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Works Cited Britannica. "Prohibition: To Drink or Not to Drink." YouTube. YouTube, 25 June 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_VVGafuMwk>.

Secondary-This video helps the audience understand the 18th Amendment which prohibitions the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol This video was not created in the time of prohibition Discovery. "Legendary Moonshiner Popcorn Sutton." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Dec. 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aON_EUHsblo>. Secondary-This video shows Moonshine and how serious it was back then This video was produced after the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Accessible Archives. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.accessiblearchives.com/>. Primary-This photo shows how some women would protest This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. American History USA. Unknown, ? Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <www.americanhistoryusa.com>. Primary-This is a photo of Al Capone leader of crime syndicates in Chicago This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Art and Seek. Jerome Weeks, 30 Sept. 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://artandseek.net/2011/09/30/ken-burns-prohibition-you-drink-you-know-this-story-you-dont/>. Primary-This newspaper cover from the day after prohibition was put into effect provides our site with a main picture This picture was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Car Connection. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://images.thecarconnection.com/med/u-s-navy-drunk-driving-deterrencedisplay_100317786_m.jpg>. Secondary-This photo shows how some people feel even today about alcohol This photo was taken after the time of prohibition

N.d. Photograph. CBC Technical. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.cbctechnical.com/2008/03/24/madd-thanks-cbc/madd-logo/>. Secondary-This is the logo of the MADD organization This logo was not used during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. The Dead Frontier. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://deadfrontier.wikia.com/wiki/The_MAFIA>. Secondary-This picture made the page look more appealing This picture was not taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Hatena::Diary. Hatena, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://d.hatena.ne.jp/>. Primary-This propaganda poster showed how the ASL felt about alcohol This propaganda poster was used during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. History. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <ww.history.com>. Primary-This is a photo of Al Capone This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. History. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <www.history.com>. Primary-This is a photo of people who died during the St. Valentines Day Massacre This photo was taken during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Illinois DAR. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://ildar.org/>. Primary-This photo shows Frances Willard, a women temperance reformer This photo was taken during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Inventions and Stuff. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <inventionsandstuff.wikispaces.org>. Secondary-This is a photo of the Tommy gun, the favored weapon of the Mafia This photo was taken after the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Legends of America. ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <www.legendsofamerica.com>. Primary-This picture gives our page more color and life This poster was used during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Legends of America. Web. <www.legendsofamerica.com>. N.d. Photograph. Mgsupgs's Journal. Mgsupgs, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://mgsupgs.livejournal.com/>.

Primary-This popular poster helped to show the division between booze and the protesters This poster was used during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. My Alternative High. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://myalternativehigh.com/>. Secondary-This picture shows the logo of the Women's Temperance Union This picture was made after the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. National Archives. Unknown, ? Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://www.archives.gov/boston/featured-documents/prohibition-enforcement.html>. Primary-This document showed James Dorsey's Indictment This is a photo of a document created during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Pasadena PIO. Ann Erdman, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://pasadenapio.blogspot.com/>. Primary-This also showed how some women viewed alcohol This picture was taken during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. PBS. PBS, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <www.pbs.org>. Primary-This photo shows the ASL and their protesting This photo was taken during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. PBWorks. Mstartzman, 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <https://mstartzman.pbworks.com/>. Primary-This photo shows how the women of the Women's Temperance Union felt about alcohol This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Rare Newspapers. Unknown, ? Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <rarenewspapers.com>. Primary-This newspaper told how 7 members of the Mafia were shot This paper was from the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Retronaut. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.retronaut.com/>. Primary-This photo shows how the women of the Women's Temperance Union felt about liquor This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Scotty Starnes's Blog. Scotty Starnes, 23 Jan. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/undercover-sting-operations-reveals-mafiainvolvement-in-green-energy/>.

Secondary-This picture was useful because it made the tab more appealing to the eye This picture was not taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Smithsonian. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.smithsonianmag.com/>. Primary-This photo shows Wayne Wheeler, the leader of the ASL This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Springfield News-Sun. Unknown, ? Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://www.springfieldnewssun.com/>. Primary-This photo was of the guns used in the St. Valentines Day Massacre This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Straight Fresh. Peter, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://straightfresh.net/mainothe-mafia-anyway/>. Secondary-This picture helped us because it catches the eye and makes the page more attractive This picture was not created during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Temperance & Prohibition. Ohio State University, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://prohibition.osu.edu/>. Primary-This poster showed the opinions of people in the ASL and how they were against alcohol This poster was used during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Temperance & Prohibition. Ohio State University, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://prohibition.osu.edu/>. Primary-This poster told people how booze held back our army This poster was used during the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Tennessee Tech. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://iweb.tntech.edu/>. Primary-This photo shows a way that some women protested This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. UNC Library. University of North Carolina, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www2.lib.unc.edu/m/#_home>.

Primary-This newspaper shows the start of prohibition in North Carolina This was a newspaper article during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. UNC Library. University of North Carolina, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www2.lib.unc.edu/m/#_home>. Primary-This newspaper shows the start of prohibition in North Carolina This was a newspaper article during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. UNC Library. University of North Carolina, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www2.lib.unc.edu/m/#_home>. Primary-This newspaper shows the start of prohibition in North Carolina This was a newspaper article during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Union Park Press. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <unionparkpress.com>. Primary-This was a newspaper cover of the St. Valentines Day Massacre This newspaper was from the prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Visual News. ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <www.visualnews.com>. Primary-This picture showed how people got rid of alcohol This picture was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. West Virginia Division of Culture and HIstory. West Virginia Division of Culture and History, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.wvculture.org/>. Primary-This poster helps show how the women of the Women's Temperance Union viewed alcohol This poster was used during the Prohibition era N.d. Photograph. Wikipedia. Unknown, 21 Nov. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Masseria>. Primary-This photo was a mugshot of Joe Masseria This photo was taken during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Wikipedia. Unknown, 22 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Valentine%27s_Day_Massacre>. Primary-This photo showed some people who died during the St. Valentines Day Massacre This photo was taken during the time of prohibition

N.d. Photograph. Wikipedia. Unknown, 22 Aug. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti_Saloon_League>. Primary-This picture communicated to the public how alcohol was bad This piece of propaganda was used during the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. XTimeline. Unknown, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://www.xtimeline.com/index.aspx>. Secondary-This picture shows the logo of the ASL This picture was made after the time of prohibition N.d. Photograph. Zoe's HIstory. Zoe, ? Web. 23 Nov. 2013. <http://zoeshistory.blogspot.com/>. Primary-This showed that women would take their protesting seriously and take carriages This photo was taken during the prohibition era

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