. Statistical analyses were carried out difference across depths (Fig. 1 g and h). In the upper
separately for all depth-classes. The composite sample 5 cm of the Alachua site, the values were 17.45% for
in a row (grid line in OP) within each soil depth OP as compared with 23.8% and 23.5% for SP-A
constituted the experimental unit of the analysis and and SP-T, respectively.
each unit had three replications (rows). All statistical
tests were performed with STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM
Plant sources of SOC in whole soil sample
(SAS Institute Inc., 2004) and differences were consid-
ered significant when Po0.05. In all the sites, except at depth 5–15 cm in Suwannee
and at depth 50–75 in Osceola, C3-derived SOC in the
whole soil sample was significantly higher at the two
silvopasture locations (SP-A and SP-T) than in the OP
13 system. A reverse trend was observed for the SOC
Differences in the natural abundance of C SOC
derived from C4 plants (Table 2), although the differ-
Whole soil sample. The average d C value of whole soil ence was not always significant for all depths. On
in OP for the four sites was 19.8%. This value was average, the amount of SOC derived from C3 plants
significantly higher (Po0.001) than in SP-A or SP-T of ranged from 9.4 kg m2 in OP, 25.6 kg m2 in SP-A, and
silvopasture with an overall average d13C value of 30.3 kg m2 in SP-T at the surface soil, compared with
22.6% and 22.9%, respectively, but there was no corresponding values of 2.6, 4.1, and 6.4 kg m2, respec-

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438


Table 1 d13C values of soil organic carbon (SOC) in whole (unfractionated) soil in different soil depths of silvopasture and open
pasture sites on two Ultisols (Alachua and Suwannee counties) and two Spodosols (Hardee and Osceola counties) in Florida, USA

d13C values of SOC, %

Ultisol sites Spodosol sites

Depth (cm) OP SP-A SP-T OP SP-A SP-T

Alachua Hardee
0–5 15.9a (0.9) 23.6b (0.5) 24.2b (0.4) 15.2a (0.4) 20.9b (0.0) 22.4c (0.2)
5–15 20.6 (1.0) 23.0 (0.6) 24.6 (1.1) 19.1a (0.1) 20.3ab (0.4) 21.7b (0.4)
15–30 20.6a (0.3) 24.9b (1.7) 23.2b (0.1) 21.0 (0.2) 21.7 (0.8) 21.2 (0.1)
30–50 19.8a (0.3) 25.0b (1.7) 23.2b (0.3) 22.2 (0.7) 21.1 (1.2) 21.8 (0.4)
50–75 19.5a (0.6) 23.1b (0.5) 23.3b (0.4) 23.7 (0.1) 23.6 (0.7) 24.4 (0.3)
75–125 20.3a (0.9) 23.3b (0.6) 23.2b (0.5) 23.3a (0.5) 24.7b (0.2) 24.7b (0.1)

Suwannee Osceola
a b b
0–5 16.9 (0.3) 23.5 (0.5) 23.9 (0.3) 15.0a (0.1) 17.5b (0.3) 20.7c (0.6)
5–15 19.2a (0.4) 23.6b (0.1) 24.2b (0.3) 17.2a (0.5) 19.7b (0.4) 19.8b (0.2)
15–30 20.9a (0.3) 25.1b (0.9) 24.4b (0.4) 19.5 (0.4) 20.5 (0.3) 20.0 (0.1)
30–50 21.5a (0.1) 25.0b (1.0) 24.7b (0.4) 20.8 (0.1) 21.2 (0.2) 21.5 (0.5)
50–75 22.0a (0.3) 23.9b (0.3) 24.7b (0.1) 20.9 (0.3) 21.5 (0.5) 21.6 (0.5)
75–125 22.0a (0.4) 24.3b (0.2) 25.1b (0.1) 20.4a (0.7) 21.4b (0.3) 21.4b (0.8)

Lowercase letters indicate significant differences in SOC among pasture locations at a given depth and site. The values in
parentheses are the standard error of means.
OP, open pasture; SP-A, silvopasture, center of the alley; SP-T, silvopasture, in between trees in row.

tively, at the 75–125 cm depth. However, these C3 values (0–5) than in SP-A or SP-T for Alachua, Suwannee, and
accounted for 16.7% in OP, 55.5% in SP-A, and 65.1% Osceola sites (Fig. 3a–d). The C3 component (slash
in SP-T at the surface soil compared with the corre- pine) contributed o20% of the total SOC in this frac-
sponding values of 58.9%, 69.4%, and 70.6%, respec- tion size on surface soils (05 cm) at all four sites (Fig.
tively, at the 75–125 cm depth. The remaining 3a–d). The trend was similar to that of the larger
percentages of SOC were considered to be contributions fraction in that there were significant differences be-
by C4 plants. tween OP and the silvopasture locations. The greatest
difference between land uses in contribution of C3-
derived C was in the surface in all four sites, ranging
Plant sources of SOC in fraction sizes
from 13% to 19% in OP and 30% to 76% in the
The amounts of C3- and C4-derived SOC in the macro- silvopasture (Fig. 3a–d). The SP-T generally had sig-
sized fraction were significantly different among the SP- nificantly higher C3-derived SOC than that of OP or
A, SP-T, and OP at the surface soil layers for Alachua SP-A, at the two lowest depths in all the sites except in
and Osceola sites, but not for Suwannee and Hardee Alachua (Fig. 3q–x).
sites (Fig, 2a-d). Compared with the C4-derived SOC, The silvopasture locations in general had accumu-
the proportion of C3-derived SOC generally increased lated higher C3- and C4-derived SOC in the silt 1 clay
with soil depth in both land-use systems for all sites fractions than OP land use in the upper 15 cm depth
(Fig. 2). For example, at the Alachua site (Fig. 2a, e, i, m, of the Spodosol sites. Generally, with an increase
q, and u) 11%, 68%, and 75% of SOC were C3-derived in in depth, proportion of C3-derived in SOC in the
OP, SP-A, and SP-T, respectively, on surface soil smallest fraction size increased compared the propor-
(05 cm). The corresponding values in the lowest pro- tion of C4-derived SOC for all the sites. The C3-derived
file (75–125 cm) were 63%, 93%, and 82% at the same content in the o53 mm fraction was also relatively high-
site (Fig. 2a, e, i, m, q, and u). er at the spodic horizon (upper level of spodic was
The C4-derived SOC in the micro-sized (53–250 mm) between 15 and 50 cm) of the Spodosol sites (Fig. 4o
fraction was significantly higher in the OP surface soil and p).

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432 S . G . H A I L E et al.

Fig. 1 Differences in d13C values of soil organic carbon (SOC) in macro-sized (250–2000 mm; a–d), micro-sized (53–250 mm; e–h), and
silt 1 clay (o53 mm; i–l) fractions with mid-points of sampled depths at three pasture locations [silvopasture center of the alley (SP-A)
and in-between tree rows (SP-T) and open pasture (OP)] for whole-soil of the Alachua (a, e, and i), Suwannee (b, f, and j), Hardee (c, g,
and k), and Osceola (d, h, and l) sites in Florida, USA. Lower and upper case letters indicate significant differences in C3- and C4-derived
SOC, respectively, among pasture locations at a given depth and site. Bars represent standard errors of the mean.

Discussion as their composite sample (dG) in this study were not

different, with a value of 12.9%.
The d13C value for composite sample of slash pine (dT)
Although the d13C values measured in the silvopas-
measured in this study was 28.5%. Values for indivi-
ture soil in this study (on average  24%) were
dual plant parts such as needles, root, cones, bark, and
within the general range of values for terrestrial C3
branches (wood) were within  2% of the dT. The
plants as given in literatures, they were higher than
values were within the range of d13C values reported
d13C value (28.5%) for a composite slash pine sample.
in literature for a composite sample of plant parts or soil It is plausible that the increase in d13C values was
underneath slash pine. Parasolova et al. (2003) reported caused by SOC input from bahiagrass (C4 plants) in
range between 25% and 29.5% for slash pine  Car- the silvopasture.
ibbean pine (Pinus caribaea) hybrids. Similarly, Morta- The main source of C input to the soil is usually root
zavi & Chanton (2002) found value range between biomass, which is transformed to SOC by microorgan-
27.3% and 28.5% for slash pine needles. The d13C isms. Compared with trees, grass species generally
values range of terrestrial plants grown under natural develop shallow root systems or alternatively allocate
conditions are between 9% to 19% for C4 plants and the main root biomass to the uppermost soil layers,
20% to 35% for C3 plants (Vogel, 1993; Nyberg et al., even if single roots can reach depths of several meters.
2000; Biedenbender et al., 2004; Staddon, 2004). The d13C The most negative d13C values ( 25%) were found in
value for bahiagrass measured in this study was also deep soils of the silvopasture soils and the least nega-
very close to the d13C value of 13.3% for shoots or tive values ( 15%) at the surface of soil layer of OP.
roots of bahiagrass reported by Nakano et al. (2001). The The d13C values showed a generally decreasing (become
d13C value of bahiagrass shoot and root samples as well more negative) trend with soil depth. The deep-rooted

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438

Table 2 C3- and C4-derived soil organic carbon (SOC) in whole (unfractionated) soil in different land-use locations at four sites across soil depth on two Ultisols (Alachua and
Suwannee counties) and two Spodosols (Hardee and Osceola counties) in Florida, USA

SOC (kg m2)

Ultisol sites Spodosol sites

C3 C4 C3 C4


Alachua Hardee
0–5 11.78b (1.97) 34.25a (1.26) 30.85a (0.67) 43.63A (0.29) 21.32B (0.46) 10.67C (0.37) 6.89c (0.29) 16.49b (0.60) 23.65a (0.01) 35.08A (0.79) 15.81B (0.57) 17.29B (1.15)
5–15 4.42b (0.63) 12.17a (0.07) 11.96a (2.22) 7.06A (0.04) 7.80A (0.07) 2.82B (0.51) 5.54c (1.47) 44.77a (3.18) 24.2b (0.88) 8.55C (2.25) 48.34A (0.62) 18.97B (1.70)
15–30 3.43c (0.10) 10.00a (0.01) 4.62b (0.05) 3.59A (0.24) 4.26A (0.15) 2.16B (0.24) 6.16c (1.59) 25.23a (0.34) 15.76b (0.58) 4.21C (0.28) 27.02A (0.24) 14.21B (0.67)
30–50 1.58 (0.30) 2.32 (0.15) 1.92 (0.17) 2.33A (0.16) 1.17B (0.11) 1.01B (0.07) 11.68c (0.41) 13.4b (0.35) 19.37a (0.33) 7.96B (0.42) 9.15B (0.49) 14.85A (1.56)
50–75 2.20 (0.20) 2.53 (0.01) 2.05 (0.15) 2.37A (0.03) 1.13B (0.08) 1.04B (0.04) 4.15c (0.23) 13.75a (0.12) 11.08b (0.71) 2.52B (0.18) 9.51A (0.83) 3.50B (0.76)

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438

75–125 0.91b (0.05) 1.64a (0.10) 0.75b (0.04) 0.82A (0.04) 0.73A (0.06) 0.35B (0.02) 2.98c (0.61) 12.68a (1.18) 7.26b (0.99) 1.46C (0.10) 4.12A (0.18) 2.37B (0.27)

Suwannee Osceola
c b a A B B
0–5 8.01 (1.20) 25.73 (0.88) 32.28 (0.17) 18.83 (1.11) 13.98 (0.66) 14.14 (0.94) 10.93c (0.38) 26.13b (0.73) 35.23a (0.83) 74.23A (2.38) 57.70B (1.95) 42.79C (1.74)
5–15 9.19a (0.55) 6.98b (0.34) 7.17b (0.37) 12.45A (0.29) 3.28B (0.25) 3.76B (0.39) 7.40b (0.70) 9.64ab (0.56) 11.84a (0.11) 18.98A (0.35) 13.64B (0.03) 14.47B (0.47)
15–30 4.38c (0.19) 6.49b (0.00) 8.04a (0.02) 5.18A (0.04) 2.01C (0.38) 3.82B (0.32) 6.35b (0.70) 8.40b (0.68) 12.33a (0.82) 8.74AB (0.54) 7.52B (0.91) 11.33A (0.74)
30–50 3.57b (0.59) 2.71b (0.14) 6.92a (0.00) 3.40A (0.28) 1.13C (0.05) 1.98B (0.10) 5.66b (0.14) 6.09b (0.02) 9.73a (0.13) 5.67B (0.21) 6.10B (0.63) 8.86A (0.66)
b a B C A a b a
50–75 3.80b (0.13) 2.79 (0.03) 13.08 (1.66) 2.78 (0.16) 1.23 (0.10) 4.64 (0.06) 5.33 (0.83) 1.09 (0.46) 5.09 (0.08) 6.40A (0.62) 0.96B (0.41) 5.41A (0.17)
c a
75–125 2.56b (0.10) 1.03 (0.08) 11.53 (0.36) 1.83B (0.12) 0.38C (0.01) 3.31A (0.07) 4.11b (0.46) 1.06c (0.29) 6.03a (0.27) 4.50A (0.47) 1.22B (0.05) 5.77A (0.82)

Lower and upper case letters indicate significant differences in C3- and C4-derived SOC, respectively, among pasture locations at a given depth and site. The values in parentheses
are the standard error of means.
OP, open pasture; SP-A, silvopasture, center of the alley; SP-T, silvopasture, in between trees in row.
434 S . G . H A I L E et al.

Fig. 2 Differences in C3- and C4-derived soil organic carbon (SOC) in macro-sized (250–2000 mm), fractions with sampled depth
intervals at three pasture locations [silvopasture center of the alley (SP-A) and in-between tree rows (SP-T) and open pasture (OP)] for the
Alachua (a, e, i, m, q, and u), Suwannee (b, f, j, n, r, and v), Hardee (c, g, k, o, s, and w), and Osceola (d, h, l, p, t, and x) sites in Florida,
USA. Lower and upper case letters indicate significant differences in C3- and C4-derived SOC, respectively, among pasture locations at a
given site. Bars represent standard errors of the mean.

system of the tree component is most likely to increase The d13C values combined with the possible varia-
the C3-signature or decrease (more negative) d13C va- tions in C turnover rate of the different soil fraction
lues with depth as reported by Kramer & Gleixner sizes provide an indication of plant community history.
(2008). By contrast, the least negative d13C values in The d13C values of fraction sizes revealed that the
the surface soil layer (0–5 cm) of the OP suggests that macro-sized fraction (Fig. 2) and micro-sized fraction
bahiagrass was the main plant source of the SOC. The (Fig. 3) contributed most to the C derived from the C3
SOC beneath the silvopasture on the SP-T and SP-A woody plant in the silvopasture compared with that in
locations, including in the surface soils, were substan- OP across the soil depth, but particularly so in the lower
tially derived from the slash pine litter and fine roots profiles (Figs 2o, p, s, w and 3m–x). Given that the soil
(Table 2). of the study sites is high in sand (94%, Haile et al., 2008),
Soil C decomposition is relatively fast in the surface soil C in the larger soil fraction is likely to be the C that
soil layer (Yang et al., 2009). Consequently, the SOC is newly incorporated into the soil. Thus, most of this
residence time will be shorter at surface soils than at SOC, including that in the lower profile, could be
lower depths. Evidence from radiocarbon studies also considered as contributed by the current C3 plant
indicate that the average age of SOC increases with component in the silvopasture, i.e. slash pine, which
depth in the profile (Scharpenseel & Neue, 1984; Bales- has deeper root systems than the grass component.
dent et al., 1990). The soil C at the surface is likely When comparing d13C values of functionally distinct
composed of recent accumulation of SOM at a given site. SOC fractions, the silt 1 clay fraction showed a higher

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438


Fig. 3 Differences in C3- and C4-derived soil organic carbon (SOC) in micro-sized (53–250 mm), fractions with sampled depth intervals
at three pasture locations [silvopasture center of the alley (SP-A) and in-between tree rows (SP-T) and open pasture (OP)] for the Alachua
(a, e, i, m, q, and u), Suwannee (b, f, j, n, r, and v), Hardee (c, g, k, o, s, and w), and Osceola (d, h, l, p, t, and x) sites in Florida, USA. Lower
and upper case letters indicate significant differences in C3- and C4-derived SOC, respectively, among pasture locations at a given site.
Bars represent standard errors of the mean.

proportion of C3-derived SOC than C4-derived SOC at the C3-derived C in silt- and clay-sized fraction was
the lower soil profile (Fig. 4n–x). However, in the relatively high for both the pasture and the silvopasture
silt 1 clay fraction, no difference was observed between (Fig. 4k, l, o, t). The spodic horizons differ from other
silvopasture and OP in the lower depths for most sites soil profile materials due to the prevalence of organi-
(Fig. 4v–x), except the Alachua site where the land was cally associated aluminum (Al) and have very high
under agriculture (corn, Zea mays) before the current OP surface area for the retention of SOC (Eswaran et al.,
(Fig. 4u). The silt 1 clay fraction was less enriched with 2003). Percival et al. (2000) found that the pyropho-
C than the whole soil and appeared to contain SOC sphate-extractable Al was correlated strongly with both
largely derived from C3 (o75%). In fact, the C asso- soil C content and soil C concentration across different
ciated with the silt 1 clay fraction tends to be ‘older’ C types of soils. Schwartz et al. (1986) showed from an
(Anderson & Paul, 1984), indicating that prior land-use analysis of the depth distribution of d13C in podzols
history of the site has a substantial effect on the current (equivalent name for Spodosols, according to the FAO
status of C storage in soil fraction sizes. Forty-five years system of soil classification) developed under C4 sa-
ago, the current study sites were under forest vegeta- vanna in the Congo that the Bh horizons exhibited
tion, popularly called Florida Flatwoods and it is logical typical C3 values because the podzolic morphology
to surmise that the current C status of the site is a was inherited from past forest phases 430 000 years
reflection of that land-use history. old. Using long-term incubation experiments and nat-
At the Spodosol sites, at and below the spodic hor- ural 13C-labelling of C3- and C4-derived SOC collected
izon (Bh), which occurred between 15 and 50 cm depth, from across major environmental gradients in Australia,

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438

436 S . G . H A I L E et al.

Fig. 4 Differences in C3- and C4-derived soil organic carbon (SOC) in silt + clay-sized (o53 mm), fractions with sampled depth intervals
at three pasture locations [silvopasture center of the alley (SP-A) and in-between tree rows (SP-T) and open pasture (OP)] for the Alachua
(a, e, i, m, q, and u), Suwannee (b, f, j, n, r, and v), Hardee (c, g, k, o, s, and w), and Osceola (d, h, l, p, t, and x) sites in Florida, USA. Lower
and upper case letters indicate significant differences in C3- and C4-derived SOC, respectively, among pasture locations at a given site.
Bars represent standard errors of the mean.

Wynn & Bird (2007) found that the active pool of SOC component in the silvopasture (Gillson et al., 2004). The
derived from C4 plants decomposed at more than twice use of 14C and bomb C models (Trumbore, 2000) is
the rate of total pool of active SOC, and concluded that relevant to ‘date’ soil fractions and to distinguish newly
C4-derived SOC decomposed faster than C3-derived incorporated C derived from tree component in the
SOC in mixed C3/C4 soils. This would suggest that silvopasture from old residual C retained from primary
the higher amount of C3-derived SOC at lower depths forest. Such methods could also reduce uncertainties in
in silvopastoral systems could also be a result of lower turnover rates.
decomposition rate of C3-derived SOC and not only of
its higher input.
The silvopasture system in the present study, which
represents a change from a C4-dominated herbaceous The study showed a consistent trend of increase in C3-
community (bahiagrass) to a mixed plant community of signature dominated the d13C values with soil depth.
C3 woody slash pine and bahiagrass, provides an ideal Evidently, this has translated to a slight increase in C3-
situation for the use of the natural 13C-labeling techni- derived SOC pools following tree integration into pas-
que (Nitschelm et al., 1997). The quantification of the tures in this study. The fractionated soil revealed that a
progressive incorporation of new C into soil organic substantial proportion of C3-derived SOC was found in
fractions provides a powerful means to elucidating the macro- and micro-sized fractions at the surface and
pathways of C transformations and stabilizations. How- deeper soil profiles. At all sites, we found accumula-
ever, the 13C method is unable to distinguish between tions of larger proportion of C3-derived than C4-de-
residual ‘primary forest’ C and new C derived from tree rived SOC associated with silt 1 clay, particularly in the

r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 16, 427–438


deeper soil layer. These results suggest that, in the long Soil (eds Carter MR, Stewart BA), pp. 3–11. CRC press, Boca
term, silvopasture may help sequester more SOC in the Raton, FL, USA.
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Acknowledgements Dawson TE, Mambelli S, Plamboeck AH, Templer PH, Tu KP
(2002) Stable isotopes in plant ecology. Annual Review Ecology
This research was supported in part by a grant from the USDA- System, 33, 507–559.
Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) Del Galdo I, Six J, Peressotti A, Cotrufo MF (2003) Assessing
through the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry. We thank all
the impact of land-use change on soil C sequestration in
the individuals who participated in this research project espe-
agricultural soils by means of organic matter fraction and
cially, Fred Clark (Alachua), Bruce Goff (Suwannee), and Harris
Hill (Osceola) who allowed us to collect soil samples and other stable C isotopes. Global Change Biology, 9, 1204–1213.
field data from their farms. We also thank Sam Allen, Alain Ehleringer JR, Buchmann N, Flanagan LB (2000) Carbon isotope
Michel and Subhrajit Saha (SFRC, UF) for their help during soil ratios in belowground carbon cycle processes. Ecological Ap-
sampling. plications, 10, 412–422.
Elliott ET (1986) Aggregate structure and carbon, nitrogen and
phosphorus in native and cultivated soils. Soil Science Society of
America Journal, 50, 627–633.
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