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The Fourth Dimension by Dr.

David Yonggi Cho

November 2, 2011 at 1:42 pm Filed under Book Review, Pioneer Thi po t !ontain m" #book review$ o% #The Fourth &imen ion$ b" &r' &avid (on))i *ho' Thi #review$ i not intended a an a!ademi! e+er!i e but a a re!ord o% m" under tandin) o% the prin!iple tau)ht in thi book and how , have been per onall" a%%e!ted b" them' There%ore , have !ho en to re!ord m" thou)ht on a !hapter b" !hapter ba i ' N.B. All bible verses quoted are taken rom the Am!li ied translation

,n thi book &r' *ho introdu!e the !on!ept o% the #%ourth dimen ion$' -e tate that the ph" i!al world e+i t in three dimen ion onl" .in imple term hei)ht, depth and breadth/ but that a %ourth and )reater dimen ion en!ompa e the e' Thi i the dimen ion o% the piritual where the upernatural o!!ur ' The %ourth dimen ion !an be een mani%e ted within the three dimen ion o% the world when upernatural o!!urren!e .tho e that operate out with the law o% nature/ take pla!e' &r' *ho e+plain that a people we are made up o% three part : the bod" .our ph" i!al el%/0 oul .emotion and per onalit"/ and pirit .the part o% u that !an !ommuni!ate with 1od and under tand piritual thin) /' 2hen we are #born a)ain$ b" a!!eptin) 3e u into our live the piritual part o% our elve i re4a!tivated and we then )ain the abilit" to under tand the piritual dimen ion' &r' *ho believe that *hri tian need to be a !om%ortable operatin) in thi piritual dimen ion a we are in the three ph" i!al dimen ion ' 5lthou)h the e prin!iple were not new to me at the time o% readin) thi book , %eel parti!ularl" !hallen)ed b" thi tatement' , am !om%ortable operation in thi piritual dimen ion but to be equally !om%ortable , would have to be !on tantl" aware o% thin) that are happenin) in the pirit 6u t a , am !on tantl" aware o% m" ph" i!al urroundin) ' , %eel that , de%iantl" do not have thi level o% awarene "et but, know that , would be mu!h more e%%e!tive in brin)in) -i kin)dom into m" !ir!um tan!e i% , did' Part o% m" aim %or Pioneer i to learn to eek 1od7 pre en!e in new and !reative wa" ' , hope that b" %indin) new wa" to eek -im , will )raduall" )ain a )reater awarene o% the piritual dimen ion whi!h urround me'

$re a#e
&r' *ho i the enior pa tor o% (oido Full 1o pel *hur!h in 8outh 9orea' Thi !hur!h ha one o% the lar)e t !on)re)ation in the world' The mo t re!ent tati ti! , have been able to %ind tate that in 200: the !hur!h member hip wa over one million people' &r' *ho wa rai ed in a devout Buddhi t home but be!ame a *hri tian a a teena)er while u%%erin) %rom tuber!ulo i ' 5%ter !ontra!tin) the di ea e &r' *ho wa told that he had no hope o% urvival and de pite man" Buddhi t pra"er hi !ondition howed no

improvement' ,n de peration he pra"ed to an" #unknown 1od$ who !ould help him' 8hortl" a%ter thi a "oun) *hri tian )irl be)an to vi it him re)ularl" and peak to him about 3e u ' &r' *ho wa eventuall" tou!hed b" her !ompa ion %or him and a)reed to !onvert' -owever it wa not until a%ter he )ave him her Bible and &r' *ho be)an to read the 1o pel that he a!!epted 3e u and be)an a per onal relation hip with -im' &r' *ho wa healed o% hi !ondition and be)an to attend bible !hool, whi!h eventuall" led to hi be!omin) a pa tor' , believe that the mo t i)ni%i!ant part o% thi tor" i that &r' *ho7 !onver ion wa motivated primaril" b" !omin) to under tand the !hara!ter o% 3e u *hri t' ;ater in the book &r' *ho write about what it mean to be motivated b" the$ ;ove o% 1od$' 5lthou)h an"one who ha a per onal relation hip with *hri t will love -im to a )reater or le er de)ree , believe that &r' *ho7 inten e period o% tud" o% the )o pel , at the be)innin) o% hi relation hip with 3e u , ha )iven him a )reat in i)ht into what it trul" mean to love'

Cha!ter % & The '!irit and You

The main idea o% thi !hapter i that under tandin) o% the %ourth dimen ion !ome %rom the -ol" 8pirit' The -ol" 8pirit i a per on and b" developin) a more intimate relation hip with -im our abilit" to not onl" under tand but operate within the %ourth dimen ion will be in!rea ed' &r' *ho e+plain that durin) the time o% the <ld Te tament 1od mo tl" operated in -i role a Father, rulin) over the people a their kin), wherea durin) the time o% the )o pel 1od poke almo t e+!lu ivel" in the %orm o% the 8on, 3e u ' 5%ter 3e u a !ended into -eaven !ame the a)e o% the -ol" 8pirit who ha been ent to )uide u and to reveal the nature o% 1od to u b" !ommuni!atin) with our pirit ' &r' *ho e+hort the reader to develop !lo er %ellow hip with the -ol" 8pirit b" a!knowled)in) hi per onhood' Not impl" waitin) %or -i promptin) but invitin) -im into all a pe!t o% our live ' -e tate that we !ome to re%le!t the !hara!ter o% tho e we pend time with and o pendin) time with the 8pirit will )ive u )reater in i)ht into the nature o% piritual thin) ' ,n thi !hapter &r' *ho al o de !ribe the prin!iple o% in!ubation = the !reative pro!e %o!u in) on and !on%e in) that whi!h we de ire to ee %ul%illed' -e e+plain that thi pro!e !ome in i+ ta)e :


havin) a !lear de ire whi!h i in pired b" the -ol" 8pirit bein) pe!i%i! in our pra"er . tatin) e+a!tl" rather than va)uel" our de ire/ allowin) the 8pirit to %ill u until we are %ull" !onvin!ed that our de ire will !ome to pa vi uali in) our de ire %ul%illed pra"in) %erventl" until that %ul%ilment i mani%e ted in the ph" i!al world

u in) our %ourth dimen ion abilit" to a%%e!t the world throu)h our word b" !on%e in) that our de ire i alread" %ul%illed

From thi li t , %eel mo t !hallen)ed b" e!ond la t tatement' The di!tionar" de%ine %ervent a : having or displaying a passionate intensity' 2hile , love to pra", , do not think that , had previou l" under tood the importan!e o% maintainin) a pa ion %or the thin) whi!h , am pra"in) %or' , believe that the natural re ult o% a la!k o% pa ion will be that , !ea e to visualise and #on ess m" de ire a it will no lon)er be at the %ore%ront o% m" mind' 2ithout in!ludin) the e important tep , will not be able to %ull" !omplete the pro!e o% in!ubation and o will i)ni%i!antl" hinder m" abilit" to a%%e!t the piritual dimen ion and ee m" de ire %ul%illed' ,n order to maintain an inten e de ire %or tho e thin) whi!h , pra" %or , think that , need to %ir tl" eek )reater revelation o% their importan!e to 1od7 kin)dom and e!ondl" to a!tivel" !hoo e to be pa ionate durin) m" pra"er time rather than impl" allowin) m" emotion to determine m" level o% inten it"'

Cha!ter ( & The Fourth Dimension

,n thi !hapter &r' *ho deal with variou a pe!t o% the piritual #%ourth$ dimen ion and how it !an a%%e!t the ph" i!al world, in!ludin) man7 pirit, the a!tion o% demoni! pirit and dream and vi ion ' &r' *ho tart o% the !hapter b" de !ribin) in more detail the three part o% man and tate that none i more important than the other' 2e need to take !are o% our bodie and our emotion >intelle!t a mu!h a our pirit' -e then )oe on to e+plain %ive di%%erent ta)e o% man7 piritual development whi!h o!!ur a he move %rom unbeliever to mature *hri tian' The e ta)e are

1od want to dire!t our live b" -i 8pirit Be%ore bein) born a)ain man i in!apable o% under tandin) piritual thin) <n!e man ha thi under tandin) he mu t di%%erentiate between the work o% 1od and the work o% 8atan .both o% whi!h are o% the pirit/ <nl" a%ter developin) the piritual en e in thi wa" will the believer be able to under tand mature thin) The pirituall" mature are !hara!teri ed b" re toration and not b" de tru!tion

Thi idea o% bein) able to di%%erentiate between the work o% the -ol" 8pirit and demoni! pirit !ome %rom 1 3ohn 4:14? . ee below/ and i di !u ed in ome detail b" &r' *ho'

BELOVED, DO not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God for many fa!se prophets have "one forth into the wor!d# By this you may %now (perceive and reco"ni&e) the 'pirit of God( every spirit which ac%now!ed"es and confesses )the fact* that +esus ,hrist (the -essiah) )actua!!y* has become man and has come in the f!esh is of God )has God for its source*

/nd every spirit which does not ac%now!ed"e and confess that +esus ,hrist has come in the f!esh )but wou!d annu!, destroy, sever, disunite 0im* is not of God )does not proceed from 0im*# 1his )nonconfession* is the )spirit* of the antichrist, )of* which you heard that it was comin", and now it is a!ready in the wor!d# )% *ohn +,%-./ &r' *ho u e thi ver e a eviden!e that an"thin) whi!h the -ol" 8pirit !an do !an be !ounter%eited b" the &evil' For e+ample Buddhi t monk who per%orm healin) #mira!le $ or # eer $ who divine the %uture' -e e+plain that the e people have learned to tap into their %ourth dimen ional power but are doin) o out with the authorit" o% *hri t' 5 it !learl" tate in the ver e above we are able to di !ern when omeone i operatin) under the anointin) o% the -ol" 8pirit be!au e the" will alwa" )lori%" 3e u and not them elve ' Dreams and 0isions &r' *ho )oe on to e+plain how dream and vi ion are an e+tremel" important part o% how the -ol" 8pirit peak to u ' Thi "ear one o% m" main )oal %or Pioneer i to break out in propheti! mini tr"' , believe dream and vi ion will be a ma6or part o% thi ' 5 u!h , )ained man" valuable in i)ht %rom thi portion o% the !hapter' &r' *ho tate that the more "ou %o!u on omethin) the more "ou will be)in to re%le!t it in "our per onalit", !hara!ter or a!tion ' 5lthou)h , wa %amiliar with thi prin!iple , had not !on idered the impli!ation %or dream and vi ion = namel" that ne)ative thinkin) will inhibit "our abilit" to envi ion the thin) o% 1od be!au e "our mind will be)in to lean toward ne)ative thou)ht and emotion ' Thu "our %aith %or )ood thin) will be undermined' , think that thi i a parti!ularl" importan!e prin!iple %or me to remember be!au e , be!ome ea il" tre ed over mall thin) in m" li%e' Thi tre will hinder m" abilit" to hear the -ol" 8pirit !learl" and thu operate in m" propheti! )i%tin)' , now reali e the importan!e o% )uardin) m" thinkin) a)ain t tre and breakin) it o% m" li%e a oon a it be)in to mani%e t' , intend to re)ularl" plead the blood o% the lamb over m" mind and thou)ht to help )uard a)ain t ne)ative thinkin) pattern '

Cha!ter . & The 1ene2ing o the 3ind

Thi !hapter i entirel" ba ed on 1omans %(,( Do not be conformed to this wor!d (this a"e), )fashioned after and adapted to its e2terna!, superficia! customs*, but be transformed (chan"ed) by the )entire* renewa! of your mind )by its new idea!s and its new attitude*, so that you may prove )for yourse!ves* what is the "ood and acceptab!e and perfect wi!! of God, even the thin" which is "ood and acceptab!e and perfect )in 0is si"ht for you*# &r' *ho look in ome depth at how the human brain %un!tion and how thi !an )ive u in i)ht into !on !iou ne , will, de ire and !reativit"' @u!h o% the !ien!e di !u ed in thi !hapter i alread" ver" %amiliar to me and o , did not reall" )ain an" new in i)ht

%rom it' -owever , wa in pired b" the tor" o% the Tem!!eliaukio 4irkko .Ro!k *hur!h/ in -el inki, Finland' The Ro!k !hur!h wa built b" the brother Timo and Tuomo 8uomalainen in 1ABA' ,t i built on a prime lo!ation within the !it" whi!h had remained undeveloped due to a hu)e ro!k out!roppin) that !ould not be removed' Timo and Tuomo had the in pired idea to build the !hur!h into the ro!k rather than tr" to remove it' 2hen , re ear!hed thi !hur!h , e+pe!ted to ee an arti%i!ial tru!ture build in ide the ro!k out!roppin), in tead the !hur!h i build around and into itC This is a photograph of the inside of the Rock Church

, love thi vi ual demon tration o% the prin!iple that we do not over!ome ob ta!le in our live b" impl" removin) them but b" !reativel" in!orporatin) them into our olution ' &r' *ho tate that the renewin) o% mind in!lude the e+!han)e o% our tren)th %or 1od7 tren)th' -e a" that thi e+!han)e in!lude !reative tren)th' , had alwa" thou)ht that 1od !ould in pire !reativit" but , had not %ull" under tood that -e hould be the drivin) %or!e behind all our !reative endeavour ' From now on , intend to eek -i !reative tren)th, a well a emotional, ph" i!al, et!, when , am %a!ed with what appear to be immovable ob ta!le '

Cha!ter + & The Creative Ability o Your 5ords

,n !hapter %our &r' *ho %o!u e on how are word have !reative power and how that power !an be u ed to in%luen!e the piritual dimen ion' -e peak about how *ames .,( - 3or we a!! often stumb!e and fa!! and offend in many thin"s# /nd if anyone does not offend in speech )never says the wron" thin"s*, he is a fu!!y deve!oped character and a perfect man, ab!e to contro! his who!e body and to curb his entire nature#4 how that our word a%%e!t our whole bein) .not 6u t our mind/' -e )oe on to e+plain that our word are a%%e!ted b" our emotion , the people we pend time with and the thin) whi!h we dwell upon or ima)ine' ,t i a i)n o% maturit" when a per on i in !ontrol o% hi word '

The main point that , )ained %rom both thi ver e and &r' *ho7 point i that we !annot let our !ir!um tan!e !ontrol our word ' ,n tead we mu t u e our word to !ontrol our !ir!um tan!e ' &r' *ho then )oe on to look at how the idea o% peakin), thinkin) and word in )eneral were e+pre ed in the ori)inal 1reek writin) o% the New Te tament' 5 , am !urrentl" learnin) Bibli!al 1reek thi wa obviou l" o% )reat intere t to me' The term mo t !ommonl" u ed in 1reek to mean #word$ i 67879 .lo)o /' Thi i the root word %or two di%%erent term : 6:8; .le)o/ meanin) to say and 678<=>79 .lo)i mo / meanin) reasoning or thought' Thi i a !lear indi!ation that in 1reek !ulture the !on!ept o% peakin) and thinkin) were !lo el" related' Thi relation hip between our thou)ht and our word i more e+pli!itl" tated in 3atthe2 %(,.+ = 3or out of the fu!!ness (the overf!ow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth spea%s# &r' *ho )oe on to e+plain that in 1reek !ulture the word 67879 .lo)o / al o !arried the idea that the importan!e o% the word are de%ined b" the importan!e o% the one peakin) them' Thi i a!tuall" ver" i)ni%i!ant be!au e a !o4heir with *hri t we have the ame authorit" that -e did and thu our word !an have the ame level o% impa!t on the piritual dimen ionC ;ater in the !hapter &r' *ho di !u e the 1reek term u ed to de !ribe the word of God coming upon a person = ?@>A B:7C .rhema theon/' Thi phra e literall" mean #the word of God#' -owever in the New Te tament it i onl" u ed in two !a e : when 8imon prophe ie over bab" 3e u in the temple and when 3ohn the Bapti t i moved b" the -ol" 8pirit to be)in hi mini tr"' The phra e #word o% 1od$ o!!ur in other pla!e in the New Te tament but thi parti!ular 1reek phra e i not u ed' 5%ter re ear!hin) thi phra e , have di !overed that the rea on it i u ed to de !ribe the coming of the word of God i that ?@>A .rhema/ e+pre e the a!tion o% peakin) word unlike 67879 .lo)o / whi!h impl" e+pre e the e+i ten!e o% the word ' Dnder tandin) thi ha reall" brou)ht home to me the idea that prophe " and propheti! mini tr" are dynami# a#tivities and are a mu!h about a!tin) on the word 1od )ive a harin) them with other '

Cha!ter D & Eove, The 3otivational For#e

,n the la t !hapter o% hi book &r' *ho %o!u e on the %or!e that motivate our behaviour' The di!tionar" de%ine motivation a : the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way' &r' *ho )oe on to e+plain that a *hri tian we have a!!e to motivational %or!e whi!h are out ide o% our ph" i!al world but !ontained within the piritual dimen ion' The mo t important o% the e motivation %or!e i the #;ove o% 1od$' &r' *ho !ontra t natural human love whi!h i motivated b" dut" or "mpath" with ;ove o% 1od whi!h i motivated b" the -ol" 8pirit' ;ove o% 1od i not ba ed on an emotional rea!tion but i an a!t o% will indu!ed b" the pre en!e o% the -ol" 8pirit in ide o% u ' ;ove

o% 1od o%ten involve emotional %eelin) and o en)a)e our oul but it i birthed in our pirit' Thi idea o% love a an a!t o% will i re%le!ted in the lan)ua)e o% the New Te tament' 5n!ient 1reek ha three di%%erent term whi!h were u ed to de !ribe love' The e are: :?;9 .ero / meanin) passionate desire0 F<6:; .phileo/ meanin) to have affection for and A8AG@ .a)ape/ meanin) a determination of will to love something' 2hen de !ribin) the love that *hri tian hould have %or 1od and %or one another all the New Te tament writer u e A8AG@ .a)ape/' The %ull meanin) o% thi %orm o% love i e+plained b" Paul in !hapter thirteen o% hi %ir t letter to the *orinthian . ee 1 *orinthian 1?/' Paul de%ine thi love a a %ruit o% the 8pirit, "et both !hapter twelve and %ourteen o% 1 *orinthian are !on!erned with )i%t o% the 8pirit' &r' *ho ar)ue that thi dedi!ation o% a whole !hapter to love i not be!au e it i more important than the piritual )i%t but be!au e it hould be the %undamental motivation %or their u e' -e believe that onl" when we are motivated b" love will our %o!u be olel" on )lori%"in) 1od and not on our elve or the %orm that the )i%t take' -e !on!lude that i% we are motivated b" ;ove o% 1od then we will have )reater breakthrou)h in our u e o% piritual )i%t be!au e we will be operatin) %rom a pla!e o% havin) )iven over our will to the -ol" 8pirit' , believe that thi will be another ke" %a!tor in developin) m" propheti! mini tr" thi "ear' , want to develop a )reater awarene o% what m" motivation are when attemptin) to move in the propheti! and to pend time eekin) )reater intima!" with the -ol" 8pirit o that , !an %ull" )ive over m" will to -im' , think that thi will mo tl" be a!hieved throu)h pra"er and pendin) time in -i pre en!e but it i al o m" intention to re ear!h %urther what it mean to be %ull" indwelt b" the 8pirit and how thi a%%e!t the u e o% hi )i%t , parti!ularl" prophe!"' Although I initially found this book very difficult to read the process of writing a review has forced me to think more clearly about the aspects that stood out to me and to form more definite opinions on its principles. The fact that I am currently learning Greek has defiantly given me a greater appreciation for r. Cho!s e"ploration of the language which surround the spiritual dimension. I also feel that I have learned many principles which will be helpful in developing my prophetic ministry' All in all I believe that reading this book has been a useful learning e"perience if a difficult one.
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